Friday, September 20, 2024

Vodacom case has no link to Zamtel sale


Vodacom_SignageGOVERNMENT has said the court case involving Vodacom and the Communication Authority (CA) in which the former is seeking to be awarded a cellular mobile licence has nothing to do with the sale of shares in Zamtel.

Chief Government spokesperson, Ronnie Shikapwasha said the Vodacom case had nothing to do with the sale of 75 per cent shares in Zamtel and Government would proceed with the offer of shares to investors.

He was commenting on a statement by former vice-president, Enoch Kavindele that the sale of Zamtel shares could not go ahead until the case in which the State has appealed against a high court’s ruling that Vodacom Zambia was lawfully granted a mobile licence was disposed of.

General Shikapwasha, who is also minister of Information and Broadcasting, said yesterday that Government would continue with the sale of 75 per cent shares in Zamtel because it wanted to save the company from collapsing.

Mr Kavindele said that Zamtel shares could not be sold before the disposal of the case.

He said that he had since instructed his lawyers to institute contempt proceedings against the CA for allowing the sale of Zamtel shares despite the pending case in the Supreme Court.

Mr Kavindele, who is Vodacom Zambia chairman, said at a Press briefing yesterday that the high court ruled that his company still held the fourth cellular mobile licence and there was no way Zamtel could be sold because it meant that another company was being allowed in the country.

He said he had even written a letter to Communications and Transport Minister, Geoffrey Lungwangwa reminding him that the sale of Zamtel could not proceed because the high court injunction restrained the CA from introducing any other cellular telecommunication operator in any form.

“The said injunction, among other restrictions restrains the authority from granting such a licence to any national mobile cellular operator until after the determination of the appeal in the Supreme Court,” reads the letter.

He has also complained against the CA’s decision to issue Zain Zambia a third generation (3G) licence because the same injunction restrained it from granting any licenses relating to telecommunication until the matter was disposed of.

In another letter to Zain Zambia managing director David Holliday, Mr Kavindele said that the CA had recently issued public notices referring to the suspension of issuance of all telecommunication licenses until further notice.

He said he had instructed his lawyers to institute contempt proceedings against the CA and advised Zain Zambia to cease any 3G-related activities with immediate effect failure to which the company may face similar contempt charges.

But Attorney General, Mumba Malila said that he could not comment on the matter because Vodacom Zambia sued the CA and Zamtel adding that his chambers were not handling the case.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. I think this country has so many irregularities in the system. This is just another huge example of a corrupt government and corrupt bodies. I’m sure someone ate and they tried to block vodacom…..such a shame….if we had a proper legal system,these guys were going to pay heavily

  2. Never allow confusion to stand in the way of development. Lets do what is beneficial for the country. However, It appears like the CA’s hands are tied by the high court in this case. On the other hand it is difficult to tell who is wrong ( VODACOM or CA) because we do not have the actual document as issued by the high court. I believe Mr Kavindele’s words are only one side of the story.

  3. Well, having known Enock for a long time now, i wonder if he can manage such big ventures knowing from previous misjudgements he has made, the KB Davies and United Milling Companies all based in Chingola, and Woodgate House, the kabwe round about building plus katondo defunct buildings all with kavindeles hands in them are a failure and so him crying lion here may not hold any water knowing again that he failed to tick with Northwestern railways coy which was supposed to construct a railway from chingola all the way to angola thru northwestern province where he hails.I think Kavindele of 1984 is not the Enock i now know, he is rapidly losing his business acumen.on the other hand, if his case is true (and again Judge Philip Musonda), then we are headed for disaster as the country may become

  4. ungovernable, unsafe to live in and no where in the peace and stability rhetoric we have grown up with.
    lets wake up as its such little things when overlooked, become explosive.

