Friday, March 7, 2025

New political party formed


A new political party called Zambians for Empowerment and Development (ZED) headed by University of Zambia (UNZA) lecturer Dr. Fred Mutesa has been officially launched.

Dr. Mutesa, who is the party’s interim President, announced the launch of the new party at a press briefing in Lusaka today.
He said Zambians for Empowerment and Development (ZED) was registered and given the certificate of registration on June 9th this year.

Dr. Mutesa said the party will focus on citizen empowerment which the country’s leadership has allegedly failed to provide since the country got its independence in 1964.

He said the new party wants to see Zambians become empowered and thereby contribute to the nation’s development.
He said Zambia has lagged behind in development despite the huge resources the nation has because the local populations have been neglected.

Dr. Mutesa, who is also University of Zambia Developmental Studies Head of Department, said his party would extend the citizens empowerment to political, independence and social empowerment.

He has also called for a new breed of politicians in the country and those that will bring a change in the governance of the country.

Dr. Mutesa said only a new breed of leaders in the country will help address the injustices and poverty that the country is currently experiencing.

“We in ZED are saying its time we replace our old politicians with leadership that will renew our democracy and help develop the country” he said.

Meanwhile, Dr. Mutesa has disagreed with calls from sections of society who are calling for a presidential candidate to have a minimum qualification of a Degree to be president.

He said the only qualification a Presidential candidate should have is selflessness, integrity, transparency and accountabily.

Dr. Mutesa has further said that opposition political parties should only form pacts when there is need.
He said unity of purpose should be the only determining factor for the formation of pacts adding that they should only be formed to advance the interest of the common person.

Other members of the party executive are Kapembwa Lamba who is the interim Vice President, and Stembiso Daka who is the party’s interim Secretary General.



  1. Another NGP or Yobert shamapande’s! what is the problem with us Zambians ofcourse one will say it is their constitution right to form another NGP. Let them involve Chartered marketers for name selection, an ordinary man would think it is another government programme similar to CEE. Anyway this is Zambia, it will one day win an oscar!

  2. Ama political party yafula…ZED! Anyway I think the only important issue he has raised is to empower Zambians.

  3. Zambians,Dr.Fimofimo educated as u r u stil dnt know tht u will forever remain behind as far as elections are concerned?I dnt blame u ignorant Dr…

  4. whats going pa zambia. why can’t they just join a already established party apart from MMD. these are jokes

  5. Zambian watchdog has been suspended katwishi ifyo balelondolola.nga imwe ba LT but imwe epo muchili aii?please dont go because i love you like a cup of tea.

  6. Big -up Dr Mutesa, i wish you the very best. But you still have to wait for a good 20-25 years before your dream comes true. Coz, come 2011, Hich-Sata is taking over.

  7. It doesn’t matter which party registers. What Zambians really need is a hard working government that can meet the immediate needs of the people. Our country is neither poor nor are the people helpless. Real empowerment begins by removing the barriers that keep the common people from rising.

  8. Only in zambia do people have ambition to be in politics like a career. I have met so many aspiring ministers who’s own speciality is just being a party cadre and being yes men. In other countries people have careers then afterwards decide to get into politics. Give him 5-10 years depending on his sweet talk and charisma he will probably be the president in 2025. I hope he knows that zambians respond to lies like teenage girls with amnesia

  9. Dr Mutesa could have joined another already established party but would have been blocked because he has presidential ambitions.
    Just look at what Dr Chirwa will go through that the MMD NEC has endorsed Bwezani.
    These so-called established parties do not want the intelligent and selfless people to take over hence are parties of grandfathers and mothers.
    Wish you all the best Dr Mutesa and your party.

  10. Dr. Mutesa should join PF/UPND pact so that there is more diversity. It will be PF/ZED/UPND. He believes there is no need for a pact now!

  11. Good effort. Wish the party well.

    Just a bit of advice to the Doc, his party should win the hearts of those who vote for MMD, PF and UPND. These 3 biggest parties already have the majority of voters in Zed. He should ask himself WHY people vote for these parties. Can he change their minds. Does he have some thing better to offer, really?

  12. iam just looking forward to a Proff clive chirwa and Magande plus brig-general miyanda will make too much sense.

  13. #23, at the moment we ve got two big parties, MMD and UPND/PF pact fimofimo. But i dont see any future.

  14. Here it comez now….many more are yet to come. They will come in all shapes, formz and sizez, sincere, genuine or even otherwize. Let us wait and cee, 2011 iz just a stone throw away.

  15. The way to go is a united opposition and that is what we started seeing and much as i appreciate democracy and the free will to express oneself, this is not good and i wonder what kind of don is this who can’t read the times and decide to form a part to weaken the opposition. ZED is not cool at all.

  16. #11. Dr Fred Mutesa is Love Mutesa’s young brother. I think their politics is very different as Love has been in MMD, UPND and then back to MMD. I dont know where he is now.
    Dr Fred Lectured me a number of years ago and i know his heart is in the right place – he is a sincere, forthright, and i would like to believe, principled man. Sadly those are qualities that do not lead to success in Zambian politics. Also, coming form the world of academia, i fear he may be too theoretical and no one will understand his message. (Same problem as HH). I suppose time will tell, and i can only wish him the best.

  17. On ““We in ZED are saying its time we replace our old politicians with leadership that will renew our democracy and help develop the country” he said“, good move and I may just join you when I come to Zed [Zambia]. However, you in ZED have about 10 years to go before you make any mark on the Zambian political scene.

    As for “He said the only qualification a Presidential candidate should have is selflessness, integrity, transparency and accountabily“, this is very bad analysis for Zambia has failed to develop due to undereducated Presidents and MPs for now 45 years. Let us be like Malaysia and do a great job for our fellow Zambians.

