Saturday, September 14, 2024

Swift action by Police and School stop early marriage plot


Example of an early marriage in Africa.17yr old girl cradling her baby as she sits with her 70yr old husband
Example of an early marriage in Africa.17yr old girl cradling her baby as she sits with her 70yr old husband

Police and school authorities in Namwala District over the weekend rescued a 16-year-old girl from a plot to marry her off by her parents.

Both District Education Board Secretary, Munamukuni Shandele, and Simanje Basic School Head teacher, Contildah Bubala, confirmed to ZANIS today in separate interviews that, the pupil was forced by her father to stop school in preference to marriage.

Mr Shandele said his office in collaboration with Police Victim Support Unit, VSU, intervened to stop marriage arrangements following a petition by the victim to school authorities.

Mr Shandele explained that acting on this information, officers from the Zambia police VSU and education on Friday last week went to the victim’s home in Mbeza area but unfortunately the father bolted when he saw the officers.

He noted that it was sad that despite government’s efforts to improve levels of girls’ access to education, some parents have continued to frustrate efforts by forcing female pupils into early marriages.

“We are saddened by the increase in the number of parents forcing girls into early marriages,” said Mr Shandele.

He called on parents in the District to respect their childrens rights to education in order to help secure their future.

And Ms Bubala comfirmed to ZANIS that the girl was currently in her custody after fleeing home for fear of been beaten by her father.



  1. Ba Maureen,
    yesterday, i the President of this great nation appointed you the fist ever female Vice President.The reason behind the appointment is not only that you highly qualified and capable but also to motivate the girl child to work hard and believe that anything is possible in this great nation.
    Maestro Hhehhehhehhe,
    let us prosecute these people.

  2. This is a shame to Zambia!! You just can not tell me that this happening up to this day?

    No Pls do not confirm that!! Where are we heading to?

    Which TRIBE is that? Can someone tell me? I definitely need answers to this!! No the Country I know!!

    Where is the LAW? You Guys are watching this happen and …?

    Is this really Zambia?

    Does that 70 Year Old know what time it is?

    Where are the Parents of that poor littele Girl?

    What can one offer you to give your own daughter away in this manner?

    Awe again Nakana!!! I was cooking ka Nshima and now I can not even eat!! This is rediculous!!!:o:o:o:o

  3. Someone will be made accountable!! And it surely is not going to be that poor little girl?

    Zambia is this ALL you have to offer!!!

    No Childhood and no School but mariage to a 70 Year Old!!

    Ba KK pls talk to that Old man, he is almost your age!!! Pls Pls ba

    Ex-President Kaunda go and talk to that man.

    The Kid on her laps seems to be the next one. People do something.

  4. the 17-70year old picture has jst made my blood run cold. makes me wonder just how many more children suffer in silence. Lord help us make a change in this world(in our country!), some things are just not right!!!

  5. Reading the story makes me feel bad to be a Zambian.What is happening
    to our elders[-( are we on the right path as a nation ?????

  6. Come’n guys,the picture does not say its in Zambia.
    Its Africa,who knows maybe its in Zimbabwe,with the poverty there!!! [-([-([-([-(

  7. This man needs education himself because he clearly does not understand the transformational power of education. I would encourage govt to deliberately encourage such people to enrol in night schools. Please advise Sata to champion this cause and use himself as an example of an old man who needs to go to School. Shall we public advise Sata to set an example. He might end up being a role model for this father.

  8. Anyway I have eaten my Nshima!! Kuti walala ne Nsala. I believe that man sees nothing wrong in what he is doing. Let us as a Nation just forgive him.


  9. Some tribes in Zed marry off their kids to whoever has got cows to increase their wealth. Young women and girls have little or no say on who their husband should be. Education is very difficult to get due to poverty and the lack of schools within reach. Young adults are expected to start making contributions to the family up-keep in their teens. They learn to look after their sibblings before they are even ready to have their own kids. The factors that disadvantage them are many




  11. Maestro Hhehhehhehhe,lets help the Tongas to stop selling there daughters before they are educated, could it be hunger causing all this? Shame!

  12. Ba Maestro?? Heart attack by hearing this news? Where are you bro.. this place is dead.

    Fill up this Space ba Maestro Pls!!!!:)>-

  13. #29 Jamako…ala wandepula muntu wandi:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j

    You know the saying from Chitimukulu: Mumbwe aitile mpashi nokumububa sha mububa…Fox invited the red ants and …pwisha Jamako mucikuwa :-j:-j:-j:-j:-j

    Educate a girl: You educate the nation. Imagine if Obama’s mother had given up school early

  14. I didn`t want to comment on this one the i d i o t in the back ground looks lazy, selfish, satanic and needs his balls chopping off-if the small print is anything to go by.