  5. Shkapwasha is even braging that they will go ahead and sell Zamtel. For once why can’t this Govg listen to the cry of the masses. Honeslty this selfishness and corruptness on the part of our leaders is unacceptable. We are talking about a national asset, a strategic installation

  6. What a mess up. do these pipo in GRZ respect the courts. How on earth the Vodacom case is before the Supreme Court and the powers be are doing the opposte. What a shame. The vodacom problems srtated when Kavidendele was dropped as Veep. GRZ preaches vowing investors yet when those officials charged with responsibilities hands are not oiled they try to use all tricks to block the initiative. The same Ministry of Transport & Communication last year blocked construction of railway line to NorthWestern and preferred a Chinese coy to date we have not yet heard any thing on that project. How can we develop if pipo who iniatiate development projects are blocked on instigation of politicians. Is this way Zambia is going ot be developed? We need an explanation from MTC and CA.

  7. Imwe naimwe, namanje still mucking about over a license? Sitting on job opportunities for educated yet unemployed Zambians and oppressing a competitive industry!! Now, let me read the story.

  8. We have an arrogant government in place. Let us wait until they are out of government and we will deal with them then. Since they are thick-heads they do not want to learn from what is happening to Chiluba, Chungu and others. Similarly the day of reckoning for those in Rupiah Banda’s government is certainly coming.

  9. It seems this government is determined to sell Zamtel at all costs. Nothing or no one will convince them to do otherwise.

  10. Hmmm……………….Govt and Enock.The Vodacom issue is a straight forward issue,the govt is just too rigid and corrupt.If they are saying they are selling %75 shares of Zamtel,that is as good as granting a licence to another Telecoms company which Enock is rightly contending

  11. Thought Gen. Shikapwasha would do well to sit with Kavindele, the C.A and indeed the Attorney General, brainstorm, and then issue a comprehensive statement to the satisfaction and good of all. Now we’ll be entertained to a barrage of (counter)statements from all directionz, which can be avoided.

  12. They are looking at kick-backs. Nothing will stop them if as zedians we remain docile which has always been the case; including institutions of higher learning only good at analysing cases when money has already been stolen. God help us.

  13. Che Guevara, what do you know about Kavindele? You seem to have this warped info about the most successful businessman Zambia has ever had. The man is a proven ‘mover and shaker’ having had dealt at the very top of corporate business. Hypothetically speaking, even if he failed to run those businesses who have mentioned that doesn’t preclude him from participating in any future businesses. For Vodacom to have appointed him chair of its Zed operation, it speaks volumes of what he has achieved, not a whimper of ridicule from you dude.

  14. BGRIMM Explosives to resume operations after 49 pipo got killed in 2005 in Chambeshi. I have not yet got more details on compensation to victims families. is GRZ sure that the Chinese owners going to put in place high standards of safety measures are observe them. Even if its investment we are crying for why not make the owners buy explosives from Kafironda now Africa Explosives. History has it that even Kafironda had its won accident during the 1970s when alot pipo got killed after an accident. Can some one expand further on the Kafironda subject. These Chinese should be watched by the relevent authorities or else the next accident may claim double the last victims.

  15. Following “General Shikapwasha, who is also minister of Information and Broadcasting, said yesterday that Government would continue with the sale of 75 per cent shares in Zamtel because it wanted to save the company from collapsing“, it is sad that the late President LP Mwanawasa legacy has been terribly thrown away as the rule of law is not being respected. I just hope all those that will overlook the law will be taken to court for mis-ruling Zambia when their mandate to govern will come to an end hopefully in 2011.

    As for experienced Kavindele Enock, good job and please pursue the matter to the very end. I will push for crimes of mismanagement when such will be needed and a new govern takes over running Zambia.

    Have a good day you all.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible

  16. Just to aid those that are hostile to truth, here is the injunction Kavindele is using to block the sale of Zamtel 75% shares as given out by the POST:

    “And further, the defendant by itself, its chief executive/controller, directors/ regulators, servants or agent or howsoever or otherwise be and are hereby restrained by an order of injunction from attempting to introduce any other Cellular telecommunications operator(s) by way of merger/acquisition/investment/divesture and or buy-out of any existing mobile telecommunication providers until after the final determination of the defendants appeal in the Supreme Court or until further notice,” said judge Musonda“.

