Saturday, January 4, 2025

CDP reaction to 2009 budget


After much deliberation on the 2009 Budget, CDP (Citizens Democratic Party) takes note that the INTENT of the 2009 budget as presented by the MMD government is good and can be said to be “on point”. However, reading further into the budget, the party finds that put into practice, this budget puts up a dismal reaction, to the extraordinary economic situation we currently face.

Government should NOT bury their heads in the sand, and blame every inadequacy, on what is going on in these challenging economic times. We believe that our country can put up a fight in this storm and prevail, with intelligent use of our country’s resources.

The 2009 Budget matches the character of past budgets, which have failed to counter the various challenges our nation faces. This budget is a repetition of expenditure on “tried and true” failures in terms of redundant projects and programs. To put it in Zambian terms, the MMD government has “stuck to the formula”, by simply plugging in figures by default, in the same old pattern to address Zambia’s challenges.

At a time when the economic resources are limited, this government shows no intent to reduce its size, but continues to spend in what may be termed as “lavish”- considering Zambia’s fragile economic position. A responsible government would have immediately identified a reduction in government as a key measure to reallocate resources to strategic developmental projects which have an immediate positive impact on our citizenry, and also position Zambia for a better future. Alas and behold, the MMD government seems blind to this simple fact, and continues to spend money on a mammoth bureaucracy. Further, government continues to spend on redundant projects such as feeder roads, which require expenditure every single year for maintenance. We also have failed institutions such as the Food Reserve Agency continue to receive money, without an explanation on how this agency will reposition itself and perform better this year, in line with the funds it has been allocated. These are but a few of the pressing issues surrounding the practicality of the 2009 Budget.

[Press release by CDP]


  1. CDP or who ever you are.

    This article is not only shallow but also lacks substance for me to make ant meaningful contribution. Reading it, one gets the impression it was authored by secondary school boys for an upcoming debate contest with Roma Girls High school! 😕

    You can do better than this!!

  2. Government should NOT bury their heads in the sand, and blame every inadequacy, on what is going on in these challenging economic times. We believe that our country can put up a fight in this storm and prevail, with intelligent use of our country’s resources.

  3. This article also, this CDP just wants to advertise themselvems so that we know that they are there.
    Otherswise “Muli bwanji bonse pano pa blog?”

  4. ….why mukapata so Ka’doyo imwe ba LT. Ka’doyo keze number 1 but mwaka chosapo again 😮 Kaza muluma one day:d

  5. The CDP did not analyze the budget at all. All they did was attack the MMD govt. Something that is common amongst opposition leaders who have failed to critique the budget.

    The CDP resorted to attack the govt on other frontiers other than the budget. If they where really citical of the budget, they would have addressed issues which are in the budget rather than things that are not.

    They brought up a good point on some of the trial and error policies. Though I have not seen any of the previous budgets, it would have added substance to the CDP’s defense to point out some of the repetitive trial and error policies included in the budget[tbc

  6. 11. ANONYMOUS

    The same thing happened to me yesterday.
    Why are they sobelesa efe like that, i really dont like that.
    Ba uze be lekeletu, or else…. 8-x8-x8-x8-x

  7. #11 thanks very much my friend. LT is now corrupt and they hate me. Fellow bloggers, don’t be surprised if you don’t see my KA’DOYO comments anymore, LT will have killed me :-ss bye bye:((

  8. How old is the son to RB (Henry)is? the one who is implicated in the importation of GMO maize. He should answer for himself if he has a case to answer and not relying on akulu Mp… to clear his image. Or do we have another Castro ku state house?

  9. :o:o:o

    I didnt realise that by just asking a question like “who is this?” you can actually be promoted!!
    Just as well. kale pa ONE!

  10. cont. #12]

    The CDP has failed to provide any of the policies in the current budget that where included in the previous ones.

    The CDP went off on discussing the budget to discussing the size of the govt.

    I think if the CDP is to be taken seriously, they must stick to the issue when they present an argument and not sway away from the argument they have presented.

    I also think if the CDP is to be taken seriously, they must market themselves in ZAMBIA rather than on the online media.

    [email protected]

    p.s I reply to emails every saturday

  11. 17. Ba Moze
    I am doing an internal and then external invetigation, then deal with the culprits. i know who they are, but i have no evidency.

  12. What is the procedure at LT to have your article published? I think a lot of people on this blog can help bring in interesting and educative articles. I have one which I feel mighty be of interest to the public…!

  13. Mmmmmh! Baby C, nimwana wopezamo uyo kapena. How can that be? Anyway you have made my day, I was laughing my laungs out when I saw your answer. Stay cool though.

