Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Acting Chief Justice to set up a tribunal to probe Siliya


Acting Chief Justice, Ireen Mambilima, is to set up a tribunal to probe the awarding of contracts to two foreign firms by Transport and Communications Minister, Dora Siliya.

One firm is supposed to evaluate assets of ZAMTEL, while the other is expected to install a Zambia Air Traffic Management Surveillance Radar System at Lusaka and Livingstone international airports.

Justice Mambilima has written to President, Rupiah Banda, notifying him of her intention to appoint a tribunal to probe Ms Siliya.

Justice Mambilima has also written to speaker of the national assembly, Amusaa Mwanamwambwa, on the same matter.

She says the tribunal will be set up as soon as logistics are put in place.

This is contained in a letter to former Transport and Communications minister, William Harrington, dated February 18th 2009, and made available to ZNBC News.

Mr. Harrington petitioned Justice Mambilima to constitute a tribunal to probe recent reports indicating that Ms Siliya had awarded contracts to two firms, without following laid down rules.

And Mr. Harrington says the public should now avoid making comments on the matter and allow an independent and competent body to do its work.

In his petition, Mr. Harrington alleged that Ms. Siliya breached the Parliamentary and Ministerial Code of Conduct Act when awarding the contracts in question



  1. this is the beggining og her down fall sad indeed. this will teach them to remember to serve the people and not themselves.

  2. Well, this story has been going round for a long time. At last someone sensible thort of petitioning the move taken by Siliya. Under normal circumstances, Siliya must step down to allow for a swift investigation. Thumps up to Harrington and the media (The Post I mean) because others seem be “sleeping dogs”

  3. :x:x:x
    My dear Dora dont worry all this will come to pass & you will come out clean. Shame on jealous people. We shall continue to enjoy tax payers money

  4. whats RB´s´reaction to this matter ? she is not alone in this i dont think she would have such huge gats to pull such moves….she must have back up…she will reveal one by one of all those involved..i feel sad for her but it should be done so our country can be back to normal.


  6. RB should suspend her without pay while investigations are being carried out. GOV has to try and restore it’s integrity some how and this will be a good start. Hope it will be a transparent tribunal when set up.

  7. This is the Zambia I have always dreamt of, where a minister can be scanned; Wow! imagine how advanced we would have been if KK had allowed democracy. 🙂
    A smile is needed for this one.

  8. The paper that digs deeper(post) congrats ,at least you have brought this matter to attention ,so that the guilty and the innocent will be known 😕


  10. RB should demonstrate leadership, if his hands are clean, by suspending Dora and George for misleading the nation and to allow smooth investigations.

  11. Dora the explorer to be explored! gotcha! This Nsenga woman has gone too far. There is a limit to which you can use bottom power.unfortunately the ama powers are still under her spell! This is the proverbial under petti-coat government!!wina azalila. :))

  12. Thats what you get when you just put anyone as minister. From news reader to Minister! what do you expect? Am sure she still thinks what she did is right if she hasn’t consulted yet!

  13. When the Tribunal has concluded in her favour she will come out even stronger. It will raise questions of national security concerning state documents, lawyer/client confidence. If the Post could get hold of this, so can Zambia’s enemies! If the Tribunal is against her, I will ask about all the institutions we have in place such as the ACC, Police, Parliament etc. Where were they? Whatever the outcome of this, Zambians need to rethink how corruption should be fought.

  14. #2.2 how did Lt allow you to post your are a product of the same but the liquid from your father was so week that you came out with water in your you are cursed and miserable

  15. #23. Nakaala Mukwesu
    Now that is below the belt! This lady has a University degree. She was once ambassador to Egypt. Are you insinuating that some degrees are better than others? Politics has no qualified people. You could have a PhD in Political science, it does not qualify you to be a politician.

  16. #18. PETER
    Funny how Zambians will always add sexual innuendo to any story involving a nubile woman in politics? There was Kankasa, Luo, Masebo and so and so… now it has been Dora and … Why do we have such voyeristic thoughts?

  17. Will this be another charade Or are we seeing the judicial system stamping it’s true authority on a nation that’s entrenched in corruption, abuse of power and theft by public servants?
    This is really dehumanising. You give away your national resources just pocket a few pennies as bribery. Sad and shamefull.

  18. #11 & 18…Peter: Your petition “Ambuye Yesu tithandizeni tavutika Amen” is so touching. You seem to know something about Zamtel. I hope you will not just end up on Lusakatimes…blow the whistle bro..I join you in prayer. Ambuye Yesu listens to those who cry to him.

  19. I hate prejudice and preempting what has been brought before the justice system. But for the sake of posterity, I forewarn you all with usual emotional Zambian culture ever detached from logic and rationality, the tribunal will find the Communications Minister Ms Dora Siliya and Government on the ZAMTEL issue legally consistent with single sourcing procedures and backup service contract for the two Radars. Hence the petition will be dismissed with costs as legally frivolous qui de procol.

  20. i like the way women treat their fellow women.Sharon Vs Gladys , now it Ireen Vs Dorah.The truth is men have a soft heart for women but when they take on each other its who is who and am telling you Ireen will get her.

  21. #32 the VP was waffling! this was his worst performance and i can assure RB is getting rid of both VP and Dora….

  22. Remember the case of Kashiwa Bulaya? George Kunda when he was just justice minister tried to explain away why a nolle was entered blah blah blah, but where is kashiwa today? at chimbokaila. george kunda is not fit to hold public office, not as MP, Minister, let alone VP. Umukalamba imilomo yalikashikisha kubufi.

  23. Guys how come govt spokes man Lt Gen Ronie Shikapwash,Party spokesman Loud mouthed Teta and all the othr MMD hae chosen to distance themselves.It looks like apart from the top two Dora is on her own. Its like they where just ambushing for her to go wrong and now its time.

  24. #11 & 18…Peter: your story sounds like from a insider, contact the Post mwana! Dora and company denied Zambia a Leader who is more serious and recomended by LPM….has he come back to haunt them?????

  25. It does not require a constitutional lawyer or a Graduate of Kennedy school of Government only to understand how Government works.To make matters worse, in judicial practice and process emotions dont carry the day but logical interpretation.Our mechanical society with a collective conscience culture of susceptibility to agenda manipulation seemingly never learns from risks of emotions.We never learnt on KK whom Sata accused of stashing US $4 billion in the offshore accounts.Scotland yard was brought in at a cost of British Pounds 10 million over six months for zero results.Mwanawasa on Chiluba imunity.US $15 million has gone to plunder hoax for not matched recoveries.Emotions are costly.

  26. :x:x:x
    All the bloggers and others who are against my sweet lady will be ashamed when we shall win this issue & continue enjoy ur cash, you so called tax payers:d:d:d

  27. – ????, ? ???? ???? ????????, ????? ???????.
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    – ??, ???? ???????? ???????? ????? “?????????”, ?? ? ????????? ??, ????? ????? ??? ???????? ? ???? ???? ???? ?? ????????? ???????????.

  28. 38. zambia,

    Do you really want to reduce this to party level for the party spokesman to come in or you don’t understand Government? On legal and constitutional matters such as this one, its not a domain of Government spokesman to speak as Government but the justice and constitution minister who is His Honor George Kunda Minister of Justice.In Court, he is represented by Solicitor General who is Dominic Sichinga.That is how Government 101 seems you want to be a political activist or politician.I advise you arm yourself with higher level knowledge in Constitional law and Public Administration or Government.

  29. OOOOOOps yamangana, Dora wapangazina pa Zed from ZNBC News reader, Ambassador, Mrs Folotiya, mini skater, MP, Minister tender invalidator……..

  30. Calm down, everyone. She has not been found guilty of anything yet. Let’s also cut out those sexist comments. Dora may have got where she is through sheer hard work. And…, just a bit of respect to fellow human being?

  31. :x:x:x
    Dora you are so patriotic than most of these jealous people who will never even be a deputy min. in their lifetime

  32. Dora, a lot of executives in various companies have been fired or sent to prison just like you will be imprisoned soon due to their involvement in procurement.
    Procurement function is a specialised area and should be left to people who are trained to procure. It is not for everyone.

    Sooner than later, Dora will be in prison.

