The Levy Mwanawasa bridge across the Luapula River in Chembe has been officially commissioned.
Acting President, Rupiah Banda, commissioned the bridge which was constructed by a Chinese firm at a cost of forty Six billion Kwacha.
The project was funded by the Zambian government.
And speaking when he commissioned the bridge on Saturday, Mr. Banda said the project will play an important role in the development of the region.
Mr. Banda said the bridge provides a vital link between the Coppebelt and Luapula provinces.
He said the project opens an avenue for people in these areas to engage in profitable business activities.
Mr. Banda thanked the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo for its support towards the construction of the bridge.
He said the cooperation demonstrates the desire of the two countries to provide quality infrastructure to their people.
I’m first
Looks beautiful. Thanks to the Chinese Government for the handwork and the Zambian government for putting to good use tax payers monies.
# 1 judging by two words you have written, I’ll count myself as number 1. Check the time difference.
“Acting President, Rupiah Banda, commissioned the bridge which was constructed by a Chinese firm at a cost of forty Six billion Kwacha”.
RB 72, your dreams have come true by riping what you did not sow.
I wish LPM was there, this could have been the right moment.RB 72 you think you a super star by giving your brother in-law the keys for the landy and house and now it is a bridge you have commissioned?
Vote for H H he will build Zed further than this.You will be proud of HH a man of ideas + +
now they what that fresi fisi nama bwanga to get to cb in time.a bemba niofuta
The bridge can be called LPM bridge without debate in honour of the initiator and late President as per Zambia african tradition of remembering/honouring the dead. Withhidsight those taht were callit LPM bridge before the man died were actaully “nudging” him to his grave. MHSRIP.Now someone tar the pedicle road.
So the bridge is finaly named after LPM, good reading! I hope there will some Rupiah Bwezani Banda University or Hospital…but I have my doubts. Hey you guys in Zed, give me honest opinion, who is likely to win? USA seems set for Obama!
I want to believe that HH is who is the best for Zambia. Don’t support RB and I don’t have good reasons other then what I read in the media.
But saying that he is reaping what he did not sow may be a bit premature at the point. Someone had to commission the bridge. When and if he decides to take the credit then we can attack him mercilesly. But as of now, unfortunately for some of us, he is the acting President.
#8 RB is winning whether we like it not…mark my words
LT the flag on my comments makes me sick, i love my mother Zed flag i was taught at school.
Vote for H H he will construct a bridge from kwa habour to Kalabo in the Western province through the Chinese.
RB that was not your job cause you were not there when they diducted our tax first of all you have to thank the people of zambia for paying tax before you brag about your self
2. Why congratulate the Chinese government? The report says the Zambian government funded the project which was carried out by a Chinese firm.
RB should not use vthe bridge for campaigns in Luapula. He has no idea as to Levy was thingabout that bridge. Ask him a simple question as to what Mwanawasa’s vision was, RB will go to sleep 4ever.
vj knows the winner o red he did it last time he knows how to make 1 a pres he has been paid o red to do the job.i hope mdc in zim shud hire him to win the eretions
Acting President Rupiah Banda has disclosed that United Party for National Development Hakainde Hichilema allegedly solicited for a Government position in exchange for his support for the MMD presidential candidate.
Mr Banda revealed that Mr Hichilema allegedly approached him soon after veteran politician Vernon Mwanga announced his support for him to strike an agreement.
He said Mr Hichilema called him a day after Mr Mwaanga advised the MMD to adopt the acting President to contest the presidential election.
He said Mr Hichilema even went to see him in the presence of Monze member of Parliament Jack Mwiimbu and two ladies.
Mr Banda revealed that Mr Hichilema allegedly told him that time had come for like-minded people to work together.
He said his initial thought was that Mr Hichilema had decided not to contest the presidential election and that he was probably going to support him.
