Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Zambia remembers Levy Patrick Mwanawasa


The Late President Levy Patrick Mwanawasa
The Late President Levy Patrick Mwanawasa

Zambia will today hold an interdenominational memorial service for late president Levy Mwanawasa at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross at 09:00 hours.

Lt Gen Shikapwasha stated that the memorial service would be extended to all the nine provincial centres in the country to minimise people from flocking to Lusaka.

Government has also announced that traffic at the junction of Nationalist road, Independence Avenue and the round about at the High and Supreme Courts, would today be interrupted from 11:00 to 14:00hours.

In a statement made available in Lusaka yesterday, Secretary to the Cabinet Joshua Kanganja said this is to facilitate for the wreath laying ceremony at the late Republican President Levy Mwanawasa’s grave at Embassy Park.

Dr. Kanganja said the laying of wreaths would take place shortly after the memorial Church service at Cathedral of the Holy Cross.

The Secretary to the Cabinet said the laying of Wreaths will be limited to individuals and officials in possession of invitation cards.

Dr. Kanganja said members of the general public would be accorded the opportunity to lay wreaths after the official programme that will start at 14:30 on the same day and subsequent days thereafter.

The late Dr. Mwanawasa died at Percy Military Hospital on August 19, last year after suffering a stroke in Egypt were he had gone to attend the African Union (AU) Heads of State summit.



  1. Rest in Peace True Son of the Soil. You must be turnin g in your grave as everything that made you who you have become to be known is being undone.We miss you.

  2. Why was the aquital of FTJ timed just around the memorial, Its too coincidental. Anywhere may levy’s soul rest in peace, we shall remember this man for a long time, very few will equal him.

  3. Your Execellency LPM Sc,Ichibumba ,True Son of the soil and our beloved form republican president .We LOVE and miss your good works .May Soul Rest In Peace.Amen

  4. Mwanawas is the one that brought us all these problems that we are currently facing. He brought Rupiah Banda.If Rupiah had remained at his farm in obscurity none of the nonsense that is happenning in this country would be happening.So lets not gloss over anything, Mwanawasa in his death brought us all these problems!

  5. I agree with you wakumawa…………..Mwanawasa is the cause of the current state of affairs in this nation. There were better qualified people he could have chosen as vice, he brought a retired farmer.And now we have this mess!

  6. #7&8
    Are completely right……..This man brought us all the problems we have and in fact he blinded a lot of you people by saying he was fighting corruption when he wasn’t at all. That ABSA case falls under Mwanawsa because he was the one doing things illegally with ZNOC saga. You don’t believe me just go to wikileaks website or even google ZNOC or Dennis Mumba. This man really did nothing for our people. I even find it hard how some people say “he was the best president,” when he stealing money in front of your faces!!
    Zambians never LISTEN to people who tell you that what is going on is illegal.

  7. My Dad I miss you so much…especially after the Judgement of the person who plundered our resources..Tears of you will never dry especially when I see Chiluba walking freely..Ba Levy Nga tamwafwile sure..eeeeeee Lesa kabumba sure tutuleni kufiswango ifi ifyaima mukulya no tunono uto mwatupela.MHSRIP

  8. #7&8 You should be very childish..I think you are the worst uneducated fools I have ever come across..May your parents live long so that no one comments bad on their death..

  9. Lets call a spade a spade,,,,,,,,,,,,,……… dont even try to call it a shofolo. Who called back Bwezani??? and What is Bwezani doing to us????????????????? even the monkeys know the best thing to do.what of us human beings.

  10. The blog is now full of hypocrits. The same who wished him dead and insulted him untill his grave entrance are seeing a leader in the dead.The scriptures are right when they say a prophet has no honor is country.Most of you are cursed for life irrespective of your posthumous good words because you insulted God for sparing Levy’s life who you insulted and cursed.Lack morals is killing the future of our youths.

  11. #12 You must be very daft . Who made Bwezazani Ziko Pambuyo Vice President? What of the ZNOC /ABSA sagas? Who was paying Nkole ZMk60mikllion p.m as task force chairman? Or have we forgotten the family tree? c’mon lets not gloss over things because the chap is dead. In fact the biggest mess of all was leaving us with RB and bene Tetamalilo(may he hasten to die) and Mulongoti, including Shikampuno! Lets be Serious.