  33. Rb wi-ikata nakuchani tamfya Dora na kunda,ok let me say it in english since ba Rb banvela chabe chizungu na cha ku zimbabwe.Rb dont even touch grass turn away kunda and Dora.Atleast twatyola chizungu since tinapelala mu grade two kudya ku kapili


  35. Iye uluse ba Dora. Mujele bakula kuniyenga fye mumatako evry day chkashana wandi. Pa last bana Dora bakula powa mukalyati.

  36. From the way people are bloging it looks clear that they might not accept the tribunal findings. Where is dear engines to balance up issues

  37. The credit goes to the Post for diging deeper. Let us wait and see we are in Zero Zero situation.The truth will set free or oposite.

  38. The one who gives an answer before he listens – that is his folly and shame…
    The first to state his case seems right until his opponent begins to cross examine him. PROVERBS 18v13,17

  39. #22,you must be a frustrated guy.i advise you to think about your mother and what she has me next time you will censor your must be a typical model
    Of a boy from a broken home.i feel sorry for you.if your mother knew what misery she had brought on earth sho should have smolthered you while you were young.i rest my case.

  40. LT – i’m disappointed that you can allow #22 to participate using a vulgar and insulting word…shame on you #22
    i totally agree with #68


  42. #22 ni mwana wamu chi gololo had only one parent who was also a tamanga and did not give him moral that tells us how he was raised.

  43. #72. PASTOR
    ZAMTEL union leaders have come out in favour of Dora. Don’t be blackmailed by emotion. ZAMTEL staff will not have an early determination and resolution of their case because of all this.

  44. When the tribunal is found in favour of Dora just wait and see the cries of corruption from lsktimes and zambian people.Zambian people cannot ever take facts if they lose it’s always some work of corruption. The witchhunt coupled with mob justice some of you are exhibiting will just end up humbling yourselves in the long run. I think she will emerge stronger from this and humble the lot of you remember she once humbled the nation sometime back . It’s a shame most of you do not even understand court procedure, law or tribunals, you seem to think just because you have a grievance with someone then they should be punished even if facts dictate otherwise.

  45. LT how come #22 is still on your the last 2hrs plus.

    Editor, please, it is your duty to protect the sacredness your mother, sister, aunt, daughter and grandma on display just like this.

    Delete. #22

    Dora step down and pave way for investigations. The truth will set you free.

    LT Delete #22

  46. Dora is so loving & kind, wonder why those who dont know her well demonise her. People stop being vindictive ok!

  47. Guys at the post keep up the good work. Even though she tried to smear you with her dirt, you stood your ground. even when the whole republican vice president came to her rescue you have stood firm. keep up the good fight for us ordinary zambians. we are proud to have you. we pray you soar and grow stronger. you make us proud.**==**==**==**==**==

  48. Ba Dora,you thought you were clever.Have you seen the mess you have put yourself in now? The amount of pressure on this issue is too much for Rupiah and George Kunda to continue defending you.Wa bikapo nokulya ka 12.5m kwacha aka menshi ku eastern province. Ala iwe mayo taunfwa.Why dont you people learn a lesson from your friends? Fya Kuifwaila.

  49. Its time Nyama Soya started proving his many critics wrong. For once he should stop %-( and start listening and paying attention to what is going on home. Instead of defending the wrong he swore to defend our contitution and the republic. Let him start by getting rid of George Kunda and sister Dorah, so we can avoid the loss of energy on the triburnal. George and Silly-yah should be fired to protect the country.

  50. I feel extremely happy that some direction is being give on this matter, just like martin Luther king said that , there comes a time when silence is betrayal .indeed the people of Zambia could have been betrayed if there was silence over this , bravo chief justice

  51. #82 For the first time Chewe the so called virgin has made a reasonable comment. But you’re still whining and seeking attention by coming here claiming to be a virgin at your age. Something’s amiss Chewe.

  52. Hahahahahaha.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Am happy that you guys are busy insulting yourselves. This is my name. Am from Mikofwa in Luansya.

  53. But Dora has never acted alone. RB mona umpuno and Egesi Kunda have stood their ground to support Dora.She is acting on instructions from her bosses. Therefore, the tribunal should be extended to RB.
    Let us start preparing for another presido by-elections.

  54. The idea of the probe is interesting. How much is going to come out of this…nobody knows. Glad it’s now in the public domain and hope Dora reveals the key players in this without reprisals. No gagging!! :-w

  55. :)]:)]
    Dora my dear hope you got my e-mail i will phone you after i make arrangements for this issue to be done away with in our favour. No matter what these people say :}:( , i will love still my darling

  56. Sorry Dora,

    The saga is turning sour and bitter..
    I feel pity for you..

    They say power is sweet, but this wont taste anything closer to that!

    good luck!! 8->8->8-><):)

  57. #84 No Way,i always comment on the topic but if people like Hohoho misbehave and try to take us off the topic,because his tribal inclination i rush out on such hypocrites and rebuke them. At 29 still a virgin yes nothing is wrong with me.I will prove this to you when i get married.My wife will have twins as a result of how energetic am.

  58. Thank God, things are happening in Zambia. Thank LPM for setting precedence.Former army chiefs, Air Force chiefs, former presidents, and ministers are now being charged for corruption.
    Lets move forward.

  59. Goodnight bonse awe lelo nshikwete icimwela ca ku blogger.I dont want to disturb you with my weired comments.Sweet dream Matworld :x:x

  60. Chewe the Virgin

    How are you mudala? now that I have greeted you I can go and sleep peacefully.

    Usale Gahle(Shala bwino) Ni Zulu iyi mudala.

  61. Chisha Folotiya must be pleased that his ex wife is going thru this. Well, can’t wait for the tribunal’s findings!!

  62. Siliya must go, she’s long become RB’s little bully girl and she thinks the backyard playground is ALL hers. that woman is not learned, and she never misbehaved in LPM’s rule. such little bullies, though rulers and not leaders, should not be left alone on the playground coz she will continue victimising all the children! she knows the big papa is behind hr but it’s my wish that the law deal with them, period.

  63. Hey bloggers forgive No. 86 ,22 he was born as a result of an overdose of mutototo. ni mwamene balili bana bo pezamo !

  64. It seems the writing is on the wall for dora, prepare to hire a good lawyer lest you join the disgraced rev nyirongo in jail

  65. I remember this Big girl from Unza days she always acted very haughtily never was she accommodating of divergent views

  66. #101, Kachepa says he is now a bongololo (chongololo). You know it moves slowly and has many legs you cant count.
    same way his ideas are like chongololo legs.. multitudes and trails of them.

  67. Hallo Bloggers

    I have just come back from the carnival happening pa Gelemani!!<:-p<:-p<:-p Dora you are still in trouble... Anyways I would rather have a blonde for a chibwibwi than comment. I am out!! Nine Chale cheers !! Am having a day off mailo so call me bro. As for now :-h:-h:-h

  68. Jamco, 3RqU
    Hi guys, nice to have yu around. I’ve got no comments for Dora’s case, so let’s have a chat.
    How’s been your day? Jamco, what’s this chibwibwi thing? Goodnite, I’ll callya.

  69. Dark days await Dora. RB has squandered the little political capital he may have had on Dora. At some point, he will decide she a liability . . . and then the pitch dark days will really start for Sister D.

  70. 3RqU I’ve been too occupied with work the whole, so I haven’t had time for a spare o=> at carnival. I hope my regular o=> grants me a visa to go out this weekend!:d

  71. Wow that seems serious:In Zambia do we keep people on their posts when they are under investigations?
    In Ms Siliya’s boots: i’d rather have taken it calm and easy without showing any kind of contradiction to anybody trying to prove me wrong,while somewhere somehow trying to correct mistakes if any.I don’t know also why the “Vise”also stood in support of Dora,i think he could have called her privately to solve the matter no by appearing on the media.Now,in case Dora will be found guilty;How will the charge affect the “Vice”?:Well if the game was clean then Good Luck…

  72. RP are investors in Wimax Telecom – maybe they want to get Zambia Wimaxxed or maybe to sell Zamtel lucratively

  73. Bloggers, don’t rush to jump to conclusions. Either way, this is democracy at work. Next time whoever does something significant for the country they will have to think twice before they act. Whether Dora is guilty or not, the fact is she will try to be above baord next time which is good for her experience and good for the country. But if she is guilty, there is only one place, next to Gladys Nyirongo and hopefully next to Chiluba and Chungu after next week. That is how democracy should work – no one and I say no one should be above the law. Enjoy the fruits of our forefathers sweat and toil for liberation.

