Friday, September 20, 2024

PF MP against Chinese investor for LCM


Patriotic Front Roan Mp Chishimba Kambwili openly differed with Mineworkers Union of Zambia president Rayford Mbulu over courting Chinese investors for the troubled the Luanshya Copper Mine.

Speaking at the news forum of the Press freedom committee of the Post newspapers yesterday at Cholwa guest house, Kambwili said he will not allow government to bring in Chinese investors to run the LCM because they do not respect labour laws.

Kabwili said the Chinese were in the habit of paying Zambian workers low wages and salaries adding that they even go to the extent of bringing labourers from their country thereby disadvantaging Zambians.

The area MP warned former miners against entertaining Chinese investors adding that they will be left in the cold .

But Miners Union of Zambia (MUZ) president Rayford Mbulu said there was nothing wrong with the Chinese investors as they have proved to helpful in building economies globally.

Mr. Mbulu said Chinese investors were good adding that the Union would welcome such an investor as long as miners jobs are secured.

He said he had been to China and saw how the Chinese entrepreneurs were paying their workers handsomely adding that the country needs to negotiate with investors for better conditions of services.



  1. But who is kambwili to say “he will not allow..”? Niba President nabena? 😮
    Imwe, just bring the chinese. People need jobs, Period!!

  2. How much does PF pay those man and woman in the PF dance troop or is it shake shake warriors every time SATA is at the high court? 8->peanuts and chibukool.:-b

  3. Can we find serious investors for one please. How many times has LCM changed hands? This is what happens when you are desperate, like a woman desperate to get married.

    Sony Ericsson Phiri nakuno niwe

    Well done youl-)

  4. Ati ba MP! why do’t you think right sometimes. What you are supposed to do is to allow those Chines investors but give them a minimum wage/salary for a least paid employee . We know at NFC in Chambishi they are not paid handsomely but it makes a difference, they are capable of taking care of their families.

  5. Chishimba is right. Let CEEC give funds to a consortium of Zambian investors to take over LCM. Mbulu is more worried about the dwindling union contributions. What with the chunk taken by his competitor Sikufele with his NUMAW? Mbulu has failed to negotiate decent salaries for workers at Chambishi. To date those that perished in the BGRIMM disaster have not been properly compensated! Why do we still look to foreign investors despite the bitter lessons that we have learnt? Binani ran away leaving miners stranded after forcing them to kneel before some fetish gods. The next we will hear is that mandarin has been declared the official language in the economic zones!Jesus wept!!!!

  6. Why in h** do we always wind up with them? Bwezani can’t get any other high profile investors? This stinks!! 8->

  7. The PF MP shouldn’t oppose investment just because it is by a Chinese firm, what he should do is negotiate with the govt and investor to come up with acceptable working conditions for the Zambian work force. Chinese investors are not all bad except where they find lopholes they definitely exploit the situation to their advantage and this has been ther case here in Zambia. The other thing is that there is alot of corruption in the institutions that handle these investments and by the time we realise what has been going on you find that things are in a ness and with the kind of attitude exhibited by the union who just want to secure jobs for the miners you definitely end up with a rotten deal

  8. Future the trouble is we are going to start looking for investors again.

    May be we should let government come out and tell the people the trueth. Is LCM ever going to be an employer again? This idea of rushing things really is just pegging us back. We never learn do we?

  9. I think Mr Mbulu meant he is being paid handsomely – I say no to melanine producers and their killer milk products

  10. this union member is sleep talking, banaceka ukaona so…as he is the only one who thinks that chocholiz are paying well…

  11. He is an MP hence should look at immigration policies.We dont need labourers from China while zambians are suffering.Imagine which Chinese can even look at a zambian in China??

  12. Interest stuff from PF MP Kambwili. His PF Leader was reported as having said:

    “Sata reminded President Banda that the country had experienced a number of copper thefts perpetrated by some Chinese nationals and, therefore, allowing them to take charge of the country’s mines would be like asking a monkey to oversee a maize field.”

