Sunday, September 29, 2024

PF condemned in Kasama


The MMD in Kasama District has strongly condemned the opposition Patriotic Front for threatening violence in the District.

The ruling party made the condemnation following threats by some PF members that they would cause destruction to a local Radio Station if it continues to broadcast materials involving Kasama Central Member of Parliament Saviour Chishimba.

MMD Kasama Central Constituency Chairperson Nathan Ilunga said it is illegal for anybody, irrespective of their status in society, to take the law into their own hands.

Mr. Ilunga said if the PF members have any complaints against the operations Radio Mano, they should follow the right channel instead of threatening violence. He urged the police to deal firmly with the PF members who would be found wanting.

Recently, some PF cadres accused Radio Mano Community Station in Kasama of allegedly provoking the party by broadcasting interviews featuring the embattled MP.

The cadres claimed that the MP was allegedly fond of using abusive language while on Radio, thereby injuring the emotions of the listeners.

One of the senior PF officials even went the extent of warning the Radio station to stop quoting Dr. Chishimba as MP for Kasama Central, saying he usually gets offended when the MP is referred to as such.

Last week, PF officials and cadres alike, rejected the reconciliation of their party leader Michael Sata and Kasama Central MP Saviour Chishimba, saying the matter was purely personal and had nothing to do with them.

Among the senior party officials that rejected the reconciliation of the two leaders were Fedilis Kapoka, a PF Member of the Central Committee, Fredrick Chisanga, who is PF provincial chairperson and Kasama District party chairperson Evaristo Bwalya respectively.



  1. Politics of monkeys, thats all they do ppoint fingers at each other can we plaese move on to another chapter of politics, always PF and MMD chaba kwati twanaka.its not exciting anymore to read about these to parties

  2. Please MMD are you not sure of your victory. I can see more of hatred to PF than objectivity. always it is a finger against PF. it seems PF is just another threat to them. We expect maturity from the winners. now if the winners are crying foul all the time like PF te losers what confidence do we have. one thing is that MMD thinks it will turn people’s minds by malicious propaganda. this cannot work in the 21 century. wha they need to do is just to perform.

  3. In PF there is democracy. Thjats why the leaders mentioned have defered democratically with the radio station. even the mighty Sata never siad he has reconciled Dr Chishimba with PF but with himself. Dr Chishimba is a danger to himself. I can see him afetr loosing an election in PF he will renounce Mr. Sata. Lets kick Dr Chishimba out of PF full stop.We dont mind his percieved reconcilliation with Mr Sata. But with PF he has injured us so greatly that the only fit verdict is expulsion.He decampaigned our president but after seeing Ba Sata take Kasama central he is gitterly.

  4. wat can u expect from pf its full of kaponyas vigilante style shame on u . u cant force a horse to drink water . let him decide his own destiny and radio mano or watever is not owned by pf may be am wrong help me :((**==~X(

  5. MMD and PF are one and the same, kaponyas the only diference is that PF its from grade 0 to Prof. and MMD is from grade 7 to Prof.:((

  6. After his near death experience with a heart attack, Michael Sata became more aware of the imanence of God, and he is now able to forgive and reconcile with anyone who previously might have wronged him. For he now understands the teachings of the Masters that as we give, so shall we receive, and that the sowing of kindness is man’s greatest investment.

  7. :)>-l-)=; forward in tune with the Nation. Others continue opposing for there is normally need for divergent views in .

  8. It also seems as if UPND does not want to hold a convention. Why is Hakaine Hichilema so power hungry. If he feels he is the best candidate for the UPND presidency, let him hold a convention so he can test out what the people in his party think of him.

    HH used to be my candidate but from what I am seeing [-( It is kind of disappointing.

    I just hope Magande forms his own party in 2011 so it can me Magande for President and Sylvia Masebo for Vice-President.

    Maybe I should forget about Zambian politics and await the second coming of Christ.

  9. Ka Nathan Ilunga ka kabwa epo kaba? Etubantu twaletele ifyakutumpa ifya third term. He was even a DA in some district in deep dyoli. He should just shut his trap.

