Thursday, March 13, 2025

Regina Chiluba and Jeojago Musengule granted bail


regina_chilubaThe Lusaka magistrate court has granted Wife of second Republican President,Frederick Chiluba, Regina a 10 million Kwacha bail with two working sureties and immediately set free from prison.

Following her temporary freedom, Mrs Chiluba appeared in high spirits as she left the courtroom, saying she was able to bear her three-day prison ordeal because of the love and support from her husband and family who visited her daily.

Should the Lusaka High Court uphold the prison sentence meted out by the magistrate court, Regina will still have the option of appealing to the Supreme Court, the highest court in the land.

Presiding Magistrate, Charles Kafunda has also granted former Zambia Army Commander, Jeojago Musengule, bail with similar conditions.

Mrs. Chiluba who was on Monday jailed for three and half years after being found guilty of receiving stolen property, applied for bail pending the determination of her appeal.

Lieutenant General Musengula was recently convicted and jailed for Four years with hard labour for abuse of office and corrupt practices.

Magistrate Kafunda has however ordered Mrs. Chiluba and General Musengule to surrender their passports to the court.



  1. Well those are the wheels of justice for you. Let her be treated fairly and if she is not happy with the high court let her move to the supreme court. That is how our justice system works and we ought to respect that. It’s not over until the Supreme Court sings I guess

  2. Let justice flow like a river, the zambian way that is.please send her back to jail where she belongs.we’ve had enough of this bull.

    • Justice is justice worldwide and bail is part of justice whether you like it or not. There’s no “Zambian way” of justice, or else it ceases to be justice. Besides scores of innocent people have suffered the indignities of inequitable trial policies by many African courts – should you ever be wrongly accused some day, you will be the first to cry for bail.

    • There are people languishing in chibokaila and remand (popularly known as remind)prison for years,and they have never seen the inside of a court.They were just thrown in jail and forgoten about.No plea, no mention,no trial,no bail no nothing.These people dont just exist.
      Now you have a high profile case involving the so called plunderers and they are awarded with all the luxuries that a hearing comes with including bail.I think this is not justice.
      What we needed was aspecial tribunal to handle these cases with special terms and no bail,period.The Zambian people want to see real punishment meted out.

    • Nice point Nine Chale. I wish all the two bailed out the best in their upcoming High Court cases. I believe that a fair trial will ensue.

  3. still comes in GRZ car, and was the body guard in jail too or did she just report to the madam in the morning? very funny

    • Hi mama, kuoneka mu ma chapter ka?

      Regina , husband snatcher/grabber is still in power , mostly in her dreams, efyo chilemoneka. Still has a body guard especially now that she is on bail. Fili eko tuleya.

    • Hi my dear,im around and read all posts,just that they are very few topics that get me excited lately but dont wory im loyal to LT,it wont last, she will pay for her sins.apperantly she is the3rd wife, that tell us what kind of man he is. her original husband should be screaming YES after she ceremoniosly left him and the media made the scandle realy huge

    • She could be 3rd or 5th wife, but what angers me is the idea of leaving her own hubby for another womans hubby. Icho chena bupupu sana, Elyo kwati ni nkakashi sana pamenso, nokupama sana. Lesa akamukanda Regina.
      Mr. Mwanza must be dancing non stop now.

    • money confuses people,its very sad. thats why its important to totally accept the man you choose to marry, be with him in all seasons, this type can run away from FTJ nga abroker,wait and see

    • Regina will run away once Kafupi is jailed.
      That is if Kafupi gets his sentence.

      Regina ni muselela kwakaba.

  4. This for me is just a show after this it can drag on till 2011 when others players start kicking the ball a different direction. Anyway, anyone with Zamtrop account No. I wanna see how to gain access and get rich, its looks like am the only one struggling

  5. Legally, they can apply for bail….only that for ordinary people ,justice is too slow ! they even throw the key away…….time is ticking,Zambia Airways, Dora Siliya

    • ala ine ndelolela. no one is above the law. if Dora doesnt go in now, her time will come when UPND will be in power. Kabili precedents have been set. ijo!

  6. This is not news. Bail was expected and now it will be keeping the ball rolling until 3 and half years goes by without her stepping another foot in jail.

  7. Sad story ya kubapoka passport. Who will escort the hubby to Morning side/Gadern City clinic for review??

    • She is already a disgraced woman with no integrity , even if she doesn’t set foot in jail she will have a shadow following her

    • Such women are faceless and are the I don’t care type/mentality. They would kill for a man. eishhhh!!!!
      They have no remorse at all.They don’t put themselves in the other person’s shoes.

  8. Zambian Lawyers is the supreme court the final appeal court or can zambia still appeal to The british privy council that covers commonwealth cases?

  9. Farewell General Tembo. May your soul rest in eternal peace. Ex-Kalewa School of Military Training School “student” – Dec 69.

  10. This is a civil right available to every individual. Only the rich can afford it.
    At lease the restriction measures of confiscating her passport are ok.

    All we want is justice in this country!!

  11. Could someone in Zed plse confirm Gen Tembo’s death. Has it been officially announced on ZNBC…???

    • Hey, the name of the state owned and Govt., contolled TV station sucks! it is so boring only mentions things to do with MMD as priority. They dont know what is news. maybe we send their reporters to war zones i.e. Afghanstan to learn about patriotism and what is news.

  12. Am happy for you Regina.Dont worry everything will be fine.I mean why should she be treated so unfairly? Did Regina steal the money? leave her alone please.

  13. Mwe bantu Morgan Tsvangirai was involved ina similar accident as Levy Mwanawasa when he was Veep for Zambia. His wife has died but he has survived!

