Monday, March 31, 2025

25,000 Zimbabweans in SA heading for Zambia, Red Cross


An estimated 25,000 Zimbabweans are heading for Zambia as they flee anti-immigrant violence in South Africa with thousands of others leaving for Mozambique and Botswana, the Red Cross said Monday.

“In Zambia, our teams are expecting the arrival of 25,000 Zimbabweans, or 5,000 families,” Red Cross director for Southern Africa, Francoise Le Goff, told AFP on Monday.

“At least 5,500 Zimbabweans have had assistiance to Mozambique,” she added, and 342 had been received in centres near the border with Botswana.

Anti-immigrant violence has raged in South Africa over the last two weeks, leaving 50 dead and an estimated 35,000 displaced internally.

Authorities in Mozambique have said about 26,000 citizens have returned home since the violence began on May 11.

About three million Zimbabweans are believed to have fled an economic meltdown in their country to seek work in South Africa.

They and other foreigners are being blamed by locals in poor slum aeras for unemployment and high crime.

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe said on Sunday that Zimbabweans fleeing the anti-immigrant violence could have land if they returned home.

“Our land is still there, even for youngsters, those who are in South Africa who wish to return to the country,” he said.


  1. Are the Zambians listening? Get ready! I doubt the numbers are that high though. The news bulletin here in South Africa showed only two buses of Zimbabweans heading to Zambia. It could be 5000 families or so. We will handle that obviously. Next time it will be 5 000 000 South Africans in 2021. Believe me that will be the number of south african refugees crossing the Limpopo via Botswana since Zim will not help nor Mozambique.

  2. shame on you number 1, what do you think these people are bringing to zambia? it was recently when crime cases went high as never before in livingstone coz of zimbabweans, there is no job for them in zambia what are they going to do? buhule muna bar and cheap as 5000pin for a night spreading diseases coz they dont care. Let them go and vote back home their vote is the only power to change things, scavaging streets will just worsen their situation.

  3. zambia is underpopulated, let all african refugees come. All Africans who need a better life can come to zambia we plenty spare land.

  4. They are welcome. (The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland) in part but also much more than that, that is Zambia, that is who we are.

  5. BA Zed bu good samaritan bwachilamo.Aha We always have a forgetiful heart why. Let them go to Zim and vote for a change, there vote have the power to get Bob out of his office. bushe bakakumamo ukulachinja ifyalo kwati ni ba musela kwa kaba.

  6. think of the consequences this wiil bring… inreased crime…rise in HIV cases. as much as we are hospitable,of what benefit is that to us??? let them go bak to Zim,vote Mugabe out. its only them who can make a change.

  7. why are these zomboz running away from their country?
    these zimboz used to laugh at us, they should just get back to zimbo and saffer together with their leaders.
    how will they know how to get out of trouble if they can’t shipikisha in their own country?
    are they coming as refuges?
    if so, is there war in zimbo?
    can someone stop them!!!!

  8. This is not fair for Zambia, we fight for ttheir independence, they insult us when our economy was down and we had to berg them to open their boarder to buy flour(wheat flour, etc) and other essentials from them, we never asked them for a free hand ,we never insulted their president or leadership, we humbly absorbed their people(the Zezulus …the bava boys) who refused to go back and settled among us.This not acceptable, presently Zambia has employment issues, unemployment is now this…you are stressing the tax payers money and services which are already overloaded. I say no to these free riders…GO BACK and Vote HIM out!

  9. As much as i don’t appreciate the treatment we got from these Zim’s, i say, let them come.

    We are different from Zimbabweans and South Africans. Lets show the world our peaceful and kind hearts and i hope this time these Zimbo’s wont forget what we are giving up especially considering we’ve got more scarce resources than South Africa.

    I however am worried since like #2 said, it’ll be 5,000,000 South Africans in 2021 if we continue with this good Samaritan attitude.

  10. Yes, for how long is zambia gonna carry these countries on her shoulder? No no no no. Go and vote. No zambian fled to zimbabwe when zambia was on meltdown. We voted kk out.

  11. #10 Ba Zulu…. So according to your own calculations Nigeria is booming? My friend you are greatly mistaken. Nigeria’s per capita income is the same as Zambia. That is why Nigerians are all over the world including South Africa and Zambia looking for greener pastures. Dont believe what your Nigerian boyfriend tells you coz most are liars.

  12. Nigeria’s Access Bank was last week granted a licence to operate in Zambia.

    “Riding on the Access Bank initial investment of US$7.5 million, around US$500-million in new investments from Nigeria will come in,” he said.

    “A team of Nigerians will be in Zambia next week to discuss investments in cement production, Manufacturing of packaging materials and haulage of goods.”

    In another example of Africa to Africa investment, he said a consortium of Zambian and Kenyan investors were setting up an edible oils plant.

    Source: www . daily-mail . co . zm / media / news / viewnews . cgi?category=14&id=1211793750

    (remove spaces)

  13. 25,000 votes can make a difference in flushing out that old mad man causing mayhem in the region. He has no regard for his own people.

  14. Do not forget we have been on this path before, Meridian Bank BIO Bank, I lost a lot of money in that Bank… got nothing ,Nigerians……please…

  15. #16

    Even i don’t trust Nigerians. You have to be very cautious with them.

    I wonder, since they have a high unemployment problem there, why not re-invest in Nigeria instead of Zambia.

    I smell a rat

  16. Well, if 25 000 are willing to choose zambia instead of Botswana or Nambia or Kenya etc., my guess is that they have full confidence in our brotherliness. I say, we take them until Mugabe is flashed under the toilet at the end of June or is it July. I am sure they will say Thank you Zambia! We were hungry and you gave us food, we were naked and beaten by thieves in Jericho (a heathen nation in the bible only equivalent to RSA) and you comforted us and gave use shelter and medicine. Thank you Zambia! We were foolish to call you names in 1982. We are sorry and never again! You are our future allies against the South Africans. We must make Zimbabweans our allies now for our own good!

  17. Its so saden to see how someS.African could do to their fellow bein! shame on them! What they are forgeting is that they are digging their own graves and creating serious boundaries which will restrict them from bein mobile!
    You kill my brother,I will not kill you but kill your brother too atitude will prevail from now on! which’s sad! Those arrested are murders and they must face the wrath of the law!
    Zimbambwean must try to go back home and fight for their rights,running away from problems won’t solve a thing! Zim has the potential to get back on truck economically,socialy,politically etc. but for those from war countries,zambian should consider helpn them legitimatly!We love our neibhrs

  18. When we rescued them from Ian Smith they didn’t see our magnanimity of spirit. I think if we rescue them from the savages in South Africa, they will think twice before they “ponta” again. How can you noty say thank you when you escape the throes of hell in the hands of the most xenophobic ppl on earth? You guys don’t know what it feels to meet a black south african and he frowns for no reason at all except that you spoke english. You don’t know the anger that chews on people here when they see black. They hate themselves so much that they hate anything black and alive! White, yes, yes, yes, yes! Please, accept the Zimbabwean brothers…go and meet them at the bus stations..see them escape.

