Thursday, March 13, 2025

Chief justice leaves ICU


CHIEF Justice Ernest Sakala was evacuated to South Africa after suffering a heart condition
CHIEF Justice Ernest Sakala was evacuated to South Africa after suffering a heart condition
Chief Justice, Ernest Sakala, has been discharged from South Africa’s Milpark Hospital Intensive Care Unit.

And Health Minister, Kapembwa Simbao, has described the condition of Justice Sakala as stable.

Justice Sakala was evacuated to South Africa after a team of medical doctors recommended that his heart problem needed further investigations.

The Chief Justice fell ill last week and was admitted to Lusaka trust hospital.

Meanwhile, Science and Technology Minister, Peter Daka, has been hospitalised at a private Hospital in Lusaka.

Mr. Simbao however declined to state his condition.



  1. Another one admitted to a private hospital. Next we will be told he is evacuated to SA.

    I think we are fed up with these people mwe. Admit them to UTH. How many times are we going to talk about the same things kanshi?

    Bloggers who was UTH made for?

  2. How much moeny was spent on this one while our friends and relatives die in UTH?

    Govt this is not right!! Test all these Leaders pls so that we do not end up with aSICK Govt imwe!!

    Most of them its ” Dead Man Walking”

  3. For transparency and accountability we zambian people need to know much was the medical bill for Mr sakala in SA.Tax payers are dieying in UTH at an expense of selffish government officials.
    If u are a listening government plis build a modern hospital to cater for everyone’s health issues.

  4. 8-| so taxpayers money right there. why not take them to local private hospitals like CFB if they dont wanna go to uth? its not fair. thats taxpayers money being exported to SA:-?

  5. #10 Its because the services they offer have been denied to zambians due to corruption and other vices. Ever heard of KK going to RSA during his time ?

  6. “And Health Minister, Kapembwa Simbao, has described the condition of Justice Sakala as stable.”

    Please, Mr Chief Justice, I wish you quick recurperation as the word STABLE doesn’t sound well to my eyes because I fear about what happened in the past after its over-use.

    As for Miniter Peter Daka, I wish you Sir a quick recovery.

    LT 2008 Award Winner. =; for Zambia in 2011.

  7. It’s like a fashion statement,flying abroad for medical check-ups, Studying abroad, shopping abroad, I guess you cant help it when you country cant even supply the basics such as food to its people. That’s why development won’t happen because we are forced to spend all this money outside, and when we do spend it in Zambia guess who pockets it for their own use and luxuries. Well done Zambian Leaders…Your people could not be more happier.

  8. Hey Maestro,I didnt mention any one,s name for you to say all that okay,am in a celebrating mood because Barrack,s inauguration ceremony.So dont spoil my day,ina iwe walisenda buti? Just mind your on bussiness period!

  9. 17. zest greetings, on ”“sound to my ears or seems to my eyes”, it is sound to my eyes as ears can not read the news item on LT.
    Type ‘define: sound’ in google search and you will find the following among many othr definitions:

    Definitions of sound on the Web:
    1. appear in a certain way; “This sounds interesting”
    2. sounding – looking: appearing to be as specified; usually used as combining forms; “left their clothes dirty looking”; “a most disagreeable looking character”; “angry-looking”; “liquid-looking”; “severe-looking policemen on noble horses”; “fine-sounding phrases”; “taken in by high-sounding talk”
    wordnet. princeton. edu/ perl/ webwn

    I hope this helps! Ask, if not.

  10. 21. Chewe greetings, what do you mean on “Hey Maestro,I didnt mention any one,s name for you to say all that okay,am in a celebrating mood because Barrack,s inauguration ceremony.So dont spoil my day,ina iwe walisenda buti? Just mind your on bussiness period!”?
    Please quote and give the quote source of what you are alluding to! Otherwise, I think you have a better way of addressing your current problems of watching from the terraces. Welcome back though for you seem to be panishing yourself by failing to blog nicely when you are just popping in and out or is it PEEPING.
    Just move out of your self imposed exile 29 year old man and not baby seeking help from bloggers of your calibre.

  11. :oToo much ukulya bwino ninshi bambi balechula nd dying in UTH. Special citizens. I hope they did not use Govt money coz mambala gets a lot of money.