    Illiteracy will never develop Zambia. Country like South Africa have infrastracture left by whites.
    Prevention is better…

  18. Personally, i think this is a good move for democracy. The current players dont really give us any hope. Forget about his degrees. The man wants to give us a wider choice. I wish him all the best. But 2011, baba forget!!

  19. However, “A new political party called Zambians for Empowerment and Development (ZED) headed by University of Zambia (UNZA) lecturer Dr. Fred Mutesa has been officially launched. Dr. Mutesa, who is the party’s interim President, announced the launch of the new party at a press briefing in Lusaka today.” is a good retirement plan, but seriousness must take root if the said things have to be realised.

    Have a blessed day and all the best in your party DOCTOR and your colleagues whose educational qualifications have not been mentioned.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  20. 32 Ba Moze greetings. I thought I noted you in the European Union but now you are already in USA. How is the move?

    Keep well brotherman.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  21. No. 29 “Steven” dont mislead love m’tesa has no relation what so ever with Dr mutesa…as a matter of fact i know both of them closely..get your facts right

  22. #25 Akapondo, Walasafye ngamulyakela. That combo iliko badi mune. I like it. Having some people in govt looking at their party cadres behavior will mean a one-way ticket to the Sun. But with the combo you have just proposed, it will be spaka. I would not even hesitate to rig for them to be in power.

  23. 36 Ba Moze thanks and niya mweela data iyo. Kala mpokedde alakuyasa mavwa (Stay put where you are or else thorns might prick you).

    Enjoy yourself and later.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  24. Hi Maestro Habupampu, My brother,How are you? I noticed a Mrs Maestro on the other thread. is she your wife?

    Coming to the matter at hand, this is bull #$s$#$t. why should someone think of forming a party when the already existing ones are giving us hell? We will never move forward!

  25. He will take a bulldozer to get to the white house.History has proved that ,it does not take degrees to get to the state house because at the end of the day the vote lays in the hand of the tamangas.It could be the could that could let him get to plot one.

  26. Mmmm ZED (my grandmother will call it ZET). Where to with initials like abrevation of Zambia in alu language. Seemingly good intention though. Nomba Zambian politics, let’s wait and see ba ZET.

  27. 41 Fashion Police thanks and greetings. On your “Hi Maestro Habupampu, My brother,How are you? I noticed a Mrs Maestro on the other thread. is she your wife?” No, for I am not married, but somehow s/he flatters me about this Mrs Maestro thing(y).

    As for the news, the PF-UPND PACT under the leadership of president HH will do a good job against the MMD in 2011 and so let us just encourage these small parties to keep our democracy going. Do you know that if a party has an MP its president gets some allowances. This could be a motivating factor for many of them and this is why I claimed that this move is a good retirement plan for Dr Fred M(u)tesa.

    Keep well and later.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  28. Well i gues since all the other parties are joining Pf why not it seems the only form of employment t the moment

  29. To me it sounds more like an NGO than a political party. Dr Mtesa, pliz concetrate on lecturing. Why waste time with dreams that will never be reality at any time. Sad, my boy.

  30. 51 Fashion Police thanks on your “#46, i guess that will make your job easier.Propose to her!” But I do not know her/im and so it is a non-starter. There was another onw who expressed interest in me from Finiland and she disappeared like natural death.

    You know we are just here for funny after having a hard day’s or just passing free time. Anyhow, only God knows these things and so let us wait and see.

    48 C.I.A greetings. On your “The name ZED sounds like the lecture went round cumpass to find out exactly what the in language is“, the UNZA lecture might have just seen it on here LT since we use it a lot as he may be blogging us us — even daily.

    Keep well and later.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  31. Now PF Chairman for local Government Winter Kabimba has called on PF cadres to get violent against Zambians and their institutions.Kabimba speaking to cadres said get violent if you are not getting the power and fruits you want.

  32. Doctor K,

    No. 29 “Steven” is 100% right. Mr. Love Mutesa is Dr. Fred Mutesa’s older brother. I know both brothers very, very well indeed.

  33. This is goodnews for thoz of us who believe neither in mmd nor the pact!thoz whov passd thru his academic or indeed social life will agree that mutesa is a man of substance n principal.the old parties seem to have too much dirt anyway

  34. AKAPONDO says:
    June 23, 2009 at 4:58 pmiam just looking forward to a Proff clive chirwa and Magande plus brig-general miyanda will make too much sense.

    That combination would work like a swiss clock precisely.

    I am loving it.

  35. Mwebantu I have been gone from the life and times of LT and no one even said Hello, its that kind of forgetting your brothers that lands Zambia in problems. Jamaco, Olympia Chick, Honey, Hhe Hhe Maestro, Engine Bhloko, Saint, na bonse basala, how am I going to govern Zambia if you do not work with me. Greetings to all LT bloggers Both Old Mid term and new………Welcome to the new Zambia.

  36. Akapondo I salute you for the post, you went for intergrity, intelligence and Wisdom on that selection, General Miyanda can Straighten Mangande, Professor Chirwa can learn as time goes.

  37. 62 Mwanawakwitu thanks and greetings to you too. Like I mentioned above, some of us just post stuff when we are bored and so I looked your coming back, but anyhow welcome back.

    As for “Akapondo I salute you for the post, you went for intergrity, intelligence and Wisdom on that selection, General Miyanda can Straighten Mangande, Professor Chirwa can learn as time goes“, this is great but forget about Brig. Gen. G. Miyanda for he is no different from PF leader Sata MC (Grade 2/6) save for education levels may be as the man was invited by president HH — I believe — in 2006 to join the UDA but refused for he thought that he had a real chance at the Presidency of Zambia. As for Magande, I’m think he will be in UPND. Chirwa C. yes!

