Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Milingo heals the sick


Hundreds of people from all walks of life - Sunday turned up for a healing mass conducted by former Catholic Archibishop Emmanuel Milingo in Lusaka's Matero township.

Archibishop Milingo conducted the healing mass that lasted for over two hours.

Christians from different churches sung songs of praise as the Archibishop conducted his healing session.

Archibishop Milingo and his wife Maria Sung are in the country for a five day-visit.

A number of healing sessions have been lined-up for people with spiritual needs.

The healing mass was attended by ex-nuns, married priests and Independent Churches of Zambia Chairperson, David Masupa.

And speaking in an interview with ZNBC news Archibishop Milingo pledged to continue healing people.

Every Nation Church Bishop, John Jere thanked Archibishop MILINGO for bringing transformation in the church.

Archibishop Milingo has been excommunicated from the Catholic Church for pursing views not in comformity with the church.



  1. Nimaloza! iwe milingo don’t mislead pipo, you just have to keep quiet coz you messed up with the catholic church. No Father as they call you is suppose to taste the fruit from the gadern of eden.

  2. Yes,Archbishop Milingo use ur calling.Let those who are still hiding in celibacy but having sex secretly also come in the open.

  3. Archbishop Milingo continue using ur calling.Let those who are still hiding in celibacy but having se.x secretly also come in the open.

  4. #1 u really dont know what goes on behind the scenes.A lot of children are born out of wedlock.Fathered,by priests but those poor souls will never know their parents,A lot of them end up in orphanages.What Milingo has done is the best.Its better to come out in the open than hiding.A lot of priests are now perishing coz of HIV AIDs.

  5. Every person is a gift from God. God chooses people in different ways. No one should judge anyone, because is righteous in the sight of God. There is no sin in getting married. It is better to have a child, than to let the woman abort because of secrecy. It is better to marry, than to have a series of mistresses. The Catholic Church is Holy, but it is lead by sinful people like you and I. Who are we to Judge others?

  6. Go go iwe Millingo sex is sweet. Even trees have it, flies, dogs, goats.As for a man its sweet sweet Go Millingo let those pretending to hide under celibacy continue they will bun with passion and offload it secretely with prostitues.

  7. Bicklon if thats your name behave yourself.what forbiden fruit are you talking must be one of those sleeping with small boys in the name of celibacy,get an aids test instead of insulting Archibishop Milingo

  8. Ladies and gentlemen believe me you am speaking from experience.have been there and i know what actually goes on behind the closed door.Children are born and thrown into orphanages.Nuns are sent to Italy to deliver.Priest having strings of girl-friends.What kind of life is that!!!!.Hiding and hiding.Brethren its better to be open and thats what his highness Milingo has done.The Catholics are sceptical coz they know that their secrets will be unveiled.Go on Miling preach the gospel and heal the sick.

  9. #1-thumbs up bicklon bro!!! we shall see the same healed sick back in hospital two days latter. How much did he raise?

  10. May the ever Good Lord who alone lets every season grant faith to those who seek it, strenght to the weak, courage to the faint and healing to the sick.The world is a plaetora of many shades of faiths, religions and creeds.with due respect let us allow every one to enjoy his faith and belief even when it casts shadows over our own.So long as Milingo preaches Our Christ who shed his blood for us, he is welcome.

  11. “‘Archibishop’ Milingo has been excommunicated from the Catholic Church for pursing views not in comformity with the church.”

    Is he still an Archibishop? If sp for which Church organisation?

    On the otherhand, I am delighted to see that (Archibishop) Milingo is safe and sound. I feared for his life at some point.

  12. I really don’t care one way or the other who or what Mr. Milingo sleeps with or whom he purports to heal. What I don’t understand is why he should insist that he still belongs to the “Catholic Church” when he has clearly been ex-communicated by that Church. All organized entities, such as clubs, religious bodies, professional bodies, labour unions, NGOs, political parties, etc, have their own rules that govern their membership. When a member flouts those rules, they are subject to the full weight of that body’s rules, which may or may not include expulsion.

  13. Thus, if I am expelled today from, say my party the MMD, it really is folly and futile of me to continue to insist that I am a member of the MMD when the party has clearly chucked me out. No amount of declarations to the contrary on my part is going to change that fact. I’d have to follow whatever exculpatory procedures as may exist in the MMD, in order for me to reclaim my membership. Thus for Milingo to merely declare that statements by Rome and the Zambian Catholic Church that he has been ex-communicated are nonsense, are in my view “whistling past the graveyard”.

