Friday, January 10, 2025

Government departments in Choma grind to a halt


OPERATIONS at most government ministries and departments in Choma District of Southern Province have remained paralyzed due to the ongoing work stoppage by unionized public service workers.

Nurses, teachers and other civil servants have downed tools to pressure government to award them a 25 percent salary increment and not less than K 450, 000 housing allowance across the board.

Members of all three teachers’ unions in the district have been on strike for the last two weeks while nurses and other civil servants downed tools last Friday.

A check by ZANIS found several government offices closed with only senior management officers found manning offices.

Most patients have now resorted to seeking medical services from private clinics because most government clinics are not operational due to the strike.

District Commissioner Laiven Apuleni confirmed to ZANIS in Choma today that the strike action by unionized workers has crippled the operations of the majority of government departments and ministries in the district.

Mr Apuleni said only emergency cases are being attended to at Choma General Hospital due to the strike action by nurses and other support staff.

“The situation is quite serious. Only emergency services are now available at the hospital,” Mr Apuleni told ZANIS.

And Civil Servants and Allied Workers Union of Zambia branch secretary Peter Phiri told ZANIS in Choma today that his members will not resume work until government meets their demands.

Mr Phiri said no amount of intimidation will force the workers to resume work as they are fighting for a justified cause.

He said members of the Civil Servants and Allied Workers Union of Zambia and the National Union of Public Service Workers in various government departments and ministries have all joined the strike.



  1. I really dont understand why government & union leaders can take so long to conclude negtiations upto now. It is a well known fact that civil servants are poorly paid and government is aware of this fact. I mean where on earth can one rent a house for K250,000=00 that is paid to degree holder? This why you have the Kapokos of this world. Ministers are staying in houses that cost not less than $1500/per and even more for no job done at all! Its suprising that even the president-RBB is quiet even after holding several meetings with union leaders at Hippo lodge in kafue. Pliz give civil servants 30% salary increament and K1,000,000=00 housing allowance across the board for professional staff & K600,000=oo technical staff for decent housing. We cant afford people dieing in hospitals.

  2. MBACHI !!!!!!!!!!!!! R u being reasonable? DO you think all civil servants are thieves? You sound ignorant about the situation in the civil service. There are a lot of people(actually in the majority) that are fully committed to the development of this country and have not gotten anything(not a single ngwee) that is not due to them from government coffers. Do you really think it is justifiable for a graduate from the university of zambia or indeed any other university to be given K250,000 as monthly housing allowance? What does a certificate or diploma holder get then and where would you find decent accommodation at that much? A lot of civil servants have a heart for this nation but its issues like these that deflate their morale. Let us support the civil service!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Rione: Dont get me wrong. I am not against the idea of a strike. but am against this idea of striking out of impulse. The union leaders for these chaps havent even finished their negotiations. so what are they strinking about? No dispute has been declared. they only started going on strike after the K10 billion scam. (which mind u has been reduced to K1.9 billion. if u strike, be sure that you do it mannerfully, and discuss reasonable terms.

  4. Mbachi
    I suggest you go into the archives or read the related topics. As far as I’m concerned, I think negotiations are supposed to be conclude in somewhere in April of before April and increment effected by May month end. Now what’s happening? And that K1.7 billion you’re talking about is only for Kapoko what about the 31 others. Something is got to be done by this government. I know of government who have gone on leave somewhere in 2002, some twice or thrice from that time, but have not been given their dues do date. But I hear MPs are about to get their mid term gratuity. I have a feeling money in Zed is just spent on political events eg by elections and the politicians themselves.

  5. Mbachi, CORRECTED
    I suggest you go into the archives or read the related topics. As far as I’m concerned, I think negotiations are supposed to be concluded in somewhere in April or before April and increment effected by May month end. Now what’s happening? And that K1.7 billion you’re talking about is only for Kapoko what about the other 31. Something is got to be done by this government. I know of government workers who have gone on leave somewhere in 2002, some twice or thrice from that time, but have not been given their dues do date. But I hear MPs are about to get their mid term gratuity. I have a feeling money in Zed is just spent on political events eg by elections and on the politicians themselves.

  6. Ministers are not even bothered about the govenment workers pea. They had their increaments last year soon after bwezani assumed office. Now they are about to get their mid term gratuity K480million Kwacha each. What a disperity.

  7. I hope the villagers who voted for MMD are benefiting from the strike especially in Western Province. Anyway the Litunga is not affected….GOOD LUCK and may the strike continue for A VERY LONG TIME TO COME..VIVA CIVIL SERVANTS

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