The Lusaka High Court today upheld a two-year jail sentence slapped on Samuel Musonda, a former Managing Director of Zambia National Commercial Bank (ZANACO), the country’s biggest bank, on 44 counts of corruption and abuse of office.
Musonda ran ZANACO under the regime of retired President Frederick Chiluba, who left office in 2001.
The banker was arrested and charged for facilitating the irregular release of funds held in an account at one of the bank’s branches.
The bank account in question belonged to Zambia’s Intelligence and Security Services and has been traced as the account that was used for various irregular purchases for Chiluba and many of his associates.
Musonda had been sentenced to two years in prison by the Lusaka Magistrates Court but had appealed against the sentence.
He had argued that as the chief executive of ZANACO, which has since been privatised, he had no choice but to sanction the release of various sums of money because he was acting under the instructions of either Chiluba or the head of the intelligence services.
Lusaka High Court judge Tamula Kakusa, however, dismissed the appeal and upheld the two year jail term.
Musonda’s lawyer indicated that his client would appeal again to the country’s highest court the Supreme Court of Zambia.
its no right
its not right
Thats is good,yapasa mukakeni eshibe :d
while what can i say?
nao alilyako,shili mtumba,kakeni fye
The man was following instructions from the commander in chief / president wich was very difficult some how to refuse these instructions. But its some thing every CEO shud know now not to obey any thing that comes from the president thu u risk yo JOB
:((:((let them get the puppeteers.why are they quick to dispose cases of puppets leaving the real criminals to walk our streets?
Let Justice prevail, lock him up he is a sub beneficially of Chiluba’s mismanagement of our countries resource.
Why not? Maybe am where am now because of the looting of our countries resources
I actually think the 2 yrs fatboy got is a light sentence compared to Lt. Gen. Singongo who got 6 yrs for stealing gensets only. I wonder how the courts arrive at these sentences. Could the Supreme Court punish this fella with a longer sentence pliz?
Thats why appointments to such offices should be ratified by parliament so that the president has no undue influence.otherwise,its not easy to ignore orders from the commander in chief.I sympathise with musonda.
Yebo yes’ lock him up’ Xavier to follow. Bamakaka!
But where is Musonda right now? Out on bail like most of the “convicted” or in the chuks(jail)??!!:-? Can the prisons seve their right purpose for once pliz?=d>
I hope the the jail sentence is upheld even at supreme Court and if anything let it be upped to 5 years.
True! But he could have resigned if he didnt want to be part of it ! Jail him! anadyako! why should he escape the chop?
Musonda was acting under orders from the commander in chief while Singogo chose to steal on his own.
LT where is my comment I made earlier? was bad to be deleted?
Ba nzama nvela mushe ma yakumbuyo yamu jale dumbo uyo. Naka pot belly ku fota fota awe shuwa
Get the real thief who is busy still enjoying walking in streets.
Stealing is stealing weather stealing for yourslef or being forced to steal ,so we all say JAIL JAIL JAIL JAIL JAIL
#21 wrong spelling it was surposed to be yourself
That is what it means to be a yes sir character,he used to be a muzungu anikonde.This is a big lesson to others who fail to act professionally in these offices.They may get favours and be promoted for being bakamucheka but their days are numbered.Two years is not enough,i will ask my minister of justice-Maestro Hhehhehhehhe to study this judgement.
Maestro Hhehhehhehhe,how are you?
Thieves ,two years is too little.Lock him up for twenty years.Let him rot in jail. :-\”:-\”
Two years is not enough. He deserved a ‘better’ sentence
There ,he has said it,Orders from kafupi.Jail him straight away or is there something we dont know?? :o:o:-\”:-\”
Chungu and Kabwe has seen the signs thats why the are plotting all sorts of tricks. Let Musonda serve his time. 24 months is not much considering Mandela was in for 27 years. Let him appeal so uncle K – lawyer can continue his enjoyist life style
Thats what you expect if you are a bootliker no common sense always acting on orders , why didnt he resign if it was wrong? Jail him elyo 2yrs yachepa sana minimum 5years.
#22. your flag ZAMBIAN PRESIDENT thank you very much Sir. I will study this case and give a comprehension thought out analysis. In the mean time “The Lusaka High Court today upheld a two-year jail sentence slapped on Samuel Musonda, a former Managing Director of Zambia National Commercial Bank (ZANACO), the country’s biggest bank, on 44 counts of corruption and abuse of office” is very encouraging news as criminal cases are now being concluded under the leadership of President RB Banda.