    Prevention is better than cure.

  38. Another bridge to nowhere family party whose only puyrpose aned effect is to spl;it the vote in favor of MMD in 2011.

  39. Mwabwela nayo kavundula koma a Dr Fred Mutesa. Seriously, what have brought to our political arena which Nawakwi, HH and Sata do not have? Iwe Mutesa, sindiwe unali High Commissioner to Britain at one stage? My apologies if you are not . Otherwise if you are the one, you must be a spent force. You have brought nothing except kavundula. You want to be recycled aaaah?

  40. Thankyou Maestro

    I do not know what you have against Mr. Sata but hahahahahahahaha its funny him and HH are now in Unison.

    As for Miyanda his moral resume is very impressive, if only he could have opened up to other leaders young and old to take the Heritage party to higher heights I once almost called his offices to ask why that was not so. Army life can make a man see things in Barrack format, but he still is a good upright man. Maybe I should have been the vice in his party, that thought just hit my brain.

  41. 67 Mwanawakwitu, I have nothing against honourable Sata MC (Sub B/Standard 4, unknown) following your “Thankyou Maestro, I do not know what you have against Mr. Sata but hahahahahahahaha its funny him and HH are now in Unison“. In fact, he seems to have just taken heed of my message to him to join the UPND Team. These are just first steps and we will see what 2011 will bring, should I be alive then by God’s grace.

    Just note carefully, I am probably the best image builder Zambia has ever had for I do not hide things to please anyone, but tell it all so that the affected can improve. I hope you will one day realsie that my efforts on here have been to bring all Zambians together in unity (PF-UPND PACT) by crashing tribalism.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  42. A Dr Fred Mutesa munikulupileko. I thought you were Love Mutesa former High Commissioner. I understand that he is your brother. But I think message of kavundula stands zinopindulana kaa. What new ideas do you bring for the people of Zed? ZED is already the bloggers name for Zambia. Can’t you get your own? Already that is a sign of failure.

  43. maestro,
    I salute you.but of the current crop of old politicians who were in the first MMD goverment,would you disagree with me when i tell you that brig-general is the only morally upright politician.he served this country with honesty and loyalty.infact when he was vice-president.some of us even started thinking that chiluba will groom him as heir apparent.but the ka man with is cohorts sata inclusive started fearing the man’s frankness and they sidelined him.

  44. 70 AKAPONDO thank you, but on your “I salute you.but of the current crop of old politicians who were in the first MMD goverment,would you disagree with me when i tell you that brig-general is the only morally upright politician“, Brig Gen G Miyanda failed to run the Ministry of Education. In fact, he ran it as a small independent country and hence those terrible failures which saw UNZA in particular and Zambian education in genral in its sorry shape now.

    On the Vice Presidency, Brig Gen G Miyanda’s move could have been suspicious to the Chiluba-Sata regime, but most true is that he was placed in that position to finish him. The Vice President position is useless until a sitting President dies or gets incapacitated.
    Prevention is better than cure.

    Thanx for extoling me on my contribution,my brother we have to take the politics of this country to another level.let’s get rid of foul mouths.sweet one will bring manna again in this world.what we need are politicians who respect public resources so that we all share the nation cake equally.this is what magande demostrated when he was minister of finance.this is what brig-general demonstrated whilst in public office of course proff shold not have left his lucreative jobs to come and steal our peanuts.
    We should be thinking beyond a leader who will come and rally a mob of unrully cadres to entrench himself in power.we should forego the mistakes of 1991 or else we will be on fast track reverse again.the current economic challenges require people who understand…

  46. 70 AKAPONDO. The Vice Presidency position is used is end all ambitious characters’ capabilites as seen in terms of Enock Kavindele, Nevers Mumba, late LT Gen Christone Tembo, Brig Gen Miyanda himself, etc..

    As for his alleged “morally upright politician“, I doubt it big time for someone said an upright girl/lady is just one you have not yet caught in bad acts. Otherwise, why is Brig Gen G. Miyanda all alone instead of joining others – e.g., UDA, MMD following his POST article about meeting Mr President RB Banda in the dark under LPM Presidency, ULP with about 3 MPs, FDD in 2001, etc.?

    The Holy Bible says that God is willing to worl with sinners, but why is Brig Gen G Miyanda only interested in being alone?
    Prevention is better than cure.

  47. I think ZED sounds better than MMD or PF. This is indeed a grand time for citizen empowerment rather than to empower Kapoko , Chiluba, RB and Teta. Once a citizen is empowered, they are more likely to make empowered decisions. I hope Zambians should not be so naive on the formation of a new party. PF started at the same time as FDD but PF become more popular than FDD, HP,and UPND combined.

  48. 72 AKAPONDO. On your “what we need are politicians who respect public resources so that we all share the nation cake equally.this is what magande demostrated when he was minister of finance.this is what brig-general demonstrated whilst in public office of course proff shold not have left his lucreative jobs to come and steal our peanuts.” This is where educational qualifications come in.

    As long as illiterates or semi-illiterates continue to run our Parlimanent (MPs) and the Presidency (President of Zambia), we will continue having characters that will covertly steal public money, e.g., the late former President LP Mwanawasa’s rule period as now exposed in our media.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  49. Don’t underrate this man’s agenda – Empowerment and Development are two cardinal aspects in which none of Zambia’s former presidents or the current one can claim to have scored a remarkable achievement. CEE is just English on paper- the Chinese have already secured most lucrative tenders for remainder of the current politcal term as well as the 2011-2016 period, so MMD must stop deceiving people. Perharps what we need is a statute called CEEIZ (Chinese Economic Empowerment In Zambia) Act!