  12. Maestro Hhehhehhehhe you are wrong just admit that you erred, why do you want to be right everytime? We are not here to argue the context in which you used the two words “SOUNDS” incorrect to me.See the difference the way i used SOUND?

  13. Did KK ever go abroad for treatment? Correct me if I am wrong. Thought he was always attended to by Z’ doctors/health professionals at UTH.

  14. 27. zest what is your real problem? Are you also like Banton (.LLB), who is probably spending his time to research stuff just to come and challenge me since our bwanji days. I gave you clear instructions on #22. Maestro Hhehhehhehhe that present definitions as to the use of “sound” for “seeing” usings “eyes”.
    Please, re-read my posting #22 carefully instead of trying to correct my well-written english with your “Maestro Hhehhehhehhe you are wrong just admit that you erred, why do you want to be right everytime? We are not here to argue the context in which you used the two words “SOUNDS” incorrect to me.See the difference the way i used SOUND?” for it wont work.
    Jealous wont work!

  15. 28. JD greetings, on “Did KK ever go abroad for treatment? Correct me if I am wrong. Thought he was always attended to by Z’ doctors/health professionals at UTH.” I would simply write that former President KD Kaunda (KK) is a man who trust in the Zambian education system and its products together with our health institutions.
    I like him for that because I can not put my TRUST on foreign people to attend to my health as they can be compromised at any time by their governments or anyone to inject something bad for my personal health.
    We need to do our own research and develop our own medicine to treat and vaccinate ourselves instead of depending on stuff we dont know what they contain.

  16. imwe bantu, what about our relatives who cannot make it to chawama clinic, katondwe mission, ibbwe munyama? this is animal farm par excellence.

  17. Ba Zest,Kalekeni ka educated villager kali pama sana.He thinks he knows it all.You Lunatic,lonely and frustrated tonga. Get married,you wil stop being bored.The only thing you can do is to blogg,ka mambala iwe.Kalale shaa.

  18. Hope his stable condition will not result into Levy’s. We all know Zedians how we were given wrong information on our own father till his death. (My his saul rest in peace) Hon. Simbao make sure your statements are based on truth. In the first place, you never said the justice was in I.C.U. When did his condition worsen for him to be taken in that unit? Anyway, get well soon Mr. Justice.

  19. in the picture, in the background is joseph ichabod jalasi of the electoral commission. another dubious burley mwe.

  20. And one more thing iwe ka hehehe,dont compare yourself Shampungu Banton.That one is a man with brains and proper grammar.Not you ka Lunatic Kalale shaa,always just talking ifyatalala .

  21. Someone said “respect a f o o l to avoid noise for the onlookers may not notice the difference”. Although I am just quoting this and I do not aggree with the issue of calling someone as a f o o l,I will use its message to outwit characters with ill-motives.
    Since, one character if behaving funny in :-@ on issues that do not concern him/her, I will just do |-) on his/her rants which have no reference on me as Maestro =)).
    Jealous on my Award and success will never help anyone. Let us grown up and give up tribalism and racist.US President Obama has just made history with progressive America people of diverse tribes and races and we can do 2.
    LT 2008 Award Winner. =; for Zambia in 2011

  22. Wekapuba niwebo,i told you that i will be there to make sure that you dont trouble people here.Get yourself a wife and you will stop this nonsense.Kalale computer emukashi? Wajaila uku shupa abantu. Kaliba primitive sana aka mutonga aka.

  23. #37 continued.
    Matthew 6 + KJV Bible
    6:23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great [is] that darkness!
    6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon

    James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
    LT 2008 Award Winner. =; for Zambia in 2011.

  24. Maestro and Chewe at their Best again!!

    Awe Ine naya mukulala!! Please enjoy your meal!!

    Good night Bloggers!! :-h:-h:-h:-h:-h

    P:S Chewe do not get your day spoiled!! Obama Numbala l-)

  25. 44. Jamaco, good night and regards to your family. I have a feeling or impression that you are Nine Chalo. Any sense in this?

    Oh, also, what do you mean “Maestro and Chewe at their Best again!!”? Do you think the characters clearly helping Chewe in his endeavour are actually Chewe in a coward mode of using different blog names?

