the number of delegates to the National Constitution Conference(NCC). Committee Executive Director Gregory Chifire pointed out that paying delegates who have since concluded their work is an unnecessary drain on national coffers.
Mr.Chifire has challenged Justice Minster George Kunda to act on the matter.
Mr.Chifire says the move is meant to be a costing saving measure in the face of the global economic downturn.
Mr. Chifire told ZANIS in interview in Lusaka that there is no need for government to continue spending colossal sums of money on a bloated number of NCC delegates at the expense of national development.
He suggested that only committees that are still seating should be allowed to continue while those that have concluded their set mandate should not continue to draw allowances.
He said financial difficulties facing many countries have not spared Zambia thereby affecting many developmental efforts.
He said this is why government should come up with a clear policy on the issue of paying NCC delegates as the policy will assist government scrutinize the payment of allowances to NCC delegates.
Mr. Chifire further added that as much as the constitutional making process is important to the national development other activities should also be given equal opportunities of funding.
The NCC has concluded debates for over 15 committees that were mandated to consider different clauses from the Mung’omba draft constitution.
Thats very true, act Kunda and RB.
Chachine ba cifire, actualy millions of kwacha will be saved
THERE IS NO NEED to kip the entire NCC delegates it wil just be a drain on lito resources available. The balance of K4Billion will be enough for the legal experts and sub-comiti chairpersons and their secretaries to conclude. There is no nid to solicit for donor funding. Its on record that a gud no of commissioners were mere passengers who only drew cash and never put in any input. George Kunda stamp ur authority and reduce the nos. Time for appeasement is over and those men and women have made their bucks for mahala. Its only a handful who contributed to debating etc the rest were a sham. Please hear our voice not rushing to curse logic & ordering arrests of this and that. Our health system is in nid of financial injections from all corners. Life is life may be coz u go2 RSA for treatment
How can George and RB act when they don’t know the first thing about economics?
They were appointed as agroup and should be dismissed as group. It remains to the President, cabinet, and Mps to act on recommendations. Resources have already been wasted.
It is a case of talking to a rock than anything.These guys have their priorites all mixed up.I can’t see this advice ever be taken.Grrrrrrrrr
Now thats when you are realising how much has been wasted on this piece of s……..t
Those suggestions are falling on deaf ears. The MMD leadership is blind as a bat and deaf as a d!ck.
LT we are waiting for some surveys and polls to make LT more exciting. The live chat failed to take off because bloggers were inactive. But the polls on ZWdog are easy to use and they feature topics of common interest.
Please look into this one, LT we beg.
This is the best George Kunda photo I have ever seen. LT when and where was this?
Chifire that is selfishness. What are the regulations and conditions of membership to NCC ? Is it because you still have business then you want to change things for your friends ? I wonder what type of a constitution will come out of this, when you can’t follow your simple conditions at this stage.
CC is right.
NCC should try to reduce the number of these delegates to these conferences .Most of them just yapp without yielding any tangible results….
Goodmorning bloggers, I hope you’re all enjoying the weekend.
It is true that NCC is a drain on national coffers because we don’t see any tangible outcome from their endless resolutions. If RB and his cabinet will ever act, then it will definately be in slow motion as usual.
“How can George and RB act when they don’t know the first thing about economics?”
I disagree with this statement. The president has got a degree in economics and has got field experience. Can you prove with verifiable evidence that the president does not know the first thing about economics?
Can you prove with verifiable evidence that the president does not know the first thing about economics?
Well, I’m unable at this point in time to prove it, but I can only point you towards the state of the economy Mr “Free-Market-Economist ” at #16.
Look at the dilapidated infrastructure and observe closely the current state of affairs in the country.
I have to admit my comment was rather strong but this leadership is failing to balance the simple equation 1+1=2.
Wouldn’t you agree with me that some of their priorities are misplaced? I can give you examples.
Why do we need a Vice President in Zambia? This dude seems to have no say on anything…
Any clever man knows that the spending money on vehicles for chiefs is not about enhancing development in rural areas. It’s about securing votes for 2011 elections.
Give out that money as fertilizer loans and let farmers produce food for the locals, I’ll call that empowerment. Resurface a road leading from a farmer’s house to town and I’ll call that a starting step towards development.
That’s 1+1=2 for you, “Free-Market-Economist” at #16. I’m waiting for a challenging viewpoint from you.
This reminds me of kalaki, when he said a red lipped snake George Kunda became annoyed and next line he went on to say something about King Muwelewele this time around Shipwasha Minister of Home Affairs then became annoyed and started facilitating deport for Roy Clark saying he was a foreigner. Thank God his ill intentions never materialised.
