Saturday, February 8, 2025

Ngwenya welcomes proposals of a single currency for Africa


COMESA secretary general Sindiso Ngwenya with Russian Ambassador to Zambia Boris malakhov when Mr Malakhov presented his credentials
COMESA secretary general Sindiso Ngwenya with Russian Ambassador to Zambia Boris malakhov when Mr Malakhov presented his credentials
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, COMESA, Secretary General Sindiso Ngwenya has hailed calls for the introduction of Africa’s single currency.

Mr Ngwenya said a single currency would help reduce the cost of doing business on the continent.

Mr Ngwenya told ZANIS in an interview, today, that a single currency could also promote cross border trade and investment necessary for economic growth on the continent.

The Comesa Secretary General said the currency would ensure that prices of commodities will be easily compared in the region.

He emphasized that if European Countries have been successful in having a single currency, the Euro,nothing will stop African countries from doing the same.

Mr Ngwenya also acknowledged plans to form United States of Africa saying it a thoughtful idea adding that the only challenge that exists is how to form the continental Union.

He said that African countries will definitely benefit from this. He later noted that if Africa speaks with one voice it will be stronger.

He stated that African countries might be moving at a different economic development pace but what is important is that they are moving toward the same direction.

He said that the time is now for those countries who want to integrate to do so and that they should not wait for other countries.

He urged the countries who are sitting on the racing chair to continue and those who are not to be compelled to sit on that chair and race with others.



  1. “The Comesa Secretary General said the currency would ensure that prices of commodities will be easily compared in the region.”

    This money currency issue is welcome. It would also help to harmonise salaries of camparble workers across Africa especially those working in Multi-Natioanla Companies.

    With such, there would be opportunities for similar growth economically across Africa at an individual’s level.

  2. One African currency! I can only imagine how the Zambian economy will react with commodity prices that are two to three fold more expensive than our neighbours.

  3. In May 1, 1776 – Adam Weishaupt establishes a secret society called the Order of the Illuminati. Weishaupt was the Professor of Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, part of Germany. The Illuminati seek to establish a New World Order. Their objectives are as follows:
    1)Abolition of all ordered governments
    2)Abolition of private property
    3)Abolition of inheritance
    4)Abolition of patriotism
    5)Abolition of the family
    6)Abolition of religion
    7) Creation of a world government

  4. Globalization promotes regional and global government, a one-world economic system of trade and a form of fascism where global corporations and their elite control the policies and directives of individual governments.This is bad news people.Wake up.

  5. Topics like this are like a bat signal for 1984 to copy and paste from truth seeker .co uk . What I find ridiculous about this new world order talk is believing an organisation started in the 17th century rules the world[-( .

  6. Let’s wait & c as the finer details are availed to us so that we know how they intend on achieving this-the roadmap so to speak..until then i’ll hold my horses

  7. It’s a theory that exists on youtube is what my opinion is on it. I think it’s adecoy for the ignorant to go on a wild goose chase and ignore the real rulers of the world.

  8. History at its making ?!!:-?

    I think ba Secretary General knows how illusionary his idea is at this juncture!!
    He just wants to be remembered as one of the pioneers !! Who knows.

    To be straight-forward, this shoe is too big for Africa to wear!! Especially that we can not even walk together in so many issues!!

    It may also be the Obamamenia that most African leaders have caught and so they just utter big things while dozing.

  9. #Shalapungu Banton
    In January 1991 the first President Bush told Americans in an Oval Office address that the collapse of Soviet communism presented an opportunity “to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order; a world where the rule of law, not the rule of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations”.

    That was before youtube(2006).

  10. The theory just made it’s way to youtube which is a breeding ground for click and watch scholars who are allergic to reading and expect somebody to read for them and explain. Just because bush said new world order doesn’t mean it’s really there, George HW is known for ridiculous comments.

    What I find really silly about the Illuminati and new world order is that There were powerful organisations that run the world that were even mentioned in the bible that are still there today that you conspiracy illusionists ignore. it’s like you create a theory on little or no facts just to make yourself paranoid.

  11. One religion ??don’t be ridiculous . Do you in your honets mind think muslims, catholics and hebrews will come together. This is more proof that NWO is bedtime story

  12. Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,
    but that we are powerful beyond measure.

    It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.
    We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,
    gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?

    Actually, who are you not to be?
    You are a child of God.

    Your playing small does not serve the world.
    There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
    so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

    We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
    It is not just in some; it is in everyone.

    And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give
    other people permission to do the same.
    As we are liberated from our fear,
    our presence


    The New world order has been in the works longer than most things,but not longer than man has been here. As Prophesied in the Bible it shall come to pass. Why do Africans always have to copy everything in this day and age; Let us get back to the days we used the wisdom God gave us, when we invented cities. We cannot co-exist in a singular law entity with Islamic states we all know this. Let us Grow food and feed us first! Export and then get crazy. With the people leading us now you think all they craziness shall go. Imagine they richer African nations with warped ideas, go figure…….

  14. 19. 1984, please just do useful stuff if you have any instead of wasting time trying to discuss with Shalapungu Banton. The character does not appreciate anything even TRUTH when it is presented to him with proof.
    I have heard a lot about these end time things. Others claim that we are living in the last 4 verses of Daniel 11 (41 -45, I think). However, I would like you to relax and let Jesus Christ take this according to the way He shall.
    Enough Prophecy has been given in Daniel and Revelation of the Holy Scriptures. What is true is that we are living in the last days (time of the end, in the Bible).
    The speculations of who is the King of the South and North won’t help.

    What will help is:

  15. Maestro stay out of a conversation that has nothing to do with you. I already have written you off as a liar and a mental midget that cannot use his own brain but relies on Google. You failed to dispute my facts and assumed the mental foetal position many a times with me. Mention one thing That you presented to me with proof, Just one? I can mention 10 things you blatantly lied on . Remember you lied about having anhebrew bible , lied that theres a letter J in hebrew , and you even went as far as lieing that you know a former Jew.

  16. #21 Shalapungu Banton On Religion may i quote from Blair.

    FORMER Prime Minister Tony Blair launched his “Tony Blair Faith Foundation” in New York last week to combat poverty, war and bring harmony to the world religions.
    Mr Blair used the launch of his foundation to call for a new world order. “We must be global citizens as well as citizens of our country,” he told the New York audience gathered at the headquarters of Time Warner media. “Idealism becomes the new realism

  17. 26 continued.
    King James Version Bible
    Revelation 22:7 Behold, I come quickly: blessed [is] he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book…20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
    Thus just prepare yourself for the Lord Jesus Christ’s coming for what has to happen will happen according to Prophecy. Daniel equally wanted to know what really the vision in Daniel 11/2 was about, but he was assured to relax:
    Daniel 12:8 And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what [shall be] the end of these [things]?
    12:9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words [are] closed up and sealed till the time of the end.

