Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Rupiah Banda sacks two Deputy ministers


w_shakasPresident Rupiah Banda has with immediate effect fired Science and Technology Deputy Minister, Jonas Shakafuswa and Energy Deputy Minister, Lameck Chibombamilimo.

Mr. Banda announced the dismissal of the two when he addressed thousands of MMD cadres who matched to State House on Thursday to show solidarity with his leadership.

The President also said he would also dismiss MMD MPs who are not loyal to the party and face them in their constituencies during by-elections.

Mr. Banda warned that he will take action against all government and MMD leaders speaking ill of his administration.

He said he is aware that there are some bad eggs within government and the MMD whom he will be getting rid of.

The President said as republican President and Acting MMD president he will not tolerate indiscipline.

Earlier, MMD Lusaka Province Acting Chairperson, Cleophas Chimembe said his members will not sit idle while President Banda is being insulted.

Mr. Chimembe said personal attacks on the president will not derail the MMD’s commitment to fulfilling promises made during the last election campaign.

Zambia went to the polls on 30th October,2008 in a presidential election following the death of President Levy Mwanawasa.


    • It is high time chaps like Magande who is so corrupt that he store the votes in Chilanga. He is the only MP in the history of Zambia top have his case end up at Supreme Court. Bakabwalala lelo ba chucha starting with Mutembo Nchito, Fred Mmembe, and all the cohorts.

    • That is a bad omen, sacking him, isnt he the first cousin of the late president !

      I cant believe i am hearing this, i am so shocked, this is unreal !

      Why why, please bring shaka back, or else this country is going BACKWARDS

      Let common sense prevail

      Remember the times in the past in zambia when It was a omen of disaster to have a black cat enter the house?
      To have a snake fall from the roof into the yard, or for a beam of the house to split.
      To spill wine, oil or even water could also be the sign that bad things were about to happen.

      Another prophecy of bad luck was to meet a mule in the street carrying a herb called hipposelinum, which was used to decorate tombs.


    • Mushota,
      Is being a relative of LPM a reason to keep Shakas? And how is that going to cause us to go backwards?
      Good afternoon bloggers

    • Mushota Shakas is one of the worst things to have happened to the Zambian government. This is a worthy move by Mr. Banda I applaud him this once.

    • LT, mine is a suggestion. I as for one am not interested in knowing who was fired. I want to know why they were fired. Do some gud reporting please. Dig out deeper and tell us why the two are no more state workers.

    • Mushota,You are writng as if you dont reside in Zambia.if thats the case then I shall understand.Every person currently living in Zambia will be happy about this move regardless of what Shakas has done.This man was supposed to have been dismissed in LPM’s administartion but he was heavily protected.He embarrased himself,his wife and the MP’s but his utterances regarding women as sex objects.The only bad things though,is the fact that our president made the sacking more pary like decison by parading the issue in front of the cadres.That for me was very unwise…SHAKAs you deserve to be sacked.There is a time for everything and your time has come.The cries of the women finally vindicated.

    • Ba LT i really dont like your new set up please do something about it. Maybe we just go back to the old one. Guys what do you think.

    • Someone might make a responsible move but how they do it matters. RB should check out for responsible ways of firing people not the waste he did yesterday which should some imature somehow.

    • Its not about uprooting the Mwanawasa family tree, its total failure by the president to rule, he has no plan for the future of Zambians at all. He will not get any support from inteligent well meaning Zambians coz they have seen what Nyama Soya really is. This man makes me go mad, his thick face looks like CHIKANDA. who voted for this thing anyway?

    • spot on. i wonder what they saw in him. i bleed blood seeing this man in power. Zambian for real he is nyama soya. i am yet to see what he will do for mother Zambia. i was told its to early for me to say he hasnt down anything. bravo

    • i dont know about HH but sata has a wonderfull presidential smile better than RBs. Sata has even got a much smooth face i hope #21 Zambian says likes him too!!

    • He needed to show that he is the man in charge. People take advantage of a quiet man because they think it is weakness. Loyalty is better than treachery. When KK fired Kapwepwe, he suddenly became a powerful President. No one could touch him after that. That one act alone is what led us to the one party state. However, people are always sceptical of politicians in Zambia because we have had a long history of state control. The people will always side with an ‘independent’ press. What they need to know is that even the ‘independent’ press is not independent after all. They also have personal interests to protect. That is why RB has said these things.

    • chikanda, ha ha ha ha, yaaba. Well, first of all he does not need to rule, he needs to lead, he is not a king. That UGLY BASTARD. ZAMBIANS SHOULD BE ASHAMED TO CALL HIME PRESIDENT

    • imwe its not uprooting mwanawasas family tree, but its instilling fear in those that will speak againt the filthy business going on in MMD …..

    • come on man shakas and lameck were more dirty politicians than RB. remember these are the same people who wanted maureen to be president. how short peoples memories can be

    • it just goes to show how shallow our President can sink to make such an announcement in front of Cadres who don’t even have mealie meal at home but have the courage and balls to march all the way to State House. If laid off Miners/NCZ were to march to State House Jere would have addressed them instead of RB. who deserves to be addressed by the “president of the Republic of Zambia” surely……

  1. What is wrong with being criticised by your own party members? A president is supossed to give hope to the people not making them more desparate by not showing any leadership at all. The truth is RB has failed to rule Zambia, he thought he could be like Levy, but Levy was way too smart. Nyama Soya u r a disgrace to Zambia, Im happy i dont live there anymore.

    • Levy smart? I think u have been away too long. Levy was a bully simple and basic and he packed the whole Government with relatives hence the mess Rb inherited

    • Zambian
      I support your views. RB is exhibiting dictatorial tendancies. You can’t rule with anger and hatred. He has to be criticized. I miss His Excellence Levy.

    • Stay wherever you are my dear, we don’t need people who insult their leaders in Zambia, its nothing like us. Eat your heart out. President Band is the President of Zambia whether you like or accept it or not. shame on you.

  2. chakafuswa offered constructive criticism.if what RB needs ie hero worshiping let him remain with bbotlickers.Am shocked about chibombamilimo i thought he was a well seasoned bootlicker,is he fired for luck of brains?

  3. its pity that we choose to be regressive instead of forging ahead.This is not time for polotics but for developing the country and threateing pipo by firing them is not democracy.RB allow them for criticising and opposition, and try to see sense out of it.

  4. Its good Rupiah is realising that there are bad eggs surrounding him. For Shakas, its good riddance. Chibombamilimo thought he could be double tongued and go scotch free. For the two, I say bravo Mr. President.

