Wednesday, February 12, 2025

RB appoints new ZPPA board


President Rupiah Banda
President Rupiah Banda

President Rupiah Banda has appointed Samuel Chibuye as director-general for the Zambia Public Procurement Authority (ZPPA).

Mr Chibuye has taken over from David Kapitolo, who served in the same capacity under the abolished Zambia National Tender Board.

This follows the recent enactment of the Public Procurement Act Number 12 of 2008, which repealed the Zambia National Tender Board Act.

In a statement released to media in Lusaka today, President Banda has also appointed new board members for ZPPA.

The appointed board members include Finance and National Planning Minister, Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane, who would serve as the board chairperson, Works and Supply Minister, Mike Mulongoti, Energy and Water Development Minister, Kenneth Konga, and Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister, Dr Brian Chituwo.

Others include Local Government and Housing Minister, Benny Tetamashimba, Secretary to the Cabinet, Joshua Kanganja, Bank of Zambia Governor, Caleb Fundanga, and Works and Supply Ministry Permanent Secretary, Lt Col Bizwayo Nkunika.

The President has also included on the board Commerce, Trade and Industry Permanent Secretary Dr. James Mulungushi, including Lusaka based businessman and woman Edward Sefuke and Martha Akapelwa.

The President has also thanked all the board members and the Director General, who served under the Zambia National Tender Board, for their contribution to the nation.



  1. Congratulations to the newly appointed team members of (ZPPA)….Hopefully you will operate to the exceptions of the appointing authority and serve the people of Zambia diligently.

  2. Hia stripper my friend how are you,remember the last time we talked against the priest who was trying to legalise homosexuality?,its being long,you look so pretty!

  3. My CV

    Management Skills.
    Allen West, gone broke; African Commercial Bank, gone bust; Namboard, rotten; next, ?????? Zambian Government PLC, bankrupted.

  4. Imwe bantu this is circus check the BMs teta n mulongoti. The country has gone 2 dogs 4 real. R the BMs credible? Where is cosmos i want him 2 say something.

  5. Bootlickers’ paradise!! Also known as Zambia, Inc.! No shortage of stupidity here, for sure!!

  6. The new, long over due, constitution should cap the number of officials appointed by the president. These appointments are breeding grounds for corruption.

  7. While I can commend the President on his choice of ZPPA Board (with the exception of Teta and Mulongoti, ofcourse, I cannot say anything about Sefuke and Akapelwa because I do not know what their credentials are), it is extremely unfortunate that our Heads of State (both past and present) have abused this ‘hire and fire policy’ when it comes to CEOs of these public sector enterprises. I understand that it is the perogative of the President to take such decisions, but our technocrats should feel that they have a level of flexibility in taking decisions without the fear of being sacked. It would be good if these positions are ratified by parliament such that the President would have to defend his decision to fire any CEO to parliament and specific rules and guidelines are drawn up to…

  8. RB 1 Post 0. Its a very calculated move from RB, off course we know why he has done it. But its very clean…….good reason

  9. Contd from 15. allow Parliament to make a ruling on such cases. However, we would have to make some serious changes to the constitution to allow such a situation to occur and it is highly unlikely that any political leader would gladly agree to give up his/her powers.

  10. Yes , we have the powers to appoint and disappoint only we lack the wisdom of knowing when to do that without causing suspicion … Nyama soya doing what he knows best.

  11. are these the comments expected on a serious issue like this? let us not comment if we do not have anythin 2 say or dnt understand isues

  12. Folks enlighten me. Do Ministers sit on boards? From the little I know ministries are represented by permanent secretaries and not politicians. For example at BOZ it is the PS from Finance and National Planning who sits on the board. The same for ZRA, CAZ, ZESCO etc. Is there a precedence?

  13. # 21, Since you seem to have an idea of what the serious issues are concerning this topic, kindly enlighten us as opposed to making unsubstantiated statements.

  14. A very unique composition of board members , directly answerable to The Might RB and the only one with powers to dissolve it not the minister of the ministry it falls, whatever it is … wonders never cease

  15. Yep twalya again! I won’t say who my uncle is but he is very corrupt, but genourous to us family members, and here he is on the list of appointees. Poor Zambians, I can’t believe tuchili tu lelya, whilst you are suffering. Viva Chiluba, Viva RB after all no money no life. Long live nchekelako.

  16. Imwe bantu, this new form of influenza ati Swine, that word brings back funny and sad memories, in other terms it is a bitter sweet feeling. Again, this indeed is a good step, but for two individuals as of now.

  17. mmmmmmmmm, bwezani abwela kuyipa! ndipo azayisiliza dziko lathu lamtendere, oh God help us, we cannot stomach trailing the “mighty” mugabe way……chioneka monga ndiye kwamene bwezani afuna kuyenda. tichenjele ka!!!

  18. Stranger than fiction, so if RB makes reshuffles at cabinet level , this naturally affects the composition I suppose.. and in 2011 after elections new members on the board, if the trend is to appoint ministers

  19. Kapitolo has no basis for any recourse. This is a new board, new management. Obviously, he was going to be the automatic choice had he been on theside of the powers. Technically, he has NOT been fired, rather his mangement has been superseded. So its just a question of negotiating favourable terminal benefits plus good pay for the remaining years from his contract.

  20. I say bravo to His Excellency President Banda. You cannot carry with you every jim and jack in your administration. Its time for realignment and consolidation.People who serve conspiracy agendas of dreamers must go serve or wait for those dreamers to form their own administration. You cannot be serve if you have appendages of compromise in structures. Let the new board reorganize things.Per my commitment, I have very few months to fill up that position after years of being a book worm in the Diaspora the ration is to have one of her selfless sons returning.

  21. Woow the man has made sure he has appointed his boot lickers, making sure any tenders that go on at night will never be known, especially when his son is involved. Surprisingly ministers are sitting on boards now, i thought their PS’ are the ones who sit on boards. So has this old bally appointed the ministry to sit on the board or the ministers in their personal capacities? Yaba anyways, Zambia just needs a constitution which limits the presidents powers, coz this simply means the president has taken charge of the country’s procurement department, he runs the show when it comes to buying stuff, woow, only in zed.

  22. It is not so much a question of allegiance to the powers that be, but rather the composition , Permanent secretaries of the ministries represented should have been the ones sitting on the board not Ministers … say Dr chituwo was moved to education what happens does he still sit on the board .?

  23. Board members are normally ‘appointed’ as individuals. so even when he gets back to UTH as a surgeon , he can still be a board member, unless of course he has been replaced.