  19. It is not easy to go back to a country with 1m % inflation rate, bread costing Z$200m, people being killed for voting for the opposition…blah,blah. Let’s welcome them, but the Zambian Government needs to have a proper plan in place. Just give those fellas land for farming [our agriculture is still a joke], give them residency permits [we are still under-populated] and let them pay taxes from their agricultural proceeds. We shouldn’t let them pimp and prostitute in Livingstone; need to get rid of such Zimbos and take them to a ZNS camp the same way the department of social welfare got rid of those petrol-sniffing brats from Manda Hill bridge.

  20. the zim people that will be coming to Zambia will have a negative impact on the Zambian economy.

    (a) crime rate might increase

    (b) the rate of HIV might increase

    (c) Unemployment might increase.

    (c) the government has to spend tax payers money to provide food
    and shelter for these people.

    (d) if things get better in zim are they going to go back?

    (e) Not enough hospital facilities to cope with the extra people

    so this is what i think might happen in Zed, lets not just say let them come. do we have the resources to cope?

  21. If we get the zim people just like, then we are making a mistake. Them zim people we gotta budget for them. Not long ago Levy says he will not increase the meal allowances at UNZA because it was not budgeted for. Now, the zim people were they budgetted for? As we all understand money public funds will be used to provide for them.

  22. Yeah mon, let dem come. One Love is weh we Zambians practice. Jah a go bless we nation and reward I and I for openning our doors fi shelter de opressed. Believe me!

  23. They are coming to zambia when thier president is busy insulting the zambian leadership . these people want jobs so which jobs are they going to get when out own citizens don’t have any , crime is likely to boom because they have the experience from SA.

  24. I think the Zimbos should go to Zim and vote a good gov’t in or just change leadership. Let us not forget that Zambia right now has so many refugees. In Western Province alone, we have at least 300,000 Angolans that some are now proposing that they should be given citizenship to become Zambians!!. Security has been a problem in the Western and North Western because of too many former rebels staying in Zambia. The famous “Karavinas” have been terrorising the area since 2000 and they are still operating. We also have refugees from Congo DR, Rwanda, Somalia etc. These people are getting out of control and yet we even want to take more in!! Zambia must be careful.

  25. These multi national charities are sometimes there just to make money out of the suffering of others. For example, When Angolans were coming into Zambia at the height of the civil war in Angola, the UN , Red Cross and other ‘NGOs’ were eager to create refugee camps and to make international appeals for money. When the money came in most of it was spent on expatriate salaries, TV commercial adverts and only less than a 1/4 of the appeal funds were spent on the intended projects i.e. helping refugees. Then after the war in Angola stopped, the same organisations have now abandoned the very camps the created thereby creating an immigration as well as a security problem for Zambians!!

  26. The gov’t should not just have an open policy to illegal immigrants. There is need to carry out detailed assessments on the impact that foreign immigrants have on hosting communities i.e. where the refugees end up camping. Most areas with high refugee numbers are high in crime, prostitution etc. We need to effectively manage what we have at the moment before we can start taking in more people. The current refugees in Zambia are not monitored and supported effectively especially those in Western and north western Zambia. The gov’t right now has no idea how many immigrants are in the country and yet we want to take in more!! NO MORE Immigrants until we manage or repatriate the current refugees

  27. Mazezulu,go home.Why are you coming back to Zambia?You did not appreciate what it did for you during your liberation struggle when things were rosy in Salisbury.Have some shame,go home and sort your issues out.You will now put unnecessary strain on Zambia.Give them a break for a change.They sacrificed too much in the 70s and 80s.Enough.Zambia should also wake up and give priority to itself for a change.Get your act right.

  28. If Zambians who claim to be Christians can see beyond the short sightedness of the Zimbabweans and embrace their ‘rightful place’ as the light of the world, that may just be what and how it ought to be, if and when the suffering Zimbabweans come. Remember you may be planting a good seed in one of them. Confucius put it wisely this way: ‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step’. So ba Zambia,lets let God play the judge. Just do what you do so well – hospitality in the midst of lack! “Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds…” The good Lord doesn’t say the ‘men’ will always reward you with honours, but God will certainly receive praise. Get jobs with RC !!

  29. Who cares if they come go to Zambia. The best is not leave these people in Lusaka and Ndola. “Distribute” them to rural districts. Zimbabweans are good people, and had working farmers. Zambia has prenty of fertile land compared to that rocky-land Mugabe is offering. And these South Africans will all die from lighting and not the fire they are playing with.

  30. These people should be redirected to their own country. These are not political refugees seeking asylum but economic immigrants who should be back in their country. Their influx in Zambia will ultimately generate the same resentment which will lead to undesirable consequences. Let’s not delude ourselves into thinking we Zambians are angels. We have in Zambia large numbers of unemployed citizens living in abject poverty in our shanty compounds and rural areas. Our people suffer similar economic hardships but have not run away from the country. These Zimbabweans will bring more problems to our country and that’s the last thing any one wants to see. Let them go home and help turn things around!

  31. Zambian government does not provide any financial assistance to refugees,the UN does. Actually we benefit from the UN Refugee funds, all we do is provide land,shelter and some limited opportunities.Let our Zim brothers come, today is them, 2morrow it could be us. God Bless Zambia,God Bless Africa!

  32. Uluse ulwalile nkwale! Ws it not these same Zimbabweans who were insulting us when the economic situation here was bad? Whenever Zambians would cross to Victoria town for essentials, tsunamis of insults would be rained upon them by “ona magoregore ba”. And yet it was us who unchained them from Ian Smith’s chains of bondage. We did the same for everyone on this region including South Africa and all we get are only insults. Banee, with me kwamana pe! If I see any Zimbabweans arriving in my country, they are a dead one. I am cleaning all my guns and Assegais, they should go back abd face Sekuru Mugabe.

  33. remember our government is so weak sooner or later it will give land to zimbabwean and fovors them as investors.i am working from one of the places in zambia where is foreigner is treated well coz he/she is an investor.

  34. This is very worrisome because it is not clear under what terms the Zimbabweans are coming to Zambia. Is the Red Cross bringing them as refugees and (Red Cross) will see to their eventual repatriation to Zimbabwe? OR Red Cross is bringing them to Zambia to dump them into our high unemployment economy? We have so many unemployed citizens, so many orphans who are in need of help, and too many graduates who can’t find work. As if this is not enough, we have our northern neighbors who cross the border in order to engage in shoddy activities. As Zambians, we generally are humanist beings, but it is not fair when we are taken for granted, so I hope the Red Cross will make their intentions clear.