  5. Yep we need discipline ..a house divide can not stand. It’s about time RB cracked the whip. These chaps living in the past have gone to far. And it is also good that we are going to dismiss them from the aprty and hold by -elections. It is about time the party was cleansed. This Shaka chap instead of working, he was busy giving interviews to he POST about how bad MMD is. I hope he will now have more time to do that. And if he still need more time we shall expell him for the party and defat him in the by election so that he even gets more time to talk to the POST about how bad MMD is. Time to move on. It is a new dawn and a new leadership and the economist is in charged

    • You may say so because you are entitled to your own opinion. RB is dividing his own party by chasing everyone who is criticising him. The shaka chap you are talking about will very soon undress your president in the public and RB will face corruption charges by stealing government resources during the bye election. Just wait and see and from the picture above it appears you are RB’s age mate. RB is outdated in his thinking and dealings, he thinks he will go beyond 2011 with people like confused Tetamanshimba. Let the MMD convetion come and the MMD will crack in the middle because Nyama soya will try to force only carders that can vote for him. We have a very dull president economist.

    • If RB is Dull then what more Sata and HH that lost to such a dull person.if even we say he swindled them then how can they be swindled by such a dull chap.

    • Its only in Africa and in MMD that nonsence like this can be said. Zou are honestly busy fighting each other while the rest of the world is busy embressing each other. Havent you ever heard of United we Stand and Divided we fall. Dont just look at yourself today, think of your grandchildrens tomorrow. You know deep down your heart that Nyama didnt win the elections yet you are bootlicking. Rabish.

    • Correct. Shakas should go back to spying in UPND. Without his uncle levy he would just be second rate thug who has never paid the price for shooting death an innocent man when he was a reserve cop

  6. Well, Rb should address the real issues—high uneployment rates,poverty, poor health facilities and like instead of firing D/ministers who hates with a passion! Well to Jonas and Chibombamilimo its … it serves you right because you thought you were untouchables espcially under the late Mwanawasa! Booooooooo!!!!

  7. I can see RB is intent on contesting elections in 2011 and wants to get rid of those individuals he sees as stumbling blocs in his quest for adoption. What wrong as Shakafuswa committed to warrant his being sacked? I think Sahaka was a person who could speak his mind. RB is now balooning and wants to make people feel his weight. Anyway, days are number for him

  8. I can see RB is intent on contesting elections in 2011 and wants to get rid of those individuals he sees as stumbling blocs in his quest for adoption. What wrong as Shakafuswa committed to warrant his being sacked? I think Sahaka was a person who could speak his mind. RB is now balooning into a real Shriek and wants to make people feel his weight. Anyway, days are number for him

  9. at a cadres meeting,strange indeed,no respect and diplomacy.anyway the guys dererve it but it would have been done in a better way.

  10. gosh , wanyema mudala . he rilly needs to be a bit tough, RB is too gentle. show em what ur made of. teta should go also.

  11. I agree, he may have wanted to fire Dora. This RB is making mistake. He will leave to regret. How does he attack Magande who wasnt there? It seems he gets very excited

    • Hold on ….How about the day light criminals like Dora and George Kunda ? This RB/tourist has proved o be a totalfailure and his rants over hissurbodinates should not be used to escape real poverty and goverrnance crisis facing our beloved country.

  12. So Missed Call can also think of firing others while touring the rest of the world. He is always out of the country and deserves the critisism from shaka

  13. The nation is not intersted in your personal differences but rather see our nation progress from its dwindling state to something beher.In all sense we expected RB to dismiss Dora and George Kunda for misleading the Zambians and going against the Tender Procedures….we are watching

    • Fire Siliya and kunda on what grounds, can you tell me one tender procedure that was breached. By the way which procedures are you refering to? is it Single sourcing, limited selection, open tender , invitation for expressions of interest through Bids? iam yet to hear from someone what exact procedure was breached i even offer to send soft copies of these procedures.

    • You luck objectivity! You blatantly exhibit bias, which you only can explain, but we can guess! A lot of Zambians know procurement procedures, you dont need to send your copies!

    • Ministers have nothing to do with buying at any given time………….just like Parastal chiefs do not buy. There are officers in charge of buying who can use this single sourcing you are talking about.

    • Egines,They have contravened the National Tender procedures. By now you should be able to understand and acknowledge the wrongs commited by your clientelist government oncerning the awarding of Zamtel asset evaluation to RP capital. The contract with such an amount is not dealt by the ministry but rather National Tender Board,desrepecting National Tender Board indicated that parties have personal interest in this matter and must be prosecuted as provideded in the constitution.

    • all u so called brains are wrong. Engines is very correct. Minister do not actually buy but they are the ones that make final decisions based on advice from the controlling officer (Permanent Secretary). This is because a Minister is ultimately accountable to the public hence the avenue for the public to probe any allegations through the medium of a tribunal. eeven the Post have not made any direct accusation because they know the power of libel of you make false accusations. Why do you think the Post did not go to the Chief Justice with eveidence of wrong doing? Its because they publish stories on the basis of blackmail. they did it to levy and he fell for it. they tried it with nyama soya

  14. indeed his days are numbered.. he doesnt appreciate criticism… he should have started by firing Dora for alleged corruption.. and what has the post got to do with the firing of the ministers because i hear he will make sure the post is closed down.

  15. This is the most logical thing Shrek has done since he came in.

    Sacking Chibombamilimo! Mwabombeni ba Rupiah! Am happy. Really happy!

  16. This is a job well done by his Exellency.Some people dont even show any signs of morals and have been working with some private media to disturb the president’s good governance in the name of freedom of speech.

  17. 2011 is near gentlemen all political parties should now start getting rid of any senior member who has no following in any constituency. Shakafuswa does not bring any votes to MMD in govnt he cant even point at anything that he has achieved. He suported Prof chirwas ambitions to lead the party MMD for 2011 even before the mighty NEC had sat, he suported Magande even after the NEC resolve otherwise, after being moved from finance he felt sidelined and started attacking the party through the post. If you want to have an independed mind of your own the best is to form your own party. Verdict: Gross indispline, sucked and expelled from the party, the next one is a bye election.

    • Engines,You have dissapointed me . National Tender Board is a legitmate body legally charged with the national duties of awarding and reviewing contracts to the qualified firms and not the ministry. A contract involving 2 billion Kwacha is not handled by the ministry but National Tender Board.


  18. Good riddance! We need order in the country, otherwise we can’t focus well on more serious problems! Bravo RBB for at least reassuring us that you are still in charge. I was beginning to think what a wimp you are!

  19. This is good for MMD. Self distruction mode. I wonder if the cadres gave 7 days notice for this solidarity march to state house. Are really ‘all equal before the law’ bwana Kabonde or MMD is more equal? Shame what our counrty is coming to & believe you me, it gets worse before it gets better. SHREK is doing all this beceuse of the frustrations over Dora Siliya. Bwana SHREK Zambia is a country not a ka ntemba. Your time is coming sooner than we thought!