    I doubt it, nkaambo umwi wabo waalikubwentele Chewe mubuzuba bwa-nsabata masiku a nsondo chifumofumo.

    Plus tard.
    LT 2008 Award Winner. =; for Zambia in 2011.

  26. Maestro or whatever you call yourself, you’re too exited for nothing. You are passed the age and level of a high sch student. Pls have manners, even bad ones can be worked on, I mean manners. You are not the only character reading and posting comments. MWANYANYA!!!!

  27. the govt don give a sh*t about me the ordinary zambian, UTH is made for me Just like the government school is made for me


  29. Govt, please put up a modern hospital with a section specifically to deal with heart problems. All of us have only one heart. Those privilledge will fly to SA for treatment. What about the less advantaged? We all need treatment for our hearts including our corrupt/incompetent judiciary personnel.

  30. Respect to KK. I still remember when we where at medical school when KK would come to UTH admitted to the VIP lounge between E21/22 and G21/22 ba -para security not allowing trespassers through. KK trained us free of charge, we left when they couldnt sustain us after he left. The manpower is there just need the same equipment at Milpark hospital installed at UTH – wether MRI ,cath lab or whatever. Now its heart failure for the people and heart failure for the elite, kidney failure for the people and kidney failure for the elite etc…..sad

  31. i don’t like the sound of “stable” without more details.the last time “stable” was used we ended up with a state funeral. :-w:-w:-w

  32. Aba bafintu, they steal money through taking each other to south africa. Nafilefwafye. The rest of the citizens can’t afford panadol fyena fileya out. You shall be judged and harshly for that matter.

  33. Aparently we do not have adequate medical equipment such that our Doctors and Nurses in our so called best hospitals rely on ECG’s to detect a heart trouble and thats just about it in our Cardiology Departments in Zed (incl UTH).

    Patients who require in-depth heart related investigations with or without cardiac history,such patients require procedures like LHT,PCI/PTCA. South Africa happens to be the only country in the whole region that has the necessary equipment and staff specialising in that area. Zed cannot afford you see and it seems the rest of the Southern region finds it impossible,Mhmmmmmm! 8-|8-|8-|8-|8-|8-|8-|

  34. What message does this send to ordinary Zambians? Are hospitals in Zambia not capable of dealing with other health problems? Can Zambians be made aware so that they save money for travel to South africa when they are unwell? What on earth is this?

    Well I think it is enough explanation of the many deaths of young Zambians in our hospotals. Perhaps the deaths have to do with lack of resources in our hospitals after all.So if you are poor (you can’t fly to South Africa) you die and if you happen to be a minister or rich your life is safe. Money is power! **==

  35. By the way, who and who is not surposed to be flown to SA for medical check ups… Cant everyone be treated locally so that our own services are put to good use and hence compete in providing better services.

  36. At least in this picture the Chief Justice looks free from AIDS symptoms which we are now too familiar and we can pick even just from a photo of someone.
    I hope the wife to the Justice is not known to Dan Pule otherwise he may be phoning her every morning to find out if the Justice is dead. The man is a plunderer of widowed or single women.
    These guys are feeding to well, just imagine even Peter Daka, uja wozoola vimafuta, is also sick. Too much T-bone and Pork chops that these freeloaders like eating. I hope they both die so we can have a national mourning. I love and miss national mournings. Free Chibuku and Nshima for us cadres.

  37. 57 Che
    The guy is not just light. Fimafuta fyakusubasuba filya. They want to look light thinking it will make them attractive, NO. Bupuba fye bulya.
    Usube or not heart attack or kidney failure yena ilekata mudala.
    Let both of them just die.
    I cant wait for the death of VJ myself. I will remain strong and live very very positively with my AIDS just so as to witness the demise of one VJ THE CHIEF RIGGER OF OUR TIMES.

  38. Ok. Is he haunted by those fake pronouncements he proclaimed in his basso profundo as presidential winners over the years? What’s the bloke suffering from?!!

    Hey that artificially light (skin?) tanned Daka is somewhere in Kanyama clinic, correct me if Iam wrong coz the only case they are admitting in Lusaka clinics is something to do with cholera.

    Obama in, Bush out. Great to behold and I simply envy the American democracy.
    Peace in Gaza? Watch this space!