  35. Let them come .We are a peaceful nation and they know that Zambians are go people.

    Why do you want them killed in RSA? They are our brothers and sisters.

  36. Who is going to vote? For sure the people coming to Zambia are in the opposition , so automatically Mugabe will get more votes

  37. Zambians must be careful with this development. Zimbabwe is NOT at war. We all know that most of the allegations against Mugabe are fanned by the White supporters from UK, and the US to demonise him so that the land can be given back to the colonialists.

    Zambians must not accept these Zimbabweans. Mugabe has offered them land, and they have no right to demand to come to Zambia where its citizens are currently facing slave-like wages from employers. Finally, these people coming to Zambia will bring additional competition for the scarce resources available to the citizens. This is due to cause friction among the black people in Zambia.

  38. Fellow country men and women,this is very sensitve issue which requires a diligent approach.As Zambians,we have alot of problems to attend to and all of a sudden these red cross people what extend them.Why in first place are they bringing these rebels in our peaceful nation.To build or destroy?These must have committed alot of atrocities and want to come and harbour in country?No ways!How can you fix a problem with a problem?

  39. This is not good at all,we have had enough problems.Why not go back to their own country, no there must be something they are fearing,its either they are wanted persons for crime or something else.These people have learnt bad manners in RSA of criminolgy we don’t want to cry foul hence the need to advise the Red cross to take them to congo why Zed bachimbwi.

  40. I told you (Zimbabweans) in 1995 when you harrassed me at Victoria Falls Border Post for wanting to enter your country that ‘no condition is permanent and that you are only sure of the past and not the future”. I wish i could meet that Immigration Officer again. I would be the happiest to remind him of that fateful day. What was his name? Ahhh yes, Mr. Moyo.

  41. the situation must be really bad for them to cross their country and end up in Z.we should accept them but should be strictly put in refugee camps and should not be let to roam in the cities. May be we can show the south africans how a true african behaves ,

  42. Let them come. As one colleague mentioned, they must be away from big cities beacuse I know Zimbos can engage in mischiefs if not managed. Our Govmt need to engage UN to help set up farms, wood and metal workshops where these guys can be productive and contribute positively to our economy.

    We just also need to remind ourselves that in Zambia we also have poor people who need attention in terms of services delivery – roads, schoolshealthy service and food security. Hence the Zimbo refuges must not be treated like sacred cows.

  43. As a sign of regret may be the south african Govt must pay the Zambian govt all costs that will be incurred when the Zimbos arrive. That is the least they can do for Zambia for cleaning up their mess

  44. Indeed Chimwemwe you have correctly put it.RSA government has to take some responsibilty in all this.They have to incur any costs that may result from the Refugees going to Zambia.The south African Govt is spending millions of dollars repairing their image here in the States as well as Europe so them footing the bill in Zambia will add some impetus to their image repairing process.

  45. I just got back from Europe and was amazed how much the whole xenophobia saga has gripped the pipo there. I definitely think the world cup will not be so great.The picture of the burning man has sent shocking waves to the world up there.The IMC which is marketing South Africa in Europe is fighting a losing battle.They are however spending alot of money on the image building of south africa that is why the guys are spot on when the say south african neeeds to pay The Zambian govt for any extra costs that will arise.South African Govt has too much money to waste so why not waste it Z

  46. These are economic refugees who are looking for survival anywhere in the world and among them (like everywhere else)there are undesirable elements and those are the ones we should be on the look out for.

    It is therefore humanily to welcome these people as we owe them assistance based on the spirit of humanity despite the insults we endured when their economy was flourishing. We shall not overlook the sufferings of God’s people simply because we fear they will imapact negatively on our econmoy.
    The only thing which is important here is for govt to devise a mechnism of managing this influx.
    Do not take Zambia’s peace for granted. We or our children may become refugees one day.

  47. #52 T boz

    So far no zambian has been reported dead in this mess but they have suffered the inconvenience and trauma of these barbaric events.

  48. The Bible in EXODUS 24 says, ‘do not oppress the alliens…’.Lets take care of these pipo coz the their creator(God)is concerned about them.I want to urge you my brothers not illtreat these pipo in anyway like RSA lest the curse of our Lord rest on us.Zambia is christian nation,and i believe this is a temptation but even then if handled well it can bleed a lot of blessings for us from the almighty God.Do not worry about anything,but in everything give thanks to the Lord and LET HIS WILL BE DONE.May the good Lord bless this nation,AMEN.

  49. Let them come. A market for the mahewu and other products has come. It is good for business.


  50. Well done Zambia. Lets show these hoolligans what africans are all about.

    One another note;

    “Another Nigerian bank eyes Zambia
    A SECOND Nigerian bank, the Intercontinental Bank is considering applying for a banking licence to set up operations in Zambia.”

    Are we (zedians) not realizing how good our country is or what? Can we move to the next level.Yes we are even receiving refugees galore, investors, etc.

  51. The south African Govt has come under fire for the slow reaction to the whole mess.The humanitarian crises is deepening and it should not be a surprise that even more than 25000 refugees may hit our shores as the refugees here are getting frustrated therefore will definitely look for a safe haven which is Z. By the look of things the SA govt does not care much or could it be a strategy to deport these pipo diplomatically

  52. These Zimbabweans are welcome so long as they stay in camps. We dont want them rooming around then they will end up stealing from our home and the women stealing our husbands cause they have no qualifications, where are they going to work.Already we ahve own own people on teh streets now when they merge with these hard core who have learned from the best in South Africa about crime we should be really worried…..think about buying guns!Ever heard of the story from Botswana about a Zimbabwean maid who put her employers child in the oven and left the child for dead. In Bots they are not trusted with children so WORD OF CAUTION TO MOTHERS DONT EMPLOY THEM AS MAIDS.

  53. The burning man has finally been identified by his family that came from Mozambique. Chimwemwe your point is valid it can be strategy by the SA govt to deport these pipo voluntarily because their reaction to the whole thing has been slow. With all the resources they have they cant even accommodate decently the refugees. These Zimbos are depending on well being of ordinary southafricans yet the govt is spending millions on image repair.

  54. Do not underestimate the power of the Lord,the Lord is able to take care of our every need in this country when we do what his word says.Pour your blessings on the stranded Zimbabweans and pray for them,ican asure you the lord will put his mark on you and he will keep refilling his blessings.GOD BLESS YOU.

