Friday, September 20, 2024

UPND Namwala MP tells PF to stop basking in past glory


PF women matching during the international women's day in Lusaka
PF women matching during the international women's day in Lusaka

Namwala Member of Parliament (MP) Major Robbie Chizhuyuka has advised the Patriotic Front (PF), partner in the UPND/PF Pact, to wake up and stop basking in past glory.

Major Chizhuyuka said that the PF’s performance in the just ended national wide elections was dismal and pose  a danger to the Pact adding that failure by the PF to win the Chitambo seat where Mr. Sata’s wife hails from is a clear open rejection of the party in that area.

The Namwala MP has expressed happiness with the performance of UPND in just ended parliamentary and local government by-elections in some parts of the country.

He said the United Party for National Development (UPND) came out as the largest winner of the three contestant parties in Southern Province by winning all the seven contested wards including Maramba, and Itebe which were held by the MMD.

Major Chizhuyuka stated that the UPND took all the three wards in Mumbwa, Nangoma and Nambala constituencies which were being defended by the MMD.

He added that in North Western province the UPND won two of the three wards including in Solwezi which was also the strong hold for the MMD.

Major Chizhuyuka further said this was a clearly indication of the good performance of the UPND camp.



  1. This man is a danger to the pact, he should tone down his language. he is good man and hard worker for the people but his personal dislike of Sata is always manifested in his speeches.

  2. Mr Chizhuyuka, why Including mrs Sata in the Pact affairs, Tribal politics are old fashioned man. The more you attack your friends on tribal lines, the more you limit yourself the chance of winning national polls.

  3. Mr Chizyuka, kwati tamwa sambilila naimwe. you will never leave the tribal yoke. If you are basing it on those lines are you forgeting that George Kunda the VP comes from Serenje? Who is more visible to the illiterate Sata’s wife of George Kunda?

  4. Ba Kasama boy naimwe Sata’s wife is not illiterate,she is a medical doctor,if you have ever heard of Dr Christine Kaseba,that is the one!

  5. It is very surprising that some people who want to make up one party are now attacking each other instead of helping each to work in the areas they have some weakness. I am now wondering how it will be during the gerenally Election. The so Major something, I am worried how arrived at this post with such a mind so shallow. This shows how he was at work were he was with other people of different tribes. Can such people make our natiion develop if they can’t help other person who is falling within themselves. Major Chizyuka, don’t bring private issues to the generall public in the first place try to work out it within the pact party. If you will fail to make it out ask for some advise to some knowledgable people. Man mind your language?

  6. these are the same chaps who wanted Mutinta Mazoka to replace the late Andy (my president to date -MHSRIP), very dull former army officer! te Major waku Salvation Army (no hard feeling my Salvation Army bloggers) or Zambia Scouts?

  7. # 4 I Cannot understand your attacks on Kasama boy. He meant electrorates on comment # 3. Read between the lines Country man.

  8. “And featuring on Joy FM radio, Sata said he would defeat both President Banda and Chiluba in the next elections” End Quote.


    In case Major Chizyuka missed Sata’s decree, here it pasted for him in quotes above. If and only if Ichilema was not a disillusioned cadre that he has proved to be, he could have done a speech context analysis and realize how a personal mopping rag for Sata he has become.The chap has ruined Mazoka’s UPND dream. He has vainly surrendered the only alternative moderates party to a de-facto perenial loser .Together with his Godfather are daily hyperventilating rubbish for no results.Its time to forget the PACT unpacked in Chitambo.

  9. “And featuring on Joy FM radio, Sata said he would defeat both President Banda and Chiluba in the next elections” End Quote.


    In case Major Chizyuka missed Sata’s decree, here it is pasted for him in quotes above. If and only if Ichilema was not a disillusioned cadre that he has proved to be, he could have done a speech context analysis and realize how a personal mopping rag for Sata he has become.The chap has ruined Mazoka’s UPND dream. He has vainly surrendered the only alternative moderates party to a de-facto perenial loser .Together with his Godfather are daily hyperventilating rubbish for no results.Its time to forget the PACT unpacked in Chitambo.