    Source: maravi. blogspot.c om/ 2009/ 01/ zambians-are- capable-of -running -mines.h tml

    Very interesting indeed as this maize filed issues originally came from President HH when he was referring to former President FTJ Chiluba over his 10 year rule of Zambia.

  13. where they have done well they have been made to abide to laws of the land which include labour, health and safety. In Zambia these are almost none existent hence the country attracting all sorts of bogus investors.

    As things stand govt is able to run that mine using the local expertise – the current economic downturn has seen govts regain control of previously privatised entities, why can’t GRZ do the same?

  14. Yes, Maestro. Good and popular sayings become the vocabulary of the masses. Remember FTJ even threatened HH with court action over those remarks. I don’t know what happened to the case. That aside, I think the comments were very true. Another observation that HH made which has become a household affair was the sleeping NS during that Chipoloplo game in C/bombwe

  15. # 30 very right..the problem is we have no laws or should i say there is no order in the country so they just scrounge and getaway with it.

  16. PF MP Kambwili is talking like his mad boss Satan. Chinese or who ever has the capacity to do so is welcome. How much does this MP and his Satan pay their caders and the people employed direct by them. They dont even feed their dogs due to stingness. How many ophans have they adopted if they are generous. Chinese people believe in sharing and paying wages according to the output of the workers. Many Zambian workers like drinking and laxury even without meaningful output. They are too smart for demanding jobs. The white collar mentality is killing them. Kabwili can you please provide alternative and enourage Zambians to work hard instead of expecting to reap where they did not sow.

  17. Why can’t the govt start running the mine? They are some ministriel posts that offer to be dissolved and divert resources to mine. eg, ministry of gender and so on.

    Kambwili you are right!

  18. #34 Kambwili

    Valid points you`ve put across.

    Every employee expects to be paid handsomely. This is reason why you and I are in diaspora. The problem we have got in Zambia is the government has not come out to say employers can not do this or that. Its amazing that things are there on paper but never implemented either because these deals are determined behind closed doors or the government doesn`t want to upset the investors.

    It`s true even during ZCCM people were paid very little but there was security. People knew they will still be in employment tomorrow. It`s not the case any more.

    I am not against investment but surely it has to be credible.

  19. When Levy (MHSRIP)visited China to woe investors, he told prospective Chinese investors that labour in Zambia is cheap. That’s the reason this govt has failed to negotiate for improved working conditions in these Chinese run firms. Don’t blame the Chinese investors, the blame squarely falls on the govt and parliamentarians for failing to come up with strict labour laws.

  20. 32. your flag Ayatollah, true my fellow Citizen. Mr former President FTJ Chiluba (Hon. Doctor, Malawi) seems to have tried to take president HH to court but he failed in the end to achieve his go. I reckon that he saw that he could not win against the formidable president HH.

    On the sleeping thingy about President RB Banda, I know it and the President himself agreed that he sleeps because he is an old man and that is what you get when you elect an old man (over 70 yrs) as your Zambian President.

    Ayatollah, did you see my responses to your assertions yesterday?

    LT 2008 Award Winner. =; for Zambia in 2011.

  21. BA kambwili stop being won`t accept chinese investment as who.the chinese are ok,the problem lies with ineffective MPs like you.instead of going to parliament to formulate
    labour laws that will safeguard a zambian labourer,all you go to parliament for is to enjoy the heavily subsidised beers and use your rooms for other services at that brothel you call parliament motel.
    if a chinese infestor as you call them was given a guide on the
    labour laws and be made aware of the penalties if he breaches them
    do you think they they would be behaving as they mudala
    tone down and be positive,do the right thing for your people as an mp.
    if Gordon brown is yearning for the

  22. 43. Ayatollah. Following your “Maestro 40, Thanks bro. Sorry I didn’t. I would love to. I left to attend to other issues”, I will resubmit my arguements here from ww w. lusakatimes. com/ ?p =7748 regarding you comment yesterday.

