Friday, September 20, 2024

Zambia and Zimbabwe call for deeper relations


President Rupiah Banda has called for deeper relations between Zambia and Zimbabwe in developing the economies of the two countries.

And President Banda, who arrived in Zimbabwe yesterday for a four-day state visit, is this afternoon scheduled to officially open Zimbabwe International Trade Fair in Bulawayo.

Speaking at a State Banquet hosted in his honour by President Mugabe at state house in Harare last night, President Banda said Zambia and Zimbabwe face the same challenges of underdevelopment characterized by high levels of poverty.

It is for this reason that the two countries need to work together in order to enhance economic growth, food security, peace and good governance.

The President said the two countries should continue at regional, continental and international fora in ensuring regional development in the sectors of infrastructure, trade and agriculture.

President Banda noted with satisfaction that under the Joint Commission of Cooperation (JPC) established over 20 years ago, Zambia and Zimbabwe have been able to implement various projects aimed enhancing economic interaction between the two sister republics.

He noted that through the JPC, Zambia and Zimbabwe are implementing the infrastructure development projects such as the One-Stop border post at Chirundu that will go a long way at reducing the cost of doing business.

The two countries are also working together in developing energy generating capacities, which is a critical input in increasing trade and investment.[quote]

“We need to officially launch the Chirundu One Stop border post as soon as possible. The two countries should continue to cooperate and fully exploit their economic potentials. In this regard it is a good thing that we increase trade and investment and participate in each others trade fairs,” Mr Banda said.

On the challenge of overlapping membership of COMESA and SADC to which both countries belong, President Banda noted with happiness that Zambia and Zimbabwe are supporting the efforts being made through the tripartite framework to coordinate the programmes of COMESA, East Africa Economic Community, EAC, and SADC regional groupings which will contribute to the realisation of the African Economic Community.
President Rupiah Banda has called for deeper relations between Zambia and Zimbabwe in developing the economies of the two countries.

And President Banda, who arrived in Zimbabwe yesterday for a four-day state visit, is this afternoon scheduled to officially open Zimbabwe International Trade Fair in Bulawayo.

Speaking at a State Banquet hosted in his honour by President Mugabe at state housein Harare last night, President Banda said Zambia and Zimbabwe face the same challenges of underdevelopment characterised by high levels of poverty.

It is for this reason that the two countries need to work together in order to enhance economic growth, food security, peace and good governance.

The President said the two countries should continue at regional, continental and international fora in ensuring regional development in the sectors of infrastructure, trade and agriculture.

President Banda noted with satisfaction that under the Joint Commission of Cooperation (JPC) established over 20 years ago, Zambia and Zimbabwe have been able to implement various projects aimed enhacing economic interaction between the two sister republics.

He noted that through the JPC Zambia and Zimbabwe are implementing the infrastructure development projects such as the One-Stop border post at Chirundu that will go a long way at reducing the cost of doing business.

The two countries are also working together in developing energy generating capacities, which is a critical input in increasing trade and investment.

“We need to officially launch the Chirundu One Stop border post as soon as possible. The two countries should continue to cooperate and fully exploit their economic potentials. In this regard it is a good thing that we increase trade and investment and participate in each other’s trade fairs,” Mr Banda said.

On the challenge of overlapping membership of COMESA and SADC to which both countries belong, President Banda noted with happiness that Zambia and Zimbabwe are supporting the efforts being made through the tripartite framework to coordinate the programmes of COMESA, East Africa Economic Community, EAC, and SADC regional groupings which will contribute to the realisation of the African Economic Community.

Zambia recently hosted a high level tripartite resource mobilisation conference on the North-South corridor aimed at reducing the cost of doing business by improving infrastructure and border facilities.

President Banda noted that Zambia and Zimbabwe as critical links to the Southern and Eastern Ports, should therefore closely collaborate in making the North-South Corridor a success.

He added that Zambia and Zimbabwe have similar interests in the Zambezi Water Course Commission (ZAMCOM) agreement and should lobby SADC member states to sort out contentious issues in the agreement before it comes into force.

Earlier in his welcome remarks, Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe hailed the strong bonds that have tied Zambia and Zimbabwe together over a long time which he said can best be described in the context of Siamese twins.