  12. We miss you Dr. Levy Mwanawasa. It is like you passed on yesterday. Our memories are still fresh

  13. That Dennis Mumba chap from ZNOC should learn to be professional in his writings. The document is full of errors a simple spell check could have corrected. His grammar is off and he did not even know how to spell the names of companies he was dealing with. Surely, this man was not competent enough to hold the job he was occupying at ZNOC. And it shows you the calibre of people who run govt institutions. Small wonder it was liquidated. This is why very few have taken his report seriously.

    And while Levy might be dead and this will seem rude, he landed us this disaster called RB. Due to his paranoia, he did not want anyone to challenge his leadership hence he picked some obscure guy to be his vice. Isn’t it amazing that the last three presidents we have had have been ‘accidents’?…

  14. I guess you’re no longer resting in peace since what has happened to your legacy. I miss you big time, I don’t know were we would have been as a country in terms of development if you were alive. Til we meet. Chao

  15. Anyway M.H.S.R.I those of us alive lets try and correct the situation with the Tetamalilo. Shikampuno and Superman Bweziman

  16. Goodmorning.
    This is the best thing we can do as a nation at the momment. My tribute to our late President. who was truly a hard working leader despite his ill health. God bless his soul.

  17. May Your Soul Rise If Possible (MYSRIP). The only corruption you had was the reconcilliation with Micheal Sata. Just 2 days after meeting him during the Bishops meeting in LSK, you had a stroke in Egypt, you were bewitched by SATA. Teta may be joining you soon, please revert him to Deputy Minister and ask Mpombo to rescind his resignation.

  18. On a scale of 1-10, I scored this man 7. He lost one point when he brought in RB as veep. I however admire the leadership quality he displayed when we called him all sorts of ‘garden produce’ names. Levy we miss you!

  19. Splaka
    You talk about spell check…….”Small wonder it was liquidated.” I don’t think you really understand what that man has behind him. He was the one who was generating profits for that sector then chi Chiluba and Mwanawasa had there own agenda for the company and mistreated this man because of the good job he was doing. In fact he told many people ages ago this people are stealing from the country and no one listened. An you say no one takes the report seriously. Why do you think Absa has only brought up the issue on ZNOC now…..this is because Mwanwasa was keeping everything on the hush while busy saying he was fighting corruption.
    *Notice that the government has never disputed this because they know it’s true!!

  20. If Zambia was an experiment, it would have encountered GROSS ERRORS which demands that the whole experiment is re-started altogether. I cannnot believe the future that is unfolding before my eyes. Probably the bigger culprit is super ken for failing to groom anybody and now every subsequent presido is there by a margin of error.

  21. May the soul of my beloved president rest in peace. we loved you and memories will never dissapear, We miss you . MHSRIP

  22. am also attending the memorial service. do you remember my words last year and how i was not taken serously?.

  23. What is bickering about? This Mr Legacy was as corrupt as any president Zambia will ever have. He was a product of this Kafupi boy. If you guys got to blame someone, blame yourselves for you never learn. You make mistakes after mistakes. Your ways of life is all corrupt. Corrupt within and without.
    The systems in govt and its departments and ministries is bonded to the core of corruption. The chap in question was also behind the Mandamandas (Hearses). If this bwezani claims that this piece of corruption or that did not take place in his Govt then it was in Mr Legacy. Be proud of clean legacies not the one slapped on this LPM. Becoz of wrong systems RB will also handpick his successor. May he rest in peace though.

  24. LPM on one hand you tried to eradicate corruption,on the other hand you brought Bwezani.Looks to me that you created all these problems.R.I.P though.

  25. funny how some people will always complain, even when someone is dead! u causin iminyama on urselves! omy, i pity y’all complainin… matter of fact we are the ones who voted for RB, so lets call it OUR ignorance! bwah… Y do u want to blame someone for your own mistakes, huh? Levy was one of the best presidents Zed has ever had, u never appreciated him, God took him away from us and gave us… let go of the past and enjoy the present, work hard with or through RB n’ be happy. I miss you Levy, rest in perfect peace. Peace!!!

