Monday, January 6, 2025

May Day pictures



Vice President George Kunda with Labour and Social Security Minister Austin Liato (l) and Zambia Congress of Trade Unions president Leonard Hikaumba (r) salutes workers at Labor Day celebrations in Lusaka
Vice President George Kunda with Labour and Social Security Minister Austin Liato (l) and Zambia Congress of Trade Unions president Leonard Hikaumba (r) salutes workers at Labor Day celebrations in Lusaka

Vice President George Kunda listens to Labour and Social Security Minister Austin Liato at Labor Day celebrations in Lusaka
Vice President George Kunda listens to Labour and Social Security Minister Austin Liato at Labor Day celebrations in Lusaka

Vice President George Kunda presents a certificate for hard work to Zambia News and Information Services technician Grevazio Njobvu at Labor Day celebrations
Vice President George Kunda presents a certificate for hard work to Zambia News and Information Services technician Grevazio Njobvu at Labor Day celebrations

Members of the Green Labels band entertain workers at Labor Day celebrations in Lusaka
Members of the Green Labels band entertain workers at Labor Day celebrations in Lusaka

Tiye tiye... Green Labels Band members entertaining workers on May Day in Lusaka
Tiye tiye... Green Labels Band members entertaining workers on May Day in Lusaka

A mock operation by doctors from the University Teaching Hospital
A mock operation by doctors from the University Teaching Hospital

Geologists demonstrating their work on May Day in Lusaka
Geologists demonstrating their work on May Day in Lusaka

Although the Zambian mining sector is troubled, these miners still managed to put up a display of how they dig minerals.
Although the Zambian mining sector is troubled, these miners still managed to put up a display of how they dig minerals.

A psychiatrist from Chainama hospital for the mentally ill shows how they 'fight' with patients on May Day
A psychiatrist from Chainama hospital for the mentally ill shows how they 'fight' with patients on May Day

An 'officer' from Armcor Security firm during the May Day match past in Lusaka
An 'officer' from Armcor Security firm during the May Day match past in Lusaka

Female boxing sensation Esther Phiri shows off her championship belts on May Day
Female boxing sensation Esther Phiri shows off her championship belts on May Day

Workers matching during May day in Lusaka
Workers matching during May day in Lusaka

 A young acrobat showcasing his skills on May day.
A young acrobat showcasing his skills on May day.

Acrobats entertain workers
Acrobats entertain workers

A policewoman on horseback salutes during a workers match past in Lusaka
A policewoman on horseback salutes during a workers match past in Lusaka

Some workers eating take away food after matching on May Day
Some workers eating take away food after matching on May Day

Some workers buying and eating bananas from a street vendor after matching on May Day.
Some workers buying and eating bananas from a street vendor after matching on May Day.


  1. Pic #5… Awe kwena tiyetiye iyo Ma !!!all in the name of tradition. Nice pictures LT!! I miss home dearly!

  2. nice pcs
    #10 psychiatry,the mock patient looks like a real schezophrenic
    #12 that matching, the chief from south province who’s scared of his indunas when saluting,here he can definitely bolt.
    #13 this lad shud try to make use of his flexibility by doing some serious kungfu.
    #15 obesity ba policewoman,chibelo Hmmm!!!
    #16 awe bane,benzekudya tuma jiggies,mwati kuli lunch ya so?

  3. It is very disheartening that in this era,a So-called Psychiatrist from Chainama appears to be have physically chained a mental health patient.This is inhuman,degrading and absolutly archiac to be displaying very extinct ways of dealing with Challenging behaviour.I will certainly spearhead a campaign on retraining our mental health workers to have an attitude of respect and dignified approach to Mental Health care.This does not neget the fact that some patients can be violent but there are some dignifide and non aversive approaches available nowadays.

  4. Zambia sweet mother Zambia
    is that mad guy real or was acting lo!
    nice pics ba LT
    thank you
    go sweet mother Zambia go
    I love en miss you

  5. Nice pics i love Esthers especilly the tuma take away and the miners look good i hope its the same when they are at work and not just for shows

  6. # 4 iyooooo alashi pekula imyona paku neennga umukashana!
    #9 looks like a voodoo priest from a Nollywood film #16 twalya twaikuta lelo fya boma bebele #17 business woman selling fimo fimo mmmmheeeeeeeeeeeheheheheheheheee

  7. Good pics: They should also allow those in the informal sector to display their work, they are the majority of the labour movement, for instance there should have been the women who crush building stones! Why in this day and age do workers have to march in military fashion?

  8. Vice President George Kunda looks nice and in control.

  9. #20 How about a little respect to someone old enough to be your grand dad? It doesn`t take a lot does it?

  10. My president RB please do something about this May day. Why was it held on the road as can be seen in #4 and #5? I trust you to do something and quickly. Viva MMD

  11. #22 Sorry I write what I write , with truth , Nyama Soya was in class with a brother of mine ….He can not be my father , my dad still lives and very handsome I repeat very handsome….