  50. MAESTRO,
    On UNZA,the problems the brig-general faced are the ones which lungwangwa was facing and with unza piece meal funding also to the ministry of Education he might have failed in some areas but i have come across people who have also credited him with the introduction of basic education so it is a clash of opinions.

  51. 72 AKAPONDO. On “We should be thinking beyond a leader who will come and rally a mob of unrully cadres to entrench himself in power.we should forego the mistakes of 1991 or else we will be on fast track reverse again.the current economic challenges require people who understand” the PF-UPND PACT has already resolved this problem I believe as president HH will take up the leadership role with his financial muscle. Just wait and see — for honourable PF Self-appointed leader Sata MC is quiet clever and I believe he knows his CV is too dented and thus will support the might UPND’s presiden HH who has a clout in Northwestern, Western, Lusaka and the Southern Province. Only Copperbelt Province is remaining and will be cleared on LCM.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  52. 74 Mukatendwa. On “I hope Zambians should not be so naive on the formation of a new party. PF started at the same time as FDD but PF become more popular than FDD, HP,and UPND combined” PF was a non-issue until the death of Mazoka which caused losing bitter UPND president contender Sakwiba Sikota to join hands with PF taking most of his Lusaka MPs to PF, e.g., Lubinda, late H. Mtonga, etc.. As for FDD, it has always been an Eastern/North Northern Province political party and that is why it failed.

    Check your facts, the UPND despite losing lots of its senior members to ULP and PF has been performing well in Lusaka Province. With the combination of PF and UPND, Lusaka will completely go to the PACT. Hope CB and Central will follow.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  53. 77 AKAPONDO. On “On UNZA,the problems the brig-general faced are the ones which lungwangwa was facing and with unza piece meal funding also contributes“, funding can be sorted by engaging the private sector — check South Africa and Zimbabwe’s performance also.

    As for “as to the ministry of Education he might have failed in some areas but i have come across people who have also credited him with the introduction of basic education so it is a clash of opinions“, I am still not convinced that Brig Gen G Miyanda did anything positve for my former school became a basic one in about 1992 when Miyanda was not yet Education Minister I believe unless you post compelling evidence with proof. The brother just failed and thats it.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  54. 77 AKAPONDO. Continuing on “as to the ministry of Education he might have failed in some areas but i have come across people who have also credited him with the introduction of basic education so it is a clash of opinions“, Brig Gen G Miyanda only became Minister of Education when he was seemingly demoted from Vice President in 1997 I believe after the Coup by Captain Solo. This was way after basic school education was introduced in Zambia unless my memory has had a crash.

    The brother served Zambia as Minister without Portifolio for a long time and only ascended to the Vice Presidence after late LP Mwanawasa died. This could have been that Chiluba FTJ and cohorts wanted Brig Gen G Miyanda to relax before damping him.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  55. MAESTRO,
    What we are telling you now is that brig-general is a team player when he finds the right people to work with.after sata expelled the anti-third term group.a host of polluted chaps went to FDD hence with his principles he opted to go the other when he finds big brains like that of proff and magande.he will work.coming to your HH.can you see that now he has been baptised with the PF spirit.that of sarcasm.only the other day he was on the podium insulting old daniel munkombwe.he was their giving false ultimatums for siliya to be he has deviated from his usual path articulating issues.he is a full time slanderer.
    In in your thinking he will be the candidate for the you think willie nsanda and GBM will let that happen?what about kambwili and saviour…

  56. 82 AKAPONDO, on “What we are telling you now is that brig-general is a team player when he finds the right people to work with.after sata expelled the anti-third term group“, well all the best to you then, but why did Clive Chirwa (PhD, UK; Prof in UK and not in Zambia) only visit president HH (MBA, UK) and honourable Sata (Sub B/Standard 4) instead of your Brig gen G. Miyanda? What will make him change this time around? Is it that he is the one (Clive Chirwa) who will pump money into HP. Magande, tell will tell but he is more inclined to UPND and the PACT. Try anyway.

    I believe I met Brig Gen G Miyanda at Manda Hill Shopping Centre last year and he was looking broke. I met late C. Tembo at ZESCO HQ and it was a sorry sight.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  57. 82 AKAPONDO, on “now he [sic: president HH (MBA, UK)] has deviated from his usual path articulating issues.he is a full time slanderer. In in your thinking he will be the candidate for the you think willie nsanda and GBM will let that happen?what about kambwili and saviour…“, in my thinking honourable PF Self-appointed leader MC Sata (Grade 2/6, unknown) will sort out all those PF characters you have mentioned.

    Following POST’s “And UPND Namwala MP Major Robbie Chizyuka after this simply had to say “UPND Namwala member of parliament Major Robbie Chizyuka said: “Let’s get rid of the MMD and move forward with Hichilema”” in the presence of PF vice selfappointed leader Guy Scott in Livingstone, HH may lead the PACT.
    Prevention is better…

  58. 84 continued.
    When “And UPND Namwala MP Major Robbie Chizyuka after this simply had to say “UPND Namwala member of parliament Major Robbie Chizyuka said: “Let’s get rid of the MMD and move forward with Hichilema”” in the presence of PF vice selfappointed leader Guy Scott in Livingstone, was being mentioned many PF MPs and UPND MPs were present including Mrs late Anderson Mazoka’s wife, Mutinta Mazoka, whom MMD cadres on here were claiming that she is not happy that president HH and other senior UPND members entered into a PACT with the PF.