Mr Banda said instead he was surprised when Mr Hichilema allegedly wanted to strike a political agreement with him that would have seen Mr Hichilema earning a Government position after the October 30 election.
hey guys who are in USA,kumagalande,what eve, y dont u visit your country durling holidays like other countries do but ba zambia nga baya ni rest in piece.ni TPS ishupa ka money. if u cant make it come back.
The gvt should also consider replacing the railway bridge at KAFUE b4 lives are lost
#17, we are used to such fabricated stories from the MMD, they even feature pictures of LPM’s funeral on campaign stories just to cheat people that their rallies were well attended. Your story is fake because at the time VJ endorsed RB, Mangande was the front runner being backed by the first lady.
My Bro, we are too inteligent to be fooled!
19. Maybe its your relatives and friends that dont visit the motherland!
#19 You’re lucky the Zulus didn’t do justice to you. It doesn’t mean that if your relatives and friends don’t visit Zed then everyone doesn’t. Besides people have different plans.
# 15 VJ was hired by Mugabe in March to rig those elections but he failed even in zed this time he will fail in JESUS’ NAME.
Its more than two months now that the contractor the work on Chipata-Lundazi, they are just grading the entrance to RB’s farm. Improve the road to Lundazi!
# 13 aka Rogue Trade. . . my message reads for the Chinese Government for the “handwork” and the Zambian government for putting to good use tax payers monies.
#21 continue masturbating in your poverty of knowledge
even you ka namba 22 y r gt
number 22 y re u guity
#17 You mean you didn’t see HH’s response to that? That is a bogus story my friend and don’t even waste your time by thinking in those lines. Banda is just trying to gain some support in at least one province which he has lamentably failed so far. There is no province he can boast as being an MMD strong hold. Meanwhile, it is viva HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
28. What did the Chinese government do? Do you mean handiwork?
The new Levy Patrick Mwanawasa bridge looks nice. Congrats to the govt and to the Chinese firm. I hope that, since the bridge is completed, the govt will tarmac the dusty, rough pedicle road. Viva Zambia.
All those against Fred will see come November 1 we shall hunt you down and expose your dealings. we know how to get you unless you are using the internet cafe? we shall just check your IP address and nail you. I hope your dealings are legal.You insults will take you nowhere i have even stopped browsing the LT it is full of childish men and women.!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the correction. Handiwork.
kusilakwacobra . blogspot . com
30,31. Why should i be guilty? You just cant substantiate your comment.
# 25 what plans ka money a problem.you have failed to make it THERE now nisoni naka guity that nis y u answering me.just come BACK AND FIND WORK IN ZENDI much better than being there for nothing. KANSASHI IS CALLING
we need one joining botswana and livingstone…my truck nearly fell into the river off that bloody pontoooon!!!!!!!
#26 VJ did fail in zim mugabe is stil pres.he planed the all thing niecely the kenya way is the latest.he knows how to do that one two.
#8 Engineer
Zambia is set for Sata
Sata refused to feature on MISA on the pretx that Zncb are not covering him well but HH dispite Znbc not covering him well he featured on the programmed and presented his party’s manisfesto to the electrorates,so what does Sata fear?
Hope those who have voters card will vote wisely. Please we dont want another funeral so soon. Hve u seen how sata is. Dead man walking
#8 feel this election can go either way.HH of late he has been gaining lot of ground.
comrades regardless of the bridge we should just change
the government for our own sake……its healthy to keep changing
ruling parties and presidents after 10 years, this will help the country greatly…in my grave i feel pity for those zambians who are
being bribed or being promised jobs if RB WINS…..mind you your VOTE
is secret….all those who are saying that they have endorsed RB are doing so in their personal capacity….come 30 octb..NIMUBWATOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
#44 i saw him when he was being interviewed by Mutubila.He is not the Sata of 2006,his vibrancy is gone.Throughout the interview,it was ,first of all and history.
Check this out for some enlightened reading on the forthcoming elections:
#46 great points but i wish u were not dead to see that the man u are advising us to vote for is not well.The job of president is very demanding so it needs someone who is physically fit and health.The only one who suits this is HH,miyanda has no following a vote on him is a vote wasted.
