Chief Government spokesperson, Ronnie Shikapwasha, says Zambia will continue to be a Christian nation and that Zambians should continue to lift their country before Jesus Christ.
Lieutenant-General Shikapwasha who is also Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services said this yesterday in Lusaka at Cathedral of the Holy Cross at the 17th anniversary of the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation.
Lt.Gen. Shikapwasha said Zambia had been spared the turmoil and instability that has rocked her neighbours and other countries in Africa because she has made a covenant with God.
“Despite the difficulties that surround some neighbours and other countries in Africa, Zambia has not been

touched by any turmoil. We must therefore be glad and continue to rejoice in the Lord because even your government says Zambia will remain a Christian nation,” he said.
Earlier, Dr Chiluba urged politicians to know God so that they could see issues from a guided point of view.
Dr Chiluba said by declaring Zambia a Christian nation, he had reversed the curse that befell Zambia for voting to isolate Israel in 1973 at the United Nations General Assembly.
He said when he stood by the pillars of State House in 1991 and declared Zambia a Christian nation, he did not understand Christianity the way he now understood it.
The former president said he was happy that he had been used as a vessel to reclaim the lost blessings for the country.
He said even as he went through life, he would continue to smile as he stood on a rock that could not be crushed by anyone.
Dr Chiluba prayed to God to see the country through the global recession and safeguard the jobs of the Zambian people.

Lt.Gen Shikapwasha also stated that President Banda had followed the footsteps of both his predecessors by stating that Zambia would remain a Christian nation.
He thanked God for using former President Frederick Chiluba as a vessel to declare Zambia a Christian nation on December 29, 1991, shortly after he became President.
The minister thanked Dr Chiluba for promoting him to the rank of General in the Zambia Air Force, saying this appointment also made him a General for God.
Responding to some of the requests made by Dr Chiluba and other speakers, Lt.Gen. Shikapwasha said Zambia would consider declaring December 29 a public holiday to give every Christian an opportunity to celebrate this day.
He said government would also consider opening an Embassy in Israel, saying God had a covenant with the Middle East country.
Lt.Gen Shikapwasha said it was prudent that as Zambia continues to uphold the declaration of a Christian nation, she also strengthens relations with Israel.
He said government would also consider establishing a Ministry of Religious Affairs.
Meanwhile Living Waters Global Ministries overseer Bishop Bernard Nwaka said Zambia was built on a bedrock of Jesus Christ and the Bible reigned supreme over everything that took place in the country.
He said Zambian Christians should be proactive and help in the governance of the nation.
“Christians must become involved in the governance of the nation. Politics is not dirty, it is dirty people that join politics,” Bishop Nwaka said.
He said government should not see the Church as the opposition but embrace it as a healing and uniting factor.
Zambia Daily Mail
yes, so that you can send people to sleep with your hypocrisy.
y is this even an issue?
#1 and 2
you rigged!
That is very very good news…Let us start by chasing out all evil doers;wife snatchers,adulterers,fornicators,liars (i.e MMD), and even some foreign nationals who want to promote evil…:o
#3 Pinkly you were probably putting asda chipolatas in the oven for your b/f…LOL.
Amen Zambia
Please [-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o
Morning Rashid
We definitely have to continue, why do you want to making a big deal out of it? cant you celebrate quitely without opening your mouth?I think some of these mouths need to be zipped for the next three years. 🙁
We definitely have to continue, why are they making a big deal out of it? Cant you celebrate quitely without opening your mouth?I think some of these mouths need to be zipped for the next three years.
AmeeeeeN! Because all these, will never inherit the kingdom of God!
Pinkly, goodmorning, how are you today? wamuona FTJ pa picture. what do you think? apamphera vazoona olo niboza?
Amen and so shall it be. :)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-
#11 Rashid J “He said when he stood by the pillars of State House in 1991 and declared Zambia a Christian nation, he did not understand Christianity the way he now understood it.” Fred is a crook, no doubt.
Hmmmmm! Yes and No….
I totally support the idea of setting an embassy in Israel.Scripture says those who bless you i will bless those who curse i will curse. Israel is a blessed nation and we just have to Aline ourselves with it to receive some blessings too. Amen Zambia.
ako kanono ba nevers, so in otherways you saying now he is a christian? ok thus good news and **==ns should forgive him
Ka FTJ ubufi kashikulu aka. Well-do not judge! :d
Pinkly,I for one forgave FTJ a long time ago because the guy performed miracles in his first five (5) term of office, unlike Cabbage (MHSRIP)and Lundani Nyama Soya. i know alot of bloggers will not agree to this but thus the reality. [-(
ka fred got worse in his second term when started sending bena joshua mutisa, ka ilunga etc for his third term attempt. nikashetani aka kamuntu.