  26. People need to focus on the good deeds than look into his dark closet.We all know he was not perfect but he tried his best to be a dad,a husband,a friend and a president.How do you expect him to give you answers when he is dead?The flaws he made were a sign that he was human just like all of us.Now coming to Chiliba’s freedom,if the Lord has allowed it to happen,who are we to oppose? There are certain things which are beyond us and all we can do is trust in God.Jesus did not come to condemn but to save.

  27. For all the scorn some poeple are pouring on you Levy, I miss you a lot. I remember how bitterly upset when Chiluba rigged in your favour against Mazoka. But over time, you implemented by copy and paste agood proportion of what Mazoka and later Sata were propounding. Yes, you carried with you a good measure of rot but to a good extent you proved yourself and I came not only to accept you but to like you too. May Your Soul Rise If Possible (MYSRIP) and sort out this ntwenu of yours ”Kanitundila Bwezani”. He is at sea if u follow his statements.

  28. It is not in our tradition to condemn the dead,but come on people whats lpm’s legacy?#while chile raised 20billion USD out of windfall taxes during the copper boom,we raised nothing because of lpm and magande’s stuborness and short sightedness.#he sold kcm to the indians for 20million USD.Payable over 4 years!#Abdicated all controll to the chinese.I have no problem with chinese investment,but it has to be heavily monitored.The chaps pay their miners a third of what other mining companies pay.#Other things i can come up with but that will have to do.LPM was at best a well meaning but ultimately incompetent prez.He was probably not corrupt.But you would want to say more bout a prez than that.

  29. Kafupi was a product of a true reflection of real democracy in 1991, He work up Mr Legacy from the slumber.
    Mr Legacy came as the first ever corrupt and bleach of a true reflection of Zedian democracy engineered by Chiluba Kafupi. He was a product of failed electoral system by dubiously beating Mazoka(MHSRIIP). Unfortunately, he did not see the end of his term.
    RB benefited from the demise of Mr legacy because his copse campaigned for him by being dragged around the country. Again the corrupt systems started and pepertrated by Kafupi saw RB dubiously going to plot one.
    Iwe we mwina Zambia! When will you learn? Why have chosen to forget so easily? Huh? I bet you that 100yrs from now Zambia will continue wallowing in bad governance and poverty. Learn from History and immediate pasts.

  30. totally, totally miss u dude. u may have had your flaws and werent perfect but that thing in state house rite now is taking imperfection to a whole new realm

  31. If Bwezan were to die today, you same people calling him names today will be shifted to Govts character finetuning of a dead RB as a Mr Nice guy. African traditions agrees to the respect of the dead.
    I bet you in most families if one dies as a result of bad behaviour and sleeping around. Such a one at burrial will go without condamnation. All sorts of good deeds will be preached about the deceased. Such is african culture.
    But from where I stand I have appreciated calling a spade a spade. Adof Hitler will remain a bad boy.
    A bad guy is always a bad guy, whether dead or alive. I will have alot of respect for people who will tell me whats right. Call wrong, wrong and right, right.
    Perhaps if we can not convince each other, we can agree to disagree. These are good tenants of democracy.

  32. A very qualified lawyer taking centuries to finish Chiluba’s case.What a gimmick! Atleast ba Bwezani has saved money.However,2011 is around the corner.The beauty of democracy.

  33. As we remember Levy. Let us also focus on his weak points as these can teach us a lot to improve our future. Areas such as selective punishment of corrupt persons, family tree, creation of illegal entities such as the Task Force, subjecting Zambians to foreign courts. You can add the rest. Of course no man is perfect. MHSRIP

  34. Remember, we have image builders around. They have been trained even to image build carcasses and tarnished conducts of certain characters. You know yourselves.

  35. LPM was using Chiluba’s case (the establishment of a Task Force on Economic Plunder) just to win elections.Chiluba once said that Levy was his best friend.If you connect the dots the picture comes clear.It was planned from day one.Wake up Zed.

  36. Let those who wish to commemorate the anniversary of his death do so without talking of a legacy that is not there. His widow was implicated in massive plunder of billions, thus Teta referred to her as the mother of all corruption and the whole thing is being swept under the carpet. Levy was aware of this, is this the legacy? It is impotant to remember him just as any of the many others that have died. The appointment of Rupiah as vice president was the biggest disaster for Zambia.

