Friday, September 6, 2024

Dr. Katele implore party members in the country to respect leadership


MMD national secretary Katele Kalumba
MMD national secretary Katele Kalumba
MMD National Secretary, Katele Kalumba, has called on party members in the country to have respect for the leaders if the party is going to have strong leadership at national level.

Dr. Kalumba said the party could not have strong leadership at the highest level if those at grass root were insulting their superiors.

He said party members must be proud of their leaders because they are the ones who elected them into office.

Dr. Kalumba was reacting to reports by the party’s Eastern Province Executive that some members especially the youth from Chipata Central Constituency were disrespectful to leaders.

Addressing members during the launch of the party’s card renewal held at the Council chamber in Chipata yesterday, he said members should follow the constitution of the party in order to live in harmony.

‘’ To keep the party going, we need two groups to work together. Those who were elected must be able to work with those who elected them,’’ Dr. Kalumba said.

Dr. Kalumba warned members who were fond of using the name of his office to undermine the elected leadership that he will not defend them should they face disciplinary action by their immediate supervisors.

He urged the provincial chairperson to be humble as he led the party in the region and be firm when disciplining erring members.

Earlier, Eastern Province MMD Chairperson, Kennedy Zulu, complained that the youth from Chipata Central constituency were not giving the Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) members respect.[quote]

Mr. Zulu said if the trend continued that it was going to weaken the party in the region thereby giving advantage to the opposition to penetrate.

And Dr. Kalumba has reiterated his support for president Banda as the sole candidate for the party presidency at the national convention.

He said Mr. Banda was the only person who the party had in mind to lead it through to the 2011 general elections.

Dr. Kalumba noted that some of the people who were vying for the party presidency were not even members of the party because their names were not appearing in the party’s data base.

‘’ Some of them are not even our members because when you ask them about the branches they come from, they can not explain. They just get party cards from the streets which as a party we do not recognize,’’ he said.

He said those that were genuine party members needed to register from branches in constituencies.

‘’ Those that want to contest must ensure they have branches where they come from. We need unity in the party in order to overcome the so called pact of the UPND and PF,’’ Dr. Kalumba said.

He said the infighting of members was making them loose energy to fight the opposition, saying, the enemy was not any member from the party but the opposition.

Meanwhile, during the same meeting, some senior members of opposition parties resigned to join the ruling MMD.

Some of those that have joined the MMD are former UNIP Deputy National Women’s secretary, Hlupekile Nyondo, former FDD Provincial Youth Chairperson, Osward Mphande and Former Chadiza Central Member of Parliament, Phillip Zulu.



  1. Attention all greetings. Take careful note of some character who has taken the way of the devil in trying to dent my great blogname and character.

    I am hoping LT will teach him/er a lesson since I have made contact about this already.

    On “… he [Katele Kalumba (PhD,USA)] said members should follow the constitution of the party in order to live in harmony“, good message and I hope senior ones will obey.

    Be blessed all.
    Beware of some evil-driven sick and wicked impersonator using my blogname with a Nigerian flag and sometimes a USA one. I believe his is ba Dr Maureen who has been a terrible loser in debating.
    Psalm 16:8 + KJV Bible
    8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be…

  2. Attention all greetings. Take careful note of some character who has taken the way of the devil in trying to dent my great blogname and character.

    I am hoping LT will teach him/er a lesson since I have made contact about this already.

    … We need unity in the party in order to overcome the so called pact of the UPND and P“, explains why all MMD and small parties people panicking to discredit the U-P PACT.

    Be blessed all.
    Beware of some evil-driven sick and wicked impersonator using my blogname with a Nigerian flag and sometimes a USA one. I believe his is ba Dr Maureen who has been a terrible loser in debating.
    Psalm 16:8 + KJV Bible
    8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be…

  3. Katele has re-ignited the RB Sole candidancy rubbish when just a few weeks ago he instructed his cronies to stop the debate.

  4. good remarks from ba katele,but respect should not only be to the leadership but even leadership to its members.

  5. This kaloshi…, doesnt he know that respect you earn.. has he ever heard people disrespecting obama…he earned it… mmd must earn it too

  6. Katele are you not campaigning for RB Publicly endorsing him as a sole candidate for presidency at the convention.

  7. ba katele when you say some of them are not even members of the branch we know you are talking about professor chirwa,l dont know why you should be so scared of someone with the intention of standing for presidency within your party.thats why you fail to fit in when there is change in administration,because when you become loyal you even bury your heads and dont want to listern to opposing views,efyo mwisa mukuculila.