The law is surely taking its course in our great Nation Zambia and I give a hand to the “Lusaka High Court judge Tamula Kakusa” for upholding the the sentence.
# 6 He was jeopartazing his duties by not following his job ethics and rule of law despite been directed by his boss, so he should be held accountable for whatever transactions he was making.
Who were Chiluba’s associates. Common knowledge dictates that Levi Mwanawasa was the first Chiluba associate, being his first 2IC. Why are these cases going on without the nation knowing what Levi knew, good or bad?
People, Musonda is a victim of African dictatorial rule. In his shoes, most Zambian’s would do like Musonda did
Levi too was not a saint in abuse of power! God forbid, Mwanawasa hang on to power till his death. Levi wilded excessive power, silence everyone not to search for a successor even when it was evident his sickness was too perpertual for one not to have cast a doubt over his continued rule! Yet, even Teta who raised the issue of succession was forced to recant.
enze bwana kale siku nilelo.
Ba Dk Kawalala ni pa kwanja. You cannot bring the late into this. Moreover he is not around to defend himself
I also wanted to hit a balance on this matter. I suppose that looking at the two yes, the judge was considerate enough, and I think he feels for Musonda. Two years seems a reminder to Musonda, and all those “YES BWANAS.”
However, yes bwana syndrome culture will never be displaced by the courts, because even the courts in Africa are biased, gravitating towards the government of the day.
We need the powers of the president tamed to servant of the nation!
Comprehension of chizungu is a problem for most of you ? He has not been sentenced as of YET thats only the high court he still has to go to the supreme court. You are celebrating as if he is in remand and going to prison tommorow.
32 Thank you mbuya Yanjani Zulu. I totally understand you point. I am just trying to balance this case, but most of all bring out the fact that presidents in Africa, like Zambia have excessive power, and Levi did excercise exessive powers, an example from events of his sporadic sicknesses leading to his death. In any case, bad as it may sound in our traditional norms, Mwanawasa drummed up these corruption cases, and he was the first vice president, and thus will always be remembered.
Baby c and Spring Chicken I couldn`t agree more.
Infact if I was the judge I would give him:
1. Another two years for coming to court in a s t u p i d suit
2. Another two for being short and f a t. He was going to cost the country money for evacuating him to SA for more investigations. :-t
# 28 Maestro Hhehhehhehhe, why not put yr own comments. It that all you learnt, copy and paste, if at all u ever went to a proper sch. Niku kweta!!!! Till you change I will be on you. THUMBS DOWN OR THIS RIDICULOUS CHARACTER.
It is unfair for the Zambian courts to jail Musonda while the man who was giving orders is still enjoying tax payers sweat. This is still corruption, why is Chiluba still walking the streets of Zambia while those he ordered around are being jailed. The government has been playing games with his case, for reasons that all Zambians know, MMD is ruling the country through corruption. Any of us, if we were in Musonda’s shoes would have made those payments. What the court should try to prove is if he (Musonda)also benefited from these disbursements and if he did he should be jailed, if not get to root and jail the real culprits Chiluba and Chuungu.
Have courage, blog in with your usual name. We know you!! That is cowardice on your part. You want to attack people whilst hiding in the “anonymous” nomenclature.
It will be interesting what happens to Chiluba and his cohorts. If Musonda is guilty for allowing money under his stewardship to be misused, then it follows that the person who misused it is guilty of a bigger crime.
Professionalism comes with ethics, and Musonda should have maintained his professionalism by following procedure or resigning.
Alas you cannot bite the hand that feeds you…….
One thing most people are failing to understand is that ZANACO under this man was owned by the govt so it would have ‘taboo’ for him to refuse to accept instructions from the head of state bearing in mind that in africa a President is literally above the law,none of you would have refused to obey instuctions,this man & many others were simply used by Chiluba & along the way they picked up the change Chiluba was dropping,it would have made sense to jail Chiluba first.I have faith in our judicial system but this is really mind boggling,why is Chiluba still outside.
Too bad Ba Musonda is going to jail, but if you ask yourself if you were in his position, wouldn’t you do the same? The Presido of the country directs you to withdraw money, how can you refuse? However, Ba Musonda should have kept a log and reports of all those directives as they came, detailing phonecalls, emails, sms whatever mode of communication ro exonerate himself as acting under duress. For now, unfortunately he does not have any evidence that he was being “forced” to withdraw the monies to which he greatly benefitted as well. So Ba kalamba, its the chux for you.
