Friday, September 20, 2024

Chiefs urged to help change working culture in Northern Province


Government has urged traditional leaders in Northern Province to help change their subjects’ work culture to attain meaningful development.

Newly appointed Northern Province Minister Charlse shawa made the appeal in Kasama, Saturday, when he paid a courtesy call on senior Chief Mwamba of the Bemba speaking people at his palace.

The Minister who was flanked by Acting Permanent Secretary Gabriel Kaunda said the MMD government regarded chiefs as partners in development hence the need for the two parties to work together to transforming people’s negative attitude towards work.

He said the province was endowed with abundant natural resources which should be exploited in order to improve people’s living standards.

Mr Shawa observed that the province had good agricultural soils which could be used to produce enough food for the whole country and abundant tourism potential.

He said, Government was committed to transform the province into an economic zone.

The Minister also cautioned Civil servants not to look down on the local people just because they do not have degrees.

Mr Shawa was reacting to the senior chief’s complaint that some civil servants were partly to blame for the negative attitude toward works as they were fond of looking down on the local people.

Meanwhile, Senior Chief Mwamba has welcomed the appointment of Mr. Shawa as Provincial Minister for Northern Province.

The Senior Chief pledged to work together with the new Minister to enhance development.

The senior Chief however, appealed to President Rupiah Banda to consider appointing people who have worked in the province to the position of permanent secretary as they were familiar with problems affecting the local people.

Mr. Shawa was until his appointment Eastern Province Minister. He has taken over from Mpulungu Member of Parliament Lameck Chibombamilimo who has moved to the Ministry of Energy as deputy Minister.



  1. Iwe Kashimanini you forgot to say nambala wanu! Anyway, you’re right…our chiefs are no longer the respectable role models they used to be.

  2. I hope this Minister is not suggesting that we northerners are lazy. I think we have looked after ourselves better so d\far and you will never hear of hunger and starvation in this province. We have always fed ourselves. It’s in Chipata where there are both bumper harvest and starvation. SO please mr minister clarify on what you mean by work culture. I hope you mean not supporting MMD. Then that is a different matter altogether

  3. #3 This Minister is just saying that for the sake of having said something. He seems to forget that if it was not for the Bemba peoples’ academic discipline and cultural strategy of mastering existence, Zambia would not be as developed as it is today.

  4. #2 Nine Chale. I forgot about nambala one business because I am moaning in my heart. I have a lot of problems. Arsenal is being hammered right, left and centre by any team in the premier league. That is the team I support. But I am sure it will teach wenger a lesson. The boys are too young and receiving a lot knocks. Secondly I am moaning about the direction in which Nyama Soya is taking our country and how insensitive he is. I am also worried about what people will eat in those shanty compounds of our towns since mealie meal prices have been promised to continue going up. Let me stop here but hold on the last one is how to get a new Zambian passport.

  5. #5 Kashimani, you really sound depressed, read today’s scripture and get strengthened like I was. After all, there are no immediate solutions to some of the problems you mentioned but I’m sure you will be able to get your passport and Arsenal will come up soon. Otherwise, let’s not loose hope in our country, though the leadership is in a mess. Cheer up!

  6. Chiefs pa Zed are lazy and busy asking for handouts.

    It is raining now in L/stone and quiet boring too.This is good for the farmers and after the Lwiindi ceremony in chief Sekute, we ate beef without salt as per traditional of the Chief Sekute culture.Asking the rains from the ancestors and thanking them for the good harvest we had last season.

    Vote for H H man who will suport and work with Traditional rulers

  7. ‘Government has urged traditional leaders in Northern Province to help change their subjects’ work culture to attain meaningful development. Newly appointed Northern Province Minister Charlse shawa made the appeal in Kasama, Saturday, when he paid a courtesy call on senior Chief Mwamba of the Bemba speaking people at his palace.’

    I reckon this supposedly covers pilfering talents while follow lazy characters who like obtaining things they never worked for i.e. stealing and copying.