    Please, feel free too respond on here or send me an email on [email protected]

    LT 2008 Award Winner. =; for All Zambians of diverse backgrounds in past, now in 2009 and the future future.

  23. 49. Ayatollah, on “However, I wish to disagree with you on your opinion about the U-Team. HH has clearly stated that there will be no Party convention before the 2011 elections. My thinking is that the Party needs rejuvenation after the bruising by-election.” I would like you to provide more information.

    I have searched on the alleged issue that president HH stated that there will be no Party Convention. Please provide it for me and probably others.

    The only information I found on this will be provided below and please feel free to comment on it as well for I will trial to unlock it for you in case that is what led you to your observations.

  24. #65 continued.

    The last paragraph’s last sentence must be ‘… I will try to …’ and not “… I will trial to ….”

    Sorry, I was/will working on my Theses at the same time as I wa/am posting my submissions.

  25. #67 CONTINUED. I WILL provide all my excerpt (below) from:
    SOURCE: maravi. blogspot. com/ 2008/ 12/ upnd- members- ask- hh- to-call -for.h tml

    However, this news is originally from the POST NEWSPAPER which is well know as the Undereducate’s Image-builders.

    Here we go:

    ‘The sources said holding the convention would give the party a national status and attract more people to join it unlike the current perception that the party was tribal.’

    Thoughts: Why have previous conventions failed to give the party a National Status here, if the arguements are correct?

  26. 70 continued.
    ‘”The members argued that he [Hichilema] has failed twice,” the sources said. “Those who supported him, mainly members of parliament from Southern Province, said he was elected president for a five-year term and since it’s not 2011 there was no need to talk about the convention.
    They said his term has not come to an end. But other members argued that president Hichilema’s term will have ended before the 2011 [national] presidential elections. They, therefore, said there was need to hold a convention before 2011 to elect a party president and other officials.”‘
    Simple maths:
    14th July 2006 + 5 yr = 14th July 2011.
    So where the MPs from the Southern Province right or wrong?

  27. 72 continued.
    Q. When did president Hakainde Hichilema become elected as UPND president?
    A.Zambia’s Liberal and largest opposition party, the United Party for National Development (UPND), elected a new leader at its general assembly on 14 July 2006, following the death of its former leader and founder, Anderson Mazoka, in May of this year. Lusaka-based businessman Hakainde Hichilema, whose closest rival was prominent human rights lawyer Sakwiba Sikota, won the election and will now challenge President Levy Mwanawasa, from the Movement for Multiparty Democracy, in elections scheduled for later this year.
    Source: ww w. liberal-international. org/ newsletter .a sp ? ia_ id= 1345

  28. 72 continued [as 73 can be skipped].
    ‘,” the sources said. “The NMC members challenged president Hichilema to call for a convention before 2011 so that those who want to contest for positions including the presidency could do so and if he wants to defend his position, he is free to re-contest.
    But his response was that there is no money to hold the convention. But the NMC members said if there is will, money will be found.”(”)’.

    So, why MUST U-Team hold a convention before 5 yrs finishes, 14th July 2011, as the UPND party constitution provides in looking at ‘14th July 2006 + 5 yr = 14th July 2011.’?

  29. #34, #46

    I have seen a few similarities here. Never mind though.

    Kambwili has no powers to determine how much miners are paid by the Chinese. To be honest even what he is saying here is more than a big ask. He is not even in cabinet. If government has decided to sell the mine to the Chinese, trust me it will happen Kambwili or no Kambwili.

    Sit back and you will see that at the end of the day, this whole thing falls back on you and I. The only problem is governments in Africa don`t listen to people.

  30. 74.continued.
    ‘Hichilema said the UPND constitution was crystal clear that a party president would be elected for five years and that the general membership should decide whether to re-elect him or not.

