Friday, September 20, 2024

Civic leaders urged to be non- partisan


Choma Mayor Geoffrey Makaya has urged civic leaders not to allow partisan politics to derail development programmes.

Closing a UNICEF workshop on Water and Sanitation for the southern province Artisan Association at Choma hotel yesterday, mayor Makaya said there is danger to involve politics in development programmes.

He said council should rise above partisan politics and work to attain development in their respective wards.

Mr Makaya said tension between development agents such as technocrats and councillors over whose is superior in spearheading development is unnecessary and counter-productive.

He said politics should not interfere with the work of other stakeholders in the development process of the wards.

Mayor Makaya urged members of the Artisan association not to use the knowledge gained from the workshop to exploit communities out of the hard earned resources.

He said the work of artisan calls for sacrifice in addressing water and sanitation problems in rural communities.

He urged the artisans to fully implement the village level operation and maintenance of water points so that communities can have access to safe and clean water.

And Southern Province WASHE (Water Sanitation and Health) monitoring officer Leonard Mukosha said though the job on artisans was not rewarding enough, they played a crucial role in the maintenance of hand pumps and latrine construction in rural areas.

Mr Mukosha urged the artisans to continue sacrificing in maintaining hand pumps for the benefit of their respective communities.



  1. Zo ona ba LT stop duplicating stories, we’ve read such things thousands of times before. #i – 3 Gesh, what flag is that?

  2. Can some one please enlighten me on where one can view or indepede ntly folllow the developmental projects in the various provinces? is there a web site where interested citzens wanting to know what the gvt is doing can check out? becuase we are tired of this culture of politicians blaming civil servants of derailing projects ( which may not even be there) does gvt actually have well defined projects with goals and objectves for each province against which they are measuring their perfomance?

  3. It is good reading that you are working on improving water and sanitation issues in Zambia.
    This is one area that is a big pain at home when I get there. I hope, the water supply will not be erratic by 2011.

  4. Too bad not everyone in our country has access to clean and safe water yet these politicians promise such things.Number 2 your very much right, useless politics!

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