    Good advice Mr Minister and continue doing good for the whole Zambia and Zambians.

  8. #8. Livingstone, I lkied your point “Vote for H H man who will suport and work with Traditional rulers” of which I suspect the Minister copied president Hakainde Hichilema’s campaign messages of changing the lazy working culturer of all Zambians during his nationwide campaingns last October.

    Indeed the working cultures is not pleasing and something has to be done to the whole Nation to improve on this score.

    We also need to become serious enterprenuers even of small businesses to help the Zambian economy to grow.

  9. #5 Kashimani I liked that one. I have been to the Emirates a few times but to be honest I will not bother for now. It is expensive and I can not bother any more. Hope Arsene does something during the “January sales”. If he wont reinforce I will not be going.

    I am also worried about what my relatives back home will eat with these mealie meal prices. As for that Provincial minister, well he had to say something didn`t he?

  10. # Livingstone how is the victoria falls iam coming there next week to spend sometime it’s too cold here. i can not go through to any zain number

  11. chiefs have just become lazy and political,i wonder what the house of chiefs is doing,all they intrested in is selling land to investors who do not make sense at all, all empower the local people.

    # 5. your flag Kashimani-i agree with u my brother,this country seems to have no direction right now.we seem to have a joker in state house whos just thier to add up numbers.i personally would want to see this man makes changes and get to yet to hear him talk on anything to do with the development of mother zambia.we are in a serious crisis.
    God bless zambia.

    your flag Maestro Hhehhehhehhe-yes my friend hw are u doing

  12. mr minister yo points are non-specific,shotgun way of firing at coincise and clear,what do you mean?ba chief by requesting the presido to appoint perm sec fron N/P is out of context,yo request only holds water when it comes to selecting yo area MP.a mr mulenga can be perm sec in any of the provis just like a mr hakayobe or mundia or zulu or luneta can.generally as a country we share similar problems,so any hard working technocrat at the level of perm sec shu deliver regardless of his/her area of origin.on a light note bembas stop chiteme syst,stop wasting time chasing monkeys,keep catle and goats intead.that kuomba mwibala …slogan of yos shud stop hahahaha,gudday mbuyas.

  13. #12, the Victoria falls is just getting back to its good water flows from the Eastern cataract at the moment, but you can go on the Livingstone island and have a good time there atleast you can enjoy the water falls.For the past two days it has been raining in L/stone with alot of floods from these small rivers flowing into the mighty Zambezi river.
    Water is turned golden brown today or now, will hear from you when you come to L/stone.Just got excited too.

    Viva H H man with good policy in Tourism pa Zed

  14. Viva bembas Shawa tembuya wesu bushe!lets embrace him he has faith in us bembas.Iam sure namona ati kucipata finang’ani,hope he is not saying this coz alefwaya imbeba since bali pwisha kumyabo.My beloved mum is from she is my mbuya somehow just like bonse mwe fyaku eastern.we can allow you to eat fish but not our monkeys and mice they are for tourism.Ha ha ha ha.

  15. #16 what monkeys fo tourism?,there’re no monkeys in the’s strange that when yu travel frm say LSK to N/P,yu’ll be luck to come across monkeys along the way.chitemene syst is partly to blame bcose these animals cannot dodge bembas in the abscence of tall trees,the have all been wiped fo delicasy.shame! that’s genoside,yu’ll all be charged fo crime against semi humans.monkeys fo tourism are in livistone,the east and other province except N/P and partly luapula p.anyway,gudD mbuyas and take shawa’s advice seriously.

  16. #17 you made ma day.I thought so as well to have all the Bembas get prosecuted for the crime committed and the disappearence of the semi human, the monkeys.
    Come to L/stone and make a collection of the monkeys and then you will never be charged for the abuse.

    Viva H H man who supports natural resources and conservation pa Zed

  17. Iwe #17 so you wanted me to say the truth ati monkies nindiyo kwatu,waona manje wationeselamo ka.for exposing us abemba I will deport my mother back to eastern province before she finishes our mice.yes we will take his advice seriously.but be informed that we will also sue you for killing small animals like mbeba nazeve zifuna ku enjoyer life manje imwe mwapanga ndiyo.