  10. Major Chizhuyuka, we havent forgotten the role you played in ensuring that the likes of Sakwiba,Bob Sichinga,Given lubinda,chisanga and the rest left UPND.

  11. N# 6, watch out, we dont have majors in the Scout movement either, Chizhuyka should have been a major as school cardet at Monze boys in the early 70`s.

  12. Am disappointed with armyless major. Cant he see that the pattern of voting in this country has a pattern? Yes you won a ward in Solwezi, but dont forget that NWP is supposed to be a strong hold of UPND- that was until TETA sold out on the UPND. Now the Solwezi people have just realised that they were taken for a ride by RBs MMD.

  13. Right from the onset,I knew the PACT is heading nowhere coz of the combination of characters and their lack of Vision and oneness.I mean how can the whole lot of chizhyuka start drawing a line between UPND and PF when the two have agreed to cohabit? Instead of finding a common ground on how to tackle MMD,he is instigating a serious infighting that will send the PACT into tatters.I repeat, we have no oppostion in Zambia but a bunch of desprate opportunists and jokers who are no different from those in govt.

  14. This pact, whilst with good intentions, will still not work. The problem is that we have the educated “illiterates” as political party leaders.
    This Mr Chizyuka is a proper tribalist and should not be allowed in the pact if it is to materialise. He is supposed to be better placed to know the purpose of the pact instead of preaching tribalism.
    Sata and and PF beware as some chaps in the pact want to use your structures to ascend to power.

  15. Dear all, good morning. Tthis story is politically motivated by the reporter to destroy the pact. It may be a reactive strategy by MMD to Sata’s comments yesterday who said he could defeat RB in 2011 even chiluba campaigned for kanitundila. The story purely aims at dividing PF and UPND cardes so that MMD can justify their allegations that Tonga and Bembas can’t work together, which is nonsense. As for Chizyuka, he should watch out his mouth and be careful with GRZ media or else he will be like Shikapwasha. He must have been giving a different interview subject but the reporter trapped him into a GRZ agenda. Though Chizyuka is suspect, but on this one I give him a benefit of doubt – was side tracked. The story is highly suspect. MMD wants to weaken the pact thru sponsoring fake…

  16. I agree with #15 somehow but more correctly observed I think that #16 Mulombwana Wakamena Nabulwe is right. I don’t this major Chizyuka can give such a divisive interview to the Pact. Yes, UPND won as observed but the reporting style does not depict the spirit of political impartiality.

    Beminine pakonaula pact ba mukukulu aba. As bloggers let’s critically analyse before we criticise otherwise we too, shall be divided by careless bloggging.

  17. Continued…..The tapestry of Chizyuka story is as badly reported as this one: “Assertions that I wish to go to state house so that my family can enjoy life are a clear misrepresentation of facts by those who are bent on discrediting my character and reputation, and that of our newly formed Forum for Democratic Alternatives (FDA) party.

    I, therefore, wish to dispel those assertions as I am not, at all, that kind of person who would wish to go to state house just to enjoy, evidenced by my courageous and honest character when I resigned from the successive governments of Dr. Kenneth Kaunda and Dr. Fredrick Chiluba, sighting bad governance, in 1990 and 1994 respectively.The statement was clearly taken out of context, and in bad faith..

  18. Therefore reading between lines on a parallel comparison of the two stories, one would clearly see how vindictive the public media can be to the opposition. In a democracy, the ideal should be to defeat and not destroy your political opponent. What MMD is capable of doing is great and with the partial (if not eventual full acquittall of chiluba) the pact will face more problems given that chiluba will start campaigning for RB. This is the HH & Sata must brace themselves. To be victors, they need to have a disciplined Force, intellectually and by use of their mouth or else doom shall stand ajar waiting for the pact.

