Friday, September 20, 2024

Stop intimidating striking workers, Government told


SOUTHERN province Secondary School Teachers Union of Zambia (SESTUZ) chairman Collins Malambo has implored government to desist from threatening its workers and their union leaders at the district level.

Speaking in an interview yesterday, Mr. Malambo said that workers and union leaders were facing threats from some government officials over their decision to participate in the on going strike action.

The SESTUZ chairman said that the situation was very unfortunate because government had taken so long to make a decision over the matter.

He said that workers in Southern province just like other parts of the country were very much grieved and felt cheated by government.

Mr. Malambo said in 2002 an agreement was signed to honor workers with the fixed band housing allowance which was an indication that government had the capacity provide decent accommodation for its workers.

He wondered why government was failing to meet its workers demands of improved conditions of services that included minimum salary increment of 25 percent and K450 000 housing allowance respectively.

He said government’s focus must not be on threatening union leaders who represent workers but bringing development and food on the tables of its workers.

“Government must realize that it has a mammoth responsibility and workers are ready to work hard and move the country forward with improved conditions of services that would motivate them,” he said.

He also denied having called for a country wide strike as reported in the media recently but said he was merely urging people to fight for their rightful demands.

Mr.Malambo said that calling for a country wide strike was not within his jurisdiction because he was chairman for SESTUZ in Southern province and not the whole country.

The Union official said he was merely responding to a situation where some workers in Livingstone complained that others continued working despite the resolutions being made at their meetings.


  1. Though i dont support the idea of always going on a strike to press for grievances. my heart still goes out in support of the overworked and underpayed(malnourished in some cases) teachers coz as they say if you cant beat them then join them so it is not strange that this strike is almost a country wide thing

  2. Govnt , please respect your teachers as you respect your ministers. teachers like you have wives, children and are entitled to good life. I support the action taken by civil servants coz Govt has no wisdom. They dont lead by example. Very selfish people.

  3. Intimidating workers is not the solution. Go to UTH and see the pathetic situation there. Its bad bane.

  4. Let these misnisters go for a week without meals. And let them go for two months without pay, then they will understand what it reallys means without these 2 essentials. In BEMBA they say uwikwite asontela ubwali ku kanwa and these ministers are exactly this.

  5. Lungwangwa is even quiet as if his ministry has no problems. He not concerned as long as his K30m salary and k50m worth of talk time goes to the bank. What kind of leaders are these. Let there be a countrywide strike. VIVA STRIKE.

  6. I am very happy that most of the Zambian people are standing for teachers.these theifs called ministers and mp dont know that they are who they are because of teachers.this reminds me A WOMAN DEIED OF IN THE LABOUR WARD AT KITWE CENTRAL HOSIPITAL BECAUSE OF THE STRIKING NURSES.


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