Viva Sakwiba.We need men with No vision,principles and integrety like you.
Rome was not built in a day, so they say……..Slowly things are happening in Zed. Congrats tax payers……
# 6 Iwe ku Luapula takwaba aba Bemba, ninshi kanshi?
imwe RB has to be rejected pa 30th october. He is corrupt bad kind and has sidelined Magande. I align myself with the POST. Pabwatooooo
#48 so sata collapsed again after his nomination? true? my president will end up dying
#55 sata is not well, see picture on the website in #48. real very sad for PF but good for Zambia
This is the dream come true for the people of Luapula Province. I m proud that I have seen the dream come true. In the UNIP era it was a nightmare to travel to Luapula democracy can work. I thank the GOVT of the Republic of Zambia. Bamwana Mayo awileni utumpundu ubunonshi bwafika ku calo cabusaka. No longer tubulu nomba nipa bulalo.
ZEDIANS, good to note that you have already forgotten that three weeks ago you were calling the CHINESE all sorts of names. Now majority of you are praising them. These guys can do a better job but we must emphasise that suppervision, control, firmness be excerted on them for any other projects or investment they have to do in Zambia. As for me, i can only say thumbs up to the Late LPM for the good job.
#58, for the first time i have agreed with your comment.These chaps usually their product is not all that good,but, under supervision they can perfom wonders,see how they did the railways.
Thanks # 26 we need more of you.
# 58 we need leadership that will control them, all the electronics i have bought lately are from china, HP, Sony, Trendnet even LG or Samsung, even if you get Nike sports shoes they come from China, but the crop of chinese pipo we get in Zambia seem to be ex-convicts even the chinese stuff that is imported into zambia you wont find it else where, ultra low quality thats why we need leadership that wont smile at them when they are wrong.
#61 you know the problem is that from 2006 t0 date alot of registered voters have died,so this guys can capitalize on these votes.Make sure that all you PEOPLE involved in monitoring the elections have enough rest dont give them chances. Bumper to bumper bane, twacula pafula.
While ! the bridge looks very impressive it has ideed a good architectural design,how i wish such projects continue in other parts of the country where poor bridge infrastructures lead to people being cut off from the rest of the country expecially in rain season.This one yena mwachaya abena Rb and the late LPM
As a person who started crossing the pontoon since I was 7 I am very glad to see the bridge constructed. Brovo LPM (MHSRIP). Unfortunately, I will not vote for MMD.We need change.
This project is done. We want to know what’s next?
Come October 30, vote Pabwato
The bridge looks sexy
The young man seems to be coming up very well. He seems to be giving MMD some sleepless nights. Watch his step as he moves to State House.
Some of you on this forum are just dreamers!!!HH and Satan have no place in our small democracy….I can give some benefit of doubt on HH for the 2011 elections. Ba satan bena balwisha pafula nangu nikagelo kuti wasanga kalyupwa kumbi..with that nonsense of cheating pipo ati more money in your pockets…..sha where will it get the money? In Zimbabwe pipo have more money in their pocket but nothing to buy with it. Surely, I wont need plenty money which will have nothing to buy, these are very old politics of eating an egg every day which we never did. Guys lets be aware of liars like sata….PAKOLOKO CHABE
Thanks for the bridge.but ifwe ni pa pwato
Sata is a leader he didnt refuse to future on znbc.Come 1st NOVEMBER,2008.He will address the Nation as president of Zambia.so dont worry of him he dont want to start misusing znbc like MMD`s rb.
Can my bemba colleagues agree with me that Mwanawasa was a better leader than Chiluba. Look at how beautiful this bridge is. Even the Kabokes can now play music in Luapula and return to bed in Zaire in the morning. How foolish was Chiluba not to realise the value of infrastructural development. Vote RB and the railway line will be completed. Now you can even afford to sell your fish in Katanga. Well done LPM and viva continuity with RB. No abusive language and no yapping without thinking like SATA.