  20. How can you fire ministers without giving reasons, give us reason why these poeple must be booted out of cabinet, leaving siliya who is levvelled with corruption in her dealings. can you also suspend siliya please?

  21. What did they do ayi? He wants to have three deputy Finance ministers? I am so sure, so the Kwacha can artificially appreciate? Economic problems first then party problems in 2011… If the politicians know and they do but do not want or cant just deliver the soup we need! firing people is very easy but teaching them how to fish for the people when in govt is another… I have stopped waiting for the POLITICAL MEN… JUST GOING TO THE FARM to DIG OUT A POND FOR MY FISH And DUCKS… These guys are musicians from mars, we will never understand them. I am sure they dont see us! How come they dont and cant drive this country forward! I have fired all of you bloggers! The best ZAMBIANS CAN DO!

    • Hi all, ine i wld suggest we all pressure this self imposed govt of SELFISH GOSTS not to sell any more parastatals,partially or otherwise until they sort out the mess they have created by doing so in the past.i mean, look, cement prices are still up, we no longer have a nat. airline, copperbelt is now in shumbles only to mention but a few examples. SO NO MORE SALES TWAPAPATA!!!!!!!!!!!!! as for firing whoever, i think i conquer with whoever sed let Nyama stat by firing himself, after all, all of them are of the same flock: birds of the same feather………… let them talk about sensible things or maybe just keep quiet. that way mayb i wil restart watching ZNBC coz rite now,i dont


    • You got that right. In any case, you will agree with me that Magande would have been better presido material than “shrek”. Shrek needs extreme make over. He needs good advisors. The day will come for Dora and Kunda, Teta and Muongoti.

  23. Just a reminder, RB is the ‘captain’ of the ‘ship’. It is his prorogative to hire and fire. Some people thought RB is lame duck…

    this is good and it sends a message to other MMD or GRZ offocials that RB even after being adpoted will not discipline them. Some would say MMD have invited or created a beast… well MMD is full indiscpline and non performing pipo..

  24. Its typical African politics. Cadre driven. Kill all dissenting voices & remain only with the ‘yes men’. Zambians willnow see what a great mistake they made by retaining MMD in office. Its definately time for change of party, they have been in power for too long & they have lost focus. Boot them out, we cannot continue at this rate as it will be suicidal.

  25. Good because this guy was appointed on tribal lines…the nepotism LPM brought to the country and defence services wings ! Zwaa kapala

  26. It is a shame that our so called President can act in such a childish manner. Firstly he must accept criticism and accommodate all for the sake of progress in our country. And then the fora he chose to announce such an important move just shows how mediocre he is himself. I bleed for my mother land for being led by misguided individuals. SHAME.

  27. YABA! Good riddance of bad rubbish. Expulsions are welcome but the formula is wrong. Rupiah is a menace. Back to Kaunda days. How does the chap fire government officials at a party gathering. Guys, draw the line, we are in trouble with RB at the helm. Run for your life. VIVA Magande

  28. Sad for u Shakafuswa,too bad for those who think u will be eating mulembwe.Lets celebrate yo dismisal pa Shakas Kraal i hop now it become live since u wil tym to monitor it

  29. Dear RB, May the words of Psalm 109 vs 8, together with Dora, G Kunda and any other that may be found wanting, be your words.

  30. Mr J Shakafuswa is my main man of late for standing up vehemently for what is right. Please, Mr Chibombamilimo and Mr Shakafuswa, consider to join the UPND TEAM to strengthen it again in 2011. In the meantime, continue working within the MMD but do what will be right for ZAMBIA in 2011!
    On “The President also said he would also dismiss MMD MPs who are not loyal to the party and face them in their constituencies during by-elections”, good rhetoric for now Mr President. How are you going to dismiss the MMD MPs? On your firing of Mr Chibombamilimo and Mr Shakafuswa, it appears the the MMD Cadre mentality of NAKAWALA causing Ministers to be sacked is back. I hope this wont be your downfall…

    • It appears that old men like the President RB Banda, 72 years old and the PF Leader Undereducate M.C. Sata depend on using their political party cadre membership to intimidate and fire people who do not agree with them on certain things from GRZ, MMD and PF. This is typical of failure to resolve issues through dialogue. What a shame!

      I am glad that the 2011 elections will be very nice in terms of competition. The MMD might probably break up into smaller groups then while the POST may not be there to cheat the unsuspecting VOTERS as their closure is looming following debts to be paid as a SHAREHOLDER in Zambian Airways financial credits of public and possible private money.

    • New revelations indicate that the strongest opposition political party in Zambia is the UPND as it has 22 MP represenation in Parliament while the PF/Undereducate follows in 3rd with 19 non-rebel MPs since the rebel MPs are either part of the MMD, the governing political party, or UPND or independent as the PF/Undereducate leader Undereducate Michael Chilufya Sata has chased the rebel PF MPs from his own disorganised PF/Undereducate political party.
      Thus, the would be joining of Mr Shakafuswa, Chibombamilimo, Magande, Maureen Mwanawasa (Hon. Doc., ?), etc to the UPND Team in 2011 just before the tripartite elections will probably see the reshaped U-Team forming a new and best GRZ for…

  31. there he goes. Thats wonderful for the president to show some authority. At least he should start firing some of the guys. He shouls fire corrupt people especially. The others will learn from such acts.
    I think he is on the right truck. Look he has authorized hthe tribunalk against Silly-yah to me this is a good start in the footsteps of the late giant man (Mwanawasa) Keep it RB go ahead do the firing as long as there no costs for firing people. However I don’t agree with him when he starts talking about bye elections. They cost lots of money for nothing. Keep bye elections for 2011 period.

  32. It is not about uprooting the family tree, its a question of having disciplined members of a party. Remember what happened to Mrs Moonga and Shakas comments. Lameck taled alot of things suggesting former First Lady standing as Presidential candidate. Members of any association are supposed to express their views within established communication channels and rushing to the press to express their views. Lets usnot blame RB for taking action against the two. Rushing to the press to express one’s divergent views is health in a democratic system but not giving emotional and insulting views. RB clean your house and rid it of indisciplined chaps. We need you to focus on economuc matters and jobs

  33. I expected the president to address real issues and giving the nation assurance & hope that Zambia is not doomed in this economic crisis. That’s what other great leaders are doing around the world – giving their pipo assurance & finding solutions to the current economic challenges. Threats or sacking ministers with different views will not help. In Zambia now, there’s so much uncertainty. We wake up everyday without knowing what will happen to us, who is getting retrenched next, how the kwacha will perform against other currencies. This so because of poor leadership exhibited by Bwezani. The clock is ticking RB. You’re sitting on a time bomb.

    • They are insurbordinate. As ministers they have direct access to the President to air their views but what they did was go to the press all the time! If they had been ordinary MMD members or back benchers that would have been understood, but they did not. So they go. One thing some people do not realise is that there is always someone else who can take your job and even do better than you. No one else is irreplaceable. If one is given the chance to serve, they should serve with humility and gratitude because someone else has not had that opportunity.