  18. So tony blair will tell the muslims to stop being muslims …………………… :-\” this is just silly

    How about you show me a bilateral agreement by muslims and any other religion saying they will join hands. Because quoting unilateral statements that are not even binding does not sound like a powerful organisation to me

  19. 27. Shalapungu Banton greetings, I have some serious schoolwork to do and so I will not waste time with you a character that fails to appreciate truth but takes pleasure in speculations. I have written before that there are countless topics where you have failed to show any lie you can I wrote you. Also there a countless writings of yours with a lie that John Miller, whom I have never heard of, was a prophet of the SDA Church.
    I have corrected you that there was a William Miller who was NEVER an SDA in his lifetime, but even with proof before your eyes you have continued wallowing in self-denial.
    So, why MUST I waste time on you? I deal with proof while you take pleasure in speculation.

  20. “. I have written before that there are countless topics where you have failed to show any lie you can I wrote you”

    Again let me remind you of your lies
    1. I know a former jew
    2. I have a hebrew bible on my laptop
    3. There is a letter J in hebrew
    4. The SDA’s keep the whole law
    5. I can read Hebrew
    6. The SDA’s are remnants of hebrews
    7. THe holy spirit lives in the SDA
    8.I have a pentateuch which a jew threw away

    I can keep going about your lies , It just goes to show how much of a confused character you are. Now I know you like to go back na d forth and flood this site with your useless posts but save yourself unless you dispute or acknowledge your lies then please refrai

  21. Also the lie you keep insisting I said is right here in your own false prophets words

    ellenwhiteexposed com/ miller .htm

    But somehow I think you will ignore this and keep saying I lied. I never Lied i just showed you where your prophet was clearly LIEING but like any mentally enslaved african you cannot handle the facts

  22. Shalapungu Banton
    One Religion
    The leadership of the one orld church,commenced in 1948 under the heading of the W.C.C (world coucil of churches)
    In the 70s at the conference in Nairobi,Kenya the following groups were present.
    (a)The five negotiating Churches for union-Anglican,Presbyterian,Associated churches of Christ,Methodist,Congregational.
    (b)Roman Ctholic,Bhuddist,Sikhs.Moslems,Hhindus.These were there as observer at this stage.

  23. Instead always registering our pessimism on fundamental issues, lets learn to give forward looking ideals worth digressing on. Could be taken or trashed that is the nature of open discussion. I feel as Africans we need to start engaging ourselves into a process of greater interdependence among our countries and the citizenry. Gradually in blocs show some increase integration of products, currency and resource markets across the continent via trade, immigration, and foreign investment-international flows of goods and services, people, and of investment such as equipment, factories, stocks, and bonds.

  24. We should also start looking at integrating noneconomic elements such as culture and the environment. Integration is political, technological, and cultural, as well as economic

  25. I have a few issues I would like addressed:
    (1) Not all muslims are fundamentalists / extremists, so those that question whether our brothers and sisters in the Northern part of Africa would welcome the whole US of Africa or one African currency should wait and see how things unfold.
    (2) Depending on one’s standpoint – be it the Bible which prophesies that there shall be a NWO with one ruler whose name stands for 666, let God reveal these things at his own time. And for those who want to go back to the 17th century and to the times of Nostrodam(spelling), you can do so.In my opinion, whatever rocks your boat.

  26. #36

    I still see no membership of muslims , muslims have always been observers . If muslims are in the same place as catholics that in no way makes it one religion

  27. I have a few issues I would like addressed:
    (1) Not all muslims are fundamentalists / extremists, so those that question whether our brothers and sisters in the Northern part of Africa would welcome the whole US of Africa or one African currency should wait and see how things unfold.
    (2) Depending on one’s standpoint – be it the Bible which prophesies that there shall be a NWO with one ruler whose name stands for 666, let God reveal these things at his own time. And for those who want to go back to the 17th century and to the times of Nostradamus, you can do so.In my opinion, whatever rocks your boat.

  28. But the process must be in blocs and mutuality.Europe was the worst feudal system that has ever existed as it dragged in wars, factionalism,and failures of multilateralism for many years yet a vision has transcended the past into present EU, and integrated Euro zone.Africa needs to keep exploring all smart ways.Apocalypsy cannot be a manifestr of when Africa makes a proposition of self integration only but not when Europe, America or South assia does it.Such doctrines are ultravarous and contemptible to peddle.

  29. #43 walipasa..dont lie to yourself and think those ppl up north are your brothers.they are just ppl you share a continet with nothin else..not values, not beliefs, not culture.they dont care about anybody.they dont hesitate to kill a member of their on family in the name of honour and women are think they care a you?we are yet to see the non-extremist part of islam.i fesr those guys more than white ppl.the level of indoctrination scares me..theres no room for independent thought at all

  30. 43 CONTINUED
    Thanks #44 (let me rephrase that – rule under one leader)What I feel we should be asking ourselves is whether our currency would be able to absorb the shocks that will definitely occur from this integration of currencies. And as a side note – not all the countries in the EU have adopted the Euro as their state currency thosugh they use it. the other thing we should be asking ourselves is whether we would have effective watchdogs to monitor the people in power when we can not even do that when we are multiple countries!!! Lets face it, most AFrican leadeers are an undisciplined lot and giving them a free regein of various resources is like shooting ourselves in the foot!

  31. There is work to be done! Is the USA going to be found on democratic principles. If so how is Gadafi going to persuade other non democratic leaders to embrace democracy when himself is a communist. There is work to be done to achieve this wonderful dream.

  32. Indeed the EU has proved many wrong who were doubtful of its success.However, we should be mindful that most of the countries were on the same economic level (which is definitely nt the case in Africa at the moment. And that the premise on which the EU is founded is currently unattainable for AFrican states. I dont want to sound pessimistic bt were need to face facts as they are. most African countries are nt democracies (Members of the EU MUST be proven democracies nt just in name – thats why Turkey is having problems being accepted into the fold. My view is that its not impossible for a US of Africa to happen, nor that we can not have one currency, passport, name it.

  33. Jamaco, what are you made of?Maybe you are LT correspondent .Any way,you can be nambala_,because am in chitulika village for a funeral,and am using the phone.Single currency is what this continent needs.

  34. #33. Maestro Hhehhehhehhe continued.
    34 Shalapungu Banton, here is proof of your lie about John Miller being an SDA:

    97. dobo banton(9TH).LLB, your wrote “IF you are based in the bible how come your founder John Miller was a masonic false prophet” and this is probably why I called you a satanist last time. I have told you before that William Miller was NEVER an SDA in his life time. Since this is a lie, again you prove that you are a satanist. check w w w. lusakatimes . com/ ? p = 2290 for proof.