  39. Mossad there will never be peace in Gaza as long as Iran exists…Obama is a known Israeli supporter, so no change there….

  40. #66. Mossad. Let me start the day by expressing my displeasure for your relentless efforts to drug this blog on the wrong side of history when you unashamedly supported Israeli slaughter of innocent palestistians in Gaza during the just ended infamous Gaza-Israeli conflict. I was dumbfounded by your actions when you referred to the dead in Gaza as ‘terrorists’. Palestinians have been fighting for their homeland, forcefully taken away from them by the Jews and Zionism. You are heartless. You are inhuman. You are pathetic. I thought I should be straight with you.

  41. may your soul rest in peace, we are tired of spending money on you people who can’t follow simple health rules.exercise ba minister and stop eating too much, especially junky food. :((:((:((

  42. :((, medical tourism for the apa mwambas yet the average Zambian dies from treatable illnesses…shame! If these chaps had to use UTH, they’d have the motivation to fix things. RB should suspend all GRZ sponsored medical treatment abroad immediately! All those who see it fit to fly to Morningside, Milpark or London, should do so at their own expense. Why is it that KK used to have his check-ups at UTH yet Kafupi, LPM & the rest of these jokers prefer flying out to treat their ‘rich’ ailments!!!

  43. Bwana CJ wishing you a quick recovery!!!
    I only hope you wont come and claim travel allowances!!
    for yourself and the people who you have flown with because boss nishi mwatwipaya sure fye!!!!
    Mwe buteko please tell us the criteria used to access the privalladge of flying to Morning side and Milpak.. Pa Zed ni animal farm truelly

  44. They should just improve conditions at the UTH ICU and thats it. To be honest some of the these guys that are flown to south africa, are actually attended to by the local nurses and doctors (from Zambia) who are now based at those centres in south africa. Its just the equipment that misses at our hospitals. You know this is like talking of better sevices outside zambia, go there and see what they get. Waiting time is even worse than kumyesu. They wait long hours before they are seen. so whats the point of posing at baya out of the country. Its shear waste of time and money to fly anybody out of the country for treatment. we have everything there. ni brainfye ukwafya mu zambia’s GOVT

  45. We still have some very good Doctors who are still in Zambia. It only needs a brave person to buy the necessary equipment they need to work efficiently. Also why can we not just pay our Doctors properly? I guess it would be cheaper than alll these jaunts to RSA. We find it acceptable to pay the high medical fees to RSA hospitals so that they can pay their Doctors properly but not do the same for our own people. I THINK WE DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT SELF GOVERNING ENTAILS!!!

  46. #48. We are not interested thanks.. So childish of you and please we are not here to dicreminate others this is a free site everyone is intitled to his/her own opinion man. GROW UP…..

  47. #48. We are not interested thanks.. So childish of you and please we are not here to discriminate others this is a free site everyone is intitled to his/her own opinion man. GROW UP…..

  48. 48. Anonymous who are you? Reveal yourself!! Should we all go Anonymous and the diss our Brother!! No Thanks my Friend [-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x[-x

  49. 48. Anonymous you alone should go one on one with Brother Maerstro!! Please do not get us involved. We have better things to do. FREE PRESS!!! **== 8->8->8->

  50. 80. MULAMU with “#48. We are not interested thanks.. So childish of you and please we are not here to discriminate others this is a free site everyone is intitled to his/her own opinion man. GROW UP…..”
    81 and 82 Jamaco with “48. Anonymous who are you? Reveal yourself!! Should we all go Anonymous and the diss our Brother!! No Thanks my Friend and 48. Anonymous you alone should go one on one with Brother Maerstro!! Please do not get us involved. We have better things to do. FREE PRESS!!!”

    Thanks for posting positively on this forum. Childish behaviour MUSt not be entertained at all costs.
    LT 2008 Award Winner. =; for Zambia in 2011.

  51. Obesity, which is common among our politicians and top civil servants has been cited as the main cause of these admissions to S.A hospitals. In Zambia, when you are fat.. then ULELYA BWINO

  52. Why don’t our gov get loans for purposes of buying medical equipments rather than getting loans for unknown purposes, we waist billions of kwacha sending these same gov officials to SA for medicals, honestly what equpiment are in SA that our gov can’t buy and save taxpayers money for other things.