  19. walembele ilyashi is completely MMD reporter disguised in ZANIS. Bufi bane. Let’s just unite and forget about this useless #8 & 9 Senior (sneezing) citizens. He is not relevant to the political equation at hand. His, is the work of the enemy.

  20. #11, noted with THANX! we need to check the records with the sch authorities at Monze Boys…he may not have been in the ZCF even as #14 put it, he cld have been a Major in the UNIP Vigilantes of the 80’s….

  21. chizyuka is not being tribal.he is just reacting to the PF’s pompousness because under this arrangement PF members believe they are superior to their UPND bedfellows and going by your comments you quaterbrains are all bembas and your support for the pact is under the belief that sata will stand for president and under the arrangement of the pact UPND will deliver southern province to him. Now what you dont realise is that south MPs are the most educated and intelligent in that augast they have analysed their popularity which they can not surrender for they cant trust sata.a person who can easily change against them once they put him in office.that’s why the MPs who excited about this pact are the likes of kakoma from cant hear big brains like hachipuka talking about…

  22. Politics at work, HH has deliberately left a loose canon laying about to rock the boat from time time. This may back fire because PF might also unleash one or two of their ‘bad mouthed’ empty heads and the pact will be certainly over, literally. So the sooner HH muzzles the rabid jackal the better for the pact and people’s last hope.

  23. yes hachipuka,jack mwiimbu,request muntanga,muyanda.the sinazongwe guy and the magoye fellow all have no time to talk about the pact.infact what chizyuka has started will be a real test for hakainde.moreover it’s a known fact that some of these mps dissent his leadership.the biggest agony for sata again is that the machungwa group in PF will shred his popularity in luapula.characters like joseph kasongo do not even rely on a political party to win an election in their constituencies and they have proved it before.that same applies to machungwa himself he has wrapped that constituency in his it will be a tall order for sata and his PF

  24. mala msana wandalama,

    Two weeks ago i happen to have listened to the Mwape dot com blogtalkradio show where Mr Sata was guest engaged. callers squeezed him too direct on his leadership, dictatorial and the future of the PACT with HH.They asked him how PACT Presidency would be managed from a loose alliance to a power entity.They asked for democratic mechanics of coming up with leadership.Sata started singing songs live and asking ollevant questions of where one comes from.In Friday’s Post report i also see that Ba Sata has categorically ruled out the leadership of HH.How can he say “i would” defeat both President Banda and Chiluba in the next elections? I thought they are in a PACT with HH subject to electoral mechanism of leadership selection? No wonder Chizyuka is sending…

  25. Mr. Chizyuka please tone down. Infact you should have sat with PF so that you give them the winning formula. Not this KUIBONESHA TAA mwayamba. This is a time to come together as you can even see that this blog is quiet coz all the people want to work together. So, next time just advise them how well to go about the campaigns. May God bless you.

    ant thing positive with the pact is never reported on LT.

  27. Major your political analaysis or reading of the situation is defective. Firstly, Sata’s wife Dr Kaseba does not come from Serenje. Secondly, If you are a politician as you claim you will know that grabbing a seat from a ruling party is not easy. PF showed its might when they returned Kanchibiya and Nchanga and they will soon return Kasama to render your statement useless. Thirdly, what is clear is that PF is getting stronger as UPND weakens compare the numbers of PF and UPND MPs. The problem is Major Chizyuka is a hot head who is so tribal and negatively militant. PF can do without UPND and not the other way round. What past glory are you talking about? Compare HH and Sata’s performance in the last Presidential by-election. Shallow Major!Don’t forget that RB beat Sata by only 35,000…

  28. Akapondo
    I agree with you on the level of understanding issues by MPs from Southern Province. If you observe, even in the various parliamentary select committees those MPs really ask valid questions to the effect that civil servants in most instances look foolish when they appear before the select committees in which some of the Southern Province MPs are to answer or clarify some issues. Unlike some PF MPs who cannot ask question other than how much the council is collecting from bus operators at KMB and intercity stations when it comes to transport issues. I cannot be surprised even by what MP Chizyuka is saying because he might have researched before making such comments and not just getting feedback through iminsoli pa katambalala or chisokone market as a measure of popularity.

