Thursday, January 9, 2025

Hands off Judiciary-Shikapwasha


Chief Justice Ernest Sakala
Chief Justice Ernest Sakala
Chief government spokesperson, Ronnie Shikapwasha, says

the Judiciary should be left to handle issues surrounding the contract of the Chief Justice.

Lieutenant general Shikapwasha says government respects the separation of powers and will leave the Judiciary to handle its own matters.

He says it is important to support the Chief Justice and allow him to do his work.

General Shikapwasha said Justice Ernest Sakala ‘s contract has not been terminated and Justice Sakala deserves support so that he continues working freely.

Lusaka Lawyer, John Sangwa, recently called for the removal of Justice Sakala because he has exceeded the retirement age.


  1. Iwe shipwetete…..constitution is constitution. Dont play with the Zambian constitution please. According to the constitution Sakala should retire coz he has reached 65. If you wanted him to continue why have you taken him to parliament for ratification? LET SAKALA PACK AND GO TO HIS FARM.

  2. Please, stop embarrassing us Zambians to the whole world with such lame excuses as “Lieutenant general Shikapwasha says government respects the separation of powers and will leave the Judiciary to handle its own matters“. Sort out what late President LP Mwanawasa started even if he is not round following what the Constitution of Zambia allows the President to do.
    I am hoping the Chief Justice Sakala E. and Justice Chitengi will resign on moral grounds to help Mr President do his job which he is now clearly running away from in a similar manner the Dora Siliya saga went.

    Psalm 16:
    8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
    9Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope.

  3. Continuing on I am hoping the Chief Justice Sakala E. and Justice Chitengi will resign on moral grounds to help Mr President do his job which he is now clearly running away from in a similar manner the Dora Siliya saga went. Is this failure to use constitutional provisions by the Constitution of Zambia defender due to Chief Justice E. Sakala’s coming from the Eastern Province of Zambia?

    While late President LP Mwanawasa made a lot of mistakes, I still miss his always mentioning that the rule of law will be upheld at all times.

    Anyhow, lets Zambians wait and see what will be done.

    Psalm 16:
    8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
    9Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in…

  4. Shikapasha…What separation of fyototo you respect…You should respect the Law of the land what does the constitution say .Dont try to find stupid excuse when you have erred…ichimutwe.Let that incompetent judge go and finish the remaining rats in Chipata

  5. Shikapasha…What separation of fyototo you respect…You should respect the Law of the land what does the constitution say .Dont try to find silly excuse when you have erred…ichimutwe.Let that incompetent judge go and finish the remaining rats in Chipata
    The judge has became unpopular following the Dora´’s case…

  6. Unfortunately the Chief government spokesperson is not making sense at all. How can he say the Judiciary must be left alone and scream separation of powers when the Chief Justsice (CJ) is appointed by the President and ratified by Parliament? What sepration of powers is he talking about? How can the CJ write his own contract or who in the Judiciary can write the CJ a new contract? This is embarrassing coming from someone who is supposed to be articulate. The CJ himself shouldn’t continue working on ethical, professional and moral grounds if he really knows that his contract has expired. He is the man who supposed to uphold the Constitution the most of all people in Zambia. This is interesting – not sure whether RB is writing a new contract and back date it to when it expired… LOL!

  7. Sangwa Simeza Associates have caught GRZ off guard. Law can be fun. Shikapwasha should not be defensive, its a matter of following the law and this is what these pipo have just done. May our Learned colleagues and LAZ interpret the law in this matter involving the Chief Justice and Judge Peter Chitengi. This sounds tricky but we need more from ama lawyers.

  8. Sangwa wants Sakala out as this will also help things flow smoothly in the system, Sakala is RB´s machenic he frustrates most of the lawyers and intimidates them so they want him out but only Sangwa had the b****s to speak up. and this reason he gave is one of the million reasons the lwa inforcement groups have. LET HIM GO WE NEED FRESH MINDS.

  9. They’ve reached the age of 65 iwe chi Shikapwasha. In developed countries such discussions are out of the question. You reach 65, you go. Period! You want ot compromise everything. What’s wrong with you MMDs.

  10. You people one day you will be 65 and still very productive and tuma 20 year olds will be asking you to pack your bags and go. When these laws were made 65years looked quite old but these days people are living longer and can still have a lot to offer. A lot of productive 25 – 40 year old Zambians have left the country.Let those older Zambians who still have a lot to offer keep their jobs.Holding an office should be based on productivity not age.You have a lot of young crooks holding big positions and doing nothing but buying hummers and going for seminars.If this chief justice is doing his job well let him stay if he is faltering let him resign on those grounds not this age crap.Remember what goes around comes around.

  11. No. 18. What good has come of the justice system in Zambia?. I wonder, lets not change the law just because it has to fit someone else. Are you telling me that when the presidential term expires we should extend it because the president was good. Never heard of a such a thing!!
    Its time we started to respect the law in zambia.