  14. whats up people,whats up baby c,how are you doing today sweetheart,I dreamed about you last night,I was pushing a ring in ya finger,can I briefly describe how you were looking baby

  15. Put 2 economists in a room and ask them for their opnions as to how to eradicate poverty and they will come up with 8 opinions. Economics is the most inexact field of study that has ever engaged the mind of man.Why is that so? Economic theory is based on good Mathematics. Oh! Mathematics, I love Maths, the mother of all sciences! But, the practical application of Maths in Economics has to do with that fuzzy and ethereal thingy called ‘feeling’ or ’emotion.’ When it comes to matters of the ‘heart’ science goes out through the window. We are all good economists if we used common sense. But, feelings change that! It is like falling in love. Many a time there is no science to it!

  16. I expected some more specific solutions from these CDP chaps. like for example on FRA, why isnt Govt not asking the ministry of lands to produce a peasant farmer’s register and allocate the fertiliser on a yied per hecttre basis whith the minimum yield specified. we can then go back after the rains and find out how many tonnes each farmer has harvested. give the high achievers an incentive of more fertilser in the next season. this way our growth will be specific and measurable agiasnt set targets as oppossed to giving the fertiliser at campaign rallies to people who do not even have an inch of land. lets keep it simple.

  17. who is running this same CDP? thier website does not show who the current leaders are. how do we take them seriuosly?

  18. whats the subject of the discussion,whats the latest dopest hiphop album of the year,oh no am on the wrong forum,the stuff here is politics,damn,things that wont amount to anything.

  19. How can a National budget bring down poverty in a country where 99.99% of households do not budget? How can a government solve an economic crisis when its own cabinet and members of Parliament cannot live within their means? That is why they increased their salaries in the first place. Zambians in general are used to living ‘hand to mouth’ when they can but almost always borrowing (never to give back) or begging. We are a nation of beggars, thieves and borrowers. Let us teach our children to learn to budget, live within their means and learn to give to those who are not able-bodied. Then we shall prosper. That is common sense.

  20. zambia has a development rigidity that is infinitely stiff.The economical shaping of the country can result in to a brittle failure of most government official,who are benefiting from the unequilibrated state of things.if we draw a stress strain relationship of most of its leaders we see that DR kenneth kunda was in the elastic range,DR Chiluba reached the plastic limit state,the late P Mwanawasa yielded according to johansens yield criterion,now we see president RB Banda who is acting like a perfectly elastic plastic material,dancing to every tune,if we model him using some finite element tools we found that he is attaining a collapse mechanism similar to a 3 hinged frame.

  21. How come LT u cant post my comments since morning? how fair is that? I can stop blogging if u are not serious and that will be the end of this blogg. u will only remain with ghosts, babies and other fags

  22. zambia has a development rigidity that is infinitely stiff.The economical shaping of the country can result in to a brittle failure of most government official,who are benefiting from the unequilibrated state of things.if we draw a stress strain relationship of most of its leaders we see that DR kenneth kunda was in the elastic range,DR Chiluba reached the plastic limit state,the late P Mwanawasa yielded according to johansens yield criterion,now we see president RB Banda who is acting like a perfectly elastic plastic material,dancing to every tune,if we model him using some finite element tools we found that he is attaining a collapse mechanism similar to a 3 hinged frame.The negative

  23. cont frm#42 The negative moments in him surpasses the positive moments,and if we sum the forces in him we find that he is rotating on the yieldline,and thus requires some external forces like Kadafi to stabilise the internal forces.applying the virtual work or the energy equation wont help because the external forces are probably larger than the internal forces,can somebody help pn how to mathematically model this confusing phenomena.

  24. Ghost dog. shut the f*k up. I dont like responding to anything black on two legs. hope this is the last time am responding to u

  25. How do you name specifics on a “Press Release”. All the crtics here do you expect a press release to be an alternative budget? Honestly Zambians nothing is good enough for you! I personally think this a a good short analysis…

  26. #19, you are right. I didn’t see much of specifics in their, CDP, analysis of the budget. I googled them and found something on their website where they have pinpointed a few things. Politics as usual in Zed

  27. Excellent points made by the CDP, although I don’t get their point about feeder roads. However, how can they keep PAYE high, when they don’t do anything to downsize their own bureaucracy?

    There are about 29 ministries, too many political positions. The Ministry of Technology and Vocational Training in the past had a budget of $23 million. Why isn’t vocational training part of the Ministry of Education? That’s just one point.

  28. If there is one post that is totally useless,it is the District Commissioner (MMD Cadres).LPM tried to do something about them but got cold feet as this is one post MMD rewards its cadres.

  29. # 47 is the only sensible comment. It is silly for people to expect a full budget reviw in a Press Release. Zambians appreciate a good thing for once. You cricise even when it makes no sense. Mulebelenga te CDP budget iye. Embarassing some of you are Ba Moze and alike.

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