Saturday, February 1, 2025

Two Indians burnt to death in Lusaka


ZESCO technicians and forensic experts sifting through rubble
ZESCO technicians and forensic experts sifting through rubble
A Lusaka couple of Indian origin was this morning burnt to death by an inferno that swept through their house situated along Church road in Rhodespark area.

The neighbour to the deceased couple, Muyoya Chibiya, said his family noticed the fire on the neighbour’s house at around 04:00 hours this morning.

Mr. Chibiya said he then informed the fire brigade, who quickly responded.

He said it took about an hour for the fire fighters to extinguish the fire, which also destroyed all household goods in the living and other rooms in the house.

The eyewitness said after putting out the inferno, fire fighters and other people retrieved the two bodies which were charred beyond recognition.

A family friend to the deceased couple, Satisha Khumar expressed shock at the accident saying the death of the couple was a great loss to the Indian community living in Zambia.

The bodies have since been taken to the University Teaching Hospital mortuary.



  1. Too bad people.i was also watching the incident in Kenya and it was also a sad story.Africa when are going to learn to prepare for disasters.its really a sad story and my condelences.LCC please pull up your socks.

  2. Fire fighter in zed they are inefficiency sometimes they run to the scene without water in the trucks.
    They should also equip homes with alarms to sensor cabornmonoxide.

  3. Comment for # 10. Whata clever comment from someone called Smart Woman; Thats really sad. People are now starting to burn in homes like it happens here in the USA.

    It doesn’t get cleverer than that.

    May ouur friends RIP though.

  4. I smell a rat. This kind of accident is unheard of in Zambia were Houses are built with solid floors and walls. Was this house a hut ? 😕 Was this fire the work of an asornist trying to cover up a murder? What exactly fueled that fire to burn so aggresively that the couple did not have time to escape? Unfortunately in Zambia things are taken very lightly. The incident has already been deemed an accident. No investigation will follow. It’s really a pity. But think about this it seems very odd.Was the house two story? Still, I know the stair cases are built solid they should have had some solid ground to ran through towards an exit.No! I really ,really smell a rat.:-?:-?[-([-( MTSRIP

  5. I wonder what started the fires petrol bomb, electric mishap , cigarrete or the famous fire starter Chicken Tandoori 😕 . Church has some nice real estate and to think they didn’t have a fire alarm for such nice property, it only costs £3 for a fire alarm

  6. How does the eye witness called Satisha Kumar know thats it’s an accident? Careless statement…he/she needs to be investigated

  7. #23, Smart woman, are you really smart? #13 is not agreeing with you, read the post properly and read between the lines madam “smart woman”

  8. Maybe this indians initially even managed to excape and then remembered about some money left in the house and went back to take it just to die in the process.No wonder if you want to test if an indian is dead just drop a coin if he does not respond then he is physiologically dead.A sad incidence though, may their souls rest in peace 😮

  9. #15 i totaly agree with you ..something about this is not right , not with the kind of homes we have in africa . i would not be surprised if the indians had a huge ife insurance policy in place outside zambia , besides the bodies were burnt beyond recognition .. so realy we cant say 100% that the two bpodies were of the 2 indians ,
    i am sure a lot of out there watch enough CSI to to know that this kinda fraud hapens daily in the western world . hmmmmm two people are dead ..this is sad indeed . But realy wich two people are they . we can only asume, because two bodies were found ..key word being two bodies . so no ID for sure .

  10. #26 Chi Engine,

    You need to read again because u r the one that missed it… it now?????? Think smart! will you.

  11. #30, sorry my sister I dont mean to offend you but you can also check post #16 of another person who saw what you did not see!

    Otherwise peace :x:x:x

  12. #13, 16,31,

    Why are you fighting a woman’s opinion. You you guys are different why not only comment on the story and not the bloggers. you are proving what you are trying to fight.

  13. Sad. But will we ever know the exact cause of the fire? So called expats are pretending to be doing something. We have had mysterious deaths in Zed with high profile commissions of inquiry set up but nothing has ever come up. I doubt if we will ever know what happened here.

  14. sh****t happens these days…billionaires commiting suicide…pipo selling senate seats…anything could have happened!COPS do your homework very carefully twapapata….watch out life insurance companies!i also smell a big rat….chao pipo

  15. Please blame it on the recession am sure they owed the bank huge sums of money shame am sorry( bafilila munsenga )

  16. Some of you have the tongues of snakes, you don’t even know what happened and yet you treat speculation as if it’s fact. This is what they call being a false witness , you weren’t there and you think your imagination can stand as fact just because you spent man hours being a couch potato .