    Then again, we know how jounalism has improved. 😕

    If it fits why not!:d

  15. #35 Jamako Kanshi ni wanya; mazezeti; go! 3:-o
    This silence is pregnant with meaning. The topic may be from honorable’s village; if not preparing for jihad ibwela na muzzle loader…or topic naikosa for believers. :d/:d/:d/:d/

  16. Mwebafyashi bamukashana.

    Why dont you just keep umwaice uyo for me.I will coming ku Zed nama Rands ka Mukasungapo.I will buy you 20 litres of cooking oil which you will use for cooking and as lotion for your bodies.I will also teach your daughter a national anthem.Ne nsamushi sha kwabanya no kusansha. :-j:-j:-j:-j:-j:-j

  17. Blog is boring. The babies who make it live during the day are sleeping by now. Jamaco, why are you calling maestro? Leave him so that he reflects on his behaviour. Bachimpesha lelo abaiche.

  18. #36 =))=))=))

    Anyways ba 3:-o is confused now!! Awe this is just too much for believers mwandi!! LT wanted to go home early today that is why they dropped this one.

    Well done LT!!


  19. Haaaaaaaaa!!

    70yrs,baba Nachepa so ninsi Uyu mudala wa 70yrs horse power ninshi yashani? sorry guys,but Iam just worried for the ka young lady,Iam sure that is why na Baby is looking like an alien. 8->8->8->8->8->

  20. Hey the Ladies … are they working!! 😕

    someone was talking about a night clu´b in Northmead this morning!!

    Anyway… Mubombe bwino lelo .. pls one at a time and no gangs, so that you have some energy to blogg tomorrow!!


  21. Awe 70yrs is just too much,so LT you are saying that the ka girl on the pic has seen the 70yrs old thing(you know what Iam talking about)So what happened when she first saw it?Anyway Iam speechless,No Iam not.Abakulu Zo-ona.,I remember when we were growing,old pipo used to tell us that Big ladies baloca kanshi ninshi they just wanted us to stay away from big mamas.So naimfwe small girls balasuma. :-j:-j:-j:-j

  22. Jamaco
    How are you today? Hey this story yanjensha umubili,In english we say this story has made my body to walk. :-j:-j:-j:-j

  23. Guys. I thought you didn’t want us on the blog. I for one, I work during the day and only Monday to Friday.
    Am sure it was #38 who wanted to marry this 16yr old gal.
    Goodnite bloggers, I have too much work to stay on the blog.

  24. Jamaco, your posts 39,41,47 and others on this thread may be offensive to others. I think your atitude of using insulting satire is offside and its such atitudes that agitates others. The Engine Bbuloko cant crank with such….even in humour, have respect for others. Post #41 is a direct hit under the belt to our sisters on the blog.

    Usually your blogs are cool but today :o:o:o:o:o

  25. chanda musyalike ninshi ni lisa nachiba jamaco ,mulapapusha <:-p even the things that u find funny ,this place is now a skeleton of its former self

  26. Maestro is not a coward to shy away from this topic. Most of you are cowards that’s why you are scared to take him head-on. Some comments above are so demeaning to say the least, addressing your fellow humans as N’gombe, come on!!

    I was surprised the other day, most people that were attacking him didn’t even have courage to blog in with their usual names, opting to blog in “anonymously”. Thankfully Maestro countered them with real facts.
    Viva Maestro!!!!!

  27. It is important to empower ‘girl child’ academic progress to continue their academic years at school…..
    Reinforcement is a major factor..
    Where are YOU the NGO’s????????.

    Many Zedians are affeced by poverty but what they do not understand is that education in the long run will alleviate these problems.
    I for one, is very upset about this story. balaufya akamwaiche elo kalelima,uktapa amenshi pa mutwe, no ukunaya ubwali, nokufyala, empela e future yakwe.. awe bakakeni abo ba bwishi ni ba ‘kaloba’ kutemwa indalama.
    Shuwa banthu benangu sibakhumbila kuona azimai ndi ma ministers pilots, astraunats etc…
    Please sto the LOT!!!!!~ **==:o:o:o:o:o:-t:-t:-t:-t:-t

  28. Weh de blood! Me cyaan’t believe me eyes! Me heard ’bout children having children but not by their grandparents! Lord have mercy…

  29. #41,
    get the facts well…
    How can a lady working in Europe and Australia be working in Northmead night club as ba (‘attender’ according to him) at the same time??
    do you want to get involved in the northmead issue???
    The authur of Nothmead issue, has Verbal Diarrhoea and a big Mental constipation..??medulla oblangata yali wola… :-t:-tb-(b-(@-)@-):-ss[-x

  30. #19, imagine how many people in Zambia balala insala everybody. No forgiveness to the Old Man – hang him:-w:-w
    Forget the Christian Nation nosense x(x(x(

  31. I can’t find the difference between RB and what is shown on the picture. If the president can do that, what of the ordinary Zedian. Naine nkesa tolapo kamo kabili ba president ebatampilapo.