    He noted that UPND was a democratic party and that the constitution would be followed and respected all the time.

    He also observed that his five-year term would end after the 2011 general elections.’
    On [Hichilema] ‘also observed that his five-year term … general elections’, this is reported news by the POST Journalist Lambwe. My intuition is that the POST deliberately put it like this to CHEAT or CONFUSE people. Why did THEY decide to report instead of quoting HH’s own words?

  31. 75 continued.
    Looking at posting 73 above and its source, especially “elected a new leader at its general assembly on 14 July 2006?, it is clear that the words “He also observed that his five-year term would end after the 2011 general elections.” by the obviously ULTERIOR MOTIVATED POST NEWSPAPER JOURNALIST OR HIS/HER EDITOR would have been better reported as ‘He also observed that his five-year term would end after the 2011 general [assembly] elections.’
    I write this because president HH clearly said that the UPND’s constitution will be followed faithfully in “He noted that UPND was a democratic party and that the constitution would be followed and respected all the time.”
    Show me yours!

  32. 76 continued.
    49. Ayatollah, the UPND does not use the word CONVENTION but GENERAL ASSEMBLY which means the same thing in effect.
    So my advice to you is please read in between the lines of every news you come across especailly form the POST NEWSPAPER as they twist it for the unsuspecting mind to be cheated and then compare it with what other news media report on the same or similar stories.
    With this, I encourage you not to panic as regards the UPND having a convention before time or after time. A UPND General Assembly will thus be held before the 2011 Country Tripatite Elections to elect a Zambia President, Vice President and MPs.
    LT 2008 Award Winner. =; for Zambia in 2011.

  33. Thanks Maestro for the clarifications. Well done. Iam sure am not the only one who has learnt something. It seems the year 2011 will be very eventful for the UPND. I will propose that the General Assembly be held earlier than 2011 or after the General Elections. It seems we may go to elections in the 1st half of the year, which may not give chance to organize such mammoth events considering the disadvantage that opposition Political Parties have in terms of resources during elections. The General Assembly requires a lot of resources. If by chance resources are available, then let the Constitution reiqn

  34. I am fine Maestro thanks. Did you have agood weekend? I did. Usuall stuff-church, Sunday footie, shopping and all that.

    Maestro why do you write volumes when presenting a point? Also, why do you copy and paste when all you have to do is just quote #?

    Hope you don`t think I am being awkward but it puts people off reading your posts. I may be wrong though. Cheers matey! :d

  35. hon kambwili. what you are admitting is that law enforcement in zambia is weak and that is what you should be fighting . it could be the chinese to day to morrow it will other nationals. the laws are there strengthen them.

    as to low wages thats market forces .if there was an alternative
    they would have gone for it.

    finally i havent heard your alternative hon k.if you have pls let us hear or i will conclude you trying to make political capital out of
    a sad situation which needs a national responce across all political divides.

  36. chinese investors are just slave drivers. they don’t care about wages, safety and general labour laws.

  37. Soon will hear that is Zambia is another province of China. Kabili fyonse ni China.
    Ba China kabili mubikeko amano nakuli ama hospitals, nama roads. Kwashala fye kulanda chanese nomba.
    Ama motoka from China, am speechless.

    Ala LCM you are just like salaula nomba. everyone will get to wear you.

  38. “He said he had been to China and saw how the Chinese entrepreneurs were paying their workers handsomely adding that the country needs to negotiate with investors for better conditions of services.”