  17. One hour for the fire engine to arrive???? I thought the fire station was opposite Everlyn Hone college,which is in Roads park.Shame on the fire dept and its affiliate ministry!!!!.I bet even the engine which came one hour late was bought during the Kaunda era.

  18. Smart Woman I feel sorry for you. This NiZee character is poking fun at you and you are failing to read btn the lines. Chi NiZee walitumpa sana, though the incident has made me laugh:)

    on the story.MTSRIP

  19. #13 Nizee,

    does not even know how to rewrite a comment from somebody else. Use quotation marks and just don’t try to be clever when it’s clear that you too is damn.

  20. This blog is hilarious sometimes. We have ppl calling themselves Smart but are clearly lacking somewhere. Smart Woman indeed!

  21. #42 Dont misquote LT. It took an hour to put out the fire and not to move from the fire station. They would have survived but because a nsamya balitemwa ukuikomena with a lot of burglar bars. Anyway cremation will be at half-rate

  22. Atase # 44. I was just making good fun of Smart woman and did not have to be write an “essay-like” comment. I’m now being forced to comment on your limited literacy level. How am I too “damn”…Damn it’s DUMB. That is a clear error showing you are also not as clever as you think. To Smart Woman I did not mean to offend, just poking fun as someone says it and I hope she takes it in humour. I also castigate # 45 HM. I did not expect this to go this far and I apologize to Smart Woman.

  23. #45,

    Whats the big deal about someone using the name smart woman. Just because some uses a certain name does not mean that thats what they are. You pipo can’t get it. Everybody is proving to be shallow minded.

  24. This is getting funnier “Just because some uses a certain name does not mean that thats what they are”…take note Smart Woman.

  25. Purely arson. couuntrymen I salute your sense of humour and your knowledge you make such good reading. you are ALL entitled to your own opinions (freedom of expression? I suppose)mine is arson on this one. am terribly sorry my sympathy goes to the deceaseds family and friends. :d/:d/

  26. Ba Maureen, I don’t see anything hilarious on this thread let alone the whole LT tonight. Nebo naya muku sendama nomba. Mailo niku ncito. Goodnite all:-h

  27. oh man this is so sad. i hope the fire brigade had water cause they usually say there’ no water and watch houses burn down. fire alarms should be mandatory in each and very house – no questions asked.

  28. #8. input
    I totally agree with you,i think the author made a direct translation from vernacular to English,infact those people could not even have been Indians but Pakistani,Sri Lankan etc infact here in the UK if you ask an Asian person if they are Indian when infact they are not,they usually get a lil bit paranoid which shows that that question you asked is irritating to them.
    May the souls of the departed couple rest in eternal peace.

  29. You guys they our fire services are very poor. I was a witness to a fire incident in Bwinjimfumu road which is just 3 minutes from fire brigade office and it took them 30 minutes to come because they had to go and find water. in the meantime neigbours were pouring water and sand to try and quench the fire. In Zambia we live on Gods Grace

  30. Whether Indian, Pakistani, Zambian or what, loss of life in whatever circumstance is sad and should be avoided when it can. However, let this incident be investigated as to what caused the inferno, why it took so long to put out the fire and stuff like that…!?! M.T.S.R.I.P.

  31. 15 & 28: Consider the possibility that the house may have been fitted with security locks and bars. These can be quite a challenge to open in an emergency because of panic, or the keys cannot be found at that time. Considering the crime rate these are good security features but we must recognise that the gadgets can work against you in an emergency.

  32. we need to start getting serious about this, smoke detectors. they r not expensive and hardly need any electricity. even if yo house doesn’t have malaiti. Ah

  33. Its really a loss not only to the indian community in zambia but to all of us zambians. Zambia is a country for everybody.Indian(asian),latino,european or black african origin. Thats what we are.We are a christian nation.We are zambians and we will respect and LOVE each other regardless of origin,colour(race),political or religion differences.
    May Their Souls Rest In Peace.
    The Chinda-Law Association.
    Upcoming President

  34. I’ve read through about 60 of the 67 posts before mine. I can honestly say I am very appalled at what I am seeing here. Here, we have the death of 2 people, who each have parents who must be so much pain, as well as their brothers and sisters, their children, and their extended family. Anyone’s death causes great pain to many people, and I see posts here making fun of how these people are Indian. Adding racism to death. Insult to something greater than the term ‘injury’ could ever cover.

