Friday, September 6, 2024

MMD Women caution RB’s critics


The Lusaka Province MMD Executive Committee Women’s wing is concerned with the malicious attempt by some section of society to sabotage and frustrate positive efforts being made by government to develop the country.

The women’s wing said it is aware that the malicious criticism against President Rupiah Banda and his administration has been waged out of personal rage and vendetta by individuals and some media houses.

The women in the ruling party have, however, indicated their solidarity to President Banda because he has exhibited ability to develop the country.

The women’s wing also expressed concern at the increasing verbal attacks against other MMD government leaders such as Communications and Transport Minister Dora Siliya.

The wing is worried that much as the people had the democratic right to express their views, the blatant criticism from some media institutions as well as some individuals is a product of motives not associated with the love for the country but purely for personal vendettas.

The MMD women said the party and government would not be shaken malicious attempts to frustrate the good intentions of government so as to make the ruling party unpopular.



  1. I think these women have displaced their role in society. Why do they think it’s their duty to defend the president from criticism?

  2. According to Katanga Mining website, founder of RP Capital is on their board – check it out on katangamining dot com. Quote:
    Rafael Berber is Managing Partner of RP Capital Group, a London-based investment firm he co-founded in 2004 which specializes in emerging markets. Mr. Berber formerly served as Vice Chairman of Global Capital Markets & Financing and Global Head of the Equity-Linked Products Group at Merrill Lynch, where he spent 16 years spearheading the development of the firm”s equity derivatives and emerging markets businesses.

    He holds an MBA in Finance from New York University and a BA in Economics from Tel Aviv University.

  3. Also investors in Wimax Telecom – Founders: Dov Bar-Gera, Werner Kastzler. Project co-funded by InCentive Private Equity Holding AG, Switzerland and RP Capital Group, UK.

    Incentive Asset management is an investment company focused on private equity and hedge funds. RP Explorer Fund – emerging markets fund that focuses on Eastern Europe and certain countries in the Middle East and Africa. The Fund employs strategies across multiple asset classes investing in both actively-traded, liquid securities and privately-negotiated structured transactions and private equity. RP Capital Group is a London-based investment firm founded by Rafael Berber and Petr Kellner.

    Explains interest in telecoms

  4. Blogers,not connected to this topic,has anyone seen RP capital website?its so basic that i can’t understand how it was given such a big contract.

  5. On some sites they have been called dodgy hedge funds but seems they have also won some awards. However, I wonder why we’re giving an advisory contract to a hedge fund?!!!

  6. This is the type of politics we do not need. These people do not understand why people criticise RB and are just shouting. RB must be advised to change his way of life in govt as I do not see how such mob psychology without substance. We need RB to truelly understand leadership as a service to the people and honestly for him, the human resource tools are there for him to tap. Ask him to use his wisdom and not rely on mob psychology like the ‘undereducate’ Satan.

  7. Nikanor plc (‘Nikanor’) received notification from Cosaf Limited (‘Cosaf’) on 10 September 2007 that Cosaf had become interested in 1,746,604 ordinary shares transferred to its subsidiary New Horizon Minerals Limited (‘New Horizon’) by Raytheon Investments Limited (116,604 shares) and by Kaylash Limited (1,630,000 shares).

  8. Following the above transfers, Cosaf’s interest in Nikanor is now 25,442,317 shares representing 12.32% of Nikanor’s issued share capital of which 945,713 shares are held directly and the remaining 24,496,604 held by New Horizon. Entities managed by RP Capital Limited (‘RPC’) are interested in, in aggregate, 50,442,317 shares (24.42%), including 24,496,604 (11.86%) held by New Horizon, 945,713 (0.46%) held directly by Cosaf, and 25,000,000 (12.10%) held by Ruwenzori Limited (‘Ruwenzori’).

    Maybe RP Capital is really interested in our mines?!!!

  9. While “The wing is worried that much as the people had the democratic right to express their views, the blatant criticism from some media institutions as well as some individuals is a product of motives not associated with the love for the country but purely for personal vendettas” is very right, let the MMD Women relax.