  24. Normally appointed yes , is it randomly done? what criteria is used?World over who are the majority of the public procurement board members ? admittedly this is not the first on earth . And if teta goes what happens still a member ? Not every ministry sits on the board there are strategic ones …It is always important to have foresight as Head of State … my view

  25. No matter how credible an individual is,e.g as Minister of gender , sports, home affairs, foreign etc , it would not make sense to appoint them to sit on the Authority for what? .. and to serve what purpose? more ideal in my view are the PSs in the strategic Ministries as stated above. I am subject to correction.

  26. Hai wiseman reborn,you doing a great deal of thinking brother,thats cool,roll on…hopefully these people one day they hear us.Where is babyC, please? If anyone see her tell her she is an angel if only she knew………

  27. Hi Digital Smoke , nice face you have modified and adopted (gravatar) so great when brothers differ to a point of fighting and yet remain united at heart … wandering actually where everyone is …

  28. I thought this forum was to voice or offer opinions on what the story in question is talking about,not some form of social networking website for people to find out where who n who is n what they are doing or not doing…go to facebook or messenger, n while you are at it find yourselves a room ffs

  29. I have labored to give my thought on the above subject , Let me be crucified by the hypocrites and people that have no sense of shame…. flattery not my hobby . Having said this I suggest LT avails us the new Zambia Public Procurement Authority Act, for all the bloggers to debate intelligently with out dementia symptoms of impulsivity …. Hypocrites and malicious critics are one and the same pedigree… give your suggestion mate not rantings

  30. The greatest deception among others is failure to admit inadequacy in thinking and so projections come in .. face book irrational thinking . I will accept it if and only if you advice me where I have gone wrong , making peace with Digital Smoke you say …. the prodigal son and the brother scenario … wonders never cease .

  31. #43, Just to say hi to you Ba Wise fimo fimo, Kale!!!

    Ba Belinda, #8, but forgive me, thanks for your comment, but tiziwane first…. I can not/do not recall you..

    Start from the beginning…..

  32. #41 what is your take on the subject matter of ZPPA, lest I suspect you are a run away forensic criminal from a state psychiatric prison hospital and a danger to society…

  33. #44 Thenjiwe Stevens (Mrs ) Hello, thanks it has been long indeed …wonders never cease I had to give what i think is right on the this subject … I will share this with my son one day..Hope no one attacks me about face book

  34. I know very little about this whole board member’s appointments in Zambia. However, this whole thing sounds incestuous to me. As already pointed out by some people on this blog, it does sound like this board should be stuffed by professionals specialized in this field (procurement) and not political appointees who are, more likely than not, susceptible to the whims of the appointing authority. I would rather have the appointing authority lay in parliament, or a parliamentarian committee charged with the duty to confirm or deny any person nominated by the president, or individuals who personally submits applications to sit on the board. This will go a long way in eliminating the appearance of elitism and political “scratch-my-back” and “I-will-scratch-yours-back” sort of thing…

  35. Why has he left out cosmas and sakwiba sikota,not forgeting Edith Nawakwi.RP is th best comedian in Zambia at the moment

  36. Bloggers enough of RB. why cant we switch to MARLON ZAZA and critically analyze his announcements of the demise of LPM. Remember, no one knows exactly when LPM died and all we knew was some one was on the bed side. atleast the pope was shown on televesion during his last moments. Did Marlon know that levy died or it was just a blow up? up to now Marlon has not been brought to the book save alone a look like marlon who was made to apologize via telephone. In any ways levy died anyway and so did marlons word ultimately come to pass. lets moot on this one

  37. Continued from #47

    This doesn’t have to be enshrined in the constitution; a simple act of parliament would do the trick. We gain nothing building fancy political “houses of cards”!

  38. I’m just holding my breath because my poor country is surely in for a pretty rough ride. This is pure doom for our nation. How can a little poor nation be so unfortunate: first there was ka chiluba who maliciously raped the nation without shame. And just when we thought may be we had finally gotten a Moses in the likes of Levi, booooo…! he was gone, and the worst creature protruded its ugly head and it is now raping the nation through any kind orifice it can poke into. I honestly don’t understand the thinking of these people; they can clearly see people being shunted to jail because of corruption and yet the president himself is now spearheading it. What kind of life does he think he will live after 2011? Maybe he thinks he is too old and he won’t be alive then to face his crimes

  39. I’m just holding my breath because my poor country is surely in for a pretty rough ride. This is pure doom for our nation. How can a little poor nation be so unfortunate: first there was ka chiluba who maliciously strangled the nation without shame. And just when we thought may be we had finally gotten a Moses in the likes of Levi, booooo…! he was gone, and the worst creature protruded its ugly head and it is now doing worse things than ka chiluba did. I honestly don’t understand the thinking of these people; they can clearly see people being shunted to jail because of corruption and yet the president himself is now spearheading it. What kind of life does he think he will live after 2011? Maybe he thinks he is too old and he won’t be alive then to face his crime

  40. Is this the curse Zambia shall forever live with? Can’t there just be someone patriotic, merciful and determined to truthfully deliver Zambia to the promised land? Really, this is the worst misfortune for a nation. Right now all nations are struggling to keep afloat economically, and as such there is no room for error or corrupt leadership. Any such misfortune spells severe suffering and hardships for many years to come. While other nations are progressing, Zambia is moving backwards in huge strides. Even Zimbabwe that everyone has been laughing at will soon bounce back and surpass us just because of poor and corrupt leadership.

  41. Hatred has destroyed the spirit of unity in Zambia… all i see is hided love for revenge .Using statutory instruments and powers that be …Please God give us leaders like the great philosophical Solomon .. the pioneer of the schools of Greek and Athens though died centuries before, they were established but remembered him and they loved to freely debate …2011 is near let us have no prophets of doom come … Zambia needs the young and visionary… good folks need a rest now

  42. Zambia ,

    You demonic sadistic hypocrite when Levy was being insulted and mocked over his misfortune and tribalism of staffing every job with his family tree, you were there wishing him instant death to his grave. The very few that worked with him and served his embattled presidency, you jelously insulted them but here you are today calling him Moses.Form your own party and lets see where it will take you.This is not the first time Ministers have been placed on public boards.This is one of an ideal way of correcting a messed public service.You mean you can’t see how much Government has lost through these PS ever busy building themselves multi million dollar mansions and farm estates withing their contract years?

  43. Is this another ministry? Is Zambia short of manpower or are these the only people who know how to procure? I am think it is a bad move and this will mean only MMD supporters will get contracts. This looks like a way to cover up misdeeds of the government.