  55. These Zimbos should be screened, put in a camp and then repatriated after a few days. Why should the largest number come here? Why can’t they be shared evenly? This unthankful lot probably believes Zambians are the easiest people to manipulate.

    We stretched ourselves to help these bad people? When Zed got into economic Problems, these people derided us for buying things from Zim – we never even migrated to their Country. They are now paying for their sins. SA is next

  56. The thing is, these Zimbababweans are not realy stranded. No one is chasing them from Zim. People from other countries affected by xenophobic attacks have gone back to their countries of origin. These Zimbos have decided to by-pass their their home. Can such people ever go back to their land. These people are a bad seed. They are too rough for us. They should never be allowed to mix freely with the general population. They should be kept in a camp and be closely monitored.

  57. Let them go to Zambia, my home country. As a matter of fact some of them are Tonga people who found themselves on the Zimbabwean side when the Kariba dam was erected.

    See to it that they get proper treatment for the Holy bible records that do not hesitate to entertain strangers for some have in the process hosted angels.

    Zimbabweans, you are as human as we are. And so, be at home in Zambia.

    To the Zambia, be blessed as you take up more responsibilities in this life.

  58. Guys lets accept these Zimbabweans.

    It’s the least we can do for stealing some of there white farmers and potential investors.

    Even Mozambique, Nigeria and Malawi must accommodate these Zimbabweans since they are also guilty of stealing some white farmers and potential investors.

  59. It is interesting how some people here are excited with the new investments from Nigeria. I would like to advise Zambians that they should keep away from these tutemba banks. Honestly how can a bank have intial capital of $7.5 million? Havent we been through this already? Why dont we seem to learn from past mistakes? In Nigeria wher this people come from any bank local or foreign should have an intial capitalisation of $250 million. $7.5 million is a joke! It would be Foolish Zambians who will risk their money in this money laudering joint.

  60. Let the Zimbabaweans just go back home and sort out their mess.How many times will they seek economic asylum?When they wreck our econmomy where will they go?Congo?Masobela ayo!Let Zambia put self interest first for once!We have aided everyone and have not gotten even a THANK YOU from the people we sacrificed to keep.Viva self interest!

  61. No. 20 (“Confused”) This assistance will not change the Zimbos any little bit. They are very selfish people(you can see it from their leader and his cronies). They only care about themselves.

  62. While it is good to love our neighbours and provide them with shelter in time of need, it is also important to deal with the root cause of their plight. There is need for MUGABE and ZANU-PF to hand over power peacefully and pave way for change in Zimbabwe.

  63. I will be the first to meet them with a brotherly hug and sisterly kiss when they arrive. I love Zimbabweans, especially their accent…we kesh ewer cheques et the Berkleys Benk! He, he!

  64. The Zimbabweans who are comming here must behave themselves during their stay in the sweet country of Zed. I would like to here what Govt and the Red Cross has planned for these people.

    About the Nigerian Bank? Approach with caution. As for me, I will stick to the two banks I’m banking with. I wouldn’t want to wake up one day only to be told, through the 6 o’clock news, that the bank has been closed.

  65. #69 Mbulawa

    Good advise on the Nigerian Bank. We have been through this road before and their initial capital is far too tiny for any credible bank. They want to rip Zambians off

  66. 76,this is not xenophobia,this is mere dialogue,surely the people of Zambia have a right to express themselves and comment on matters of national interest.If we were the ones in the position of the Zimbabweans would they open their borders and accomodate us?I doubt it,going by the treatment they gave us when things were hard here,just going to buy grocreies at Vic falls was an issue.Lets wait and see how this drama will unfold.Tuka lapila!

  67. Zambians are most peaceful people on the continent. However, if the govt does not handle the impending influx of Zimbos with caution, what is happening in SA will repeat itself pa Zed which will taint our image to the rest of the world. These guys should be screened,documented and given refugee status. Once the situation normalises in Zim, they should be sent back as soon as possible.After all, we are humans. We might react the same way SAns behaved.

  68. Please welcome these brothers and sisters. They can’t go to vote since registration time is over. The best your country can do is to keep them in refugee camps since Zambia officially recognizes a crisis in Zim. Proper integration can happen at a later date esp for those with skills. Zambia is good at this, its track record is rich. Letting them loose and allowing them to create shack and peddle prostitutes will create the same Xenophobia which shamefully began in Livingstone and eventually spread to S. African cities.

  69. Always ready to help! those zimbos that are on the way, i have two jobs on offer, I need a house girls and a garden boy. Secondly, my farm needs cheap labour. I will build temporal shelters to begin with for the ten who needs peace. Let them identify themselves. I will provide them with food. To welcome them, I will slaughter one Ngombe.

  70. There has been a cry from ordinary south africans who work and shop in JHB cbd, there are no street vendors who sell cheap vegetables.The minibuses are taking too long to fill up as foreigners were the ones using public transport the most.Most maids and garden boys have stopped work. It just shows that the Zimbos were actually playing a role in the economy. it is a pity they were never recognised.

  71. 25,000 Zims headed to Zed…? Hmmmmmm Sounds like they will have to pass thru thier Motherland.. Can they tell us why they wanna close thier eyes as they pass thru Harare. They need to be reminded that ba fika mu Salsbury.

  72. I have a solution to those zimbos. They can fit in well in China to help the earth quake victims. The international community will look after them well as volunteers. Those with skills should come out of their shells, register their names and heard for China. There is lots of money waiting for such destitutes like the zimbos of today.

  73. Not only that my brother Chimwemwe #82, We are also feeling it in the sex industry. All of a sudden, there is a shortage of cheap sex workers. Now short time is R100-R150 when 3 weeks ago we used to pay R50. I hate xenophobia. I will also migrate to Zambia.

  74. Zimbabweans ca come to Z as they are in need, as long as they are put in camps. Do not let them loose otherwise we will regret in Zambia. Document them and as soon as the situation normalises in Zim, send them back to their country.


  75. You were busy condemning South Africans for fighting for what is their own (jobs for the poor), lets see what the holy Christians of Zambia will do with the Zimbabweans when they take all the jobs meant for the less educated and the locals turn to stealing!

  76. My take in all this is that, all qualifies zimbabweans such as nurses, teachers and others with special skills should be integrated into the economy. For the rest, let the government distribute them to shangombo, chavuma, mulobezi, etc for farming, fishing and other labour jobs such as cleaning our twons, cities etc. Those coming in the sex industry should be screened for HIV/AIDS. Probably most of them have contracted the disease from RSA, the land of killers.

  77. Dumisani #89,90. Our brothers in Zambia have a heart. No doubt they will manage the situation peacefully. Iam talking from experience. They kept my family in Mutendre Lusaka while in exile. They are no hypocrites. Us South Africans, we are cursed since the time of Shaka. That is why bloodshed will never end in Mzansi.