Hey guys lets wokeup,these politicians always tells lies.why dont we go for some one how can change things.He was once a minister for health and we so what he did,why dont we try him with his experiance.
lupiar banda is a dreamer a failure for that matter.He fails in every thing He touches.He failed in this to keep the loot he had and sold his ndola house and ran for the village,if not for the late LPM I dont know what could have happened to him.
#75, what experience are you talking about? Experience of quarrelling and shouting. Sata cannot mange his 42 MPs and do you expect him to manage 12 million Zambians? Let us be serious – Sata is the most useless human being I have ever known. Vote RB and later vote for the real man Chirwa in 2011. Think positive and give jobs to people can do it.
congrats, great milestone. Big project, always thank the contractor because they can make life difficult by claiming all sorts of delays especially now when price of steel is very volatile and the biggest users are the chinese themselves.
Well done. Hopefully next will be Bigger airports in each of the major cities or new hospitals at 46Billion Kwacha that should do. How much did the cancer hospital in Lsk cost?.
Unfortunately, on the election front, I think RB will win. Sata or HH would be better because a GNU would be forced and that would be more productive as each party will be trying to score points.
was joseph kabila at the official opening of the bridge? if not, it was serious snub on mr rupiah banda by a neighbouring president. not a goo sign for our former diplomat acting prezza. it is either kabila does not trust him or the name mwanawasa bridge is already causing consternation.
I have built a new toilet at my farm and I have put a TV in it and named it Felowrick Kiluba. That is how low I think of FTJ.
K46 bn is a lot of money I hope this bridge will still be standing in 50 years’ time. Chinese infrastructure (outside china) is not something to reckon with. However, its good to see the transport infrastructure being developed pa Zed. Thumbs up for tax payers via LPM.
#79 This project was funded by Zambian tax payers so we have every right to give it a name. I think the Congolese should be charged a toll fee every time they use the bridge
I agree with you #70. Even mulongoti wants to be Veep, what a joke? That bastard for a veep?
this is just to show you that zambia can do. levy had a will to finish this project. otherwise we have the money its just the direction and priority we lack. even the crop of presi hopefulls none is impressive. kuvotela chabe.
Even if you commission the bridge now as your campaign stratedge, ni pa bwato chabe…
Someone tell me why and why why why why why and did Sata leave Chiluba at the last minute. Can you guys imagine, even the untrusted ka Chiluba never wanted to trust Sata even though he was there when the shortie was envying 3rd term. How can we trust that chap? No ways Ni PANKOLOKO CHABE ….pf MWAJAMA BANE
Would you put control of the Army and Police in the hands of a man that has paid and armed thugs to use physical force against innocent citizens?
Would you entrust our democracy and constitution to a man that has been the head of his party for 7 years without being elected and who has openly advocated the amendment of the constitution to remove Presidential term limits?
Would you entrust the Economy to a man that does not have the educational training or background to understand modern solutions to modern problems?
Would you entrust the reigns of power to a man who has no consistent position on anything?
Would you entrust our foreign policy to a man who’s abrasive style and xenop
I called many people in Zed and they all think RB will win!! HH is just out of picture. Sata is just a non-starter. H might just pull a surprise. I just feel pity on Sata! Had he been wise, hand being a Tanzanian, he should have supported HH, and not vise -versa, so that the young man could appoint him as vice abd adviser. Kwasila Baba, bye byee Sata!!! So sorry!!
I called many people in Zed and they all think RB will win!! HH is just out of picture. Sata is just a non-starter. However, HH might just pull a surprise. I just feel pity on Sata! Had he been wise, and Sata being a Tanzanian, he should have supported HH, and not vise -versa, so that the young man could appoint him as vicepresident and adviser. Kwasila Baba, bye byee Sata!!! So sorry!!
Excellent points #87.