  44. Its quite a good move to re-organise the ZPPA Board, one of the move RB has tried since being elected. The only mess he has done is to include cadres on the board; believe me whether you like it or not, whether it hates you or not, TETA is a cadre and I forsee people of good standing having their images tainted.

  45. this is for real. Rupih is now working for the people’s interest. gog ogogogogogogogogogogogogo rupih 2011 for MMD

  46. Why RB , your friend puts you in that place ,yet you betray him .. The Legacy shall continue you said .. there is cold and hot season for all , the terminologies of the others all are a fallacy without the recognition of the good book … any one to take me on this

  47. So Minister are the only ones who should build? This site is full of pea heads. It is a shame some some of you are so uncoofed that you spend all your heavy on insulting any one who does not support your father’s party. Africa is doomed. Some heads I see here are not fit to breath the air I breath. More so that they are in America, and I am here too. ZAMBIA, ignore them. To them RB is the best thing to ever walk the streets of Zambia.

  48. Inductive thinking , Would RB have appointed LPM should the opposite have happened …? I really need seriously thinking

  49. #60 what are your solutions for Africa and Zambia in particular… do not be unhatched used age speaking … Zambia needs more of us

  50. # 60 your reasoning is very maverick and ambivalent .. do we need the old people as it well bones no way ….Look at Musa losing Laz candidate yet in 1994 we were at UNZA as first years shame upon you seniors … he wanted to be LAZ president.. scored 160 votes ..

  51. You guys are just good at criticizing and very poor at analyzing issues.

    This is a very good board as it consists of experts with a good track record and good qualifications. Can any of you match their achievements or qualifications? Can any of you achieve what they have achieved. Of course not. You are speaking with your emotions and not your brains. It is time you realized that the elections are over and SATA/HH failed to win the elections. Deal with it and grow up. There is nothing wrong with this board. I don’t know why you guys have a problem.

    Someone must provide a comprehensive report as to why some of the most learned, most educated and most experienced intellectuals must not sit on this board. People who have the track record to back it up.

  52. # 69 Your writing is below a grade 12 summary , be more intellectual… this is obnoxious …sorry your piece does not not make sense at all . .. Have you ever worked in govt at all, what level ? … waiting for your respnose

  53. wiseman-reborn

    Ad-hominems are not going to make me retract my position. You have criticized my writing and yet you have said nothing concerning my argument. You have even gone as far as poisoning the well by stating the following, “ Have you ever worked in govt at all, what level ?” as if that makes my statement any wrong.

    I will say this, I HAVE NEVER WORKED IN GOVT but that does not make my statement any wrong. This is simply running away from the argument. I’m sorry but until you are ready to address the argument, I am sticking to my guns.

    You have just exposed your intellectual limits.

  54. I under stand govt operations at a level of district medical officer with , so many govt depts intertwined and the complexity of it .It is with the fore going statement , that , I speak with authority . Never have been a boot lick .. tell me yours

  55. #Belinda with due respect , I think you dont know wha you are talking about. A new name does not change anything if the people themselves donnot change. Madam water has no colour and will pretend to be the color of the container. Besides do you condon theft , corruption in the name of “serving” of the appointing authority. If thats your thinking you might as well give up your brains since you have no use for them.


    A Red Herring is a fallacy in which an irrelevant topic is presented in order to divert attention from the original issue. The basic idea is to “win” an argument by leading attention away from the argument and to another topic


    -Topic A is under discussion
    -Topic B is introduced under the guise of being relevant to topic A
    -Topic A is abandoned.

    e.g #2

    -FME argument -> Someone must provide a comprehensive report as to why some of the most learned, most educated and most experienced intellectuals must not sit on this board. People who have the track record to back it up.

    -Wsm-rbn ->Have you ever worked in govt at all, what level ?

    Wiseman-Reborn You addressed me, stick to the argument. Stop red herring.

  57. I have deliberately spent so much time on this issue of governance , to high light and give direction on the many misgiving views enacting from brief csae experts in the diaspora, suddenly , posing as genuine professors and gurus of many fields .Yet they are grade 12s . who have in directly misled the many Zambians locally ……challenge me

  58. There comes corruption in its real colors. Teta, Mulongoti name them. Awe bane let us do something before Zambia is completely destroyed. If things continue like this I bet we are heading towards great socio-economic crisis in Zambia. Check RB people.

  59. # 75 I have categorically stated my position, read through my arguments on the subject matter as a proffesional medical doctor , that is my position on this matter … I am still in govt . I speak the truth nothing but the truth …. I live in London .Let us state the truth… I do not even know the level of your qualifications , How do I discuss with you ?

  60. This is nonsensical! Why should ministers sit on boards and why should the President be responsible for appointing everybody. This harks back to the days of KK. That’s why we end up with everybody grovelling before the President, eg Teta. This country is doomed if this is not changed in the next constitution.

  61. wiseman-reborn

    Read through my comment on #69 and tell me on one point where I mentioned your name. I brought up an argument and you addressed me. I don’t have to address any of your arguments because I did not address you, you addressed me.

    I brought up an argument and since you addressed me, you are supposed to make a case on my argument. You are still red herring from the looks of it. What do my qualifications have to do with my argument and do my qualifications make my argument any wrong??

    I once told this to Maestro, address the argument and not the person making the argument.

    Until you are ready to do that, I will not address you anymore on this topic. Now you can continue with your libel.

  62. # 80 your failure to come out in the open is very suspicious . I really do not whether you are Zambian ? I really warn you never talk of my country on issues you do not know thank you … I repeat warning..

  63. #69, I am not sure the reason people are skittish about this is because of the accomplishments or the educational levels of the individuals appointed to this board. I recognize there are a few diehard partisans here, but I for one, ‘am concerned about the appearance of political nepotism. Don’t these cabinet ministers appointed to this board already have their plates full running the ministries they are responsible for? On top of that they still have to competently and fully give their whole representing their districts in parliament—this is what makes it hard to believe these are the only accomplished Zambians who can do this job!! Suggestion: have the president nominate people to government positions and, be parliament’s job to confirm or deny the nominees. I can assure you, if…

  64. continued from #82 I can assure you, if this happened, this cloud of paranoia and suspicion about the dealings of government would disappear in a flash. Good luck though!!

  65. I have really met two evils , one from Australia and the other from America and the vicinity Am ready for you still tomorrow…

  66. Morning bloggers,am in a flamboyant mood the RBs picture on the front page of the post has made my day….Very tight.

  67. #82 Yambayamba

    Thanks for the reply to my argument and I will reply shortly as I have to first quickly print some documents. I will be back in an hour or so.


