Friday, September 6, 2024

Over K1.1 trillion needed to meet the national water demand


 Low-cost housing water supply and sanitation project
Low-cost housing water supply and sanitation project

Over K1.1 trillion is required to implement projects to satisfy the water demand for the country.

Local Government and Housing Deputy Minister Lwipa Puma, who confirmed the development in Parliament today, said over K1.1 trillion was needed to improve water reticulation in the country in line with the Fifth National Development Plan (FNDP) and the Vision 2030.

Dr Puma was responding to a question raised by Mazabuka Central Member of Parliament Garry Nkombo who wanted to know what the water consumption for the country was and how much money was required to satisfy water demand in the country.

The local government and housing Deputy Minister further said that government had started working-out modalities aimed at improving water reticulation in the country.

He said the move to start implementing water projects was aimed at enhancing service delivery in the water sector as water consumption was increasing in the country.

Dr Puma however could not state when government through his ministry will meet water demand to satisfy the needs and aspirations of people in the country.



  1. 9. LEON Drinking will never get you to Numbala l-)


    Just talked to LT :)] !! Another Thread to be droped in a few minutes!! Nine Chale walashala !!

  2. As long as the political environement in which we let these politicians operate persist, NOTHING will change. That money may be available, but it will be prize money for the most talented “corruption-wise”. Our poltical environment requires change in the modus operandi to make such significant steps.

  3. As long as the political environment in which we let these politicians operate persists, NOTHING will change. That money may be available, but it will be prize money for the most talented “corruption-wise”. Our poltical environment requires change in the modus operandi to make such significant steps.

  4. All zat money…but waht is funny is ….only 10% of that money will reach the intend purpose. 30% Nissan Hard Body, 50% emoluments, and 10 office overheads.:o)

  5. ” Local Government and Housing Deputy Minister Lwipa Puma, who confirmed the development in Parliament today, said over K1.1 trillion was needed to improve water reticulation in the country in line with the Fifth National Development Plan (FNDP) and the Vision 2030. ”

    Why do they always say how much money they are going to need, but not what they are actually going to do with it?

  6. visit-type as ONE word; the citizens democratic party “dot” com. Read their manifesto say what you think. CDP Zambia- new and different party

  7. LOCAL government minister Benny Tetamashimba has nominated MMD provincial chairpersons for Western and Central provinces Simasiku Namakando and Boyd Mutonka as board chairperson and board member of Western Water and Sewerage Company and Lukanga Water and Sewerage Company respectively.

    Yazachiwona mahafu!

  8. Everyone knows that I was Number l-)

    on this one. The Comments confirm that.

    Somebody is new at LT and just learning how to use the Internet. I aint Mad at ya!! I know you made a mistake in deleting 1 to 9 !!

    Nice Weekend LT :-j:-j:-j

  9. Best modality for govt to improve this situation is to sink boreholes and let Zedians drink clean and safe water..
    This lining up with ‘vibutiza’ will never cease…

    Keeps amazing me why someone can not utilise taxpayers money in the right direction for once… :-w:-w:-w

  10. #16,SISTER,
    How about this..
    ‘Obama the first president to keep his Blackberry’. Apparently besides all the sophisticated gadgets for a presido, he still wants to keep his mobile phone at all costs!! ;))

  11. As usual it will be bowl in hand to the donors also known as cooperating partners. How can donors be partners with beggars whose specialisation is begging day in day out. Shame on these pretenders masquerading as leaders.

  12. #31,
    nenze, elo nikali on holiday in Hamilton Islands.. chilling out..
    Thanx for your support know what I mean.. ;));))

  13. Hey Jamaco, Did you hear about a blogger who was arrested in South Korea? His govt didn’t like what he was writing and slapped him with five years in jail.
    I think its best to keep it the Jamaco way otherwise tu machaloutu kuti twakulonga muka cell.

  14. #33,
    Its actually long weekend.. Monday is public holiday.