  37. Legacy this legacy that…when he was alive he was a cabbage, he was hehehe slow, he had his whole family at state house occupying governement positions. noe veryone is talking about him like he is an angel. damn you zambians a re hypocrites.


  39. May your bones, your Excellency rest in peace. We only hope your soul equally rests in peace.

    On the other hand, your legacy did not stay with us but went right with you. Had it stayed, Zambia would not be this broken and poor.

    We don’t really care whatever happened to people like Chiluba, but our care is the image of Zambia and the living standard of the people of Zambia.

    The leadership quality that you displayed, was far of higher quality and calibre than that of your successor.

  40. Teta @ #49 my opinion of levy remains unchanged to when he was alive.He was ultimately incompetent.Did he leave Zed healthier more educated with better infrastructure?No.Left same Universities he found,same hospitals and same roads.Only liked the old chap for sticking it to FTJ.What zed and Afrika need is leaders of Vision ala KK Nyerere Senghor.Leaders that dream great things for their people.Lpm was not that.Lets not even talk bout FTJ.Oh and my retarded cat has more vision than bwezani!

  41. MYRIP Levy! We will always remember YOU
    !! Yesterday Bots Presido Lt Gen Ian Khama met key people from the development sector presiding over important developmental projects currently being undertaken in Bots. The stakeholders were actually submitting reports on progress made on those projects. Interestingly past Presidos Sir Ketumile Masire and Festus Mogae were also present and made valuable contributions to the proceedings. ( ummm how I wish our leaders can take a leaf from the Bots book, imagine our Presido sincerely interfacing with Dr KK, and other key stakeholders in development to discuss Zamtel, ZESCO and so on) Zambia we love you..God help us!

  42. Is today a Holiday? OR ba mudala………. How are we going to have the memorial? Let it be a holiday next time. we all want to be there

  43. Life goes on abena Zambia. Levy never improved my life.RB wont. Levy did it for his family and friends, so did Chiluba. RB is doing the same, so will the next guy. Zambia will remain impoverished until the return of Christ. for for all of the foolish Zambians, the best is “MY CLAN FIRST AND FOREMOST AND CURSED BE THE OUTSIDERS” thats what our leaders have taught us…..we might as well learn it perfectly. Improve your own life and that of your family, thats your lot on this earth.Even the good book teaches so!!!!!

  44. As we commemorate your untimely demise, your Excellency, we never faint but look right forward to 2011 presidential and general elections when we shall put correct people in correct positions.

    You r fight against corruption has been utterly and literally discarded by your successor. Your successor eats, drinks and sleeps with corruption. His own wife is a ghost worker!


  46. Congrats to you FTJ for having been cleared by our courts , but remember that it’s only you who know the truth and GOD will judge you based on what you already know and not on what the zambian courts know so be careful with what you say.

  47. MHSRP- Levy did jack… so dont over do the hero worship like he was not corrupt.short memories, the guy appointed all hs family members in govt, rb is not an angel , if anything we should find another KK

  48. I love this country, I love these people, though I can’t say I love their politicians. People are always nicer than politicians.

  49. I’ve not seen in my lifetime any politician who is a heroic figure. The manipulation that all politicians use on one level or another is so transparent

  50. If more politicians in this country were thinking about the next generation instead of the next election, it might be better for Zambia and the world.

  51. Money and corruption are ruining the land, crooked politicians betray the working man, pocketing the profits and treating us like sheep, and we’re tired of hearing promises that we know they’ll never keep.

  52. Matrix and TETA are right, stop worshipping the dead when you called them names when they were on earth.

  53. People are so docile right now. It is almost as if good government means when the politicians lie to us for our own good, for the public good, and bad government is when politicians lie for their own selfish interests.

  54. May your soul rest in peace as we await for a leader with resolve like you to serve Zambia and not stick to allegiences at the expense of the nation like Bwezani Rupia Banda

  55. What generally happens in this county is that our politicians don’t serve us well because they don’t tell the truth, and they don’t keep their promises.

  56. I have vowed that if i ever get into politics i will enrich myself before i am found out. Pungwe is talking about good works by levy .. am wondering what good works he did jack. plesase pipo wake up these guys are talking about the next election instaed of the next raod and brifdge , next harvest season , next copper mine. next job offers etc . pleasae wake up.

