Monday, March 10, 2025

HIV/AIDS continues to weaken Zambian’s economy, says Simbao


Health Minister Kapembwa Simbao and National AIDS Council director general Ben Chirwa (l) inspect vehicles that were handed over to the council in Lusaka
Health Minister Kapembwa Simbao and National AIDS Council director general Ben Chirwa (l) inspect vehicles that were handed over to the council in Lusaka

The donors’ Joint Financing Arrangement (JFA) yesterday handed over 14 vehicles bought at the cost of K4.6 billion to National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Council (NAC).

And government says the HIV/AIDS epidemic has for a long time remained a challenge that could escalate and weaken the national economy if not properly addressed.

Speaking when he received the donation on half of NAC, Minister of Health Kapembwa Simbao said government will therefore ensure that it partners with the donor community to enhance service delivery in HIV/AIDS programmes.

Mr. Simbao said the vehicles will help health care providers to improve their coordination of work and assist the less privileged in communities.

He added that the gesture from JFA was a clear sign of the commitment which cooperating partners have for government’s development efforts, which includes the national response to HIV and AIDS.

He explained that despite the global economic crisis, there was need for other stakeholders to work closely with government and put in place measures that would reduce the wide spread of the epidemic.

Mr. Simbao noted that through having improved means of transport, care givers and their peer educators would be able to reach out to the remotest parts of the districts in sensitizing people against the pandemic.

The Minster said the vehicles would also assist Districts AIDS Task Force (DATF) in their respective monitoring and evaluation work intervention.

Mr. Simbao further expressed happiness that all the 72 districts have been covered with operation vehicles, adding that the vehicles would help in strengthening the decentralized multi sectoral HIV/AIDS response through out the country.

He thanked the donors for the donation and urged the beneficiaries not to misuse them but ensure that they saved the intended purpose of reaching out to people in different areas.

Nine of the 14 vehicles will be deployed to districts around the country while the five would be used by the national secretariat in Lusaka.

And JFA leader, Bill Nolan, said transport plays a vital role in the implementation of health related programmes in the country.

Mr. Nolan, who is also Irish Ambassador to Zambia, noted that HIV/AIDS was one of the diseases that have caught donors’ attention because of its devastating results to both government and its people.

Mr. Nolan has also affirmed continued donor support to the Zambian government in the fight against HIV/AIDS.



  1. Actually some of these cases you refere to as AIDS is not AIDS at all. It is a manifestation of poverty and pathetic living conditions.

  2. #1 Hehehe e ..are you Thabo Mbeki, South Africa’s last president. That theory rings a bell to people living here in SA. Interesting

  3. The guys at National Aids Council secretariant are selfish why retain five of the 14 vehicles yet they have already too many cars parked in the yard. Those vehicles are needed in the rural districts thats where most pipo with Aids/Tb are found. Nine vehicles for the who country are not enough.

  4. AIDS is real and so is poverty. AIDS is claiming just as many people in the western world just that these guys will never want to embarass themselves by showing us how careless they can be when it comes to promiscuity. this notwithstanding, they are able to live longer because of there better standard of living, whereas here in Africa with the exception of Egypt, Libyia and a few other states, HIV/ AIDS is almost a death sentence because with poverty, you can not live a long and productive life, in no time, you die. SO WHATS OUR BIGGEST PROBLEM, AIDS OR POVERTY? You guessed right, that was Mbeki’s point!!!!

  5. #7 under taker, point on. the pharmaceutical companies have seen great profits in ARV’S. what is disheartening is that they are in cohorts with physicians, researchers, you name it. we will be waiting a long time before we see a cure!

  6. #1 HIV is real bambo.Yes poverty complicates the disease but a pure situation of poverty as you put can easily be distinguished.Have you ever taken an HIV test before?

  7. selfish as usual,why retain 5 vehicles at central level when transport is urgently needed in the districts.chirwa at national aids council already drives big cars,the likes of BMW/BENZ.they have no shame when it comes to sharing donated items which are meant fo the vulnerable…..send those vehicles to kalabo,gwembe,chilubi,chama,chinsali,etc where they be used to sensitize villagers on the importance of PMTCT, VCT and so on.national aids council at head office yu already have transport.when are we going to start the spirit sacrifice for the nation plz mwebantu?it’s not sangwapo!!!