  32. # 51 Engine Bbuloko Many thanks for your comment!! Í should not really have commented on the Northmead issue as Cutey says!! Will not get involved in that one.

    Apologies for the improper statement.

    cheers :d

  33. Disgusting! No Wonder at my age of 26 I keep finding ladies your than me tell they are engaged obviously to 70 yr olds. My future possible marriage beckons >:/>:/>:/ at me with uncertainity.

  34. Bwafya kwena, castrate the father and broom to prevent this madness….this is very sad :(( What a picture we’ve gat here!

  35. Thanks for the job welldone. Please nab such selfish elderly persons who are in the habit of defiling these poor girls.

  36. Reminds of me of Chris Charles’s song Bamukanka 10 Kwacha yee…soingile mu cabin..banyina bakana…..bawishi basumina…

  37. We seriously need to look down to the basics mu nation. We are becoming over populatated because of such incidences. A man of 70, hasnt as many years as the girl of 17 on Earth. Why should we start MANUFACTURING would be WIDOWS. whose going to take care of them. The same parents to this girl will then come to the church to say we give money to widows and yet they themselves dont want to stop such prsctices. [-([-([-(

  38. # 72 webo fine print ito landa panshi pa pikichala ati

    “Example of an early marriage in Africa.17yr old girl cradling her baby as she sits with her 70yr old husband”

  39. Imwe sure, is 16 too young ? afterall maybe she had started issuing to the guy when she was fourteen. these human rights have denied us chance to sample kama sweet sixteen if you havent realised. on the other hand that age for marriage is another issue achepesha

  40. #76 I see, you mean she finally got married at that army roadblock you were talking about on the other thread ? Mwana wamu soja ka…thats cool

  41. Morn bloggers, if i may ask, where has this kaleza guy come from? he is quite nuclear to say the least. hey Zambian Presido, thanks dor your compliment

  42. I like the title, swift action when it comes to less involving issues. call them when you are being robbed and they will complain of being understaffed, no fuel for the car, no stationery etc….its crazy man

  43. Olo akuti mwanalume okotatyala kumutu awe iviveke vanyanya mweeeeeee! grandpapas,brothers,nephews etc. Don’t you feel ashamed to undress infront of your own grandchildren or nieces plse!!! Its about time some of you men became resiponsible. Ask your bafyashi (Things you know what i mean)to behave.. Lesa twafweni :-@:-b:-b[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<[-o<

  44. Morning bloggers!

    Awe this is really sad. Umwana will be 10 yrs nishi chi daddy ameno yalikulika and wife maybe a widow at 27 yrs

  45. No! i dont like that picture at all! You mean that old man is the girl’s husband? Thats gruesome! anyway, what do you expect, when the father of the nation is in the same boots…..?

  46. Anyway, I don’t know what is happening these dayz. My workmate is 26 years and the husband is 50 something years. These are the last days it is written in the Bible. God help us

  47. am a mother of a 17 year old. nanvela mumala mwasungunuka. iye weeeee. even at my age – i can never marry a 70 year old. this man must be arrested. naumfwa umusalu!

  48. # 41 Jamaco maybe you patronise the same places – and are always one of them that queue up for one woman. how come you so much know about what happens….. uliwafiko, ifyashamo abanobe naiwe waingila…. doti mudala.. 😮 uli chisoso

  49. Good morning bloggers

    That old man in that picture should be ashamed of himself, and also the girl, doesnt she have parents? I bet her parents are even younger than that husband of hers.

  50. # 95 wilasebanya flag yandi,where was the same shikulu when he was sixteen himself ? he could have used the oppotunity to sample his fellow sweet sixteens.

  51. Mwauka uli banyane.

    The story of this grandpa wanting to marry this young innocent really makes me sad. Is this what poverty will lead humanity to? Is this the price that we have to pay for ignorance? Is this the price that we the women will continue to pay for being women?

    At least the marriage was stopped. That is a consolation. But what about the hundreds of girls who are not so lucky and end up getting married? Is it any wonder that women are at highest risk of HIV infection? Is it any wonder we have infection rates that keep going higher and higher?

  52. This is a sad development,hope the so called swift action will be quick action.Its so embarasing,esp the pic itself.Ba LT naimwe u shudnt be showing certain pictores,tulesebana nt only zambians access LT.

  53. umwana mwalemona alenyela kunuma ya nganda yenu as is the case in african setup iya kunyela kunuma yanganda when you are still youug. Lelo aisaba abakashi benu Shikulu sure. Mwaufwako nesoni plse. [-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-([-(

  54. Shikulu alifye bwino guys. He only looks miserable because he`s got malnutrition. Na kagelo I think.

    OK ba LT shani ilyashi lyabucende.