    Otherwise, what are they upto? Do they think that they can scare anyone? Are the sponsored by or working for someone?

    This is not time to be emotional, but to reflect on issues and stand up for one’s actions.

    Take it easy and all will be well!

  10. number 14
    you want a site with decorations and pop ups? The site seems professional plus it’s regulated by FSA which shows it’s quite legit. It also has some of London’s priciest lawyers as it’s reps

  11. #10. Nga imwe Ba Kalusha muli shani?.,

    Umutende mukwai nga mulekosa.
    Bakanabesa ine ndifye bwino.

    Kalebalika mukwai.. :)>-:-h:-h

  12. Number 22.Tell me were i can see the informtion,i mean about how it is regulated by the names of the lawyers, i will seem to be me

  13. Of course the post has lost the plot but honestly, we do not need party cadres making decisions for the nation. KK educated us and wanted you and I to understand how nations operate. We cannot have Sata’s politics running Zambia in the 21st Century, nakana sana. We need vision and I will set an example on how visionary leaders should look at issues. Watch the space and you will see what we can do together if people listen. Yes, don’t vote Sata ever and let us vote an intellectual and not expired politicians in 2011. Together we can, Obama has proved it.

  14. rpcapitalgroup com is where I got there info. On their page at the bottom it says regulated by the Financial Services Authority. I found their lawyers are Simmons and Simmons (one of the bets firms in the uk). RP seems to be based in london with offices in new york and their investment portfolio is $175 million.

  15. Thanks Slumdog,I was thinking otherwise.Though it left me wondering.Being a big organisation,The website gives a first impretion,Being reguted by FSA is not a guarentee,you have seen what has happened to the banks in the uk.Lots of toxic assets and more of public money put at risk,you know the story.Having a good lawyer is not a guarentee as well.Hopefully RP will do a good Job

  16. I have no respect for any type of journalism that omits to identify the people it is quoting or attributing its reports to. What is this nonsense about “The Lusaka Province MMD Executive Committee Women’s wing”? Who is speaking on its behalf. Surely any decent report would have identiofieds who is speaking on behalf of this women’s “wing”!! More rubbish from the politicians and even more rubbishy journalism in Zambia!

  17. #26, Iyo Ba Kalusha,
    imyaka uwingi twaikala panosonde, kumaka ya kwa kaumba lesa mukulu teti waba ne chikuku????
    Emo lesa atupelelemo wisdom,
    umuchinshi, nensansa, pena pee….

    Shalenipo bane, namailo litali :-h:-h:-h:-h

  18. Slumdog Shalapungu

    How many such firms exist in the world. How do you zero in on one. Where the hell is International Competitive Bidding (ICB). Suppose all such contracts were to be single sourced, what kind of efficiency factors would be addressed. You may be in the U.K. and know some of those firms, or seen their building etc however, who is behind the identification and contact of the same. Are they doing it for free? Can anyone out there tell me how the tendering rpocedure were met. I have so much about how these tendering procedures were met but no one seems to have a procedural outlines of the steps that were taken, apart from mentioning Solicitor General, and Attorney General.

  19. Get behind us MMD useless women. For as long as things are not done in the proper way, we shall continue critising and you are the last people to stop us.

    Infact most of you are not even Zambians. Its our right to have a clean environment, good medical facilities, to have food in our homes and good communication, like Zamtel.


  21. This job should have been tender, pure and simple. Some of the firms that do valuations even have real offices in Zed (not presidents’ sons). Why were Deliotte & Touche, PWc, E&Y, Grant Thornton, KPMG, Renaissance Capital, Imara Capital, Barclays Capital, ABSA Capital, Standard Chartered, Standard Bank, etc etc not approached…loads of questions but only diversions given!

  22. Are these women up to scratch with reality?. What has RB done sure imwe that they keep refering to??
    Politicians need to learn to contradict the President if they dont concur/or if there is nothing to praise him for then better keep it shut.