  29. First and foremost having worked with Robbie at 1 Signal Squadron at Arakan way back when, I should not be surprised at these tribal-based waffling. Robbie was one of the most tribalistic officers that he resigned after general Nobby Simbeye was appointed commander simply because he could not operate under an ” eya mukwai” officer. The man hasnt changed a bit and if given real power that has evaded him for years now, this man will be more tribalistinc that any zambian politician you know. Support the Pact coz it also has Tongas !

  30. #34, Pabwato Ba’kamba, are you saying there’s someone who surpasses Maestro in terms of tribalism on this earth? That person must be something else. What I have observed is that some of these people chifyalilwa. No matter how much education you shove in them, that element will not disappear. I guess putting Robbie and Maestro together and some Prof I know here in the US would make the world spin in the wrong direction. It is terrible how these people don’t care about the truth and other ways of living, but always infuse tribe in all things they touch. These guys if they were whites would have been in the Nazi, KKK and other uncivilized societies. I feel pit for them.

  31. There is nothing tribal that the major has said. He has just highlited the fact that PF has not been active on the ground which is true. I think that we should learn to look at issues without bringing tribe. the major did not mention the word tribe. During the by elections HH did a lot of hard work especially in NW and Central provinces while Mr Sata and his vice did not move. This is taking things for granted and can weaken the PACT

  32. #32,Please, what reasearch has Mr chizhuyuka done. Just by looking at the areas he is talking about.,You know which tribe is predominant in that area.

  33. if someone tells you the truth i think it is unfair to hide behind tribalism by saying that he is being tribal. PF and UPND must make sure that they do not give MMD an inch in their strongholds. The person who gives out this message is not important but the content of the message. After 2001 elections UPND behaved in the way PF is behaving now and the party almost went into oblivion

  34. #8 and #9 Senior citizen – do you ever endeavour to read and unserstand what you write? Most of your contributions don’t make sense at all. Can you please spend time to and review what you want to say. We are sick and tired of reading nonsense from you.

  35. #39 Uzachiona, There is nothing anyone can do about Senior Citizen, the chap knows which side of his bread is buttered. Some bloggers have unmasked him as Ben Kangwa, I hope not.

  36. The HakaSata is a total wastage of time, purpose and careers of those in it.Anyone committing money to this useless circus is a shredder for no dividend.UPND will remain a typical case of oil and water.

  37. This is partly the leadership’s fault. If they can come up now and say what their policies are and more importantly who will lead the pact, some of these problems could be avoided. People like this major in the UPND and others like him in the PF will need time to get behind the leader that emerges. This is also true for the electorate. I personally, think that the pact will not have the legs to last till 2011. With Chiluba in the picture now, Luapula is not guaranteed for PF. There are signs that the economy is improving which again will be to the advantage of the ruling party. The Pact guys have to pull their socks up.

  38. #41 Senior Citizen, isn’t the same with MMD? If Sata and Hikainde are a waste of time and money, what about MMD were the President’s wife is a Ghost Worker? What can be worse? A state House were the First Lady is involved in criminal activity of bulking her bank account with poor children’s much needed resources that could have helping buying desks or a paying a working teacher. Yes Sata and Hikainde could have their own flaws, but here is a situation were we have the experiences of seeing poor people’s corn being slashed, fertilizer being delivered only to President’s farm, First Lady is a Ghost Worker. Where in the world would one support such a govt? You know the way you support ngamule people will say balichilisha kukashi. Please for once, try to put your self interests aside.