This one is funny – HH stands for Humwine Hukaivotele!!
ba shushu #88, 87 you are disturbing the blog leave sata alone. your language confirms sata is popular and a threat. no normal person can go for rb. unless he supports juvenile delinquency by marrying small girls, corruption, bribery. for me i see only three credible men, sata hh miyanda. these allegations border on jealousy, envy and suspicion but banda even children being taught child abuse knows ati bana faula bamdala. even small lukuku knows ati bauseless. villaders know ati ni sugar daddy.
sata is ugly, he could win mr. ugly universe.
Too much talk talk talk…
Why this nonsense LT? Cannot post my items, are you blocking me?
Iwe kolokombwa #74! Learn to appreciate schupit! Chiluba gave your lazy dad free housin,changed the way you travel,allowed u to cross borders with any amount of cash.before that,you were smelly smugglers(stealin cooking oil and sugar from trucks goin to zaire) Chiluba gave you mwanawambwa! Most of us on this blog are abroad because of kadoli! Lets clap for him.! FTJ INSTITUTE FOR POLITICAL ENGINEERING.
Copuntrymen, Would you honestly entrust our foreign policy to a man who’s abrasive style and xenophobic attitudes will most likely to cause tension with our international partners? Would you entrust the taxing job of the Presidency to a man who had a severe heart attack less than 7 months ago? Please let us not vote Sata!!! Zambians it is important you make a wise and informed decision! Countrymen, lets be real and objective, let us vote for national unity and development. A Vote for HH is a vote for a prosperous Zambia. VOTE HH!
#74 you must be a coward and a letdown in life! Who are you trying to impress with your i.d? Your post lacks utility. Big up to #96, though one name must read Mwanawasa
So now what happens to the ill fated pontoons on the Luapula river? Any one knows?
#8. Engineer, Sata has the biggest crowds wherever he gos and he seems to have the most genuine supporters. Rigging for the MMD is going to be hard this time around and so Sata may just nick it. Rupiah “Potato” as kaponya’s are calling him is not selling himself with issues but just innuendos and insinuations. This may come back to haunt him.
# 34. Ukulanda kwisha mweo, did you mean “tar the road”? Aka sungu mudala. Ta mwabelengele Jelita and Mulenga?
I think Zambians are wise voters! If they vote for a donkey or snake and the majority of them do so, then let it be, because the majority of Zambians will have spoken. I dont think a normal ordinary Zambian, except for marketeers or thieves, would vote for aperson who can plunge our country into chaos. We in diaspora do note vote and are helples, hence, we can just express our wishes. We just wish our kinsmen and friends in Zambia well and hope that they will use their powerful weapon of voting to chose a leader who will steer Zambia in the right direction of economic growth and prosperity. Thre is no fear, the mahjority of Zambians will vote for the right candidate among thefour !!
#101 you’ve reminded me of primary school!!
Excuse my naivity, but is Jelita a Zambian or Western name?
next headline……
Ruphiah flashes the toilet.
#103. Princess, London, Jelita is very much Zambian bakalamba. More in the lines of Milika and Malita though the latter is a corruption of Martha. Those were the days mudala when bread was superloaf, UBZ buses had phases like renault, tata, Dubrava (sp), Neoplan (sp) etc. Kiola and local softies like Tarino, Tip top are others were luxuries and candy floss was only eaten once during the Show. Nshima eaten nama potatoes, Mosi had no name etc.
103. I dont think Jelita is a Zambian name. I suspect it was made up. However, a Polish court of arms was named Jelita and there is a place in Singapore called Jelita. That stuff was crazy. Remember how our teachers taught us to mispronounce Mulenga?
check out mg.co.za (Mail and Guardian)
105. Interesting analogy. What name do you think it was derived from?
#101 you are funny.
It is a Zambian name just like Longwani (from Long One), Saladi etc. So albeit made-up, it is Zambia because it is unique to Zambia.
Rogue Trader, have you emailed me?
#105, yes those were the days, but remember that Mosi came in two type Muchinga and another one I can’t remember, help me out?
