increase of agricultural products such as tomatoes, cabbages and others to non production of locally available and cheap fertilizer by Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia (NCZ).
International Development Enterprise (IDE) Kafue Field Team Leader, Jairos Simukoko says during the last quarter of the year, many farmers were subjected to expensive inputs, making it difficult for them to sell their products cheaply.
Mr Simukoko told ZANIS in an interview that the role the NCZ plays in determining the prices of agricultural products should not be undermined as its fertilizers were appreciated by many Zambians.
He said specifications of fertilizer from NCZ for various types of soils and crops in Zambia still remain the best and and the inputs reached far flung areas of the country year round when they were produced.
Mr Simukoko stated that there is need for government to recapitalize NCZ so that it produces fertilizer this year, adding that the current price of imported fertilizer is too high for peasant farmers to afford.
Mr Simukoko, however, said his organization, which is targeting 2,500 households in Kasaka and Muchuto areas would continue supporting farmers with the technical know-how and financial resources as a way of inspiring them to work hard in agriculture.
He said IDE has currently assisted the community in the areas with access to irrigation facilities such as treadle pumps, drip irrigation and inputs.
nomusalu onse mutengo…what will my people eat kanshi
Hi 3RqU……….but akalishina aka kaliba ko weird mwe…what does it stand for?
i wonder what our inflation rate is because all prices keep being pushed up…why cant we use manure, guess its not very practical for large scale commercial farming….govrt please lets have fertiliser at the least of our lacks…its too much
Hello Daisy
Ifwe in Garden we eat vegies from ma sewage. Much cheaper and healthier if I may add
Ha ha ha ha!! Sweet D how do you talk like that 3RqU its a nice name naiwe,anyway it depends namwamene wainzelela.
Ati how mudala?
This is serious pa Zed,I think we need serious economists like Matworld,to avoid problems like this one.We export our local products at a lower price and we import things from other countries at a higher price what do you expect to happen.My Dear Daisy inflation teyakulanda iyo,I wonder nga pa Zed we have had a budget surplus.ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! Matworld you are not an economist but Accountant so stop ukusabaila.Ha ha ha ha ha ha Cheers Guys.
comon guys,its just time… wander we cod a developing country. above all, we made whites who dey are during slavery
Oh My God!!
Lusaka!! Anyway you have already said it its healthier.Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
Siukodya misale? Where do you think they are grown?
huh..Lusaka.. dont make me feel bad… sewage futi..ok.its healthy so it means no one gets sick te… if no one gets sick ninshi ilikenge
Matworld mwana..okay …iwe uv never wondered about the meaning of 3RqU’s name?
Matworld fine thank you. Busy watching tennis. Fifth set 8-7 to RFl.
Nimadya misale and the nama vegitables yaku sewarage ninadyapo but nikupayila ce.
My comment in mod why LT?
Mat I have said hello but my comment is in mod. Naya mukutamba tennis.
You are right the the ka name is somehow percular but I like it.
Too bad Ba 3RqU.
Hope next time things will be cool.
Ka picture kamoneka bwino,bushe ni pa zed apa.Isnt it supposed to be dry now? A lot of nice green mu background
Daisy na Matworld
Those ma veg you eat kumayadi especially around Olympia and Northmead come from the Garden ma damu. Off course you can oook them but you know about overcooking vegetables. Also, ba ku mayadi are the ones that enjoy eating salads with the same vegies. Elo na ma subway sandwiches
Hahahaha,,, ama salads ka..ala nilesa atusunga Lusaka..what can we say….
ha ha ha ha ha.
I tell you i miss Zambian Vegi cibwabwa,Rape na Chiness kuno kulibe kuli ce spinarch so nganabwera ku Zed I want to smaggle seeds for Okra,Cibwabwa,Rape and other vegies.This time i will use bus so they wont cosficate pa Airport like what they did ku vinkubala na Nshaba last year.
Hi Daisy
Where in US of A are you?
Nitrogen chemicals of zambia.kuti waibukisha na kaunda.the chi man had no degrees but chali cha vision.any one ho passed through kafue will appreciate how viable NCZ was.the chi man even put up a sulphuric acid plant which supplied all the mines.NCZ was a gem of a company infact it was the largest single industry in zambia.natampa ukulila nomba.but who killed NCZ?it’s chiluba and his cohorts abena SATA then.NCZ was viable all what these guys would have done was to invest in the change of technolgy used in production to the morden and cheaper one.but ama guys were busy preaching the diversification of the economy to agriculture whilst killing the industry which was the spine of agriculture.then i remember they used to call it “kafue sayonda ayonda ni mulendo”but now it’s a town in…
still on kafue and NCZ.i passed through a couple of months ago.that ka once lovely town looks like lebanon recovering from war with israel.NCZ itself looks like a old collapsed steel meal in the former’s painful.all those beautiful chicks who used to flower the elegant lit streets of kafue estates have been replaced by mulnourished chaps whose preoccupation is to ask for a beer and ZAIN “me to you”.the town was deliberately electrocuted the chiluba regime.except levy because he saw the nonsence and quit.that’s why i don’t have respect for all you half brains who parade SATA as a potential president.