    Source: ww w.lusakatimes.c om/ ?p=6786.

    Now provide proof of your claims that I lied. Without such, you are just a noisy GONG bent on speculations.

  35. How many times do you want me to keep posting this you Liar??

    ellenwhiteexposed com/ miller .htm

    But somehow I think you will ignore this and keep saying I lied. I never Lied i just showed you where your prophet was clearly LIEING but like any mentally enslaved african you cannot handle the facts

    John Miller was a Masonic False prophet who your Prophet Ellen Gould white endorsed as an SDA

    ellenwhiteexposed com/ miller .htm

    The quote is right there Maestro in owns

  36. With the same currency what happens it comes to Sanctions being put on one part of africa like in Zimbabwe will it mean the whole africa will be subject to sanctions

  37. #52. Shalapungu Banton, those are not my words. Can you produce my words to prove your claims in #34. if you have forgotten them, here they are:
    “Again let me remind you of your lies
    1. I know a former jew
    2. I have a hebrew bible on my laptop
    3. There is a letter J in hebrew
    4. The SDA’s keep the whole law
    5. I can read Hebrew
    6. The SDA’s are remnants of hebrews
    7. THe holy spirit lives in the SDA
    8.I have a pentateuch which a jew threw away

    I can keep going about your lies , …”

    Backup your claims, Mr Noisy GONG Banton(.LLB) please.

  38. Jesus is about to come back soon , we are in the last days. All these are signs of the end of the age, even in the times of Noah people did not believe him when he warned them of the floods they instead laughed at him. I admonish everyone to prepare themselves for the coming of the Lord. Truly we do not know the day or the hour but the signs are becoming more clearer.For those that don’t know Jesus Christ yet, believe that he is Lord and that God has raised him from the dead and you will be saved. For those who are believers and are not living holy lives this is the time to consencrate and sanctify ourselves before the Lord. The time is short.God bless.

  39. Yes, the Bible prophesy is rapidly being fulfilled. As earlier observed we shall have one church, one gov’t, one currency and one law. This situation will be pronounced by a popular man and the whole unrepented world will follow. These Bible prophesies will be fulfilled to the letter. When there will be relative peace, then destruction will follow. Those comrades who specialise at debating and insulting should read this message clearly. Now reader what should you do Read Revelation 12vs 6-11 and get inspired to follow the Kingdom of Glory, Amen, ALLELUJAH.

  40. Maestro
    does this topic with your lies ring any bells 😕 ?p=7483

    Lies like former jew, pentateuch, remnant …………No I guessed so you have selective memory coupled with amnesia of your lies.

  41. #57
    Can you please tell us where in the bible it says [b]one church, one gov’t, one currency and one law.[/b]

  42. 56. Shalapungu Banton, now you are slowing going back to your ways of insulting and running away from your claims by “More evidence of your confused state of mind, now you are getting false witness amnesia”. This will not help you.

    Remember that there are on lookers who are following your failures to backup your claims in #34 and #54 above that I lied.

    Check data below from: w w w. whiteestate . org / issues / video . h t m l following your ellenwhiteexposed com/ miller .htm in #52:

  43. “Suggested Sources to Respond
    to Representations Made in the Video

    Response prepared by

    The Ellen G. White Estate and the Biblical Research Institute

    June 1999″

  44. “1. Ellen G. White was the founder of the Seventh-day Adventist church.

    Answer: The Seventh-day Adventist church was founded by Joseph Bates, Ellen G. White, and James White (not Ellen G. White alone).

    Resources: Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia, vol. 10, 1996 ed., p. 170; vol. 11, pp. 873, 890.”

  45. 62 cont’d.

    “2. Seventh-day Adventists depend on Ellen G. White for their teachings. She is “the last word on doctrine.”

    Answer: The church’s statement of “27 Fundamental Beliefs” cites the Scriptures, not Ellen White, for each of its beliefs. In the bookSeventh-day Adventists Believe . . . the church’s beliefs are presented and explained in the context of the Scriptures, not Ellen White. Neither Ellen White nor the church has ever taught that she was the last word on doctrine.”

  46. Maestro
    you are like a dying chicken that has been beheaded and still wants to run.

    Do you think a pathetic attempt to google a response will save your prophets lies?

    Ellengould white got their information from

    Ellen G. White, Early Writings, p. 229. and Ellen G. White, Great Controversy, chapter 18, “An American Reformer”.

    Surely I need not tell you that the author of those lies is the same person you follow

    You and your Prophet are liars as I have proved

  47. 63 cont’d.


    * Seventh-day Adventists Believe . . . , 1988, see esp. pp. 227-228.
    * “The Inspiration and Authority of the Ellen G. White Writings,” Adventist Review, Dec. 23, 1982. (Available on the Internet at: h t t p : / /ww w.WhiteEstate.o rg/ issues/ scrip sda.h tml).
    * Herbert E. Douglass, Messenger of the Lord, 1998, pp. 416-425.
    * Ellen G. White, Selected Messages, bk. 3, pp. 29-33.
    * Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 5, pp. 663-670.”

  48. 65 cont’d.

    “3. October 22, 1844, was not the correct date for the Jewish Day of Atonement in 1844.

    Answer: There was more than one way of reckoning the Jewish calendar year. The Millerites considered the Karaite reckoning to be the closest to the Biblical reckoning.

    Resources: “

  49. Am sure you can ask your SDA to confirm Ellen Gould white endorsing John Miller

    Ellen G. White, Early Writings, p. 229. and Ellen G. White, Great Controversy, chapter 18, “An American Reformer”.

    Unless of course you want to reject Ellen Gould’s white’s own books hehehe

  50. 66 cont’d

    “* Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia, vol. 11, 1996 ed., p. 805.
    * George Knight, Millennial Fever, 1993, pp. 163-164, 189.
    * LeRoy E. Froom, Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 4, pp. 799-805, 821-822, with charts on pp. 790-792.
    * For additional evidence based upon astronomy and calendation, see William H. Shea, “Day of Atonement and October 22, 1844,” in Selected Studies on Prophetic Interpretation, pp. 132-137. (“Daniel and Revelation Committee Series,” vol. 1.).”

  51. 68 cont’d.

    “4. Millerite meetings were full of fanaticism.

    Answer: Contemporary accounts indicate that Millerite meetings overall were remarkably free from fanaticism.


    * Francis D. Nichol, Midnight Cry, 1944 (Christian Home Library edition), pp. 339-354.
    * George Knight, Millennial Fever, 1993, pp. 171-178.”

  52. 69 cont’d.

    “5. Although William Miller admitted his mistake regarding October 22, 1844, Ellen White never did.

