Monday, March 31, 2025

Chingola copper smelter to be comissioned


Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) is expected to fully commission its Chingola copper smelter, in Zambia, this month, following delays caused by technical hitches, a company official says.

The new smelter uses the proven Outokumpu flash smelting technology and will handle KCM’s copper concentrate and concentrate from other copper-mining companies in Zambia.
Currently, KCM, Zambia’s largest copper producing company, is implementing the Konkola Deep mining project (KDMP), whose fourth shaft has reached its final depth of 81 m.

The shaft will be used to take miners underground and to haul copper ore to the surface.

The KDMP will be completed in 2010, with midshaft production of ore scheduled to start next year.

Completion of the smelter will increase the production capacity of the mine, which is targeting at least one-million tons of copper a year by 2010.

Meanwhile, KCM has enlisted the help of police forces from neighbouring countries in an effort to strengthen its anti- copper theft squad.

KCM communications adviser Sam Equamo says the company’s security wing is working with the Zambian police and its counterparts in neighbouring countries where copper passes on its way to global markets.

Zambia is a member of the Southern African Regional Police Chiefs Cooperation Organisation, which aims to promote cooperation in thwarting crimes with regional implications.

Zambia’s inspector-general of police, Ephraim Mateyo, last year formed an anticopper theft crack squad to specifically deal with this type of crime, which has rocked the mineral-rich Copperbelt province.

In November last year, Zambian police arrested three Chinese nationals in Ndola for the theft of copper cathode and concentrate valued at $1-million.

The copper had allegedly been stolen from KCM, which is majority-owned by London-listed Vedanta Resources plc.

Mining weekly


  1. Lets hope the LME pricing does not affect our GDP growth, hopefully China and India will continue to want more of the ores in Zambia. Uranium included.

  2. So what has happened to the chinese nationals arrested with copper worht $1m. This is a lot of money, even George Bush can stire at you if you have this kind of money. LT invetigate what hapeened to the Chinese caught??? Thats why c/belt cant vote for RB. we know they have been released. I challenge Ephraim mateyo to shed light on this. Not just day in day out threatening to persue Zambians. ACC this is a case for you. Zambians MMD out. it protects foreigners. Period.

  3. Great stuff KCM.
    I would like to remind PF (dull) cadres that HH will be subject to UPND elections at a GENERAL A S S E M B L Y (convention) and may not win the UPND presidency. So, the hallucinations about HH being President in 2011 must stop because the future is not known. Besides, only God provides life and we can not claim that we will do this in future.
    Thus, it is now for now and we will think about 2011 elections when we will be in 2011, by God’s grace.

    Countdown: 5 days 10 hours 15 minutes remaining and we are counting.
    Vote HH for you children’s sake and your future life improvement.

  4. #2 careful with your comments , this what i call being mad or something, talk sense. sata has changed his stance on the foreign investors is that not embracing the foregners. u must be sick up stairs. wakeup. viva mmd viva rb rupiah bwezani banda . plot 1.

  5. well then thats the end of HH Then he didnt even start heheehehehehehehehehe
    we dont need plunderers as President so that they finishe off zambia!!!!

  6. #6 the chinese were the last in line of this syndicate. they are the buyers and it is our zeds who are the master thieves behind this racket of copper theft.
    unfortunately only the last person ,in this case the chinks who get caught red handed with the product so it looks like they ere the ones stealing. the fact is countrymen we are the biggest and most inovative kabwalalas around. the majority of us spend our time scheming how to dribble and steal instead of putting in a few hours of hard honest work, that is why we are far. dont be too proud. go to namibia and see how a counrty shoud look and function.the final analysis is we are lazy, theives starting from the pres.

  7. This is good news. I hope we will put in as much effort to add value to the copper we get from the smelters so that we can earn more money. How is “Zamefa” doing. Are they growing? Do we have some more companies who are turning the raw smelter copper into finished products or at least near to finished products.

    In today’s Daily Mail, Felix Mutati is suggested introducing a tax on exports of copper concentrates to help motivate companies to add value to copper. Yes please let us do that if it is posibble. We get little from exporting raw copper, even worse from concentrates. The next Govt should pay attention to what Mutati said.

  8. on my way to Luapula & Cb to de-campaign SATANA and boost RB

    I will never allow SATA to rule mother Zed…over my dead body..

    Please lets dribble sata ….

    B.A (Political Eng)M.Sc (Advanced mingalato) PHD (political eng. technology0

  9. #11 Are you too dumb to write sense, too inferior to have your own mind and too cowardly to speak for yourself? After all it’s FJT and not FTJ, wasoba?

  10. Countdown: 5 days 5 hours 50 minutes remaining and we are counting.

    Vote for HH for a real ray of Chnage and Hope that all Zambians can believe and trust in. vote for your children’s future. Vote for economic independence

    To this end, I ask RBB and MMD to quickly endorse HH for Zambian President. Munkombwe was quoted as saying the Sata may win if MMD makes a single or simple mistake. So, MMD stand up for what is right. It is not too late for RBB to infrom the Nation through ZNBC TV and radio with Times of Zambia together with Zambia Daily Mail that let all vote for HH.

    May you all Zambians have a great weekend. I am leaving for a SABBATH recess. Thank you all for you support.

  11. #5, Maestro Hhehhehhehhe , your flag is against you. Beside thank you for showing us that PF cadres and their leader Sata have no originarity in what they do by are bent on pilfering other people’s work.
    #5 you are shamefully plagiarising my LT blog name through your high speed dubbing (copying) of 99% of my work and it is interesting that your unelected and undereducated PF owner Sata is also copying the educated HH also about 99% (Hydro-electric power genration (HH from Waterfall, Sata from rivers 99% HH stuff).
    This copying attitude is shown because of “LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON” mentality. Tongas are clever and developers while Bemba-Tribalists are dull photocopiers copying Tongas.

  12. #8 mwankole

    You are the guys who always think that people from other countries are always better than you. A fact is the fact dont change meanings of issues to suit your thinking. The one’s who stole the copper are chineese national, its clear and its being spoken with evidence.The chineese in Zambia have been stealing copper without any help from the local people.In Kabwe some chineese even went further to steal things like tooth paste from shoprite. If something is a knife dont say its a folk.Vote SATA his embracing foreigners as well as the law.

    By the way when was the last time you are in ZED? people are working hard and smart.

  13. #8 mwankole

    You’re the guys who always think that people from other countries are always better than you. A fact is the fact dont change meanings of issues to suit your thinking. The one’s who stole the copper are chineese national, its clear and its being spoken with evidence.The chineese in Zambia have been stealing copper without any help from the local people.In Kabwe some chineese even went further to steal things like tooth paste from shoprite. If something is a knife dont say its a folk.Vote SATA his embracing foreigners as well as the law.

    By the way when was the last time you are in ZED? people are working hard and smart….

  14. #14, i dont think there’s a need to be tribial here. And I agree with #18, you #14 do bore me too. just Shut the hell up!!! Bcoz it doesnt matter whether you are a Tonga or Bemba born, what matter is the kind of decisions you make at the time and if it’s going to help your brothers in the future, Tongas and Bembas alike!
    geez, #14 you racist!!! You are a Zambian.Be proud to be one and don’t matter Tongas or Bembas, We Are Zambians!! Let’s make it better ok!

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