  35. Reading the article, my heart goes to the family and the extended family of the deceased, as well as anyone else affected by the deaths, and then I read some of the posts here, and it fills me with great anger that there are people making jokes about such a thing. Have we really reached a point where death can be a laughing matter, regardless of the victim?

  36. The natural thing to do is to show remorse, sympathise or empathise. Yet we see derogatory remarks made in reference to the deceased. Life is life…whether Indian or not…we are all human beings. We know nothing about the victims yet we are passing judgement. This is so not human. Most of us a living in Countries where we are classified as minorities/immigrants…can put yourselves in this couple situation. What goes round comes around…Xenophobia to the extent where you wish others dead, now thats scarey bane …MUCHINJE KAKAMBIDWE NAIMWE!!!:o

  37. 15 & 28: There was no second floor and no escape route. The doors were all locked at the time they were found. Thanks to everyone for their condolences and to the people who were speculating and making jokes about an incident such as this: learn to keep your comments to yourself if you have nothing better to say. I would hate for you to hear or read nonsense like this in such a time for you or your family. Think about these words the next time you decide to make comments such as these.

  38. LT pls also bring the story from Kenya!! The fuel tanker story where people were burnt while stealing fuel from a tanker that was involved in an accident.

  39. Indians are friends of Zambia not too sure about the Chinese tho!!

    Most Zambians of Indian decent are very proud and passionate about Zambia. Even during tough times they have stay put and have put up with all the difficulties that is Zambia.

    The headline in my opinion leaves alot to be desired. They could have perfectly said “Two Zambians” and not “Two Indians”. The question needs to be asked….. when are u called a Zambian national if you are of different skin colour that is not black.

    Can we say America’s got a Kenyan President in Obama?

  40. Sad reading the very racist atitude of some of the comments thats posted out here …..are we Zambians stooping so low that even a tragic death of individuals be it indian or witever is ridiculed and used in a racist way ……comeon zambians wake up ….i am a born and bred Zambian AND ALSO VERY PROUD OF MY INDIAN ROOTS ………..shame we have bigots amongst us …..who claim to think that they can say whatever they like …….REMEMBER WHAT MARTIN LUTHERS WORD ……..TO THIS SAD AND RACIST BIGOT ZAMBIANS LET ME SAY MAY GOD HELP YOU….ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION ( THAT INCLUDES THE BEMBAS ,LOZIS INDIANS , NGONIS ETC )

  41. My condolences to the bereaved families. I think the fire Brigade should offer free smoke alams to all homes, the bill should be born on born on them and LCC. The neighbour and his wife are close family thank God for presserving their lives.
    That fire should be investigated immediately.

  42. I must say some of the comments leave much to be desired on this thread. My father died not long ago from Bowel cancer, and believe it or not the people who were there for him day and night were the same people who are being condemed. Some of my fathers relatives and friends were nowhere to be seen when he was ill, even during his burrial. Apart from my siblings, if I was in dire straights whilst in Zed, the people I know would help me are the indiands my father had close ties with.

  43. …VERY Dissappointed with most remarks on here tonight. However, my question is…’is a Ngoni/Lozi life worth more than that of a Bemba/Chewa? Some of y’all need to sit down and think critically before posting stuff on here. Since when did a Zambian life, a black Zambian life became more valuable than a Zambian with Indian/British/American ancestry? Y’all should be ashamed of yourselves. Y’all living in the Western World should know better when dealing with issues involving race. The article it self is racist and the reporter/journalist involved should be ashamed!! Why not ‘A Zambian Couple Burns to Death’…?

  44. Ladies and gentlemen here do you think those milages on cars being advertised on this blog are true? Is it possible for a 1998 car to have clocked only 46000km not mile for all the years. The problem is they think we are all daft and they can massage the odometer because no one will know. Thats why…

  45. Sad development indeed, my heart goes out to the family of those affected. The title of this article should have been “Two people burnt to death in Lusaka” not the one that has been used. If the death of the two people involved was fire then government should put a directive for all homes in Zambia to have fire alarms as standard fitting although I’m not sure how the people in village huts and those living is shanty compounds will implement this would be directive. The police should investigate this matter fully (if they can).