  53. Iam back.
    #68 Truly Zedian. Didn’t say as far as I can remember that there will be peace in Israel. Not from me really.
    #70 Easy Mule. U aren’t at easy. I thought your name suggests that but you aren’t at easy. For a start I just checked with my doc and I can seriously confirm with you that my heart is in its right place. However, you are entitled to your opinion no matter how shallow or miopic they tend to be. If you think the Israelis are illegal settlers in that land then you are completely on the wrong end of the stick. Israelis are clearly where they are supposed to be. Period. No allah or budha or whatever fetish god can change that but Jehovah Jireh.YHWH.

  54. He who seeks equity should come with clean hands.I remind you bloggers,what if he was your father would swallow this nonsense of nagative comments you are passing on the highest learned judge?.Answer me…! >:)>:)>:)

  55. These are what we call benefits of learned personells,unlike unlearned politicians.this 1 i cant complain bcoz he deserves it big time.Get well soon my lord! >:)>:)>:)

  56. One politician was surprised in SA:

    Dotor to Nurse… leta kuno mankhwala… yasha chi laiti…

    Doctor to the cleaner… “Endesha kapala”

    Cleaner to the Pharmacist… wachedwa uuona ni ku monze”

  57. Could some reason journalist please invest ho much our GRZ spends of medicals fees and transport costs on GRZ officials who are sent for check ups and treatment to South Africa annually please.

    I reckon it is now critical for the Zambian Nation to know this information so that we can compare with the costs of buying the equipment to be installed in our hospitals countrywide including payments of specialists to make use of the equipment in Zambia to provide a real health service to our ill or sick fellow Citizens of such dis-ease as Heart-attack, stroke, etc.

    LT 2008 Award Winner. =; for Zambia in 2011.

  58. Boma , Boma. Do you know how many of our relatives have had to die prematurely because of the poor infrastructure in the hospitals. Each time you evacuate. Why dont you upgrade the hospitals with modern equipment. The evacuations entail air travel, medical bills, and all and yet a simple normal Zambia cannot have that facilities. Our social system needs to be reviewed. We are tired of only having to access such facilities when we live in foreign countries. Only people working in organisation that can afford medical schemes can access such facilities and for our other fellow Zambian it means dooms day.
    Anyway may his condition improve but may the government take action

  59. I am sure no one wants to see another human being being seriously ill so our thoughts are with him and his family as we hope god restores him to good health.

    But to reiterate most of the arguements above, it is totally unacceptable that our state run hospitals have no investment, where as senior government officials are treated abroad.

    What does it say about a person if he cannot eat the food in his home because it is not good enough for him, and yet he buys the food?

    It would be interesting to know from auditor generals office, how much is spent on these “health holidays” per year.

    Lets make this a key issue in our political debate.

  60. Just in case LT is asleep, well wake up to your slamber coz the world over yesterday was talking about the inauguartion of one, Barack H Obama as the 44th president of the USA and you are shamelessly telling us boring things about the ailing Sakala. Get real LT!!!

  61. What about OBAMA? Lets wait and see if will deliver!!!

    time for jokes is over for him!!

    He is no celebrity but president now!!

    I am now tired of you guys talking about him!!!

    lets wait and see…

  62. sorry that joke meant… even if our politicians go out they still

    find the same Zambian doctors out there atleast!!!

    just was jocking with the wise ones!!!

  63. We are sick and tired of hearing stable becoz even when someone is dying they will still say stable anyway you wouldn’t konw which dictionary they are using these old guys maybe they are using an outdated dictionary to them being very sick is stable any the God is with him because they is time for everything when God says No who can say yes.cheezes

  64. Chief Justice Sakala might be better of retired. That position is full of pressure and my humble advise to the govt is to retire him and save a life. Let us learn from other individual that alive and dead who never listened till fate struck.

  65. “Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.” – Unknown.

    Fortunately for the enermies, thery are all ‘Anonymous’ by names.

    LT 2008 Award Winner. =; for Zambia in 2011.

  66. Learm from Chiluba. There’s a price to pay living a life of luxury at the expense of the poor. What goes around comes around.

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