  10. Sata has never been a democratic person. He is always a bad loser. Reason, that cigarette he smokes with Chiluba. Dobo ka! If he smokes too much of it, he can even insult his own mother. Do you expect such a person to listen to anyone? Be careful Zambians, forget SATA and start looking for leadership in young educated strategic thinkers. HH means ‘Humwine Hukaivotele’ and PF means ‘Perfect F**LISH’.

  11. 11. Free-Market-Capitlst, baba please relax. How long has president HH been president of the U-Team? Isn’t it 2 years only? The UPND presidency of 1 term runs for 5 years and so HH and team will hold a convention in 2011 just before the tripatite elections.

    Check the following postings from me.

  12. “Hakainde Hichilema endorsed for 2011
    The United Party National Development (UPND) has decided to feature its party president Hakainde Hichilema for 2011 presidential elections. The UPND National Management Committee, the highest policy making organ of the party, made the resolution over the weekend. The UPND also made a final decision to expel their Secretary General Tiens Kahenya saying it would serve as an example to all members with intentions of disturbilising the party.”

  13. “Mr. Kahenya is a founding member of the UPND and during the reign of Anderson Mazoka, he served as treasurer with MMD’ s Ben Tentamashimba as Secretary general. During the riots that broke out in 2001 following the allegations of rigging elections when Mr.Mazoka lost to Mr. Levy Mwanawasa, Mr. Kahenya was the most senior party member who was locked up by police. The UPND is facing some internal wrangling with some members pushing for the replacement of HH as party president and presidential candidate for 2011.”

  14. “The dissatisfied members argue that HH is too arrogant and elitist and that since he has lost elections twice, he should step aside as per party constitution. Members have been calling for a national convetion to deal with other outstanding issues but the party has brushed these aside. But sources in the party say that the party has been invaded by the Patriotic Front which wants an alliance with UPND whereby the UPND will back Mr. Michael Sata for president. But HH has refused to deputise Mr. Sata and this has alleged made the PF to start scheming the removal of HH with the help of a named newspaper boss.”

  15. I can predict that MMD will lose power in 2011 if RB does not change some people strategically. Katele and Mabenga must be doing things with other people so be careful. Sata is a spent force and his convention will be a disaster if he holds it. If Sata agrees to back a young person and stops running his mouth frequently, PF may end up joining hands with some useful people and they can influence the outcome but not form govt on their own. But watch the space, the new party in offing will wrestle power from MMD in 2011. Start positioning yourselves – Obama has shown how it can be done. Mulongoti, watch out, you will be in the dock with others very soon. Stop stealing, we are watching you.

  16. #18, the Undereducate’s party is a joke. Imagine that it has no members, since its coining in 2001, and I SUSPECT IT HAS NO CONSTITUTION. So who will attend that much envisioned convention? Is there really going to be a convention held by his party?

  17. Source: 2008/ 12/ upnd- members- ask- hh-to -call- for. html

    “UPND members ask HH to call for a convention
    Written by Chibaula Silwamba and Lambwe Kachali
    Monday, December 01, 2008 3:57:26 AM

    SOME members of the UPND National Management Committee (NMC) last Thursday challenged their president Hakainde Hichilema to call for a convention before the 2011 elections in the wake of his two consecutive losses and expiration of his tenure in 2011.”

    Check who wrote the article: Silwamba and Kachali from the Imagebuilder’ media organisation. What was there MOTIVE of asking for a convention when HH has only led the U-Team for 2 out of his elected 5 years?

  18. “And Hichilema confirmed that the NMC meeting took place but declined to disclose what was discussed and also ruled out the possibility of holding a convention before 2011.

    According to UPND sources who attended the meeting to review the October 30 elections and the party’s performance, Hichilema had argued that the party did not have money to hold the convention.

    “The meeting was attended by over 40 members of the National Management Committee, including all provincial chairpersons, all members of parliament and all senior members of the National Management Committee. This was a postmortem meeting of last month’s presidential election.