  8. Are these vihecles part of the Mobile Klinikisi intiative}….They look like they can go a long way, si ma 4×4 aya

  9. Those of you are sexually active just check your status and adhere the rules . Do not give us work load in your late stage of AIDS…. The MOH is relatively well managed , of course more needs to be done . There is less corruption in MOH because there are proffesionals who do not fear to call a spade by ,its actual description and name ….

  10. The AIDS virus was
    created by man. Intentionally. The AIDS epidemic was designed with specific goals in mind and carried
    out according to plan.

  11. Crying over spilled milk does not help, HIV virus is like Manhattan fire in the Sahara desert. what do we do? solutions .It is killing every one even the supposedly creator of it perhaps ABC may help and the ARVs , then local Research for the cure…crocodiles and the sondashi formula etc…..

  12. What we’ve come to believe about AIDS is what we’ve been conditioned to believe—by the carefully
    planned and sustained campaign of disinformation: that AIDS is a plague of nature; but not to worry, it
    will spare most of us, if we behave ourselves. We’ve been conditioned to believe that AIDS is, so to speak, an act
    of God.The truth is so horrifying that it is almost impossible to believe:that officials inside western governments, backed by some of the most powerful families on earth, could
    be guilty of genocide.
    AIDS is the perfect biological weapon.
    It is a triumph of science and the answer to what they regard as the planet’s most pressing
    problem: population control.

  13. Science is far enough advanced in
    biotechnology to create and destroy life through microscopic manipulations of cells, it is inevitable that
    this type of bacteriological weapon—this plague, which is capable of killing every man, woman and child
    on earth—is inevitable. Just as it was inevitable that nuclear bombs would be dropped once physicists
    had split the atom in a world at war.

  14. I find it very strange that pipo are still ignorant about this diseas e in 2009, why not educate the pipo . as they say prevention is better than cure, Bag it up, and dont have multipal sex partners, or the use of prostitutes. i find it very sad that pipo still laugh at someone with this disease, Lets treat all pipo as equal .

  15. We treat everyone and despise the western hypocrisy. Look at Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment for the late stage of symptoms of traponema spirochete that causes syphilis from 1932 -1972 , the blacks were denied treatment just for the sake of research over 400 of them…..

  16. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    Follwoing … government says the HIV/AIDS epidemic has for a long time remained a challenge that could escalate and weaken the national economy if not properly addressed, I would like to encourage GRZ to put up sporting facilities in community areas so that peopl can concentrate on doing something useful for their lives like building their bodies in good physical shape as opposed to being idle normally for someone said “an idle mind is the devil’s workshop”.

    The root cause of issue of HIV/AIDS becoming a problem is that our fellow Zambians do not have jobs and have more time to do evil things when they are not married yet following the Scriptural teachings. Give them food through a good social system and sporting facilities and AIDS issue will diminish greatly.

  17. Even when in 1940 penicillin as a treatment of choice was discovered by prof Fleming , the blacks were still denied treatment just for the sake of knowing the symptoms of neuro-syphillis . It took Bill Clinton to apologize to the black community in 1997? or 1999

  18. The western government’s secret branches that develop biochemical weapons have a long history of criminal
    behavior. AIDS is merely the most lethal of their nefarious projects.It may seem unimaginable to an ordinary citizen that the governments could be deliberately
    working on a virus to destroy the human immune system.

  19. AIDS is the weapon of a powerful segment of society whose spiritual forefathers date back centuries.The
    epidemic is the culmination of the intellectual and spiritual tradition of some of the richest and most
    powerful people alive, many of them famous and respected figures from families whose names are
    household words and held in high esteem by the public.

  20. The right questions must be asked and honest answers demanded.Any solution to the AIDS epidemic must begin with the public learning the truth about two
    questions: What caused it? How does it spread?

  21. Do you remember the Depo-provera family planning injection? Do you know the lab technician who made that discovery that it contained the deadly virus lived only a few days from the day of the prouncement? (Picked from the Post). Is it true that it is only the black community in central Africa that are so proscous? Felow bloggers, there is a lot that surrounds this topic! Why isthe western world interested in knowing who is and how many are infected? Do you think frequently taking HIV tests will make you more happier and better as urged by the west? Colleagues, the death traps are the condoms! If you do not believe me, wait for your personal experience! But that will be too late! HIV and AIDS is not what you pick from the media. And it has mutated to a point even the doctors can not cope!

  22. I should acknowledge the number of bloggers who believe that AIDS was designed and targeted! If you still believe in fake propaganda from biased media, better recheck your “facts”.

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