“Any of us, if we were in Musonda’s shoes would have made those payments”.
I have personally complained about the powers African presidents have and you are right. But, it`s time we as Africans started to change things. If he was not for the idea, why not resign? The fact that he was going to lose his job and obviously his life made difficult by the powers that be leaves Africa where it is today.
ka musonda, utuposesheko kashiwa uko waya uko.
The real scenario is this. State house phones and says we want K400million, Musonda gets K700million from the vault. No receipt no questions asked.
If anyone asks, he simply says “i gave state house, ask the president if you want.”
It’s just talk,none of you would have resigned because the President ordered you to release funds that were infact provided for through the constitution.The funds were administred by the Intelligence whose signatory was Xavier Chungu & the money was transacted through ZANACO & ACCESS FINANCE.
Chiluba could have caused chaos in ZANACO coz the Bank of England almost suspended & closed the London Branch of ZANACO over money laundering which was done thru various high ranking officials instructed by Chiluba but the Zed govt quickly shut the London branch to avoid depositors losing their money,Chiluba should be locked up soon as the main witness Chungu is there now so what are they waiting for.
#41, 42, 43, If i were Musonda, i would have refused or resigned. You dont take unlawful instructions.
38, I think the problem we have is the President having too much powers in our country. As things stand we can not even institute an inquiry to probe a sitting President even when he has messed up. We all witnessed the Monica Lewinsky scandal and how Clinton was tossed around. Now in Zambia who can have the guts do that. Hope our new constitution will address such irregularities.
46. There was no signature from Xavier Chungu otherwise Musonda would have proved this in court.
People has resigned before on principle. Akashambatwa Mbikusita-Lewanika, Levy Mwanawasa etc
Such people are constantly ridiculed even on this blog and yet they have integrity. Who is better off today Aka or FJT. We should not be short sighted.
47. Yanjani Zulu
That’s a joke,no one is allowed to question the operations of intelligence services apart from the President.In Zambia people fear authority too much there is too much of ‘sir/madam’,you cannot even call your Managing Director by his first name,not even the Human Resources Manager so how would you expect Musonda to say no to the President,the same Musonda probably even bowed to the Finance Minister & even the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance,you guys here are jokers aren’t you,it’s not right but african leaders are feared to the extremes,things need to change.
He is just an Escape Goat,the big fish is still free.
Let Justice flow like a mighty river. Let the wrong doers gnash their teeth. Let them rot in Jail. I pray to God to send fire from heaven and burn to ashes all those still in courts so that we can serve the country some tax payers money. Also my God send to jail those who are still involved in corruption like the Minister of Transport and communication and the Commerce minister. May their wifes sleep with their gardeners in day light for everybody to see. Let their doughters become prostitutes for our sons to feast on them.
Mudala, I dont think you can resign a top job in Zed. Unless you had a major plan or have found a job somewhere else, resigning out of morals in Zed is almost suicidal. He should have just kept a journal of things or write a letter to the President asking for clarification in the most diplomatic way. That would have shown that he was acting under undue circumstances.
what can i say :-?chimangeni mudala.:d/:)>-
Is this man in the picture pregnant…or it maltrition slowly catching up now?
This sentence for Musonda is nothing. There are far more serious cases against Musonda that will follow in future. Musonda was used by Chiluba and Mwanawasa for them to steal ZNOC from Zambians. Mwanawasa recruited The post Newspapers and The Nchitos to be printing lies against ZNOC favoring Zanaco. This sentence is just a smoke screen; this chap deserves to be in prison for life. He should tell the Zambian people who was giving him instructions to make US$40 million false entries against ZNOC.
Jigga then what are we going to do about it? Musonda may be a small fry but hope something is done about Chiluba.
If the Supreme courts uphold the sentence then it should be easy to send Chiluba in.
#57 Nothing
What are you talking about? Check you facts on Mwanawas and the Post bwana!
49. smal
Signature or no signature,Musonda at the time had no authority to question operations of the intelligence services,even in developed countries,no one would question how the intelligence services carry out their operations however debates about how much they should be allocated to them in the budget is debated.
This same scenario happened at ZESCO,Mwansa the former MD would call & authorise Divisional & Regional Offices to give money to various individuals & MMD party officials but when things backfired,he said he didn’t issue any instructions & fired all those involved including Austin Liato(then at ZESCO & UNION Chief) who got several loans authorised by Mwansa.
