Friday, September 20, 2024

250 Chinese Collum Coal Mine workers retrenched


The Chinese Collum Coal Mine management in Sinazongwe district has said the shrinking market for coal has resulted in shutting down of Shaft Three and 250 workers have been laid off.

The Director for Shaft Two and three Xu Zian Rui told ZANIS in Sinazongwe that 4,600,000 metric tones of coal were lying in their storage shades.

Mr. Rui said most of their customers such as Chilanga Cement, Konkola Copper Mine, and Zambia breweries are still buying their coal from Zimbabwe.

He said production has been reduced as they were now producing 3, 000,000 metric tones of coal per month.The Director said the price of their coal ranges from K280, 000 for washed peas, K230, 000 washed nuts and K180, 000 for washed fines.

He further said production would be back to normal once the market for coal improved.

Last month the Chinese director appealed to government to assist them in ensuring that companies stops buying coal from outside the country because they had enough stocks to satisfy the market.

Mr. Rui said only small companies were buying coal from them in smaller quantities.
He said the scenario has affected workers that have been laid off because they have no means to look after their families.

Mr. Rui said the closed shaft would only be re-opened once the market for coal improved.



  1. Why do these companies importing coal from Zimbabwe when we have enough within? This is unheard of worldwide! While other countries are observing strict measures to avoid retrenchments by supporting local industries, we are still living in federal times!

  2. SAD these guys can produce that much coal,ba mutati we trust you,plz give a statement.what is happening? we protect zambia sugar,MMorbile fon fimo fimo,millers even when pipo are paying thru their noses fo kaunga,why can’t u apply somehow similar equations ?is it something to do with the quality of coal or lack of reliability on the part of this miner to constantly supply the local market?

  3. mwachulenipo mukwai ba Zambia, nomba ni kulya kwalile bamayo ba na Simango, ati nalelo kabobwa, awi mwandi katwishi iminsoshi ngashikoma pafinso fyabantu mwisonde lyesu

  4. #2 Nine Chile. This has to do with the type of COAL coming from Zim. Its just like fuel, we are importing it from Arabia while Angola just next door is also producing. However am diappointed to see that even the TRUSTED CHINES have followed suit. Anyway you are always a beggar if you depend on other people to creat jobs for you.

  5. #8
    TRUTH–wears no mask,she seeks neither place nor applause,she bows to no human shrine,she only ask a hearing.

  6. Developed countries are now building coal fired power stations to generate electricity. If we have that much coal lying idle, and ZESCO is soon to be priced out of business, why not consider looking for investment in this technology.

  7. Zambian companies, Please get your coal in Zambia. The coal in Zimbambwe and the one in Zambia are one and the same.

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