Ba Ole. Been trying to figure you out.
Munkoyo, thanks.
We used to read a nyanja book as well and it went something like this:
awa ndi Lida ndi Makanja.
Lida ndi Makanja wa va kabudula ka mwana ko kowela
I used to find that hillarious!!
#112. Kamunu Wa Milili – Muyoyange mukulyange. Mosi was originally with no name save for the ZB logo we called “Z” Kamutengo “B” due to the Corn in the logo which looked like a small tree. Then later is had a label which simply said “Beer”. When Muchinga came, there must have been Kariba too. Niyocha kahobe pili, kashimani kanalolo kanisweli.
#114 – kabudula ko biliwila?
#113. Rogue Trader – you were right about my initials and I said email me on [email protected] then I can give you my real contacts later. Just let me your identity so I know who the brother is but true I am OSS and using my nickname from school, Ba Ole.
something like that. ma nyuku nyuku ba ne ba bata fela kuli lu itute fela mishobo ya bona. amuboni kambe neli si kololo kambe ni sa hupula
Bo Munkoyo, luitumezi malena, I guess I do not back that far.
#8. People in Zambia are saying King Cobra will definitely win. I am aqlso asking the same question whenever I phone Zambia.
#44 Charmer. No one can avoid a funeral (death), whereever one may be. In fact no one knows when he/she is dying. Young or old. Don’t be suprised if you start dying in the next 10 minutes.
As Long as they all say AIR MUKWAI
Need a powerful Zedian guy, call me on 0977..77..
#100 Munkoyo – That’s excellent news if Sata is attracting giagantic crowds. But then “potato” is surrounded by veteran riggers and a political engineer. Do you think the cobra will manage to fight his way around these chaps? I wish this boy HH had agreed to team up with Sata and work under him as V.P. Believe me no rigger under the sun would have beaten this tag team.
#96 and #98, I think you are both crazy. Do you think I am the type that lives in Council houses when Zambia has so much land for farms? You must know that Chiluba was irresponsible and gave away Council houses he never built. Now, young civil servants are having to live in shanty compounds because of Chiluba;s foolsihness. Wake up and dont support fools like Chiluba and Sata. Admire people like HH who have earned their money through hard work. Stupid natolafye syndrome has destroyed Zambia. Vote RB or HH and Zambia can prosper.
123 Ulikuti iwe? Bwela kuno uone ati yaima. Are you 28 years old thereabouts?
That is tax payer’s money. So, thanks to the Zambian people
The stupid fellows had refused to name the bridge after Levy before he died. I guess they are Satana supporters. HH supprters a civilised.
#124 touchwood . . . all net and no rim, basket. Well said and I won’t add or subtract.
#118. Princess, London – Bomukwaye munyezwi?
i used to support sata but age has got him he need to retire we dont need another malilo ku state house he cant finish 2terms he is a sick person.let him give chance to young ones there is o red hamprey sialwapa waitng to pres
I am older than Sata iwe and I am 72 years old. What is you point iwe? Sata is just okay.
Am the only villager with a Laptop
Am the only villager with a Laptop
#131 Death is not about AGE or AIDS , a friend died in Mpongwe just last week in a fatal road accident,so Sata might out live you.
Am the only villager with a Laptop
#131 Death is not about OLD AGE or AIDS , a friend died in Mpongwe just last week in a fatal road accident,so Sata might out live you. he was born in 1971 just imagine
#133. Village man, I am the second.
why duplicate ba LT?
#124. Weza, you still interested in proof of travel? Email me at [email protected] so I can show you proof.
Ba ole Dnt show Katele Kalumba.
Ba Ole. Just sent you mail.
#140. Rogue Trader, email not received yet but will wait.
To understand “The Problem of Political and Electoral Apathy among the Youth in Zambia” check my post on the my blog at youthhivaidsinzambia . blogspot . com
#130 eni sha mukulwange lu nyezwi
# 143. Princess, London – nalila mane. Nenili nifumani.
Bo Munkoyo, mu sike mwa itoboha. Ni ka mi batela ka lanjo ka mukuwa
#145. Princess, London – inilati mukowa. Neninani mukuwa mwa bupilo bwaka before. Get in touch somehow.