  78. Dumisani my brother you need to keep quiet. the Zimbos have left your country and gone to Zambia so i dont see how the Zimbos could be any of your concern. Let the Zambians worry about AIDS, unemployment etc. one iknow the Zimbos will feel is the Z hospitality. We will put them in Refugee camps and may be intergrate with the rest those that have skills and we will treat them with diginty.One thing we cant do is to beat and burn any . We kept you south africans did you hear any one killed, no. Like the south africans were angels when in other countries ask Manto Tshabalala what she did in Botswana. So Motherf@#$r just shoosh

  79. Dumisani where do you get the chic to compare Zambia with SouthAfrica. This is the kind of hypocrisy exhibited by *****s like you. When we kept thousands of you in Zambia did we mind if you had diseases or were thieves? We only looked at Fu@#rs like you as humans that was the bottom line. Now you even want to insults us after we educate you for free.Zambia is competitive education wise so i dont see them Zimbos getting our jobs because Zedians are smarter than South Africans who wait for handouts.The southAfricans were busy in the townships raping and drinking by the time they woke up the Zimbos were already taking their jobs. not with us Zedians we are sharp

  80. Uncle Bob’s silence on all these happenings is deafening!! Where is the man and how come is so quiet? Mbeki has now at least acknowledged there is a crisis. And KK, where has your Tioloke Limpompo ndi Mutima umo taken us?
    Let the Zimbos come, even if we know it will be at a cost to us, we harboured these guys before, let them come and join their white-farmer compatriots whom they unceremoneously hurdled out of Zimb. I quess being surround by eight countries will always compel us to take in refugees, of whatever sort. Never mind Dumisani, the boers did a thorough job on the poor guy.

  81. Today, Zambia’s cost to the contribution of the liberation struggle cost as whooping $10 billion dollars,

    not to mention the countless human lives lost,

    We’ve just began to recover,we can not to carry the burden of more foreign,it’s time we became self and put ourselves first please

  82. One for Dumisani,


  83. @ DUMISANI

    You are an epitome of a typical Zimbo chap,

    ever ungrateful,attention seeking,full of self pity,cry babies not to mention cowards…POOR SOD!

    No wonder you are in such a predicament you always get what you deserve in life

    Please instead of spending time spewing Kak here,

    Why not go and take on Sekuru the mess Zim is in, or better still the little GUKURAHUNDI party he threw for your fellow Ndebele folk (judging by your name).

    Today Zim not Zambia is the biggest exporter of HIV and FAKE ASSYLUMISTS,some good record heh!

    You are indeed the Gypsies of Southern Afrika,and deservedly so

  84. @ DUMISANI

    if you are not Zimbabwean please disregard my earlier post, but if South African…then poor you,you are in a worse situation

    Today you stand as the most black population on earth,

    75% of your economy is still run by the enemy,black on black violence,not to mention the HIV prevelance,tough times lye ahead my friend i wouldn’t be cormfy if i were you

    Extinction awaits you my friend,slowly but surely

  85. #69 No one is gettin excited about investment from Nigeria.I was more of sayin “Why Zambia”. Secondly, are u the stereotypes that think FDI comes from US and Europe only.I bank with zanaco, and only Zanaco.Thanks for ur advice anyway.

    Lets get these skilled zimbos for teachers, nurses, artisans, etc esp. for rural areas, SA has ZERO skills and will live to regret letting these pipo go.

  86. #89 Miyoba, I have tried to ignore your inflammatory comments. But the lack of confidence and peace in you and you people is deep. Since this headline began, I have only perceived caution or outright hate on the same site that projected sympathy and warmth to traumatized foreigners in SA. LT is the saddest home of cowards. Cowards who have even forgotten where the first Xenophobic action occurred only 4 weeks ago!(Livingstone) I’m proud because I’m of Shaka. A people that has not shown hypocrisy. A people that fought even in fear. My comment is on #79 and I meant seriousness. Deeply sorry for you that sell your mines for a song.( see i say sorry not shame)

  87. Dumisani there is nothing to be proud of belonging to shaka. ask yourselves what he really achieved. he was even killed by his own brothers and the so called zulu kingdom didnt last long as the whites soon colonised you. Sa blacks r still the most oppreesd. look at the Reitz incident or that teenegar shootin blacks in that township recently etc. This could not have happened anywhere else in africa. This pride of the zulu people is their downfall. thats why they refuse to study or advance. they think they can just be violent to achieve their ends. in this new world, violence will get u nowhere. ask the americans who thought they could bully the world. vuka sbali!

  88. Where there is life there is hope, even for zimb. Even if Ucle Bob rigs and wins the forthcoming elections and his people be scattered all over Africa, one day there will be a biological solution to the Mugabe problem, then our brothers will return to their homeland just like the South africans returned, and hopefully they will this time have learnt from one of our old adages which says “Uwakwensha ubushiku bamutasha ilyo bwacha”

  89. To Dumisani and other BBBEE (broad-based black Economic Empowerment seekers or simply Black South africans, Zambia’s hospitality is a world record even for illiterates Zimbos to know. We have accomodated Zimbo war vets, Apatheid hating pretenders, Hutus and Tusis, congelese, Angola UNITA’s war run aways. The 25k Zimbo is small issue for us. We know these Zimbo coming to Zed are unskilled labourers. And we also have faith that Zimbo situation is temporary – Bob will soon quit smoking the weed and thing will normarlise. No situation is permanent.

  90. Dumisani, carefully observe the economic trend in your country and you will notice that you are headed for doom.Besides the economic trend, you have tribal problems. Remember the Inkhata days? You are very likely to have something even worse than that. When all the black foreigners have left, you will blame the whites for your sorrows, when they are gone it will xhosa’s blaming Zulus and vice versa. You are in serious trouble, my friend.

    The Zimbos have come here. You will not hear any of them being burnt. They thought they would never need our help again. You too think you will never need Zambia. Be careful, you just might find yourself here seeking shelter.

  91. DUMISANI, You are on the WRONG blog.Do not mess with Zed and think U gonna have a laugh about it.No one will miss ur myopic attitude.

  92. when will zambia develop if we always have to put out tool down and welcome more people in

    Classic example what happens when relatives keep coming to visit from the village..over and over..and over

    there is u arno way forward pan’nganda..u are always putin everything on hold so u can feed the visitors..

    Zed government ensure the Zim’s coming in have qualifications which will benefit the giving them Jobs we have a win win situation..not they jus coming in Manja Manja as a governent that is PLAIN STUPID..!!