    As for PF, all those characters seem to be broke and honourable Sata (Grade 2/6, unknown) is tired. Check as to whom is making PF-UPND PACT satements: Is it president HH or PF’s leader Sata MC?
    Prevention is better than…

  59. 85 continued.

    As for me, I do not support finished characters, but I look for those with a clout in many parts of Zambia. Sadly, Brig Gen G Miyanda has not clout not even to win a Constituency in urban Lusaka Province I believe following the 2008 presidential election results.

    Lastly, since the PF-UPND PACT has received a good welcome across many sections of Zambian society, it will be very difficult for anyone including Magande and Clive Chirwa who currently probably have no clout — not even that which Brig. Gen. G Miyanda has of about 20000 votes — to turn the tables and win 2011 elections.

    Should the three combine, the may only make an impact in 2021 elections – mark my words. 2011 is betweem the PACT and MMD which is fast losing it.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  60. Back to the news on the thread, this “Dr. Mutesa, who is the party’s interim President, announced the launch of the new party at a press briefing in Lusaka today” isn’t he related to late LP Mwanawasa? It is also interesting that he announced formation of this political party one day before President RB Banda’s 2nd Conference.

    Is this a sign that Mrs Maureen Mwanawasa may be involved? And or Magande? And maybe Clive Chirwa (PhD, UK; Prof in UK and not in Zamba). Let us wait and see as events unfold in Zambia. We have former UNZA Professor Inonge Mbikusita Lewanika (PhD, USA) who does not go about having her Prof. Title being shown around and I am wondering whether (Prof) C. Chirwa’s tactic is working. It may be de-campaigning him.
    Prevention is better than…

  61. I am not surprised, even people with degrees do not make sense! Zambia has about 13 million people and about 6 political parties…the USA has 300 million people with only 3 political parties, but virtually two to be realistic!

  62. Maestro, you are putting issues in a rather incoherent way. E.g what has your meeting Brig Gen at Manda got to do with him combining forces with Prof Chirwa and Mr Magande? I am not getting the flow of your arguement. And when you refer to Brig gen’s time @MOE, do you know that there’s info that when Chiluba and Sata wanted to smear dirt on him he came out clean? By clean I mean they thought he was abusing funds just as it was normal for Minsiters in Chiluba regime but they were surprised to find that actually MOE was owing Gen Miyanda K320pin – all they did was to shut up since they never found anything to bring his reputation down with. Now, your presidents have issues with privatisation, avondale houses (in article above), Merzafgate though Post’s chosen to shelf it. So Akapondo’s…

  63. #38, you are dead wrong, Ba Love is the first born in the Mutesa family. Mr Love Mutesa is a blood brother of Dr Fred Mutesa of Development studies at UNZA. I know both and their late mother, we used to attend the same Bible study. Mr Love Mutesa is the father of Dr Chilao Mutesa who works for Zamtel in Ndola.

  64. #90, Mutesa is a full blown Lamba name, just go to Ndola rural and ask Chief Chiwala, you will be educated and your illiteracy will vanish at the stroke of a pen.

  65. From the look of things, this is more or less an offshoot of Heritage Party to which all the 3 mentioned, Kapembwa and Stembiso belonged. these people resigned from HP on grounds that Gen Miyanda is too rigid and only comes on the scene as a chancer. Had Gen been active before levy died, believe me, Dr Fred would still remain in HP. HP was founded on christian principles but the Gen even if he has not backslidden became too passive. He was more or less just waiting for the announcement of the election date then we saw him alive. He gave credibility to the last elections and this point has cost him a lot of faithful members as he was seen to be complacent and not supporting a good cause. these elections were worn by Sata but for Miyanda to sink so low and accredit the election results

  66. contd from 93, caused him to lose some members of which Fred Lamba and Daka were some. I hope ba Fred will not stand for presidency but first sell his party at grassroots

  67. Zambians need other political parties outside the so called main stream parties who are really closed shops to so called founder fathers/mothers.However NGO sounding names will definately confuse alot.Also its about time the future leaders took the charge of the now,no matter the step looks small for the task at hand.

  68. Here we go again! This chap is a failure in politics and he could have done himself a big favour and earned himself some respect if he had persevered and stayed in Heritage party or simply join another party and contribute his ideas if he has any. Shame more time wasters!

  69. I like this guy – Dr Mutesa… this is the best way to be noticed in ‘Zed’. And I must say he is more cleaver that we may think… Let me break it down for you; this guys is in a win-win situation…. he may chose to join MMD or PF/UNDP and jump straight to the top. Basically, he has nothing to loose but everything to gain….he speak sense though considering is Doc…

  70. Thats good news from Dr. Mtesa. Formation of ZED brings new hope to intellectuals and the middle / working class but one wonders if the Party will have the ability to sell its manifesto to the masses who have gotten used to receiving brides from the current political parties. The best would have been to join the current politcial parties or simply formed an NGO and sensetise the masses. Dr. Mtesa the who thing is an academic affair well thought off after a hard day’s of lecturing and res earch. I thought the Don is abreast with our political alndscape. Prof. Clive Chirwa’s supereb ideas of making our country better in terms of turning round the economy is being igonred by MMD. PF & UPND as though the man is a day dreamer of the century yet here is a man who is a reknowned scientist.

  71. 89 Kamunyama greetings. Someone said “late comers eat bones” and so just re-read my points above with reference to those who were asking me questions or making comments I alluded to and you will get the full message.

    Otherwise, all the best with your Brig Gen G Miyanda. As for me , I am with “Now, your presidents have issues with privatisation, avondale houses (in article above), Merzafgate though Post’s chosen to shelf it. So Akapondo’s…” for president HH has no issues with privatisation where he participated about 10 years ago otherwise he would have been facong court cases or jailed by now. Inform me why president HH is scott-free if you have any proof of your claims!