  46. There is nothing wrong with the title of the article and those advocating for racism, you are lost. The fact is they were from India, hence “Indian orign”. Its not an insult to make known your origins. Why should they be more Zambian than a Zambian him/herself? There is absolutely nothing derogative in the article or its title. The mere mentioning of India and Lusaka, must not cause some ill informed people to jump to racism.

  47. But kwena mwaliba ama fontinin mu zed, we have Indians who are resident in Zambia, they are not Zambian citizens but mere residents. Check with the people in Chingola, most of the indians there are on permanent resident permits and have not applied for zedian citizenship. So whether they are our friends or not they are Indians even if they are on zedian soil. Mind you you can never be an Indian citizen if you are not born of Indian parents. The same applies to China, Japan etc except UK, US, Canada, Audtralia. most countries can only accept you as a resident not a citizen. So the best we must do is find out if these were on perment resident permits or they had registered as citizens?

  48. (Sorry this topic is not related to the story) Today marks 90 days since this Govt was elected into power. They have finished their 3 months probation and as Zambians we have a right to analyse their performance during this timeframe with all fairness. I have been searching for the MMD campaign manifesto and have not got a hold of it ,infact the website for President Banda is down ,anyhow we should still assess their performance so far.
    1) Promised to increase University Students meal allowance – The Meal allowances were increased in the first week of office but have not yet taken effect.
    2) Promised to reduce Mealie Meal prices – This was done after much pressure from

  49. various stakeholders.
    3) Promised to reduce the price of fuel – This was done after pressure from various stakeholders.
    I can’t think of any other accomplishments ,bloggers please feel free to add more.
    1.Corruption is still rampart in Zambia
    2. Promised to create 4000 jobs which equates to roughly about 111 jobs a month based upon the 3 year period this Govt will be in power. So far the Govt is behind by 333 jobs not being created.
    3.Lack of a strategic Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timebound policy to empower local investors
    4.Lack of a strategic SMART policy to restructure the health system.
    5.The Fertilizer Support Program is not based on a SMART

  50. strategy as a result it is failing and the inputs are not reaching the intended beneficiaries.
    6)Lack of a strategic SMART policy to restructure the education system in Zambia to offer more practical courses that will allow pupils and students to graduate with an enterprising mentality. lack of a policy to build Public Universities in each province.
    7)lack of a a strategic SMART Policy to counter the impact of the Economic Global crisis in Zambia.
    8)lack of a strategic SMART policy to boost Tourism in Zambia, this policy should have a dependency on many factors which should also be SMARTly implemented such as good road infrastructure throughout Zambia,a deliberate policy on encouraging

  51. 6. GRZ’s SWOT analysis

    a) Strengths- Donor community still has faith in them, Asia investors tapu tapu, ECZ with Kalala
    b) Weakness-VJ, sickly leadership (too many SA trips), RB, MMD scrabbles
    c)O-Opposition disorganized, budget allocation, HH quiet
    d)T-LT bloggers, stronger opposition in 2011, Sata’s words

  52. 5 star hotels,shopping malls and social amenities to be built throughout Zambia where there are Tourist attractions.
    9.Too much dependence on foreign investors to the point that there is no serious screening,vetting and Zambia does not maxmize on financial profits and social responsibility ventures from the said investors.
    10)MP’s salaries being increased in the first month of this Govt bein in power even when suce a move was denied during campaign time.
    11) Wasted tax payers money and financial resources in sending Govt officials for medical treatment abroad which is not even part of the annual budget.
    12)Too many trips by the President instead of delegating and spending this crucial

  53. time to brainstorm and tackle the problems that Zambia is facing.
    13)No strategic SMART plan to ensure that the NCC delivers a constitution that is representative of the Zambian population at minimal cost.
    14)No strategic SMART policy to ensure that the civil service including local councils is restructured and produces quality services.
    Number 8 should include a strategic SMART policy that encourages multiple Zambian owned airlines to operate local,international including regional and long distance flights.Bloggers feel free to add your analysis. We need to hold accountable every Govt that will ever rule Zambia. Blogging and complaining is the beginning of solutions but we need to go

  54. Elo ine akabwali i like it with fish, ifisashi,ifinkubala or ifishimu.With this kind of relish i eat akabwali like no man,s business. And i dont like a hard nshima no.But very soft and small elo akali hot.Hey imwe!