    This is called sucking up to the boss….yet again!

  23. They say they wont be shaken, so why complain? These ladies must be busy naturing their brood /families and husbands if they have any, than to engage in things they least understand. In any case, cadres are not the best advisors in the issue they are complaining about!We know they read from a prepared / written speech shoved to them by the very people they are rallying behind. No mind of their own, So they should shut their Fu*cking mouths.

  24. Ma hule looking for jobs. A president is not a private person. So we are free to criticise him. If we in contempt courts will decide not those bashimbes in their 50s

  25. Spare us that crap because they dont know what they are talking about! Which leader doenst receive criticism? Besides RB was not born a leader, thats why he has failed!

  26. i dont really care about what these women have to say and peoples comments but just want to remind all bloggers that “every promotion comes from God” the Lord knows why RB is president for this country and right now it is God’s will that he remains president so bear in mind that when you insult RB you question GOD and who are you to question God.he is the one that created RB in his image so when we call him”nyama soya” we just insult God’s creation.please people lets just comment in the right manner and with due respect to our leaders and other people.the Lord is aware of everything thats happening in this country.

  27. :o:-\”:-\”:(( Positive criticism is good, even negative criticism,as it ensure that those entrusted with authority don’t abuse it. Its actually better to have people that criticise you than those that praise you even when you are heading for hell. As for our mothers that are saying RB is developing the country, please hold your fire, the man has not done anything that you can base your assertions on. Lets wait and see if RB will develop or underdevelop Zambia by 2011

  28. Something is really wrong with these women, ladies please be reminded that Zambia does not belong to MMD please, don’t open your mouths at issues you don’t understand. talk about your party’s problems yes and not national issues, The bottom line is your govenment is corrupt. you women are realy confused, what has SHREK(RB)and TEDY BEAR(Dora)done for us to praise them?

  29. Where are the husbands for these same women? I guess they are married to their fellow Chibuku parttakers.

    Tandi watch your husband closely he maybe trying to plant something in some of these women. Hence the defence.

    When pipo talk it means there is something wrong going on so you need to sit down & try to see what pipo are talking about.
    and try to find a solution to that wrong.

    Women who are you trying to scare? shame! Go & teach you Girl Children manner tell them to stop showing us their G-Strings on buses.
    Is it poverty lets ask for help with respect not bootlicking no wanda…………. %-(%-(%-(%-(%-(%-(%-(%-(8-x8-x8-x8-x8-x

  30. Hopefully these women will support RB and Dora the moment they will face criminal charges.

    RB is doomed to fail,Political economy of development clearly explains the imposibilities of a minority government to successfully implement development projects.

  31. How much were these so called cadres paid to come up with such sentments? Typical Zambian politics ! No wonder they dont do anything meanful to improve their lives other than dancing for their boyfriend at the airport! Malabishi

  32. Imwe azimayi nitandyi pela? Inga ba muna anu ali kuti ku koka koka ba president? Ma rubish pela mwe. Upuba bakazi imwe ka sugar ke muchitila so. Try to see RB is over board. This man is not working, ukuluku wa chila mo.

  33. Baby C hold yo fire mama….I guess these women have no idea wat criticism is?Dont they realise that criticism helps an individual grow? The more pipo criticise the more popular the person becomes.Useless women,jus concentrate on yo dancing skills at the airport n drinking chibuku


  35. What have I done again. I think u guys are dirty minded. that is a very sober statement. sorry I have problems with Rs. it was supposed to read elections :))

  36. Divided meaning they are not united. taba ikatana pamo inga ama…ko. during elections men get top positions.:-\” Let me welcome myself to the blogg today. Its guns blazing baba

  37. These b….hes are a disgrace to the nation, can they come out in the open so that we see who really they are.
    its chibuku, chitenge or sugar at play

  38. imagine you boss or your juniors critising you everyday for 100 days when the econmy is just bad. Everyday because you have also messed up in your life you are not a saint like some people are trying to potray Mr Sata as saint Michale. What saint a broad daylight robber is now being idolised kwena Zambians nagu tamwakwata ama leaders. Sata kwipaya ichalo. So need him to be president and prove the distruction he can bring. try him and you will see, he will seem holy and god sent for 3 years then the effects will follow. let us get true leaders and support them

  39. What positive development are they talking about? RB is a failure period.
    Morning Zoe,Baby C,Jam@co,Miss Daisy,Luapula Fish,Dr Muareen,G BABY,Lusaka,Nine Chale and the rest.