    I hope president HH will ADDRESS the Nation on how he made his money as a campaign…

  72. Chirwa is ideal.come 2011 bonse baiche who are in school and are looking up to a good role model think chirwa,know who to vote for.those that are out of school and frustrated and live on shakers whilst waiting for more money in your pockets you can go ubwato way.we want chaps from NASA,Boeing,Airbus Daimler mention them to be coming to zambia to consult our president and since our president is home and dry the mega money he’ll be earning will be going to a trust fund.every year he’ll be sponsoring the five best students in the country to top universities abroad.

  73. personally PROF CHIRWA HAS disappointed me, he talks the talk BUT IS FAR FROM WALKING IT. he launched his campaign in the UK…so out of touch with reality…if u can’t relate to the masses of poor pipo then forget it . NWAY THE BEST THING FOR ZAMBIANS IS TO BE OBJECTIVE, REMOVE ALL PRECONCEIVED NOTIONS N JUDGE THIS MUTESA’S PARTY AS IT PROGRESSES IN TIME THEY SHALL BE KNOWN BY THEIR FRUITS but to completely sideline the guy surely questions the intelligence some of us claim to have

  74. 105 correct me if im wrong r u saying CHIRWA will give scholarships to 5 best students? why doesnt he do that now already?

  75. 104 AKAPONDO, I like your “Chirwa is ideal.come 2011 bonse baiche who are in school and are looking up to a good role model think chirwa,know who to vote for.those that are out of school and frustrated and live on shakers whilst waiting for more money in your pockets you can go ubwato way.we want chaps from NASA,Boeing,Airbus Daimler mention them to be coming to zambia to consult our president and since our president is home and dry the mega money he’ll be earning will be going to a trust fund.every year he’ll be sponsoring the five best students in the country to top universities abroad“, president HH is already being consulted by many companies.

    Interesting enough president HH leader of UPND-PF PACT is already sponsoring people to universities in Zambia.

  76. 104 AKAPONDO, continuing on Interesting enough president HH leader of UPND-PF PACT is already sponsoring people to universities in Zambia, president HH just donated boreholes and/or toilets in Livingstone some two weeks ago as reported by the PO ST.

    Zambians need someone who is doing good wroks now and not one promising things which they are not relating to.

    Interesting enough, you seem to have shifted from HP leader Brig Gen G Miyanda. Is it because ZED political party members have been said to have run away from Brig. Gen. G Miyanda’s HP? Let us see and hope Clive Chirwa (PhD, UK) [the Prof. title has been drop p ed just like Dr Inonge Mbikusita Leawanika does not use it to inti mi date others] will bring HP back.

    All the very best in the next 10 yrs of hard work.

  77. 104 AKAPONDO, continuing on Interesting enough president HH leader of UPND-PF PACT is already sponsoring people to universities in Zambia, president HH just donated boreholes and/or toilets in Livingstone some two weeks ago as reported by the PO ST.

  78. 104 AKAPONDO, continuing on Interesting enough president HH leader of UPND-PF PACT is already sponsoring people to universities in Zambia, president HH just donated boreholes and/or toi lets in Livingstone some two weeks ago as reported by the PO ST.

    Zambians need someone who is doing good wroks now and not one promising things which they are not relating to.

    Interesting enough, you seem to have shifted from HP leader Brig Gen G Miyanda. Is it because ZED political party members have been said to have run away from Brig. Gen. G Miyanda’s HP? Let us see and hope Clive Chirwa (PhD, UK) [the Prof. title has been drop p ed just like Dr Inonge Mbikusita Leawanika does not use it to inti mi date others] will bring HP back. All the very best in the next 10 yrs of hard work.

  79. maestro,
    You should read and understand,brig-general as earlier said will be part of the team so no one has departed from him,the proff is just another man.HH only sponsored one guy who came out in the paper mourning and as a stunt HH came out and seized the oportunity to sponsor the guy and attract attention.but you,doesn’t it give you ulcers to find that whatever praises and illusions you paint about the guy no one falls him.he can’t sell beyond southern province let him just enjoy his new role as sata’s new henchman because every one who talks about the pact talks about sata.

  80. Lets wait and see what they can bring to the Zambian citizens Table. I will be watching them very closely!

  81. 112AKAPONDO I thought you were objective initially but alas you are a waste of time. On your “HH only sponsored one guy who came out in the paper mourning and as a stunt HH came out and seized the oportunity to sponsor the guy and attract attention.but you,doesn’t it give you ulcers to find that whatever praises and illusions you paint about the guy no one falls him“, are you serious about no one is for HH? Come on, stop lying to the whole world! As for me, I use only facts and not speculation.

    On “he can’t sell beyond southern province let him just enjoy his new role as sata’s new henchman because every one who talks about the pact talks about sata“, How many MPs does UPND have outside Southern Province? Be honest>!
    Prevention is better then cure,

  82. #101 Maestro, “Inform me why president HH is scott-free if you have any proof of your claims!”. I guess one thing your presidents have is that both escaped scot-free. I am sure you know about the dead Merzaf issue & the Avondale one which Mr Teta brought up. So, that justifies how easy it has been even for your other president to go scot-free. At one time the privatisation group in which even Mr Valentine Chitalu was reported that they did not raise enough money from the process coz of expenses involved. It is like giving someone a watch to sell on your behalf only to be told that “I sold the watch but I used the proceeds on transport”. The next thing we heard was that Mr Chitalu joined one of the companies which bought some Zambian firms. Isnt HH suspect also if the case is opened?

  83. 112AKAPONDO On your “You should read and understand,brig-general as earlier said will be part of the team so no one has departed from him,the proff is just another man“, all the best in your party and individuals.