    Back to the main topic.. The issue of H20 touches my soul.. 3/4 of Zedians drink unsafe water. 44 years in making, the govt is still not able to supply such a vital demand..
    Zambia has good rain seasons, building catchment dams like some developing countries could be another avenue besides sinking boreholes. P1 for this govt is to buy cars for chiefs.. awe sole william. **==*-:)*-:)*-:)

  15. As a man who has done project management, i find this statement to be empty. He needed to have provided facts about cost estimates based on some areas where either no piped water exists and those where we may just have to repair piped systems. On the basis of those facts, then he could state and justify the number of cities or district in each category before coming up with such figures. This is where corruption starts because once corrupt people know where the money is they start scheming and devising their deceptive schemes until they get the money. We need people who can simplify things for the implementors and not just shout figures like Sata.

  16. ….Dr Puma was responding to a question raised by Mazabuka Central Member of Parliament Garry Nkombo…….

    No. 41 The Intelligentia
    The man was responding to a question not writing an essay. How is he suppose to have all that detail at his finger tips?

  17. #42, the man should go to parliament with facts about projects in his ministry. That is why they go there to explain to questioners. If he did not exact facts, he was at liberty to say, I will provide a concise answer during the next session and that does his homework and gives a proper answer. What happens if when he does the proper costing, the money needed is far more than he has stated?

  18. Any such spending will have to be approved via the budget process.

    While I agree that the points you raised would have to be addressed, I think you were too quick to jump to conclusions and submit a scathing attack on the basis of scant information. The above article is nothing but an extended headline.

  19. Dr,Puma is right,please do not forget about water reforms in the Ministry of water and Energy? Ministry Local Government and Housing and Ministry of water and Energy are sister Ministries,but sanitation part is for Ministry Local Government and Housing.

  20. K1.1 trillion only for life saving water? Then it’s doable over a five year period if we put our minds to it. I mean political will.

  21. What are Govt. priorities? Common sense tells me that safe-water should by all means be the Govt. priority and buying cars for the so called ‘Chiefs’ should be considered the least of the national priorities…but then again, its the Zambian Govt. we are talking about , doh!!!

  22. # 8. Casey Khisho
    And don’t forget that of the 10% of the intended purpose, 8% of it is used for allowing MPs to enable them to explain to thier constuitency the need for clean dinking water through meetings and workshops.

  23. Well well very interesting every time there is important animals on the Chinese Zodiac comes up. this comes up too Water,Cholera , no money Hmmm may be its a coincidence . This year is the year of the OX any parent with this child will be paid off big time when child grows up. China is all over this and look at them they keep doing very well. Dont blush off info Do your research it must save your Life. Roosters , Snakes and OX may be Dragon too top norch for any country to do well.I go to church but sometimes there is good source of info other than the Bible . Be open mind. 10% of the Wealth peopleo ,Great people,great Scientist powerful men and women 90%of them born under this animal signs

  24. ZMK1.1 trillion, circa USD220 million is probably not off the mark. What is needed is a blue print on where this money will be spent and how the distributes will be over the country. We already know the answers to the what & why Qs.

  25. Pa ZED bufi. As long as they have enough water kuma yard then its alright for them (elite). Can ZED Govt invest ZMK 1.1 just for water reticulation. I doubt. That is why the minister did not specify the time,, he knows deep down his lungs or sorry his heart.

  26. even if you gave the Zambian government 5 trillion, they would fail! Lusaka would still be full of water-less homes, people in the village would still walk 2 km to the nearest water facility. AMALABISHI!!

  27. Before allowing People to build, Govt must provide sanitation ,proper and clean running water on the plot ,Why do we pay service charge?

  28. The issue is to increase access to meet Millenium Development Goals before 2015 so that no Zambian should be wothout access to clean drinking water. However, you dont achieve that by appointing MMD cadres into water boards.

  29. Water shortage in Zed really?

    It is almost flooding as we speak, couldn’t the government think of ways of controlling water, that can be more than enough for the entire world and save the trillions of k?

  30. ” It is almost flooding as we speak, couldn’t the government think of ways of controlling water, ”

    Please go to Youtube and type in: permaculture water

    That is what we should be doing. Capture and store ‘water for every farm’, to use the title of PA Yeomans book.

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