Sata is already taking his body country wide for body viewing. Bayashi ba Sata.
#146 amunife email ya mina sha
I know this RB should not be president at all cost. Ba
Sata ink seem to little to comprehend economics and dynamics in the development of zambia. Vote HH
#148. Princess, London – Kamuso. Pili nikwalule ya private yenikona kubeya fa fa LT. Kapa mukwalule ye ncha then muni beyele ona fa.
#150 kiye yeni kwaluzi [email protected]
Kamuso nikang’ola. Mulobale sinde bomukwaye.
Ba Ole – no need to prove your vast travels. I believe you my brother. Let’s put this thing to rest. Now I want to hear your views on Sata. If Sata misses this chance, do you honestly think he should continue with politics?
Princess expect an e-mail from me as well. One Zambia one nation.
#153 Weza, my views on Sata tomorrow when I have time so we can analyse issues. Meanwhile have a look at my blog post on youth apathy and give a comment. Check #142
Excellent,now we can get to our village within a few hours,it used to take the whole day using other routes & i hated the pontoon.
Yebo Princess London a Munkoyo mwatalika kuyandana?
Atase, kanshi Ba Ole ndiwe ka Oliver. Chikamba iwe monk. We were together at UNZA but I can’t exactly remember what happened to you in third year. If you’re able to remember how St Raphaels hammered Hilcrest boys at the Jets fair in Kalomo in 1991 (I guess), then you know who Iam.
Fellow bloggers, this gentleman has for sure travelled. If there is any of you still doubting him, I’m here to enlighten you.
Iwe Oliver ndiwe Munkoyo and Ba Ole at the same time. I know how you operate monk iwe.
RB has promised to work on having the pedicle tarred but has stated that at the same time the Tuta Road should be maintained so that Luapula has two main road routes. Surely we cannot fault that.
Imwe bantu RB is the stabiliser not the real deal. Voyttebn Clivve Chirwa. mwaatelelelam makani ka,
sata says zambians should brace themselves for war if he loses.has he vindicated the old man kk,when he said zambians should not trust sata with presidecy…………he is a chancer a vicious poison.
#4. Livingstone ,
Your thinking is extremely negative, why dont you imagine that if your HH was in power he would do the same.
What did you want RB to do, refuse to commission?
Indeed LPM was a great man, even after his death his fruits still follow. He was truely a good leader i wonder why i did vote for him in 2006. May his soul rest in perfect peace. LPM bridge will be of great help to both the pipo of CB and Luapula.
Honourable Kampembwa ensure that the road also is tarred, i know you are a very hard working man. One of LPM`s best. Keep up the good work.
158. Weza, that Jets quiz was rigged if you remember. ‘Ethene’ was pronounced as ‘Ethane’ by the judge and ‘Carbolic Acid’ was taken as wrong. Those two were correct and we should have won by 2 points. Such is life. Is this B?
we need so many of such
Don’t think Sata can deliver any thing to the Zambians. Yesterday he was cheating people in Kanchibiya that he will give free fertilizer to the old people and the widows those are just stories. I think a stupid Zambian can vote Sata thinking that he deliver free fertilizer that is rubbish. Zambian government meets its budget through donation from european countries where Sata is going to find that money to give free fertilizer, and he is not farmer himself. He also cheated people yesterday in Mpika that he is going to build school every after ten kilometers kwena Sata walipena bushe napa mpanga ninshi kulakulapo ama sukulu kanshi taulimutuntulu. Mwebena Zambia ngamulimashilu vote Sata ulangi
Sata nalanga ubushilu kale. Zambian if you see a person giving alot of promises know that those are just lies. People in Mpika don’t be cheated by Sata. You have to remember that time he was Mp for Mpika central he promised to improve the water system which he failed. Mutamfyenifye lishilu.