  39. All characters who are indicating that Major Chizyuka and even me are a tribalist including that the Major has said tribal statements are simply terrible tribalists who all use a certain language as expressed in their comments.

    As for Major Chizyuka, firstly, I commend him for categorically mentioning that he will support president HH to be the presidential candidate for the PACT.
    Hence, his “Major Chizhuyuka said that the PF’s performance in the just ended national wide elections was dismal and pose a danger to the Pact adding that failure by the PF to win the Chitambo seat where Mr. Sata’s wife hails from is a clear open rejection of the party in that area” is well placed.
    As for Mr Sata MC (Grade 2/6, unknown), his statement on defeating MMD-Chiluba was alright.

  40. Continuing on As for Mr Sata MC (Grade 2/6, unknown), his statement on defeating MMD-Chiluba was alright. The fact that Mr Sata MC mentioned that he will defeat Mr Chiluba FTJ (Grade 8/9, unknown, Hon. Doc – Malawi, ?) President RB simply means that he will defeat them even by supporting president HH as PACT presidential candidate just the way Mr Chiluba campaigned for President RB Banda in last year’s presidential by-election.
    Coming back to PF supporters, please, take note that the PACT is not about delivering the mighty Southern Province and mining powerhouse Northwestern Province to PF but a collective effort to win the 2011 elections to the UPND-PF PACT.
    So, let your support for the PACT be real and not fake disguised in making PF rule Zambia independent of the UPND.

  41. For those of you who can’t cope with what Mr Sata has done by supporting president HH to lead Zambia due to your bad tribalism, please convince Mr Sata to stop supporting HH or better still find some other person who comes from your tribe to support in another party for PF is now a part of the UPND-PF PACT which is making headway — following both Mr Sata and president HH who said that the PACT will not break apart.
    As for me, I am in full support of the PACT but should a mistake be made to make Mr Sata a presidential candidate of the PACT for 2011 elections, I will support any other person for Zambian President possibly Edith Nawakwi since I have lost confidence in President RB Banda and MP Ng’andu Magande.
    Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His…

  42. Such pipo are dangerous to the pact.Stop old fashioned sentiments of tribalism.may be he has been funded to attack the pact………too sad.we need liberation now than ever.abnormal things are happening now which are considered normal by the current regime e.g cadres behavour which are being justfied by the chief gorvn.spokes person. AWAY WITH CHIZYUKA…….VIVA UPND/PF PACT!!

  43. MAESTRO,
    I agree with you there was nothing tribal in major chizyuka’s statement. He was just trying to give a clear analysis of his observation which is true. infact if it was kambwili who made such an utterance this tribalism crap wouldnt have arisen because most of the members in the so called pact are PF and mostly bemba in comming to your acknowedgement that sata was right to say that come 2011 he’ll defeat MMD-CHILUBA,are you accepting that he sata will be the candidate for the pact in 2011.

  44. MAESTRO,
    With due respect to your intellect my bro’.dont you realise that the pact was hurriedly found and on flimsy grounds.HH before the birth of the pact used to castigate the political approach of sata and urged us zambians to abandon following politicians who practised old fashioned politics like that which sata practised which are devoid of issues but insults day in and out.a lot of us agreed with him and started looking up to him.but what changed in sata that he came to agree that they can form a pact and share the same platform?the heart of the matter is that the formation of the pact was not out of principal but external forces influencing HH to partner sata in order to remove bwezani from power.

  45. I do not care what you call me. The fact of the matter is that PF has overshadowed UPND. Sata will use Hakainde to get to State House. Thereafter Sata will make Alexander Chikwanda Vice President to ensure that in the event of a replay of tragic 2008 events- the presidency will remain with the PF and the Bemba\s.