  55. No.8, the arlticle is not racist.
    “Mwenye” is not a racist word. It is a venacular word for Indian.
    Just like “umusungu/muzungu/mukuwa” are Zambian venacular words for White.
    Similary, the English language has different words to describe different races, like caucasian, negroes, etc.
    So, relax.

  56. Lisa

    Not again! Matworld can never be a Ghost my friend.Matworld will never fight with any lady in the world coz He respects them just as he respects and love his mother.

    God is my witness Iam not Ghostrider.

    LT award winner for :-j:-j:-j

  57. So mwe ba kashana pa blogg apa.I have told you the screet,if you get married to me nangu nachifulwa shani if you just prepare the relish i like ninshi awe,ama loving ni sand mbweeee.Twaya nomba!

  58. #15,
    I don’t agree with you. This inferno has nothing to do with arson or any malevolent act. The fire just started accidentally, probably a candle had rolled towards an inflammable substance during prayers or something.

    On the other hand,the security of these people is so tight that even the fire brigade had difficulty accessing the flat. And what is it that these people hide in their homes kanshi?? :(:(:(:(

  59. Matworld, Nine Chale, Cutey and Free-Market-Captalist good morning and have a great day!
    Too bad for the couple. God help this nation.

  60. i totally agree with #15,i seriously suspect foul play!its not possible that an able bodied individual would fail to escape from a burning house.i too find it strange that the couple did not even smell the smoke or feel the heat from the infernal.the couple must’ve been murdered or had a spell cast on them before the arsonist did his deed…
    its a crying shame tho,that even our own fire brigade is so ill-equiped that they failed to put out a fire a few meters away,its ridiculous really!

  61. :(( MTSRIP
    Reading through the new and the comments, I am am quite saddened to read a lot of the comments and arguments on this site. Its ridiculous that you all are arguing about if the title was racist or discussing the other related stereotypes. The article does not give any information on the couple and for all of you know, they were probably Zambian citizens of Indian origin. To make comments based on assumptions and stereo types reflects poorly on this user community and I would hope that the moderators would look into some of the comments and keep this community clean of racism. Racism only divides and is not the way forward.
    One Zambia, One Nation!

  62. Too bad, the Indias love monies so much, instead of running away from the inferno, the couple was still counting the monies!!!


  64. Surely this is sad news for all concerned Zambians. Can the city council ensure that their servicemen/women have all they need to do their job. M.T.S.R.I.P
    Our hearts go out to all family and friends.

  65. It is like the zambian diaspora is living in a bubble. FIRE ALARMS in an indian home in Zambia. Man Kamwala indian?????

  66. #90 & 98 Moderator, its just that we need to establish what happened for the fire to break out rather than alluding to the writer of the story as a racist. I dont have a problem if am called a Zambian on South African soil. all we need to really find out was the cause of the fire. Who else was in the house?
    sayonara tomodachi

  67. Martworld-Nice guy

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR BROTHER. I wish you were in Zed I would have taken you out for lunch.

    Its very sad. I used to work with the man in the Ministry of works and supply. Chabipa sana.

  68. I don’t understand all these comments stereotyping Indians. Two people, regardless of their nationality, died and law should investigate the incident.

    Considering the time fire started, the couple was most likely asleep. They probably passed-out in their sleep by breathing in all that smoke and fume. Look up asphyxiation – decrease in oxygen, increase in carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. They probably slipped in and out of consciousness and could not do much to escape. How long can you hold your breath in middle of an inferno, specially when your lungs are already full of harmful fumes? Plus, everything (from door knob to walls to windowpanes) must be burning or be untouchably hot.

  69. Enough about the tragedy..Analyse this crtically…RB makes trips to Nigeria, Libya and now Angola..All three, major OIL producing countries and talks are ‘private’ and there is a looming OIL supply scandal!!! **==

  70. Is it two Indians or Two Zambians of Indian origin?

    Too bad especially that the fire dept arrived on time but it took them almost an hours to put out the fire. I am sure metal bars in the window and exit ways contributed to this. Our security is pathetic. RIP.

  71. Very sad. Shocking ama comments aya bu puba ayalipo. Ba ngwele grow up and look beyond the fact that they were indians. Ni bantu. Muli fipuba

  72. To all those mocking the deaths, Those two were human beings! Just because indians do well in zed it doesn’t mean you have to be jealous. You too can own successful businesses just apply yourselves.
    Racism won’t get you anywhere, It’ll only make you resentful and bitter.