  39. look at what happens in their own country with their workers, do you think a Zambian worker is worth good conditions of work? shame on you union president, coz they give you something, you can say anything. Nakumbuka ba KK at these moments

  40. 66. 3RqU, my weekend was great. I went to Metz for Church on the Sabbath and then came back home just about 22:00 hrs or so. Sunday, was slow in terms of work as I was trying to download the correct version of LYX, a document front end EDITOR for LATEX, for my Thesis that I wrote 5-8 months in South Africa which I lamentably failed to accomplish. Right now, I am doing the same thing!
    As on why I put quotes and write enough, it is simply because I ALWAYS HAVE TO PROVIDE A SUCCINCT and COMPREHENSIVE proof of arguments.
    If this isn’t clear write to me on [email protected] for I have explained this several times and I do not want to repeat it again on LT. I wrote it only because of you.

  41. 65. Ayatollah, great stuff and now that you know, please educate more of those wo are mislead by the POST, which is using every opportunity to try and paint a picture that the mighty UPND is tribal and not democratic.

    Take careful care and let us all rise above being cheated by people who think every Zambian is dull.

    LT 2008 Award Winner. Ijanza for Zambia and all Zambians now in 2009 and the future.

  42. Mbulu, get advice from intellectuals, dont do things blindly. Listen, there is nothing wrong with investors not even chines investors- but here is the problem, the quality of services they provide are useless, in western countries they are not allowed to do that but in zambia you accept anything. Zambia is not a dumping place

  43. LCM was operated by the white men, But why these white men abandoned it? Are they considering the workers?

    So these Sata followers, Why don’t you accuse these white investers from UK? They made money and they left without considering the workers.

    Sata hates Chinese because he can’t get fund support from them. China government have given a lot of fund aids in Africa, but never give who has a relation with Taiwan.

  44. Everybody likes handsome salay, but give the reasons.
    I need a car, I want to drink, I have two girl friends needed to be feed, I have 10 children……
    These are not good reasons.
    You must show your employer how capable you are, you are fast, efficient,you are considering the company……

    I don’t like workers who do less but ask more.

  45. We are a free country. Such opposition is healthy and should be encouraged. They are the checks and balances in a democratic society. Keep the work up. We need to send a message to the chinese that we are watching.

  46. Chinese rarely do what the Romans do when they are in Rome. They carry there habits
    with them. So study these guys carefully.

  47. De problem is that mine workers union and the government they have failed to negociate or convince the Chinese about zambian workers rights outlined in our labour laws. Besides mine workers union they seem not to put stiff measures to support miners.

  48. I totally agree with kambwili, Firstly May I congratulate Pf and its MPs for speaking for zambians we hardly hear of MPS from other political parties what are they doing? I am not a supporter of PF ,but facts are facts and comments are free so the saying goes. I hate it when zambians are exploited simply because there poor.bravo kambwili

  49. KAMBWILI stop behaving primitively like your UNEDUCATED boss SATA. Nowhere in the civilised world would ever find paliametarians speaking ignorantly and arrogantly about investors like you and Sata are trying to mislead the people. even the biggest economy in the world USA, respects FDI whereever its coming from including china. You can be forgiven because you don,t seem to know what you are talking about. Leave such talk to competent people to discuss such matters.

  50. #86 when where you last in Zambia? Are you aware that President obama used the bible that Abraham Lincoln used when sworn in.what level of education did Lincoln have ,yet the greatest president in the history of America. being in the UK does not make you any wiser than any unza student. Actually from my experience here in London has made me respect mwa na unza .

  51. If anyone hasn’t, please make a contribution on the NCC’s website. They have forums listed by subject.

    There is a ‘have your say’ button at the right bottom of the page (which is why I kept overlooking it).

  52. 86. Anonymous,

    even the biggest economy in the world USA, respects FDI whereever its coming from including china.

    The question is – why has the attraction of FDI in the past not led to real economic development, and ‘diversification’ (really, development of infrastructure and agriculture). 80% of the US economy is about the internal economy – Americans buying and selling goods and services from eachother. In that, they should be emulated.