  46. 50/1 Akapondo greetings. On your “now comming to your acknowedgement that sata was right to say that come 2011 he’ll defeat MMD-CHILUBA,are you accepting that he sata will be the candidate for the pact in 2011“, I have been clear in my postings above and others on this blog that I will never support Mr Sata for Zambian President. However, I will respect the votes of Zambians should he become President of Zambia. I hope this helps you to stop confounding yourself.
    As for “dont you realise that the pact was hurriedly found and on flimsy grounds“, no I do not realise for the timing was very alright — but Mr Sata shouldn’t be pres. cand..
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible
    But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all shall be added unto…

  47. MAESTRO,
    In the process HH has lost trsck.he cant articulate the issues we knew him to.instead now he is following sata’s partern that of vulgar language and hate.2011 was his clear chance of scooping the presidency if he had his own stratergy.he would have blended his party by reconciling heavywights like patrick chisanga and nawakwi and other independent minds who are influencial but independent of party he marries sata where you like it or not he is dwarfed and in his quest to be heard he is also in insults now.some NGO’s and some independent tabloid influenced HH to take UPND to PF thinking the will dislodge bwezani and install sata who will champion their cause.agony

  48. 50/1 Akapondo, on your “HH before the birth of the pact used to castigate the political approach of sata and urged us zambians to abandon following politicians who practised old fashioned politics like that which sata practised which are devoid of issues but insults day in and out“, I agree with president HH and UPND’s move to enter into a PACT simply because President RB Banda and the MMD are destrying Zambia in my view. The current MMD leadership doesn’t understand what democracy is, sadly. And so, president HH does not need anything to change about Mr Sata, but needs to make decisions which will remove failing MMD from power. Be blest.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible
    But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all shall be added unto you.

  49. Hakainde has been dribbled and there is no way out for him. Major has seen through the PF Plot to nuetralise UPND and Hakainde. One wonders whether HH is so blind that he cannot see.

  50. 50/1 Akapondo, By the way, Mr Sata is a human being who deserves to be respected in his right. According to the Constitution of Zambia, he has freedom of association. Impressive enough and following the HDI of 2008, a lot of my fellow Zambians are illiterates and do not understand what it means to votes. Hence, Mr Sata enjoys undisputed support from Bemba Speaking people — including Kanponyas — and this is a group that forms 46% of Zambians (POST, 2008; CSO records, 2008). In light of this, any one who does not recognise this fact if simply misleading him- or her-self. Thus, president HH made the right decision. Also, the Catholic church vote.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible
    But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all shall be added unto you.

  51. 50/1 Akapondo, continuing on Also, the Catholic church vote. Check out, late UPND president A.K. Mazoka’s change of churches from the SDA to Catholic. What do you think was the motivation for such a rare change? Votes for Zambian President? Why is GRZ Minister Shikapwasha panicking about the Catholic church over whom they will support to become President after MMD catholics Mabenga and G. Kunda are performing in the way they are?
    My friend, Zambia people are too uneducated to make them votes wisely for president HH even when they know that he is capable to make Zambia a better country simply because of the way our politics have been done.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible
    But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all shall be added unto you.

  52. 50/1 Akapondo, therefore, let the catholics: Sata MC, I believe POST’s mmembe though waiting for correction, and the church leaders do their thing for the PACT and I assure you the results will be seen in 2011. If you are doubting my submission ask Minister Shikapwasha as to why he is panicking over the genocide issues which clearly can not happen in Zambia as we are too diverse — 71 tribes unlike Rwanda.
    My understainding is that GRZ intelligency knows that the catholic leaders have a lot of influence on their church members through the POPE. By the way, ask yourself why the POPE is too powerful in the world even when he has not standing army?
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible
    But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all shall be added unto you.