DR kaunda sir,i’d like to apologise for the insults that i showered upon you in 1990/91.i didn’t heed your advise that the people we ralied behind to boot you out of office were truly little frightened thieves as you truly described them.sata,roger chongwe,bornface kawimbe,nawakwi,guy scott,baldwin nkumbula(mhsrip) kangwa nsuluka.bennie mwiinga,(mhsrip) were principle characters who realy led the chorus in insulting you and i blindly we mufyashi after all these years of bn led by failures apart may from levy.i accept that the rest were little frightened thieves.
Ba LT,
The picture on the posting is deceiving me or is it my sight.this hard working peasant,was he passing near a runway because i can like figure a plane with a big R label behind him.pipoz ngafweniko ninshi mulemona?
#25 Akapondo, the man must be coming from Kasisi area & so aliocha ka short cut mu airport. I agree with you on NCZ. Abana Chiluba just ran the company down. I remember at one time the late Chulu Kalima was given the CEO position but with the injected money of about K10bn he with his colleagues just wasted it & he went scot-free. As usual when such incidences were reported to Chiluba all he could do was to ask for evidence from the one reporting – silly man. At the time I was mumasadi my roomy was in NS majoring in Chemistry & was working hard so to be employed ku NCZ but now nobody would even entertain such a dream because the place has balimbwelimbwe all over – dead. I guess the ministries to blame now are commerce and agric coz they’ve done nothing so far to revive that company
These are topics that some bloggers who glorify the MMD do not want to participate. Watch the bloggers’ names. Some will like ever attacking MMD employee at the US embassy will not show up on this topic. Such topics to them bapongoshi.
Ba Dongo na Sundu,
Thanx,i now get the picture niku ZEGA area and that should be a cargo plane.yeah it’s one of those tuma hard working kasisi fela’s who stream into time every morning with vergies,amalasha and the like.
#20…Hello, i am not in US of A as you call it.. am in SA, my moderm playing tricks on you!..have a great day!
#22 Akapondo thats such a painfully accurate observation that its brought tears to my eyes.We were indeed foolish to insult KK and boot him out like we did.The man had a heart for Zambia.I only wish he groomed leaders to take over from him.We’ve been led by a cartel of thieves for too long.My heart weeps for mother Zambia- the land of my birth.
We need to let go of this ideology of supply side economics (deregulation, privatisation and corporate free markets) and start developing the country for the benefit of the Zambian people, not international corporate capital.
UNIP was nationalistic, while these neoliberal types are universal utopians, who believe that government is the problem, and the market will discount everything.
We need policies that build the nation’s agriculture and manufacturing sectors and build infrastructure. That means taxing the mines, and starting to rehabilitate the parastatals and cooperatives. Parastatals and the civil service need to be protected from political interference through the constitution, which can be done.
On the issue of fertilizer and it’s influence on vegetable prices.
There are two solutions.
1) Maintain the chemical fertilizer route, and rehabilitate NCZ.
2) Go organic, and start using for instance the cattle industry to supply organic fertilizers. Blood can be dried and turned into bloodmeal, which is high in nitrogen. Bones can be turned into bonemeal, which is high in phosphorous. Wood ash is a source for potassium. In organice, soil organisms break down these sources into forms that are available to the plant.
The nice thing about organics, is that it does not deplete the soil and actually builds it up, so it becomes more fertile over time.
I could go on about using benificiary insects instead of pesticidesm, the use of biochar, crop rotation…
Crop rotation and the use of cattle and chickens to build soil while growing meat and grass, and the use of swales and water harvesting to make land fertile.
Organic farming is more labour intensive, but less capital intensive, and Zambia has enough labour and land to go this route.
the bottom line of what me and inonge are saying is that Kaunda had zambia at heart and he delivered going by the infrastructure he left behind.and we zambians ought to accept and apologise to him for the insults that we showered on a noble man like him after voting in a band of gangsters he warned us against.though he is partly to blame for wanting to cling to power when his time was up we blundered for going for change for the sake of it.and the same characters he warned us against are the same ones
Still lurking in the shadows with the intent of bouncing back and we are hailing them as our next messiahs.SATA for example.former chiluba deffender and proper right handman and they differed not out of pricipal like levy but sour grapes.god bless zambia.
I think you are speaking the same language with me and Inonge.may we just took different paths.
I was just talking in general and not at all criticizing You or Inonge. Just to clarify. I meant that the political scene is full of neoliberal believers, who cannot let go of this ‘free trade’ ideology, even as the global economy is collapsing because of it.
To quote now agriculture minister Chituwo, “it is a well known fact now that government is not the best to do business because the players in government would say after all nivaboma [it’s for the government] and we really did not get things right”.
In other words, this ‘hands off’ ideology has to go, and we need a government that is interested in outcomes, not just the process. They can’t say ‘we did our best’, only, ‘we were successful’ or ‘we failed’. The government has to take ownership of the…
Dear DR. chali
trying to trace jon chali are you aware of him, is he your relation.