He said Zimbabwe will remain grateful to the sacrifice and support Zambia rendered during the liberation struggle of her southern neighbour in spite of her limited resources.

“Today when we in Zimbabwe celebrate the lives of those heroes who paid the ultimate price for the liberation of the country, we cannot do so without remembering those on the Zambian side who lost their lives for our cause in Zimbabwe. For these sacrifices for your country support under very difficult circumstances, Zimbabweans will remain always grateful,” Mr Mugabe said.


  1. Lets not condensed with what Zimbabwe are going through

    Why should we get so affiliated with them when they are having problems

    Leave us alone zimbabwe

  2. Zimbabwe has gotten a lot of bad press lately which gives people the impression that it is a dangerous country (not true) run by a crazy leader (true) where all the people are starving (no more than their neighbors) and there is absolutely no fuel (slight exaggeration).

    The item that has gotten the most press is the bulldozing of a lot of the flea markets which included the bulldozing of the homes of many poor people. This happened a few weeks before I entered Zimbabwe and was still big news when I got there. Zimbabwe’s official line on this action was that it was a good thing because they are building new homes for the people who were displaced which will actually be better than where they were living. New flea market stalls will be built and the government will regulate them better…

  3. Ba Musonda, Zim will soon, in just a few years’ time, be in a far better position than Zed. I can bet you on this one. And it will be payback time. Zed prostitutes roaming in Zim streets.

  4. Mugabe should take the example of Nelson Mandela and forgive. His hatred of the past Colonial Power the UK and white people is no excuse for what he is doing to his people and country. He is a bitter old man who can not forgive and this will eventually be his downfall. At one time I thought he was a great man to lead his people to Independence as he did, but he keeps using this as an excuse to stay in power, that he has freed his people from Colonialism. Well, what he is putting his people through now is not much different to the Colonialism he talked about and what bad effects its had on his people. He is nothing but a corrupt politician with nepotism all along the way. Zambia and Zambians stay away from Zimbabwe, Did yu hear me RUPIAH BANDA?

  5. He noted that through the JPC, Zambia and Zimbabwe are implementing the infrastructure development projects such as the One-Stop border post at Chirundu that will go a long way at reducing the cost of doing business

    ONE–STOP border post?
    It’s one step of removing the border all in the name of trade.
    INDEPENDENCE is now an illusion.

  6. Looks like the Bandas are a clan of Presidents, we had Kamuzu Banda now Rupiah Banda am sure another Banda is being hatched up some where in Southern Africa.

  7. Levy must be turning in his grave. RB is busy dinning and wining with Mugabe whilst the population starve. RB is on a tour with his children on tax payer’s account, pathetic, mano ya shani kanshi?

  8. There is need to work with Zim, i know Robert M. is a nut case , but the pipo need to come together and help build the relations of the teo countries. Lets work together as they say one heard is better than one.

  9. The bible says we should live at peace with all men. A deal was cut by the international community with Zim to have a power sharing agreement. We should look beyond Mugabe and look to the plight of our Zimbabwean brothers, sisters and children. The word says you reap what you sow – be careful that you don’t sow discord – what goes around comes around

  10. The one stop border is a very good idea and will surely ease the flow of goods and reduce on the cost of doing business.

    The IMF is happy with Zimbabwe’s economic reforms. There is need to work with Zimbabwe so we can also grow with them. South Africa is doing this and South African businessmen have seen potential in Zimbabwe’s ailing economy. Zambia must also do the same and realize there are gains to be made.

  11. First of all, this is impressive.

    On It is for this reason that the two countries need to work together in order to enhance economic growth, food security, peace and good governance“, all we need to do it take over the administration of Zimbabwe so that we can help them join us as one Counntry. This is in light of “Earlier in his welcome remarks, Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe hailed the strong bonds that have tied Zambia and Zimbabwe together over a long time which he said can best be described in the context of Siamese twins which is misplaced as Zambia which got independent in 1964 can NEVER be a twin to Zimbabwe which only got hers in 1980.

    I hope our Zimbabwean counterparts will see sense in joining Zambia to become one Country.