But the sentences these chaps are being given are fake. If a rapist can be jailed for 25 years, theft of public resources should be twice that.
Heads should roll in the Kalusha Bwalya FAZ executive over Mayuka. Banasheta mahafu maboyi.
What is needed is a commission of inquiry, with immunity against prosecution, so that we find out how politicians bully professionals. Principled professionals are suffering while boot-lickers are the ones enjoying. Musonda is an honest man. This is a warning to honest people holding public offices. You will be locked up while the crooks keep enjoying. It is a rat race in which only the rats survive. Sad but necessary development.
#57 Nothing, waya..ulikwi?
I am still looking up for a claried statement.
Anyway, the Post only has issues of marrying dying husbands’ wives…then the late Mwanawasa, had an equation with Finance Bank. Not what yoy are arguing on.
57. Nothing
Yes,check your facts about Levy,the only embarrassing & suspected corrupt cases against him was on the change of insurance cover for govt depts & various govt wings from ZSIC to Professional Insurance & the awarding of tenders & contracts to Finance Bank instead of ZANACO,both PI & Finance Bank are owned by Levy’s long time friend Ndola Mahtani.
The decision making process used to steal, fornicate, commit adultery, drink is the same. You cannot be forced to fornicate, commit adultery or even drink. We are free moral agents with the power to say no. I have had opportunities to make quick, big bucks but my conscious says no
#50 Jigga, if the intelligence, just like some other government wings, were answerable to parley, we would not have had a situation where franklin xavier chungu could steal root, branch and stem. we had intelligence chiefs like malukutila, wilted phiri and kamima (whom the chiluba/chungu administration eliminated) who served with integrity. very few people knew these guys because they were never show offs. fred and xavier were on a mission to loot zambia’s resources.
@#65 meant to say the most major known corrupt practices by Levy & at the end i meant Levy’s old time friend from Ndola,Mr Mahtani who always forced himself to travel on every foreign trip Levy made,the same was the case with Chiluba,Mahtani would travel in advance of Chiluba’s tour somewhere & make deals in the name of Chiluba & off course Chiluba knew about all this but he just ignored because Mahtani used to Finance MMD until Chiluba was put in an embarrassing positon by Mahtani did he break the friendship & threw Mahtani in jail.
Jigga…Mathani is Smart, he knows how to play his cards you cannot accuse him of anything. Its your word against his. Why has he not been arrested…If you have anything against him report to the police and not LT
67. ako kanono ba nevers
The intelligence services would never be answerable to Parley not even in developed nations but off course their budget can be debated.
We don’t know how much Phiri amassed for himself along the way so we cannot say he was honorable,my friend,intelligence is intelligence even in developed nations,they ”chew”money like there is no tomorrow coz they know no one is supposed to ask what their money is used for apart from the Commander in Chief.
Chiluba thought he was smart but it’s because Levy had ”some” integrity that he decided that Chiluba should account for the money he misused otherwise up to now we wouldn’t have known about what he took.
Please get it right, he was convicted of not reporting the payments to the board not givng the monies; a criminal offence under the banking act. He was a long serving banker and knew that he could be held responsible. As gratification, the prosecutor sucessfully submitted evidence that Chungu paid of Musonda’s mortgage on his mansion in Olympia, so this was not an oversight on his part but an illegal arrangement in which benefited as well.
Mr. Musonda deserves a separate jail sentence specifically for his main line of defence stating ” he was acting under the instructions of either Chiluba or the head of the intelligence services”. I am sure he can differentiate btn right and wrong. The least he could have done is resign upon rcving such corrupt instructions. But no, in his wisdom he sanctioned those money tranfers.Wrong is wrong, and right is right. If Mr. Musonda failed to differentiate, he should change his line of defence and plead insanity; maybe that will hold water in court. It’s a time of reckoning, though selective, it is at least instilling fear in corrupt people.
In fact,if FTJ is not arrested alongside his accomplices kabwez and chunguz, the Zambians must be allowed to take the law in their own hands. The thinking level of Chiluba and that Austrian man who married his own daughter is comparable
in the US, the intelligence services are scrutinised by a congressional committee, questioning some of their activities/actions.
Ask Musonda to tell you how he was abused by Chiluba, Mwanawasa and MMD. Facts are there everywhere. Mwanawasa and Chiluba used Musonda to steal ZNOC,using the Post Newspapers and The Nchitosas corruption campaign managers for Zanaco false accounting entries of more than US40 million.