    Answer: This is true. After the Great Disappointment, William Miller admitted his mistake regarding Christ’s returning on October 22, 1844, and he also gave up believing that October 22 had any prophetic significance. On the other hand, Ellen White never discarded her belief in the prophetic significance of the October 22 date, so she had no reason to admit a mistake had been made regarding the calculation, beyond the obvious fact that Christ had not returned that day. Several references showing her consistent position are given below.”

  53. 70 continued.


    * Ellen G. White, Spiritual Gifts, vol. 1, 1858, pp. 148-150.
    * Ellen G. White, Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 4, 1884, pp. 251-257.
    * Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, 1911, pp. 403-408.”

  54. 71 cont’d.

    “6. Ellen White saw a mistake in the Millerite prophetic chart during her first vision.

    Answer: The vision in which Ellen White saw the Millerite prophetic chart was given her on September 23, 1850. Her first vision was in December, 1844.

    Resources: Ellen G. White, Early Writings, 1945 (Christian Home Library edition), p. 74.”

  55. Ellen Gould White the False prophet in her own words endorses John Miller

    Ellen G. White, Early Writings, p. 229. and Ellen G. White, Great Controversy, chapter 18, “An American Reformer”.

    And to think hehehe Maestro thought I lied. Maestro how do you explain these books ehy? did a satanist print them heheheh

  56. 72 cont’d.

    “7. According to Ellen White, God made the mistake on the Millerite prophetic chart referred to in statement 6.

    Answer: God, in His providence, permitted events to unfold as they did for His own divine purposes.


    * Herbert E. Douglass, Messenger of the Lord, 1998, p. 490.
    * Francis D. Nichol, Ellen G. White and Her Critics, 1951, pp. 342-344.

  57. 74 cont’d.
    “8. Ellen White’s writings are unavailable, “locked away in a vault.”

    Answer: All of Ellen White’s published writings are available on CD-ROM and on the Internet (w ww.WhiteEstate.o rg). All of her unpublished materials are currently available at the main office of the White Estate at the General Conference in Silver Spring, Maryland; at three branch offices located in the United States: Andrews University, Loma Linda University, and Oakwood College; as well as at eleven Research Centers operated throughout the world. The vault provides fire protection and security for the original documents.

    Resources: Herbert E. Douglass, Messenger of the Lord, 1998, pp. 483-484.”

  58. maestro why are you ignoring the books written by your prophet. it just shows that your prophet was a confused possessed woman. She even denied that the state of israel would never be created [-(. Maestro how do you explain page 229 of Ellen G. White, Early Writings where she endorses a mason

    Galatians 1:8
    8I pray that YHWH will punish anyone who preaches anything different from our message to you! It doesn’t matter if that person is one of us or an angel from heaven

  59. 76 cont’d.

    “9. If not all predictions by a prophet come to pass, then the person must be a false prophet.

    Answer: Whenever humans have a role in the fulfillment of a prophecy, a conditional element is implicit with the prophecy.


    * Jeremiah 18:7-10.
    * Herbert E. Douglass, Messenger of the Lord, 1998, pp. 29, 30.
    * Francis D. Nichol, Ellen G. White and Her Critics, 1951, pp. 102-111.

  60. 77 cont’d.
    “10. Ellen White falsely predicted that old Jerusalem would never be rebuilt.

    Answer: This prediction referred to a movement then underway (in 1850) to gather believers in the second advent to Jerusalem where a literal kingdom would be established in fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy prior to Christ’s return. Ellen White’s predictive warning saved many former Millerites from this deception.”

  61. We all know why her writings are locked up and hidden:)) as I pointed out she is a falsee prophet who was even racist. And yet you Maestro a tonga rural man follows a racist.

    in case you ignore it
    Ellen G. White, Early Writings, p. 229. and Ellen G. White, Great Controversy, chapter 18, “An American Reformer”.

  62. 78 cont’d

    “11. Ellen White falsely claimed that time was short, that she would be living when Christ returned, and still later that some in the audience to whom she was speaking would be alive when Christ returned.

    Answer: Time was always presented to Ellen White in vision as being very short, so there was no reason why she would not expect to be living when Christ returned. However, the conditional nature of prophecy when human response is involved must be kept in mind. See item 9 above. Also Revelation 22:7, 12, 20.”

  63. 80 cont’d.

    “12. During the American Civil War, Ellen White predicted the downfall of the United States.

    Answer: Ellen White used the phrase “humbled in the dust,” which suggests something quite different from the literal downfall and destruction of the United States.

    Resources: Francis D. Nichol, Ellen G. White and Her Critics, 1951, pp. 119-121.

  64. 81 continued.
    “13. Also during the Civil War, Ellen White predicted that Great Britain would enter the war on the side of the Confederate States.

    Answer: A careful reading of the context of what Ellen White actually wrote leads to a conclusion different from the one given on the video.


    * Francis D. Nichol, Ellen G. White and Her Critics, 1951, pp. 122-123.
    * Herbert E. Douglass, Messenger of the Lord, 1998, p. 487.

  65. #80
    “11. Ellen White falsely claimed that time was short, that she would be living when Christ returned,”

    Even you Maestro quote the fact that your prophet was dishonest :)) in your own post

  66. 82 cont’d.

    “14. Ellen White held racist views that certain races of people resulted from cohabitation of humans with beasts (amalgamation).

    Answer: Both a careful reading of Ellen White’s statement in Spiritual Gifts, vol. 3, p. 75, as well as the whole tenor of her life and teachings belies the notion that she viewed any race as sub-human. She wrote, “No distinction on account of nationality, race, or caste, is recognized by God. He is the Maker of all mankind. All men are of one family by creation, and all are one through redemption.”–Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 386.”

  67. 84 continued.

    “15. After the Great Disappointment in 1844, Ellen White was shown in vision that salvation had closed for the world (the “Shut Door”).

    Answer: While Ellen White believed for a time that no sinners would be converted after 1844, she was never instructed in a vision that the door of salvation was shut for the world. For a detailed analysis of the changing understanding of the expression “Shut Door,” see the references given next.”

  68. you can quote 1000 pages but teh fact remains Ellen Gould white’s words are fixated on Ink about her lies . Theres no amouth of copying and pasting that can hide a lie

    Isn’t life just funny you call people satanists who tell you the truth and yet you want to ignore fact:))

  69. 85 cont’d.
    ” *

    29. Seventh-day Adventist teachings on the Saturday Sabbath and the seal of God are unscriptural.

    Resources: For Scriptural evidences of the seventh-day Sabbath and the transition to Sunday worship, see:

    * Seventh-day Adventists Believe . . . , 1988, 249-266.
    * K. A. Strand, ed., The Sabbath in Scripture and History, 1982.
    * Samuele Bacchiocchi, From Sabbath to Sunday, 1977.
    * Sakae Kubo, God Meets Man: A Theology of the Sabbath and the Second Advent, 1978.
    * N.-E. Andreasen, Rest and Redemption, 1978.