    Bravo for using the LAW to counter strange GRZ activities.

    Be blest you all.
    Matthew 6:33

  17. EK, donot mislead pipo of Zed. You failed convince the pipo of Kabompo to vote for you. Zamtel has got a lisence from CAZ and can still be offloaded in the same brand name. The law allows this. Look at Zanaco, has ti changed name to RABO bank? It is becoz of the same concerns that you seem to be raising? EK, do you think using money or you use you head? Do you have lawyers or you consult from the street? Remember you blocked DD Mutesha when he wanted to bring in Koreans as the 4th mobile provider by you uesless injuctions which are not working to the benefit of any zambians but yourself and you lions only at your Kalingalinga home. BE PRUDENT you Motha faka, imbasao, id]ot

  18. This willl be interesting but I tend to say that law is for lawyers. Lets wait till we get the legal perspective. As for Enock Percy Kavindele, soldier on. I like man who is willing to fight battles and face challenges face on

  19. It is interesting to note the behaviour of our minister, its like there is something he knows that we dont. whether he is going to chew from this deal or not , i think they should do what is right .

  20. The uncontrolled upswing in Zambia’s foreign debt from US$500 million – five years ago – to about US$ 2 billion this year has sent fresh warning fears that the country might find itself in yet another debt burden.
    In mid 2005, Zambia’s staggering US$7.1 billion debt was written-off after the country managed to toe the conditions set by the Bretton Woods institutions under the Highly Indebted Poor Countries Initiative .

    The debt burden, that dated as far back as pre-independence era, battered Zambia’s socio-economic system to the extent that the southern Africa state could no longer afford to provide key basic services to its citizens.

    Years of sacrifice, wage freezing, tight fiscal policies, sound corporate governance and strict adherence to IMF-World Bank backed…

  21. Years of sacrifice, wage freezing, tight fiscal policies, sound corporate governance and strict adherence to IMF-World Bank backed conditions helped Zambia overcome its indebtedness by qualifying for debt forgiveness under HIPC initiative. Zambia only managed to reach the HIPC completion point after two failed attempts.

    Since the country’s debt forgiveness in June 2005, there has been renewed concerns that the swell-up in Zambia’s foreign debt from US$500 million to US$2 billion might lead Zambia into yet another debt trap.

    Anti debt campaigners such as Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection and Jubilee Campaign are worried that lack of a debt contraction and management system in place, the country is likely to find itself in a similar position where it would not be able to…

  22. the country is likely to find itself in a similar position where it would not be able to liquidate its indebtedness.
    Contentions by anti debt campaigners are that, in its current state, the Zambian legal system entitled the Minister of Finance and National Planning to procure fresh loans and grants without consultation or approval from Parliament. They further contend that, much of recent debt being accrued was being channelled towards consumption rather than capital investment in key sectors of the economy.
    Within a string of three consecutive years, the Auditor General’s Report has unearthed serious scandals of gross financial mismanagement, mostly by public officers. Efforts to arrest and prosecute thieving public officers involved in these scandals have been lukewarm – something…

  23. Efforts to arrest and prosecute thieving public officers involved in these scandals have been lukewarm – something the Office of the Auditor General argued undermined efforts to formulate a water-tight public resources management system.
    But in collaboration with civic organisations such as JCTR and Transparency International Zambia, the Zambian Parliament through the Charles Milupi led Public Accounts Committee have joined calls for the legislature to get involved in the procurement of fresh loans or grants . These loans might either be concessional or non-concessional – they might have conditions or no conditions attached to them. There are currently combined efforts that are lobbying government to come up with a Debt Management Strategy that would involve a broad range of…

  24. There are currently combined efforts that are lobbying government to come up with a Debt Management Strategy that would involve a broad range of stakeholders before a fresh loan could be procured.