Islamic nations use their Koran as a guide in governing their nation. Those of us working in Islamic republics should tell you that they even have small Mosques built for them right in Mining plants. Everything the do if they are to do it seriously is on the basis of their Holy book.
Uncle Ron, are we going towards the same? How does an eye for an eye (pay for your sins in the courts of law) stand against the Forgive 70 time 70 times that the bible teaches us. Are we going to be selective in the way we follow the bible for our guide even in parliament?
Declaring is one thing; living it is one question. Does our Bible encourage Polygamy … Night clubs and “Zambia Breweries”?
I wish we could practice what we read in the bible then declaring Zambia a christian nation would have been of great value.Mean while,it remains a christian nation on the papers.”The kingdom of God is at hand”,let us just repent and belive in Emmanuel God who is among us and whos kingdom has no end….and His love endures forever **==
When did politicians become experts in matters of the Lord? They should read Malachi chapter 3 verse 9 And luke 20 verse 25.
I recived a prayer 2wiks ago from a friend of mine, those interested shud email me i will forwrd it 2 you [email protected] actualy,its comdy but thres abit of sense in what the paster is sayg
Very profound truths indeed!There is a curse for everyone that curses Israel and a blessing for everyone that blesses Israel.Zambia is a blessed Nation I know for a fact.And like the eagle on our flag Zambia will always rise above all its challenges.
FTJ but zoona 3:-o
Sentimentality aside, it is time we faced the facts. If there was ever a nation that took the name of the Lord in vain, Zambia must be the one. Why do these politicians think that calling a nation Christian makes it so? Thousands of children sleep rough in the street while so many squander their estate in loose living. Widows are reduced to prostitution because of property grabbers. Children are defiled sexually and abused pohysically. The helpless are oppressed by their masters. Thousands worship at the altar of the gods Porneos and Mochios. The breweries spew mocking liquids and make profits. Isaiah 58
Everyone can save Zambia – Jesus, Israel, the donors, the Chinese, just as long as these useless people don’t have to do any work
What nonsense pliz
Yaba, I am getting dizzy. Surerly shud christianity b an issue to fight over as well? It jes shows how much free tym these pipo have instead of working, nway RB is in Mfuwe,y cant his boys do as they please eeh???
God bless the land of zambia,we have come a long way….and thank Go for the peace :)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-:)>-
I think we need to be logical and practical rather than religious and wait for our blessings. religion should be personal, stop calling Zambia a Christian nation because we encourage all faiths in the country. It’s brainwashing and makes some people lazy by believing God will do everything for them. New bloodline of political thinkers are needed in zambia,out with the in with new. Grow up zambia.
It is a corrupt country anyway!
All brain washing in the Name of Jesusssss
I thought Ronnie Shikapwasha was a principled man when he served under LPM but his utterances in this article are very frightening. He still remains a job seeker to a known thief and plunderer Chiluba. Look at that smile on Chiluba’s face, he is basically making a f**l of the whole nation. We need to be careful with these so-called born agains. They are very hypocritical. Shame on them. God will decide when it matters.
I just don’t like it when people mix the biblical Israel with the current state of Israel created by a declaration of men. Mind you they almost chose Uganda for it. To me, today’s Israel that rounded up the inhabitants of that land into bantustan-type Palestine- a virtual open prison, is not the biblical Israel and they are not even christians. For a General to talk of opening an Embassy at this point in time when people of Gaza are being massacred, shows serious lack of tact & diplomatic common sense. Anyway, what would you expect from a Chiluba-made General?
“But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love endurance and gentleness. Fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”
1 Timothy 6:11-12
Sorry, to read: “Fight the good fight of the faith” Second line
This is like a new age pharasee congregation. The pictures are reminiscent of pharasee’s that would pray in public places to to be seen. You can imagine the conversation on judgement day
Chiluba: Father I declared zambia a christian nation
YHWH; Did I ask you to do that?
Chiluba: awe shuwa efyo byaba
YHWH: where in the bible did I send any of my prophets or son to tell you to declare such?
#39 the nation of israel was prophesized in the bible. Nobody said they are supposed to be christians because The covenant of Israel are keepers of the torah not christianity. There is nowhere in the bible where it says when teh nation of israel is reinstated they will be christians they will be hebrews and keepers of teh covenant under the authority of the son of man.
God is a covenant keeper and we will be answerable by the same covenant. So let us not use the name of the Lord in vain and as and when it suits us. Let us fear God and do what is right. Ron, Chiluba and the rest of you God cannot be mocked, He is watching what you are doing to His people.
#15 is brainwashed useless chap
“The minister thanked Dr Chiluba for promoting him to the rank of General in the Zambia Air Force, saying this appointment also made him a General for God.”
