Sunday, January 12, 2025

Cry, my beloved Zambia


A typical street in Kanyama township in Lusaka
A typical street in Kanyama township in Lusaka

By Chilekwa M. Mumba

There is a very valid concern amongst the patriotic citizens
about our country’s future. Whilst it is indisputable that Zambia’s present quandary can be assessed from virtually any angle, the supreme issue and general agreement is that we have an inadequate political leadership influencing the nations’ direction. And when I refer to the country’s inadequate leadership, I do not specifically refer to the government of the day, but address the entire current political leadership, both in the opposition and government. In the limited space our wonderful site “LT” affords us, allow me to make my case dubbed “Cry my beloved Zambia ”.

Allow me to comment on both the government of the day, as well as our opposition. It seems to me that to make it as a “politician” working in the government of the day in Zambia, one has to exhibit high levels of ignorance, intolerance, and worst of all little appreciation of what the majority of our citizenry is going through on a daily basis. These traits allow one to live in a world of oblivion, where one believes that our government is working at optimum, and leaves little room for one to realize that Zambia is fast going backwards. It is a sure and proven fact that the moment a government political leader has his or her personal moment of truth and/or clarity, it is inevitable that the “wrongs” of government will overshadow any imaginary “good” of our government. And should our enlightened “government politician” point out these wrongs, he or she is immediately perceived to be an enemy of the MMD, and [even more absurd] an enemy of the state. George Mpombo anyone? Thus we find the nonsensical but true rule that there is no room for “enlightened” leaders in government.

Then we have the current opposition leadership. Zambia currently has what we may term as an “imaginary” opposition leadership. First of all, an ideal opposition is supposed to look and act like a government in waiting, and our current opposition looks more like a circus in waiting.

Our opposition, by simple virtue of not being in the present government’s world of oblivion does in fact live in reality. But for a reason which is certainly not lost on me and many other Zambians, our opposition leadership has failed to translate this state of reality to sensible and productive politics. And all things considered, the reason is pretty simple. Our opposition leadership is entirely made up people of like-mindedness with the current government leaders. Our opposition is in fact either students or architects of the current hopeless political landscape.

From Ludwig Sondashi wanting his family to also “enjoy” State House, to the young Henry Sialupwa not happy that RB is “not sharing the cake” after lending support to the MMD, to Mr. Michael Sata who prays that Zambians are suddenly afflicted with amnesia. Go figure why I do not mention HH….I digress. My point is our opposition fails to “oppose” and provide alternatives chiefly because they are not a genuine opposition.

The current opposition was chiefly borne of personal ambitions which were not fulfilled within the ruling government of the day, and not out of a genuineness to provide alternative governance. Thus it remains difficult for us to even believe that a true change can be provided by the current opposition. The Zambian political scene finds itself in quite a bundle! LT Bloggers speak on it.


  1. Reason bakalacula lyonse abena Zambia. If it`s working for you, all is well, if not then you see all the wrongs in Zambia. But, the again Africa will always be Africa. It makes me cry. How can Bob Mugabe even have a cabinet?

  2. sorry site and yet we are busy spending money carelessly by going to south africa then back to UTH, what a long way such that even a snail can sense something wrong with the route. surely from home to lusaka int airport, then oliver tambo, back again to what we call our int airport finally UTH. God will not forgive us for destroying this lovely country. as if there is a civil war or hurricane katrina just passed? kateka busy globe trotting and ukutambila utwaiche ati iyo ni reed dance.nonsense

  3. This is a very apt observation. One indicator that we are going regressing is the way the renewal of passports has been handled. It was obvious from the outset that you could not make all the Zambian passport holders change their passports within a year. This warning was dismissed. Now we have a situation were people are in foreign Countries with passports which are ‘expired.’ In UK it is even impossible to get through to the High Commission to get the progress on passports. WHERE ARE WE GOING AS A COUNTRY?

  4. Sometimes a nation gets leaders it deserves, leaders are usually a reflection of what a nation is. I don’t think zambia’s problems are only attributable to the leaders I think it’s the whole nation thats in serious downhill ride. The constant lack of taking responsibility and pointing the finger at govt , remembr when you point a finger theres always three fingers pointing back at you. The govt will do as it is allowed to do, zambian people are spineless walkovers . Zambian people are like puppies you kick it three hours later it will be there wagging it’s tail as if nothing happened, govt’s in other countries wouldn’t even dare to do what they do in zambia fearing repraisals. The problems will never be erased because of change of govt only by change of thinking

  5. Sad to listen to the hopeless whining of this article. We Zambians certainly know how to complain. Why not do something about it instead of whining?

  6. We the masses have gone to sleep! We need a conscious citizenry to stand up to nonsense and demand when government makes clear intentional blunders like the “nonsense” we’re seeing today. When Zambians wake up like South Africans, then the politican will know he is not dealing with docile citizenry who do not know a thing about good governance and bad governance. Wake up Zambia stand up and if necessary fight and cry then you shall be heard and respected!

  7. What a useless article.

    I will agree with you on the point of the opposition parties. They offer nothing and their main goal is to make the next government. They do not offer any alternatives because they have no alternatives.

    Now on the issue of development, the current govt is a govt I have grown to like more especially with the MFEZ and the privatization process going on. If you look at China, it sold off many of it’s state owned companies to foreigners and also initiated MFEZ today making it one of the biggest economies in the world. The Chambishi MFEZ is on of the very few first to be initiated in Africa and has attracted a great deal of investment and is set to create a lot of jobs.

  8. This govt has a vision and policies that will move the nation forward. The problem is Zambians concentrate more on politics and not economic activities taking place in the nation. There is a construction boom in Lusaka and industries are flocking into the country because of the sound investment climate in the nation. Mmobile is a testament to the good economic and investment policies in the nation and has exported a great deal of handsets to neighboring Zimbabwe.

    The one stop border post between Zambia and Zimbabwe has yielded results as trade between the two nations grows and this builds up Zambia’s manufacturing base. A lot of economic activities are taking place in the nation but we would rather concentrate on what Sata said about RB.

  9. Mr Capitalist what a useless post! This is exactly what Chilekwa is talking about and you go to do the same. What an i d i o t you are! If it suits you then all is well! Africans never stop amusing no matter how learned they claim to be. What a p l o n k e r you are Capitalist!

  10. This is nonsense. