Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Gold, Copper, Uranium discovered in Kaputa in the Northern Province


Gold and Copper deposits have been discovered in Kaputa District in the Northern Province.

The district also has rich deposits of uranium and other precious stones.

Kaputa Constituency Member of Parliament Mutale Nalumango confirmed the discovery to ZANIS in Lusaka today.

Mrs. Nalumango said the minerals were discovered following exploration expeditions by Geologists in the area.

She said she was cheered by the discovery and called upon investors to explore the mineral deposits in the area.

The lawmaker has called for the tarring of the Mununga/Kaputa road and the Mporokoso/Kaputa roads to enhance and accelerate development in the area.

She said this is because a good road network is vital to transportation of goods and services.

She also called on government to speed up connecting Kaputa district to the national electricity grid.

And Mrs. Nalumango says agricultural activities are booming in Kaputa district.

She cited banana plantations, rice fields and maize production being cultivated extensively in the area.

She said Kaputa has the potential to turn Northern Province into the ‘grain basket’ of the entire Northern Province because farmers there have taken agriculture very seriously.

Meanwhile, Senior Chief Chipepo of the Tonga people in Southern Province has urged government to devise an effective and efficient mechanism that will help the country adhere to international guidelines in the mining of uranium in an effort to protect the people of Zambia.

Chief Chipepo says government should take extra remedial measures that would guild prospecting Uranium Miners to be prospecting and mining Uranium with extra care in a bid to protect the local people from the effects of the uranium mineral.

He told ZANIS in an interview in Siavonga yesterday that there is need for the Zambian government to develop an effective and efficient framework before the commencement of the mining uranium in the country.

The traditional ruler’s concern comes in the wake of the confirmed presence of the high-grade Uranium mineral contents in some parts the Southern Province of Zambia.

Following the recent discovery of Uranium, there has been concerns that Zambia lacked capacity to control uranium mining in terms of storage, safety, security and transportation.

ALBIDON Mining-Zambia Limited has confirmed the presence of high-grade uranium mineralisation at its Njame east project near Chirundu.

When giving an update on the pre-feasibility studies early this year, Albidon Zambia stated that uranium resources at the Chirundu joint venture with African Energy Resources had increased by 25 percent to about 4,120 metric tonnes.

Albidon indicated that the first uranium production was expected by the end of 2009.

However, Mines and Minerals Development Minister Dr Kalombo Mwansa had in a related development warned that it was illegal to commence production in Zambia by prospective uranium miners as government was still developing guidelines in the mining of the mineral.

Dr Mwansa said the government had devised guidelines to regulate the mining of uranium in the country and the guidelines had been sent to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for scrutiny and guidance.

Albidon Mining has become the third company to discover uranium deposits after Equinox Minerals discovered uranium deposits at its Lumwana copper project in North Western Province and has since embarked on a Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS), whose outcome would decide the way forward.

The other company is Omega Corp Limited, whose uranium exploration operations in the Siavonga area have reached advanced stages, with company managing director Mathew Yates stating that metallurgical discoveries had resulted in new areas of uranium mineralisation at its Kariba Uranium Project (KUP).


  1. Ba Mutale, are you sure that’s gold? Not all that glitters… you know? Well, if it is really gold, then there must be diamonds too. Diamonds bring bloodshed (Sierra Leone) but gold is good (Ghana). But in Z? Oh God, this is confusing!

  2. #1 diamonds dont bring bloodshed, it is man’s insatiable greed. There is nothing confusing about the presence of precious metals in zambia.

  3. One day its Levy and Satamashimba claiming they have discovered oil in the bowels of Balovale! Now, Ma-Nalumango comes screaming from the topof her voice that she has discovered gold, uranium and copper in the stomach of Kaputa. This “oil from grass” syndrome must surely come to an end, enough is enough of these stinking lies. Lying with such an impunity on the part of politician should be made a criminal offence, Nalumango should be made to prove her case or else woe be to her.

  4. There is a lot of misunderstanding between discovery and commercial exploitation of the resources. When a discovery is made, there should be a feasibility study to determine whether the resources can be produced on a commercial basis with a profitable. All these discoveries I have heard in Zambia have not yet been reviewed for their commercial viability. So do not hold your breadth until full survey and commercial impact is completed. If I was the authorities, I would not announce such discoveries until commercial viability is completed.

  5. Lets hope the so called “gold” is not Zinc Blend (ZnS) popularly known as “fools gold” in Metallurgical circles. Zinc blend looks just like gold, when testing either of these two minerals using Atomic Absorbtion Spectrometer OR Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), its easy to confuse which is which bcoz their wavelengths are nearly the same. I wished Nalumango went to our Universities and did re-tests before she ends up as a FOOL with Zinc blend! its sad put GRZ does not trust UNZA & CBU for such activities.

  6. I hope foreigners don’t leave us holes all over the country after extracting all these minerals that are being discovered.

  7. Its not news to a Zambian that reads newspapers and listens to everything that concerns Zambia.
    I believe even our first presdo knew this but he was controlling the exploitation of our resources at in all at the same time.On the other hand there was an old guy a presdo for a small party and he used to Live in Chilenje not so far from the old state house and the Arakan barracks.He emphasized of these minerals existing and that if he was given chance to rule,he would engage in on utilizing them for the betterness of zambia.It sounded like a baseless outcry.Would you check Chongwe well you’d also find minerals SOOO?

  8. why is it that these ministers always rush to call for investors to take advantage of our minerals,is she telling us we the locals are *****s who can’t run a mine or she’s very sure we don’t have capacity to run one?This syndrome of always rushing to call on investors to come and run our resources should come to an end.Just look at Botswana honestly can’t we learn from them?Awe Vya kulola sile.I really wonder what these minster think whenever there’s an opportunity of empowerment why can’t they think of an ordinary Zambian first?

  9. trulyZambian Mosi: I like your point
    Lets learn to do things on our own. The best we can do is trust our own human resource and where we cant reach, thats when we can call for technical expertise.Dependency syndrome is a big illness pa zed.

  10. #4 jealous of your own country are you? you are the reason why our country is behind today. go do what you do best; drink yourself into a stupor you moron!

  11. kwena twalipunama, shes rushing to call investors forgeting shes got unemployed youths in her constituency. What we need is organised small scale mining in this country of course with help from government. The fact is these investors bring nothing substantial but only get. Look at kangem, Grizzly mining, what have they brought in this country, nothing. One wonders what these muppets deliberate during cabinet meetings.

  12. Zimbabwe will come out of their malaise, find us were they left us even surpass us by several fond economically without any of these so called ministers noticing. Perhaps they will be literaly busy -slaughtering and being slaughtered at the official brothel.

  13. I agree with #10 &11, Zambia will genuinely be developed only by Zambians. Can this good for nothing government consider investing in one of these projects instead of folding their hands and wait for other countries to develop zed.
    When ZCCM was running the mines in our country they were taking care of other social services eg, mine hospitals, road infrastructure, schools etc. But these so called investors are just interested in the minerals, not even the lives of miners. some projects are supposed to be run by our country so as to maximize profits. Many countries are doing this, what is wrong with zed?

  14. Zambia should come and learn how we do things otherwise the nation wil remain a rich poor country. you guys needs some war veterans to help put some breaks to new ecomonical colonization


  16. With the newly discocvered uranium deposits, it wont be long before we go in to Uranium enrichment…hen we can supply the iranians and in exchange we will get oil….

  17. The problem with mineral law of MMD is that it only ends up in exploration…we have heard many places in zambia with potential mineral deposits. MMD gives all the rights to foreign companies to explore; do you think these companies will tell the truth about how much minerals are there…THE GOVT OF ZAMBIA SHOULD BE ONE DOING THE EXPLORATION OF MINERALS TO KNOW MUCH IS THERE..BECOZ THAT WILL GIVE ME A LEVERAGE WHEN IT COMES TO SIGNING AGREEMENTS AND DEMAND TAXES.

  18. pliz fellow zedian for commercialization of such minerals as uranium and gold, copper etc needs the GRZ to have proper planing and carefully looking and updating our mineral act as they are sensitive products to the nation especially uranium as we all know what u can do with it so its better we give time for the GRZ to consult extensively and allow the zambians to benefit even if investors explore its but just dont define a Chinese as an investor

  19. We al know what can be done with Uranium… it would be stupid to mine it in the same way we mine our copper. I think any mining of Uranium must be done by the Govt on behalf of the pipo. We dont’ want togive it to the Americans so they can make their nukes anf give us peanuts for it. We should stockpile it and use it when he time comes… not for sale

  20. Chief Metallurgist revise your mineralogy. Do not confuse pipo. Fools gold is Iron Suphide (pyrite) Fes and not zinc sulphide (Zns). Zns is sphalerite . Sphalerite ( zns) is a mineral which is the chief ore of zinc. Sphalerite is usually yellow, brown, or gray to gray-black, and it may be shiny or dull in colour. Pyrite is always yellow. Don’t think like politicians, u r a scientist or else u will be deported fromtthe UK.

    Forgive Nalumango, she does not know what she is taking about tho politicians think they know everything.

  21. As long as Zambia continues to have a capitalist president at plot 1 don’t expect the gov’t to do anything nationalistic for the people of Zambia. This MMD administration has bought into the privatisation conspiracy too much. They want to handover everything to foreign investors and force Zambians into slave labourers, working and getting nothing from our resources. Criminals!!


  23. Kaputa need to be explored thoroughly using different scientific methods which shod be followed by drilling. Not only until then shall we be confident that gold has been discovered in Kaputa. The nation shod also be reminded that the former MP for Petauke once told the nation that Gold and copper have been discovered in his constituency in the Sasare area. To date, no commercial mining is taking place in the area.

    It will be good to see Zambians owning the mushrooming mines in the country. It is true that Zambians can manage mine very profitably. However, it is difficulty for Zambians explore for these mineral due to cost impediments associated with the process leading to

  24. the discovery an economic mineral deposits. Mineral exploration is like gambling, a very risk costly venture which most pipo can not invest their money in. Most of these foreign investors who are exploring for minerals around the country get their money mostly from the stock market (LSX, ASX, TSX, JSX As Zambians it will be good to develop LUSE if we what to invest in these huge capital risk ventures like mineral exploration. Instead of paying for sex, the dishonorable MPs shod taking their disposable money in ventures like mineral exploration if Zambians are to see the benefit of mineral wealthy

  25. Several years ago, Christians in Kitwe (and I believe elsewhere in Zambia) prayed without ceasing for Zambia to break through from poverty. The monthly overnight prayers meetings that were spearheaded by Victory Ministies (Pastor Nevers Mumba), Maranatha Assembly of God (Pastor Sky Banda), and Apostolic Church (Pastor Bernard Nwaka) with support from other denominations, at Nkana West gymn, persistently with loud intercessions cried to the Lord for more discovery of various minerals in Zambia. Looking back to those prayers, I can say the Lord has answered us. What remains is the wisdom by our leaders to have this wealth be shared equally among all Zambians. To God be the glory!

  26. Zambia HERE we come again for your minerals. We need them in our country here in China. I have have jst telephone Mwanawaminerals your president to discuss the matters.
    SEE YOU SOON Zambians
    Chinesse Boy

  27. #36 Abdulaziz walid what seems to be your problem?Leave us Zambians alone and if you think you are a superhuman go blog in other planets….Leave us peaceful Zambians alone.

  28. Abdulaziz just for your own information, We Zambians put God first in everything. If you don`t believe in Him Just keep quiet.


  30. bro35d for you own information am in the south province..this is a very peaceful place…i am part and pacel of whatever is happening here and am at liberty to say whatever i feel like saying. MAYBE I CAN TAKE YOUR SISTER IN EXCANGE FOR OIL… FAIR DEAL AH?

  31. Are there chat blogs in Sudan? Maybe if there were, we could be sharing knowledge there and not killing innocent people. Sorry Darfur. We are praying for you!

  32. I appreciate #6 Chief Metallurgist’s contribution and I’m glad there are educated, competent Zambians out there who know how to fruitfully deal with these matters. Brethren, let’s give them a chance. It is not only foolish to starve while sitting on gold but a disgrace and a crime!
    Abdulaziz, you are an enemy to Zambia and it’s people. Please expose your terrorist mentality elsewhere. We have no time for psychopaths.

  33. Abdulaziz, why are back on this blog when you said you will never come back. This simply shows us that you are haunted by demonic spirits and you don`t want to leave us alone. Remember there is power in Prayer and if you are joking around with us, then you are in big trouble.

  34. Abdulaziz, why are you back on this blog when you said you will never come back. This simply shows us that you are haunted by demonic spirits and you don`t want to leave us alone. Remember there is power in Prayer and if you are joking around with us, then you are in big trouble.

  35. The spirit of deception leads men! They have eyes but they cannot see, ears they cannot hear. It is the reason why they can blow themselves up with little regard for sanctity of life. 70 virgins never to be got! It is true we need to pray for deliverance for some people from the spirit of Mohammad.


  37. Abdulaziz walid
    Your religious brainwashing is causing world problems. stonning weomen to death ?. just leave us alone.
    India and pakistan are the same people basically but india is much richer and safer then pakistan were there seems to be barberians.
    Could it be some thing to do with the religion ????.

  38. we know you a Zambian who is either here in US or UK. You are just damn!!!! No more comment for you, I am just wasting my time…

  39. As long as dull zambians allow raw materials to leave as raw materials we will always remain raw. Add value. look at botswana now will have the largest sone cutting plant.

  40. No one found it it has always been there we from there know. Therefore, don’t come here and disturb our poverty we are trying to work hard here. Stay with your Lusaka

  41. #6 chief metallurgist.
    Were did you do your metallurgy? Fools gold is not ZnS. ZnS is galena and Fools gold is FeS which is simply pyrite. I hope you are not misleading the people in the UK with your with your rusty knowledge about met.
    Now on the serous note is Mutale the right person to comment on this discovery. What is Kalombo doing?

  42. Abdulaziz shame on you,its you who’s trying to get world attention ,if Zambia is indeed what you call it why are staying in the southern province as you claim to be?Why are you in Zambia,its because of peace not so?you have run away from your fellow heartless barbarians and am sure the reason why you are here its because you an on the wanted list for child defilement and blasphemy..wechinangwa we.

  43. Big up …big up and big up indeed to all bloggers, especially on this matter. May I confess that I have gained a lot especially from this one provoked by this dull Minister…

    What I’d wait for in great anticipation is a complete response of Chief Metallurgist as challenged by Clems# 28. I see learning a lot from it … great challenge Clems!

    To those of us not in your field gentlemen, we are likely to easily believe (and take ) each one of you as you’ve written what appears Arabic to us – though seemingly well articulated, with great intellect.

    On the other hand, I surely wish there was a way of giving these absolute nonentities calling themselves ministers extracts of this marvelo

  44. …#74 Contd:

    marvelous content! I wonder what they discuss in the parliament. They think early reporting of with a lot of partial or no knowledge is a great achievement. The ***** has not even seen proof.

  45. Mineral deposits are in abundance through out Zambia.It is not a surprise to find these minerals in Kaputa,just the area between Mporokoso and Chief Kaoma there are precious minerals of which during KK time there was a ranch runned by whites but actually dinning minerals. The same happened in Eastern province in Chama.In Snr Chief Mwamba chiefdom there are deposits of minerals and some small amount of oil found in 1960s and KK is aware of this too.To me my worry is how the American central intelligence is aware of all these these. Is the so called PEACE COP being used to gather Information or using their advanced technology.Uranium is on high demand on the world market for nuclear energy.

  46. Contd: Lets hope zambia is not turned into a battle field over these minerals. God bless Zambia and may peace continue to flourish.

  47. Guys, i have given up on Zambia. YOU SHOULD TOO. Zambia is a hopeless country in a hopeless continent. Zimbabwe is about to go through a revolution change. There economy will be back on track soon. I encourage all Zambians to take there skills there. Zambia is hopeless, just leave the country. You’ll gain nothing from it. They didn’t name Africa “the dark continent” for nothing.

  48. Its nice for a country to be mineral rich. But, for what? Only to give it to China free of charge to speed up her paving of the road to super power status! I have never seen a stupid country such as Zambia that gives minerals free of charge. When are our governments going to wake up to the realization that its their responsibility to put up prime industries to produce finished goods as opposed to giving raw copper to countries that don’t need charity?

    Zambians, especially political rulers think China (etc) came to develop Zambia. You are jokers. China came to take advantage of sleepy Zambia to develop her country in order to generate jobs in her country. Zambian leaders, wake up.

  49. Don’t waste time commenting on 12’s idiocity. He is as empty in his head as the chaps who responsible for dishing out our minerals indiscriminately free of charge. 12, it will take you only a simple trip to Botswana to realize that Botswana leaders possess grey matter in their heads while our leadershave got no brains at all. They don’t think.

  50. It’s all good news but to what benefit? Successive Zambian governments have shown inability to transform this nation’s resources – people included – into anything. Let’s hope some of us here can change that with action and less talk. Zambian resources usually translates into the prosperity of other nations.


    Minerals have always been in Zambia but Poverty has continued to grow at tremendously. The problem we have as Africans in general is that of SELFISHNESS which manifests itself in form of Greedy, Jealousy,and simply put, Complete Foolishness.Not until we have proper leadership in place suffering will continue to haunt us. Example given: How on earth can you have a Government that runs no business in its own country? How can you trust your neighbour to look after your children? The list is endless.



    Minerals have always been in Zambia but Poverty has continued to grow tremendously. The problem we have as Africans in general is that of SELFISHNESS which manifests itself in form of Greedy, Jealousy,and simply put, Complete Foolishness.Not until we have proper leadership in place suffering will continue to haunt us. Example given: How on earth can you have a Government that runs no business in its own country? How can you trust your neighbour to look after your children? The list is endless.


  53. To put it in a simple way ,one would call for dedication ,patriotism and hard work from every Soul in Zambia.And our Government should not be misled by believing that donors and investors will build Zambia.It is the duty of Zambians to build our country.We need investors but they should partner with Zambians at all levels of investment.WE NEED INDUSTRIES THAT ARE OWNED BY ZAMBIANS OR INVESTORS WITH ZAMBIAN PARTNERS.


  54. No.72 Anonymous

    Read my comments on 28. Don’t support things you dont know as well. Yourself and the so called chief metallurgist shod go back to school. You are misleading pipo.

    Zns is not galena. Its shalerite. Galena is lead sulphide (PbS). Which school did u guys go to????????? You must ve been very bad students!!!!!!!!!!

  55. #84
    You are FOOLISH. Zambia has had 40 years of self rule and nothing. I have told you. Give up on the country and move somewhere else where your skills will be useful and resourceful. Zambia is finished. It has gone to the dogs. Theres nothing there. Just leave the country, its a hopeless country in a hopeless continent.

  56. # 86
    You are such a disappointment. Come on! Home is mome. You need timely advice from your granny in order for you to appreciate your social culture. Wake up.

  57. Fellow country-men & women, the ‘discovery’ of these minerals should not make any Zambian fall off the chair. We know our country is blessed with mineral and gasses under every tree, river, road and building. What is lacking is a strategy to make these resources contribute to our economic emancipation. We hear of ‘tonnes of mineral samples’ shipped out of the country for lab test!! If you can know my son thru DNA test of his and my hair, Come-one guys we can do a better job than this. The issue is who should be allowed to explore and to what extent. Govmt need to manage the exploration of minerals closely if Zambia has to benefit.

  58. I get all sentiments. Th bottom line is if it’s true, let this be tested by the relevant people who has much understanding. Let this be tested and production to commence.Let’s not insult one another with what could be a joke.Abdulaziz & others refrian from insults.

  59. I appologise for my earlier comments.
    they are correct but I was drunk & emotional.
    Let me be the last to add comments!
    the next one will be a fool & he is likely to attack me!!!!!!

  60. Allah does not exist that is why Abdulaziz walid could afford to swear by his name and say we will never hear from him until 2010. Yet a few days later he was back insulting Zambians. Abdulaziz walid even you know that Allah is a fake. The reason God brought to Z is for you to know the truth and convert to Jesus. What do you have to say?

  61. The problem with beloved Zambia is that there is too much talking and no results. Look at politics, sport, economy etc. Thats why even people of no knowledge like Walid can even attack us. We just have to blame ourselves.

  62. The truth about this Country is that its really rich in Natural resources but its top leaders are greedy and hence we shall not develop.Can u imagine a country like France or German being given this abandance of resources?

    We need a Manager whoes not greedy to take charge of this country. Not Micheal Chilufwa Sata!!!! May be HH would lead this country forward just they guy is greedy…….!!!!!!!

  63. it wasn’t too long ago we were reading about a Zambian in “BIG” trouble for trafficking uranium !!! emeralds were discovered a VERY long time ago on the copperbelt and our West African brothers used to mine it using teaspoons…….by the time the rest of us woke up.. the only stones left were underground and too expensive for any local investor to exploit!!remember Placid Oil taking plane loads of soil samples from the Eastern province??? i bet you my last kwacha those samples weren’t samples!!!

  64. More resources for MWanawasa to loot with his Mutati and Chinese connection.

    The future for Zambia lies in banning the mmd, jailing its top 300 leaders, and launching a prison yard in Teka farm.

  65. Zambian please ,let`s not be fooled by MUTALE.Minerals in zambia have been discovered long before.why is congo Dr always invading Kaputa and we have haevy of our security personnel in the area.this is news for people born after 80`s.vist our Geological dept for minerals discovered in zambia.NALUMANGO NO MINERAL HAS BEEN DISCOVERED, WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU GOVT IS DOING ABOUT MINERALS ALREADY DISCOVERED NOT POLITICS OR MAKING NAMES.STOP CHEATING PEOPLE

  66. Ndifye I agree with you ba roomies. we cant allow another Bemba thief from Chitulika to smoke his way to state house and steal our money, No ways.

  67. No. 92

    Please be sincere, do not im-personate, I still mantain my comments and that is correct. U shod be ashamed of yoself. U are acting like the people u claim to comdemn. I am never emotional and for yo info, I do not take alcohol.
    Lets debate issues .

    Impersonating is criminal

  68. No. 92

    Please be sincere, do not im-personate, I still mantain my comments and that is correct. U shod be ashamed of yoself. U are acting like the people u claim to comdemn. I am never emotional and for yo info, I do not take alcohol.
    Lets debate issues .

    Impersonating is criminal. Are u anonymous No 72 or the chief metallurgist No 6??? Why r u hiding yo ID. Thats cowardice!!!!

  69. very stupid i wonder why you are attacking one another like fools. are you in a war torn country pliz if you can bunch throw them right away. why should you argue on something that is senseless? You know we had dicovered diesel from grass, we discovered oil in NW prov and tsones in many places have we started digging them? we wont and we dont have michinery we will sign a 30 yr lease with foreign investors and 10 yr tax free. still you wont benefit. why the fight then? shut up and your views wont change anything ha nimwe banthu balibe vochita. no wonder munataba mu Zambia.ndimwe ma dean school of Eng, of law,of History of Maths, of English in England etc. come bac home bakawalala imwe ala.

  70. If the claimed findings mentioned are the same as my mothers, then, i’d advice people to look for other businesses, Mum has been chasing gemstones since i was a toddler, am a granny now myself and she is still claiming to have found the source where diamonds emeralds etc, are found in abundance, she uses all the money i give her for food on travelling around Zambia on gemstone hunting! Most Zambian businesses are like my mums, all sweet talks and no gain! Otherwise prove me wrong and show us the BIG MONEY!!! Meaning, improvement in the countries economy from the resources save us from the embarassment of always begging from the western world.

  71. Talking about diamond ‘discovery’, I remember when I was small boy early 80s, we stayed in Kazembe area.. one of my uncles, a fortune chasers once moved from Kitwe after not digging any ’emerald’, passed thru our home headimg for Kaputa.. to go for some diamond. Can you imagine my own uncle Tony discovered diamond before the Govmt. In any case comrades, Govmt should not exite us we thing we know. Let the Govm tell us how it will implement mineral loyalty of 6% as per international norm as opposed to 3% or less currently obtaining.

  72. It’s quite amazing what a piece of glittering metal can do. Now everybody has Gold Fever or “Goldrausch” as the Germans say. Very soon, we’ll have my ancestral Bembaland turned into Eldorado, where hundreds of greedy men lost their lives when the west was won.

    PS. Interesting to observe how this Abdulazziz can take the freedom to attack our Christian faith as “Brainwashing” but once confronted by #94 with a critical view of his own religion, he suddenly gets jittery(#96). Truth hurts doesn’t it?
    I work with a lot of Muslims and they always seem peaceful when we have religious debates, but if this is what their true face is like, I’m surrounded by death.

  73. you Prof Mutengo Waminga LLB (UNZA) LLM, MA PHD (Oxford)
    this is not 2 way radio for you and your cell mate. I am sure you must have email if you whant to communicate between the 2 of you.
    Rommi rommi rommi rommi… atase!.

  74. #98 Sata has proved practically to be one of the best ministers Zambia has ever produced. Every ministry he had been to improved beyond our imagination and giving him a chance I have a strong feeling he can turn Zambia into a power house. Prof Mutengo you are out of your mind not all bemba are thieves. Mind your language. If Sata was involved in any pludder will Levy leave him being old enemies the ans is no. LPM will face corruption charges after 2011 and this will not end there.