    The problem is that the MMD has been satisfied to ‘make work’, to create the impression of economic growht, even though that growth in GDP was nothing more than foreign mining companies digging copper out of the ground, …

  53. shipping it overseas and padding distant corporate accounts with the profits. That money was not reinvested in the Zambian economy, and that is why Zambia did not benefit from the greatest boom in copper prices in history, amazingly enough.

    FDI for FDI’s sake was the policy, and the results were predictable. The FDI concept is based on Malaysia, but Malaysia’s approach was very different form the MMD’s. They instituted universal education. They had massive government support for local supply companies, to create direct ‘linkages’ to local economy. The Zambian government did neither, and that is why the impact of FDI was minimal.

  54. I would like to add further, that FDI is a very low goal to set. What are needed, are Zambian companies, paying Zambian employees a living (above minimum) wage, and the professionalisation of agriculture. Look at the history of Japan’s Keiretsu. That would be the better model to follow.

  55. the problem we have as bloggers we dont read we react on the headings. the MP has a point that needs to be noted especially by those cuming from musanza who are naturally anti-PF. Zambia needs objective thinkers not tribal maroons. it is in in masanza that a chinese died and the mine is closed to poor working conditions. In chambeshi to mention a few people are dying. even an ordinarly zambian on the street is against Chinese. as pf we dont hate Chainese what we hate is there way of doing things. these are developing now. we have run the mines now for 44yrs. its our industry. we are the leaders in copper production. a chinese cannot teach us. he can have the money we have the wealth. it :d:((

  56. we need to be proud. but our govt is not thinking and proud. we are so desparate to get going. its not getting going what zambia needs now. it is the direction that carries our values of UBUNTU. our philosophy of humanism still stands. its this that Kabwili is hinting on. the plight of a citizen. these in govt are benefiting heavily, the union man i question his calibre he may just be another chiluba in mUZ with little knowledge. we need to establish his qualification. what this man needs is to learn the values of negotitating and defending the plight at the sametime encouraging investors. thieves must go…PF nonononononononononononono .o:o:o:o:o
    we need UBUNTU…:d/:d/:d/:d/:d/\

  57. Fellow zambians can we safe guard that which call our zambian when we/ I get comments such as #75 I begin to fear. Few hours ago I was cashing a cheque , I went through a lot of questions here in London. Purely because that cheque was from a local university in my name not from zambia . This is what scrutiny is about for foreigners. bravo kambili.

  58. Ba Moze, I totally agree with you. Just who is Kambwili? ena aleikuta nendalama sha free. For goodness sake let the govnt court any investor and ensure that labour laws are adhered to. Is Kambwili going to turn into an NGO to provide relief food na fimo fimo to the residents of Luanshya?? Be real!!!

  59. This Kambwili is a chief comedian in Sata’s show. The poor soul doesnt know what he is doing most of the time he is awake unless when he is sleeping…!
    I recall he made a statement in the PF paper that GRZ should not allow LCM to retrench as he had gone to UK to look for investors. I am sure all he came back with was a Thaiwan made Man U jersey. Tell us ba MP…how was your trip kaili?:-w

  60. EDIT EDIT EDITOR, LT Pliz, this article has too many mistakes…???

    Jenks,Nine chale, Jamaco,Rashid ..sup

    As much as i would like any investor to be endorsed for luanshya asap, The Chinese are really biatches, i know where the MP is coming from. One day i was coming from luanshya and i found the chinese n zed workers constructing a bridge just before the turn off. They did not have any protective clothing what so ever, no boots, no fimpopo no overalls then there was a rumour that a minister is coming to Luanshya, the way these to ma chinese people started running to buy some protective clothes from Ndola and Lya….it was so annoying..
    Truth is..They really dont give a F#@%

  61. Morning all

    As much as we welcome investment,people to be realistic we do not need Chinese,why do most of you people to work for chinese or Indian?they do not respect no one,you will be paid K160.000 as monthly salary and wearing canvas as safety shoes,we have witnessed that and its real, they will still and not even pay taxes and like Sata said its like giving monkeys to guard a maize field,