The impression being given here is as if the intelligience service is not answerable to any one. This is the impression we have about the president as well.
69. Yanjani Zulu
I am not here to judge Mahtani or anyone else,infact all these things am talking about are there on the net,Chiluba gave an exclusive interview in which he made those allegations,it was during Levy’s reign and off course they were not followed up,Mahtani is a good businessman but not as smart as you think but anyway,who am i to judge,i simply happen to know most of these highly placed people so am saying things as i know them not accusations.
74. ako kanono ba nevers
Even the US President is scrutinised but the intelligence services are not asked to explain where money went,they are asked to justify their budgets.
# 70 Jiga,
Walikwata data iwe pali pali Mathani ayi! just like me exactly…leka tibauze!!!
75. Lusaka
Am failing to understand what you’re trying to put across infact i have never heard of those allegations especially against Mwanawasa.
What are you saying about ZNOC kanshi?
Remember the Canada Maize deal…Mathani and F.T.J meant to swindle the Zambian treasury, but things backfired…ask Edith!
ha. I have had enough of you LT blocking my comments.
#80 Jigga
Take note #75 Lusaka, is actaully #57 Nothing. Alibe data.
81. Casey Khisho
Oh yes,that was the beginning of the end of the FTJ/Rajan relationship.
# 82 Sara Jones
Hahahahahahaha! how is you!
#81 i dont undertand why people keep makinng reference to Mathani in the maize deal. The man was simply a broker and as paid a professional fee full stop… He did not steal
Task force listen and listen good!most of that cash ended up in Reginas house in Ndola if you care to know.
LT you are unbelievable. When I write what is sensble you block my comments.
Am fine. Just concerned with the way people are losing jobs in the UK. I hope everyone is safe and secure with nchito zanu.
I really do not trust these Courts!!
I smell a Rat on this one!!
Start with FTJ imwe… WE ALL WANT THE BIG FISH TO GO!!! :d
Sarah Jones Waz up?
Ba mbuli lekeni ukubepesha ba levy, when levy saw that ka TJ na bena remmy mushota started departing from what they were promising people he humbly resigned leaving sata leaking chiluba’s boots.you zambians never even bother to find out why because then TJ was moses kalubula.super ken tried by all means to raise alarm ati the little scared thieves baleiba.you went on and gave a name at fonko fonko nacho chebele ati naimwe mukafonka pa mala.Roger chongwe tried also ukumiebako amuti iyo.so mwibepesha levy .
“chitumbo chitumbo, chitumbo chikapwa, ukayafwila kuchifungo” lyrics from one of zambia’s greatest musicians, nashil pitchen kazembe.
moo see year knee as nyenge cheek alah… why aze cool bar…
The man is guilty as charged. He broke the law, banking regulations, accounting regulations and Zanaco’s own regulations. He also failed to inform the Zanaco board and he instructed those below him to break the same laws, rules and regulations. For this he deserves to be punished. Whether 2 years is a just sentence, who knows. From my perspective, just 2 months in a Zambian jail would be a life time. I wish him well and hope that others will learn that honest and integrity are far more important than greed and corrupt power.
Cage the monkeys. In Ghana, Jerry Rawlings had a faster way of dealing with such criminals. Make sure their criminal record sticks with them for life. No more jobs for them.
I hope he wont be any one’s mpompo
Sorry Mr.Musonda is going to prison sad they did not build or renovate the prisons doing time will be hard.Why is Kafupi still out? He needs to his time too.
Looks seven months pregnant, Too much MOSI and goat
If he had any morals he would have resigned rather than make irregular payments. That’s what that jail term is for!
But since Rupiah Banda’s ascendancy to presidency, it has been observed that the same accused individuals have plucked up courage to challenge the Task Force. Others have become very vocal and medically fit. Others still have returned from self-imposed exile.
Let us see continuity of Levy’s legacy on the fight against corruption, because the scenario has definitely changed after Levy Mwanawasa’s death (MHSRIP). President Rupiah Banda’s recent statement in Parliament on this issue should be seen to be a challenge to the MMD. His statement should be translated into action by the MMD parliamentarians or else the fight against corruption will be perceived to be over. MUBANGA LUCHEMBE
“THE Ministry of Energy is manoeuvering to allow Kenya’s Dalbit Petroleum to supply finished petroleum products to Zambia despite the company not having participated in the tendering process last year. According to sources within the evaluating committee at the Ministry of Energy, an official from Dalbit Petroleum was in the country for negotiations and the government provided him with an Aid´-de-camp (ADC) and was chauffeur driven in a black Mercedes Benz belonging to the government. The source said this kind of hospitality is only extended to VIPs with clearance from very high offices in the land.”