  40. Rashid Jones
    Good morning my brother
    We are witnessing Dora and RB abuse their authority by illegally enganging unknown foreign firm to conduct Zamtel asset evaluation. 😉

  41. Goodmorning bloggers.

    Jamco, Luapula Fish, Zoe, Rashid Jones & others. I hope you’re all fine this morning.

    Baby C, why were you using unprintables yesterday? LT edited some of your comments.
    Anyhow, I just woke up & enjoying my ~o) as I browse thru…

  42. # 46.G BABY

    This is the most confused comment I have ever seen. You mean all presidents are made to be there by God? Thats a fallacy, thats the same as saying God made Lucifer to come and comfuse us!!! So u teling me Idi Amin was sent by God to Butcher and eat people, Po Pot in cambodia was sent to kill millions of his countrymen, Mugabe and Ian Smith were God Ordained to do the wrong??? NyamaSoya was not ordained by God thats why doing wrong things. God is a God of Order.

  43. LT run the topic on the pertition today by PF inclusive of pictures. LT you are supposed to be updating such national issues quickly, show us the pictures as well. Bloggers, lets put pressure on LT to run a story immediately this case is concluded. Those in Lusaka near the High court, update us Please if LT is being slow.The President of PF is in his democratic republic of Lusaka, his stronghold with his supporters to hear the petition for recount of Ballot papers.

  44. Show me your work and I will appreciate and thank you Mr. President. Don’t say you reduced the price of oil or and meali meal I thought you had reduced but no. You can boost of long queue’s for mealie meal. Go and look after your babies ladies. Learn from Gladys being a cadre doesn’t pay !!!!!!!!!

  45. #89 Luapula Fish

    Yaba, Bundesliga & Weizen fiwama sana nga kwakaba ko. It’s too cold for me to stand in the stadium.

    Otherwise, Chris Katongo’s team (Bielefeld) didn’t play very well last weekend. They lost 0 -2 to HSV.

  46. Rashid my man. I’m still the same. Perhaps you’re confusing me with my little brother Jam@co, he is currently featuring more than I do.
    I think in future my presence on LT will be even more rare. This credit crunch has forced me to accept another phantom job as a :-$

    …it’s my secret. You will never guess what. Not even Jam@o knows :d

  47. Zoe
    Good afternoon/morning. beware of Lady fimo fimo she is rampage to destroy all the good chicks

    Nine Chale
    I am a childhood fun of Buyern Munchen ,also planning to visit Gelemane next year and watch my team at Alliaz Arena.

  48. Cadres in the limelight?.Pilizi adzimai just go and do your chores at home and see to it that yo hubbies don’t have wakumbali.Do you even have a slightest idea of how a govt is run?.

  49. Hi Nine Chale, LT is up to no good! I simply said,Babyc, prou dly Made in Zambia by two Zambians and used :o)! thats the only sin i committed!

  50. Miss Daisy

    Mama! Ala nalichula ine pano pa blog! Especially this man in a woman’s skin …. i just feel like:-t:-t to death!

  51. [-x No, no, no…keep on guessing but you will never find it.

    This job doesn’t even exist in Zambia!

    Baby C, I would advise you to be less explicit if you want to see longer days on LT. Look at what happened to Jmaco.
    Things have changed, remember the thread “Help us clean up our comments?”
    Well, since then, LT is very critical re. the language used on the site. I now think twice before posting what I feel might be offensive.

  52. Nine Chale thanx papa, but if they decide to, they will actually do me a great favour coz i will completely forget that they exist.