  73. My their souls rest in peace. Surely this is a great loss. As for “The neighbour to the deceased couple, Muyoya Chibiya, said his family noticed the fire on the neighbour’s house at around 04:00 hours this morning”, thnak you once again Elder M. Chibiya from the SDA church for bring a real neighbour all the time.

    Atleast you did your part, but too bad the end is not pleasing.

    [KJV Bible] Matthew 22:39 And the second [is] like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

  74. Can you imagine someone saying that Zambia is for everyone? Nowander our borders are very porus, Zambia is for Zambians unless one has acquired citizenship. Can what you are ranting be said in other nations e.g India itself? You want to be so much accomodative eeh? There are procedures that are to be followed for one to become a citizen. So there is nothing racist with the title of the article.

  75. Condloences to the bereaved Family.Please do not make a joke of the death of these people. Whether Indians or not human life has been lost.Arson can not be ruled out and thus proper investigations should be instituted.

  76. Very sad indeed for loss of lives of a couple is not just a loss to the Indian community in Zambia its every one’s concern.It appears the fire bridged has no modern equipment to remotely detect fire yet the scene of accident and the fire station its less 5 minutes drive. What will happen to far away places like Makeni new Kasama etc. There is need for residents of Lusaka to come up with some practical ideas to tackle the fires. Let the fire bridged be run like Water & Sewerage co where it levy residents a certain amount and also be able to borrow to procure modern equipment.

  77. Maureen, Bhuta and all you guys making racial comments need to put some time into thinking. Why make such devil like comments, wether they were indian,cuban, black doest not matter, the point of the matter is two lives were lost. The problem in Zambia is we tend to go into tangents to discuss non relevant information and initiate hatred, maybe if you spent more time on your own business you could make money like the Indians, do not hate them because they have worked hard for their money. You guys are all in foreign countries, why don’t you work hard and make money there as well

    May there souls rest in peace….

  78. I totally agree with Moses. All you racists are leaching off American and British taxpayers, there is no difference between you guys and the Indians in Zambia.

    Make love not war….

  79. Two Zambians have been killed. Find the cause and make sure such deaths do not occur again. Please no racist reporting.

  80. Do these fire fighters know there job?lets blame the pipo incharge.through out the country the fire service system is very poor.paka muchinize hard pull up your socks & save lives & properties.

  81. Do these fire fighters know there job?lets blame the pipo incharge.through out the country the fire service system is very poor.paka muchinize hard pull up your socks & save lives & properties.M.T.S.R.I.P.

  82. #42,

    The fire men never came afer 1 hour. NO![-( They actually reached the scene in less than 5 minutes after they were called.

  83. #83,
    I agree with you in totality. What is so special about these other races?!
    For your own information, I burnt my self this morning with a match stick as I was lighting a candle. Hence, the nail for my smallest finger has turned black!! But if it was a Chinise or an Indian, it was going to be the headlines.

    Black is beauty!! Whether you like it or not! :d:d:d:d:d:d

  84. Fire brigade never has water in tanks like police no fuel. Sad reading what with all the jokes, half of my family members have departed from this earth and I have experienced lots of joke during funerals especially from tribal cousin, perhaps thats why you people cant help cracking jokes. We all mourn in different ways some cry out loud some joke and life when they recall the good times they had with the deceased. Racism is outdated. Respect. /:)/:)

  85. #114,

    You have a point. But I am merely trying to disagree with other bloggers who are saying that the inferno is as a result of arson.

    Good after-noon! 🙂

  86. Accident or not the work of forensic experts with a full report to dispell speculations as above is required.


  87. Very Sad to hear this. They were close to our family in India. Sad to see such poor fire controls in such a posh society. How can the fire burn so fast that they had no chance of getting out ?? Surely, smell something fishy ?? Hopefully the police dept is not too lousy…Can’t really expect much in Africa, where things are taken too lightly.Wish they had FBI like USA & can get to bottom of this.

    Condolences to all family.

  88. mwe bantu aba bika ama comment apa tamufwako nesoni. You have completely lost track of the issue here mwa senda ichushi mwasha umulilo.Some of you have been so racist and sterotyipical jsut because the people who have died are of indian origin…does ‘race’ make you any less human? We should be empathetic

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