  19. “The meeting was held at the UPND secretariat in Rhodes Park in Lusaka, it started at 10:00 hours and ended around 15:00 hours on Thursday,” the sources said. “The NMC members challenged president Hichilema to call for a convention before 2011 so that those who want to contest for positions including the presidency could do so and if he wants to defend his position, he is free to re-contest.

    But his response was that there is no money to hold the convention. But the NMC members said if there is will, money will be found.”

    The sources said holding the convention would give the party a national status and attract more people to join it unlike the current perception that the party was ..

  20. “and attract more people to join it unlike the current perception that the party was tribal.

    “The members argued that he [Hichilema] has failed twice,” the sources said. “Those who supported him, mainly members of parliament from Southern Province, said he was elected president for a five-year term and since it’s not 2011 there was no need to talk about the convention.

    They said his term has not come to an end. But other members argued that president Hichilema’s term will have ended before the 2011 [national] presidential elections. They, therefore, said there was need to hold a convention before 2011 to elect a party president and other officials.””

  21. “The sources said the meeting noted that Hichilema lost the elections partly due to insufficient funds, poor organisational strategy and because Hichilema was mainly surrounded by his tribesmen and women.

    When contacted, Hichilema said he would not discuss party issues, especially matters of the NMC with the press.

    He said any person who disclosed what NMC discussed did not deserve to be part of the committee.

  22. “”I cannot tell you what we discussed in the National Management Meeting. I don’t discuss issues of the National management Meeting with the press. Whoever told you about that is a wrong man. It shows how inappropriate and wrong that person is,” Hichilema said.

    Hichilema said the UPND constitution was crystal clear that a party president would be elected for five years and that the general membership should decide whether to re-elect him or not.

    He noted that UPND was a democratic party and that the constitution would be followed and respected all the time.

    He also observed that his five-year term would end after the 2011 general elections.”

  23. So in looking at what president of the U-Team ecHi-ecHi said (see #26) the UPND constitution is beiing respected and his 1st five year term ends in 2011.

    So do not fall for the trciks of the Undereducate’s party and his imagebuilders for they want to justify their not holding a convention on HH’s well run UPND which will only hold its own in 2011. The combined anit-HH team wants to kill the U-Team so that they can stand a chance of winning in 2011. However, the U-Team and the NCC will teach them a lesson they will live to remember always as an undereducated person will probably be barred by the New Republican Constitution to stand for Zambian President. So, relax as all is in place.

  24. I did tell a colleague of mine that if HH loses this election, he will face problems with his members. The game is clear – these elections were not for fighting. We all should have simply endorsed RB, save money and look ahead for 2011. That RB was going to win for me was obvious. So poor judgement and using the wrong strategy will cost HH and UPND a great deal. The only benefactor who thought he can get it will also suffer revolt in his party but since he has no members, he doesn’t care. Its PABAWATOO and smoking that cigarette as usual but he will NEVER have the presidency.

  25. Hmmmmmm…..What a chi Party,refusing reconcialition :o:o:o:o:o Those people that support the chi boart chamulast wat exactly do you really support?8-|8-|8-|8-|8-|

  26. Why does this dog keep barking about PF even when the article is about MMD and PF? Guys a person on here needs tablets seriously. Obsession is a condition in psychiatry.

  27. #31 You sould be worried about MMD not PF. They are going to win again and your party will be thrid as always. Look, the strategy by you guys is just working against yourselves. You insult people because they are grade 4s! Nice one, tukamona ukomukafumya ba graduate bakumivotela.

    You people forget you should be targeting the under educated and not insulting them. Third by a mile again!

  28. I use to think people in diaspora are highly literate and only engange in cleaning shelves and other little jobs as parttime.i was wrong, these boys are infact doing those jobs on full time basis and are very illitrate you can tell from the way they are blogging. How can someone say PF is a democratic party when it has never had a single intra party election not even at Ward level.A party without a constitution or a written menifesto, A party whose leader was at the helm of the bloody third term debate, a party whose leader organised Pangas to hack people in Chawama.A leader who has abitrary expelled more than half his MPs.Can you guys stop those jobs and concerntrate on studies please.