  14. Con’t: He further disputes the Church calling him “ex-bishop” or “ex-arch-bishop”. It was the Catholic Church that conferred on him those titles. It is the Catholic Church that has the right to withdraw them! Of course he if free to call himself any grand title he desires. He just shouldn’t claim he is “Catholic Arch-bishop” because he is not! His doing so is no more legitimate or credible than my calling myself Minister of Foreign Affairs even after I have been sacked from that position by my appointing authority.

  15. Why can’t the good archbishop form his own church and call it something else? Here is my advisor for what it’s worth: Form your own church and call it whatever you want. Apply for land of which we have plenty; build as many convents as you like; fill them with any number of nuns as you and your followers are capable of abusing; give yourself all the grand titles your heart desires and continue your healing ways!

  16. Milingo has seen and is talking from experience while in the Catholic Church as an Archbishop. My main worry for Milingo is his personal life. My prayer is that let him tell the truth about the mistakes being pertuauted by the Roman Catholic Church and the truth will set him free. If all overs men had decided to join celibacy how children would have been born in the world. Paul’s message was very vivid when he said if you cannot managed to stay single then marry rather than lusting for other people’s spouses. My prayer for Milingo is for him to fully understand the Bible teachings as set by Jesus Christ our model. He has the some light but not complete.

  17. Eagle-one USA could you have been born if your father was a priest.The answer is no,the best thing you can do is to let the man enjoy.He is a real man of God bcoz had he been a pagan surely he could just have been having sex outside marraige like how some a doing it.You know what man just mind your bussiness and enjoy sex you can’t convice me that you have never had sex before.

  18. @ Cibulazyina,..

    How many married couples are still lusting at other people
    How many married couples are HIV+
    How many married men maintain small homes and children on the side
    And what of Married Pastors,Evangalists etc

    Our erstwhile ‘man of the cloth’ Apostle Bishop DAN PULE and his theatricks spring to mind on the latter,

    In short your myopic insinuation of marriage as a cure to unfaithfullness,adultery,fornication is TOO OVER SIMPLISTIC,human weakness is human weakness plz,priest or no priest-I GUESS THAT’S NEWS FOR YOU Haaa

    Am sorry(to sound rude) but your kind are just too petty and vindictive,you obviously must have to much time at your disposal

  19. Machete #21 whether you deny it or not. What is happening amongst some Roman Catholic priests is terible. Even God is unhappy. I have query for those priests who have remained faithful to their God in their celibacy. I do not condone any form of sin, but if you sin God is just and faithful to forgive all your sins. how much do you know of what is happening out there? Why making underground tunnels? There is nothing hidden before and your sins will find you out someday. Sokwe kakamuleya katabi.

  20. @ Tombolilo..#19

    If I May…..please reread Eagles post

    Like our articulate Eagle stated,most of which flew past your head (judging from your highly ‘enlightened’ response),

    nobody is stopping these folk from ‘enjoying’ (as you put it),

    the problem arises when these folk willing and voluntarly join a ‘club’,after a thorough and full understanding it’s rules and regulations(how unfair they maybe),and later cry foul when at odds with the same rules,that unfortunate vindictiveness.

    These gentlemen always have two choices, either walkout of the club (when the going gets tough) or simply don’t join the club.

    It’s as simple as that Tombo my friend,there are no quilms about that

  21. It’s interesting to note how people do not listen to what they are saying and of course what they are not saying. Many of u here, especially those who are in support of Milingo, are just empty tins, noisy gongs, a being with no substance. Before u critique any institution, know much about it. If u know much about it, perhaps u won’t embarrass urself by showing how ignorant u are.

  22. @ MS…

    If i may

    Please calm down and reread my post,no where in post did i deny or justify any ‘sin’ or wrong doing later on abuse by the named party…..once more sober yourself please friend

    I am against all wrong doing from all quarters of soceity,the aforementioned (Roman Catholic) being just a part of a constituting society

    My only quilms with self righteous zealots of your kind is the blind eye you choose to give other quarters of society (usually your own),the likes of which i cited in my earlier post.