    On the seal of God and its relation to the Sabbath, see Seventh-day Encyclopedia, vol. 11, 1996 ed., pp. 563, 564.

  70. 87 continued.

    The list goes on and on, but I believe what I have given here is enough for any sane person to follow. Those who need proof of lies by #52’s:

    “John Miller was a Masonic False prophet who your Prophet Ellen Gould white endorsed as an SDA

    ellenwhiteexposed com/ miller .htm”

    MUST JUST TYPE “John Miller” in google and will see who much a liar Shalapungu (dobo) Banton is.

  71. This is amazing

    I provide a quote of John Miller endorsed as an SDA and even provide a primary resource in Ellen Gould whites words and you deny it :))

    You are truely confused. Theres no amount of copying and pasting that can hide a lie maestro

    Ellen G. White, Early Writings, p. 229. and Ellen G. White, Great Controversy, chapter 18, “An American Reformer”.

    it goes to how
    Shalapungu banton= zero lies
    maestro = 12 lies

  72. #58. Shalapungu Banton, no bells ring. just provide the actual lie by quoting it and its source as I have done for you on #51 and again now:

    “97. dobo banton(9TH).LLB, your wrote “IF you are based in the bible how come your founder John Miller was a masonic false prophet” and this is probably why I called you a satanist last time. I have told you before that William Miller was NEVER an SDA in his life time. Since this is a lie, again you prove that you are a satanist. check w w w. lusakatimes . com/ ? p = 2290 for proof.

    Source: ww w.lusakatimes.c om/ ?p=6786.”

  73. Ellen G. White, Early Writings, p. 229. and Ellen G. White, Great Controversy, chapter 18, “An American Reformer”.

    Ellen Gould white says Miller is SDA :-\” hehehe

    I think the hehehe at the end of your name denotes how much of a joke you are.

    Also lets not forget your other lies of catholics starting out in the 3rd century and lies about a former jew

  74. #89. Shalapungu Banton, on “I provide a quote of John Miller endorsed as an SDA and even provide a primary resource in Ellen Gould whites words and you deny it”. Where it the quote? To educate you:

    John Miller (journalist)
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Jump to: navigation, search
    John Miller at the FBI

    John Miller is an Assistant Director of the FBI. He is the Bureau’s national spokesman. Miller is a former ABC News reporter and anchor. He conducted a famous May 1998 interview with Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan.

  75. 93 cont’d.

    William Miller (preacher)
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Jump to: navigation, search
    William Miller

    William Miller
    Born February 15, 1782
    Pittsfield, Massachusetts
    Died December 20, 1849
    Hampton, New York
    Military officer,
    Spouse(s) Lucy Smith

    William Miller (1782–1849) was an American Baptist preacher, whose followers have been termed Millerites. He is credited with the beginning of the Adventist movement of the 1830s and 1840s in North America. Among his direct spiritual heirs are several major religious denominations including Seventh-day Adventists, and Advent Christians. Later movements found inspiration …

  76. and there you go shooting yourself in the foot

    “He is credited with the beginning of the Adventist movement of the 1830s and 1840s in North America. Among his direct spiritual heirs are several major religious denominations including Seventh-day Adventists, and Advent Christians. Later movements found inspiration “:))

  77. #89. Shalapungu Banton, on “I provide a quote of John Miller endorsed as an SDA and even provide a primary resource in Ellen Gould whites words and you deny it”.

    In light of 93 and 94, who is are liar between you and me as to whether John Miller was a prophet of the SDA Church?

    I wrote to you on #33: “27. Shalapungu Banton greetings, I have some serious schoolwork to do and so I will not waste time with you a character that fails to appreciate truth but takes pleasure in speculations.” Look now, how I have exposed you as a LIAR!

  78. Maestro My tongue never lies am not like you, I put John Instead of william you celebrate and yet look at how many times I have caught you lieing? You are a pathetic excuse for a man and a wrong representative of scriptures you quote because of your forked evil tongue. you are what in hebrew we call ‘LASHON HARA’ . You are a waste of time to deal with you just want to go on a rudderless conversation that reaches 300 posts with no sense at all. Am going to bed and I will pray to YHWH to help you in your lieing and prideful ways . I sure hope you wake up and realise that the seventh day was a law of the torah given to moses nby YHWH himself not Ellen Gould white a confused racist.


  79. #96. Shalapungu Banton, on ““He is credited with the beginning of the Adventist movement of the 1830s and 1840s in North America. Among his direct spiritual heirs are several major religious denominations including Seventh-day Adventists, and Advent Christians. Later movements found inspiration”, where does it indicate the William Miller and not John Miller was ACTUALLY an SDA?

    It appears like you have a deficiency in the English language. Definitions of “credited” on the Web:

    Something attributed to
    e n.wiktiona ry. o rg/ wiki/ credited.
    Does this mean W. Miller was SDA? NO, NO, NO!

  80. Long live the hebrews and down with imposters like the SDA pretending to be hebrew and don’t even keep the whole law(TORAH)

  81. Before I go let me remind you again where William Miller is called an SDA by ELLEN GOULD WHITE

    Ellen G. White, Early Writings, p. 229

    dispute that you villager

  82. 98. Shalapungu Banton, your “Maestro My tongue never lies am not like you, I put John Instead of william you celebrate and yet look at how many times I have caught you lieing?”

    In your own words Banton, dobo Banton, you have PROVED TO THE WHOLE WORLD THAT YOU ARE A LIAR!

    The is no more reason for me to continue this exposure of your as a TERRIBLE LIAR, a satanist according to John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

    Thus, I am out to study useful things.

  83. Ellen G. White, Early Writings, p. 229 following #101:

    ” William Miller [SEE APPENDIX.]

    God sent His angel to move upon the heart of a farmer who had not believed the Bible, to lead him to search the prophecies. Angels of God repeatedly visited that chosen one, to guide his mind and open to his understanding prophecies which had ever been dark to God’s people. The commencement of the chain of truth was given to him, and he was led on to search for link after link, until he looked with wonder and admiration upon the Word of God.”

  84. :d/:d/:d/





  85. When two people argue…it becomes really difficult. if anything extremely difficult and annoying for third parties like us on this blog to distinguish which one among the two…these two biggots is actually the pinhead!! What are you guys trying to prove? Get a life and let intellectuals dicuss issues relevant to the motion…’ATASE’… 🙁

  86. 103. your flag Maestro Hhehhehhehhe continued.