  74. This is the Irene I know, fearless and practical. No one above her should intimidate her. Let this minister face the consequences of her irresponsible acts of plunder. Viva free and fair judiciary.

  75. “Justice Mambilima has written to President, Rupiah Banda, notifying him of her intention to appoint a tribunal to probe Ms Siliya.
    Justice Mambilima has also written to speaker of the national assembly, Amusaa Mwanamwambwa, on the same matter.
    She says the tribunal will be set up as soon as logistics are put in place.”

    Great stuff Justice Mambilima for doing your job. On the otherhand, I wish Minister of Comm. and Transp. Dora Siliya well in this case including President RB Banda and Minister of Justice, Vice President, George Kunda all the best. I am positive that a good outcome will come our way as Zambians to vindicate those who are correct on this case. Let the law take its course.

  76. Mambilima, nati Ireen Mambilima, how many times did i call you? 2 times. plizt take this case and tribunal to western province high court. we need credible judgment.

  77. #123, Maestro, be real, who do you think reads the cut and paste staff u like as an intro, ubo bututu mwaice. Grow up and shoot straight to the point. :(|)

  78. People please!! Dora got more than her share of PROBING when she was at UNZA. Just let justice take its course – guilty or innocent, please don’t PROBE her…she’s had enough of that as it is.

  79. #127, aren’t you suggesting that she had enough penetration testing at UNZA and not probing? Can you please clarify!

  80. Whoever thinks Dora will survive is day dreaming. Show me a single precedent of a minister who ever survived such a tribunal? Ask Mushota, Ephraim Chibwe, Chiluba etc. These are the end of time for Dora, its an epilogue we are witnessing out here, period.

  81. The people of Zambia said no a long time ago to stinking, predatory and plunderous rule, ask FTJ if you think I am lying damn Dora. Who ever steals from us will surely have their day in court.

  82. This is timely reminder to RB, if he is hiding corrupt issues his time is coming after he leaves office. We shall do the same in order to remove immunity so that he faces justice. Then he will see sense in what he calls nosense currently.

  83. The problem here is that some people dont feel confortable to have women as their bosses.The Ministry of transport is a tricky Ministry William Harrington lamentably failed to run it.Remember the days of Aero Zambia and zambia airways

  84. #127 The People,

    Exactly ba wishi!! I was just being diplomatic but if you insist, the woman cannot take an entire tribunal in one go. Maybe one by one.

  85. Fellow bloggers, is it true that DO SI has a son and the father is not Folotiya but late KULUNETA ??? This son is studying abroad and he needs the money and hence madibadiba???

  86. I feel sorry for you D, i hope justice will be done and you will serve your dues and i am hoping you dont have serious dirty hands in this because aint joking, seems like you can be stoned alive.

    I hope we aint painting a very bad picture of Zambia in all these corruption cases because we will pay for it later- as a country!!! :)>-

  87. Mwe ma bloggers where ever you are dont involve yourselves in such acts,we should learn learn lessons from what is happening to these people who have been frequenting the courts.But on this blogg i think a good number of you guys behave well.Am only worried with Engine Bhuloko pantu uyu ena pa lupiya ali shupa sana.

  88. i dont even know what to say.its sad coz i guess dora didnt even know what she was doing.someone must be behind this.Dora may God give you strenghth to pull through all [-o<[-o<[-o< for you.Take care sweets.

  89. Levy was a Great man and did some good things, but his final legacy will make him be judged harshly, he left for us NYAMASOYA.

    Just like the way K.K’s end game legacy, he left us lining up for essential commodities as early as 04hrs in the Morning.

  90. Hi, Eugene Ndeke Home Business Sports Lifestyle Columns Court Letters World Comments Home News Education Post Friday, February 20, 2009 5:19:54 PMRupiah’s govt plots to arrest M’membe, Nchito
    Written by Staff Reporters
    A plot by Rupiah Banda’s government to arrest and silence Fred M’membe and Mutembo Nchito using the dealings of Zambian Airways has been exposed.
    Intelligence sources have disclosed to The Post that President Banda and his government have been plotting to arrest Post editor M’membe and Zambian Airways chief executive officer Mutembo using the airline’s inability to meet its financial obligations with National Airports Corporation as a pretext.

  91. RB is quiet about siliya , kunda, siliya and banda something is coming out very soon.cause illyashi lile ufwika ati abalimo bengi.

  92. Peter I agree with u.Mukela and Dora are a menace to ZAMTEL.We havent had an increment in 2 years while these 2 rich spoiled brats are basking in mother zambias money.Dora & Mukela,enjoy while u can .

  93. I Join other Bloggers calling on Lt to delete #22. All peace loving Zambians lets cry out to force LT to remove #22. Lets also pray that our wish be done. Amen.

  94. 33 Jurist
    How can the tribunal find Dora consistent with single sourcing procedures, when in parliament she said it was by limited selection, then George qualifies by saying it was consistent with limited selection and single sourcing? I want to be positive for her but I can’t!

    What I don’t understand about the backup service on the radar is how the K50billion saving came about. Is it that a tender was out for work which was supposed to be done by the backup service providers? If so, how come they offered to undertake the works free, when its supposed to be free anyway – because of the existing contract where there is a backup up service? More questions than answers

    If Dora, survive

  95. If Dora, survives the first two, how about the case with the boreholes? It’s HOT in there!

    Thank God the tribunal will clear all this! We just want the truth!

  96. Rupiah joins Sata at 72

    PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda has joined PF President Michael Sata in the 72 years old league.The Head of state celebrated his 72nd birthday at State House where members of staff presented him with birthday cakes and gifts during a brief ceremony in his honour.

    According to a statement released by the President’s Chief Analyst for Press and Public Relations Dickson Jere, the ceremony was organised by Presidential Affairs minister Gabriel Namulambe and State House staff.

    President Banda said he was touched by the gesture of State House staff.

    “I am extremely touched and humbled. I did not expect this,” President Banda said.

    President Banda urged the membe

  97. President Banda urged the members of staff to be responsible and look after themselves if they were to live long like him.

    And Jere stated that several government officials, church leaders, diplomats and members of the public had sent congratulatory messages to President Banda, wishing him many happy returns.

    According to Jere, President Banda spent his birthday working in his office apart from attending a private lunch organised by his family.

  98. Congrats ba post once again for exposing corruption.The next thing that RB should do is to suspend Dora to pave way for proper investigations.Otherwise this will be an exercise in futility if Dora is allowed to work as a minister while investigations are ongoing.

  99. #22

    Your upbringing must have been so pathetic,how can you in your normal senses call yourself that.guess you dont have a father and your mother never had time to displine you.why behave like you are from the street.[-x[-x[-x[-x we are not interested in your insults pliz.think%-(%-(%-(%-(%-( staright%%-%%-%%-%%- too much.

  100. Good morning all!!

    I suppose this is the end for Dora. It was good while it lasted. Let others learn a lesson from this saga. Pantu tamumfwa! Thats the problem. You see your pals getting burnt when they touch fire, but you still go and touch fire! What sort of people are you kanshi? Anyway, The female cells are a bit cleaner and more spacious.

  101. Thumbs up to the acting Chief Justice and the post. All interesting stories have been uncovered by the Post. We need more strong and seroius newspapers so that checks and balances are enhanced.

  102. Fred Mmembe is da Bomb!! Zambia owes a lot to this great son. He deserves to be honored. I am starting a movement to honor Fred. Anyone to join me? No govt will do this coz they always have skeletons in their closets. Please join me.

  103. IREEN for Presido 2011, what do you think fellow countrymen.This woman has integrity, professionalism, courage, etc.I do not think if the chief justice was well and working could have taken this step.We need such pipo to run our country unlike Nyama-soya.

  104. This whole issues leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. On one side am happy because it brings about checks and balances closer to the minds of public servants. It reminds them what they are there to do and what consequences there is if that is abrogated. On the other it comes out as personal vendetta between Dora,M`embe and Nchito in relation to the Zambian Airways Saga.

    It would be nice to see M`embe and group extending such a just cause to every other public servant that seem to be wanting.

    Until then, we will always look at it as personal vendetta and as a scheme to settle old scores.

  105. Rupiah and friends plot to arrest M’membe and Mutembo Nchito over Zambian Airways dearings is todays hot issue in the Post News Paper.

  106. Goodmorning Ba Moze,G BABY,Miss Daisy,Chewe and the rest.
    Dora ali muchibe zoona and she deserves it. Its nice to be in the background like Vera Chiluba.