  8. Attention all greetings. Take careful note of some character who has taken the way of the devil in trying to dent my great blogname and character.

    I hope LT will teach him/er a lesson as I have made contact about this already.

    On “… some of the people who were vying for the party presidency were not even members of the party because their names were not appearing in the party’s data base…“, stop worrying.

    Be blessed all.
    Beware of some evil-driven sick and wicked impersonator using my blogname with a Nigerian flag and sometimes a USA one. I believe his is ba Dr Maureen who has been a terrible loser in debating.
    Psalm 16:8 + KJV Bible
    8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be…

  9. katele i lav u how iwish u were MMD president because akulu mphuno a banda seo angoni atinyhela zamtel is gone so we are almost naked na ma boasting yetenze nayo yatisilila.

  10. Katele Mfwiti Kalumba is a finished politician with fake qualifications. He lied to people that he was a medical doctor when in fact the ka man is a fake crook just like his heroic little man ka Chiluba. we need to sue him so that he is exposed. Look at his beard!!!

  11. # 8 shibobo,

    Your Chirwa got the purported MMD membership card from Jonas Siakafuswa who forged it from his printing shop.The whole idea was to keep scamming Chirwa hundreds of thousand dollars.Jonas was merely exploiting the desperation of Chirwa who wants to head MMD Presidency.This is why Jonas the sooner he defected to MMD, he was aspiring for Deputy National Secretary job hoping Levy using his then family tree formula hard the powers to kick Dr.Katele and nominate him Party SG.Unfortunately, MMD is not PF where the De facto Sata appoints leaders to all positions. The plot failed flat. MMD does it through secret ballot.No way could Levy fill the SG by decree with immature Jonas.

  12. besides all this Matero forgery, your Prof.Clive Chirwa’ s political vagabond life is inconsequential to the 2011 MMD victory.However,I have one or two advisory statements for him to take to heart based on the National security Act:

    (1)-Clive Chirwa better stop wasting his time until he proves a patriot beyond blogs and tabloids.

    (2)-To win the national interest test for Presidency, Chirwa better see the importance of getting his dear wife sever her generational covert working ties with Russia’s KGB. She must unreservedly shift her loyalty to Zambia for Zambian national interest and not Russia. He could be considered if that liability factor is empirically proven broken off. To be President is not like being a faculty member in another country during which your spouse covert…

  13. To be President is not like being a faculty member in another country during which your spouse covert ties are not issues as long as they don’t hurt the host country.

    If the UK ever found her undermining their national interests, surely Chirwa could have been long declared a PNG. But the same cannot be the case with a national executive office.Chirwa wants to be President with a wife still working for the KGB. Zambia national and foreign interest would be hurt and influenced by the KGB hands through the wife using a husband with immunity if such a miracle ever happened. Foreign treaties and conventions would all be on the dictates of the Russians through their agent.

  14. Without court cases, Katele could have made a very good president. #13, Katele was a lecturer at UNZA , school of Education and his PhD is not fake. And those who are closer to him, they will tell u that the man is very intelligent.

  15. On those ground, I don’t see how Zambian voters, MMD delegates to the convention and above all the Zambian National Security establishments would buy this breach in Chirwa.I challenge Chirwa to address this concern I have raised as a patriotic citizen. He should prove that his wife has never served the KGB and severed her generational long covert working ties with the KGB.

    According to the National Security Act of 1973 amended in 1998, Clive Chirwa is a security breach himself and cannot serve in any Zambian public office excerpt on the internet blogs and tabloids.

  16. 17 Hangandu, greetings. On your “#13, Katele was a lecturer at UNZA , school of Education and his PhD is not fake.“, nice contribution. What is appalling is that most bloggers do not know the difference between a Medical Doctor, a Doctor of Phylosophy (PhD) holder and an honorary doctorate holder.

    Thus, we have a lot of work in educating our un-exposed Zambian brothers and sisters.

    Good job, be blessed and take care.
    Beware of some evil-driven sick and wicked impersonator using my blogname with a Nigerian flag and sometimes a USA one. I believe his is ba Dr Maureen who has been a terrible loser in debating.
    Psalm 16:8 + KJV Bible
    8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

  17. HEY! Patriot dude, wats up xsay? still living in Neverland? Of course these youngsters have checked ati theres nothin to respect. how do u respect wats not there? I mean how does one respect non-existent leadership? with all these ma funnies chi pineapple face (RB) is always hackin and talking the same old bull about sata and blah blah, course they’ll be fed up. Patriot, homey? come back man. we forgive u. we also hid the weed RB sent u and this is for your own good. Jeez!