  75. Mutale You are telling lies, which geologists? by which company? those could just be mere speculations.

  76. It’s a pity that all Zambian mindsets are still corrupt with the thoughts that development of any discovery can be done by foreign investors.Mrs Nalumango shame on you for your recall to investors. Why do we have a government then?to sell the land and companies?including ideas? The government itself should invest in such projects and that’s the only way to development of a country.Foreign investors sack back the profit to their lands and what do we profit from them?Forex?We need to change our mindsets first, then development will come.Umusungu is not a god anymore.Wake up fools

  77. #102 What have got against bembas? Are you a bastard child of a tribeless man who ran away leaving you and your mother to feed filthy at the cabbage stand at KMB. And you were taken by missionary to USA who later abandoned you and you started cleaning asses of old pipo to earn yr leaving. SHAME ON YR MOTHER WHO HAD YOU AND YOUR 10 OTHER BROTHERS FROM DIFFERENT MEN WITH NO TRIBES, SO MUCH YOU DONT EVEN KNOW YOUR REAL FATHER OR WHICH TRIBE HE COMES FROM OR WHAT COLOUR HE IS.

  78. CHiluba, Mwanawasa, what is the difference? None. They are all thieves. The days of a decent person in statehouse are long gone. All these mineral discoveries in absence of a strong will to change the lot of the majority of citizens means that it will just be another round of thievery by those in power.

  79. Abdulaziz walid is not even 50% normal. his points are not educative i even wonder if he has gone to school

  80. #102 You are very strong on Bembas being theivies, tell us did a Bemba man steal N.y.i.n.i ya nyoko? Pls answer on this very blog.

  81. Bemba are thieves. Full stop. Natural. Talent. Whatever you call it. And that FTJ was trying to built a Bemba empire. No Bemba presidents Kaunda was Bemba, Chiluba. Don’t even say Kaunda was not Bemba. He was Bemba by birth and association from Shambayakala, Chansali.

  82. The language on the blog is so bad that it resembles immature people that are void of reasoning. It is a shame that people cannot contribute maturely without using unpalatable language. It appears some have no agenda but geared only on attacking other ethnic groups. What a shame!

  83. # 119. PASOPO you should be ashemed of your mouth. Pleas keep toilet languge out of this blog, and you Prof Mutengo Waminga don’t behave like a Hutu thug, you started this tribal crap

  84. I am crucible whose intense heat refines gold and exposes dross. am just exposing thieving chaps. Which Mbunda or Luchazi man is in court on corruption allegations today? or even Lunda?

  85. yayaya i feel sorry for my friends the Bembas!!!! its sad when you think you know everything and then you steal.I was at Park Station and two Bemba guys went to the counter and asked in Bemba the ticket price for the Cape town coach!!! i was amased!!!! they think their language is now universal???? unfortunetly the lady just told them to speak in english, its the meantality of them to speak their language and not to learn any other , what a shame…………. Its true that some of them are not thieves but its also true that Most of them are……..

  86. Not too long ago there was a Harvard Legal expert on this blogsite. Now there is an Oxford PhD lawyer. Their contributions are awash with entropy (disorder). Apologies to all lawyers. But if these two are an indication of a legal mind, then let Mwanawasa be the last lawyer to be in State house. Lawyers may be the explanation why there is so much chaos in Zambia. It has been a lawyer country since 1971 with the Chona commission, followed by Mvunga, Mwanakatwe, NCC. Writing and re-writing constitutions and making a kill. Endless court cases, dysfunctional local govts all steered by lawyers.

  87. # 123. Prof Mutengo Waminga, education is supposed to enlighten the mind. Such tribalistic mud sliging especially comming from you with a supposed PHD is diappointing and dangerous. There is a HUTU professor standing trial for encoreging genocide.
    lets be responsible.

  88. I stand what I wrote in #119 Prof Mutengo waminga’s mother lost her N.y.i.n.i before he was born thats why he so bitter with bembas.

  89. Pasopo, you are blind to facts. mention any LOZI man stading trial with your father in law kafupi!

  90. Ndifye Ba roomie, how are you? long time. I always value your comments. will ring you in the evening. cheers.

  91. This is pathetic. From big issues to shallow talk. Tell me something, all you people accusing your fellow countrymen of theft: when did you last hear Americans saying all Europeans are thieves? They have their differences too, But thAT will not STOP them from developing together.
    If they had to look at this site, they would say “No wonder these Africans will never develop!”. Think about that.

  92. Mind your tone Anonymous , they very word you have used shows ur identity!!!Mabenga actually isnt Lozi………..

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