  34. Watching from the corner,yaba how i love this country.Good comments i hope nyama soya has got some time for this.Shimpundu Mundala this is the time to change or else 2011 ubupelefye.

  35. It is a circus. Chimo nokuku tanfisha pa chililo. Kwashala Umwine. What he has lifted will prove to too heavy for his inch men to handle

  36. People of Zambia the country has gone to the dogs.i have just realised that Levy was a better President.RB has no vision for this country and really this proving.Look at the people he is firing?Masebo and Magande were better ministers and they brought a lot changes to this country.

    • What is your evidence that Magande was a better minister than Mwanakatwe? What changes did Masebo bring? She had more publicity than any one else in the cabinet. She had rows with certain councils. Livingstone council sued her (I wonder what the outcome was). You may not know it but the easiest job to do in the world is that of a minister. It is the PS and technocrats in the ministry who do the hard job. Ministers transmit and coordinate policy as laid down by cabinet and the party in government. An example: Government policy is reduce inflation. Economists will give models to choose from, pros and cons. Weighed up, a minister decides. Brings to cabinet. Argues. wins… Adopted. That’s how.


  37. Shaka you deserve this.your relative LPM spared you on the slaughter house issue at parliament building.really the family tree is slowly withering and the unripe fruits are gone my bro.we will meet at your kraal and laugh this over muchopo and your expensive beer.Ulimbe mwana or they will come after your kantemba at Shaka`s Kraal.Bravo nyama soya.

  38. Shakafuswa is arrogant, pompus and i am not sorry to see the back of him. On a positive note, thus should give him more time for the “slaugtering” that he is used to.

  39. I think they are just scapegoats. There is a lot of dirt in Government and RB has fired the 2 just to try to keep some heat off him.

  40. 45 years ago RB and Mwaanga where in government, when the US elect President Obama was a baby. Do you people expect any new things from RB and his group?

    • There will be a farewell bash at shakas abattoir mailo. All Lusakans please visit the abbatoir to pay our last respects to a former ‘Family Branch”

  41. There goes Zambian politics again. The only effective move the Zambian politics react to faster than emergency paramedical services is when the leader wants to protect his territory. We have heard about the rampant corruption and illegal maize exports. And shockingly, their is no political will to stop the rot. But once people try to exercise their democratic rights, they are fired instantly. I think this regime will be worse than Chiluba’s. After 3 years there will be nothing totally to drive home about Zambia. I would like to say, enough is enough. Lets support people who will build our nation. We need a generation of leaders who have Zambia at heart. I am sure their is at least one.

  42. Its rather saddening to see people being fired if they out the truth or they speak against inconsistencies that government is going through. The animal in man causes us not to admit our failures as human beings. Mr. President, if your subordinates speak against the wrong doings of the government, its not insubordination, its in the effort to correct. I thank you

    • Impressive. Very few of us people can take constructive criticism properly and seriously. Let us see whether President RB Banda will mange to strengthen the MMD or will actually weaken it to move out of government power by allowing strong politicians to shift camps to the election winning party of 2011 hopefully the UPND Team.

    • Zayelo know wonder zambia will ever develop coz you always think on trial line, grow up man it time we the youth of zambia started doing somthing rigth.

  43. Jonas and Lameck have offered correct advise to the President, but unfortunately the President can not stand some home truths thus he fires them and in grand style that he is used to by announcing to the MMD Cadres. It is like he does not even know the proper message to give to the cadres so he searches for something that would cheer them up and some one whispers in his ear and say, “boss get rid of those Ministers that have said bad things about your poor leadership”. Aha! brilliant idea and he therefore, announces without thinking about the repurcussion. The President has started strengthening the Opposition MPs for the pending vote of no confidence that will shortly be presented

  44. What has Shakafuswa done now?Could be that they have now concluded his “slaughter the women”case?Perhaps,the man has become to critical of RB’s corrupt tendercies.Chibombamilimo can actually hung,he is a total embarrassment.

  45. Engine,

    What can you say about Chiluba and company? They also followed the same procedures you are talking about. So, according to you, they did not plunder our money. Then why are we persecuting them? This is being unfair. The same corruption they committed is what RB nyama soya and company are committing. That’s why I always say this fight against corruption is too selective and it is leading us to no where. What a shame.

  46. RB we are watching you!just as easy as we let you into the state,we can equally reverse the process.learn to accept contructive criticism,don’t just pull stunts to draw people to your side,results are what we need.Address issues and taxpayers will feel secure in these economical turmoils spreading world over.Us the people need innovative energetic leaders to mange our resources fairly and productively

  47. I still maintain that RB is very dull and bringing confusin in the MMD and country. If he fires the MMD mps there will be bye elections the same that they have opposed so much with what PF did by firing their disobedient MPs. We have blocker here who cause himself “ENGINES”, let me tell you that RB did not beat Sata and HH because they are dull. He beat them because he is very corrupt. He cheated on fertilisers and was caught dstributing food during campaigns. He has emptied govt coffers in very short time and he does not realise that closures of companies like Zambian airways contribute to weakening of the kwacha. He is a dull economist president.

    • He is very dull indeed i totally i agree with you,,,,,for once i morned ba Levy last night,,oooo Lord why,,,Rupiah must go,,,,he has just started the fight,,war to him if he closes the post,,without them we would not have been knowing what happens behind the curtains,,,,,

  48. I seem to recall that while Shakafuswa is related to Mwanawasa, Chibombamilimo was the chief advocate for Maureen Mwanawasa’s candidature for president. Has the Mwanawasa association cost them their jobs? Not that there ever was much of a case for Shakas to be in govt.

  49. Isn’t this the same Shakafuswa that was involved in the NA Motel scandal and bloggers here were shouting for LPM to fire him? How come now everyone is sympathising with him? Some people change just like the weather.

  50. What is all this fuss all about? People have complained that the cabinet is too large. The Presido has heard your cries and he is trying to reduce it….and again you cry out loud for steps take to reduce it. I suggest you all go watch CHAN

  51. Has he given any reasons for firing them while the likes of Mulongoti and his friend Teta remain in govt? Shakafuswa will now be given room to roam.

  52. Well done Rn’B. For the first time you’ve spoken like a man. Zambia needs stern action against some rotten nuts that oppose a common way forward. Keep firing the bad eggs. Include Dora Siliya on your list.

  53. I’m told he is replacing Shaka with one of his sons. While the Mwanawasa family tree is been uprooted, the Banda family tree is starting to geminate!

    • Family trees are part of African heritage. It is something you just have to accept. I see nothing wrong with entrusting relatives with responsible positions IF they can perform and as long as they don’t predominate in number. I don’t know about the Easterners but we Northeners, for example, cherish our clan system so much that the close family ties are loyally maintained even in office. I hope this wont be misunderstood as tribalism or nepotism.