  53. 54 Akapondo, on your “he cant articulate the issues we knew him to.instead now he is following sata’s partern that of vulgar language and hate… some NGO’s and some independent tabloid influenced HH to take UPND to PF thinking the will dislodge bwezani and install sata who will champion their cause, like I wrote above, the Chisangas and Nawakwis are nothing due to church affiliation if they are not Catholics. Believe me you, president HH and the UPND are a clever lot and they will not be tricked by Mr Sata, NGOs and the POST. The U(PND)-Team knows exactly why they are in the PACT and Mr Sata knows why he did not trust any one in PF to succeed him.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible
    But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all shall be added…

  54. Maestro HH, you should just accept the fact that Sata will lead the Pact and HH has been dribbled. Have you heard the Pact campaign song which is fashioned on a football commentary? Sata kicks of the game and the ball is passed from one player to another until it is finally passed again to Sata who scores a fantastic goal. In the song Hakainde is mentioned once and literally reduced to the role of a ball boy.
    Can you not see that Hakainde has been reduced into a sidekick for Sata?


    All compatriots,

    Kindly join us in mourning with celebration the life of Zambia’s Educationist, constitutionalist, lawyer, politician, counselor and first Zambian Education Minister who has finished his race on earth for heaven.Hon.John Mwanakatwe has just succumbed to the sting of death today.He is no more but gone across the bridge.


  56. 54 Akapondo, continuing on The U(PND)-Team knows exactly why they are in the PACT and Mr Sata knows why he did not trust any one in PF to succeed him. I have privileged information that late President LP Mwanawasa wanted to form a serious PACT with Mr HH in the year 2009 but sadly God, our creator, recalled him. This to me tells me that God has his own ways of dealing with issues. I have a personal story to tell about how I have ended up where I am today — but I will save that for the our possible future meeting. Just don’t trust any human being but trust God. Zambians are in safe hands — God’s hands and all who trust him will be ok.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible
    But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all shall be added unto you.

  57. To all my cadres, thanks for referring to me. I have a presentation to make and give on Tuesday to may faculty here in France. I also have to seek obtaining a new laptop PC after they barely 10 months old one I am using has developed a fault. So bear with me.
    May God bless you all and take careful care.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible
    But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all shall be added unto you.

  58. Senior Citizen
    I know you cant joke on this one.Too bad.Its a great loss to our country.Mwanakatwe is a major contributor to the educational fraternity.He was unmatched in his abilities for he had multiple professions.May His Soul Rest In Peace.

  59. Kalos2020. Ala alimpesha meastro. Wamiponto kwati ni chi major c. Katwishi nga alikwatako abanankwe from other tribes. At 1st i used 2 think lozis were tribal no they r not. Tongas r mo tribal look at what the cadet major has vomited. Awe mwandi. Gudlak pact

  60. Ba senior citizen ba ben kangwa so the embassy has goten the news n u decide to tell us? Eyo u love pa internet careful they shudnt call you back 4 being unproductive.

  61. # 67 Chikumbutso, I have failed to understand the value of education and Religion in this Maestro guy. He has venom like a serpent that lives in the mountains. His hate for other tribes has made him lose focus on issues. But I have a principle like that in the old testament. An eye for an eye. He touches me, I punch back, He throws a stone at me, I throw a bigger rock, He uses subtle language to me, I go explicit. I have no time for shadow boxing with this guy and his cohorts. His tribalism was shown last year when he was called Maestro hehehehehehe. I have been with them on this blog since its inception. So, I know their characters and how they behave to certain tribes.

  62. Chikumbutso,

    I’m not Ben Kangwa you have kept smearing with my political fire.Ben is a public service employee while I’m corporate world player many thousands miles away from DC.I have long authorized LT with my express authority to breach the privacy Act & feed some of you lazy pinheads if at all I’m any near Washington DC.I can coach some of you in software technology you can use to Geo locate anyone in the cyberspace and on cellphone.Again, stop smearing an innocent civil servant distant from politics.I do not think BK has into any Business school where i have spent some resourceful years.I thought Civil servants are apolitical? Again ask respective blog editors/ DBA, our GRZ or USA security wings who retain real time cyber traffic data .I’m no BK and live thousands miles away…

  63. MAESTRO,
    Imwe ba maestro naimwe mulebako does a simple question attracts answers the volume of a bible.i cant follow your postings.