  18. Greetings everyone
    Certainly, there must be a good reason why this man was appointed MMD National Secretary? Yet the negative contributions here lead me to think otherwise.

  19. KATELE KALUMBA, ubufumu bucindika abene. In order for you as leaders to be respected, you must first start respecting yourselves. But as I speak/write, I don’t why people should respect crooks.

  20. #21 Dudelove. There’s no such a word as ‘xsay’ It’s simply, ‘Say’. Eg, I can address you as: “Say, Dudelove,…” This is an American way of starting to address your mate. Or maybe a very close pal.

  21. #6. Ba Daisy I have heard Americans disrespecting Barack Obama. Do you watch FOX News Channel and listen to right wing tallk radio? Ever heard of Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin etc etc etc. I am actually surprised that you can make a statement as ignorant as that when you are right up there if your avatar is to be believed!

  22. #21 cntd. So, in your sentence, “HEY! Patriot dude, wats up xsay?” You should have written, “HEY! Patriot dude, wats up, SAY?”. Better still you could have phrased your sentence as follows: “HEY! Say, Patriotic dude, wats up?”.

  23. Hi #26 Peter, what #21 dudelove writes is also known as Ghetto Grammar. I think it is much easier to understand than the Pidgin English spoken in some parts of Nigeria, Liberia & Sierra Leone.

  24. Mr Katele Kalumba, it’s hard to believe what you say, we know that deep down your heart you want to contest the presidency but bootlicking has proved to be a stumbling block for you. How can you expect to be respected when you are insincere.

  25. Katele Kalumba got his first degree in Social Work (BSW) then obtained his MA and PhD from Canada. He was a Research Fellow at the Institute for Economic and Social Research (INESOR) at UNZA. He was during this time doing part-time lecturing in social work in the Department of Social Development Studies and in the Department of Community Medicine in the School of Medicine at Ridgeway campus. Maestro is right. Most Zambians are ignorant about the difference between Medical Doctors, Doctor of Philosophy, and Honorary Doctorates. Honorary doctorates are not supposed to be used as titles. Nelson Mandela has a lot of these, but he is never addressed as Dr. Mandela. But in Zambia, you even have nonentities like Cosmo Mumba calling themselves Drs.

  26. Katele is supporting RB because he wants to be padoned. Nonsense. Let him take his thoughts to Chiyengi School of Whichcraft where he got his PhD.

  27. According to the Free English Dictionary, a Doctor can also be:

    A practitioner of folk medicine or folk magic.

    In this sense, all African Herbalists and Spiritual Healers (Sangomas) qualify to be addressed as “Doctors”.

  28. #30, yours is very factual and I agree with you. And #31, yours is very funny and I like your statement ‘ Let him take his thoughts to Chiyengi School of Whichcraft where he got his PhD’. Is this the reason why they refer to him as Katele mfwiti Kalumba or Laptop Magician Kalumba? Hilarious!!

  29. #19, you seem to have a big psychological problem with Prof. Chirwa. Your concerns are total fabrications which have no bearing in modern day globalised, secuity civilised, regimes. What you perceive as the role of CIA or KGB are NOT what is happening in modern world.

    Leave the man alone, he can do your Zambia a lot of good. You also seem to have your hatred for the late Levy Mwanawasa, please leave the late President out of these issues as he no longer can defend himself. Be civilised and work to build and not on malice and rumour mongering. Ignorance can be cured by honesty.

  30. #30, Is FTJ aware of your statement below? ‘Honorary doctorates are not supposed to be used as titles. Nelson Mandela has a lot of these, but he is never addressed as Dr. Mandela. But in Zambia, you even have nonentities like Cosmo Mumba calling themselves’.

    Please write him a personal letter advising him about this vital information. He is embarassing those who genuinely worked for their Doctorates.

  31. #13 …Iwe Daisy now you are in the US. Hee , even your english has changed!!!!!!!! enjoy dear. Coming back to Katele totoise, he should know to respect himself if he wants people to respect him. This applies to all MMD thieves, how do they expect people to respect them when they are there only to insult and steal from those who put them in power? Please witch doctor katele just shut up.

  32. perhaps its time for leaders to revisit the acceptance theory of leadership posited by chester I barnard

  33. How was Katele arrested and what was he running away from? It is rummoured that in Chiyengi, you need to be walking naked to see the wiches? Is that true? Do Zambians really believe and practice withccraft?