  55. That old man cant afford to take care of himself, how do you expect him to look after a young wife and children for that matter?

  56. Yaba mwe.ha,nichiyani Ichi.Yes I agree with #105 Mpangula’s question.
    All Bible scolars and Christian Bible poundists BA’s help us. What’s the age difference or limit if at all it is there in the bible for two people to marry before we condemn everyone.

    Yaba shikulu uyu, a lengwile shani.Instead of fearing Paramilitary police brutality, we shall fear ba shikulu.Mayo wandi eeh

  57. So no christians, I mean real ones that understand the bible. I’m new on the site seems everyone spends time Blogging without going to church. I admit I don not know the answer but i have asked to be enlightened. I seconded a question #109 so what is the answer please I want to know. :((

  58. This picture is really disturbing. I feel so much shame, hate but also helplessness mounting up inside me the more I look at it. But then, I take a deep breath and begin to pray for this poor girl. That’s the best we can do, for the Lord says “leave all judgement unto me.” and “Vengeance is mine!”

    PS. This seems to be a common practise in Arabic countries too. Just yesterday, I was reading an article in the Bild Zeitung (German newspaper) which featured a forced marriage between a 10!yr old girl & a 22 yr old man. After a long civil process, she managed to get divorced.

  59. shame shame shame ooooooo to all men who do such things (undressing in front of babies like her)is the man a witch or what, napapata marylyn dear where are you.

  60. Salut to the old man. He still has his engin running under the bonet. Some of u are just jealouse because you cant handle a 17 yr old. If i am 70 and still turbo charged under the bonet i would be the happiest mudala around and those 16, 17 yr olds are in trouble

  61. alale alale bawesu could that be his 4th generation? in line with his first marriage am sure these are the men Emmaneul Mulemena used to song about..ati ukumona abapongoshi mukashiwandi uwakale..

  62. Still no pastors on this site to answer what i persived to be easy one for bible readers. awe mwandi nadabwa. so it seems it’s only same bloggers that spend time on this site. Ha ka question kanisokoneza and it seems it has done to everyone the same. Yaba site iyi. nalema nayo pamene apa.

  63. The vest this silly old chap is wearing is the only cover up to his age. Iam yet to see any of my fellows having to feel safe in that kind of wear.

  64. Horrible! What a shocking picture! I remember when I was in secondary school a girl had to be helpe by the headmistress as well because her dad wanted to marry her off. But it is rare to hear of such in the towna. Those poor village girls, they probably look forwards to those ame marriages.

    “emancipation from mental slavery”

    More work needs doing in rural areas to educate those young women that there is an alternative life out there! For shame! I will pray for that young woman, may God help her.



  66. Pungwa kyoni kilabambawila, nangu kanyike kulya. How many sugar dadies and mammies (Bansamba mulopa) are hiding in Rhodes park, Kabulonga, Avondale and Kalundu? Journalists must hook them out. Bakabanki!!!

  67. That man is insane, 70 yrs against 16yrs? This reminds me of Bwezani. RB is above 72 yrs and the wife is 29 yrs this yr.No morals

  68. Mwe bantu I asked a question in my mail #109. Anybody with the answer. This is my last plea as I dont want to offend anybody due to my persistant shout of help. At least I’m man enough to ask where I’m not conversant. Does this mean there are no pastors nor serious BA’s that know the BIBLE on this site? Ha.

  69. Please i would like to sponsor this young girl to School or to some form of training that will make her gain some skills. If any body knows her contact details send them over to me pse. Dont worry about the big man i will approach him diplomatically. This young girl deserves a better life some body help her pse. :(:(

  70. Abakulu ebasunga, in rural areas they also have the resources to marry since the young ans able bodied men have gone to look for better life in towns. :d

  71. Bloggers the most disturbing thing is the consequences. So at the age of 17 you marry a 70 year old and drop out of school to have babies. A few years later he is unable to provide you and the children. Then what? you live at the village and wait for hand outs. When you could have gotten an education, job and a husband you can grow old with and experience life with. That should be illegal,

  72. Most young guys are unemployed,frustrated,looking for jobs occupied by sugar daddies who are able to buy gifts and pay rentals for young ladies.How can u maintain friendship when u are wearing an already finished pair of shoe.Graduates are worse than a conductor who has access to small cash. :-?:-?

  73. Most young guys are unemployed,frustrated,looking for jobs occupied by sugar daddies who are able to buy gifts and pay rentals for young ladies.How can u maintain friendship when u are wearing an already finished pair of shoe.Graduates are worse than a conductor who has access to small cash. :-?:-?

  74. #12
    Guys mwalepana hie dont worry zambians will naver change
    Thank God they hv luked at it this time lets pray they
    keep it up
    Than all going to see LB flying out of zed well done just
    dont end up on this kid they are a lot more even to there
    own fathers sme of them
    Ei chkupapusha mwa

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