    Its reality and most of you that are exposed Know exactly what am talking about, am from CBT and am one of the lucky ones still working for the mines and I know what am talking about, if its your investment wishes then Good luck and shame for Zambia as a country,we shall loose out

  62. I agree with you Miss Daisy…but at the end of the day it all boils down to putting nshima on the table. Believe u me ,thats all that matters to our brothers ans sisters out there. GRZ just needs to hasten its labour inspectorate division.Otherwise its like other than the Chinese its only the Katondo boys willing to come to the party…and we all know how some Zed business pipo can mistreat workers…the chinese can get away with what Miss Daisy has highlighted but our folk top that with not paying workers even after getting HUGE payoffs from clients.

  63. For those not familiar with MUZ; The more miners employed the more money through contributions will go to MUZ HQs and the more these chaps will pay themselves. Fair enough to have more investors but where investors bring theirown cheap labour there is gain for the country. The aim of investment is to creat employment for the citizens. Our comrades from China dont see it that way; they bring lashers when we have a lot our youth roaming the streets with no hope of ever getting a job. The MUZ of the Katilungus of olden days would even look after miners who had lost their jobs as a result of industrial action. Can the current MUZ do that? They are arnt different from our politicians

  64. The situation on the CB requires urgent attention. Thousands of miners have lost their jobs. And many more are about to. Politicking and outwitting each will only help to make a bad situation worse. What alternative has Kambwili offered AND what’s it’s merit? Truth is; in view of the prevailing global status few investors will dare to invest in a troubled copper mine. In can case you didn’t know FOR NOW the most stable mine jobs on the CB are those by Indian and chinese mines.

  65. empty talk, you don’t need a chinese investor but the white capitalist you craving for is leaving you in haste like you is done with a person who has the money as long as you stick to your principals

  66. How about this for a laugh.
    Its amazing, you will understand the above word by the end of the conversation. Read aloud for best results.
    Be warned, you may find yourself talking ‘funny’ for a while after reading this. This was nominated for the best email in 1999.
    The following is a telephone exchange conversation between a hotel guest and roomservice at a hotel in Asia, which was recorded and published in the far East Economic Review:::Room Service(RS)”MornyRuin sorbees”
    Guest(G)”Sorry I thought I dialled room-service”… to be continued…

  67. RS: “Rye..Ruin sorbees..morny! Djewish to odor sunteen??”
    G:”Uh.. yes..I’d like some bacon and eggs”
    RS: “Ow July den?”
    G: “What??”
    RS:Ow july den?. pry, boy, pooch?”
    G: “Oh the eggs! How do Ilike them? Sorry. Scrambled please”
    RS:Ow ‘july dee baycem..crease?’
    G: ‘Crisp will be fine’
    RS: ‘ San tos?
    G: ‘What?
    RS:’San tos.july San tos?”
    G:’I dont think so’
    RS: ‘No? Judo one toes?
    G: ‘I feel bad about this, but I don’t know what judo one toes means.’
    RS:’Toes!Toes!…why djew Don Juan toes? Ow bow singlish mopping we bother?’
    G:’English muffin!! I’ve got it! You werer saying “Toast.’ Fine. Yes, an English Muffin will be fine’
    RS: ‘We Bother?”
    G: ‘Just put the bother on the side’

  68. RS: Wad?’
    G: ‘I mean Butter… just put on the side’
    RS: ‘Copy?’
    RS: ‘Copy…tea.. mill?’
    G: ‘Yes. Coffee please and thats all’
    RS: ‘One Minnie. Ass ruin torino fee, strangle ache, crease baychem,tossy singlish mopping we bother honey sigh, and copy…rye???
    G: ‘Whatever you say’
    RS: ‘Tendjewberrymud’ (Thankyouverymuch)
    G: ‘You are welcome’

  69. #101 Twachula Pafula. Have you made full research? There is one Mine no body talks about. As a supplier I can tell you that there is a mine being run by a South African Company just behind chief Nkanas village which pays suppliers on time. At this mine inspite of the poor copper price there’s no talk of reduncies and all is peaciful.So the notion that only Asian run mines are stable is wrong. And remember Binani? Its Indian

    True that:… Zambian business men also mistreat fellow zambians when they have the hot seat. And obviously we dont want a kawaya waya to take over a big mine like Luanshya. But perhaps a consortium will do, from different countries running under one name??