  107. #172 Rashid

    Shani mani. They wont manage to arrest those two mwana. Those fabricated charges wont stick. Let them just concentrate on putting their house in order, thats all. They have bigger issues to deal with than tackling Fred and Mutembo, ka? Ni nsimbi zija.

  108. Wow, wow, here is something from Grand dad. Lies of truth, this is the best thing that ever happened to Zambia since sliced bread. Politicians must know that we as Zambians have been traumatized by plunder issues. Policians are civil “SERVANTS” and not our masters and are therefore bound by the law. Only God is omnipotent and thus power has limits set to it. In the USA, power is used to off set power by sprinkling it all across the institutions of governance the way you plant millet or sorghum. I am personally absolutely gaga with the Acting Chief Justice and all those gallant women and men representing the 10 NGO’s that stood up to save the dying Zambians in Shangombo and Dora’s vlge

  109. Rashid

    Yes it was me boyi. nenzeko somewhere briefly. Ali bwanji G baby? These days she has a temper. Its like some Bloggers are stepping on her toes maningi.


    GRZ’s investigation on how Fred Mmembe and his partners at Zambians Airways used the loan from Development Bank of Zambia (DBZ) are almost complete.
    According to sources in the investigation wings, the state has also been investigating issues relating to clients who lost money when Zambian Airways suddenly closed. Zambian Airways is said to have obtained a US$5 million from DBZ but the state believes this money was not pumped in the airline but may have been shared among directors.

  111. Ba Moze
    its really sad for Zambians. Why cant we learn lessons from the past?
    RB is making the same mistakes that has landed FTJ in court and he thinks he will get away with it.Awe mwandi mudala nimpapa mwee!

  112. Its gona be a waste of time and resources because Dora acted within the stipulated laws of Zambia.Veep cleared the air already.which law or proceedure did she overlook?

  113. The state also is said to be looking at how the directors of Zambians airways can be made accountable for the various debts they owe National Airports corporation and other banks.Last week, Communications minister Dora Siliya told parliament that she was waiting to hear from the ministry of justice when a commission of inquiry to probe the DBZ loan by Zambian Airways directors would be set UP.

  114. For some, a tribunal is judgement executed. This reminds me bout the statehouse tunnels exposure for torture chambers.

    Our heart and soul lit open to the world.

    Here now, another dissectomy(sic) for the nerve center, to see whether our reflexies are sharp enough.

    Who will apply the bandages afterwards.

  115. This is good and if Dora is innocent, the tribunal is going to determine that. Well Done Harrington, Post, Civil Society and all Zambians that had demanded for this tribunal.

    As for Mmembe, Well done Sir, You are truly a patriot. And for bloggers like UILO and Engines, Please read today’s Post editorial, Mmembe has challenged all the worthwhile institutions to conduct investigations into the dealings of Zambian Airways to see if either him or Mutembo Nchito Misapropriated any company.

    They would not have asked for this if they had anything to hide unlike the Government who are tryng to Defend their Dear Dora

  116. Chiluba and Chungu over US $400,000, you called for stones on them and open Chimbokaila doors where Chungu is today. Richard Sakala went in over a Camera. Now What do you want done of Mutembo Nchito and Mmembe who defrauded US $ 6 Million of public money from DBZ without security deposit then went on a spree to corn NAC, more banks and unsuspecting passengers let stranded? What do you want Zed to do? Worship them, thank them or kiss their crimes at the expense of US $32 million opportunity cost?

  117. #178 Observer

    Very interesting news on M’membe and his collegues. Hope we can also be told the truth there as well. We dont want one sided issues here. The Zambian Airways saga should also be probed. Why the silence all over a sudden?

  118. Learn from the US. Where is Bernard Madoff, founder and president of a New York firm that invested funds for wealthy individuals, hedge funds and other institutions? He was charged with operating what he told employees were a long-running $50 billion Ponzi scheme in what may be one of the largest frauds in history. The fraud in USA is same games Fred Mmembe and Nchito have trapped themselves. They are economic saboteurs qualified for prosecution. Let them pay the US $32 million they defrauded or you help them out then they will be free people.

    Agents find billionaire Stanford
    FBI agents in the US state of Virginia have served Texan billionaire Sir Allen Stanford with civil legal pape

  119. Sceptic

    I think it is the grz that has let the course of things run. No one is hiding anything. It is good that mmembe has also requested to be investigated in the ZA affairs after this is done he will at least earn my respect.

  120. #181

    Unless we have been reading different papers, or are from different countries, but in Zambia, to do what Dora did, requires that one follows what we call “Tender Proceedures”.

  121. Observer
    Meanwhile M’membe has dared and challenged government to go ahead and arrest him because he feels he is a clean man believes that all the dealing of the Zambian Airways are on record and straight.
    He has further called on the civil society, ACC,Church mother bodies and the foreign missions accredited to Zambia to come on board and carry out the investigations.

  122. The POST have managed by way of this tribunal to build some kind of platform for their defence in the case to soon take off. BTW it is not a scheme to arrest them, it is simply justice, ACCOUNTABILLITY for TAX MONIES!

  123. I am tired of hearing about the so called Tender Procedures which were breached.

    Which procedures in particular were breached?

  124. #
    189. Ba Moze single sourcing is not a new thing in Zambia.The proccedure Dora used is known as single sourcing which is very much within the law and operations of the Zambian government.Ba Moze dont be misled by some quaters of the media which have become biased of late and politised.

  125. Rashid Jones

    Is Mmembe also admitting to owing $30 million to banks? If he is, then why shout about it, he does not need to make an issue of the obvious.

    The fact of the matter is theat Mmembe owes it to the Public how he spent those monies obtained at Tax payers account.

  126. Observer
    Do you surely believe that a foregn company can volunteer to carry out repairs on the radder for free? come on guys, this is a company and not a charitable organisation to be doing things for free. there is more to this i tell you.Where are they going to get the spare parts to repair the radder for free?

  127. What good analysis #188? #24, an MoU is not a state secret and its only a corrupt govt or minister who would want to hide an MoU or contract because they have things to hide, otherwise why should you hide if there’s nothing to hide?? At least I agree with you on allowing the investigations take their course and let justice prevail…..wina azalila!!

  128. Sorry #188, I meant #192 sweet fimo fimo…anyway, if the tribunal vindicates her, then good for her, GK and RB…but if she’s found wanting, she must dance to one long good tune.

  129. Rashid Jones

    By daring GRZ to arrest him is a quest to make himself a martyre for public sympathy. The Proper procedure will be followed for justice to prevail in as far as his case is concerned.

    The fact of the matter is that the ZA SCANDAL is a one wholly as a result of SILIYA’s Professional stance.

  130. Right Now i would respect Fred Mmembe More than Dora/Kunda/RB because he has challenged The Civil Society to Investigate Him.This is what transparency Is?

    HH is on Radio now and i wonder what his view about The Post Is. Sometime back, UPND Members in Parliament stood up and asked Government To sort out the Post.

    Fast Forward to now, Everyone is debating a story that was broken by The Post even the sleeping General himself has sprung up from his sleep to talk some sense

  131. UILO
    They got that as a loan. you cant call those loans from the banks as tax payer’s money. Any one can get a loan to finance his or her business.The only explanation that we need from Fred is how they were spending the money they were collecting as service charge from passengers ment for the Natinal Airport corporation, which they have already done.

  132. The significance of the ZA saga is being underestimated by most people in this whole issue about these allegations against SILIYA.

    How on earth does someone who owes you a K1000.00 turn up early at the gate of your house at dare you to take him to court for his debt?

  133. Choma 1

    I hear you my friend. But with the kind of money involved, don’t you think that raises a lot of eyebrows and indeed, questions?
    The correspondence over the radar system, dont think that , the manner in which memos were flying to and fro, especially from her office, were suspicious?

  134. My friend UILO don’t be blinded by your hatred for M’membe or is it your Love for Dora, its kind of hard to know which..but my point is that when you borrow money through legitimate means and your business folds up for whatever reason, the worst that can happen to you is to be declared bankrupt and lose your assets…ZA was not a criminal organisation, it was just a poorly managed, legitimate business entity. The way you make it sound, one would believe they were a crime syndicate laundering money, traffikin in drugs et objective

  135. Pa Zed, tepaku belesha, I used to doubt the post now I believe and understand that they do there job accordingly. Nga ilyashi liaamba ninshi nabakwata ifishinka, I remember wen Ba FTJ was dating Ba Regina I thot they were wrong about the whole thing, but now they are married, Cccccc Now ni BA Dora na scandle yabo. Muletekenya bane.