  25. Goodmorning
    Vodacom is rightly concerned about it’s position on the market. When a larger investor with a stronger financial base takes over ZAMTEL things might look shoddy for them. Especially if they come in with more optimized mobile concepts and technologies than Vodacom. This is why we have instruments like the Zambia Competition…(Agency?) who’s responsibilty it is to examine and oversee such moves as the sale of ZAMTEL shares before they’re even announced to the public.

  26. It is not the law that in necessarily a prat, it is governments that turn it into one by translating it only in their favour every time even when iintended true meaning was the opposite. See, Sata had just suffered from a massive heart attack, he is well into his mid 70s but the Chief Justice allowed him to to run for president when there clearly is a provision in the constitution which requires all candidates to be of sound health, which Sata isn’t! Even with this sale of Zamtel, they can go ahead as they seem hell bent to, only they will have to pay a dear price for the plain stupidity once they are out of office. Wina azalila mizozi paka paka.

  27. 2 WE CAN greetings and nice noting that you are blog-contributing from Zambia. As for your “On the other hand it is difficult to tell who is wrong ( VODACOM or CA) because we do not have the actual document as issued by the high court. I believe Mr Kavindele’s words are only one side of the story“, check today’s POST for details.

    I believe the Attorney General Mumba Malila’s “he could not comment on the matter because Vodacom Zambia sued the CA and Zamtel adding that his chambers were not handling the case” is the best submission as opposed to the seemingly uneducated words from Minister Shikapwasha.

    Be blest you all.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible
    33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added…

  28. Reading the injunction Kavindele obtained, one wonders whether the Chief Government spokesperson Ronnie Shikapwasha is on drugs, has a natural catankrous endowment from god, or indeed both to be so dull so as not to understand such a simple ruling! No wonder, with ministers like these, which country needs plunderers to loot the country into doldrums?

  29. Do not sale Zamtel pls,just get the list of recovered properties that kapoko,chiluba and his partener,Sakala,maureen,Dora ,Tandiwe and chuungu stole.This should be enough to bail Zamtel.By the way where do these properties and $ go after they are recovered???? Into new plunders hands???.One day a true Zambian will take over and people will know the repucations of stealing public funds.The man of this world will let you down but Jesus never !Days are numbered and even Exile will not be a solution.

  30. #18, Muntuza, i have proof. just go to chingola and see how the chinese built UMC is after enock bought it? I presume you are familiar with chingola for you to counter my posting. Its all in black and white. Enock is no stranger to me and i know he has money but most of it is in such non runners like holding onto buildings which have taken ages to finish. See, he used to feed his lions proper meat at his ibex hills house but not now. things are tough and he has to pull his socks or else, he will be crying all day

  31. When comments are over 30-40 words paragraphs, it’s tricky to finish reading them, least of all understand/appreciate the good point being driven.

  32. Ba Nine Chale, your views above are so good unfortunately only to me and fellow blogers not the people with law in their hands.To be in public office pa Zed is not to service anyone but a rare chance to amass wealth enough to last life time.Whether you are there for 6month you should get as much as possible regardless of who dies during the process.This will not change until a real Zambian is born.If this changes with the current Zambians then even AIDS is abount to find cure ! We are a shamefull genaration with no respect to the future Zambians.We steal even when 53ys as if God as tipped one a life span of 209 years.

  33. EK is just a corrupt greedy failed poilitician. He aquired the Vosacom chaimanship while he was Veep, flying in the face of PLM corruption fight. He is holding zambias ICT development to ransom just because GRZ put spanners in his corrupt dealings with Vodcom while he was veep.

  34. Awe please can somebody explain to me clearly what is this is all about coz it’s like they will be a lot jobs which will be created from kavindele allowing his and Zamtel being sold. What is the fuss all about coz we need smart guys to marry some of us quickly before we turn 30. I hope love will start holvering around the country. Thanks Lt.

  35. #31, Maestro Hakucincha,
    Thanks for the greetings bro. I hope the good Lord continues to bless you.
    I had taken a break for a few minutes cause I had to go into town to buy a few items.