  54. President Banda is like a man walking in the dark or a blind man. He is just groping about in the dark and still possibly not believing that he is the President.
    He was supposed to start with the firing of Dorah Siliya and his vice-president George Kunda. This is were we have an immediate problem. It is like starting with popping out a pimple and leaving the Icipute (boil) to fester.
    Anyway, fili ukotuleya.

  55. isn’t shakas the F+u+c++k+e+r who was disrespecting women claiming if you gat vibes then just keep shagging whoever opens??!!!!!! thanks RB for doing the right thing!!

  56. isn’t shakas the F+u+c++k+e+r who was disrespecting women claiming if you gat vibes then just keep shagging whoever opens??!!!!!! thanks RB for doing the right thing!!

  57. Job well done Mr President. Bloggars, RB is not the first President to fire ministers. The question we must ask ourselves is that why did he even appoint the two chaps in the first place? Shaka has been a big nonsense. Levy just used to protect him. He was never arrogant towards Levy but now he wants to belittle RB. When I compare the two Presidents, RB is better than Levy. Levy could not handdle criticism at all. He could hold a press conference just to respond to a critism by a chap from some conner of Matero.

  58. Levy fired almost everybody who was in Chiluba Government and replaced them with his own relatives. RB is entitled to the same

    • At least LPM did it conciously and at the right appointed time and place rather than Nyama Soya, who did it as an after thought whilst addressing Cadres. Pity that you can stoop so low and compare Nyama Soya to LPM as the 2 are not comparable at all. Nyama Soya has no leadership qualities whatsoever.

  59. Well, well well. Guess what? That’s the beginning of the end of MMD as you know it. In fact Shakas and these other kind should have left the system much earlier. They don’t belong there. MMD now is for UNIP fellows, not progressive minds. Keep searching for true leadershi.

  60. I am gload to see the back of Shakas. He had no moral integrity to remain in public office after the ‘slaughtering’ comments he made at Parliament motel last year. In any civilised society he would have stepped down then on moral grounds. GOOD RIDANCE!!!! He can now go and enjoy the slaughtering at his Shaka’s Kraal

  61. The problem with RB is that he looks at all those who supported Magande as enemies.And he is sorting them out one by one.And this is very unfortunate for our young democracy. Iwe Ing,ombe ilede what makes you think that Shakafuswa can join your useless party upnd?your upnd is having last kicks of a dying horse.So continue dreaming with your 2011 nonsense.

    • Ala Ba Chewe muli shani??

      Kale, pakokola epo mwaumfwike.
      Mule mona shani ifi fi gravator ???.. Na ba professor ba space balefilwa uku downloader..ha ha ha!

  62. I am sure this came as no surprise to Shakas. I personally feel that LPM should have fired him over the motel incident. This could be the start of an exciting time in Zambia’s political development. Especially if MMD implodes. May be Nyama Soya will be swept away into political oblivion come 2011. You can now see why he needed the presidency of MMD.

  63. This story is disturbing….you dont have to sack people to show dat you are de boss,instead work hard and give em a good a matter of fact you need to be impeached.just concentrate on developmental issues.

  64. It’s not about supporting the party or government but putting in office men and women who can do the job. Getting rid of a few undesirable characters is a tip of the iceberg, his government is like a hive of parasites and scroungers bent of sucking the nation dry. How many ministers have taken the initiative to clean house, restructure their various departments to run smoothly? As a leader you don’t need to be a dictator.

    MMD have said so many vile things about PF leadership, but the bottom line is line there is no difference between the two parties.

  65. Iam sure these guys wont lose anything fyalilila akale moneni ma pot berries ne mikoshi kwati nicula ngalya tunakapelele.Good Jod Chiluba Oh sorry RB.

    • Oh believe me they will feel the pain of losing public office and all the priveleges that come with it. Free 4wd utility vehicle with all fuel and maintenance expenses, per diem and allowance, talk time. Why do you think old folks like VJ failed to stay out of politics. You will see these two trying to manouver all over the place just to get another chance at public office. Worse still if they are expelled from the party and lose their MP status. There life style will have to change drastically. Those port bellies are about to disappear!!!!!


  67. This was expected. I knew RB would at a point fire Chibombamilimo, remember the words ‘we’ll disappoint him just like Lupando Mwape’. You think RB forgot those words? No! All he wanted was to make him see the good of being D/Minister in the capital and drop him. Shame!

  68. whao’ Shaka was sure big headed and i dont know and see any meaningful contribution he made after being in Government as a minister, he was just making noise for his interest of drawing public attention. As for Chibombamilimo, he was also a good bootlicker in Levy’s Government who most ly talked nosense and showed alot of respect to first family than to all Zambians and proudly calling for Maureen mwanawasa for presidency. Its sad that the president fired this two ministers in front of cadres which somehow shows that RB did not respect them too as his ministers, i thought such dismisal shud be announced at press conference.What is happening with RB brains?

  69. Politics in Zambia are based on the notion…’scratch my back /will scratch yours back’…these guys will bounce back into Government in the near future. We are Zambians and the good thing about us is that we talk too much and mostly do less especially when it comes to politicians/politics. We have continued to recycle the same politicians over and over again yet we expect change!!! Change from who…RB and his cronies? These silly pronouncements of sacking nonentities is simply designed to makesome news and a distruction from issues that need critical scrutinity. Zambian pres. sacks ABC…BOLLOCKS…do something developmental for change, damn!!

  70. Shakas is a problem. H gave UPND lots of problems because he tends to behave like a cadre and not a leader. Let him grow up especially in areas of anger management

  71. Mr President, i agree with you for firing those guys, but the method you chose is wrong. You need to have very good administration and management skills when it cums to succh issues. Please hope you can do better next time.

  72. What a shame. I thought he was to hold a press briefing to announce that he has sucked the two ministers not sucking them in of his vigilents(MMD) JUST KNOW WE ARE GOING TO THE OLD UNIP DAYS DAMN RB

  73. Gabbage in Gabbage out. We voted for an imbecile and we are getting the best one can expect from an imbecile.
    Hopefully next time we will be able to read between lines and vote WISELY for a quality leader. As for our horrible president one can only say SHAME .

  74. it pains so so much to see that while other leaders are busy finding solutions for their people, we in Zambia are busy dwelling on trivial issues. you see there is absolutely nothing the government is planning for nation and soon Zambia will be the last in Africa. our health. communications, infrastructure, education etc systems are the worst i have come across. imagine UTH runs out panadol; we are ran like a katemba. i don’t know who will bail this country out? God have mercy on us. nyama soya, shrek 5 or what ever you him is blank like a plain paper.