  12. I want the Police Woman for private ‘Horse Riding’ Lessons. Anyone got her Number, I ud greatly appreciate.

  13. That doesn`t call for you to start insulting him. Any way, we are from different backgrounds. I may be wrong. Where was your brother in the same class as my president? In Zed or across the boarder?

  14. #23 MMD Bootlicker From London….imwe tu fake embassy workers just shut up! we know you can anything to earn money coz there is nothing else you can do!…..let people be free on here to make your comments….#24 wiseman-reborn , you are protected my brother say what you like!

  15. #27 I bet you will soon replace PF as a party with people who have respect for their leaders. If RB was your father would you be happy for people to be insulting him like this? Viva MMD. You are losing the little votes you had if you are not careful. Watch this space. Viva RB.

  16. #29….blog om mwana since your work is not measured by any out put, let me do some work now latter!

  17. #29 Cheers! Some of can be on here 24/7. Go and do some work yes. Got to impress your boss. HH is still in opposition so he won`t give you a job if you are given a “sack”. Take care.

  18. # 32 MMD Bootlicker from London.whats wrong with you?Is it not a fact that Nyamaz was missing on this particular day.Anyway you a bootlicker ,next time you will be licking penangu penagu.

  19. #15 Policewoman on horseback – You go girl!

    #4 & 5 Green labels band – Too raunchy for the street

  20. #36 Iwe Mulenga. Where is poverty in these pictures? The last picture shows blokes eating bananas which are healthy, #16 take away (not healthy but expensive), #4 & 5 happy people
    #15 a healthy policewoman. Can`t see any sign of poverty.

  21. #11 MMD fimofimo, that women is free to ride on mine too, how about bidding for her? think about it, over to you.

  22. The pictures are great. I am highly impressed with George’s suit!!! Is it Armani???? lol!! Seriously, he looks better in these pictures than I have ever seen before, considering that he prefers to wear mis-matched jackets and pants. #15, I have to hand it to my sister on the horse, she looks fit!!!

  23. # 28 if Nyama soya didn’t want to be insulted by people that don’t like him then he shouldn’t have stood for public office. Not everyone will be some embassy worker or boot licker and protect him day in day out, so he should have known better when standing. Mwanawasa was called Cabbage, and he said he developed a ‘thick skin bla bla bla’ so the man whose boots you are licking should do the same. Actually i know him as sugar daddy or it is Akulu Mpuno. Father or not Grandfather or not, his still the president and i don’t care about his age. He will get the same treatment that anyone who messes up will get.

  24. Picture #15 , I wonder wether a risk assessment was done before the woman on the Horse mounted ,Looks like she is quite heavy, I can’t see the Horse’s head properly .

  25. # 9 , “Psychiatrist ” , That Streotype of Mental illness is long gone . update required for our “Psychiatrists” to see Mental illness as an illness and not something to be made fun of .

  26. Pic #5 tiye.. dance .. mmmmh, very funny indeed…
    Pic #11,Good for Esther Phiri showing off her medals..

  27. perhaps thinking that there is sterotyping of mental illness and no sterotyping with surgical equipment is a problem in itself,.When one is a danger to self and others, they will be incapacitated ,till the right medicine is used to calm them down. looking like a zombi or chinyau is the definition of an illness ,just like a high tempreature is to another illness. It will take a long time before the worlds sees a naked man who believes is dressed because of illness!!!!!!, just another normal illness!

  28. Just want to comment on a psychatric patients in zambia its a shame they are discriminated.we should never call them names like mad person its time we should treat them as equals give the opportunities in society.they are not mad please they have some learning disabilities and need to be lookd after and understood.How would you feel if it were your own brother or any close relative been discriminated.can we zambians please change our attitude over people with mental and learning disabilties.together we can improve and fullfil their needs and them please.Go zambia Goooooooooo.

  29. I agree with #6 and #54. What that “Psychiatrist” was displaying was how low our standards of care have fallen and how we are not moving on with time. That is appaling. What was the real reason of displaying the “fight” in public. Ever hear of “restraint minimisation”? What about patient abuse. Any human right watchdog in zambia? The evidence was well displayed on May day – there is patient abuse in Zambia. Were they trying to scare the people? Or is it just the way things are done and they are so used to it, its now become normal in their eyes. A lot of training and input is needed if that is the kind of outfit we are running at Chainama.

  30. Pathetic display of a so called “pyschiatrist and how they fight with the mentally challeneged”. That is pathetic, how do you fight with someone who is in incapable of taking care of their self? Ive seen how we have neglected the mentally challenged in Zambia and call them Bofunta.Mental illness is a disease like any other disease and we should be ashamed as a nation to let these souls wonder the streets and eat gabbage, we need to change this culture.

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