  53. These women should just concentrate on dancing for dignitaries at the airport instead of issuing such senseless statements.

  54. Hi rashid jones,hope you are enjoying the lovely morning ,ya lady chiza lelo akwiya,but however lets just hope that LT will bring us a ka another good story

  55. #113 Zoe

    I know. In fact that day I tried to warn him but he didn’t listen. We reap what we sow!

    Baby C

    It may be easy for you to forget LT but the people here are REAL. LT has brought us all together on this wonderful forum.
    The bonds we share go beyond cyber relationship. A blogger might turn out to be closer than your own brother or sister.

  56. Ma! Nine Chale ama serious chilishani? Thats no problem, i wil simply get everyone’s email addresses, expect for 10 or so bloggers! :d

  57. GAZZIE is back and u bloggers cant even say hi…..
    Whats up ba Chale, Baby C, Matworld and y’all folks.
    About ze story, WOMEN again allowing themselves to degraded and abused. Muka sambilila lisa imwe .. G Baby and Baby C?

  58. Gazzie

    Oh! cant believe this! is it really you or…

    Welcome back my secretary! i missed you loads! Thats for you >:d< and :*=:x

  59. Colleagues. I am suprised that you have selective amenesia. Its is Vera Chiluba who on October 6th, 1995 at 14:32 in Shangombo under HOPE Foundation said : ” We women are divided in the middle. That is why during erections men are always on top of us.” She was telling women on the need to work together. But you want to crucify me instead. You even want to know my sexual orientation! Come on grow up.

  60. # 123, Lady Chiza’s Leg’s, I Love that saying, there’s more to that sentence than meets the eye! It is so rich! Yes I agree that women are usually used for useless things, but like the saying goes” Remember, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

  61. 113. Zoe

    I really do not know what you guys are talking about !! Coz I did nothing today!!

    Nine Chale ine am at work and busy like wooooooooow!!

    No time to play around just in case someone is doing things in my name here

  62. RB is not a saint. If he has a checkered past, it will certainly come out. So far he has made many verbal mistakes which are on record, and we cannot help but criticize. Zambia is our country and we only want what is best for us, and so far RB has not proved that he has been anointed to give us the best!

  63. Ngani lilya akale, ngatwachilapundila RB ati UNIP OYEEE!! Nao ngachasuka ati OYEE!! Now the situ is different, he is facing criticism left, right and centre.
    He was in a hurry to impress everyone including Dora, nomba yakakana. No wonder now he is quiet.
    These banamayo should just concentrate on practicing how to shake their behinds more at airports for more chibuku and brown envelopes and not involve themselves in matters beyond a lumpy behind!! Shame!! :-ss=))

  64. the president (and everyone in power for that matter) are ours to criticise if we have reason to! Not just the media, even as citizens. That is the true meaning of democracy. So RBB and his MMD women better get used to it because it wont stop! MULIMBE!

  65. Wisdom does not always lie with the loudest shouter. The vast majority of so called party faithfulls are simply hypnotic followers, who are entralled by cheap lies and sectarianism.

  66. #110, you wrote ‘The Intelligentia u suck a**!!!!! You are the dullest person indiaspora. Mediocre analysis’.

    Isn’t this what we have been talking about your PF and its kaponyas? Why do you choose to insult me instead of engaging my reasoning on your cult leader Satana. An educated man would never behave like you. Thye would want to find out why I criticise so that they can either learn or embrace my views. Your Mps were fighting over something very trivial but knowing their level, I am not surprised. Sata will nevr rule Zambia anyway.

  67. Bana pasa zingat aba Bazimai BA MMD?????????????? :-?:-?:-? I HAVE NOT SEEN ANY DEVELOPMENT YET AFTER HIM BEING ERECTED AS IT HAS BEEN MENTIONED AND NOT ELECTED:o=)):-??:-??:-??

  68. dont blame them,there just doing this because of anger dont forget that they have husbands and children to feed.there are really not in support of RB its only that they also want to feed. =))~o)~o)

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