  136. This woman was growing wings of ice and now its getting too hot the wings are starting to melt;and that red lipped monster who gave her support will soon curl his tail btwn his legs.and where is that man who came to power by false pretences of following some legacy thats dead and buried? This country has no leader because the man who is supposed to be the kateka is now the katekwa and us the observers are being hit by all these stones that are flying around.RB came to power without any manifesto but made us believe he’d rule like Levy, but the man is non-existant;we still know Levy even in his death!!!ha!!

  137. I smell a tit4tat game, Dora & the crew versus Mutembo & M’membe.Patiently waitng for who wil become victorious. Dora thot she is coming wth a bang,shame on her….

  138. Like I said, when you borrow through a legitimate process, the onus is on the lender to get their money back. Why do think banks in Europe and America are declaring losses? They lent to those who can’t pay and have no choice but to write-off those debts! In fact, the CEO of DBZ should be fired for the losses but ZA has not, I repeat, has not committed any criminal offence..if it were like this, American jails would be full of folks who cant pay back their loans….be objective in your analysis UILO.

  139. I used to doubt the post now I believe and understand that they do there job accordingly. Nga ilyashi liaamba ninshi nabakwata ifishinka, I remember wen Ba FTJ was dating Ba Regina I thot they were wrong about the whole thing, but now they are married, Cccccc Now ni BA Dora na scandle yabo. Muletekenya bane. FOllow the right channel you will never go wrong, a lesson to those in power.

  140. Uwakwisano

    Most of what you say I seem to agree with you and except the last bit. The issue that you must bear in mind is that ZA were lobbying for a bail out because of their finacial situation which was turned down with the help and advice from SILIYA. Here now is my point, dont you think that the fact that their request for a bailout been turned down, thanks to SILIYA, may be cause enough for a retaliation?
    Bear in mind, the monies involved.

    The fact that they were desperate enough to back a non entity as Mangande should surely ring a bell.

  141. # 207Ba Moze Lets give chance to the anti corruption commission to do their work.Am sure if there is something can come out from them.As for some Newspapers let them learn to give both sides of the stories otherwise they ill mislead the nation

  142. PRESS CLIP:

    Asked what important decisions he would be making on his birthday in light of the Chief Justice setting up a tribunal to probe Hon. Siliya and KCM retrenching 700 miners, President Banda replied, “I don’t know. But i would like to thank the people of Zambia for electing me during last years elections.”

    😮 Twachula!!!

  143. On not paying taxes, now everyone knows that you’re lying…No one gets away with not paying tax, especially if your surname is M’membe or Nchito. But if its true, which I know its not, not paying tax is a criminal offence and there is good jail sentence there. But you know that I know that this not true…

  144. The POST caN not claim transparency in this matter. They have hadly writen a single sentence espousing the real issues concerning ZA and its predicament except to garner for a bailout package for ZA.

    Transparency requires objectivity and fairness. Is the POST being fair when the down play the ZA saga?

  145. Whatever the outcome of the tribunal, i am happy that We the People of Zambia have cast out fear and are now holding the people who are responsible for our under development accountable for their wrongs. We have suffered enough … look at the amounts that are to go to foreigners when we have locals who can do the job. Sometimes ifi fintu kuti waposa ikofi ngawafitontonkanyapo sana … let me end here. If Dora is guilty she should face the MAXIMUM penalty for her crimes … we cant be going in circles as a country year in year out …. when are we going to move forward naifwe! Look at how away friends are progressing yet we look like we had some war or coming out of a disaster in terms of

  146. Uwakwisano

    I see that you are not aware of the isses concerning the ZA saga. Do some fact finding mission yourself and then come back and see if you will state as you have. In this case, since you dispute with me on what appears to be an obvious matter, I will not be of any help. Perhaps ask someone else.

  147. Say what you will about Fred Mmeembes motivation dont deny that the man has made a significant contribution to increasing transparency in Zambia. Besides it is his paper to publish as he sees fit, ask more what Dora was doing interfereing in tender procedures and employing companies with no track record on a 2 milliion dollar retainer if nothing has been done wrong she should simply publish the reasoning behind selecting this company. The lack of a reasoned argument on the part of GK and Mama siliya makes me smell a rat.
    on a side note any LT bloggers in the UAE?

  148. Obviously there are personal emotions from M’membe behind these stories and almost everyone agrees that one Fred is a very vindictive guy…you pick a quarrel with him, he has to have the last word. Sometimes I feel he uses The Post as a weapon rather than as a tool…however, if you were to ask me if Zambia is better off with or without the Post I will tell you, without hesitation that we absolutely need the Post. Now, Dora unfair as it might seem, did something. Right or wrong, we don’t know but she did something that warrants investigating…lets give the tribunal chance to vindicate or convict her…Time will tell!!

  149. 200/217 UILO

    ’ ..ZA SCANDAL is a one wholly as a result of SILIYA’s Professional stance” Poor professional stance I guess. Our friends in the USA and everywhere else are busy bailing out firms so that people don’t lose jobs. Banks, motor industries mortgage firms are all being bailed out. These nations are proper capitalist nations yet they are bailing out banks. Proper Professional stance would have been to bail them out and attach conditions for the use of the money. People have lost jobs and you are proud to say it was Dora’s Professional stance!

  150. number 222 its not the job of the post to be whiter than white if you apply the same logic why is there no serious questioning of this in govt papers or ZNBC? after all we all pay for it with our taxes and this story is definitely in the public interest we cannot apply standards for private media that are not enforced by govt propaganda. ba sheik are you in Abu Dhabi?

  151. UILO, probably you know what I don’t on ZA……I apologise for saying you’re lying, it was a bit too strong a word. Afterall abakalamba tababepa, balabafye! 😉

  152. MCA

    I understand you point, that was I actually what I was driving at Protection of interest. The fact is that the POST will only give out what is to their best interest.

    I obviously dont expect them to condemn themselves, can they? We shall wait and see. I will not incline myself to the POST for this reason. They are an interested party.

  153. Uwakwisano, UILO is talking against a background of petty jelousness. In the first place for Fred M’membe to open up so widely implies that what you are saying about having folded as a result of genuine financial oversights is true. This implies that if they were having difficulties financing certain operational costs, then surely a govt. bailout would have been in line to save jobs which apparently UILO does not see. Jobs were lost and even business for e.g. tour operators slumped by an equivalent factor. May be even some of UILO’s relatives were employed there and soon they will request him/her if they can move with him/her

  154. Here is my proposal:

    What if we demand from the government, that no further parastatals are privatised, unless there is an urgent need to do so, AND there is a full disclosure and debate of all aspects, including the bidding process, all buyers and their backgrounds, and actual development plans with schedules, budgets and financiers, discussed in parliament?

    That would put an end to this sellout of the Zambian people’s family silver.

  155. All you people accusing the POST of vindictiveness have failed to note one little thing. Why has Dora not sued them for libel? Ask yourselves why? Yesterday it was revealed that she made a false claim in EP for 12m Kwacha. People how can she surely let someone get away with all these allegations. Ask yourself.

  156. Uwakwisano

    That is fine, no offense. The POST have never found themselves in this kind of situation. This is not just a fight for the cause of justice but their very survival. How they will manage to wiggle out, I dont know.

  157. Verse: Proverbs 23:7

    “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”
    Our thoughts become our words;
    Our words become our actions;
    Our actions become our habits;
    Our habits become our character; and
    Our character becomes our destiny.

  158. Very interesting debate here. In all fairness it would have been nice to see the Post report vigourously over the ZA issue as they have done over Dora. After all they are the paper that….Digs Deeper??

  159. if she is one of the rotten apples, she surely must be removed. We as tax payers are tired of dirty stinking rotten apples 😮

  160. Lupiyaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!:o
    Oh my God! point of order my Dog!:-t
    Is R & B, in order just to be mute, while he was sworn in to protect the constitution and not a saga?

    I need your serious ruling my God.

  161. MrK

    You might as well request that we have no army and OP for transparency sake. I respect your opinion and I hope I dont seem to sound sacarstic but the issues relating to ZAMTEL are hugely matters of security. The ZAMTEL issues can not be dealt with like any other normal parastatal. The details are too diverse to discuss on this fora. This item is really a non isse for the kind of outcry it has raised. This is simply Mmembe’s tactics for survival.