    I must say such sommersaulting derides you of any thin moral ground you may have had, to cast the speck from the other’s eye…

    happy blogging

  23. @ OBSERVER

    Dear friend i understand your annoyance at the misinformation and the lack of depth of most resident contributers to these forums….

    but my advice to you is please be patient and exercise restraint with them after all at the end we are all on the same side-Zambia.Happy blogging

  24. #25 and 14 Eagle USA and observer u sem to lack any sense of analytical techniques.I trhink ur level of education is questionable.U must be G7 failures or G 12s passed with umwebembeshi.Imwe ba fikal.a priests have had children born out of wedlock.its good that Milingo has come out in the open.I.diots think before you contribute.

  25. #12,arcbishop or bishop is title earned through spiritaul training at church,or any insti.the title still remains in or out of the church til death,PROFFSR still proffsr wether in doing street vending in kanyama or at unza.
    zeds face the reality ,reformation is neded in roman cath,but the problem is WHY SHOULD I black man bring change?pipo thoght earth was like table but 1 man said no and he was hanged,roman cath.zed supt milingo and zed will be in the history books for gen to come.

  26. With due respect to all the contributions by you most esteemed ladies and gentlemen. I think let me add to the observation that some people are simply misinformed or ‘ignorant of what they say’. Judging from #29 Chikubabe’s comment that spiritual training is what earns one their title is to say the least the hollowest blog I have encountered here. If I may ask my esteemed #29 how far Milingo had to go before he was conferred the title of Archbishop? And Danny Pule? Or is that how the Catholic church does things? Finally, does the number of ‘congregants and congregations’ one oversees have anything to do with titles? I seek an answer from any of you learned ladies and gentlemen. No hurry!

  27. Milingo is was a priest then archbishop for many years. Within those years, didnt he see those wrongs today is talking about? It shows he was part of the unfaithful priests who went into priesthood with the view to gain richies but when things went against him in Rome, he went awol. People dont be blinded by Milingo.

  28. Milingo was ordained priest and later archbishop in the catholic church, of the Latin Rite, these characters are indelible, ie- cannot be taken away from him,(that could be why even catholic authorities continue to address him as archbishop-now honourary), but after his excomunication, ( which he incurred by latae sententiae- meaning incurred automatically by his or ones acts against laid down rules )his faculties(powers) of ministerial priesthood,and as bishop(official and valid powers to perform religious rites/acts/ceremonies in the name of the said catholic church, or simply even if he was not a bishop in this church,simply by by ex-communication,means he is no longer member nor neither,

  29. a valid priest or bishop in the catholic church.Question would be what about what he does outside the church like a catholic priest or bishop? Answer-even that, at least in the mind of the catholic church is invalid. Other things beyond this point are within his freedom.
    Failing to live by ones vows,(whether as priest or married person is firstly a painful experience because you just dont hurt yourself, but others/spouse and God-(I am sure #s 17 to 26 0n this blog attest to this.

  30. let us not condemn one another neither should Archbishop Milingo use as arsenal the weaknesses of his former church to climb to a pedestal. Of course,trully in all this what is trully valid and of God will persist. We have to build on the truth, and for you on this blog who are christians or trying to become one, the truth is in Christ Jesus-his words and actions, are there to guide us.

  31. Thanks; but last part missing-Let me try to refrase what I wrote: Basically, the additional information was that,Milingo incurred his excommunication by his act of ordaining married priests as bishops,who,were of no good standing with the church,and and at least at that time not beacause of his marriage to Maria Sung-that in itself, as Catholic Bishops are not to marry would just be another issue.Though he was later,( now)to sing about marriage Vs priesthood.For one thing celibacy,(though with many mishaps like in marriage)is voluntary and not imposed by the catholic church.He is a beneficially of this freedom,(left and married,though not supposed to as a bishop)but still so as a free being.

  32. #36, apologies to LT, by retrieve( as they were not showing) I meant publish my articles. Thanks all, and good reading.

  33. well! well! Dounku #8, which congregation do you go to? what are you doing in london? or may be you are just in kanyama old and you want to show off. Now listern the bible i read may be for you read a diff one says if you are condemned on earth you are also condemned in heven(could a church goer out there expalin this to me). Milingo has failed to cope with the catholic regulations so why shld he claim to be one of them. Let him open his own church then no one will call him all those names coz we’ll know that he belongs to the astray church.