    I really do not whether you are Zambian ? I really warn you never talk of my country on issues you do not know thank you

    That is a bold statement. I will then proceed by asking you to prove I am not Zambian and failure to do so my warrant a court case as this is defamation of character of which you may be liable for my legal expenses concerning the case.

    I choose not to expose my qualifications all over the internet because I may be a public figure one day and such digital footprints may be used against me.

    I am now off.

  68. People have you read of the $53M scam? According to the post the paper that digs dipper the exposure of the $53M deal has caused Panic in govt. This is where the revelations that some donors have queried the Zambian goverment’s intention to procure nine mobile hospitals from China. Some sources within the donor community said the Z govt was not being honest and sincere. Furthermore, Health PS Dr Velepi Mtonga had sometime written to the tender board (now ZPPA) asking for a waiver for them to single source these mobile hospitals and that was granted.

  69. I smell something nsomba in the composition of the newly appointed board of ZPPA. The board contains credible and Shu shu shus and bootlickers. Banda is really empty and a very shameless and fearfull leader the world of the 21st century has ever seen. Yes indeed, the constitution really needs some face lift. Powers bestowed in the Zambian head of state leaves much to be desired. RB’s govt is only interested in firing people and putting in strategic positions MMD chaps and compromising on the normal running of institutions. The man leading us today has no plan and vision for the country. Surely, I believe we have credible people that can head institutions not the same guys who have no track record of success. Wake up Zambia. Its about time.

  70. # 87 I never get threatened … come back quickly .. prove yourself as Zambian and very indigenous …

  71. #88 Continued, the donors have complained that the way the RP Capital deal was done is the same way this one is being done. The deal was concluded without making funds available. This means that tender procedures again were ignored because the act says money has to be secured before any deal is finalised. What do you take of that? Its scarely!! This goverment is not taking us anywhere. No wonder people like Mike Mulongoti who complained that tribunals are not taking us anywhere are being appointed to be board members. The AG chambers will be re-organised. Kapitolo fired. What a coincidence. Watch this story I can assure you. Very soon they will be board resolutions from the now ZPPA clearing corrupt individuals. When AG is changed, every corrupt ***** will be clared too.

  72. ZAMTEL please sort out the Cell-Z Network in some Kabwata-Chilenje areas. The network has been very bad since last Thursday/Friday otherwise we will move to other networks if no action is taken soon.

  73. #92 Bingo. The source said donors complained that the way the RP Capital deal was done is the same this one is being done. One thing is tha tender procedure has already been ignored in the sense that this deal has been finalised without securing funds which is contrary to the procurement act. It is no coincidence that AG Chambers will be re-organised, that people like Mike Mulongoti, Tenta-the loud mouth are appointed to this board, David Kapitolo was fired. Remember Mike said these tribunals are not taking us anywhere. Where is Kabinga Pande on this Board? Very soon you will have board resolutions from ZPPA clearing these corrupt elements. When current AG goes, corrupt people will be cleared by new appointed AG, off course RB’s choice.

  74. I tell you the board is made up of clay,brass and gold built up in one figure. The educated, the uneducated, the feeble minded, the righteous, the puppets. Now one wonders who will influence who? But I tell you from experience and common sense tells you that people in good boots with the so called president carry the day. Then the righteous are dented and smeared and kicked out. Thats the System. IT IS THE SYSTEM. What ever deliberations will be going on in the Board meetings, leaks will be provided to the president. When it will be time for the board to vote on issues arising, cadres on the board will act like cadres. RB that board is compromised. It is the MMD engineered ZPPA board. Iam afraid.

  75. Teta and Mulongoti on the ZPPA Board. No wonder the Ministerial of health wants to procure $53 million worthy of Nine Mobile hospitals from China for all the Nine provinces in Zambia. One wonders why can’t they just build nine standard hospitals in each province. Those mobile hospitals won’t reach most of the people in the rural areas where roads are impassable. Those bloggers outside Zambia who have no access to Post newspaper thats todays headline about Nine Mobile Hospitals. Just a reminder $53 million is not Zimbabwean Dollar but United States Dollar and todays Exchange rate against USDollar is K5750. Do the math. I can’t wait for 2011

  76. Bloggers, the composition of the board is guided by act of parliament since this is quasi- govt. So we need the ZPPA act before we criticise the appointees. It looks to me like they represent their minstries or offices.. You have boz, Works and supply, Commerce trade and industry, secretary to the cabinet, . I would wonder about why Agrriculture Local Government and Energy are included. This could however be justified by their budgetary allocation ( Agriculture receives among the bigest budgets) or the size of their projects ( A hydro- power generation plant could cost up to a billion dollars) as for local Goverment kaya. The point is lets be more analytical than just sceptical

  77. # 98 this is what I said and suggested above under # 44 though subsequently attacked free market economist a suspect …. the whole set up of appointment ,though am in govt is questionable…

  78. I feel sorry for myself as a Zambian because our law has no checks and balances. Even if a criminal or questionable character who happens to be the president’s ally was appointed to be a minister and subsequently to the board of ZPPA then its ok and no one should complain coz the law says so. We need change and a new begining in Zambia coz this is not taking us anywhere.

  79. Yes 102 I agree the problem is the lack of checks and balances and this should be addressed because it breeds corruption and it leads to patronage. You will realise that the previous heads of state have only appointed people friendly to them. I understand the suspicion that people have especially with the pre-conceptions and sceptisim that we have about our leaders

  80. I see a potential for conflict of interests here. If RB has a preferred candidate, who will defend the Zambian people? His sons are involved in a lot of businesses by RB’s own admission and they have been winning govt contracts. The board is appointed by RB and will therefore report to him. Anyone with divergent views will be sacked as was the case with Kapitolo. Isnt it possible to ensure the board is approved by parliament. I think our constitution has made parliament a weak institution and give too much powers to the president. This is one area I have not seen being resolved by the NCC

  81. I see a potential for conflict of interests here. If RB has a preferred candidate, who will defend the Zambian people? His sons are involved in a lot of businesses by RB’s own admission and they have been winning govt contracts. The board is appointed by RB and will therefore report to him. Anyone with divergent views will be sacked as was the case with Kapitolo. Isnt it possible to ensure the board is approved by parliament. I think our constitution has made parliament a weak institution and give too much powers to the president. This is one area I have not seen being addressed by the NCC

  82. #85 Yamba Yamba

    I do not see any problem with Cabinet ministers being on the board. In the private sector, some CEO’s do sit on more than 2 boards and they still manage to run their companies well. This is not about whether the person is a cabinet minister, this is about whether the person has the capabilities, qualifications and experience to succeed.