  162. Deja vu

    I am yet (i stand to be corrected) to come across someone who has sued the Post for libel and won. There is no smoke without fire, and it is on this principle that the Post always start a story. Liars will always respond even before people have begun to digest the story. Dora, in my opinion, has a big problem which she will not wriggle herself out of. The best thing she can do now (especially with the impending tribunal), is to resign on moral grounds (assuming she understands what morals are), and pave way for a smooth investigation. If she is innocent, RB can always reappoint her.

  163. The crunch will come when DORA awaits specific accusations against her and there will be none.

    ALL processES and channels were followed for the drafting and subsequent approval of the MoU. No coercion or tricks were used.

  164. The Political mileage realised from these accusations on SILIYA can not be ignored as well. The disgruntled Polititicians who already have issues against RB and his administration are happy enough to hide behind this ‘cooked up’ scandal and see this as an to further dent RB’s administration.

    This reminds me of 2005 around the time when BULAYA case and issues surrounding it. The dynamics though aree not the same but lessons can still be had from the same.

  165. Relax you all the-Undereducate-Imagebuilder’s cohorts!

    Minister Dora Siliya is VERY INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY if such will ever happen.

    Stop being emotional and irrational over something that the TRIBUNAL will handled carefully and fairly.

    Can someone who know the EXACT DETAILS of what happened over LPM dropped former Southern Province Minister Joseph Mulyata’s case whose issues of corruption was brought up by the POST but somehow was found innocent in the courts of law although the POST caused the loss of his job which he NEVER got back again!

    Please, someone I need this information.

    With such a background, President RB Banda MUST maintained Minister Dora Siliya in his Cabinet.

  166. #254. continued.
    On the otherhand, I am glad that the-Undereducate’s-Imagebuild will be visited by the GRZ’s LAW very soon over his Zambian Airways issues of securing loans that he somehow appears to have obtained under dubious means and used dubiously somewhere else instead of the alleged activities he is purported to have claimed he was going to use the loan for.
    Thus, I am very happy that finally it appears like we will have NO CHEATERS to take advantage of dull and ill-informed people in the coming 2011 tripartite elections as the Undereducate’s Imagebuilders will probably be locked up by then while his business may close down due to credit and lack of custumers to do business with.

  167. A Night without LT!!8->

    Where are we going to meet Guys!!

    For those who want to stay in tough just in case LT disappears for good let me use this time to forward my email ad.

    pls write so that this will not be the last day we meet here

    [email protected]

  168. #254, Ministerial positions are not a mandate from the electorate, its the prerogative of the president who is the hiring and firing officer. you cant be serious in saying mulyata deserved to be minister come what may. this is democracy and not a monarch where leadership is by inheritance

  169. #256 Maestro Hhehhehhehhe continued.

    … mainly due to lack of confidence in his report news following his character of trying to deceive all Zambians while he underestimates the fact that not all of us are dull like many of his cohorts who just follow his wind’s direction of news goes.

    Very soon Zambia will be back on track on an economic development path as we bring in a very responsible GRZ in 2011, if by then tribalists will have learnt some lessons on following the POST blindly.

  170. The biggest mistake one can make in dealing with your enemies is to underestimate their capabillities. The chances are that you could fall right into their trap.

  171. edited

    The biggest mistake one can make when dealing with enemies is to underestimate their capabillities. In so doing, chances are that one could fall right into their trap.

  172. The Post is doing a very good job to investigate all these issues against Dora but just remember that they too have a bone against Dora cos they believe she closed they business and source of income Zambian Airways. they misused borrowed money, they were not paying Airport Corp, so who should they blame, in all fairness they shined with my hard earned money cos I paid tax at the airport. they too must pay back. they must be declared bankrupt pls

  173. I`ll keep quiet over this one. The Congo saga was too much stress for me. I lost my job but LPM still cut a deal with Katumbi anyway. Thank God RB re appointed me. The post were out to crocify me untill I lost my job. However, they kept quiet when LPM went ahead and cut a deal with Katumbi the very man I was fired for.

  174. #261. UILO greetings. On your “The biggest mistake one can make when dealing with enemies is to underestimate their capabil[l]ities. In so doing, chances are that one could fall right into their trap.” I believe this is very true.

    That is why someone said “keep you friends close, but keep your enemies even closer” for you don’t know what they can do to you.

    I am very happy that the 2011 tripartite elections will be better than the nonsense in report and being deceived we saw in the last presidential by-eletions of 2008 as the IMAGE if the POST is now being questioned by any sane Zambian which I have been advocating for for a very long time now.

  175. UWAKWISANO, take my advice;spare your breath over some irritant of a blogger. He knows himself. Thats the type I turn my back on and enjoy my cold Mosi(trully Zambian)because their utterances are seriously nauseating. To him, even Justice Ireen’s action has been championed or orchestrated by Mmembe(he hates the guy like the plague).So pa-last, just ignore the “I know it all” braggard. Besides he is blogging from some far off place ………….oblivious of rality on the ground.Let us wait and see….chapwa

  176. #264. your flag VJ greetings and =)) n your:

    “I`ll keep quiet over this one. The Congo saga was too much stress for me. I lost my job but LPM still cut a deal with Katumbi anyway. Thank God RB re appointed me. The post were out to crocify me untill I lost my job. However, they kept quiet when LPM went ahead and cut a deal with Katumbi the very man I was fired for.”

    Viva my President RB Banda and the might UPND. Very soon Zambia will be cleansed of questionable characters. We need clean politics, not those of protecting one’s interests by tarnishing other people’s image.

  177. #262. UILO you are right about underestimation because thats exactly what Dora did to Fred and Mutembo,now she cant wriggle out of the web she tangled.knowing Fred, this will not end in Dora’s favor;look at Mulyata and even Chiluba,busy faking illnesses and weeping in court all because of what you get when you play around one Fred M’meembe.UILO….dont understimate me,I know what I’m talking about.

  178. #266. UILO thank you.
    258. your flag CHE GUAVARA greetings, on your:

    “#254, Ministerial positions are not a mandate from the electorate, its the prerogative of the president who is the hiring and firing officer. you cant be serious in saying mulyata deserved to be minister come what may. this is democracy and not a monarch where leadership is by inheritance”

    What EXACTLY happened to former Minister Joseph Mulyata, has been been jailed or proved innocent after all that mad the POST wrote about him prompting then emotional late President LPM to drop Mulyata from his Ministerial position.

    I’m glad President RB Banda is diplomatic in the way he handles issues maturely.

  179. m’make mpundu

    Imagine if your wage bill is K100M/ month and your loan repayment is K500M/month. Without looking at Tax, overheads, services, transport and other expenses. Your assests dont add up to cover a further loan assistance and your chances of a bail out have just been squashed!

    Add to that dividends, personal bills. These guys to have let ZA go down is not a small matter.

  180. ZA problems are worse and mind you, bills have to be apid for even now. With every passing month, the debt is soaring, bills to be paid and workers benefits have to be raised. They barely have enough assests to raise funds from. This is just part of the picture and you tell me that someone is just smiling and fighting for human rights!

    The ZA saga is definitely a factor to consider when you have to sensibly deal with the POST’s attacks on DORA.


  182. can the post dig deeper in the ticket fraud of our dear minister who wanted a refund when funds were paid for with funds drawn from zed embassy in Mozambique. The event was the SADC poverty summit held in Mauritius and LPM was there and he was mad with the sillier minister.

  183. what we need is clean people not were someone does somthing good while the other side is is a devil. Let us call a spade a spade hence need to make suer these guys are well checjked look at flash buses they are finished yet they are certified fit. so there is a chance opf these guys not paying and i am conviced beyound dout that Zambian airways was not paying if they were they could have proved that. Mukalya all three guys

  184. :d/:d/
    I being an MMD for life TOTALLY & FULLY agree with the analysis of Maestro HHHHHHHHHHH and UILO. Hope you two support the Ruling Party MMD either directly or indirectly. Thanks for your support to this working and capable cabinet which of course includes the hardworking Dora

  185. How on earth can a person whose house is on fire can rush to attend to his neighbour’s daughter who has just burnt her fingers.

    The fact that it would be high folly to do that. The ZA saga is very much behind all these attacks, regardless.