  57. I don’t know whether wishing LPM a peaceful rest is the right comment for this story. I’m inclined to say that every living Zambian has been left behind with a country no different from a war zone. The prevalence of peace does nothing for empty stomachs, uneducated minds and diseased citizens. The word ‘pressure’ is thrown around a lot these days but pressure, if you didn’t know ba stan*oko ba GRZ, is having to feed five mouths on K200, 000 per month. Zambian politicians, alive and dead, opposition or in government, Tonga, Luvale, Lenje, Bemba, Chewa, Ngoni or other … have stolen our dreams and given us their nightmares.

  58. What politicians want to create is irreversible change because when you leave office someone changes it back again
    What this country needs is more unemployed politicians.

  59. You can’t trust politicians. It doesn’t matter who makes a political speech. It’s all lies – and it applies to any Kaponya who wants to make a political speech as well.
    You never know with politicians what they are really saying. And I don’t say that in a negative way-they have an appalling job.

  60. Zambia´s political system needs a total overhaul.45 years after independence,look at where Zambia is economically and just the calibre of leadership we have lives much do be desired.Why can´t our leaders learn from successful stories as that of Bostwana our neighouring state.Anyway the only thing our Zambian Leaders learn from History is NOTHING.What Legacy are we leaving for the next generation???????

  61. He made mistakes he was a human just like any human would do
    But on this day let us all put that aside and remember the good side of him
    Let us honor his death by doing that instead of pointing out what mistake he did
    May God bless the Mwanawasa family
    God bless Zambia

  62. Chiluba was missing at the memorial ceremony of Dr. Mwanawasa. He is a full. I am sure ka CHILUBA was even happy that Dr. Mwanawasa died.

  63. If you once forfeit the confidence of your fellow citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem. It is true that you may fool all of the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all of the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

  64. RIP Dr Mwanawasa!!!! People I had a dream – Zambia was prosperous again, no one was going to bed on an empty stomach, no one was surviving on one meal a day. Families were happy because most people had jobs, good paying jobs. Children were ever happy, they all went to school with lunch boxes full of good food and drinks. Children enjoyed school because teachers enjoyed their work, no teacher went on strike, and they were paid on time and handsomely. There was no Anti Corruption Commission because there was no corruption anyway. There was no task force, leaders and public servants didn’t steal public funds, they were content with what they earned, and they had no selfish interests. The roads everywhere were well done- tarred. People had never seen pot holes. There were no power outages…

  65. There was no NCC, because the constitution was already developed after the Mungomba commission. MPs never got midterm gratuities; instead they were hard working and were well known in their constituencies even by small children-third graders. No one was dying from preventable diseases, hospitals had all the essential medicines, health workers never went on strikes, no one gave birth on the street or police cells. Journalists were not beaten or harassed for reporting the truth. The ruling party and the opposition coexisted and addressed real developmental issues in their articulation. All ministers issued well thought out statements addressing real issues affecting the people. Our brothers and sisters in the diaspora enjoyed coming home to see with their own eyes the good things happening…

  66. They boasted to talk about their country among their colleagues abroad and oversee. Our soccer team was a force to reckon with in Africa again.We all sung the national anthem with pride… This is where my dream ended last night. I tried hard to sleep again so that I can continue to dream.

  67. BETRAYAL!!!! BETRAYAL!!!!! BETRAYAL!!!! Is written all over the Zambian government systems. Titus Mpundu ‘Chiluba’ is leading the laugh and even wants his immunity to be restored because levy, the champion of anti-corruption war, is 6 feet under and Rupiah Kanitundila Banda is his man. Chiluba is clean according to the man Levy picked up from his farm with no hope of ever becoming President of Zambia. R’K’BB the Judas of Zambia.

  68. In our age there is no such thing as “keeping out of politics.” All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly and hatred.
    In politics, strangely enough, the best way to play your cards is to lay them face upwards on the table.

  69. Where were all the nice things being said about him when he was alive? If you say nice things after someones death in false humility they are just disingenous concerted buffoonery. Just because someone is dead doesn’t make it a taboo to critisize them and treat them like a saint. Death is a full stop the sentence is life. If mwanawasa wanted my praise he should have stepped his game up, I won’t join the hordes of people in silly old wives tales superstition of praising the dead.