  18. If GRZ had any brains, they would realise that chiefs have a lot of influence on thier subjects and an educated chief would go along way in helping develop zed. If it is too late to educate the current chiefs all potential sucssesors to the throne should be educated
    instead of being left to become alchoholics and womanizers, then when they become chiefs, total desaeter, like the drunk chief in eastern province.
    Educating the to-be chiefs would be a brilliant strategic move for our development, unless ofcourse we belive that even uneducated pipo can lead.

  19. Shawa you should behave yourself, mind you Northern province is the strong hold for PF.So dont take the mmd Cadre mentality you have had.And you took part in mistreating Mr Sata at the airport in Chipata. Even when mr Sata just wanted to receive the late president,body.I enjoyed reading today,s post. Community development minister Michael Kaingu was booed on friday night,by people who attended the christian Arts promotion arwards ceremony.Kaingu was the guest of honour.So when it was his turn to deliver his speach as guest of honour,he told the audience at Mulungushi international conference centre that,”i bring you special greetings frm the president”people started shouting awe,awe,pabwato pabwato. He had a tough time he didnt even gve his speach.So thats how most of us have rejected this government. So shawa behave that side.

  20. Bwalya,today you better behave yourself.Dont behave like yesterday.Kwati lishilu or some one who doesnt wash his pant.You wre stinking and i felt like vomitting.

  21. that charles shawa, is he not the one who used to parade his naked daughters on tv during a folk music programme? where are your daughters chief shawa, RB may pounce ka…

  22. Have u people noticed that each time time theres a mention of anything bemba, all sorts of cockroaches come out of the woodwork? Must we,as bembas begin to count our enemies? Am made to believe if we as bembas must survive,we must watch out against this primitive, barbaric,incestrous,poligamous tribe! Its toxic and must not be allowed to spread its feaces(vernom) wake up bembas! Its not a joke!


  24. “In his point of order, Mr Sichilima argued that at no time did the Vice-President, George Kunda, state that there were enough resources to cover the costs that would be incurred as a result of the 15 per cent across-the-board salary increment for constitutional office holders.”
    source: daily mail
    what is the truth stories in the post or daily mail. This reminds me of the sex story about SDA church, all those in the church at Libala SDA were shocked to see and read the headline. It was a hyperbole.

  25. #30 thanx for reminder.we are super race! Never mind the scam(janitor) nyamazai tribes, they are plenty working the loos’ of atlanta. I wil start snichn on them they cheat that they have escaped from african warzone

  26. “Ms Nalumango said deliberate distortion of parliamentary debates was a serious offence, which media houses should at all times strive to avoid.

    She said this in Parliament on Thursday evening when she made a ruling to a point of order raised by Deputy Minister in the Office of the Vice-President, Gaston Sichilima, against the Post newspaper”
    source #33 & this one Times of Zambia

  27. #29 and 30 you sound bad news. Do not hate fellow human beings like that. Remember tribe is just a tag just like your names.

  28. #30 and 29 i dout if u’re zambians.real zambians dont behave like tribe is great in zambia,we are all zambians and we must not be tribalists like u.if u think bembas are superpowers then why does ma begaz and a lot of street kids come from yo tribe?

  29. #39. your flag New Zambia, nice one on “Roughly 1073 days to go before the 2011 elections. Can someone help out with an electronic count down.” and Yes LT might give us an electronic count down.

  30. Ba Chewe

    I’m back online. Whats up, Muli shilu ba kalamba. 30s yangu tata kana besa. Mature in your talk. I want to be good today. So lets stop ths nonsense.

  31. #45
    Am better and drunk my head off last nite and forgot what you said to me your ugly SJ. I woke up late and nearly went late for work. Thank you for asking though we parted on a sour note last nite.

  32. “He said the province was endowed with abundant resources which should be exploited in order to improve people’s living standards.”