    “He saw there a perfect chain of truth. That Word which he had regarded as uninspired now opened before his vision in its beauty and glory. He saw that one portion of Scripture explains another, and when one passage was closed to his understanding, he found in another part of the Word that which explained it. He regarded the sacred Word of God with joy and with the deepest respect and awe. {EW 229.1}”

    Source: egwdatabase.whiteestate. o r g (Ellen G. White Estate through google search engine).

  87. #105 Real Zedian, see posting #98 please. WHO is a liar between me and Sahlapungu Banton?

    This is the “What are you guys trying to prove?” we have been trying to prove.

    If this isn’t clear ask again for the LIAR has acknowledged that he is a liar by his own words.

  88. #103. Maestro Hhehhehhehhe

    Why believe man instead of the word of GOD. Ellen White or whoever she is is a false prophet. God said there will be many in the last days and 1984 as well as this Ellen White seem to be one of them and youtube is riddled with false prophets.

    Believe the word and only the word. Nowhere in the Bible does it say there will be a one world govt. It does say the beast will have power over all the earth. To fully understand this verse, you have to first identify the beast.

  89. 101. Shalapungu Banton, in light of your “Before I go let me remind you again where William Miller is called an SDA by ELLEN GOULD WHITE

    Ellen G. White, Early Writings, p. 229” and postings in #103 and 106 where does Ellen G. White indicate that William Miller is a(n) SDA member?

    Young man, I wrote to you that the DEVIL who is a liar was defeated in heaven and on the Cross of Calvary by Jesus Christ and thus I would defeat you by God’s grace since Jesus Christ is on my side due to his stand on TRUTH.

    Show me any more lies and I will expose you, by God’s grace. Even if I have put my schoolwork aside, this is time well spent as you have been cut to your actual size!

  90. Maestro Hhehhehhehhe

    Revelation 22:18-19

    18I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. 19And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

  91. 108. Free-Market-Capitlst, whatever your concerns please keep them to yourself.

    I have read the Holy Bible and I am still reading it. even in my bag right now, I have a French Bible which I am hoping to read. On my laptop PC right now, I have Germany, French and Spanish Audio Holy Bibles which I sometimes just listen to.

    So, relax. The youngman Banton came with an approach like yours but I have from time to time humbled him. Thus, he is now studying my writings to find faults in them for he can’t understand how I do things. The simple give to the way I live life is in Matthew 6:33. Have a good day.

  92. #112. Maestro Hhehhehhehhe

    What I dont understand is why you are believing man over God’s word. You are believing this Ellen and Miller fellow who supposedly had visions (I stopped following somewhere in the middle) instead of the word of God.

    The fact is no one knows the exact day God is coming. It could be tomorrow and you may not even know it. Don’t believe everything that man tells you, confirm first with the lord through his word.

    I do however thank you for the disrespectful response given to me (Free-Market-Capitlst, whatever your concerns please keep them to yourself.)

  93. #110. Free-Market-Capitlst, refer to 112 above.

    Also, see:

    Revelation 12:17; 14:12 and 19:10.

    Daniel 12:10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.

    My friend, some other time for I have to continue studying. There is a lot to cover before I retire to bed. I am still at school and will still be travelling home later in the day.

  94. Revelation 16:15

    15″Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed.”

  95. #113. Free-Market-Capitlst on your “#112. Maestro Hhehhehhehhe

    What I dont understand is why you are believing man over God’s word. You are believing this Ellen and Miller fellow who supposedly had visions (I stopped following somewhere in the middle) instead of the word of God.”

    Relax, I only believe in God, the Creator and Owner of the Universe and everything in it.

    Later. Catch me some other time. I have already done justice to dobo Banton who has run away – I call it smoking him banto out of this thread!

  96. Revelation 12:17
    17Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to make war against the rest of her offspring—those who obey God’s commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus.
    Revelation 14:12
    12This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God’s commandments and remain faithful to Jesus.
    Revelation 19:10
    10At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

  97. OK, I am just going to step a little away from the last days and think of this in a non biblical sense.

    OK this All African currency is a good idea and many nations do stand to benefit greatly (looking at it on an economic standpoint). This will result in the increase of economic integration among African nations and the economic advantages are enormous.

    However the All African govt will not last because of dictators amongst some African leaders. Some African leaders are power hungry and some have never held an election in their country. I see this will last for about 20 years at most and will fall the same way the USSR fell. Just my thought on it (considering the world does not end).

  98. Ba Metro Heheehe++ and Ba Free Market, What would Gaddafi think if he read all that you are quoting from Daniel 22-11, and from from very dangerious book of Revelation 12? Don’t you think muleyapwila umulilo pa makasa? Please avoid those verses or you raise the proclaimed Ammergedon

  99. #124. Bemba-Sophist

    I have not claimed anything about Gaddafi. I do not even think Gaddafi is anywhere in the Bible scriptures. I also denounce this theory that there will be a one world govt because nowhere in the Bible does it state this. I have read the verses and whenever they talk of this anti-christ fellow, they always put “nation, kindoms and tribes”, to me that says to me that even when this anti-christ fellow comes, there will not be a one world govt. I am not claiming Gaddafi to be anyone and I ask that you read my comments once again because I think they have been taken out of context.

    I do acknowledge that we are in the last days. Just look at the amount of sin in [tbc

  100. cont from #125]

    in the world today. Look at the growing amount of atheism and agnosticism. Look at how the theory of evolution has deceived many. Look at the depleting of resources and the rebirth of Israel. I do not know who the anti-christ is.

    I cannot claim it to be Gadaffi because by doing so, I would be a false prophet. I do not know who the anit-christ is and I dont believe people because very few have been able to identify the beast and the man whos number is … Only the wise can identify the man. I cannot claim to be wise. Read through the verses of revelation I have quoted and follow the pattern of the comments again.

    Please dont accuse me of something I have not done.

  101. # 126 Ba Free-MC, take it easy… No one is accusing you of anything. And over mentioning somebody’s name, Gaddafi, might lead to some doubts of your innocence. We all know that Muammar has a dream of forming United States of Africa, of which I doubt Zambia will be part of it. That Utopia of Africa is same like One World government, of which Gaddafi can not even be a minister. So throwing Biblical quoates at dreamers like Gaddafi (sorry) or Maestro or 1984, they are all is the same room, one of them will throw a stone at you. By-the-way, Revelation in Qaran is Tazil.. be careful

  102. # 126 Ba Free-MC, take it easy… No one is accusing you of anything. And over mentioning somebody’s name, Gaddafi, might lead to some doubts of your innocence. We all know that Muammar has a dream of forming United States of Africa, of which I doubt Zambia will be part of it. That Utopia of Africa is same like One World government, of which Gaddafi can not even be a minister. So throwing Biblical quoates at dreamers like Gaddafi (sorry) or Maestro or 1984, they are all is the same room, one of them will throw a stone at you. By-the-way, Revelation in Qaran is Tazil.. be careful

  103. #124. Bemba-Sophist

    I understand your concern but my biblical quotes where to tell these guys not lead people astray like Maestro and 1984 are doing.