    In my opinion, they have the capabilities to succeed.

  83. The main problem we have with our African leaders is that they appoint people who will favour their deeds in various government offices. What RB is doing is getting lead of those people Levy appointed and surrounding himself with boatlickers like Teta & Mulongoti. Those who supported him during the presidential elections. Personal interet matters more than developing Zambia. If you look at USA. Obama regardless of comments Hilary Clinton made during a smear compaign, Obama gave her position because she can contribute to the wellbeing of America. But here in Zambia whoever supported Magande during MMD presidential elections have been sacked. Silver Masebo, Magande, Shaka just to mention a few.

  84. #106 , Let us be very serious , what is the tenure of the board ? not with standing two very important issues ;namely
    1. This is a new authority requires time
    2. 2011 elections ministers will be gone
    we certainly can not afford to shuffle people of the board any how…and
    prove your being Zambian ,not by degrees ,but professional , how do I consult you brief case or otherwise?

  85. Zambia will rise again in 2011. RB your days are numbered. Levy was a gallant leader. A person who disliked corruption. I thought RB was going to continue with the fight as per his compaign slogan “CONTINUITY AND GOOD GOVERNANCE” it was all untrue. Till 2011 we will send you back to your unproductive farm in Chipata.

  86. I think RB’s goverment is the most embattled of all Zambian goverments, with the most unenergised people who v no hope in its first six months. Even if Levy’s 2001 election victory was controversial but people started building confidence in him by the end of the first 100 days. Why? He made credible appoints (Eg Magande), his speeches were inspiring even if he was stammering (Inauguration, opening of parliament, and budget by MOFNP) plus the unearthing of corruption scandals done by a man who hand picked him and subsequent establishment of the then effective task force. What has RB done in 6months part from elevating and protecting corrupt elements? What would you give if an opinion poll was carried out? For me 25% or less. He has been at war with the post, ZA, plus a lot if useless stuf

  87. #106 Free Market… You seem to miss the point all the time.Appointing people to the board by the President is law and this is where the problem lies. Why do I say so? Because you are depending on the goodwill of an individual who may be honest or corrupt. Current issues have shown that this law should be revisited if abuse of power is to be avoided. The president has shown clearly that noone will stand in his way no matter what. Do we want such a situation? You may be a beneficiary of this arbiterinesses, but dont forget that there is tommorow and your offspring could end up suffering because of what you are doing to day. Look at this problem with a sober mind and you will see what every is saying is right. RB need not intimidate people for doing their duties PATRIOTICALLY.


  89. # 105 SPAKA i agree on the conflict of interest, thats why we need to change the system to bring in more accountability and transparency. But I dissagree with 107 on African leaders, its not that they are bad but the systems tolerate and encoursge certain negatives. And before you are mistaken on America you should consider that Hilary Clinton must have agreed to implement Obama’s foreign policy, you do not go into Cabinet as an independent persin especially in international relations. Ane even here in Zed we saw it with Chiluba after 1991 he appointed all his rivals and even RB has appointed all of them except Magande ( Shikapwasha < Chitiwo, ) As for shaka he was appointed but deserved to go, you cant have a deputy minister saying there is too much bull shit in the party

  90. Supporting your is neither patriotic or treasonable. We all have a duty to be loyal to mother Zambia and not Father President no. We cannot all be Presidents at once so we chose one person to run the country on our behalf not on his behalf. He has sworn to uphold and protect the constitution not abuse it to his own benefit. I hope that those at the NCC will not be MYOPIC and look at this noble duty of making the COnstitution as MMD. They must remember that God will one day put another PARTY in power and MMD will be handicapped by the same road blocks they want to include in the document. It happed to FTJ. The same stops he put against KK caught up with him on the 3rd Term issue. Teta may rant to day but he is not God and does not know what awaits him tomorrow


  92. Is Rupiah educated?
    Does the man have even a diploma?
    someone answer this please, he was having ago ati sata. Baliambilila pa president?


  94. I tend to agree with NKOLE # 115. Read the post and as moch as one may dislike RB , you would believe he has not made any good decision and every thing he does has an evil conspiracy twist. Is this possible that not a single decision they make is right. Then on the other hand they have stopped all ctiticism of Sata, who does no wronf. The Governmant is not embattled. The post has its coporate interests that is protecting

  95. #115 Nkole . I did not say anything about RB being embattled. Am not even interested who is President as long as he respects my rights. He could be my tribes man or not. Please get me correctly

  96. #116 Ba Muzo, is that satirical writing? Rhetorical questioning ? or poetic writing ? before I waste my ATP …


  98. ZOE #110 Thanks for your compliment. Deja vu #112 and #113, I agree with you totally. I think the biggest issue is to be honest with ourselves. And #106 Free Market, you are not being honest and sincere and you will be embattled on this blog if you continue missing the factual point.

  99. Yeah he has a degree and even a masters if i am not mistaken. His history is impressive one of the younger UNIP guys at independence, He did his economics degree from Europe LUNDI think. Has been Minister of foriegn affairs and permanent representative to the UN under UNIP. Experience is undoutably impressive. His Education is not bad , however I am not an advocate that leaders need to have certain level of education. its has to do with other skills.

  100. Whether you like it or not, RB is embattled. I dont say this because I am a parrot of membe but its something someone can see with naked eyes.Again #115 Nkole is a question of being honest and sincere. Blame Membe or not, him and the post unearthed the Smart Dora Scandal (lamyagate scandal) What happened? Dora is no more. From which govt? RB’s. Who supported her? RB and George. Now whats happening? ZPPA CEO axed. AG’s chambers to be re-organised plus much more. He has fought useless battles that could be settled in court without inviting caders to statehouse to fire shakas and milimo, Believe me even people who do not read the post have no confidence in him. Even people who supported him during the campaigns have complained, Nawakwi, Sikota, Cozmo Mumba plus many more.

  101. #122 Nkole. I have glorified Levy somewhere, but I dont think I have done so on this blog. I was comparing RB’s goverment in 6months with Levy’s first 100days. Thats not glorifying. Let me now glorify, he was smart, he had the interest of the Zambian people, he fired corrupt ministers or suspended them immediately, his children were not involved in deals concerning the state, he did not fire people on political rallies, he did not elevate corrupt people, he didnt invite convicted criminals to state functions nor did he mix with them, he didnt send cadres to court to support suspected corrupt ministers, his firing and hiring was not coincidental, he brought confidence in the judiciary. He didnt fight wih the post even if they critized him nor did he threaten closure.