  93. Dumisani: I notice your comments generally anti-zambian but i won’t bother to ask you why because you blog were you like. Just intrugued tho coz am from SA too?? R you unwelcome on SA blogs because you fear will expose your lower intellect to white SA. There are shallow ones you can participate on in Zulu you know? Oh, i forgot, there are no other Zulus to blog with since they are busy looking. Anyway, there is nothing to talk about for you black south africans apart from highjackings, rapes and robberies. Zambians are very hospitable ans nice people thats why i moved to Lusaka from your savage kind in SA.

  94. Du Toit you’re the man. Any Rugby skills? Your name sound like someone who can plan a hooker or may be fly-half!! Seriously man welcome to Zed.. the land of the peace. May be we have a lekker braai at the show-ground.

  95. Zambians let me give you the complete picture of the Zimbos you are about to receive. 1- they are not skilled or educated if they were they were not going to be staying in shanty compounds in south africa.
    2- they must be a bunch of hopeless pipo if they could travel from RSA , pass their country and then go to Z. Dont you think with the treatment they got in RSA they should have had enough of being a refugee
    3- some of them are criminals who specifically went to stay in compounds to hide their behaviour

  96. #112 Du Toit, my brother, you shd see my other empathetic comments to Zambians as much as yrs to them. Remember the solidarity they showed here lst week? More than other African sites I monitored! The same solidarity people are now even changing their bogging names because their msg has changed. What worry me are not the insults these pipo leveled on S. Africans. It is the comments that they post about Zimbabwean pipo, calling them cheaper prostitutes. Yes, they have not burnt anybody. But you see a lot full of venom. This is a blog of Judas, a site of Gomorra. I extend apologies to all that are uncomfortable with my sentiments. True brotherhood is not found among cowards and hypocrites. I’m

  97. @ DUMISANI..

    You low born Zulu egocentric thug from Natal,

    why don’t you go and shag a goat…as per Zulu tradtion

  98. Let there be some planning and management of the expected influx of the displaced Zimbos when they arrive in Zambia from RSA. Home affairs, UNCHR, Zim & RSA high commissions, NGO’s. There is a job to be done yet again. After ANC’s rise to power on April 27 1994, I naively thought days of struggles were over.I dreamed rapid integration and development Ooh what a silly assumption that was! Ideally I would have wanted the Zimbos to stop over in Zim and make their mark on June 27. Only them can do it. Coming to Zambia is only postponing the hour of reckoning.

  99. Fellow bloggers. Avoid insults. The best you can do is to Shun #116, 117 Dumisani.He is thriving on the attention he is receiving. There is a saying about never arguing with a certain type of people other wise the observers wont notice the difference.

  100. One more thing Du toi, I sense from your msg that you may be white. Even if you are not, let me say smthg about whites in Africa. They don’t hang out with intellectuals. Only with rastamen and the less enlightened people. (no insults meant to Rastas) To those congratulating you I say they know less of you. When you say a people are hospitable and nice, you actually don’t mean well about their intellect. You say these things to people least likely to question you. I guess you are a shaft boss. And your subordinates are good Zambians. Nb please let not you and I argue if you are a true S. African.


  102. @ DUMISANI

    While you may be correct about white africans and their atittudes,your comments on Zambia where certainly misplaced

    You need to learn a thing or two on senstivity and ettiquete esp when amongst foreigners

    You then go another trail patronising Rastafarians, for your info real Rastafarians stand for the empowerment of black people and the Afrikan continent,they would never pour scorn on black peoples suffering,like did about the aids and poverty,if any case you are the illiterate one

    for i know Du Toit may or may not be a racist, but even if he was he certainly knows how to carry himself among different cultures,which makes him smarter than you and your Zulu folk

  103. I just head something from the man who was tasked to investigate the causes of the xenophobic violence in SA. He said South african instead of gettting jobs they sold their houses to foeigners only to later turn around and accuse Govt of giving houses to foreigners. Dull people.

  104. Dumisani, go through all the comments on this topic and see whether there is no balance in the way opinnions have been aired. It is expected that one would ask why One would skip his country when in trouble in another country, it is expected that one would like to know what capacity these people are comming in,It is not xenophobic to mention how these people mistreated us in their county after we had sacrificed a lot for their freedom.

    You are just failing to accept that there is a lot savagery in your country. I stayed in Jo’Burg for some weeks and the News was filled stories of cops shooting their wives and in-laws to death! what kind of a country is that? Du Toit is right.

  105. The long term solution is to deal with problems in Zimbabwe so that we don’t have unstable states in Southern Africa. Zambia does not need any more immigrants. There are no skills Zimbos will bring that you can’t find in Zambia already. Our unemployment rate was about 87% about 6 months ago, more immigrants will just add pressure on limited public resources. Zimbos should deal with the leadership crisis in their country. We have enough refugees causing problem in Zambia as it is. We don’t need anymore. Zimbabwe is not at war. Sanctions must be lifted on Zim and allow trade to develop so that zimbos can go home because they can’t keep moving from country to country.

  106. Dumisani, ulichipumbu ca mwana! Ishilu ilineline! Where do you stand? In one instance you sound supportive and in another you come across as a “colored”. Ukafwa intangalala, cimbwi iwe!

  107. Dumisani, I am South African too. It doesn’t matter what the color of my skin is. Will my contribution be based on the color of my skin? “You sense am white???” How do you sense that??? Is it because of what i wrote or my name. Why do i feel more welcome in Zambia than anywhere in South Africa particularly in KZN where my business was violently robbed 6 times in a space of 2 years. Do i blame Zulus, NO coz my wife is Zulu. I moved to Cape to but i was not welcome, why coz i married a black woman. Do i blame coloreds for this? I can’t because my children are also colored. I blame people preaching hatred, superiority over other peoples including white people.

  108. I am not welcome by my own people because i can not speak the language and refused to take part in their atrocities. Why are my children and wife the happiest. Its not because the business is doing fine. Its because people are not prejudiced here like you are. For your information, Zambia has more black intellectuals than South Africa because i leave with, work with them and they are equal partners. Why are you threatening me not to argue with if I am a “real” South African??? You are right but not because of your threat, I won’t because intellectuals don’t ARGUE, they DISCUSS issues as everyone has been doing here. Our image is already in shambles and u c nothing wrong? Get a life man

  109. Dumisani, There are a lot of blogs in South Africa and if you really are South Africans, you know the ones am talking about with the shameful contributions (since you have monitoring blogs). I am proudly South African but what has has happened is unacceptable and inhumane just like apartheid wa The IMF estimates that Zambia alone contributed between $10 and $15 Billion to free you and your people. And the best way to thank them is too rape their wives and torch them? I think thats really warped thinking. Why do you have close R100 Billion in reserves when 75% of blacks are still living in shacks after 14 years. You call yourself free Dumisani? I don’t that is freedom

  110. “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character”, Martin Luther King, Jr.