  75. Its fine to dismiss government officials if they are not performing well. Its another thing to dismiss people just because you can not handle critics!! Anyways either you win or you lose. Its politics. RB just be fair and please also accept genuine criticism. Thats what we call democracy.
    Free media.

  76. Koma website naiwama nomba. Looks like LT listened to your pleas for people to show their faces and pics. I cant wait to see pics of many more bloggers like abena Baby C, Ba Moze, Rasheed, Maestro etc. Problem is we have people like number 48 putting pics yamatak_. Itys very nice but its not appropriate on the website. G.Rida

  77. This is very nice, crooks as usual setting each other. they are now getting rid of each other. Ha Ha Ha… NyamaSoya Got tough yesterday, curtasy of Jeff Kaande, the corrupt MMD Powerful D/National Secretary. He has become big headed and Powerful than Katele his boss in MMD. But days are numbered, because of that scheme to twist the Ministry of Finance Perm Secretary to pay MMd cadres inflated charges of supplied goods & services, katele wants to use it as excuse to get rid of stu*pid Kaande. The circus continues. RB was furious even smoke was coming out from inside his ears!!!! lelo.

  78. RB is now realy a president .some chaps think that they are more inteligent than others.President Banda was elected by Zambian most of whom i feel are more inteligent than shikasushya.

  79. It is good move. Descipline is not hatrage. Shaka was very arrongant and stuborn character. let him swallow the bitter pill, he doesn’t own Zambia. Abush family tree.

  80. Good that these two have been fired BUT the manner in which the so called Press Conference was totally unacceptable,not even Robert Mugabe can behave in such a manner.Am so embarrsed to have RB as a president.At a conference hw does a leader tel someone to join the Opposition and the Post? I think RB and his advisors need some growing up course to do.One does not have to behave like that to show that hes president,evry 1 is aware he is.Oh Obama is laughing at this Drama even Bob

    • wat do you expect from a nyama soya, he doesnt have manners, no courtesy, i wonder if he thinks properly, no wonder aka mwaiche, a president cant behave like that

  81. Democracy has landed these a good history.RB was too personal when addressing the cadres, how does a president act in such a manner?

  82. I do not think the dismissal of Shakafuswa and Chibombamilimo is a show of discipline by the President Banda, its hate and anger. If President Banda does not condone indiscipline he should have suspended Dora Siliya who is facing corruption charges and also immediately demanded for report on Jeff Kande`s alleged involvement in procurement activities at Ministry of Home Affairs.

  83. RB is not fit to be a president, he doesnt have qualities of a president, no sense of humer, no manners at all , he was not suppoz to fire thoz guys at that gathering, atleast Mwanawasa was proffessional in doing things, not this nyama soya who just do things like a kaponya, SATA is better off than him. he more of a kaponya that sata

    • Thats a very useless reason to fire them.Not even a school prefect can be dropped becoz of been favoured by one teacher.This is zambian circus at its best.RB is takin Zambia to fluffies.

  84. This country is going backwards instead of RB to start thinking about new solutions for his country he is busy talking about the post, Fred and the like , zambia has been independent since 1965, but look at S.A they are better thatn us in terms of infrustructure, economy, atleast they are trying to control it, even Zimbabwe will be far much better than us, why is it that the president istaking his job personal?

  85. Bad eggs in the party should go and get jobs at The Post because I am getting rid of them. If The Post says you are a good minister, then you are a bad egg; then you are not a good minister for me,” Mr Banda said.

  86. Bad eggs in the party should go and get jobs at The Post because I am getting rid of them. If The Post says you are a good minister, then you are a bad egg; then you are not a good minister for me,” Mr Banda said.

  87. Bad eggs in the party should go and get jobs at The Post because I am getting rid of them. If The Post says you are a good minister, then you are a bad egg; then you are not a good minister for me,” Mr Banda said.

  88. GAZZIE cudnt resist the urge to quickly post something here. A few quick points pipo:

    . Its not RB’s Club (MMD) for him to say he will follow the sacked guys to expel them from the party. Also if Mmembe or the Post (two separate entities mind you), have misconducted themselve, let the relevant agencies investigate period!
    The presido got so excited at the sight of those hired cadres that he could have declared that he is the absolute ruler of Zed.



  89. GAZZIE cudnt resist the urge to quickly post something here. A few quick points pipo:

    . Its not RB’s Club (MMD) for him to say he will follow the sacked guys to expel them from the party. Also if Mmembe or the Post (two separate entities mind you), have misconducted themselve, let the relevant agencies investigate period!
    The presido got so excited at the sight of those hired cadres that he could have declared that he is the absolute ruler of Zed.



    • Gazzie long tym how r u?
      I was so perplexed at the site of those useless cadres even chanting RB 10yrs! My foot.All i can say is RB is ill mannered not even the most condemned leader Robert Mugabe can behave like that,i was so embarrassed….

  90. GUYS if watched the same briefing you were going to be shocked with the way RB was behaving, as if he wanted to fight with someone.

  91. The man is a disgrace. The country is in a mess our brothers in the mines are being fired and he is quiet. This will have an impact later on as all this will have an economic impact all over the other provices. No salaries for govenment workers etc.

  92. RB can never decampaign Shakafuswa in Katuba Constituency,not in this lifetym. Following them to their constituencies?Childish statement.Lenjes can never vote for someone outside their clan and shame 2RB the entire Bantu Botatwe will relocate to another party.

  93. Finally,it adds up,Banda is trying to get rid of all those who did not support his candidature as when he launched his Presidential bid after the death of our late beloved President Levy Mwanawasa infact most of those in that circle were very close to Levy,i suspect Ronnie Shikapwasha will soon follow that door since he’s related to the former first lady Mrs Mwanawasa.Chibombamilimo is the one who proposed to the MMD that the former first lady be the MMD’s candidate in the last Presidential by election.Magande stood against RB now a story has been cooked up against him too,it’s all plain to see,Banda has began dirty politics of the MMD,now Sata will face a man that equals…

  94. Nyama soya is worse than chiluba,everyone is corrupt of course but during magande levy administration we were cheaper things,affordable life and progress was not any more on paper but tangeable.we are facing it again.retired mind shud go to sleep camon men.
    Zambia will only prosper when we vote like America young pipo with flexible plan.Ba nyama soya babelelotuma record player how does he order mp3 he doesn’t understand.Sorry to Shaka especially our culture of resp

    • Kelchi, apa peve amuyambila dala Sata,he was quiet manje ba RB has stepped on the Cobras tail,its kafwafwa.+ Fred awe sure bayasha mulilo uzakanga kuzumiwa na fire brigade

  95. Now i can smell something coming against RB youthful MP’s related to Levy ie Shakafuswa & Muteteka plus who have both been loud mouthed.These two are loved by their constituents,i believe they could still win if they stood as Independents as i doubt they would want to join PF.