  102. Facts yes POST unearthed Dora gate and now she is gone. How many ministers went for one or another reason under Chiluba or Mwanawasa, did it mean embattled ?? hell no. (2)ZPPA has just had e new board as it was recenylt constitutes , some time last year I think. It aint at all strange that the CEO has been changed ( conspiracy ot not) AG chambers, im all fairness if he sees a problem in the way they executed their duties he should act that is expected of a leader Mwanawasa atacked Nkonde the former soliciter generel over the public order act and fought the DPP ) Was he embatled hell no ?? was just playing politics

  103. And I must add that the AG is like a presidents personal lawyer who is expected to have personal loyalty to the head of state ( thats how it goes world wide)As for Sakwiba and Nawakwi who I have respect for they are politicians who have continued to be short changed over the past 8 or so years.

  104. #122, Nkole. Levy might not be the best example of what kind of a leader we want, but he had the best intetions. Being human he had short comings and he was not a new kid on the block like Obama of which we desperately want in Zambia. If you have forgotten the post were very critical of him in his early days in office but because he showed something different, they started supporting him and never stopped being critical anyway. Levy knew where he came from and understood what it means to be President just like Deja vu has commented on #115. MHSRIP

  105. #130.Ba need change. slow down and think clearer. Corruption fght in all its sense was LPM legacy, did he promote corrupt elements> well depends what you think of VJ and Newstead who both received ZAMTROP , What about the Bulaya saga?? As for his children having deals involving the State, this could be RB’s downfall but I know for a fact for over ten years RB’s kids have been dealing with the state to the tune of importing the whole national maize ans fertilizer reqiurements. Levy’s kids were simply no match ,they are not business men of James Banda’s clout. Firing people at rallies hell no but i remeber him htreatening to arrest us and charge us with treason for talking about the constitution. He threatened to withdraw’s KK’s gratuity for campaigning against him. Called <MP

  106. I recall him calling 66 MP dirty and stinking and threatening that anyone who protests against his election will havethe law visit him. My point is he had many weaknesses and they revolved around his insecurity mainly > as for the post he formed some alliance with them at some stage and even hired their Editor to write his memoirs. I think it is a bit too early to judge RB and especially not on the POSTS positions.


  108. #133 before i go, i respect your opinion but I have my own. LPM was no saint and neither has any Zambian President been, what I will always really hold against him was his un yielding nature on the constitution and how he fought all legislation that would have made him more accoutable like the freedom of information bill and independent braodcasting act even just the privatisation of either the daily mail or time of Z. As for good intentions , in time we can all come up with our views while omly the all mighty knows. Indeed MHSRIP

  109. Get me right #131 and #132. Being embattled does not mean having a corrupt Minister in your midst. RB has no idea where to take us. This job was a pleasant surprise for him. 1. During the campaigns he was donating sugar and his followers lied about that incident. 2. Less than three months in office, he grouped his whole family got two planes off to Mfuwe. 3. Public rally themed -The Post, ZA, Shakas and Milimo (Do u know how bad that was? 4. Lamyagate scandal unearthed 5. RB says Dora is Smart 6. George says Dora followed legal advise from AG/SG 7. RB and FTJ sharing same tables with guest from Australia, with convicted Regina 8. RB’s son mentioned in Lamya gate scandal 9. Dora found guilty and goes 10. RB is upset threatens AG and axes ZPPA boss


  111. Question is not what LPM did or did not. He is gone chapwa. We here to fight current injustices. Ubulimi bwakale ta buleta bwali pa table. RBB should be praised or condemned as the current PRESIDENT. If LPM stole thats no excuse for RBB to steal. Its as simple as that

  112. 139,Need Change, I hear you. Our only point of difference is the fact that you attribute positive motives for Mmembe’s reporting. I tell you, this is not the case. Many former Post reporters would tell you the same. By the way any Editor who buys such an extravagant car as a Hummer which Mmembe has bought creates doubts in my mind about their humility.

  113. Need change #139, we are clearly finding common ground. I can also highlight some of the worst momemts of mwanawasa’s tenure, which i have partly done. LPM as #140 says was no angel and like most politicians was obsessed primarily with self preservation. As for RB he has made major blunders but 100 days into a snap election under a economic crisis, its a bit to early to outrightly judge, give him time and analyse as he goes on and please pleaaaaase do not take what the post says as gospel. A lesson of history iff you remember is FTJ seemed to perform greatly in his first days as KK was public enemy number 1. just look at how the script has flipped now

  114. #136 Nkole, are you telling me Barack Obama should not have appointed Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State to maintain displine in his Cabinet? How about Bob Gates a Republican? Maybe Ngalema Monthlathe should have not re-appointed Trevor Manuel after he resigned when Mbeki was sacked, but why do you think he re-appointed him. I think every intelligent leader should try his best to pick the most intelligent people help him no matter the cost. So if Magande was the best candidate for Finance Minister, RB despite perceptions should have reconciled with him. Nothing wrong with that, is it?

  115. There is no doubt that RB has been made very unpopular by incessant and relentless attacks from the POST while he was still in the dressing room. As a human being he is bound to make mistakes, for to err is human. Zambians today are enlightened and they will scrutinise every move of their leaders. That is the fruit of democracy. In the old days, certain people would have died in road traffic incidents or been beaten to submission. People who were once shackled will abuse their new found freedom for a while. So be it. Every appointment to public office will be scrutinised, and rightly so, but someone must lead the nation and only ONE person should. The Zambia football coach has the prerogative to select his team. So also the President. We will assess in 2011.

  116. ~144 in all fairness RB has maintained some challengers. like Shikapwasha, Chituwo. . The choice of Cabinet is based on who you think youcan work with , And i must say that Stumbeko is no bad choice. And even the Hilary thing remember it took weeks of discussions for them to find ground, you might even find they agreed that Hilary should not contest presidency in the next election And Obama’s decision is out of the ordinary even in America

  117. #141 Nkole, The post, Times, Daily gives me information and I analyse it, I apply logic and it makes sense. For eg Dora’s scandals, my logic told me the post were right as opposed to Daily and Times. It proved right. Many are the times when the Post unearths, the govt Papers want to hide. So I read the post honestly. On the Hummer I give 50/50. I dont know Mmembe, if I met him I would know why he bought the hummer either lack of humilty or just cause he was fascinated with it.