    In this century of globalization, a good number of people are multi-race, and multi-cultural, multi-tribal, and sometimes even multi-national. The barbarians who continue to pass judgement based on the color of others’ skin (and not the content of their character) are fighting a losing battle.

  111. The problem is poor service delivery in general, fake promises, failure to create jobs, poor leadership and the most advanced (SA) constitution in the world. This has been the recipe for disaster that has led the Dept of housing to build 2000 RDP houses instead of 25,000 a year, no training in local government, poor policing of borders and rampant corruption at Home Affairs. You have kicked foreigners out fine. Lets see if the problems will end. THEY WILL NOT because of the above issues. Who are going to go to next??? Xhosas, professionals like the ones on this blog??? May be white people. This is the beginning of end of a free south africa. Next it will be economic meldown

  112. #132 When things begin to sour in RSA those torching others had better stay away from us, this time around we will refuse to habour them murderers. To peace-loving South Africans I say, pls rise and defend the defenceless foreigners, a lot of people rallied behind their leaders and helped you when you needed help. Apologise and pay reparations for loss of life, but forget we shall not.

  113. #116,117,121,etc, (Dumisani), my brother u seem to ve identity problem. 2 u being black, xhosa, zulu, tswana etc, is being a true sout african. If 1 is white, yellow bemba, masai, etc 2 u means that person is not south african. Be informed that this world is now a global village. In fact any1 can be of any nationality by choice or anything. Be informed also that although predominantly, it was black Safrican who fought against apartheid, even some white Safricans (Boers) fought alongside black SAfricans. I am pretty sure u ll find it very difficult to believe that. But, in Zambia, there were both black and white refugees of south african origin. u can ask ur Safrican brothers and sisters…

  114. …who were in Z as refugees, they ll b able 2 confirm 2 u that fact. 1 surprising thing-u seem 2 ve an issue with any1 condemning the brutality in SA. Let it be stuck on ur brain that SA was ever going 2 explode (even without the stimulae of Zimbo issue). In fact this could just be the begining. Like many well meant pipo I personally wouldnt like things to go that way. But, then u SAcns r so tribally devided u even take ur trbal issues overseas. U r like Kenyans and Nigerians.

    Another thing the L/stone zim situation wasn’t xenophobia. It was an immigration issue and it was dealt with as such…

  115. There is a genuine problem when I sense schizophrenia even among those who say are proudly S. Africans on this blog. But Du Toit is right. Soon there will be progressive deterioration to the infrastructure in S. Africa. This infrastructure was built for 5 million whites but now the blacks too must use it equally (After 1991). A state of hopelessness has caused disillusionment resulting in some of our people taking their anger on immigrants who happen not to be THE main and only problem. We have lost many of our white skilled people (including Du Toit) because they see actions of our people but are incapable of analysis. S Africans will forge ahead knowing that Rome was not a 1 day affair. S

  116. Africa belongs to Van Vayks, Van da Marwes and those of Shaka who call it home. Those who will defend it even if this breaks hearts of some envious brothers. Du Toit, only the color of your children will change. Not their S. African core. Even a snake will change its skin only. My intention was to write terrible things of you. But we need healing. Lets heal from within then we can reconcile with hate peddlers. Don’t try to appease turn coats here since they do not represent true empathetic Zambians as you can see the chaos here when they heard about mass human movements towards Zambia. Do you see any consensus in what has been posted by these brothers since this thread began? My apologies fo

  117. r bringing in the color thing after you said I should use black blogs. Meanwhile, you are perfectly expected to blame those that robed you in KZN even if they are your wife’s keen and kith. I still believe you are not spineless.

  118. …on #89, Dumisani, Zambians have seen it whole. Even when surrounding countries (including urs) were fighting 4 their independences we had serious unemployment. In fact 25000 is such a small # to even record a difference. And the fact theres already unemployment, it wouldnt make a difference. But, thats not a point. The issue is u shoudnt beat up, set ablaze, rape, (etc) someone who is already in trouble. It is surprising that u even had a go at Du Toit. This gentleman-Du, knows what he is talking about and from experience. In Zambia we are “one Zambia one nation”. And that is in deed. I am not a seperatist. All pipo are my brothers and sisters in this world and I love them-including you.

  119. Dumisani

    Perhaps you don’t know what you’re doing to your economy by chasing foreign nationals. Mind you, even USA became a large economy due to contributions from foreign nationals.

    South Africa currently has a brain drain and this is a fact and you cannot deny that. Most of the educated whites are leaving the country because there is no future for whites in South Africa due to Affirmative Action and BEE which gives preference to someone’s skin rather than there skill. Can a country develop like that honestly. And most of the blacks that could be hired in the SA job market where foreign nationals.

    Now that they have been chased, i see a shortage of SKILLED LABOR OR HUMAN CAPITAL

  120. cont…

    In the SA economy. At most, the solutions will either be to scrap off Affirmative Action and BEE or to import WHITE labor that you like so much but WHITE labor will not come cheap mind you. The whites are leaving in large numbers, so far 2 million have left and 3 million remain but will soon leave.

    That will mean they will take there skills, companies and expertise with them and that’ll be the collapse of the SA economy. It’ll be another typical third world African country.

    My advice to you, research what chasing foreign nationals will do for your country and you’ll realize that’ll swallow your words.

  121. #89, the other thing, Dumisani. SAcan leaders (like any other african leader) are repeating the same mistakes others make. Did u ever ask urselves why the govt shoud be dishing out a lavish social welfare to the citizens? To me you dont deserve free money. What you deserve is free education which most u black SAcans cannot afford. That would quickly empower blacks. Without education the situation will ever be an explosive time-bomb. Those are the issues such pipo as u should b profusely wasting ur energy and effort on. Whites in SA may not possess political power but they have the economic power. There4 they even control politicians who predominantly black.

  122. In the case of the Zimbabwe issue, i don’t think Zambians where denying that Zimbabwe nationals should be in our country.

    They where simply asking legitimate questions but otherwise welcoming them. We have handled more refugees than this and at the time when we experienced one of the worst economic turn downs ever in Africa.

    We are also the only SADC country to condemn Zimbabwe on more than one occasion. It was our country that called Zimbabwe a sinking TITANIC. It was our country that called for a SADC emergency meeting. It was our country that was blamed twice for ZANU-PF losing elections. It was also our country that was accused countless times of being a puppet to the west.

  123. But then again, it was South Africa that said there is no crisis in Zimbabwe and so it took a crisis in South Africa for Mbeki to realize that there is a crisis in Zimbabwe.