  34. I really doubt if this man has PhD. After spending many years and really learning stuff at PhD level, there is no way one would become a bootliker. For Teta and Mulongoti, it is understandable. Most of these guys have very crooked up degrees from India and Nigeria or Ethiopia. Lies and cheating and bootlicking are not norms of a good schoolar??

  35. This thing called PhD is not a joke guys. People sweat for it and when you have a system that claims tittles and yet behave differently then you know that country is doomed. How do you claim to have degrees in economics and yet your actions tell that you lack basic understanding of things. Things like buying Manda manda and mobile hospitals when you have failed to maintain simple hospitals. Things like Chiluba is damn good person yet everyone sees him as a crrok and even couts in UK have already convicted him?

  36. According to the National Assembly website, Chiengi MP Katele Kalumba (PhD, Canada) according to 30 Max CV is: Constituency Number: 65
    Date of birth: 22nd February 1952
    Marital Status: Married
    Educational Qualifications: Form V, BA, MSC (Psychotherapy) PHD. (Public Health)
    Year First Elected: 1991
    Sessional Committee membership: Committee on Local Governance, Housing and Chiefs Affairs (Chairperson)
    Profession: Public Health Consultant
    Hobbies: Chess, composing and playing music …
    Thus, let someone write an article education ZNBC, POST, TIME and DAILY MAIL newspaper journalists to avoid showing that Zambians are ignorant.

    Psalm 16:8 + KJV Bible
    8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

  37. CIAO, #39 and #40, you are spot on man! Tell them, and I hope they have the ears to listen. But with Tetawax and Mulongwax, I doubt it.

  38. 32 Nine Chale greetings. On your “all African Herbalists and Spiritual Healers (Sangomas) qualify to be addressed as “Doctors“, for sure there Traditional Doctors and even witch doctors. In the context of academic doctors, my posting on my posting on #21 is enough since a Medical Doctor is a physician, and not Physicist, and just a person who holds a doctoral degree, i.e., first professional degree in medicine and practices in the medical profession. A PhD has to do with reseach original academic, normally the 3rd professional degree while a honorary doctrate is about Masters Degree equivalent awarded on waiving ac. requirements.
    Psalm 16:8 + KJV Bible
    8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

  39. The People says, #42, Yes my man, these are people who by crookerly have made it at the top, not knowing that through their actions and arogance, they are killing their own people. These are incapable of learning simple logic that GRZ is there for the people and not the people for GRZ. Instead of the Govenment apologising for the carelessness in solving the strike issue, they are bussy suing an innocent girl. Is the government not shameful of seeing a woman giving birth on the streets. These are heartless people?? Is that really PhD thinkin?

  40. #43 Maestro greetings & thanks for that enlightment.

    To all others, including Ba Dr Maureen, stay well and peaceful blogging.

  41. 45/6 Ba Dr Maureen greetings. Your bad behaviour is very easy to notice by any clever person. Continue in your delusion, but you are welcome to give it up before it is too late for you to amend you current position.
    Just re-look at your Nigerian flag.
    I hope LT will teach you some lesson, but sinceis not openly known whether you are linked to LT, I can only look to the good Lord God to help you. Anyhow, have a blessed day.
    Psalm 16:8 + KJV Bible
    8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

  42. 47 Nine Chale thanks for your “#43 Maestro greetings & thanks for that enlightment.“. Have a blessed day.
    Psalm 16:8 + KJV Bible
    8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

  43. Maestro, I really dont know who has given you daaga today ? Nine Chale, this babbler has been denting my image allover the site. I have also been impersonated twice today by Pa Bwato and this guy at 45 -6 Impersonating you is like impersonating Teta. Keep on boring the site.

  44. 40 Ba Dr Maureen greetings. Your bad behaviour is very easy to notice by any clever person as expressed in your “Maestro, I really dont know who has given you daaga today ? “. It is all pathetic in your “I have also been impersonated twice today by Pa Bwato and this guy at 45 -6 Impersonating you is like impersonating Teta. Keep on boring the site” and thus you need to change your insulting wicked behaviour.
    Just re-look at your Nigerian flag.
    I hope LT will teach you some lesson, but since its not openly known whether you are linked to LT, I can only look to the good Lord God to help you. Anyhow, have a blessed day.
    Psalm 16:8 + KJV Bible
    8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

  45. 40 Ba Dr Maureen greetings. Your very bad wicked behaviour is very easy to notice by any clever person as it is expressed in your “Maestro uli chi sue-she !” and thus you need to change your insulting before it is too late for you.
    Just re-look at your Nigerian flag and
    I hope LT will teach you some lesson, but since its not openly known whether you are linked to LT, I can only look to the good Lord God to help you. On another note, did I just catch you in your activities on the web? Very sad indeed to abuse the system. Anyhow, have a blessed day.
    Psalm 16:8 + KJV Bible
    8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

  46. Hello bloggers. Lets all calm down. Using bad words on each other likens us to Teta and Co. and I believe we are all better people than them.