    And after all is said and done RB is much more concerned about becoming a party president. so annoying!! bwafwa..

  71. GRZ need to revise the labour laws and must make sure that investors comply then it wont be a problem who ever wants to invest.

    Hmm Bloggers, am going to Face Book now!

  72. Working for the chinese is better than working at your own small farm. Their safety record is bad not to mention wages/salaries. MUZ/NUMAW has done nothing for the poor miners. Tulemona ifyo balenoka ba MUZ/NUMAW at the expence of MIners. Zambian workers wake up bushe tamumona ama plunderers ifyo balemwibila money (MUZ/NUMAW) while you are busy watching and suffering peacefully!!!!!! Nimuli BA BWEZANI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  73. #107,, just wait a while..
    this wil be the daily service in Zambia once the Chocholi’s complete their re-colonisation of Zambia..
    pembelea my young bro.. :-?:-?:-?:-?

  74. A good chinese is a dead one.Period. LCm has gone thru turbulant times.What we need is ZCCM- IH to run the mine and withing 2 – 6 months the Governemtn can put up adverts for people to run the mine, they can do feasibility studies and tell us expected numeration packages for employees. Then they can decide on the strength, cash muscle of the buyer . If we rush we rsk bringing in Binani2, which will be Binani1 in another form.

  75. I know what you mean wifey.
    Here, you just hear them ati 10 land 10 land…..n am thinking what the f is she saying kanshi ni (R10)

  76. There is nothing wrong with the chinese,let them run the mine.then they will also train our local employees,. the issue of low wages must be looked into.As long as pipo are able to provide food and other necesities for their families.Thats cool.

  77. If the investors do not respect our laws,as they do,and are free to bring in labourers from China or India,as they do, the blame is squarely on the government for being toothless.They even lock out ministers so what value do they put on local labour?

  78. 33. Supergal,

    ” # 30 very right..the problem is we have no laws or should i say there is no order in the country so they just scrounge and getaway with it. ”

    Zambia has the laws. One of the reason for these MFEZ zones is to circumvent Zambian legislation. What is needed is enforcement.

    These MFEZ zones are like an economic Guantanamo Bay.

    34. dimuna,

    ” Chinese or who ever has the capacity to do so is welcome. ”

    Why? Why not build capacity in Zambia? Let’s keep our eye on the end result for a change. As far as I am concerned, the day of FDI for the sake of FDI is OVER. The end result must be that Zambia develops it’s agriculture and infrastructure.

  79. 113. Mpangula Mputyu

    ” What we need is ZCCM- IH to run the mine and withing 2 – 6 months the Governemtn can put up adverts for people to run the mine, they can do feasibility studies and tell us expected numeration packages for employees. ”

    Maybe the mines should be administered by an independent parliamentary committee, in the absence of an independent civil service.

    Either way, there is no reason why the mines cannot be run by the same Zambian professionals who are running them now, and why the government cannot attract money without giving the mines away. As long as they have a good business plan and implement it without political interference and corruption…

  80. why would anyone need ‘foreign investors’ at all?

    People often cite corruption, but how much can corruption cost us, if the alternative is to let go of billions of US dollars in profits from the mines, as is the case today?

    How difficult and expensive could it possibly be, to have the mines administered and overseen by an independent body?

  81. I think the chinese wont be able to run LCM to expected standards. I would rather another investor is found, offcourse not Indians.

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