Friday, January 10, 2025

First Lady Thandiwe Banda sends birthday gifts to Namibian counterpart


Zambia’s High Commissioner to Namibia Mavis Muyunda, on Wednesday this week presented gifts to Namibian First Lady, Meme Pohamba, on her 61st birthday.

Mrs. Muyunda presented a bouquet of flowers, birthday cards, six meters of Batique Chitenge material and also conveyed fraternal greetings, congratulations and best wishes on behalf of the Zambian First Lady Thandiwe Banda and the Zambian people.

Mrs. Muyunda expressed gratitude for affording the Zambian delegation an opportunity to personally congratulate the Namibian First Lady on behalf of Mrs. Banda on her 61st that fell on Wednesday, 16 June.

Mrs. Muyunda observed that Zambian women admired and cherished Mrs. Pohamba’s commitment to the welfare of the vulnerable members of society and for the unwavering support that she has continued to render to Africa and the SADC region.

She said Namibia and Zambia have continued to enjoy the warm bilateral relations which stem from the common bond enshrined by the two countries National motto of “One Namibia one Nation” and “One Zambia One Nation”.

This is contained in a press statement from the Zambian High Commission in Windhoek, Namimbia issued to ZANIS in Lusaka today.

And in response, Namibian First Lady, Meme Pohamba thanked the Zambian delegation for the surprise gesture and the gifts presented to her.

Mrs. Pohamba said the actions by the Zambian delegation were a true reflection of the Zambia, Namibia friendship ties.



  1. Thandi, ni birthday yandi naine? shaniko something? mwilaba nakapatulula nechilume chobe. Soon u r going out of state house coz Nyama Soya has no brains, wonder why u married him.

  2. Thandie is behaving like an old woman now. When did she come to know the 61-year -old Namibia First Lady? LOL!

  3. Its good to give than to receive, the other point i want to make is that TB wants to make friends with older pipo co they can advise her on most issues, weel done Ba TB.

  4. 5 an 6, you guys why hating like that , the woman is only trying to be friendly. I dont see anything wrong with it my self.

  5. # 9. Ba Honey, my piece is just a makeweight.
    # 7. Lady chiza’s legs, I wont say congratulations yet, until I verify your claim. See what, Miss Daisy promised us that there will be a wedding in December. No one has confirmed receiving an invitation yet. So I better chill.

  6. Trivialities! thats all they dwell on, what birthday gifts? does she really need them? thata what poverty does….makes people make f o o l ! s h decision…Thandi, this was a s t u p ! d decision.

  7. #12. Musimbi. Did you say trivialities? You are not telling lies. Its just like buying a cake for an octogenarian like KK. I don’t think his taste buds are still functioning the same. Better go to church and celebrate birthday in prayer. LOL!

  8. Imwe ba kashana please be nice. Uyu umukashana alina stress. Can you imagine marrying to tourist ka kwendo munjila and having Dora as your competition.
    Lady Chiza Congratulations

  9. Thandiwe remember to keep some gifts for Dora on her birthday, if you don’t know her birthday, just ask Rupiah.

  10. People, stop talking crap. Lady Pohamba just like her husband, the president of Namibia are very good, humble and honest people. Its not like Thandiwe gave them a Mercedez Benz. The Pohamba’s lived in Zambia and I am sure they have fond memories of Zambia. Civilised people buy presents for birthdays and its not like the present Thandiwe sent is expensive.

  11. Congrats Tandie, giving is the best thing and makes you feel good too. however, the pipo of zambia need a gift and the man you call your husband is witholding it. can you pillow talk him tonight (if he’s not out of the country or with the hippos) on the need for a living wage. believe me it will give you joy for a life time and not just a card saying thankyou which will come from namibia

  12. Is this necessary? Birthday Gift to Namibia?? Holy cow.. whatever this means.. take those gifts to children in orphanages or something, just a phone call to wish her happybirthday would be enough. I guess you have to be buying gifts to all the first ladies ha? That could take the whole year?! Just incase.. you neede a bit of caution

  13. Ba Lusaka times is this relevant news?are you also becoming irrelevant to the people we want to know why 500,000 kids go hungry in zambia every day and what we as Zambians should stem hunger,not some washed up story of people who think the sun shines out of thier behinds!sendind material to Namibia my ass!Namibians are in a better state than us by far!sometimes you guys reporting skills are questionable………….

  14. Why does she has to worry about somebody who has more than enough…..Zambia sucks, people are suffering and dieing in our country and floods are the order of the day. Bushe Mwelesa mukatubula lisa:((

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