  118. Come 2011, we will have the opportunity to oass a verdict on the performance of this government. What we are being denied at the moment, are alternative policies from the opposition. All they deal with are reactionary statements in response to what government is doing. We have not heard from PF, UPND or HP what they would have done in response to the global economic meltdown. Miyanda came up with a list of constitutional breaches of former Presidents but he left out the fact that he was MMD and state VP once. Why did he not resign? Sata was the man behind popularisation of Chiluba’s third term bid. Hichilema danced on the graves of ZCCM and other parastatals when thousands lost their jobs. All these guys have achille’s heels. If they were President they would be attacked in same way.

  119. heh nothing wrong with a hummer after all he is human and entitiled to choices. I agrre with the SAINT, mistakes have been made but he has been completely attacked by probably the strongest opinion maker in the country so most ardent believers in the post have a negative opinion of him. Like i wrote earlier, lets look at history and how popular FTJ was five years into his presidency, basically because he is master at politics and public relations. Was he a good president ? well that a matter of opinion and by 1996 over 70 % of Zambians thought so

  120. #143, I think people lets be honest and sincere. RB’s 100days have not been inspiring compared with Obama’s 100 days. Some of the issues that need to be achieved do not a cost a thing but POLITICAL WILL. Most of ths issues that have been achieved by Obama were driven by Political Will. Those executive orders he signed reversing some of the Bush Policies, such as the closure of Guatanamo Bay, improving relationship with the muslims and latin Americans, cutting of pays for executives who received bail out money plus more. How much did that cost? Clearly in RB’s goverment there is no creativity, proactiveness, nor is there a political will. It does not cost a thing. Levy’s war on corruption was as a result of Political will. Political will inspires.

  121. Ba Banda naimwe. I wonder if Banda has any advisers. He never ceases to amaze me. Is he in the payback time mode?

  122. 138, Need Change, The incident at Mkaika over sugar is one of the most most of Fred Mmembe. It was a tragedy that people like you actually believed Mmembe. RB did not even know about that Government programme. By the way it is still going on. RB just performed aceremonial function of symbolically giving food for the feeding programme. But Mmembe was looking for a chance to accuse RB of corruprion and tragically people actually believed. Do you think the whole president would go to mkaika just to give packets of sugar. The tragedy is that our country is not sophisticated and even a quack incident like that at mkaika could be believed. I am sure Namugala has learnt a leasson about media manipulation.

  123. #141
    We should leave the motives to the One who weighs the heart. I do not think that the choice of a car one buys can be a pointer to humility. Whatever happens in Zambia, unless a real scandal is unearthed in connection with Mmembe, believe me he will NOT lose. Even the sexual innuendos will not bring him down because European donors do not tolerate homophobia. If he was prosecuted for that, there will be a 100 countries ready to offer him assylum. He is rich enough to be invited to live in USA or Europe. What RB should do now, is simply to concetrate on the task at hand. He should work in sincerity and openness. Have a weekly press conference and begin to be proactive with news than reactive. Get rid of Shikapwasha as spokesman. Akashambatwa Lewanika or Mbita Chitala would be better.

  124. #148, I agree with you. In short, we have a leadership crisis. The oposition has not offered solutions either. They dont have ideas, they are also just reactivy. The point we have reached in Zambia like last year Presidential by election people were voting for one person because they did not want the other to rule but not because someone had clearly put policies that are so promising. No wonder we had two former UNIP employees coming first and second respectively. Where are the courageous young men who have reached Presidential ages? Stand up, we will support you we the youths yet to come.

  125. #151, Nkole why did Namugala manipulate the media if nothing wrong happened? Arent you the one who was talking about perception on Magande? It was during the start of an election campaign, a picture in the Daily Mail with RB giving out Sugar could have been perceived as what in the middle of an election? No perception since it was a Times/Daily reporting, right?? Sincerity is improtant. What happened at goverment house? Remember Cozmo, Nevers, Mulongoti etc and Brown Envelopes scandal? Nothing right???

  126. #150 Need Change, Nu Begining in Z
    I do not think it is fair to compare Obama to RB. They are not on a level ground. There are vast resources at Obama’s disposal and topped with that is the goodwill that he should succeed both from within and without the USA. The US president is powerful and at the stroke of a pen, he can confine the earth to ashes of cosmic history. Obama has ateam that was working long before he took oath. RB has very little goodwill from the biggest opinion maker in the country. He started in office in mid-term. Very few governments are popular at this time. There are snakes waiting to plunge their venomous fangs into his heart and others like scavengers of the Luangwa encircle the victim at the slightest smell of death.

  127. RB’s government will never win the war against Mmembe and company. ‘The pen is mightier than the sword.’ All those innuendos about his s.e.x.uality will not get him down because the rest of the world has moved on from homophobia. If he were ever prosecuted for this, he would have no fewer countries ready to give him assylum. RB should open up his government and be honest and sincere in his dealings with the people. General Shikapwasha is a good man but should not be information minister. Nevers, Aka or Mbita are good communicators. Mulongoti and Teta are no, no! He should not borrow from KK because ‘the times are changin.’ Unless the ZPPAct says so, putting Teta and Mulongoti on the board as persons not ministers would be just foolish.

  128. This board looks like a Cabinet, why is it full of ministers? Something fishy is in the offing out here!

  129. Stripper where are you? Show us your stripping tactics so that we show the pipo of zed that waht RB is doing is wrong. Digital Smoke you have changed face and you look more decent; say something about these MMD cadres that have been appointed by RB. These will make sure RP capital get to the Zamtel business and get the $2m.

  130. #163, The Saint. Comparing RB to Obama is not fair in terms of Resources such as cash and nuclear weapons. Its fair to say a certain Zambian can be as clever as Obama, as proactive as Obama, as inspiring as Obama and as creative as Obama. Some of these things, you do not need a lot of resources to achieve them. Political Will does not mean the just ended indaba coz it was useles or the so called proposed conference of Presidents. Look at how Levy, Magande and Masebo used Political Will to fight corruption, to woo investors and spearhead the keep Z clean campaign. There was sense of responsibility in individuals due to Political Will from the leaders of then. Investors who are coming are coming to stop fire, genuine corruption fight died with Levy and Keep Z clean is Chongwe with Masebo.

  131. Please check Chibuye’s background on tender procurement right back from ministry of local government and c whether he is suited for this job which is more tempting.