  29. Only i)d)i)o)t)s do not know that there are people with PHDs who left UTH to come and work in the NHS.

    Blind loyalty I think. It doesn`t matter if you are a beneficiary does it? More like things are alright in Zimbabwe.

    Africans are Africans! Obama stop giving to them please. They are too learned for your help!

  30. One`s level of education can be told by the way they spell, construct sentences and not knowing/knowing that a sentence begins with a capital letter.

    If one is Zambian, they are not excused from the above. People can understand if one is from a country whose official language is not English.

    Bragging is one thing, backing it up is another. Africans still have the monkey mentallity of regarding window cleaners as nonentities. One has to clean windows for heaven`s sake! May be it reason why Zambia is so dirty-there are no window cleaners.

  31. #37 Contd. It is reason why rich people live in places where the roads are not tarred and one has to go over gabbage lying on the road to get to a beautiful house. Well why bother when one`s house is beautiful?


    LETS GROW UP :-?8-|:o




  33. you see, its not Bad to clean some shelves and pack boxes on part time in warehouses if it means toping up some school fees or meet some shotfalls, its only Bad if it becomes permanent with no end in sight.Iam a very patriotic Zambian and i feel Bad when i meet Zambians doing those jobs Day in and Day out. Some guys have never even been home for years. They have abondoned school and have no hope for a better Job to aford an economy Class ticket to go and cast these ballots once in 5 years.Feels good when you meet some guys speaking Nyanja unfortunately the happiness is immediately reversed when you get to know what these guys do to make ends meet.Lets work hard gentlemen.

  34. This article honestly… WHEN did they say it WHO said it WHERE did they say it and above all, WHAT did they say?

  35. Im saddened to hear pipo threatening a media intitution with violency. Mulongoti threatened the post; he was highly condenmed by all. Lets no be one sided, lets all condenm these thugs in Kasama PF to desist from the threats.

  36. Honestly, wats wrong with PF, always kaponya minded. Always confrontational, you lost and you will continue to lose. Go have a convention then we can discuss politics.

  37. Pumpy your pabwato will NEVER rule this country. You better be content with your status as opposition. There are some who are level headed but the marity are hooligans. its this cadre emntality that has put Zimbabwe where it is. wake up pumpy 😮

  38. # 31,i will never give anyone a vote who has never seen the inside of a lecture theatre.
    I better be in the opposition if that what my vote means.Why are you anti-education? Are you very challeged in that area? 😕

  39. PF cadres learn to avoid use of violence. show pipo that you can use your heads so that pipo can be convinced that you have potential. We know most of you are undereducated but there is room for you participation in the politics of the country and pipo will appreciate your role as a formidable oppposition party although they will not make a mistake of letting you rule. I personally appreciate some of the checks you make to the ruling govt. 2011 let HH rule and you give the checks as usual.But plse I repeat not violence. your Image builders are there to help you be heard as you advance checks viva post(since you have changed your vision)

  40. Let HH rule this time. PF its time to support th young man. We all know that he can deliver dont we?
    VIVA HH for 2011

  41. #11 The bible says forgive them for they do not know what they are doing. So upnd guys will forgive you for you do not know what the constitution says, but even when you have access to info you would never make use of it. Remember some people are job seekers and they are looking for where it is green to jump in. True upnd guys are principled and they will never bend to someone’s selfish ambitions. Honestly, and for God’s sake can Tiens Kahenya opt for presidency the man is just used by some people who have an agenda. Do not cook stories please say what is true do not lie because a lie cannot stand on its own.Everyone knows that HH is an inocent man and the best option for the country.

  42. #50. solwezi, I took the loss as it is: a loss. Sometimes you lose, other times you win. In rare circumstances there is a draw or stalemate.

    What is important is to accept the reality on the ground and then move on positively.

    Having written these wise words, have a blessed day.

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