    How long has MMD been in power that they didn’t see these resources to exploit. Mr Shawa who wrote your script.
    MMD chaps talk as if they are talking to children.

  33. These chiefs shouldn’t just be waiting for handouts but should make sure that the govt of the day does what it promised during the elections. Chiefs should be standing up for the poor people in the villages as they know how its people are suffering.

  34. Am off for work at 6pm. Shifts here bane to make ulupiya for Xmas with my gal in Zed when I go. Ifitenge kuba Mpongoshi to be.

  35. why don’t we do a research on Chiefs. Maybe we can help them on what role they can play to help its people from livig in poverty. what do say Mr Bwalya ndiyo.

  36. Oh Mr Bwalya please stay.
    Well what job do you do?
    What shift starts at 6pm? Lying again as if you went to a gig last night when you were watching X Factor in your room.

  37. #9 and 10 Maestro Hhehhehhehhe
    I have carefully followed his blogging, I will be very surprised if he is Zambian. He may have crossed over from Zimbabwe or Angola. His all demeanour and war like stance is unlike any Zambian. Very dangerous indeed. Fellow Zambians from all tribes disassociate yourselves. Do not even read or respond to his blogging. I will never read Maestro Hhehhehhehhe’s text ever.

  38. The GRZ is to blame. It has turned chiefs into some form of cadres to be paraded before those ZNBC Cameras in order to show premeditated slogans. Shame upon the government and shame upon the chiefs. What is the Minister telling us. What culture is he talking about? Wake up Charles. Abash myopic thinking.

  39. The POST writes news in order to sell #33. your flag ZAMBIE IN PACIFIKA. There is rarely credible TRUTH in its editorials as you rightly pointed out on the SDA issue that almost compromised the way people hold its members with high esteem as regards matters of the nature that were published to alarm the whole world.
    I wondered whether the POST reporter who wrote that so-called news had attended a CHURCH service before in his/her lifetime. Anyway, it could be that the reporter’s CHURCH background was questionable or far from what happens in real churches. Anyhow, I understand him and his masters.

  40. #your flag Lord of the Flies, greeting and thank you very much for calling on me. I will respond to your querries concurrently as follows:
    Someone(Kantubasula) asked if you where Zambain on another article?
    I see and saw it. Ndakazyalilwa ku Namalunda, kumukwasyi waba Mwaanga. Ba-taata bakazwidde ku-Mapanza, ku Choma (Bakatusiya alibwasunu). Ba-baama, bazwa ku-Bweengwa pele munzi wabo uli kumbo a-Monze.
    Are you? Inzya, mukuzyalwa akuli ba-taata and ba-maama nkambo mbacisi.
    Am sure you write in chitonga don’t ya? Inzya waiyasa mpikili amutwe wanjiyo musa.
    Nkabela, komuluba buyo oyo muntu wazina yaci-Bemba. Kaambo nkajisi takayaki munzi pe. Ndabona uyanda bwakuti ndibandike anguwe.

  41. My NRC appears something like this 123456/78/1
    My Passport number is of this nature: ZA 12345.

    This should be enough for now to show you that I am full Zambian and not someone kantubasula is claiming. By the way, I will be in Zambia relaxing at home with his-mother next yer 2009 and so we can meet that side of this earth by God’s grace, shuld I make it to home.

    Have a pleasant day!


  43. anyway, bad to hear that the chiefs have become so corrupt and so desperate that they have become money seekers… Shame on you our chiefs, you have always being embarrasing us… some even told people whom they should vote for. this was after they received some parcels from RB and others. Shame on you…you are now losing respect that your ancestors had acquired by their noble way of life. let us think about this and see how best we can make them go back to the roots.

  44. # 30. Am a tutsi by tribe presently using a UN passport. I only experienced human dignity in Zambia as a refugee. However am deeply concerned that Zambians like you still possess feelings of tribal supremacy. This will never take you anywhere except self deception as this era will not allow replication of such. Go to Church and have that demon fleed from you.

    God bless.

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