“The source observed that at the moment, there was no need for imports of diesel because Indeni Oil Refinery had the capacity to supply enough diesel. The source said Indeni Oil Refinery was at the moment producing one million litres of diesel per day while the total national consumption is 900,000 litres per day. The source said the government had even slapped a 25 per cent duty on imported finished petroleum products to discourage importation of finished petroleum products. The source said despite Indeni Oil Refinery having the capacity to supply enough diesel and the government’s restrictions on the importation of finished petroleum products, the Ministry of Energy is frantically….”
Two years for all those moneys, too lenient.The supreme court should increase to at least ten years not two years, this is tantamount to a joke.
Jigga. Contrary to your assertions, the intelligence services are answerable to parlimentary intelligence committees or congressional committees depending on the country. It is not done publicly such as in a court, but behind closed doors and with strict confidentiality.
Musonda was answerable to the board of directors and not to the president or OP.
Just because something happens in Zambia does not make it right.
To say resigning top job in Zambia is suicide is nonsensical.
Mwanawasa resigned as Veep, AKA resigned as Minister, Sunday Nkonde refused to deny PF a licence to demonstrate despite Levys’ insistence and wrath. He lost his job, but kept his integrity. Being a profe
This thief is still outside no wonder our TIZ performance record is not improving, lock him up these thieves not deserve any mercy.They made alot of people suffer by pocketing alot of money.Please next FTJ.
being a professional, Nkonde is able to continue earning his daily bread and maintain the respect of his peer, and most importantly, of his family.
Most of the comments on this article stem from a deep and dangerous ignorance of the case details. Mr Musonda is a righteous man. A man who cares deeply for his country and the people of Zambia. His loyalty to the country and its President was outstanding. Mr Musonda is indeed inocent and this case was brought about by the unfounded and politically pursecuting agenda of Mwanawasa. May the Lord show the nation and the government the inocence of Mr Musonda and the error which they have upheld.
Ignorance of Zambians as displayed by most of the blogs is why Zambia will not prosper…please understand the case details b4 you comment…the media is not truth eg the post is partly owned by mr Nchito state prosecutor in the musonda case….hence will report what brings them in real light….true evidence that the Lord is with this man…the death of LPM who was evil and also colapse of ZA owned by NCHITO who knows the truth plus revelation of the task force MOU just KEEP WATCHING AND YOU WILL SEE THE HAND OF THE LORD who is with this righeous man
[-( yaba chifundo ba mudala banga!!
114 Mu chisungu mukwai :-w
the country will never change putting inocent ppl in jail please spend the money elsewhere [-(
#42 I would like to counter what you have written ‘Ba Musonda should have kept a log and reports of all those directives as they came, detailing phonecalls, emails, sms whatever mode of communication ro exonerate himself as acting under duress. For now, unfortunately he does not have any evidence that he was being “forced” to withdraw the monies to which he greatly benefitted as well.’ on the contary, Mr Musonda kept extensive records of every transaction and the details of who and when they were released. That is what is so currupt about this case considering the abundance of evidence in Mr Musonda’s favour.
Also I would like to add that all of Mr Musonda’s possesions including property were purchased through private trackable funds. In the face of such support for Mr Musonda the court has erred grossly in its judgement.
Niku nkala olimba! better not drop the soap Sammy boy, lest be shafted by them rough necks!
In this country people with Big cases survive.44 cases only 2 years?.LIFE in-prisonment.Money vandalism penalty is too small.Just like pic-pocketing penalty
In any case he has enjoyed a 100 times more than an ordinary Zambian. Its time to see the other side of the world.
#121 Mr Musonda was born in the village as a poor boy and had worked extremely hard and legally to get to Zanaco MD. He has already seen the other side and is an example to every other Zambian that hard work and integrity will get you to the top. However this case shows that despite living a good clean life the government may still ilegally send you to prison. Also I dont think your shamefully filthy words are appreciated here Sheik Banda so keep them to yourself.
Musonda was a pone in Chiluba’s games. There is no way he could have refused instructions from State house. If the Chief justice can say yes to the HoS who was Musonda.
Just leave the poor alone and get chiluba himself. why is it that its only those that served under him are in trouble while he flies to SA at will. lets be fair Ladies and gentlemen.