  12. # 19 Iwe. Thats what we call thinking. Let uphold our constituion and not create a jungle law. Like one of the police officer said; boma ikalakwa icinja lamulo, meaning that was that government errs will adjust the law so that it fits the “dishonourables”

  13. #18 think! The law allows the president to re apoint a chief justice or a judge for onother 7years contract only that the appointment should be ratified by parliament, this has not been done by the powers to be for the reasons known to themselves. Otherwise the way things stands now the CJ and Chitengi are in their offices illigaly and they must vacate their positions says the constitution.

  14. #19 I agree with you that our judicial system is crap and the law should not be changed for one man, it should actually be changed for all Zambians.This is just one case of the many where people have to retire when they can actually still serve.Look at Teachers,nurses, doctors,managers etc should you let them go just because they are 55yrs or 65 yrs in some cases.Should Warren Buffet have retired when he reached 55yrs? He is still wealthy and making a good contribution in this world.I think a lot of our Laws are colonial and need to made to fit the times we are living in.

  15. #21 The only thing I know about the Law in Zambia is that its useless. I am looking at the broader picture.The retirement age of certain jobs should seriously be revised.We are living longer nowadays. Look at the broad picture forget the Chief Justice .There are many Zambians who have much to contribute who are being made to retire.some of you would have opposed Mandela being made president when he was with your thinking.Old folks have a lot to teach us if only we weren’t big headed we would gain some of their wisdom and insights.

  16. #7, Maestro, I would suggest that as the National Assembly is currently sitting, the Minister of Justice (George Kunda) be asked to make a comprehansive statement on the status of the Chief Justice and Judge Chitengi. For all our colleagues who are making sweeping statements, I would advise them to familiarise themselves with Article 98(1)(a) and Article 98 (1)(b) of the Constitution in order to see the options available to the President working with the Judicial Service Commission. As for John Sangwa, I have great admiration for him especially in his crusade on behalf of plunderers who are entitled to legal representation like ever one else but who have to pay him for every case he brings up including the petition against CJ Sakaka and Justice Chitengi.

  17. 25 ba-NKOLE WAMAPEMBWE UMFWE MILANDU greetings and thanks very much for your “#7, Maestro, I would suggest that as the National Assembly is currently sitting, the Minister of Justice (George Kunda) be asked to make a compreh[e]nsive statement on the status of the Chief Justice and Judge Chitengi“.

    This will surely be the best. As of now, I would recommend that Mr President should ask the Chief Justice and Justice Chitengi to write to him within 7 days as to whether they will resign or want to stay on. In the case of staying on, the Chief Justice and/or Justice Chitengi must indicate what court cases they have to end nicely before they retire to allow Mr President to access their need to stay on or be forced to leave.

    Psalm 16:
    8 I have set the LORD always…

  18. 27 ba-NKOLE WAMAPEMBWE UMFWE MILANDU, on your “As for John Sangwa, I have great admiration for him especially in his crusade on behalf of plunderers who are entitled to legal representation like ever one else but who have to pay him for every case he brings up including the petition against CJ Sakaka and Justice Chitengi” I am impressed by Sangwa and company for their good job well done and ask NCC to clear our now known problems in our would-be new Constitution hopefully before 2011 elections.

    On the former President Chiluba cases, I appeal to Mr President to use his executive orders to pardon Mr Chiluba FTJ of the london judgement ruling. We need to move on.
    Psalm 16:
    8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

  19. #18 you are missing the point.It is not about productivity .It is about constitutionality.We should not allow breaches of the constitution in the Judiciary or anywhere else for that matter.In any case this CJ has a concubine whom he has appointed Registrar of the High Court.We should not allow such a compromised individual as CJ

  20. If RB ratifies if he hasn’t done so already the CJ position just wait and see the cries of injustice that will come from bloggers. You bloggers are easily controlled by ignorance without reading exactly what the constitution says but instead rely on journalists to tell you what to think, when you fail you cry foul. Until it is proved beyond doubt tha RB didn’t ratify the CJ’s position then you can cry that he is occupying office illegally. Instead of using your emotions to think read article 98(1) and see what it really says.

  21. #28 okey I see I posted on the wrong thread.People seem to have a thing with against the CJ.look io not know anything about him all I’m saying is the retirement age should be revisited.Constitutionality- my foot! The constitution says a president must be elected by simple majority and that hasn’t helped Zambia well has it? The constitution should serve the Zambian people not the other way round.Let this ernest sakaka go doesn’t change anything in my world but lets revise the retirement age so people with lots of skills and experience can still contribute to our useless economy,like more developed countries do. Why cling to a clonial system that doesn’t serve us? Ok I rest my case.Its ok to agree to disagree!

  22. #30 whilst agreeing with you that the constitution should save the zambian people, that should not allow us to bastardise it. Whether it is good or not it should be adhered to until such a time that it is amended.

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