Friday, March 7, 2025

The Weekend in pictures



A vendor plaits hair while selling apples and fish
A vendor plaits hair while selling apples and fish


Pedestrians share the road with vehicles as the pavements are crowded with vendors in Chachacha road
Pedestrians share the road with vehicles as the pavements are crowded with vendors in Chachacha road


Traders conducting their business under Zescos high voltage lines oblivious to the danger
Traders conducting their business under Zescos high voltage lines oblivious to the danger


Business as usual  under Zesco high voltage lines behind Soweto market
Business as usual under Zesco high voltage lines behind Soweto market


The salaula business can be tiring- a man takes a nap on his merchadise as business carries on around him
The salaula business can be tiring- a man takes a nap on his merchadise as business carries on around him


A Kaponya at Kulima tower
A Kaponya at Kulima tower


Minibus leaves Kulima tower
Minibus leaves Kulima tower


The New Soweto market
The New Soweto market


The unemployed making a living on the streets of Lusaka
The unemployed making a living on the streets of Lusaka


Officials from Chinese An Hui construction firm inspect the dilapidated Independence stadium in Lusaka where they have been engaged to refurbish the infrastructure
Officials from Chinese An Hui construction firm inspect the dilapidated Independence stadium in Lusaka where they have been engaged to refurbish the infrastructure


A palm oil farmer explaining the progress on the palm oil plantation project to Special Assistant to the President for Project Implementation and Monitoring Ben Kapita (on wheelchair) in Kawambwa District.
A palm oil farmer explaining the progress on the palm oil plantation project to Special Assistant to the President for Project Implementation and Monitoring Ben Kapita (on wheelchair) in Kawambwa District.


A large Turkey takes a stroll at Zamcom lodge in Lusaka
A large Turkey takes a stroll at Zamcom lodge in Lusaka


Charles Wasaja Chisamba captured at Lusaka international airport on arrival from France where he lost the WBC and ABU lightheavy weight title at the weekend
Charles Wasaja Chisamba captured at Lusaka international airport on arrival from France where he lost the WBC and ABU lightheavy weight title at the weekend


  1. Pic #1 is disgusting. How she can be plaiting hair and when a client comes she will use the same hands to serve the client. Ala mwandi ni ndoti. Good luck to those who buy from her. Health officials please do something.

  2. In the last picture, Ethiopian airways is the worst airline to fly with. If you want to lose luggage, flight delays, ill mannered customer service and other unmentionables.

  3. I thought the Kaponyas and salaula traders were chase from doing business under the ZESCO 33/66? KV power lines in the area behind City Market all the way to Mumbwa road as shown in pics. 3 and 4.

    Anyhow, life is hard under the MMD GRZ and people have to make ends meet.
    Psalms 119 + KJV Bible

  4. Pic # 8 a good market. i hope zambians were given priority to occupy.pic #10 wastage of zambian money .Talking always but no results. Pic # 11 How can a person in wheelchair start touring plantations? Imagine if a serpent appears what can happen to him?????

  5. the streets look dirty compared to the last time i was in Zed thats 2007,its getting worse n worse…the council has to do something. orelse it will look like lagos…we need to have a clean face of the city again

  6. Thats why boxers die pa Zed. Look at pic No. 13. How can you take such a person with wrinkled cheeks for a fight? Seriously the boxing board should be checking the fitness of these boxers or else we shall continue loosing people in the name of bringing glory to mother Zambia.

  7. Feel sorry for my country, the pictures describe the situ better than words. We are becoming a very backward society. Hungry boxers and footballers looking embarrassingly malfed, poverty stricken politicians and civil servants just waiting for their turn to steal. Zambia is a country of 10-12 million, endowed with all number of natural resources so why should the country appear like that in pictures? Shame on all of you including those in the diaspora, until proven otherwise you are convicted of being hopeless

  8. Pic 1.Bana maliketi no hygine how can they be plating hair when selling fish. Pic #2 Govt should enlarge the road or build a foot bridge, Pic #3 thses pipo need to be told the dangers of doing thier business under the high voltage power lines, Pic # 5 Iam sure the dude did not sell anything for the whole day. pic 6 This kaponya paliba ukuposin’ga zo-ona.