    By the way, Brig Gen G Miyanda and Clive Chirwa (PhD, UK) are all from Eastern Province and we will see whom they will convince to vote for them in the 2011 elections.

    As for the UPND-PF PACT should honourable Sata MC (Grade 2/6) allow president HH to be president candidate and probably Given Lubinda as vice president contender, the might Southern Province together with Lusaka, Western and Northwestern provinces will combine with Northern, Luapula and Copperbelt provinces people will combine to vote for the PACT. Wait!
    Prevention is better then cure.

  84. 115Kamunyama On honourable Sata MC (Grade 2/6), I kow that he is a waste of time and this is why I did not ask you much about him.

    This is why I restricted everything to president HH. Thus, your “The next thing we heard was that Mr Chitalu joined one of the companies which bought some Zambian firms. Isnt HH suspect also if the case is opened?” is interesting and I am waiting for you to take the case to court. All the best and I hope to read about whether president HH will be found guilty of any corruption.

    Lateer and have a good day.
    Prevention is better then cure.

  85. People, dont you get it? We said no old Politicians, this might be a chance for Zambia. All the already existing big parties are hopeless. Give Dr Mutesa a chance.

  86. 116 Maestro, “By the way, Brig Gen G Miyanda and Clive Chirwa (PhD, UK) are all from Eastern Province and we will see whom they will convince to vote for them in the 2011 elections”. Look at you!! I am now convinced that when people are appointed to certain postions it is not that the appointer is a tribalist but it is the common man whose brain is tribal. Look at how even before the people in question go ahead to form what Akapondo was thinking of you are already making tribal rants? It is a shame that you, the self proclaimed scientist, who someone would expect to be civilised, analyse issues with facts and above tribal smear could make such a comment. I am really, really disappointed with you, Mugungulu.

  87. 119 Kamunyama. I have tried to end the discussion but you keep resurfacing. On your “ILook at how even before the people in question go ahead to form what Akapondo was thinking of you are already making tribal rants?“, ican you show me any tribal rants in my words. I do not want to use a dictionary to prove to you that you are deluded on this one.

    As for your “It is a shame that you, the self proclaimed scientist, who someone would expect to be civilised, analyse issues with facts and above tribal smear could make such a comment. I am really, really disappointed with you, Mugungulu“, check out my “good move and I may just join you when I come to Zed [Zambia]” on posting 30.

    You behaviour is why I wrote posting 101.
    Prevention is better than…

  88. #121 Maestro “By the way, Brig Gen G Miyanda and Clive Chirwa (PhD, UK) are all from Eastern Province and we will see whom they will convince to vote for them in the 2011 elections” . This statement answers your “can you show me any tribal rants in my words”. To me that statement means that just because the two are from Eastern Province they are unable to convince electorates to vote for them. Repeated, “By the way, Brig Gen G Miyanda and Clive Chirwa (PhD, UK) are all from Eastern Province and we will see whom they will convince to vote for them in the 2011 elections”.

  89. 122 Kamunyama, good you wrote “To me that statement means that just because the two are from Eastern Province they are unable to convince electorates to vote for them” and nice you left the words tribal now.

    Anyhow, I repeat, all the best with Clive Chirwa (PhD, UK) and Brig Gen G Miyanda in that party or whatever.

    As for me, For now I am a full supporter of the UPND-PF PACT until a mistake of allowing honourable PF selfappointed leader Sata MC to be presidential candidate should that ever happen.

    I am off completely in terms of responding to you boss over this topic. Looking forward to reading from and responding to you in another topic.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  90. wish u o the best,man we kno yo motive is to split the votes bt u wont pull thru ,bt at least u ar goin to hve yo wifes and childrens votes,it wl make a difference

  91. Their is need for more partie, this will show the MMD, that if they are not careful ,the newly made parties cound come and rule one

  92. Kamunyama,
    Aba ba maestro only supports the PF/UPND pact because he believes HH will lead the pact. Short of which he cant support reminds me of how one day he almost likened me to sainthood when i praised HH as compared to sata.but today i have opened up on my preferences he wants to poison me.

  93. Dr Mutesa just wants a way of joining the PF/UPND pact as someone who already has a political party. to HH and Sata, please anyone who wants to join the pack must just join as a member not as an additional party. all who want to join the pack MUST dissolve their small parties and join as individuals. so bad luck ba ZED party, how do u come on the scene when zambias are crying for reduction in tuntemba parties and only remain with serious ones i.e. MMD, PF and UPND?

  94. 129 AKAPONDO on your “it reminds me of how one day he almost likened me to sainthood when i praised HH as compared to sata.but today i have opened up on my preferences he wants to poison me“, according to my understanding of the Holy Scriptures everyone who believes in God is a saint and so stop mistaking me for the so-called Christians who do not understand the Holy Bible.

    Ask any SDA (baptised) Christian, like me, about who a saint is and they will inform you what I have indicated about.

    Therefore, try so other tact for this one has failed. I have already indicated that I am wishing you all Brig Gen G Miyanda and Clive Chirwa (PhD, UK) supporters all the very best. You failure to note this shows that you agenda is terrible regarding winning my joining you.

  95. By the way, when did the MMD presidential aspirations for Clive Chirwa (PhD, UK) come to an end?

    Is this how he will cow down after President RB Banda and his group have successfully blocked those that thought titles of Prof. would win votes from Zambians and sympathy from MMD cadres?

    I wish Clive Chirwa all the best in his endeavours, but he needs to apply his analytical skills carefully so that he first enters councils, then MP and later possibly become Zambian President.

    Home-based Zambians are now very clever and do not take anything foreign as superior to them.