    Thanks for the info on your comment on #21. I have also counter checked it in the Post. It is really amazing to see govt overlook or misinterpret such a straight forward statement from the high court judge. This is one of many examples of how RB’s govt misguides itself so easily over straight forward issues all because of selfish ambitions.

  36. The govt are going to go ahead because the money given to them by the investors to induce sell Zamtel has already been spent. I am convinced that RB and ministers are clinically insane. Zamtel is not a personal company owned by RB and friends it’s a national company with citizens as stakeholders and yet the stakeholders are the last ones being listened to. Nothing good will ever come from such a dishonest thing. If this was a bonafide sale to a failed company why all the secrecy.

  37. Continued..
    While I was in Lusaka city doing my shopping this morning, I noticed how dirty our city is. It is pity to see our head of states (RB) receiving other heads of states in such a filthy environment. It only speaks of how dirty RB himself is!

  38. and Oil had nothing to do with the War in Iraq. The Government thinks Zambians have ***** written on there Forehead ( not all of us are dull)

  39. I think EK is doing the right thing by blocking the sale of ZAMTEL shares as it would certainly affect his company. It makes one wonder whether the Ronnies of this world are using their heads to think coz they should have been aware of the injunction that is in force at the moment. Now , question….when will this Vodacom case be concluded ?

  40. Kavindele is very righ .actualy we need Zambians like him to come out so very strong and buy the the shares in zamtel .what a good idea if the shares are sold to a zambian invester.Please you zambians like kavindele,tom mutini,Pro Chirwa,George sokota,GBM,BY ,HH too many to mention just come and buy the share in zamtel.It nust not be sold to mazwahule (foreigners)

  41. Ba LT, why is it that you always get your stories from Times, Daily Mail, ZNBC etc, we want you to get write your independent stories.

  42. Imwe ba LT am disappointed with you for being used by the govt. You started very well but you’ve taken a grave step. Leave bootlicking to the Times, Daily mail and ZNBC, please!!!

  43. For those of you against Zamtel sale, consider this..In Black Africa only Seria leoan, Central African republic ,Zambia and Zimbabwe have monopolistic gateways. The securities of countries like Uganda, Kenya or SA with librallised gatways have not been compromised., According to GSM world, After libralisation of the Gatways, ICT prices can expect to drop about 90%. For every Dollar invested by the mobil industry, about $0.80 will be earned by Gov thru taxation. (this extra investment comes with the opening up of the gateway). Also note at present Zamtel is hemorraging more than $17 million annually . Zamtel has had more then 8 MDs. Growth of other ICT infrastructure has been suppressed by Zamtels monoploy. Like Fiberoptic systems insrastructure has to start form zero.

  44. KC i like your observations but you need to know that South Africa is a way advanced country and has a satelite in space. Those countries have measures in place to safe guard their security but what has Zambia Got. Selling of Zamtel should not be an issue but what should be is in whose Hands? if 75% was meant for Zambians this whole thing would not have been an issue

  45. I dont care about EPK’s involvement in this matter, but VODACOM is the invester WE should be looking to bring in. The’ve been knocking for many years with a lower cost & competitive offering, backed by advanced technologies proven to work in our current lesser developed country. ZAIN / teh UAE outfit are running scared. That’s why we pay through our noses at 3times cost in other countries. Cream it before VODACOM land. The’ve oiled the whole MMD bunch to hold out as far as possible. It would have made more sense to clear way for VODACOM and so called privatise ZAMTEL. retrenched staff have opportunity with new firm. Certainly new jobs would be coming. but oh no the Crimminals dont care.

  46. # 55 JACK MICHEALSON , the security threat is easily solved by advanced firewalls and encryption systems. All which can be bought. andany way any advanced hacker can access systems in Zambia. The Zamtel gateway is only there to create a bottleneck to facilitate taxation on ICT by GRZ. Vodacom demanded a gateway liscence and bullked at the $12 million price slaped by GRZ. Along with this was also the contencoius issue of how EK got the Majority shares while he was veep. At first he lied and said his son owned the shares. By all rights he should have served time for corruption, instead he got sacked.