  9. The good thing about life is that you cant miss what you never had. This is what Zambians have always had, the hard life, and I understand how they may be reluctant to fight for their rights.

  10. Very nice pics.
    Life seems to be still simple as it has always been in Zambia. I feel for those guys getting their hands scruffed by hustling on the streets..the majority of them may have been very good at school and talented too, but circumstances have just forced them to live on the edge.

    #22 Ka’doyo, I usually experience them blackouts too, I guess LT server does not have the capacity to handle a lot of in coming postings at once.

  11. #17 mulilo.. don’t sweat. These pictures show a part of Zambia, not the entire. Alexandria in South Africa and a lot more places in a lot more African nations are like that or even worse. Actually, if u r well travelled, u’ll notice many similarities with a larger part of the world population. Hav u been 2 Kariako in Dar, Tanzania? or 2 the slums of India? I am not saying that u shud accept mediocrity, NO. But instead of insult your ancestors, look at a brighter side, there are many other places where u will find true beauty even in these same Zambian boundaries. Cheer up!

  12. The poor are the only consistent altruists; they sell all they have and give it to the rich.If thou live according to nature, thou wilt never be poor; if according to the opinions of the world, thou wilt never be rich.

  13. But RnB how do you put someone on the wheelchair as special ass. for project implementation and monitoring! That post needs someone who should surely move around the Zambian terrain of bad raods to inspect the projects. Ben should have been give a less challenging post like special ass. administration. But ifiko filembweshamo, anyway home sweet home here i come August

  14. are you telling me that LT cant publish fotos of better places in Zed. Why do we always sell our country short. I am sure besides the dilapidated structures they are other nice place that way you give a balanced view of Zambia . Unless the whole idea is humour.

  15. Uyu boxer sure ngati alinamatenda. You dont expect a boxer to walk like that, its like he is sick. Mike Tyson never walked stoopy. I only hope the ladies in France are not thinking that every Zambian guy is Wasaja.

  16. All this criticism of the pics from #17, 31 is ridiculous. I think you guys are exaggerating. Like #25 Fr Bwalya has put it, this is not all Zambia has to offer and I see no reason why l should feel embarrassed about my country. These are just pictures, please don’t create emotional issues out of them. Learn to appreciate the simple things in life.
    Peace & love.

  17. These are nice pictures but with a sad image. The business under zesco cables ni risk sana. Plaiting hair where you are conducting food business is very disgusting. Impassable roads due to street vending is an eyesore. Mr Kapita still alive good indeed, but the govt can afford to get him a more mobile chair, a scooter in any case so he does not need someone to push him. Or just get him a chair that he can control with knobs than ilya pushing. . Finally my fellow zambians stop crying about the state of our nation, one day we will all go back home because it will be a better place to live in. Just wait and pray.Tukababwino kuntanshi. bane.

  18. Fr. Bwalya I wish I could share your enthusiasm but the fact that there are worse or equivalent places on earth doesnt do it for me. You dont have to be a well travelled missionary to see that those pictures depict a desperate and unnecessary situation. What we need is people to see that things are wrong in the country, precisely enumerate the problems, articulate the way forward. It involves the emergence of a new breed of zambians who have both the capacity to flush out the current crop of politicians we have but also to make sure we catch up quickly with the rest of the world. Obama captured the required spirit succinctly when he told of how his father’s Kenya had higher per capita GDP than S. Korea then. S.Korea is now a developed nation while Kenya figures out how to liquidate…

  19. Lusaka iyoneka che?mwamene tina isilila… vima Bus vakudala na vo gulisa ma nsomba mu miseho. Please tami papatila ba RB, do somthing about my country. I want when I finish my studies I go and leave in a better city similar to the one I am now. Sure, how do you allow girls to sell fish while plating hair bane !!!!!!!! Is that hygine? The government is ignoring a lot of their responsibilities. Always PEACE??

  20. #38 kadobi FYI that’s a turkey and why would a woman want to eat all of it at once? I’m sure she would prefer sicking a little duck.