  96. Bloggers are you see what I am seeing? Firing ministers before writing to them-through cadres, threatening to muzzle the press and thinking leadership strength is in looking and sounding tyrannical. I can see UNIP reincarnated! Having RB for Presido is a giant step backwards. Shame!

  97. Zoe am good buddy, been missing coz the AUDITORS are cooking me. will be back soon though. Now coming to the pathetic issues pa ZEd, its sad that while others are scheming on how to sort this global thing, we are busy politicking.
    saaaaaaaad saaaaad sad! Lets talk stimulus plans here which i wonder those illiterate MMD cadres wud know a thing about. Show solidarity my foot! Gazzie rests.

  98. I am am still studying the political dynamics taking place during this period. However, one great phylosopher once said a good learner is one that takes time to listen and then acts on what he has learnt. I GUESS the president has been doing just that. If we are not careful in Zambia we are going to end up in a situation where presidency looses its meaning. My advice to the POST is that when they come across corrupt acts involving any GOVT worker particularly of high standing they should write directly to the President instead of publishing a story as this antagonises the high office. The presisdent is but only a human being and would react.So let us learn to be a big team CALLED ZAMBIA.

    • In most democratic nations,the tabloids,however biased they are bring corrupt stories into the public domain,that is the most effective way of fighting the scourge.If the Post paper writes to the President,no one will know what’s going on,infact that will create more corruption coz the govt could as well threaten the Post with closure if they thought of publishing something that will go bad against the govt , the govt could even pay the Post to silence them but fortunately it’s not the case,the Post cooks up stories,some of them are true to some extent but most of it is fabrication,we still thank them but what i hate now is this cheap politicking between govt & the Post.

  99. Whether fired for the justified reason, I wonder why using the cadre forum to fire your ministers & before writing them.
    And if the minister praised by the POST is going to be fired, I suggest that the POST should praise KUNDA & SILIYA so that they are fired.

    ….hey I thought todays POST headline would be “THE PRESIDENT Vs Mmembe”

  100. Gentlemen just understand that we are in troble with this MAN. even in the national team there are 4 BANDA’s now. he will revamp unipist ideologies & behave like Mugabe

  101. Gentlemen just understand that we are in trouble with this MAN. even in the national team there are 4 BANDA’s now. he will revamp unipist ideologies & behave like Mugabe

  102. Sad for him to fire a Minister and i believe for just a simple reason it is bcoz he supported Mangande for Presdent and he wants to show that he is better than them all the people who were against him will be fired. Silver, Mangande , Shaka and other minister. He may think that he is better than everyone but it is a mattter of time he will move from state house. Nyama Soya Uleya NoMbaline. U were talking that Sata should think twice about by election of fire Mps now it is you saying they will lose try to do that and you will be shocked like the shock u had in chingola.

  103. I think the timing was all wrong , we have office’s were such matters are dealt with , it now makes me think that the firing of these ministers was partly influenced by masses and our man exhibited high levels of euphoria at the time.

  104. Only if people know that they are supposed to save the people of ZAMBIA there could not have been the circus

  105. The chickens have come home to roost…the Fred Mmembe/POST saga and the Rupiah Banda/ACB..people should remove the logs in their eyes before trying to remove the specks in others. We should give people a basic lesson in understanding the meaning of a ‘Limited company’ and its implications/obligations in regard to shareholders else we wont see the end of the Zambian Airways/POST conundrum.

  106. I am exhilarated and impressed with the President’s action-particularly the firing of these two dishonourable ministers!

    Secondly, the President should make it a point that the Zambian Air Ways pays the monies it owes so that the same is used to construct roads, purchase of medicines and medical equipment and other necessities PERIOD!

    • ZA is a private registered co,there is too much meddling into it’s affairs,it should be left to the creditors to take on the Directors of the airline,that $30million ZA owes is not a debt to the govt of Zambia but various creditors,even if it’s paid back,there is no chance that it will help build hospitals & schools which successive govts have failed to do in the last 4 decades, Band was just trying to please MMD cadres most of them who were paid to match to State House which has been turned into the MMD’s Secretariat,Zambian politics are full of filth infact african polictics will only change when the generation of freedom fighters ceases,they make the wrong choices for the 21 century…

  107. bakakamba ba R.B i thought you do consult before saying or making any comment. We don’t fire people like that, it’s like you all became cadres yesturday and the picture you portrayed there was like you took it personal. You should have attacked the energy deputy minister not Mr. Chibombamilimo. there’s a difference between Chibombamilimo and his ministerial post. but R.B attacked Chibombamilimo personally. or the better was to call for a press conference. be a learned president my dear.

  108. Bene Fred were enjoying bank money, when they are asked to pay back ati awe you are against us. Guys its common knowledge when you borrow, you pay back or else you are in trouble very simple. So if its limited co. what does it mean.

    For Shakafuswa its anyo its long over due. he thought he was untouchable. What is ba Mauleen she is finished no powers anymore kwashala shina ati bamuka fwilwa ha!

  109. Whilst I am not a fan of Shaka’s……..I would like to know why the two of them were fired. There are no reasons yet…and yet “Dearer Sillier” who has every reason to be fired is still in her post. The president owes the country an explanation on both cases……….he is answerable to us. We put him in power!

    • The President has power and discretion to appoint and disappoint. he does not need to explain his reasons to anyone unless it is required in the public interest. If Shakas and Chibombamilimo’s reactions are good then they will be saved the embarrasssment of revelations. Shaks has already said “Mr. Shakafuswa who is also Katuba Member of parliament has also thanked President Banda for having accorded him a chance to serve in his administration.

      He told ZNBC news in an interview that he is ready to apologize if he had wronged the President during the course of his duties.”

  110. Good riddance for those two but RB should have been more smart than to announce the dismissal of his deputy ministers to party cadres at State House. Ka Chibombamilimo was loyal to Maureen as for the slaughter man, his sacking was long overdue. RB should concentrate on how to handle serious issues like the ‘Global Credit Crunch’ instead of plunging the national into more financial doldrums by causing unnecessary by-elections.

  111. #75,

    How are you? Do me a favour, I would like to know: what substance is that? Is it a chemical formula for FIRE, LIGHTNING, SOUND, LIGHT or CLOUDS.

  112. In as much as RB has a right to hire and fire, he protrayed immaturity interms of his actions yesturday. Talking about Magande was unfair. Or may be he is afraid of his own shadow. On Fred i think those guys are protected by the veil unless the court lifts that

  113. That was the worst shameful act a president could ever display. He behaved like an angry parent trying to discipline his kids. We are yet to see more, lets sit back and watch while the MMD crumbles to dust because of that hijacker from UNIP. if you remember well, that is the exact manner in which KK would fire his ministers.