  34. There is some truth in what Milingo is advocating for but more needs to be brought to light for the sake of Peace because it seems the devil has really taken advantage of this situation. Those priests that feel they can no longer holder the desire for a woman (or man) should renounce their vows and join one which allows marriage. God wasnt foolish when he made Adam and Eve and said “kazazeni dziko” May be that is one reason why our population of Zambia is that compared to one known compund in China.

  35. this is the REAK kiki and someone is posting under my name, sorry people but im not the one who wrote those foolish things and i haven’t signed on for almost a week.

  36. i meant REAL kiki, someone with a lot to say has taken my name, i’ll have to think of a new one or maybe i’ll be kiki nambala 1

  37. @ KIKI…

    You’ve hit the bulls eye,

    Human weakness shall always exist,even among married people,christians pastors etc,

    The emphasis should be on self control (and character) of one self,whether in a state of marriage or bachelorhood(or spinsterhood even).

    I thus repeat my question,how many married folk are faithfull to their spouses and vows,

    Would our erstwhile Ex Arch Bishop have been faithful to his marriage vows,had he opted for marriage(instead of priest hood) say some forty years ago?….can someone guarentee that

    Therefore purporting marriage as a nostrum to self control (or the lack of it) is nothing but folly,the issue is still sef control.

  38. @28
    Man u sound to be childish and wish washy. U don’t seem to be thinking b4 u speak. All you are doing is using ur emotions. I wonder how intellectual u are! Grow up and get thinking!

  39. Many people who are commenting on this issue know nothing other than making pollution with their noise. They say action follows a being, you can only know a being by studying its activities. So Milingo’s activities shows us who he is. He was a priest for many years but just because he lost his faith, to day has became an enemy of the church. People use your reason and intellect. Milingo is a lost sheep, help him to find where he belongs. the door is open for you. You are a priest in an alien world.

  40. Any Catholic man aspiring to become a Catholic Priest and knows that he cannot stand a life without sex (Celibacy) must NOT go on to becoming one. I think knowingly getting into priesthood and then breaking the vows taken is wrong and must not be entertained.

    Milingo knew that he would not stand celibacy right from the beginning. So he should not have gone on to become a priest and later on a Bishop of Lusaka. I am saddened that people with their faculties are getting into situations that they know are not sustainable.

    This is the same for our Politicians. They should not get into politics where the primary motive is to serve the community and country and yet abandon this ideal and become

  41. Milingo is a lost sheep. Take it or leave it.

    In fact,I have closely followed the comments of my learned Eagle-One, Machete, Bicklon and indeed Malaika. They have indeed done they best to guide the lost sheep(followers).

    N’way, they say, ” a stubborn fly, even follows a corpse to the grave”.

  42. ..full time dealers in stealing public resources and parcelling out national assets to friends disguised as investors or international crooks with links to foreign investment houses.

  43. #30 ,plse do your research,milingo did his spiritaul traing in chipata and later on in lusaka,not a bible clge but spiritaul training .rev dan pule earned here in the usa thats how he married that ex- of his,he is an accuotnt by my whole context and u will get it the way which church do u belong to.may be your priest can help u.

  44. Milingo, if i were you, i would open my own church and live the catholic church did your best and failed. sex is sweet ka!u ar old man!shame old man.

  45. Whether you’re a catholic priest or not sex outside marriage is a sin! The act of not sining against God is a personal decision and not aligned to any religious organisation. When a priest flunders it’s not the church that sins, but the priest. The catholic priest who wishes to engage in sex but still serve as a priest must first exit the church, get married and then join the countless churches that allow married priests. It’s as simple as that.

  46. if you have no faith in God healing you, why should man heal you in the name of God?
    So many people think they can buy a space in heaven through these earthly intercessors but all they are ddoing is buying a dream.
    why should contributions be so important to the healers?
    how much did he raise? We know he is unemployed!!!!!!!!!

  47. #44 and 45, apologies to the ‘real’ kiki, I was not aware there was another.I will find another name.

  48. Milingo do you still allow people to confess to you or direct to God? If you are pointing people to God through Jesus, the way, the truth and the life then are slowly understanding the Bible. God wants all humans to be perfect. Be ye perfect as your father in heaven is perfect. When you seen the wrongs being committed by your church, plz do not just sit and watch but do something to save your brothers and sisters. Warn them the impending dangers. Milingo saw with his own eyes just like queen of Beerhseba and Thomas. Milingo continue loving and praying for your enemies and focus on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. You shall never go wrong when you heed Jesus’ call.