  186. Reading Miyanda’s statement as reported today, I think he has nailed the problem. It is Rt Hon. George Kunda SC! Well, that is inrtersting! Does George want to face Membe in court to teach the ‘little boy’ a lesson? The BGen. Miyanda is a reasonable guy. On Zambian Airways, I am certain that everyone was sincere. I just wish the Post could be balanced in their reporting because once they hate someone, they will never ever say anything good about him/her forever. Surely, people are not bad ALL the time!

  187. For years, they were against Mwanawasa. When he died, that is when they sang his praises. They were against Sata until Sata apologised to them. Sata has done nothing different from what he did before, but because he is a bosom buddy, he is flavour of the year! The other problem I have against the Post is this unAfrican way of addressing people. We do not call elders by their first names! It is a sure sign of disrespect for authority. They may think that they are righteous but this disrespect for authority is anarchist and from Satan.

  188. If you want to know to what’s happening to a hippo ask a croco. Dora and Muyunda they don’t know the history of Zamtel but they want to determine its future.In April 2008 Zamtel owned its creditors K600bn,ten months later the figure was the same and no salary increment.Last week the president mentioned again this time he said Zamtel is owning its workers K600bn. But why can’t the govt use its auditors to come with something.
    Furthermore,if Dora is not checked there is something bigger coming I don’t to blow it now.

  189. Take the example of the Apostle Paul in the Bible. He called the Chief Priest some names but he apologised later when he discovered he was a leader of the people, notwithstanding, he was a bad leader. To call the President, Levi or Rupiah is setting a dangerous example to the younger generation. No wonder the Bible talks about perilous times that will come and ‘children will be disobedient to parents.’

  190. The Post is essentially a good paper, but the pride and arrogance of its leaders will be the cause for its downfall. It will not be politicians who will do this, but the fact that its leaders disrespect authority, there will be indiscipline in its own ranks. That is what will bring it down unless the leaders change their behaviour or the leadership changes. Empires come and go!

  191. all these thives will be arrested time will come,look at wat chiluba is going thru now…eeehh am afraid for Dora am sure she will be jailed like Kashiwa Bulaya.

  192. Ba Moze- Concerning the ZA as matter of interest. When Roan Airways was privatised, the original directors were “pro” Chiluba. When Chiluba fell from Grace, the Nchitos and MMembe ensured that these guys were hounded off the board. One (now late)of both director and Chief pilot I understand had a standout with Mutembo to the extent of threatening death at each other. Point am trying to say is that: Chiluba is now back in favour is it also time to pay back by the current directors. In short the honey moon is over at ZA for the crusaders of anti graft?

  193. #286. Impala Jnr greetings and thanks for “I being an MMD for life TOTALLY & FULLY agree with the analysis of Maestro HHHHHHHHHHH and UILO. Hope you two support the Ruling Party MMD either directly or indirectly. Thanks for your support to this working and capable cabinet which of course includes the hardworking Dora”.
    I assure you that I will always do my very best to support good causes. These Undereducate, PF/Undereducate political party and Undereducate-Imagebuilder’s myopic cadres who rash to insult and judge people before our National Courts of Law pass judgment are a menace to our Zambian Society.
    I supported late former President LP Mwanawasa and I’ll continue sup. Pres. RB Banda …

  194. #300. Maestro Hhehhehhehhe continued.
    … on any good job that they did, are doing or will do in future.

    I supported late UPND president Anderson Mazoka and will continue supporting president Hakainde Hichilema, HH, including their whole UPND Team on good points.

    I will however reserve my right to offer critical and constructive advice and criticism to them as I have done in the past to help the governance of Zambia to be at an acceptable level with an eye on developing all our Zambian people educationally and more importantly economically.

    The rest are flip-flops whose actual position isn’t known as their characters are MORALLY QUESTIONABLE for their interests are ill-motivated.

  195. You chaps must be careful and note that this case is very technical. It’s boarders largely on procedure, i.e the awarding of nearly $2 million withiout competetive bidding. The learned lawyer Honourable Kunda has made it clear that though competetive bidding was not followed, parliamentary and ministerial code of conduct was not breached since the solicitor general cleared the whole procedure.

    Dora may be a bodily woman with a less than pretty face but I think she will win this case. She certainly attempted to follow the right procedure and just wait and see her walk out of this case a much stronger politician.

  196. Guys lets put things in the right perspective. When you borrow cash to plough in a business there are issues of collateral that the bank can fall back on in the event of failure to pay. In the absence of that others have obtained credit from banks based on past relationships but all the time a risk assessment is supposed to be done. The onus therefore is on the lender to be satisfied with the risk situation and I see no crime being commited by ZA and its directors in this case. The question is how do you lend out US$6.5 without security?

  197. By the way, I’m no fun of Dora but I’ve taken time in the past two days to look at this case closely. Whatever circumstances led her to make short cuts, this Nsenga woman was fully advised on how to go about the whole issue in a manner that would out do the long arm of the law.

  198. #306 Livinstonian,Ulichipuba sana!!! dont comment on things when you know that your thinking is shallow,time will tell,we will not watch these corrupt elements ruin our beloved country!! Dora will join Nyirongo one day in prison,the problem is politicians have short memories and are blinded by the short lived power.

  199. They have to pay bak! They borrowed frm Investrust Bank, a public listed company, they brrowed from DBZ, a publicly owed institution, they borrowd from NAPSA, a public body without security, they hav to pay bak. Moreova,ZA carries two registration and shareholding structures, the one appearin in the Director of Aviation @ the Ministry and the one @ PACRO are different, a mark of criminals if u asked me?

  200. Dora is avery intelligent young woman as far as i know and most of you know that as well .leave out her social life, its got nothing to do with the present saga or her general work performance.Lets not judge people by heresy…..lets wait for the tribunal to make its conclusions….women, lets stand by each other and not let these men with myiopic visison dissect our very own…tommorrow it could be you, your sister etc

  201. Mmembe and Nchito, your hands caught in a cookie jar!!! [-x[-x. Pretending to be self-righteous and champions of corruption whilst milking national airport of its dues?:-? Save us from your rhetoric, editorals and all, pass GO and go directly to JAIL! “Ka kalulu kalecina abanankwe amenda ya kaba. Kena bakacine akati mwangocha mwe banandi mwangocha”

  202. 309 Ba Don Jay
    Emotions aside. Dora will certainly pull out of this saga a much stronger politician. Can you not see that Harrington has a weak case? As long as the solicitor general testifies in her favour, she’s on her road to the Zambian hall of fame. Go Dora go!!!

  203. Livingstonia ulichipuba too much. Harrington has a weak case? What law do you know? Solicitor General kuti? Read the Attorney General’s letter to Dora on the Zamtel scam and you will be disappointed with your reasoning. RAT!

  204. Livingstonia ulichipuba too much. Harrington has a weak case? What law do you know? Solicitor General kuti? Read the Attorney General’s letter to Dora on the Zamtel scam and you will be disappointed with your reasoning. RAT!

  205. DORA -is definitely in it and must answer
    The POST- thumbs up though we know that you have not been objective in all this. Why not also clarify your POST- ZAMBIAN AIRWAYS matrix?

    We will continue to read the POST…hahahahah!

  206. 317…What Post-Zambian Airways matrix are you talking about? Read today’s editorial. In fact, member has instructed his bankers to avail all the documents pertaining the transaction. Fill free to approach The Post on these matters and they will gladly attend to you.

  207. Why is everyone now calling me ulichipuba sana? Be sensible guys. The conventional method of awarding contracts in Zambia is through competetive bidding, handled by the tender board. But a minister, with clearance from the solicitor general has the power to override tender board decisions if doing so would be in the interest of the government (as in the Siliya case). If the learned lawyer, honourable Kunda has seen no problem in the Dora case, I would be the last person to assume she did any wrong. Mind you Kunda is no ordinary Zambia, but a Vice President.

  208. Abena #306 Livingstonian, I am not so sure you understand the bone of contention in this whole issue. No one is disputing the single sourcing theory, even though its a 2009 Act but implemented last year December (which is absolute nonsense)but anyway, ministerial code of conduct does not allow a single minister to select a supplier of any form of service to govt. You have procurement committees ( a group of procurement officers) and the perm sec as Director of the ministry to decide who should be given the contract. Even in single sourcing, procedure is there, all you are doing is that you do not go the Tender Board route because of some valid reasons which again, have to justified by the

  209. #321 contd….procurement committee and approved or authorised by the minister. The Minister is NOT A BUYING OFFICER and should not even be involved in contract negotiations, selection of suppliers and all. Worse still, Dora did all this while acting alone!! She was a one-woman procurement committee, at least that is what we hear…a clear breach and misuse of power. Anyone who does not see sense in this ninshi lifolo baaaaad!!

