Friday, January 10, 2025

Zimbabwean security men shoot Zambian fisherman


Zimbabwean Security personnel have shot a 26-year-old man of Sinazongwe district in Southern Province on Lake Kariba.

Sinazongwe District Commissioner, Mungoni Simulilika, confirmed the development to ZANIS and named the injured Zambian as Patrick Mulumba. Mr. Mulimba is battling for his life after he was shot two times in the right shoulder and in the left side of the chest.

The DC explained that Mulumba was fishing on Zebra Island on Lake Kariba with his colleagues on Tuesday evening and the Game Scouts from the Zimbabwean side opened fire on them and severely injured the fisherman.

He said the victim was rushed to Maamba Hospital where he was evacuated to the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) in Lusaka around 22:00 hours yesterday.

Mr Simulilika described the incident as unfortunate and inhuman since the victim was merely a fisherman.He has appealed to local border security personnel to link up with their Zimbabwean counterparts to avoid such incidents.

He disclosed that last week Zambian security personnel captured Zimbabwean nationals who were found fishing on the Zambian side of Lake Kariba but did not harm them.



  1. Aba ba Zim kale batampa ukwi paya ama Zed people.

    I hope our Govt. will take this issue far. Please RB don’t ever give Zim maize, thse people are evil, they forget Zambia suffered a lot for their independence, when we crossed over to buy butter in thier country, they called us crooks.

  2. #4 If you belive that you feed Zim you should also accept that you stole K10 billion meant for the Min of Health.

  3. I dont know why Zims behave the way they do…coz kariba lake belongs to zambians, during the construction of the lake alot of zambians where displaced and some died but they were no zims who died nor displaced. Now today they behave as though they own the lake by themselfs…#3, may be you are from zim…lol

  4. Amagolegole, chase them all back to their useless father Mugabe, they are killing Zambians when they are stilleating our maize.

  5. Well how would they feel if our police shot the ones living in Zambia illegally.Zimbos are very selfish species.People who have worked with them know their sneaky snake like characters.Mind you they will never remember that you ever helped them.They are proud and arrogant for nothing.

  6. NWAY guys lets not say too much bout zimbos it was probably just survival instinct u know umuntu pa fyakulya, that’s one less bream for zim ka

  7. The dullness and uncivilised nature of Zimbabweans will never cease to amaze me. All of them are the exact cabon copy of their President’s character. The entire country is full of evil people. I’m convinced they deserve to suffer the way they are doing right now. You can’t be that dull and survive well. Just close them out from Zambia. After all they have always been a burden to Zambia, starting from before their independence.

  8. This makes sad reading. How can you shoot someone defenceless? It reminds me of my youth days in Mwandi, Sesheke. That was in the 1980’s. Security personnel from Namibia used to shoot at us whenever we went fishing on the Namibian side. It were Boers ruling Namibia that time. When they caught us (people), they used to say, ‘we wash you or you go in for six months? The answer was always wash (beat) us. Apparently there was too much fish on the Namibia side…..few fishermen in Namibia out of the population of one million that time…

  9. Zim at it again tit for tat this guys have taken us for grunted for too long. Can the Livingstone and Chirundu residents hamer these useless chaps? “Uluse lwalile inkwale”. No mercy for thes mercineries they will finish our people. Why are they still sufering from the colonial mentality? Shame on you Mugabe Mwabo kufwala ifitula imwe ba kapokola ba ku Zim.

  10. shooting someone over fish , what if our own man dies? Zimbabweans suck, i have stopped buying sweets and biscuts from them

  11. Where do they get the zeal to continue working like that? Zambians would never do that to them. Yeah, must be something in the maize…

  12. These Zim Bastards have no heart to Zambians.Why shoot our kingsmen,if we start avenging then they shouldnt complain.We keep them very well here in Zambia,they eat,they drink,they dance and sleep well.What else do they want?.These Guys are not civilised,they still have the old mentality of killing whoever you find on a street.Shame!!

  13. this kind of cruelty by zimbos has been going on for a long time. we died for these people ,we sacrificed our economy as well but the sad thing is succesive zambian govts have done nothing serious about it .can opposition party leaders speakout about this issue. mind you our maize is being chewed and thousands? of zimbos scrounging for a living in zambia illegally while our unarmed fishermen are being murdered. Ngos assist these poor zambians. if our political and judicial system does not work go to the international court of justice and seek compensation from the zim. govt. very very sad indeed fellow zambians.

  14. Is this the only way you know how to deal with people? Shoot first and ask questions later? What a screwed up way of law enforcement is that?! The Mugabe way of dispensing justice has really messed you guys up, heh. What a shame!!!

  15. Zimbabweans will never appreciate whatever Zambians have done for them. Just wait and see how they will start treating Zambians when their economy picks up. Very unthankful creatures.

  16. Maxiii No# 27 de we osila hahahahahahahaha ati Invade Harare on risk of national Security. Three bullets that is just rediculous. They were not even hunting white Rhino, there is enough bream to go around. I have Zimbabwean friends that get a mouthful always from myself. Tell them we built their nation both as Zimbabwe and as Southern Rhodesia. Banda and his friend should have a meeting bantu benango mwe when are they going to realise in Zim that we always come through for them but what do they do, shout at us maybe we need to arm our fishermen too. Zambian coast gaurd anyone.

  17. Come on this is one minor incident being blown out of proportion lets wait to see the real story, just because us zimbos live under mugabe doesn’t mean we are all evil.

  18. #31 How can you say this is a minor issue, a man’s life is on the line here and you call it minor. Thse are fishermen not pouchers.
    I have worked with loads of Zims here in the UK, to tell you the truth most of them are selfish, gready and evil, they report each other to the authorities, want to do all the jobs.

    Zambia fought for you independence remember?

    We don’t kill, even those who are trying to get our green Natioanl Reg.

  19. This is a sad development for the family of the man who has lost his life but the story is rather thin on details so I would reserve judgement until we are given more meat to chew as to what happened. I am not going to call Zim people names because of one trigger happy individual and I suggest that my fellow Zambians do the same. We are after all a peaceful and fair minded people.

  20. People this has been going on for years now. The Zimbos kill zambian fisher men year in and year out. Go to kariba , siavonga and ask the fisher men. It is really inhumany. Why cant they arrest them and take them to court of law than killing them every time?? Really Zambian Govnt has kept quiet on this for years now. Can they react now. enough is enough.

  21. Zimbabweans are trigger-happy creatures. To them killing a human being is nothing. Remember how the Korean trained 5th Brigade of the Zimbabwe Army massacred Ndebeles in Matebeleland in the early 1980s. If they can mercilessly kill their own how about a foreigner – More so a Zambian whose government has always been meek!!

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