Friday, January 10, 2025

Student Union leader appeals for more bursaries


The Evelyn Hone College Student Union (EHCOSU) has asked government through the Ministry of Science, Technology and Vocational Training to increase the number of students on bursaries at the college.

EHCOSU President, Mudimba Monga said the current number of students on government sponsored bursaries is too small and that many students are finding it difficult to complete their courses.

Mr. Monga has appealed to government to create a special fund for major universities and colleges in the country so that more students are included in the government bursaries.

He told ZANIS in an interview in Lusaka today that many students have in the recent past dropped out of the college because they have failed to pay their tuition fees.

He said the current tuition fees of K1.5 for the cheapest course and K2.6 for the most expensive course per term is too high considering the current economic situation in the country.

Mr. Monga further said that even the current government funding to the college is not enough to sustain operations and other conditions for lecturers and staff at the institution.

He appealed to government to consider increasing and not cutting aid to the college when the ministry will be coming up with new strategies on the funding of colleges under the ministry of Science Technology and Vocational Training.

Mr Monga said any decision to cut funding to the colleges will paralyse and worsen the already deteriorating standard of the institutions in the country.
He said government should cut funding from other less important sectors and put the money to priority sectors like education and health.

Last week Science Technology and Vocational Training Minister Gabriel Namulambe announced that his ministry has come up with new strategies of funding colleges under his ministry.
The strategy might see the ministry reducing aid to five major colleges under his ministry.

The five colleges are Evelyn Hone College, Northern Technical College (NORTEC),Zambia Air Service Training Institute(ZASTI),Livingstone Institute of Bossiness and Engineering Studies (LIBES),and the Gemstone Processing and Lapidary Training Institute.



  1. For a long time Evelyn Hone College has been neglected by Govt and the announcement by Namulambe is unfortunate coz he was suppose to announce increaments as opposed to the cuts in Govt funding.

  2. And please also make sure they have a good payroll once the students are through with their education.

  3. On “The Evelyn Hone College Student Union (EHCOSU) has asked government through the Ministry of Science, Technology and Vocational Training [MoSTVT] to increase the number of students on bursaries at the college”, great message but why do we have universities under Ministry of Education [MoE] only while colleges are under MoSTVT?

    I find this model as very bad. My impression is that MoSTVT must look at how Scientifical and technological stuff through RESEARCH has to be increased to help provide better services and goods to the Nation while the MoE has to take care of all education and vocational training issues.

    It is realy sad that some ministries are overstepping on others.

    All the very best to everyone in your future endeavours.

    Matthew 6:33 + KJV…

  4. Nothing constructive will ever be said from this government of dunderheads and water brains…Nothing positive all u do is just speak doom…Shame kwena Lesa twafweni….

  5. #1 Sharpshooter, I think you have no info on Evelyne Hone College. That institutioon makes a lot of money it is just that succesive managements have failed the institution. Imagine as at 2006 it received K700m apart from being bought equipment and all furniture. Just for a rough calculation if there are 2500 students each paying K2m per term in a year the institution has K15bn per year. The institution may have 700 bedspaces at @ K500pin per term giving them K350m. They have an x-ray machine for which they charge. They also have a radio staition which is giving them something substantial as well. So isn’t there a justification enough to cut funding to the institution? Chanelling funding to bursary sounds more plausible than just making a few peole in management misuse the money.

  6. #5 Nongo Na sundu
    Iam a former student at Evelyn Hone college(Business Studies Dept).Iam very much conversant with the running of the college and all the Principals are MMD cadres.When I was there we had Michael Tandeo,Tell you what,the man was a thief and he had backing.From my own experience Hone needs an overhaul in terms of management but still needs govt aid in for it to go forward

  7. it is really a tragic to see what is happening at hone,men i do not have much to say.but what they should bare in mind is that we are one another strength,not all people come from silver,gold and diomends.

  8. the govt must really be serious,i am coming there hone needs more funding. Infact it must be turned into a university.

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