  210. Many of you are ignorant on how a tribunal works. A tribunal cannot send someone to jail. All it will do is investigate in an open manner the allegations amde against Dora. If they find in her favour she will be scot free. If they find against her then the relevant body Director of Public Prosecutions and ACC will decide if they want to press charges and only then will she face criminal charges and if found guilty go to jail. Remember Mr. Ephraim Chibwe faced a similar tribunal(state house furniture) and all that happened was he lost his ministerial position

  211. #
    320. your flag LIVINGSTONIAN greetings, please thank you for blogging above the level of those who insult. Please, continue making sure that you do not lower your good blogging trend of not following in their wicked way. Let them play the dirty game and stick to good morals as you have demonstrated.

    All the best and I am with you in supporting Minister Dora Siliya and the GRZ.

    Let these Undereducate collective image builders clean their house first before they can convince us who are not dull about their playing to be champions of speaking for Zambian people when they are covertly plundering our National Resources if failure to account for the loans they obtained.

  212. On the other hand membe and nchito should also very soon face a commission of enquiry or even an arrest for theft by agent. this is according to their own story but to try and win sympathy they are saying GRZ is doing it to silence Post. Now can you see why they have been fighting tooth and nail. RB has accepted Chief Justice decision on tribunal and he has instructed his Minister of Finance to fund the process. This time membe will be cuaght out because Dora is standing on solid ground and thats why they have allowed tribunal. this is what a mature democracy does. allow the law to take its course

  213. so ask yurselves one question? Why is Membe not applying the same principle is his case? Why can he not tell us? Did ZA get a loan from DBZ an if they did what did they do with the 5 million dollars they got? Also why did ZA fail to remit money that does not belong to them? We want answers also instead of diverting attention to things that are not relevant. there is a serious conflict of interest here for the Post and they must also answer to the law. COME ON SYSTEM ARREST THEM AND LET THEM GO TO COURT ALSO

  214. Imwe naimwe ba Livingstonian, thats what we are trying to get rid of. G. Kunda is a VP yes but he’s just a mere mortal and can and is on record as having even defended the govt’s nolle on Bulaya. Where is Bulaya today? It’s so simple. Ask G. Mpombo who slandered Sata, what did Sata do, he sued and won and I think he’s still paying him and thats why he went to campaign for him in Chongwe. Dora should have sued the post, its simple as that. She would have sued for everything including cockroaches, cats, ants at the Post, but she knows she can not win such a case. Bane, the law protects all of us and infact, its mainly meant for the weak in society.

  215. Simple reason you have procurement committees is that an individual can easily be compromised, whether minister, PS or junior officer. Thats why the law covers this area very well. Single sourcing is a recipe for more and more corruption, more so if ministers had powers to act alone, and thats why Dora, believe it or not, is not empowered to choose a supplier single-handedly. She can easily be bribed, and if its true she went over the procurement committee and made that decision, then I’m afraid she will be swiming in hot gravy pretty soon. Trust me!!

  216. Hating the Post does not make what Dora did to become right!! If she messed up she did just that, no two ways about it. Zonda uzalema, wina azalila elo aza’ngena! Azakamba kusogoro.

  217. when dora become wise. mabelo hanze. this is the problem of adopting anything on two legs as mp.
    were is RB?
    is this george kunda the same kunda who used to do law review for the weekly post? or has he gone to the other side of the law

  218. #334 UILO thats why the tribunal will vindicate or convict her, read #231. I know you’re biased in favour and I am biased against so lets just let the tribunal do its work..

  219. Uwakwisano

    The issues concerning the advice of AG, Timing, parties involved in drafting MoU are the core issues and so far none has given details about those matters. The advice of the AG, his absence, SG advice and so will only come out eventually.

    REMEMBER – The petioners are wholly relying on a leaked classified document and evidence adduced by the POST.

  220. This tribunal is double edged sword with Mmembe facing the sharper side.

    Dora will limp away with a few scraches…Mmembe will come out with blood nose and broken ribs.

    The contest is between GRZ and Mmembe…with a half the brain you can guess the outcome!

  221. Guys these are National Issues. Let us confine our discussion to the real issue. Mama Dora has not convinced me in her explanations. She is a Minister and not a PS.

  222. I just hope that the truth will come out. People, please do not forget how many stories THE POST published concerning corruption in the country – and they were true! I do not believe that they would write those things if there was no truth in it because they could be taken to court. We can ask why they were not taken to court yet for the accusations? They might even have more evidence which will come out later….

  223. Livingstonian you reason like sillier.When it comes to procedures no one is above the law, not even RB.Can you imagin the corruption that would be there if individual civil servants had such amounts of power?

  224. The banking arrangements, penalties , possible prosecution is between the lending bank and the people or company that has borrowed the money. If the bank has a problem then they should be the ones seeking for investigations rather than ministers. ( I hope the bank concerned is independent and so are the directors who would be from all the shareholders including GRZ) Smokescreen??????
    Let the optimists and cynics decide but please let us be objective rather than subjective.

  225. The post essentially is the only newspaper in Zambia that has exposed a lot of dirt going on in our country. Imagine how Zambia will be without the post.

  226. Obama

    Yes especially the time when they were objective. Even then, many mistakes were made on their part. This time around (this is really my point) they are surely less than objective. The issues surrounding this current matter is partly motivated by the ZA saga.

    Good enough that a tribunal has been set up. But does’nt mean that the ZA issues must be swept under the carpet. Infact, It would appear to me more reasonable that a commission of enquiry be set up immediately to look at the ZA matters. After all Mmembe is open to it.

  227. We need more of such papers as the post in our half baked regionally, tribal, poorly marginalized, poverty influenced, petty politicking, unconstitutional, confusing corrupt judicial system, underperforming government and biased reporting by the state controlled media. We must move away from the party and state mentality

  228. Uwakwisano

    Just for interest sake, do you know the actual details of the advice by the A.G which was not followed as far as the Procurement process is concerned? How easy can it be to prove that the advise of the A.G was wholly ignored considering that later the S.G standing in for A.G gave his consent.

  229. My fellow Zambians I can assure you that this RB Government lucks creativity. These guys are not protecting the interest of Zambians. This Gwanda (RB) native is saying Dora is smatter than most of you folks. Mr. Banda will never drive this country to economic prosperity, especially if we have such dealings going on in his cabinet

  230. Proceed with tribunal, says RB

    President Rupiah Banda has instructed Secretary to the Treasury Likolo Ndalamei to make financial provisions for the tribunal to be set up to probe allegations of abuse of office against Transport and Communications Minister Dora Siliya.The president also said he welcomed the decision by Acting Chief Justice Irene Mambilima to constitute a tribunal over the matter.

  231. President Banda also hoped that all those involved in the on-going debate will allow the tribunal to conduct its work in a professional manner.

    He appealed to Zambians to refrain from making comments which could be prejudicial and leave the matter in the competent hands of the tribunal to be set up.

    Mr. Banda said the nation should wait for the final verdict of the tribunal and was confident, that justice will prevail.

  232. Hope Dora is seeing where Gladys Nyirongo is, she shouldnt think we shall let her go freely using our money. Let her face the tribunal, its actually hers and no one else!!!!!!!!!

  233. Love him or hate him, Fred Mmembe will go down in history has having contributed to the fight against corruption in our country..why should people criticise the Post for asking the people who hold office to be accountable on our those who condemn the The Post really care for our children future honestly…Lets Dora face the tribunal and i’m pretty sure justice will prevail…So hands off The Post,Viva Fred Mmembe…Oh one more thing, ive just renewed my Post Newspaper subscription for the next three months :)>-:)>-:)>-

  234. The POST Newspaper and Fred Mmembe are heroes in this country. We need to suggest as readers a day to honour the POST Newspapers as readers. Perhaps a POST Newspaper readers association, or something of that sort. Can some clever minds draft something out there. As for Dora Siliya and her supporters, down the drain they go. I lived in the first republic and I know what it means to have to rely on the Daily Mail and the Times of Zambia for politically correct ness items. It was a murky world. Not anymore, in fact why not go a step further and say, Fred Membe for President 2011. There is no one at the moment.

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