    Look at my posts on #108, it is to warn maestro to not misquote the Bible because God warns man about this.

    My post on #112 is to prove that no one knows when Jesus will come. It could be tomorrow and we will never know it.

    My post on #114 is just posting the verses from the Bible which Maestro looked up. From those verses, I can see that Maestro is claiming to be a saint of God when only God can point out who his saints are.

    The rest is just asking Maestro why he would believe man over the word of God.

  104. I have nowhere used Biblical quotes to slander Gadaffi.

    And I also dont understand how an African govt can correlate to a one world govt when we have had such trial and error govts for long now.
    -BRITISH EMPIRE (During colonization)
    -FRENCH EMPIRE (During Colonization)

    And the most common thing about these is they have all fallen at some point or another. I did say that economically this idea would work greatly to African nations advantage but politically it would not last. I base that assumption on the fact that the other empires like these have fallen.


  106. United States of America President Barrack Obama has written to United Party for National Development-UPND-Leader Hakainde Hichilema urging African leaders to unite in a spirit of peace.
    UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema confirmed the development to MUVI TV News today.

    Mr. Hichilema says the letter is a reply to the one he wrote to the American President congratulating him on 4th November 2008, on his election victory.
    The UPND Leader says the gesture by Mr. Obama is a sign that the American President is willing to work with the people of Africa to foster development.

  107. Adjust your lives- RB
    President Rupiah Banda also called on Zambians to adjust their way of life in the face of the global economic financial crisis.

    President Banda urged all Zambians to be self sustaining by venturing into farming to avoid buying food for their survival.

    He said the country is diversifying from mining to other sectors such as agriculture and tourism to mitigate the impact of the global economic financial crisis.

  108. President Banda also emphasized the need for unity at family, community and national level for Zambia to develop.

    And Zambia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia Patrick Sinyinza said the Zambian Community in Ethiopia is fully behind the leadership of President Banda and government.

    And Chairman of the Zambian Community in Ethiopia, Washington Mukumbila said signs are already visible that Zambia is poised for greater development under President Banda.

  109. My comment (#131-#132): I dont know why people hate Rupiah Banda. He seems to be doing a good job in diversifying our economy which is what is really needed in the time of this global financial crisis.

    His policy and allocation of funds in the fields of Agriculture and Tourism seem to be very good policies to me and also the urging of Zambians abroad to invest back home seems like good advice to me. People have to explain to me why they hate RB and call him all sorts of names.

    One wonders how these people talk to their parents if they can lash insults at a person like Rupiah Banda.

  110. This is a good dream, however not in the next 70 years. It wont be achieved in that time, although starting is not a crime. Bane awe nomba twapena!!!!

  111. # 105, Shalapungu, 1984, Maestro. fimofimo

    I missed the discussion. A single currency (African Euro???) is a major step ahead. That means banks would be able to issue a card to every African who access money. It means banks would have a single database for the whole of Africa where all bank transactions are shared by all banks. That is a serious step towards serious integration. What is happening here is that single African countries have realised they have no solutions to their problems. So they falsely assume, in the thick majority things may improve. However, the system shall be taken over by ‘higher powers’ for use in the New World Order.

  112. COMESA alone has a population of more than 300m people, and this excludes Nigeria. Thus single currency will really be a step forward for Africa. In the old days we had the UAPTA and this really worked well but died because the crop of leaders who came in didnt understand regional integration and Pan Africanism. I give thumbs up to Ngweya SG of COMESA on this idea. Besides Zim would not be in so much trouble.

  113. #105, shalapungu banton, 1984, Maestro fimofimo

    The ultimate scenario shall be when South American States, Africa and some EU states shall gun for one world President. It will be easy after the formation of these huge blocks. You will also note that the current United States of Africa is about to change to include many states south. What matters is how are we going to respond to this? Our response as a nation to all this? Are we going to be that nation that will demonstrate our independence or that nation that will joing each and evry cause ‘bambazonke’ style for the sake of fear of being stigmatised? Look at Israel, that nation shall never be cowed.

  114. not in our generation with pipo like uncle Bob with trillion and quadrilion dollar notes, kagami and his rebals,sudan and somalia pirates. Kaya

  115. Eeeh kaya mwe!! Just because the Euro is working does not mean it will work for us. First of all, we must bring our economies to the same level. If we can not, we can aportion ourselves tasks such as Zambia can only concentrate on producing sugar to feed the whole Africa, Malawi tea, South Africa Cars, Zimbabwe etc, then we intergrate so that we can access each others products for the benefit of all. As it is, how do we intergrate and feed whom? Countries like Somalia will have it easy, just concentrate on wars and pertake in other peoples sweat etc. Awe, nomba twapenafye mwe!

  116. Surely Israel has its place in this great equation. The PAPACY has long known where we are going. ‘LET THOSE WITH AN EAR HEAR’

  117. United states of Southern Africa could me easy to form with countries like (Kenya), Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Angola, Mozambique, Namibia, Botswana, South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho :-??

  118. What is this WORLD compared to ROME? What is the EU compared to ROME?

    ROME by far surpasses in strength ANY EARTHLY POWER

    What is CHINA compared to ROME THE GREAT! what is RUSSIA compared to ROME?

  119. Dont mix politics with religion mukapena. why is it working for united states. What world fioto world fioto.we are brothers and sisters, lets save Zim dollar. People cant even count here money even whe they ve decided to remove 12 Zero. I think a loaf of bread is 9000000000000000000000000000000 dollars.who can read this figure? Bobtrillion OR Mugatirllion?


    Mwaona manje, BOB has introduced new figures we cant even imagine to pronouce.

    If that is the cost of bread, what of the cost of a house?

  121. Paying for goods with notes and coins could be consigned to history within five years, according to the chief executive of Visa Europe.
    Related articles
    Peter Ayliffe said that, by 2012, using credit and debit cards should be cheaper and more convenient than cash.
    Some retailers could soon start surcharging customers if they choose to buy products with cash, because of the greater cost of processing these payments, he warned.
    Visa Europe briefed the British Retail Consortium last month on new “contactless” cards that can be waved in front of a scanner to make small payments.

  122. 1984

    Whatever thing you are talking about, if at all it is there, it has to fit the PAPACY AGENDA. Nothing is greater than ROME!

  123. Miss Miearelukilaea, What are you talking about? Did you wake up on the right side of the bed? Hello, you are still alive, can you see me, hello!!!! You haven’t yet met St. Peter at the gates of heaven and hell and you are not trying to convince him that you told us about ROME so that he can open the gate to heaven. We are talking about a single African currency, St. Peter has nothing to do with that, he’ll also be surprised that you are telling us about ROME where you have never been but just read about it in the bible and also watch the Pope give mass on TV.