    Have a blessed day you all, as I sign out from this thread.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  96. the proff interacts with elite minds so he cant start exchanging words with the likes of mangani,Tetamashimba and the he wont be cowed but he wont play fools.then the proff works on mega projects so the zambian scenario to him will be in simple terms biscuit.for instance he was dismayed not to see a train on the zambian rails during his last visit.but funny enough he could see heavy machinery been carted on the zambian he said look it’s very simple to revive the railways in zambia.any goods more than 40 tons nipa njanji you dont even need to concession the railways pantu ya money.and that’s what kaunda did to preserve the roads and sustain zambia railways and how many people did the railways employ. ask hachipuka if it is not viable

  97. 133 AKAPONDO hhe hhe hhe hhe on your “the proff interacts with elite minds so he cant start exchanging words with the likes of mangani,Tetamashimba and the tandem“, but what was he doing in MMD? Stop lying and this elitist attitude will not help Clive Chirwa. By the way the correct abbreviation of professor spelling is Prof. .

    On your “for instance he was dismayed not to see a train on the zambian rails during his last visit.but funny enough he could see heavy machinery been carted on the zambian roads“, the dismay is why he is campaigning in UK instead of being in touch with reality in Zambia.

    Tell him Clive Chirwa (PhD, UK) to go to Zambia and make an impct there instead of elsewhere.

    Have a blessed day you all.
    Prevention is better than…

  98. ONE maestro,
    Weather it’s proff,prof or proffes is something that one who knows the proff can conjure least it’s not a chemical error.hence it’s not harmful to any life.what was he doing in MMD.unlike Hakainde who has joined banditry the prof as you like it joined with the belief of what the MMD stands for.little did he know that the party has been hijacked and all the ideals it stood for at inception washed he has not time for petty squabbles as you know he is a forcussed man.don’t you remember that mangani even prophesized that he will be being smeared with feaces like mangani is not worth it’s just time to team up with other
    Big brains like magande and the able brig-general.

  99. He is in touch with the realities in zambia that’s why he brought that issue to the fore.what the prof has accomplished in the world is something to make any zambian pround unless a jelous fool.he has stood up to the white man’s arrogance of thinking that only him is a master of advancing bones about it.moreover the problems that zambia is facing are the same problems that all other third world countries are facing so the myth of saying that the prof has been out of zambia for a long time can not hold.infact he even stands a better chance of winning investor confidence because they know what he has accomplished.he has no scums behind his back such as he used a calculator to con employees of a liquidated company or that he devalued a company
    to be privatised so that he…

  100. so that he benefits as a the prof is not campaigning in england.he has just been sharing his vision for zambia with them guys in the diaspora as he would like to entice those who would want to come back and contribute to mother zambia as we badly need their let it not bother you he’ll be back and when he rolls out his campaign it will be a marvel.there will be no insults,he’ll respect divergent views from other politicians but he will counter lies.he wont just be saying what people want to listen to but that which is he is just winding up his schedules across the globe then relocate home as some of you might not know.he is booked by universities across the world to lecture or present papers.research stations etc so he can’t just move like a…

  101. 136 AKAPONDO, on your “unlike Hakainde who has joined banditry the prof as you like it joined with the belief of what the MMD stands for” just support your preferred candidate Clive Chirwa (PhD, UK) instead of spreading lies. Insults ans lies will not take you anyway!

    On “little did he know that the party has been hijacked and all the ideals it stood for at inception washed he has not time for petty squabbles as you know he is a forcussed man“, this is nonsense at its best. Your Clive Chirwa (PhD, UK) has always been a nobody in MMD and just tried to use his Prof at Boston University in UK title to find an easy way to the Presidency of Zambia through the incumbent GRZ MMD.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  102. 136 AKAPONDO, on your “so it’s just time to team up with other
    Big brains like magande and the able brig-general
    “, how hard is it for you to realise the Magande is an MMD presidential aspirant who is advancing in MMD for now?

    in 137 on your “what the prof has accomplished in the world is something to make any zambian pround unless a jelous fool.he has stood up to the white man’s arrogance of thinking that only him is a master of advancing technology“, firstly it is PROUD and not pround and secondly, such racist remarks will not help you. I am a Physicist who has studied with and been lecture by whites and they are good people who recognise us as black Africans.

    Your rhetoric is a non-issue and so find another.
    Prevention is better than…

  103. 136/7/8/9 AKAPONDO, as for the rest I just wich Clive Chirwa (PhD, UK) all the very best in his political carrer.

    Let him drop the title of Prof when he engages in Zambian politics as Zambia is not Boston Universtiy in UK. Let him emulate real politicians like Honoured Doctor Inonge Mbikusita Lewanika (PhD, USA) who was Prof at UNZA but never used that title in her political career.

    Let him convince the electorate with his issues to better their lives and not trying to intimidate them with his title of Professor at Boston University for it will not work as my fellow villagers are very clever at weighing whoever thinks he is too smart for them.

    Also, have a good and bless day my fellow Citizen and avoid being emotional.
    Prevention is better than cure.

  104. 136/7/8/9 AKAPONDO, by the way your preferred presidential candidate Clive Chirwa (PhD, UK) was quoted in the POST last Friday as saying “No person has the power to exclude a noble member of our party from attending the convention. The whole exercise is meant for party members. So please until then our democratic rights are paramount and should be followed with dignity and to that note, I Professor Clive Mulubwa Kondwani Chirwa do declare that I will be standing for MMD presidency and Republican presidency based on the constitutions of our party and country.”

    What then happened to this his prophesy? Is he a false prophet? If not, let him think before he inks or talks and use his supposed analytical mind carefully.

    Prevention is better than cure.

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