  47. Yaba imwe why r u showering insults at each other like Teta mulongoti? Anyway i hav loved the postings too much. Hey most zambians are brainy but where do we go wrong?

  48. You characters, why do you fear to call a spade a spade or is your English Language very bed? It is only one sick individual who is insulting and that is Ba Dr Maureen. As for me, I am only telling him/er to give up the bad behaviour for it is wicked and terrible. If this simple English is over your head, please, consult some Grade 12 School Certificate holder as to whether I have insulted Ba Dr Maureen. Have a blessed day all.
    Psalm 16:8 + KJV Bible
    8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

  49. Only a mentally and spiritually sick person is capable of insulting a fellow human being the way this Ba Dr Maureen has insulted me. If you are any serious about your advice, tell the sick person to desist from written such very bad insults to me and others. This is the only right way forward as evil will not be condoned and left unchallenged with truth and honesty. Have a blessed day all.
    Psalm 16:8 + KJV Bible
    8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

  50. Katele- FUZZI! That’s what we used to call them when we were young- they would do everything you’d tell to do anything and they would! I didn’t know they are still around!

  51. Miss Daisy,

    Di the other picture just exaggerate your beauty or is this one undermining your beauty? You look like kamushi in this pic…..just a question and comment.

  52. Maestro the educated, at times u sound like person who knows n fears God but nope your words are so ofending. Calling a spade is…. maestro remove ba dr maureen in ur postings as u r not sure whether its him who is an impostor. The wrangle is between u n ba maureen. You are an apology of a christian.

  53. Mark brown ha ha ha my lungs yes we used 2 call them fuzzi. Its been years ever since i used the word fuzzi. Thanks 4 the reminder

  54. 60 Chikumbutso, be advised that I do not write anything without thinking it through first. On your “Calling a spade is…. maestro remove ba dr maureen in ur postings as u r not sure whether its him who is an impostor“, go the 75% story of Zamtel by Mr President RB and check stuff starting at posting #98 downwards. I wrote to LT to delete that stuff by the impersonator but from morning upto now nothing has been done by LT. If you are a keen follower of events on LT, you will agree with me that this Ba Dr Maureen character has been insulting me for a very long time, simply because he can’t match my level of articulating issues. Blest.
    Psalm 16:8 + KJV Bible
    8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

  55. 60 Chikumbutso, assuming that you are new to LT or you don’t follow the insults that characters throw at me, I understand your ignorance. So, your “The wrangle is between u n ba maureen” shows that you are overstepping and clearly your “You are an apology of a christian. Blest” is misplaced unless youagree with the bahaviour of Ba Dr Maureen of which I can’t be surprised since “fowls of the same plumage always congrete in the same proximity“. Have a blessed day as you think on my postings to you and others.
    Psalm 16:8 + KJV Bible
    8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

  56. 60 Chikumbutso, in President Banda leaves for Uganda posting #44, your “Ba maureen 4get abt maestro fimo fimo he crosses my path n he is an eye sore. I have found peace by not reading his postings. I hate his style of copy n paste let alone use of words like under educate refering 2 sata. Hes tribal and trivial. Pliz ba maureen ignore the b u f f o o n!“. I thought you were normal, but this has given me insight about you too and now I note that you are in Ba Dr Maureen‘s insulting evil behaviour too. My advice to you is change before it is too late for you and confess your sins.
    Psalm 16:8 + KJV Bible
    8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

  57. 65 Chikumbutso, on your “Maestro amen my brother” do you now realise that I am always ahead of the devil’s schemes?

    With the bad behaviour that I posted on #64 above which you have exhibited, do you expect me or any other normal person to take any of your advice seriously now and next time?

    Learn to be consistent and vigilant in life and take my advice of repenting from your insulting wicked behaviour seriously if you ever hope to have a meaniful life now and in future. Have a good day.
    Psalm 16:8 + KJV Bible
    8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

  58. I Totally agree with Dr. Katele Kalumba. Let’s all MMD unite as one party. Forget about what other parties are saying about the powerful MMD. They are eyeing for Plot 1. Give them chance, you will cry for the rest of your life. We are blessed with RB and his good leadership. I would not even hesitate to vote for RB in 2010. The man is Great!

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