  132. #159, walepa ishina iwe, stop lying to the people…….the Post did not only print the picture of RB donating the sugar but also the verbatim (word for word) of what he said at Mkaika. It was pure campaign, and the verbatim was only printed when cadres like you and Namugala refuted that RB was not campaigning……give credit where it is due, I might not like everything that Mmembe does/says but definitely think he has proven over time that most if not all he says has truth in it. If it were not for the Post, Bulaya would have been out enjoying, FTJ and his cronies would have been in Bahamas at the beach and most recently Dora would have been swinging in her office knowing her commission from RP will be hitting her account very soon. Give credit where its due imwe ba parti kaddas…..

  133. 172 Uwakwisano, i think you have get that incident wring, if you followed the verbatim, he firstly only spoke about the social welfare program (and he was at the time carrying out some official duty in the area) and then at the end started the campaign speech. It was such a big deal ,he did not travel just to distribute the sugar, given the number of voters in Katete it was not really going to have its return on investment….. The post managed to blow it out of proportion. Just try and compare that act to his predecessor Chiluba with title deeds on his head at a pure campaighn rally or Mwanawasa telling voters that iff they dont vote for him he wont take development.. Think about it it was a goof but not as big as it was blown

  134. #163 Need change, Back to history, Who was more inspiring in their first !00 days FTJ or LPM. OFcourse it was FTJ, why ??? oratary skills and charisma. Who was better leader, I am sure you feel LPM. NOw to Obama he has style, great oratary skills, charisma etc and ofcourse a great image machine. So yes hard to compare RB to Obama, Look even at George Brown who is relatively new despite the fact that he was the waiting the position he has not been inspiring neither was Mothlante in RSA. the scenarios differ. Any leader in the world today will not compare favourably to Obama

  135. #174, postivist, BIEVENUE(Welcome back) -While it would be diffcult yes to compare RB to Obama but there is alot than charisma, oratary skills and style. Will I be right to say some leaders force themselves on people? Thats why not all them are called galant or are great leaders. RB is in the same shoes. Imagine if Levy had not died, was Rupiah going to be President someday? I think even in his right mind, he never dreamt of it, thats why I say it was a pleasant surprise for him. I think there is lot more than inspiration, oratary skills and style unfortunately RB has few of all those qualities. Maybe the poor man is too old, ayi?

  136. #171 Nsimbi
    The leaked exam papers at ZIALE. That is hearsay. They may nullify the exam results in order to deprive him of his Law practice certificate but that will not stop his journalism. I do not even think that Mmembe studied law in order to practice as a lawyer, but simply to be in the know.

  137. #174 175
    We need to understand how the US government operates. The President makes decisions purely on the basis of advice that he is given. In the final analysis it is his call but there will be an army of people who will have pored over every word and title in the document that he signs. That is what I mean when I talk about resources. The Recovery plan that Obama presented runs into thousands of pages! Do you really think that he personally read every word? He would not have time for anything else. Presidents give directions and helpers map the exact route. The trouble is they are also expected to look nice (for TV) and speak well. Churchil was an orator but miserably failed to lead Britain after the war.

  138. RB needs a good communication machine. He is not charismatic but he may have excellent ideas as to how to develop Zambia. He has been around for a long time and he knows what works and what doesn’t work. The problem is that he has failed to inspire others to follow him to that goal. After his accident and first stroke, LPM was a pale reflection of the confident lawyer that once rattled the opposition in courts. However, the people he chose did the work for him. These were good ministers, e.g. Masebo, Magande etc as others have indicated but while they were happy to serve LPM, they would not serve under RB. RB had to work with a few of his former comrades and those who were loyal have been rewarded. Too bad that they are mediocre in callibre. I am sorry for RB.

  139. Age no . Its not the problem, He had retired to his farm so was kind of out of touch, I ould not say he is doing good but dont know either if I can say he is failing just yet. This is just too early to judge, though i feel he has missed the chance to make the Indaba work for him as the basis of some growth strategy that he can yap at every vhance like LPM yapped on corruption, though supprisingly i was talking to some very senior business pipo who feel he has got what it takes. They actually say LPM was a barrier but again Business pipo have their own interests. ON the communication plan I agree he need to publicise what he is doing,

  140. They is significant increase in money going to infrastructure, there is the Kasaba bay project, kazungula bridge, Kasumbalesa potrt ,Livingstone project etc which he need to keep talking about to show that something is going down

  141. That is why I feel sorry for the man because he has allowed himself to be detracted from the real issues. Infact, he no longer calls the agenda. He is now always reacting to the editorial. RB is a charming man. He is funny and he has been like that for a very long time. But, he now needs to understand that he is President and he has enemies. They will tap every word and use it to their ends. In Ngoni they say, ‘Aku tape mkamwa.’ (meaning: They will draw water from the well of your mouth). When he says anything joculary, someone takes it seriously and it becomes a headline. What Obama said about Para-Olympics is nothing compared to the small things RB says. I would say again, RB needs to lead the agenda and manage news. He needs a positive spin on his leadership. Fight pen with pen!

  142. Okay Saint and who ever else here that is a cadre of any sort, we the people are speaking. We need change, whether Banda Sata, HH or Miyanda are your relatives all we are asking for is this can we not for once elect someone that will listen when the need to. About Homophobia, I do not care what the west greek disillusioned minorities think, doing a man, cow or anything that is beyond our God created senses is wrong period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let us blog on to worthy causes like helping educate our nation to growth and maturity, to independent thinking.

  143. The SAINT
    The clear thing is this, the POST and ZA are so much in debt that anything else is better mfor them that to have to face this reality. These ZA guys will never pay their debt in their lifestyle and the only possible way out is anything fermenting chaos or detraction. Therefore, anything that the POST/ZA guys say should be taken in that context. They are desperate people and we cant pretend not to see that. Every move taken by POST/ZA is motivated by their unwholesome predicament. Do you suppose DORA was targetted for nothing? Politics aside, the Mmembe/Nchito (ZA) debt will require an extra ordinary solution. RB and DORA stay put, there is more drama to unfold.

  144. DORA,s resignation has been taken by her detractors as a victory for them, but this is simply a temporary set back and POST/ZA aught to gear themselves for the coming storm. The thing that is interesting is that Chiluba is becoming a clear winner out of all this! What if Chiluba decides to use the excuse of not wanting to prosecuted by a comprised lawyer? With the going of Sunday, this is more likely to be the case and that leaves an open avenue for Chilubas counter attack. Basop! How things change! How much is Chiluba accused of having stolen? How much are the figures hanging over the TASK FORCE prosecutors?

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