  70. And if any of these plunderers die and you people start giving praise, I will go to the funeral and kick the coffin like a chidunu chigubu .

  71. Kapoko’s Wife, you are right to ask Titus Mpundu’Chiluba’: WHAT IS MPUNDU’S (CHILUBA’s) TRICK? Mrs Kapoko you are about to go to jail if it is proved that you falsified a form five certificate, but so did Chiluba falsify a Chiwala Secondary school form 2 certificate and got a job at Atlas Coopco Ltd in Ndola, and not only that, he subsiquently changed his name, not by deedpol, but illegaly to suit the name Fredrick Chiluba on the falsely acquired form 2 certificate. He became second republican President with a false name. Did Titus Mpundu go to jail? No. Whats the trick MPUNDU??? WHAT IS THE TRICK SON OF DIANA KAEMBA AND CHABALA KAFUPI??? Help Mrs Kapoko not to go to jail. She has small children to look after.

  72. The thing about democracy, beloveds, is that it is not neat, orderly, or quiet. It requires a certain relish for confusion.

  73. may his soul rest in peace!!! now we need to move on strive to move our country out of the dolldrums!! the current report on chibolya makes for very sad reading the government should make that place priority number one!!

  74. Did he die in Egypt or in France, now am confused, i thought he was taken to France after suffering a stroke, so now why are they saying that he died in Egypt?

  75. legacy ? are you guys going to eat legacy the only legacy am seeing is Levy’s Children enjoying the fruits of his labour period.
    Zambians wake up

  76. We mourn you daily.You are a hero to our country.Unfortunately the vision you had for this country is lost in the hands of the few elite running our nation.Rest in peace Chibumba!

  77. I totally agree with you #96. I feel we have great people who can meaningful contribute in to this country but they are alienated by the political system. If you brought Obama here (even in Kenya), the systems in Africa will rubbish him before he can even be heard. At the heart of all this greedy and corrupted minds. Chopeti.

  78. In Africa we respect the dead…regardless. truth be told LPM was no saint…he did well in some areas…but as a ‘typical’ third world leader he opted to appoint a seating duck in form of RB.

  79. i will miss my president.he was a good man though people didnt recognise wat he did.he made zanbia a better country compered to that shot idot and this recent mambala we have 2day.

  80. I will never forget the day you apointed me as the minister of agricaulture and co-operatives . I was honoured for the confidence you had in me. I’ll always miss you my president

  81. i miss you my president,i wish you could take bwezani with you.ftj is fine…………………..i know you also wanted him to be acquited.

  82. On ‘Lt Gen Shikapwasha stated that the memorial service would be extended to all the nine provincial centres in the country to minimise people from flocking to Lusaka’, there is a lot of English Language inconsistencies in this quote. The extended to all nine… would make sense as extended to the other 8 provinces apart from Lusaka Province. Anyhow, how long are we going to continue having the Levy Mwanawasa memorial serivces? Why not make the day a public holiday for significance?
    On dead President Levy P. Mwanawasa, he tried his best to serve Zambians well but I was disappointed that he did not resign following his dubious win of the 2001 elections. Worse still, he appointed Mr RB Banda as then V. President a thing that made him President.

  83. Anyway, I believe that all Zambians have learnt a lesson from the late President LP Mwanawasa’s rule and hopefully the upcoming sensible Presidents of Zambia will not make political errors that will be taking Zambia’s development agenda backwards after small strides in the forward direction. I would also like to praise Mrs dead President first lady Maureen Mwanawasa for her appreciation of other people who worked with the late President to make Zambians successful during the late’s period of ruling Zambia as an alive man. I miss the discipline of fiscal policies and strong stand on corrupt elements that was seen in late LP Mwanawasa, MP Peter N. Magande and MP Silvia Masebo.
    With this, I would like to ask Zambians across the world to reflect on our direction.
    matt hew 6:33

  84. LPM had his weekness but he tried hard to be a good president, only the Chiluba leftovers he incoporated let him down. MHSRIP

  85. A year has already passed, Levy some of us miss you and your smile. As for Chiluba and Bwezani, God has a way of showing who is God, everything in its appointed time.