  124. This Ngwenya, is he not Zimbabwean? Is he saying this to save Zim? They have failed to remove Bob and they want to drag Africa in their mess. Twakana. Africa for us all, each country for itself.

  125. 155. Zambia greetings, on “99. Shalapungu Banton You sound like a fallen angel and adventist who mixes truth with lies” this Shalapungu Banton (LLB) character IS NOT AN SDA (Seventh Day Adventist) church member.
    And so, I hope you mean he is an “adventist’ of another form or church but not the SDA one. According to what I have gathered from him since about year 2006, the youngman belongs to some hebrew worshippers group which seems misguided if they all believe in things this Shalapungu exhibits on LT.
    Good enough, I have consistently exposed him as a LIAR and now he has acknowledged bieng a LIAR on 96 and 99.
    Thus urge you all to notice him carefully with his many blog usernames.

  126. 1984, Keep the faith we are at the edge of the history. Only the wise can understand what you are saying. No one will stop the prophesy to be fulfiled because Jesus is coming soon. It is time to preach the 3 angel messages to the drying world.One Government is coming no doubt about it.

  127. 157. Maestro, Mwabuka ba ndala. Hey do not argue with people who have no light. What ever you say it may sound as if you are a liar. Avoid un necessary arguments keep the faith Muzwale.

  128. Goodmorning everyone.

    I wish I had more time to devote to this topic. Let’s hope LT brings it again on Saturday or Sunday.
    Basically, I think the centralization issue & other unification essentials should come first before we can think of a common currency.

  129. “When you see these things begin to happen, then look up for you redemption draweth nigh.” Brothers and sisters, let us take heed of the waymarks lest we are caught unawares. My prayer is that we all submit to the will of the master.

  130. 160. VILLAGE CONCEPT, ndilikabotu ndalumba basa. Mucwani kwa-Copperbelt?

    On these misguided useless characters who are bent on attacking Mrs Ellen G. White, I will keep providing them with proofs from her writings from the Ellen G White Estate and the official SDA Church website: w ww. adventist. org.

    They have been used to cheat un-read people, but not me. I know enough about the SDA church for me not to be cheated by a devil sent individual and/or his cohorts to portray a bad image of God, our Creator, the SDA church leadership and its membership.

  131. 137. Zambia Prophet, please read 2 Thessalonians 2. The rest leave it to Jesus Christ as He is in control of the situation.

    Thus, do not panic> Just relax.

  132. 125. Free-Market-Capitlst, on your “My post on #114 is just posting the verses from the Bible which Maestro looked up. From those verses, I can see that Maestro is claiming to be a saint of God when only God can point out who his saints are.
    The rest is just asking Maestro why he would believe man over the word of God”, I believe that I have already responded to you that I only believe, and trust, in God – the Godhead of 1 John 5:7 to be specific.

    On claiming to be a saint, thanks for putting words which I did not write myself perfect. YES, I am a saint, according the the Holy Bible. Your interpretation of SAINT my differ from the way I understand it, but I will give mine below.

  133. If Europe has managed to have the Euro he doesnt see why Africa can fail to do the same. What nonsense. If single countries have failed to put their houses in order how does he expect this to work? The guy is feeding on free food and wants to expand his net.Problems facing Europe are not the same that are facing Africa. Reminds me of one politician who when visiting China the power went off and the told his hosts:” So even here you have Zesco problems?” Thats for Mr Ngwenya.

  134. 165. Maestro Hhehhehhehhe continued.
    125. Free-Market-Capitlst, we you are:

    Definition of SAINT:

    a person who demonstrates his Godliness in daily Earth life! “A saint is a sinner who never gave up!” – Yogananda
    ww w.iamuniversity.c h/moodle /mod /glossary /view.p hp


    If you need more details about this, please send me email to: [email protected]. For now, desist from trying to smear me with MUD for it won’t stick.

  135. #167. Maestro Hhehhehhehhe


    a person of great holiness, virtue, or benevolence[dictionary dot com].

    I want to ask you what you mean by giving me those verses. What other conclusion could I have come to if you give me verses without telling me a the reason I am looking up those verses. Since you did not make it clear to me, I will ask you, why did you give me those verses??

    I am not smearing mud on you in anyway. I am simply stating my opinion on the subject. Am I wrong for doing so?? Please tell me even one slanderous term I have called you or how I have disrespected you on this forum?? Is dialogue wrong?

    I have stated why I made my comment on #114.

  136. Some of the Great Religions are still waiting for a “Messiah” to establish peace and love on earth, with One World Religion:
    – The Jews, for the Messiah.
    – The Christians, for the Second Coming of the Messiah.
    – The Muslims by the Iman Mahdi.
    – The Hindus by the reincarnation of Krishna.
    – The Buddhists by the Lord Maitreya.

  137. 168. Free-Market-Capitlst greetings. On your “Since you did not make it clear to me, I will ask you, why did you give me those verses??”

    On your:
    “106. Free-Market-Capitlst, you wrote “#103. Maestro Hhehhehhehhe
    Why believe man instead of the word of GOD.”
    110…What I dont understand is why you are believing man over God’s word. You are believing this Ellen and Miller fellow who supposedly had visions (I stopped following somewhere in the middle) instead of the word of God.”
    My 111. Maestro Hhehhehhehhe verses, which you produced on 114, were thus a response to you that I don’t believer in fellow man but GOD, my creator.

    I hope you notice its you who asked.

  138. 168. Free-Market-Capitlst, having written 171 above I thus ask you to write any more concerns to my email address: [email protected] so that we keep this LT space for the intended thread.

    Later for I am over and out now.

  139. council for a parliament of religions.

    The Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions seeks to promote interreligious harmony.
    Interrelhttpharmony is an attainable and highly desirable goal.

  140. one world government
    one world religion
    no privacy
    albert pike
    solomons temple to be built these are the end of times bretherens
    signs all over..
    economicall crisis was planned
    alan greenspan federal reverve chairman USA

  141. Check the teaching of one Barry Smith, this is proving to be an interesting time in history. Good that some of us are still alive

  142. I agree with Ngwenya,it will be difficult to form a Union of african nations especially that the past unions have failed to achieve anything meaninful but a model we should look up to is the European Union,it’s working well & the change to a single currency(Euro) has really stabilised & improved economies in Europe.
    The United Kingdom was skeptical about joining the union totally & changing their currency,they thought they would be worse off but they have been proved wrong,the Euro has done wonders,even the Immigrants who went to live in GB went back to their own countries especially the Polish,now with the financial crisis,the Euro is almost equal to the British Pound so who lost,GB!

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