  47. 54 kc greetings. Following your “For those of you against Zamtel sale, consider this..In Black Africa only Seria leoan, Central African republic ,Zambia and Zimbabwe have monopolistic gateways. The securities of countries like Uganda, Kenya or SA with librallised gatways have not been compromised.” Please, the liberalisation of the International gate-way has nothing to do with National security. National security simply comes into play because ZAMTEL systems connect Zambia Airforce and other security wings’ communication systems — thus tapping secret information can be done by any worker at the SWITCH, TRANSMISSION or EXT. MANT..
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible
    33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added

  48. 54 kc greetings. Following National security simply comes into play because ZAMTEL systems connect Zambia Airforce and other security wings’ communication systems — thus tapping secret information can be done by any worker at the SWITCH, TRANSMISSION or EXTERNAL MAINTENANCE and so reduction of GRZ shares to 25% and 0% subsequently means that the single equity partner owning 75% shares in the would-be-new-ZAMTEL would do as they like with our COUNTRY’S secret information since their 75% ownership of that company will give then full management rights.

    If 49% shares are sold and GRZ remains with 51% shares, GRZ will monitor activities.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible
    33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added

  49. Maestro Hakucincha, the sale of zamtel does not mean foriegners will be the workers. The buying company will train Zambians already working at zamtel. ZAF can simply encrypt and activate firwalls like very other defence organisation in the world. As i say even as things stand any advanced hacker can hack into ZAFs syatems. Zamtels membeshi is mearly a bottle neck to facilitate GRZ taxation. And the issue of the sale of Zamtel is to bring investment and technology from out side. GRZ has challanged HH to come up with the $200 M. And technology needed, we havent heard from him since.

  50. 62 kc, you are debating with a telecommunications man and a physicist/scientist at the same time who has worked in the telecommunications sector even on now advanced projects. And so, your “ Maestro Hakucincha, the sale of zamtel does not mean foriegners will be the workers. The buying company will train Zambians already working at zamtel. ZAF can simply encrypt and activate firwalls like very other defence organisation in the world.” is terrible un-scientific and un-researched. Go to ZAMTEL and you will find UK, China and so on educated workers. Go to KCM, Zambia Sugar PLC and other privatised co. and see who is working there.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible
    33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

  51. 62 kc, Thus, your “ Maestro Hakucincha, the sale of zamtel does not mean foriegners will be the workers. The buying company will train Zambians already working at zamtel. ZAF can simply encrypt and activate firwalls like very other defence organisation in the world.” will help you well when you will understand the dynamics involved in selling 75% of ZAMTEL to one equity partner. This is where the problem is.

    As for the gateway, my personal believe is that GRZ kept it to ZAMTEL just to make sure Celtel/ZAIN and Telecel/MTN had to pay money to ZAMTEL to boost ZAMTEL’s business but the model is not helping.

    So, liberalise it.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible
    33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

  52. #64 Maestro Hakucincha ””the sale of zamtel does not mean foriegners will be the workers. The buying company will train Zambians already working at zamtel. ZAF can simply encrypt and activate firwalls like very other defence organisation in the world.” is terrible un-scientific and un-researched ”” with all due respect, can you explain to me How is this unscientific and un reserched when every other defense organisation uses firwalls and encryption to protect and seperate their systems ????. Even police forces have thier own networks using firewalls. This would be easy for ZAF, even a VLAN Encrpted firewall will do. If you bring job seekers like indians and chinese, you will be flooded. Seek out Simens, BT, and other big players avoiding 3rd parties to help bring costs down.

  53. Abena Maestro i think you are too technical it is too tough for me. Wall fires, encrypt, these are technical terms i think i am going to sleep now

  54. The problem is that Zamtel as an asset only has the Membeshi bottleneck. Thay have a crap network that has assets that have been ignored and underfunded with the belief that they are safe with strangling Zambias ICT sector by way of maintaing the bottle neck at mwembesh. This Membeshi is only for GRZ taxation. period. No worthwhile investor will invest for less then 70 % equity in a bankrupt and inefficient company with outdated systems. Only the fiberoptic network, which by the way is so substandrd and small that it is embarassing to belong to the national carrier is worth some money.