  86. If there is anything that a departed soul is intitled to is RIP. I wish the departed president that much. I will remember him as the man who failed miserably in the fight against corruption.I will be the last citizen to be conviced Levy was fighting corruption. There is nothing that Levy put in place to show he was fighting corruption.The man was waging his own battles using state machinery.I do not even know why Banda has to be busy convising people that the corruption that is being revealed today existed and thrived when the SC was at the mountain top shouting Zero tolerance against the vise. If he did anything in this regard it would have lived to spaek for itself. He however had a great opportunity to do the right thing but did not. MHSRIP.

  87. Audio slideshow: The music of the ghetto
    Disease, deprivation and drugs are the realities of daily life in Chibolya – a slum in the Zambian capital, Lusaka, which has inspired reggae artist Maiko Zulu.
    Let him take you on a musical tour of the area. – BBC world / Africa

  88. Have you noticed how RB is friends with LPM’s enemies? Was LPM dining with the enemy when he invited RB for vice presidency? Rest in Peace Chibumba….

  89. Who are all these people on the blog…Nshimishibe ine iyo… did you get the permission to blog, where you all come from?… Mwanawasa… So you really dead nhuh?..Its RB who pulled a fast one on you if you dont know.

  90. Remember me for what,what good did i do,i faked the fight against corruption,i appointed my friends and relatives into high government jobs,i sent all my relatives kids to school in the states and Uk while leaving the zambian children learn in schools with out books,desks and under paid teachers in zambia, i flew my self and my friends to better hospitals in SOUTH AFRIKA including where i died in France,left you guys to die and suffer at UTH where i did not pay the nurses and doctors besides i did not stock those clinics and hospitals with medicine,all i get now is how good i was,you people must be some of my friends who enjoyed with me and my family,if you want more like i gave,be with BANDA

  91. Rest in peace Levy, but remember that you left us behind with a crook you got from his farm RB. We will be remembering you through the problems we are facing in this country. May your soul rise against Rupiah Benda for failing to keep your legacy. Rest in peace.

  92. Most Zambians are muscle mouths and nothing much else except armchair critics. Very few walk the talk but in my view Levy tried his best despite certain shortcomings.


  94. If i was not brought in by CHILUBA, i could have not brought BANDA in, so blame yourselves by electing CHILUBA in 1991 in the first place

  95. Chi #45, what are you talking about,you are in RSA cause you run away from zambia because of my policies,if you liked what i did you should have stayed pa zed and blog from there,let people be angry with me for hell’s sake

  96. i love zambiai love zambiai love zambiai love zambiai love zambiai love zambiai love zambiai love zambiai love zambiai love zambiai love zambiai love zambiai love zambiai love zambiai love zambiai love zambiai love zambiai love zambiai love zambiai love zambia

  97. It makes me wonder what type of people Zambians are. Are Zambians really patriotic to the cause of their nation? Why then let this RB buffoon wreck hovac in the nation like this? Zambians rise! We now know that the judicial system in Zambia is in the sewer tank of state house gulping RB’s excreta, so don’t expect anything from the courts. The future of the nation and our children is at stake here. Zambians don’t be selfish and live only for the moment; think about the future generations; what kind of Zambia are they going to live in. It is time, get up and pick up your axe, panga, machet etc and let’s do it the African civilized way and get rid of these minions. They have gone too far!

  98. The all thing is a fraud. It is just way to make Zambia more poor and full of nothing but praising the dead. How much money is going to be spent on this program? 3 hours of all ministers’ work hours spent for nothing. Let us hope they too don’t get paid for those hours. The closing of the roads for those hours will also be loss of man hours as people will have to spend time finding other conjested side roads. Police, other govt workers and some lost souls called permament secretaries will have to gather at the Holy Cross (I don’t know holy it is) considering it is now just a govt funeral parlor. Is Levy worked hard, but for his family, and for sure he deserves the memorial, but by his family. Zambia is worse today bcoz of him. Even FTJ was a better person depsite Levy’s smears.

