Thursday, March 13, 2025

New copper deposits found


New copper deposits have been discovered in Masaiti and Mpongwe on the copperbelt.

Copperbelt Province Permanent Secretary, Jennifer Musonda disclosed this in Ndola.

Mrs. Musonda said there are currently increasing explorations and mineral surveys in all the towns in the province.

She said this when Science and Technology Permanent Secretary, Bullet Nsemukila who is on a tour of learning institutuions under his ministry, called on her.

Mrs. Musonda said the economy on the copperbelt looks set for growth following enhanced diversification programmes.


  1. Hold on these deposits and wait for a local company with only local owners to get a loan, then give it to them.We cannot have all our resources in foreign hands.

  2. This is where creative minds come in. Why not let ZCCM start its own mines so that it sets up model performance systems for all to see what exactly we want for a copper mine? You failed thugs. You call yourselves learned lawyers yet you have no model that the nation can use to make our country a better place for all.

  3. I think lets learn from Botswana how they have utilized wealth from natural resources to bring about development for all citizens. Currently they have more than $10 billion US Dollars accumulating interests in World Bank and IMF where Zed and other African countries had been going with a begging hand for debt and later on forgiveness of the same. Botswana is just chewing the interest generated, they have already worked. Just interest and revenue from tax is enough to continue with developmental projects. Plz let us learn and do it right this time. Copper is a waste asset, but but interest on substantial deposits is sustainable. Let us save more and spend less for our childrens sake!

  4. Folks Zambia sits on a significant belt of copper ore, i dont think we should be dazzled about “new” finds of copper deposits, this mineral is the blood in the country’s atteries, fili mwembwe. Lets seriously start processing the ore ourselves and export finished copper products – now that will be worth brooking some excitment about

  5. Zambia is just one big mine. There are minerals in almost all parts of Zambia. Ba levy is too capitalist. We need people loving leaders with a vision to move Zed forward.


    I invite you to investigate on ZCM (Zambia Copper
    Mine).Zambia citizen will be looted by Vedanta resources the
    company witch exploits Copper Belt Mines in Zambia.
    After Rothschild evaluation bank mandated by ZCI and
    Vedanta. The bank estimated the price of 28.4% of ZCM to
    215Million US dollars only. This estimation is based on the
    deal concluded Between Vedanta and ZCI in 2005.For the
    assess Rothschild bank must calculated the price of ZCI with
    2005 datas and not after. You know that Copper price was
    mutiplied by 3 times between 2005 and 2007!!!. Vedanta can
    now become the owner of 89.5% of the share of mines ZCM for
    that they will p

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