  12. Siya kwamukhela mtanami R.Banda ne nfene zako ezase zambia lapa eBulawayo. Halaaala halala halala…….

  13. Why does RB want to associte Zed and Zim, why not look at countries like Ghana who are doing very well. with the current global situation, Zed need to build relations with countries that are doing well.

  14. I think Zimbabwe and Zambia like all other African countries around should embrace their neighbourhood and continue supporting each other. At the sametime, our leaders can probably help pump some sense into Mugabe’s stubborness and being in power for over 20 years. Thats just wrong, Mugabe and any other African leaders who think they should contest for elections the whole lifetime are dead wrong and need to go. No one should serve over 2 terms in Office as president, i don’t care who you are whether elected or not , it just becomes a ‘nice’ dictator and it just causes chaos in the country – like having unnecessary refugees. So do i think we should be palling with Mugabe? No certainly not unless he starts treating his fellow country men like human beings and he is ready to relinquish…

  15. the power to someone else. At the sametime we will continue being supportive to other Zimbabweans while putting pressure on Mugabe to let go and start behaving normal. I applaude heroes like Nelson Mandela who understand that holding onto Power is not all there is in this world, we are human beings and for us to earn respect we should learn to lead by example and not be forceful. Mugabe you are all by yourself can’t you see that. Forget this tribal garbage that seems to be the centre of your activity. Anyway, Zambia has to be very careful before embracing this Lunatic. I feel for the Zimbabweans , Such a beautifl country has been round down single handedly by one mans selfish ness.

  16. The ‘Problems of Zimbabwe’ can best be solved by the Zim Government. While I support RB’s move in the interest of trade/development, Zambia at the moment needs to focus on internal issues. We need Zimbabwe…yes but the country is just as landlocked as we are!! For this reason, RB needs to explore other borders as opposed to putting all the eggs in one basket. RB…UNIP and Zimbabwe relations go way back hence, the sudden hyped up interest. Although Zimbabwe has the potential to re-develop become vibrant again, this remains dependant on the political climate. Until Mugabe ceases to be boss, no credible partnership be it foreign or local..i.e SADC/COMESA level will flourish. The Mugabe political ideology is not compatible with ours-Zambian unless RB is hinting something!!

  17. # 7, that very right. birds of the same feather flock together and Banda is flocking with a failed politician. I also agree that Mugabe was the right Africanist who could led that country, however that not true. He’s a corrupt stiff necked full who will stop at nothing but persecuting his people. as for Banda, i feel so Bad that Zambia has no president. I’m telling you this man does not have what it takes to envision a recovery plan for Zambia. hes obsessed with politics and lining his pockets. Banda, everything has its own time. We will cage you when table turn.

  18. Zambia is surrounded by 8 countries with a combined population of more than 165 million. Add to this, Zambia’s population of 11 million and proxy neighbours like South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho we have a huge ‘internal’ market waiting to be exploited. Granted that a great majority of these people are living on less than a dollar a month, it would not be long before they become thirsty for certain goods, just like the Chinese today. It is time we looked to our neighbours for economic prosperity. COMESA and SADCC must wake up!

  19. Why should we strengthen relationships with a “failed state”? It would make more sense to try to emulate more successful neighbours. How can two people stuck in a deep hole rescue each other. Somebody has got to be outside to pull them out? Zimbo’s are just out to get our money, find their way out of the hole and start laughing at us again. Let’s keep our friendship with them on a “hi there” basis – no deeper.

  20. 29 FBM He is Zambian by DESCENT and following his living in Zambia I am sure he obtained the Zambian Citizenship.

  21. what a sell-out! RB is a foreigner! what have we done? we just allowed a foreigner to rule us!! no wonder he has given Zimbabwe $1mill of our hard earned money to those f.ools. the problem of Zimbabwe are Mugabe’s making and our RB is embracing him like a puppy! shame. Those of you who have driven thru zimbabwe from RSA know what we have to go thru at the hands of those chaps!

  22. RB is trying to learn how to stay in power forever…. that is the only thing Mugabe can teach him… you mark my words.

  23. You can definitely see your expertise within the paintings you write. The world hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who aren’t afraid to say how they believe. All the time go after your heart.

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