“spending money on vehicles for chiefs is not about enhancing development in rural areas. It’s about securing votes for 2011 elections.”
I respect your opinion because we are all entitled to our opinions.
“Give out that money as fertilizer loans and let farmers produce food for the locals, I’ll call that empowerment. Resurface a road leading from a farmer’s house to town and I’ll call that a starting step towards development.”
Well I don’t understand why you are stating the obvious and what has already been done. As far as I know, govt had put a provision in the budget that it will cut customs on all imported agriculture inputs. This has prompted some private banks like Indo-Zambia bank increase loans for agriculture inputs of which 40% have been disbursed so far.
The CEEC had announced sometime ago that all agriculture based and agro processing loans will be given first preference over all other loans. This is empowerment as agriculture loans are now made easier to access.
In the budget, there was money committed to the Nsanga farming block which when completed, is estimated to be 10 times the size of Nakambala Sugar estate. It will have agriculture as well as agro processing blocks all available to both local and foreign investors.
ZAMACE which is a grain and commodities exchange was encouraging farmers to trade their crops through ZAMACE as it is market based. This will surely hamper our agric sector as it will encourage more competition in the industry. [tbc]
The govt had injected K20 billion kwacha into the FRA so they can begin the maize buying process. The FRA will buy maize from remote areas who have no access to market whereas other farmers will have to sell their maize in the competitive market since they have access. This will empower the poor in the remote rural areas as they will have a source of income.
In short, a lot is still being done in the agric sector and the industry is set to grow.
On the comment of the farmer and the road. Govt must not resurface a road leading from a farmers house to town. Govt must resurface the main roads. Let the farmer resurface his own roads on his own property and connect it on the govt roads.
Kukanwa. kwati namu manikila ichis&&^#%i
Free-Market-Economist says:
““How can George and RB act when they don’t know the first thing about economics?””
” The president has got a degree in economics and has got field experience. ”
The problem is that people with degrees came up with Supply Side Economics, also known as neoliberalism (Thatcherism, Raeganomics, Trickle Down).
It is this ideology that is being adhered to by the MMD (attracting foreign investors, no restrictions on capital leaving the country and economy) that has caused the present global economic disaster.
So the question is – why would anyone still adhere to that system? Most developed countries have a mixed economy of state and private ownership, and protect key industries from foreign and private ownership, just as they protected…
Just as they protected infant industries when they themselves were developing.
We have to prapare thier teminal benefit first.
Has any one read the speeech about Obamas’ Vist to Ghana, why he chose that country? simply because of good governance and transparent election. It has a record of good governance and its priorities are well placed. Its a Shame that our Pa Zambia is a fools paradise. i just wished Magande was not tribal other than that hes the best pick for presidence. Wel educated, he understands the dynamics and challenges. not this academic challenged BANDA’S These are a disgrace and pathetic. What horrible leaders Zambia has!
Shi Taonga, what is your problem?
People like you are happy to see tax payers money wasted for nothing – are you in any way a recipient too? Let the allowances be paid only to the people, like you say, who still have business with the NCC. It is not selfishness, it is accountability. The “conditions” put in place just to plunder the country should be disregarded- period!
iwe goerge wapya, the donors wont waste anymore money on you penguins. wapya even obama is saying he is only willing to work with govts that are showing that they deserve their taxes, wake up before they switch off the dollar. use the funds we have now wisely, if WHO and WFO are begging for that same money……..
Will this govt listen to people? They are there to enjoy themselves. Any thing touching their loot is not entertained. Thats GRZ. May God help us with this govnt.
Following “Mr.Chifire has challenged Justice Minster George Kunda to act on the matter“, my take is that retain all NCC delegates, but stop paying them per sitting and only pay them all when the NCC will conclude all its work one fixed amount of money for having participated in the exercise.
Have a blessed day you all as I retire to a party upstairs.
Psalm 119 + KJV Bible
95 The wicked have waited for me to destroy me: but I will consider thy testimonies.
96 I have seen an end of all perfection: but thy commandment is exceeding broad.
Chirire, bcoz you are not part of the NCC you have decided not to support them. Do not worry one day it will be you fatening your pocket.
PF Kasama central member Dr chishamba has resiged both as a member of paliameent and pf member, saying he will form is own political party
Did he say would form his own party? I didnt hear the last statement. All he said was resigning from MP and as member of PF. He doesnt want to associate with politics “any more”
Is it true that Dr chishamba has resiged?
Its good riddance to the Zedi political scene.
But he is an opportunist so do not be surprise if he is adopted by the MMD.