  99. Its just so unfortunate that we get such nice and loving comments when someone dies. I think its a lesson to all of us, appreciate a person whilst he/she is alive. Do this to your friends, family, etc. Country men and women, its just pointless to live a lie. He was a good president, and MAY HIS SOUL REST IN ETERNAL PEACE………

  100. # 90, There is no reason for FTJ to attend a trumped up memorial service just to go and waste money on Levy. At this point, FTJ is justified not to attend his sworn enemy’s fake memorial service. Believe, if you count the changes that took place in FTJ’s govt and Levy’s govt, FTJ tried and Levy failed to implement even one thing for the nation. Levy worked tireless to find space in govt for his family and tribesmen, hence the Shikapwasha noise.

  101. #151 It is because of peaple like you that the judicial system in Zambia is now in the sewage at State House. Can you explain how you would get up and pick up your axe, panga, machet etc to implement your plan when you are blogging from the US? The best way is not to be selfish, as you have put it, and plan now for a trip to Zambia in 2011 to cast your invaluable vote! and come back and continue blogging. Is it a bit clear? I like your visionary idea but the finishing or implementation needs some thinking.

  102. I have just read the Post, Masebo is praising Levy and mentioned that he loved the people, but couldn’t mention one thing that he did for the people of Zambia. I await just for one reason Levy should be a hero or be praised. What did Levy do for Zambia? Please help me, I might join in singing songs of praise for Levy. At the moment I would like to say forget him.

  103. #157 Mentor, just a point of correction, Zambian votes are not valued. If they did they wouldn’t be rigging or stealing votes. There are no elections in Africa, but selections.

  104. #160 Kalos2020, Ok, thanks for that. Now, what do you think can change the direction Zambia has taken at that lightning speed?

  105. #138 thats hilarious, lol. On a seriuos note, let us all think of ways to improve the situation in Zambia. I know it feels like no one is listening but they are other ways to be heard. Look at what Dambisa Moyo did, she wrote book and that is a damn good book. Has anybody bothered to go on the World Bank website? please make an effort and read the Zambian brochure. I was amazed ! so much money has been pumped into Zambia in the last 20years its ridiculous. Where is the development? These donor’s need to be made aware that even though they are giving money to Zambia in good faith, its not being used the right way. If a child is playing with a knife, take that knife away.

  106. Mentor, listen,
    What’s the point of voting when you can clearly see that there is no system to guarantee that your vote counts. You should know by now that RB has been rigging his way through everything. Now look, when you’re trying to solve a very serious problem you should be prepared to use very radical means to achieve the objective. Just voting does not appear to work in Zambia anymore. Something radically different need to done to fix these greedy corrupt politicians. Short of that RB and his minions will be there until they suck the last drop of blood from mother Zambia.

  107. Zambians are really hypocrities and good for nothing people. When the Big Man was around he was a bad person now that his gone thats when u seeing that he was a good person. Let as not behave like he was an angel if u never appriciated him when he was alive then u are just waasting yo time and we cant fool God that u appriciated the man most us didnt so let those who really loved and appriciated him mourn and celebrate his leadership most of u are just following UMWELA not that u really loved him plz lets get serious with life.

  108. Just goes to show you; “You don’t know what you got till it’s gone”. While one is alive, no one can see the good that one does; only the bad.
    I am enclined to hear what vision for Zambia each of our leaders had before they die. Dr KK; I’d like to hear what you envisioned Zambia would be like in 2010, back in 1964. Dr. Chiluba – what was your vision for Zambia in 2010 back in 1991? If we can hear, see their vision, then we’ll know why the roads were built, why schools were built, why there was a health centre in every district. What growth plan does Zambia have? But alas, we’ll never know – K.K. will be long gone before anyone realizes that his vision was important. FJT would have been long gone before we know why he moved us towards a capitalist state. Let he who has wisdom,…

  109. Levy was the best president for Zambia, KK, and Chiluba were just images and traitors, these guys destroyed Zambia.Mwanawasa controlled and managed Zambia with his great passion for the Zambian people.He fought corruption and injustices.

    God is just a God, the he created Satan who later became the devil, Mwanawasa chose RB and he did not know that he will turn out to useless.
    Lets us work together and build this nation.

  110. Tandiwe if you don’t have were to take your money better give it to the orphans and the street kids.

    Mama bet is old, she has got a husband who store money from the Zambia people so he can use that money for taking his girl out.

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