  114. This is the worst act that could ever be exhited by a head of state; we are yet to see more, this is exactly how KK used to fire his ministers and now look at RB, a clear UNIP comrade take after his master. MMD will cramble to dust because of this RB who came to power by false pretences of continuing the LPM legacy

    • Every leader has their own style of doing things. KK always fired people during Press conferences.
      Chiluba also did the same. Mwanawasa left it to his Press secretary to announce. RB has elected to do it among cadres, but it was probably pre-empted because according to him, Mr Kaande insisted that the cadres see him then. Its funny how politicians get so big headed when a handful of their cadres come to cheer their heroes. Mugabe made the most outrageous statements when he was addressing ZANU-PF cadres. This is politics unfortunately. Like it or not, these are the foot soldiers who win or lose you an election. You can please the intellectual readers of the Post but still lose. Sata knows.

  115. I have a feeling RB will be in history books as the shortest term of a head of state. If the voters register will be updated, bye .. bye MMD and forever.Because if u look at it, MMD has survived because the register still has very few voters, anyway RB will be good riddance after the dust has left by Lvevy has settled, he can go. If my wishes were horses, I would ride them. Zambia needs a young president, intelligent, educated, techno-sound, inspiring, etc name it and “obama” comes to mind, can we find our own obama in the next thre years … I think WE CAN.

  116. My honest opinion is that RB is a twit. His whole drama yesterday just steered anger in me. How does he choose such a fora to fire his ministers??? How can a person of his age show such immaturity by showing his emotions in public like he did??? It is such a mess. He does not even realise that with his silly outbursts Shakafuswa takes with him a fair chunck ot the Central Province??? I am just so disgusted that this man can be called my President. He is such a kid just like his wife.

  117. The PF dunder heads were insulting this goon when his sexual practices were exposed, here today he is their hero. Malabish.

  118. #187,

    I have seen nothing wrong with the President ‘s tantrums and firing of these two boys, for lack of a better term. As a matter of fact, these two -once ministers matter less in government.

    They are fired simply because the duo showed an inclination towards The Post as well as Magande who wanted to cancel the debt which Zambian Airways has adn which the government wants to pay without fail!

  119. “I will not be compelled or be forced by some queer people, and underline the word ‘queer’… I will not move against the press because they have a major role to play in the development of this country. But some media organisation wants to control this government.” [RB on Fred Mmembe]

    So is Fred Mmembe queer or what? I thought Fred Mmembe married Mazoka’s daughter? What’s the truth people? I have heard these rumors but if the President can say such things then it must be true surely?

  120. “I will not be compelled or be forced by some queer people, and underline the word ‘queer’… I will not move against the press because they have a major role to play in the development of this country. But some media organisation wants to control this government.” RB on Fred Mmembe.

    So is Fred Mmembe queer or what? I thought Fred Mmembe married Mazoka’s daughter? What’s the truth people? I have heard these rumors but if the President can say such things then it must be true surely?

    • Membe is separated from his wife. The rumours about his sexuality have gone round and for years. In Zambia, homosexuality is a criminal offence, that is why Zambia is coloured red on Amnesty International map. Because it is a criminal offence, you can only mention this in public if you have evidence or witnesses. The President has immunity from prosecution so he probably could get away with it. But going by the Post’s reaction to this speech, there must be a barnful of truth in it, because suddenly, the Post portrays Membe the ‘ordinary’ citizen victim! They have felt the heat! But, prosecuting him for this would be bad for donor aid. Human rights.

  121. Shakafuswa should have been sacked by his late uncle when he insulted women. I think credit should be given to Rupiah for sacking this arrogant young man. Banda is just eliminating Mwanawasa’s relatives from government. Remember the Family Tree? Its time for Rupiah to sweep the house clean. Go Rupiah, Go shikulu.

  122. My sources tell me that the president acted like that yesterday cause he was drank, before addressing the MMD dogs the president had taken some lusaka beer mixed with brandy.

  123. i like the way obama speaks when he is giving a speech, in everything he says “WE CAN”,
    “WE WILL” WE…….The intellengent man knows that without other people he can not sdo it alone or he is not in the govt alont, but nyama soya i sck them from NCC , sack them from my party is MMD his party mwebantu puliz help him………….

  124. Can someone take me back to what these two deputy ministers said that warranted so much exxcitement from our dear president that he embarrased himself so?

  125. When opposition MP’s petitioned Rupiah over the Sichifulo land wrangle he was at pains trying to explain to them that he felt that they did not show any respect for him in their approach. Look who’s talking?”I have sacked… I have sacked …”In front of unproductive MMD cadres at degraded State House gardens Has the nation now become MMD so that such a pronouncement should be made in front of boot licking MMD suckers?Are these cabinet ministers or somebody working at MMD headquarters?Rupiah can hire and fire as he pleases but if he is dealing with individuals that serve the public in such high standing as ministers they deserve some respect! How can he justify such language?No dignity…

  126. When opposition MP’s petitioned Rupiah over the Sichifulo land wrangle he was at pains trying to explain to them that he felt that they did not show any respect for him in their approach Look who’s talking?”I have sacked…I have sacked…”In front of unproductive MMD cadres at degraded State House gardens Has the nation now become MMD so that such a pronouncement should be made in front of boot licking MMD suckers?Are these cabinet ministers or somebody working at MMD headquarters?Rupiah can hire and fire as he pleases but if he is dealing with individuals that serve the public in such high standing as ministers they deserve some respect! How can he justify such language?No dignity…

  127. In as much as i dont support the manner in which RB dismissed the two fellas , i still think the two deserve to go . to begin with Shakafuswa is not minister material , look at the way he degraded our women , boasting at how he can “slaughter” them at will !! That is obviously cheap talk . LP shielded this man. As for my friend Chibombamilimo, the man is completely devoid of grey matter. How he even became minister if not through bootlicking, God knows !! let them go , we are unlikely to miss them

  128. RB thinks this is his farm where he can be talking all that rubbish. GROW UP!!! no wonder you were saying that you are becoming younger.


  130. Compromise makes a good umbrella, but a poor roof; it is temporary expedient, often wise in party politics, almost sure to be unwise in statesmanship

  131. A leader who doesn’t welcome challenges and learn from others is not a leader at all. Sometimes I doubt the rationality of that old man state house.

  132. Can Mr so called president tell the nation why he fired the two deputy ministers, because all is saying is that they are indiscipline, but what actually makes him say that?

  133. RB is afraid of upcoming challengers to his position,he will destroy any hint of it at a whim,besides he hails from Zimbabwe what do you expect?

  134. This is the trouble with the kind of voting where people put an incompetent candidate just to keep the opposition they dont like out of power.
    People did not ‘ vote for’ in the previous elections. They simply ‘voted against’. Now it’s time to lick the wounds. Remember the opposition leaders who went round showing solidarity with Rupiah? Where are they now?

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