  64. AKAPONDO 71 ha ha ha i thought you…………………………………………
    Kalos2020. I love your principle of using the old testament. Maestro is too trivial and tribal i hate the way he degrades others he thinks HH can rule Zambia hey that is a wet dream meaning a something not real for as long as we will have pipo like Maestro. The style of responding by cutting and pasting has irritates the person who had agreed with his sentiments earlier on . 71 Akapondo.

  65. If you can’t work together, please don’t wait for 2011 to split, do it now we see if Southern Province alone will make your HH a president of Zambia.

  66. abantu nafulwa zoona.the pact is in the interest of the people .we all know how the MMD will frustrate the pact .look at the acquital of chiluba.the small time major did not make a comment on that or he was not quoted .it is divdie and rule .unfortunately even the educated get caught up .shame africa

  67. Sata said he will defeat Banda and Chiluba; this is okey for you tribalists but when someone says something related you start coming up with all sorts of rubbish statements.

  68. All you who get so excited about Meastro are just a waste of time and you are the most tribal. What has Major Chizyuka said which tribal??? He is only giving statistics and because he is Tonga then you have already seen tribalism. Shame on you. Meastro’s style of blogging may be offensive but he is principled and factual.

  69. 69 Kalos2020, your sickness expressed in “But I have a principle like that in the old testament. An eye for an eye. He touches me, I punch back, He throws a stone at me, I throw a bigger rock, He uses subtle language to me, I go explicit. I have no time for shadow boxing with this guy and his cohorts.” especially through insults will not help you. As you are a self-confessed islamic character who is definitely a fundamentalist, I urge you to repent and become a normal christian before it is too late for you.
    To those that think supporting you is helping them, too bad you all for it is too late. I am in an unstoppable mode.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible
    But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all shall be added unto you.

  70. #77 Cow Menstral, to you everyone is sick. You are the only sane person on this blog. Wonderful. But did you know that even the mad people you see on the roads think they are the normal ones and we are the sick ones? Well, you are the only lonely blogger here. Probably it is the same in real life. Wow, what a miserable life you must be leading. I was told even in church they don’t even want your offering. It is agony my dear.

  71. 78 Kalos2020, sick people like you insult with words like “#77 Cow Menstral, “. Therefore, your “But did you know that even the mad people you see on the roads think they are the normal ones and we are the sick ones?” is not a surprise from you.
    I will continue praying for your sickness to be healed per adventure you might repent.
    Have a blessed day.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible
    But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all shall be added unto you.

  72. 80 Kalos2020, impressive reading “# 79. Agony is being lonely and no one values your prayers, not even God.” but when did you become greater than God, my Creator, for you to write such nonsense in a blasphemous language. Your being an Islamic fundamentalist has confused you terribly such that you feel you are above God to tell people what God does. Before it is too late for you, please repent from this sin you have just committed. As for your wrong lonely allegation outbursts, I hope they help you fantasise with yourself for they are just your bad opinions. Have a blessed day.
    Matthew 6:33 + KJV Bible
    But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all shall be added unto you.

  73. If Maj chizyuka is saying that PF didnt do the needful in chitambo coz that’s were Mrs Sata comes from then it reflects a bad picture on the major coz it was not Mrs Sata who contested. Again the devil has put up its holpless head drawing a line. Major politics is about getting into power. Even the little chances of a PACT you are busy sheeting on it. Who knows may be Sata will be chopped by FTJ through constitutional changes and the only clear choice of the PACT will be HH so that u can have a chance of becoming Defence Minister and me a DC in Namwala. Anyway I dont care who is there btn the 2, what is important is to propel a change in this nation. Lets have some fresh lunatics!!!!!!!!!

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