  49. I’m not a catholic neither am I a protestant. I’m just a christian. You #59, is it the catholic church that’s been instructing the priests to have sex out side marriage? Priests in the catholic church are forewarned of singlehood. What more warning do they need from brothers and sisters.What wrongs are you talking about that Milingo see? Why do you want to deliberately way lay people, just to form some picture about Milingo? You’re not getting any marks with the almighty for such behaviour. The man should have just exited from the church and settled quietly in marriage. Leaving the church is not a sin. But trying to justify your action by black painting others is.

  50. The bussness which has remained today is church, next milingo will marry a new wife.

  51. @#28. The Intelligent, I don’t think it’s worth my time to respond to moronic *****s like you. Your own language best describes you more than I can ever hope to. Clearly it must be very tiring for your small head to be carrying aroundthat large brain of yours!

  52. #60 The Catholic Church does not allow priest to marry neither does it encourage them commit any sin. BUT we have seen some of the priest being involved in adultery/fornication and others even contracting HIV/AIDS. it is in those lines I am saying that it is better get married rather than have children outside marriage. I believe you are very ignorant of what I know and even what Milingo knows. It is not good to be an impostor or behaving like a Pharisee wanting those high places and yet carrying a heavy log on you. You have never heard of a sister who has been pregnanted by a fellow Catholic priest # 60? I leave everything to God who cannot be mocked. You shall reap what you sow.

  53. #62 So called Eagle-one.Dont try to pollute this site with ur incorrigible contributions.Your behaviour shows that u must be a scavenger in the US-an illegal immigrant working like a slave id.iot.Waba ukwikala muma studio apartments.If u want to take this contribution personal i will do it.

  54. @ MS…#63

    The catholic church does indeed forbid its priests and nuns to marry but it does ALLOW them to:

    1.Leave or opt out of celibacy if and when they can’t cope with the pressures it comes with

    2.To not take the vow of celibacy altogether,even after spending considerable amounts of time in seminaries and convents,

    Married christians can still:

    1.Have children outside marriage

    2.Contract HIV

    3.Commit adultery,fornication,sodomy,incest,bestiality,prostitution etc

    I hope the above simplifications make it easier for you to ingest and digest.

    Pleasant reading

  55. I know of a number of nuns that have been having sexual relations with some of my buddies….and I even had one too!let’s get of hiding and live reality.

  56. the point is what eagle eye says. clubs, institutions, societies, churches all have rules which anyone who wants to be member should abide by. the catholic church does not force celibacy, it is a CHOICE people make. and if those people who choose later find they cant live with the choice they made, it would be honourable for them to leave the establishment and do what they want. ceibacy requires discipline which i know very few humans can achieve. priests who engage in secret sex are those who went in for econonomic reasons and NOT for the COMMITMENT to God’s work. all those ex priests, i applaud you courage to leave but be BRAVE enough to admit you were to weaknesses. you are human too

  57. and the beauty of being human is that you have the right to change your mind about something whenever you feel your life does not support your values. Else whats the point of having mind you cannot change?
    calling for the church to allow priests to marry aint no solution. even married pastors have been found commitming adultery and molesting women and children. Gentlemen, DISCIPLINE, is the key.And very few of you men, esp in Z bother to learn and develop it. you prefer the easy ways of plundering.
    am not a catholic, let alone religious, but i respect people or institutions who stand for thier beliefs and values.

  58. sorry other kiki but these blog people cabn be so abusive when they don’t like what u write and someone said you were moronic or something stupid like that, i actually don’t think the things u said were foolish 🙂

  59. ANYWAY what type of ‘archbishop’ or whatever you call him can’t even respect the rules of the institution he belongs to?

    submission to authority is something christ spoke about in no uncertain terms.

    the fact that milingo can not or will not obey the most paramount rule of catholism should tell you A LOT about him.

    whether the rule is right or wrong, or whether people break it anyway is open for discussion. the fact that as a man of god, he ought to respect regulations, that is NOT negotiable.

    • why does milingo insist in working as a catholic priest yet he has failed to suit the terms and conditions set before them.

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