  55. . EK aquired Vodacom shares with the hope of getting a gateway lisence. Since Vodacom was a late player and all other networks had systems inplace, this was the only way Vodacom could catchup. But the $12M price with heavey taxes made them stand back and wait for GRZ to libralise the Gateways at affordable prices. EK now knows GRZ has no intention of fully libralising the Gatway. To EKs and Vodacoms horror they realise that the company that will buy Zamtel will have a head start on Vodacom. Hence EKs Panic. The only solution is for Vodacom parent company in SA to buy zamtel , but GRZ will not do a deal with EK holding majority shares in Vodacom Zambia. He steeped on a lot of feet in GRZ to become chairman while he was veep.

  56. What more do you expect from a presdo who will stand up in his right mind and say what FTJ did was damm right? Makes me wonder were FTJ and RB got their passport or Regs cos they both seem to be of the same flock. Zimbabwe and Congo. We need sum true breed to stir tha nation forward.

  57. 66 kc, your “… with all due respect, can you explain to me How is this unscientific and un reserched when every other defense organisation uses firwalls and encryption to protect and seperate their systems ?” It is unscientific and un-researched because you appear excited about the finds you got exposed to in terms of the African countries you listed above tha have their systems in private hands. My advice to you is go to Lamya House and seek to be given a tour of the SWITCH and TRANSMISSION systems there, and afterwards, contact me on for a discourse.
    For now, I have to continue with my Report.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible
    33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

  58. Mr Physicist Maestro Hakucincha, i am not excited. This information is part of my occuaption. But your incoherent rumbelings inffused with biblical extracts appear dellusional. What are you arguing about ? The sale ? the percentage ? The sercurity risks ? or simply becuse it is MMD who has to do it ?.

  59. 72 kc re-read my postings above following your “But your incoherent rumbelings inffused with biblical extracts appear dellusional. What are you arguing about ? The sale ? the percentage ? The sercurity risks ? or simply becuse it is MMD who has to do it ?

    Being dull in the face of reality is very sad for I have written that Holy Scripture verses are my signature of any posting I make when space allows.

    Be blessed.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible
    33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

  60. I do not see much of a problem of selling ZAMTEL, as for security the available wings will look into that. If it is Mwembeshi that is the security concern ( and I strongly think it is oudated) then that can be retained. The idea should not be to shoot down every MMD idea but look at a solution to the situation. Probably someone explain what exactly is the security concern ? Oh and I was recently informed that even America does ot have a public tele communications company. ( I stand to be corrected)

  61. How something progressive for Zambia will come out of all this. The world is moving on, let us not be left behind technologically. Look at North Korea.

  62. KC so zamtl needs to buy firewalls and Internet security from WHo exactly?? Buying firewalls from countries you are supposed to protect yourself against sounds silly.

  63. # 76 Slumdog Shalapungu, not zamtel, but the organisations using Zamtel, like if ZAF is using Zamtel at the moment they will need firwalls and the rest if they want to seperate and protect their data when a sale goes ahead. If Zambia makes communications secrurity equipment, then that can be used. If not ZAF and the likes will have to buy it form abroad. If the west wanted to spy on ZAF and the 5 operational jets we have, belive me they do not need Zamtel, nor membeshi.

  64. 78 kc, just equip UNZA and other universities with enough research tools and let Zambian brains develop our own systems to protect us from foreigners getting data at free will from our hypothetical bedrooms.

    Zambia has bought enough useless things but now is the time to develop our own technology and be partners in development other than always waiting for obsolete hand outs form our so-called cooperating partners.

    For a headstart, I am asking all concerned characters over the sale/sell of Zamtel to visit Lamya House and have a first hand glimpse of what is happening there as opposed to making useless statements.

    Be blessed.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible
    33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

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