    • This is a more reason the the UPND president Hakainde Hichilema MUST never agree to being a Vice President to the PF unelected self-imposed Leader Standard ^ school drop out Undereducate Michael Chilufya Sata as President of Zambia in a possible UNITY GRZ. Characters who hated late former President Levy P. Mwanawasa even though not convincted of causing his accident when he was Zambia’s Vice President can NEVER be trusted to be President and deputised by someone they have little regard for, e.g., calling democratically elected UPND president as Under-five in politics.
      Let those with ear hear, eye read and senses feel.
      I wish Mr Zim Prime Minister M. Tsvangarai well and condolences on…

  14. Its being reported now in South Africa Morgan Tsvangirai was involved ina similar accident as Levy Mwanawasa when he was Veep for Zambia. His wife has died but he has survived!

  15. Iwe Neuter,can be serious and just tell the truth.Dont joke like that please.Because i can walk to Zimbabwe ka.

    • CHEWE mulangunfwisha bwino,ukuya ulubilo ku harare ka. chabipa umuboyz, i think he was the intended target but the wrong person died. very sad.

    • Chabipa sana mwebantu. Condolences to the Mr M. Tsvangarai family for the loss of a belove family wife, mother and helper to all around her.

  16. Sad news on Tsvangirai. His daughter is studying in Perth.

    Bob’s works of course.
    May his wife’s Soul Rest In Peace.

  17. You guyz so called learned coleages pa Z please go aheard mulebanyonga ba pompwe bamuntebila nsala twacula with these selfish cows.

  18. its hilarious how u blacks keep tearing each other down lol…i lived in zambia for 3 years and loved it…i was treated like a god, i doubt any of these cases would ever be directed at a european. i guess u do it to impress us…keep jailing each other on political grounds and we’ll keep sending u money.

    • Impressive. We are on track towards correcting the mentality of our people as regards wrong doing when you are in government or elsewhere. It is good that Mrs Regina Chiluba is serving as an example to all women and unprincipled men that getting things you do not understand where they are coming from is wrong behaviour. I hope all those who understand the proceedings of this case will endeavour to carry themselves in a better manner. I desperately needs to see that all Zambians have a changed mindset on how to do things in their lifetime.

  19. DESPERATE RB putting in jail a woman who is not supposed to be there but maybe her husband. Besides, RB himself is supposed to be behind bar for corruption, bribery, lying, misuse of public money, etc. He is even defending real day-light criminals as this is where he belong himself.

  20. i knew it!! this is not fair, some one found guity and granted bail, wow justice works for those people with money what a waste of time

  21. Nyama soya is relish made and sold in is made from soya and when cooked looks more like cooked beef pieces.its is regarded as meat supplement for those who cant afford real beef.anyway i cant explain why the big man was named nyama soya by his bemba pals.

  22. The Husband snatcher thinks shes on top of the world but hey her time will cum. Bt Mugabe will eventually kill tshangirai. Ba Chrieton too bad but his health hasnt been gud. i saw it when he was campaigning for RB

  23. I feel sorry for those poor unfortunates who have taken the bait in this poorly orchestrated sketch. Regina was going to be released on bail anyway. As soon as she entered the prison, she walked out through the back door and has never spent more than 30 minutes in prison occupied principally in waiting for the crowds outside to disperse so she can slip quietly away. Mean while, FTJ is grinning slyly in bed at home, knowing he does not have to play golf even for one night. F%*k?+G Amateurs ! This is how the game is played – and you are not a player.

  24. What is happening in Zambia right now is unacceptable. pliz guys let’s do something about our beloved mother Zambia. This is the way Zimbabwe started.

    • I disagree that this is the way Zimbabwe started. Zambia has a much more advanced democracy than Zimbabwe has ever had and we are in no ways giving up our progress in a funny terrible manner.

  25. Guys read the news before you start passing comments. You should know what you are talking about. Personally, what is that UNIP government is back in power. Tiye Tiye Tiye naba kabwalala til 2011 and if we are not careful na 2011 ine bale teka bapompwe.

  26. Why cant you guys use your brains and talk about real issues affecting this nation instead of wasting our time reading the nonsenserom your useless heads?

  27. Some people don’t even deserve bail, they should just be locked up and throw away the key. All those properties Regina has belong to the poor Zambian people who suffered for it because of that short man called FTJ. Regina u should be ashamed, and I doubt if you are a woman under your skirt. and now you, ba Musengule of all the people, sometimes I doubt if some of you guys have anything between your ears. I hope you know what I mean.

  28. If Rupiah Banda was to stand for elections with Mugabe, I would definitely vote for Mugabe. Chi Banda ulekakwa.

  29. Although this is justice as it is defined,i find it really disturbing that in Zambia military officials are thrown in jail like ordinary chaps via a “civilian” court system,be carefull how you deal with these ex- leaders,mind you they know all your nations secrets,BE REAL CAREFUL,and learn from others!!!!lets just not try and settle old scores or convict people over TV’s and Stoves

  30. Aha, FTJ said last week, the jailing of his sweet-heart is just a passing phase. he even smiled. Well I know understand, they will do all they can even feigning illness to keep away from jail. But jail will finally catch up with them, it’s a matter of time. it did with Regina & it will surley finally vice her tight, no way out for both. we coming to the end.

  31. Why am I not surprised??? These fools have the law in their hands and they dont care for the tax payer. The way forward for those who are smart is ‘get your money right and take care of your family,GRZ is never gonna do anything for you.’ They punk @$$e$!!!!!

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