    I mostly ashamed that Someone would defend the brutal burning of innocent people by illiterate thugs and say “we had an immigration problem”. If you had a problem, then take it up with your govt.

    OK, since you have chased away the foreigners Dumisani, lets see if the problems will go away. Lets just see.

    If the problems will go away then well and good to you, if they wont go away then you reap what you saw.

    Good day.

  124. zimbabweans never appriciate and learn just a while ago after deportation of thier pipo back to zimbabwe , they also deported zambians as revenge so why should we always be the good ones and suffrer for pipo who don’t remember your servics at the end.Just because we are landlocked neighbours should not think we will always bend and dance to thier songs .

  125. No were in the world do pipo burn other pipo alive as a public show. These pipo are Drug crazed cold blooded killers. The majority of S’Africans are indeed nothing but theaving lazy killers, who don’t what to work. Violence seems to be hard coded into their brains. Just analyse this Dumisanis writings, he is a calculating cold blooded killer. I hope he dosent hold a position of responsibilty were ever he is. If he was in europe he would be sectioned.

  126. AWEE ITS TOO MUCH!! I we should also acknowledge how much help we can lend mwe!the other countries like botswana and Namibia have much better economies and can better support these pipo we can only do so much to help we have our own issues as well i think, that other countries in the region should consider some kind of fair distribution, although its good to help we can only go so far.

  127. I still maintain, Dumisani (alias Zambian) has a serious identity crisis. Du Toit comes across as intelligent, accommodating and less patronizing. Du Toit combined his encounter with prejudice and being robbed in S.Africa even though he is “white” and I thought that was a brilliant write up and was far from appeasing anybody. His offense: his view on Zambia’s hospitality. Dumisan says don’t get on their side because they’re ‘turn coats” supposedly using that term without recourse to commonsense; how can Zambians be turn coats when overwelmingly they sound supportive of Zimbabweans? Unless,I never went to School, I get the vibes that Zambia’ll welcome Zimbos. Du Toit, you are welcome too!

  128. Dumisani, ulichipumbu ca mwana! Ishilu ilineline! Where do you stand? In one instance you sound supportive and in another you come across as a “colored”. Ukafwa intangalala, cimbwi iwe!

  129. Dumisani, your formula at#90 worked well for my country when we were kept the ANC and its leaders for 30years. Zambia had no hope that time but now we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Your stupid formula will still work for the in-coming Zimbabweans. After all we have a history of having kept these people. We Zambians have a history of serving life as opposed to the South Africans who choose to terminate it. If you think your economy is invincible, wait until those souls you are chasing from your country starting focussing on your investment in there countries by torching such things as Shoprite, etc.

  130. what goes around comes around.. them zims were acting all big headed but now they seeking refuge..come on one come all zambia is a “crhistian nation” lol ya right……the man that declared that is evil himself.. anyway come we gat u ZIMs we gat u ….

  131. WOW … Well debated Guys.I just froze and read continuosly.I’m proud to be part of this.The govt says something different about this same situation now.But, the point is we are always ready to help as a nation.Some pipo (Not worth mentionin) should start learning how humanity in this global village strives becoz of nations like zambia.

  132. from most of the comments, i discern xenophobia lurking in the background. this just goes to show that it is not only a SA problem but one that is present everywhere. The major concern is does this spill into the kinds of behaviour we have witnessed in SA. 25000 now soon we will be getting them in the millions how is our reaction going to be then?
    are we no better than the despicable neighbours that have been so inhumane towards fellow human beings?
    true , logistical problems have to be tackled, we are already grappling with unemployment,rising costs of necessities,lack of health care so how do we deal with the influx of these people that will cause a strain on the meager resources.
    we are

  133. fortunate not to have had any major conflict in our country, when we talk of zimbos going back to vote in their country, how do you vote when you have no food not because you cant buy some but tha there is just no food in the country.when you do get it and try to vote the vote doesn’t count coz mugabe is fraudulently clinging to power. SADC,AU have not helped as they give contrasting statements on the situation of zim.insecurity stems from one country and culminates into the whole region thats what african leaders should have thought of before senselessly backing mugabe in his reign of terror, now we all have to suffer the consenquencies.

  134. I hope Zimbabweans,South africans learn something.Zimbabweans and South Africans were(are still) boasting of their wealth forgetting that it is the white men who put them were they are.Zimbabweans liked no one thinking all will be well forever and yet we helped them win independence in 1980,,same to RSA in 1994 they had seen no light at the end of the tunnel but now all they can do is kill them all,shame to you blacks.I urge RSA to chase the white man you will be as poor as Somalia,no wonder you killed your own freedom fighter..LUCKY DUBE..shame on you again.

  135. generally speaking, us Zambians tulibalusa. The zim people really mistreated us even though we helped them to attain their independence.

    let us not avenge them but show them ulusa am proud to be a Zambian becos of what we stand for.

    Stand and sing of Zambia, proud and free,

    Land of work and joy in unity,

    Victors in the struggle for the right,

    We have won freedom’s fight.

    All one, strong and free.

    Africa is our own motherland,

    Fashion’d with and blessed by God’s good hand,

    Let us all her people join as one,

    Brothers under the sun.

    All one, strong and free.

    One land and one nation is our cry,

    Dignity and peace ‘neath Zambia’s sky,

    Like our noble eagle in its flight,


  136. praise to thee.

    All one, strong and free.

    Praise be to God.

    Praise be, praise be, praise be,

    Bless our great nation,

    Zambia, Zambia, Zambia.

    Free men we stand

    Under the flag of our land.

    Zambia, praise to thee!

    All one, strong and free.

  137. Those white farmers you chucked out a while ago are now now full Zambian citizens and hold green NRCs.
    It’s a pity that you have failed to make use of those farms you grabbed from us.
    Don’t take us Zambians for granted as we now know how you really are.
    These Zims know how to grab anything.Ask anyone from the UK,SA or even Zed.Just like Nigerians and Somalis they are always the largest foreign population anywhere.


  139. The Zambian National Anthem (161,162) makes a lot of sense nowadays (after fleeing ourselves and the rest of southern africa) and definitely it is matched by action “we live at peace with all black and White Africans”. South Africans must pray more through their National Anthem and seek inner healing:
    Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika (Lord Bless Africa)
    Maluphakanyisw’ uphondo lwayo (May her glory be lifted high)
    Yiva imathandazo yethu (Hear our petitions)
    Nkosi Sikelela (Lord bless us)
    Thina lusapho lwayo (Us your children)

  140. The problem is not the rest of the national anthem. The problem is the first two sentences. “Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika (Lord Bless Africa)
    Maluphakanyisw’ uphondo lwayo (May her glory be lifted high)”……how will they sing this song with african pride? Catch 22!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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