The declaration was good and it must remain so,we must lift the creator and His holy son our saviour.In this vain the virtues and rules of the bible must be upheld from the president down to the people.No President,no minister who is not a christian must practice in the government of a christian nation other wise we must not call ourselves a christian nation. we will pay dearly as a nation the CREATOR cannot be cheated.Somebody must see this,if there is no one to give proper advice our land will go to others,we ourselves will be wosted and consumed by diseases,we will be controlled and ruled as long as we live under the umbrala of being a christian nation without practice.
With GOD the creator it is a slow fade,unwise people cannot see it but those who live under the perception of time will understand that in forty years the israelites wanderd in the desert and alot of them died.A christian nation cannot be suffering from shortages of food when they have land,a christian nation cannot be suffering from AIDs when they respect the laws and rules of the bible.You must not cheat GOD the creator for He cannot be cheated,you must not do so because you make us pay also.
#43 Dobo: I’m a christian but I don’t agree with the politics of the current rulers of Israel & therefore wouldn’t be inclined to think of opening an Embassy there, an expression of close political relationship just because of christianity.
#49 whether you agree with them or not the nation was created by a heavenly accord .The nation is biblical Israel whether you like it or not . The main reason you see bloodshed and politics there is because the arab palestinians do not want to accept biblical prophecy .Instead they claim the land is theres because the covenant of hebrews was replaced by arab islam. So it’s a simple matter of Koran vs torah and you know who is loosing
Zambians!the spirit world will never liberate you from poverty. Just devise sensible policies, end corrupt practices and just work hard! If there were any connection between your christian spirits and development do you think budhist Japan, South Korea etc would be where they are today? Why hasnt the christian God cursed them for believing in deities? Finally there is no connection between prosperity and relationship with Israel. For the major part of postindependent Africa DRC and Liberia were the two countries with diplomatic relations with Israel. What exactly has been their so called ‘blessings’? All this religiosity by Zambians smells of desperation!
““Christians must become involved in the governance of the nation. Politics is not dirty, it is dirty people that join politics,” Bishop Nwaka said.”
True! We currently have serious questionable characters in our Zambian politics. I am sure this situation will change when they will retire from politics – in fact we have to force some to retire now by effecting necessary measures.
To live in heaven while one lives on earth, it’s not necessary to embrace any relgion. But one must be grounded in love. For it’s an important teaching of the masters that he who dwells in love, dwells in God, and God in him.
#51 good policies comes with the good heart,the heart with the love of others.This is one great commandment the son of the Creator left us with.Wealth is earthly,and is for every living creature just like the sun shines on every thing God has created.The worst in life my friend is to pretend it is better to be really and factual,our lives in Zambia does not fit that of christian nation and by this we sin greatly by calling ourselves a christian nation.In your life my freind do not look in other societies you do not understand,live in your own.Leave the Japanese and Chines alone
#Sorry Nikyo. Learn to understand things and follow the happenings before you blame one part. They say it takes two to tangle so if you do not understand what is happening in the Middle east then keep silent. Try to understand why there is war in somalia, Nigeria and other parts of Africa. Its good Zed is delared a Christian nation AMEN. Those who sin are those but those who are upright can continue.
How valid is a declaration by one money- grabbing, corrupt,and sin-riddled politician?
TRULLY THE lord has been so graciuos to our land. However, people should be made to understand authority. Dr Chiluba;s faults and indeed, anybody else;s faults are for the Lord to judge.
How come not any body can give the declaration for it to stand?Congratulatuions for all believers who understand.For Gen Ronnie and the former president God is on your side.
God bless our nation thank you Jesus we what a blessed country we have AMen and Amen 😡
I give praise to God Almighty who has blessed with peace and made ambia a refuge for those fleeing wars and instability.With the exception of Botswana,Tanzania and Malawi,all her neighbours have had their citizen flee to Zambia.God can use anyone to bless a nation.Kaunda was used to unite the nation.Chiluba to declare Zambia a Christian nation and re-establish links with the blessed nation of Isreal(God has promised to bless those that bless Israel and to curse those that curse Israel).Who expected the late LPM to turn out to be such a good and fealess corruption-fighting leader when he came to power?Our challenge is to live-up to the commitment of being christians and reaping the rewards.
lets not fight but stand up together for mothe zambia that God should give us Leaders who fear God and have respect for the people of zambia. the bible says that there is no leadership that exists but only comes fro the Lord. lets pray for those in authority that we may have peace in the nation, beloved of the Lord we must thank God for the peace we have in zambia, other countries people are fighting every day. i pray that the peace of God should continue reigning in zambia. God bless you as you stand for zambia