  21. The New Soweto market looks great. I hope govt builds more of them seeing that people want to trade as is evidenced by the number of street vendors.

  22. FR BWALYA,
    When were you last in tanzania?iam sure you are talking about the kariakoo of thelate 80s and early 90s.kariakoo today mwana is miles ahead of our lusaka.tanzania has got a development plan which in zambia we can’t adopt because of cheap politics and lawlesness.all those with old srtructures in kariakoo and have got no money to develop them are being bought of by those to put up highrise structures.and a plot measuring 60msq is going for as much $250000 creating other millionares who also go out and and others in the in short, You can’t compare the kariakoo of today to lusaka.

  23. Pic #13…Thank God Wasaja came back on 2 feet, because the young man he was fighting is by far not his match.I think even Esther Phiri can be the hell out of this tired man Its time he hanged his groves or he soon ride one of those H3 Hammers

  24. #42 Bupe, With the bad economic situation in Zambia, you just have to have confidence and belief in your self to get you through day after day.

  25. After all has been said ,ala mwandi mu Zambia muli ubuchushi no ubulanda.
    Naumfwa uluse.
    Reminds me about the hard times…

    Nice pics all the same…

  26. dry fish tayakwata imititi unless you buy it from a thief who sells you ninshi tailauma.ifwe ifya manamamanama ne nkokoko sha ma panadol bapongoshi.

  27. Pic #10. The Chinese man pointing seems to be telling his collegues: “We will charge double for works that we will do on that far end of the stadium. Just like we did on the Hearses, aini guys.”

  28. #15 and 32 Guys you are amongst the very few who dont know Wasaja. He is a very fit and talented boxer. Bu mbuli nabo bulwele.

  29. pa Zed ifico…is there a local government there or those people are there just for show? seriously…poverty doesnt have to equate filth, just saying…

  30. pic #13 Wasaja good show and good luck in your future fights. In every gave there is a winner an a looser, thats about sport.
    Pic# 10, I dont see that to be unemployment, I would rather call it self- employment. All it needs is a governmental or non-governmetal support to boost it, hence starting to remit some tax to ZRA and effectively contributing to the country`s economy.

  31. When RB was making a budget for this country sometime in January this year, he got all the money in that national huge basket where ZRA pours everyday. He then called Mulongoti to represent all Zambians as they settled to share. ” Ok Mulongoti, you are representing all Zambians. And I will represent myself,” he said as he liked his lips, without even looking up from the basket. “Ok. I will be picking'” he fidgeted a little in his seat. He started, picking one leaf after the other, “This one is for me,” put it on his his lap, “And this one is mine,” again on his lap!

  32. Ba Moze, its like you realy know these characters well! You made me laugh with your comment! Good day, people!

  33. # 15 and 32 never judge a book by its cover. you don’t even know the man, please live him in peace, what the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  34. L.T u shud have some Respect 4 the dude n not calling him “Kaponya” ..I mean he volunteered 4 u 2 take him a photo..but Obliviously little did he know that u were going to refer him as a KAPONYA!!!!

  35. Pic #1 is OK, who has forced you to buy food from vendors??? if you want fruits go to shoprite or spar, nga ulefwaya fish go to roberts, zambeef, soweto market. And is it the vendor plaiting hair or is the vendor’s hair being plaited???? all the same mwila tina ama shop aya busaka.

  36. Fr bwalya naka Chale you do not think,not even panono.When i was a young DK from Chimwemwe,copperbelt, i was once slapped by my father for obtaining 85% and comparing myself to my friends who got 40%.If there is a dirt place somewhere then we should be competing with it? shame.No wonder shakabwelele

  37. The problem with us Zambians we think we are better than the other guy..look at our selves atase ma guys..why do we laugh at others?if we have a better plan do it or shut the f up!!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. No 7 does Zambia have any planes?Ethiopian airlines has trained a lot of Zambian pilots,we can’t even make a company and you just trash talk,typical Zambian mentality Mwali paya Zambia Airways so you give a chance for smart people t serve you and keep people at the airport employed…what do you say A.sshole

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