Viva and Bravo to the M.M.D Govt, pliz continue. Build more bridges where and when it is expedient.
#114 Princess, you ve really reminded me of the hey days in Chipata. I really used to like the Chicewa. When I was in grade 4, infact RB was in the Governor for Chipata and the MCC was mama Kankasa. Do you remember the chisokone thing when we could queue for the president. Agogo………… and amai asenza msuko pa mutu.
SATA also told people in Kasama that he would build a rail line connecting TAZARA in Nakonde through Kaputa via Chembe bridge up to Mufulira on the copperbelt. To me that is day dreaming and buiding castles in the air. SATA is full of impossibilities and lies. He is not fit for presidence.
You have talked a lot. Now go to page 12 of today’s Post.I told u yesterday. Police have swang into action. We have evidence MMD buying off voters cards in Chishimba area of Kasama. Money is exchanging hands at a very fast rate in MMD. Stinking corruption all meant to rig elections.
Monks don’t just talk, and job! We scan. Pabwato!
If by mistake you vote for MS, he’ll call for another 3rd term for himslf,yes it’s true. Make a wise decision, vote HH
RB, oh no, the man has no morals.
1. very corrupt
2. no intergrity
3. inconsistency in his campaign statements
4. married to a teenager wife
5. he has no idea on what he could do to alleviate poverty as said by himself in Livingstone. Why want some mileage from commissioning the brigde?
ka #44 , mind your language………..if you wish death upon others, am afraid you are calling for your own grave……….are you God? Do you know God’s purpose for Sata in Life???????????? manners ulibe
May the best candidate win………….whether RB, HH or Sata……….you can talk all you want but come plot 1, either one of them will go and you will remaing yeaping for life and that wont change
iwe chi no 18 do not condemn the post, they knew chi rb was using the occasion to solicity for votes
no 105 mukoyo you are good .i feel u. bebe
bana no 171- suntwe thats what we refer to as thinking big,not donating sugar
ftj and kk have advised bembas
For those of you on the other side of the world let me tell u a few things.
1. Hichilema. 21MP’s, 20 of those from S.Province. His govt would consist of 20 southern MPs, its not national. He simply doesn’t have national coverage.
2. In 2006 Sata had policies we could relate to. Zambians owning businesses in Zambia, Chinese rearing chickens out. In 2008 the same man is seen hugging Chinese labourers working on a road. A complete U turn.
3. RB. I hate MMD, but today here and now, our prospects look good. There are more jobs, out there and there is money in my pocket. Look on the streets of Lusaka, new rides everywhere. 2 words economic boom.
Vote for Fred Mmembe, why not consider the crazy bored head. His a lawyer and can make a very good president for the new UNIP.
Opinion Pall
Mmembe 96%
Sata 2
RB 1.9
HH 1.1
Mmembe, Mmembe
Soon to launch our symbol.
181- You are a joker using my blog name, shame. HH will never rule Zambia. Pabwato……(and any LUSAKA CAMPUS MONK appearing to deviate from my school of thought does not represent me…he or she is fluke!) read the mood in the nation. Pabwato……Pabwato……Pabwato……Pabwato……Pabwato……Pabwato……Pabwato……Pabwato……Pabwato……Pabwato……Pabwato……Pabwato……Pabwato……Pabwato……Pabwato……Pabwato…..
PF has apprehended several MMD cadres buying voters cards, police has arrested the suspects…and everything is being documented..
PF bloggers, please read the daily papers and send Lusaka Times the news on the arrest by Police of several MMD cardes buying voters cards (by yesterday Kasama Police had received 30 cards arrested 5 suspects)…It is now news all over…read and post it on this blog…We are the CHAMPS! Please send the published news to all Patriots! Court cases await…together with cases for current looters of state funds!
well RB will win this one whether we like it or not, but come the next electins he wont.lets all wait for 2011 for real change, let this man finish off what LPM started
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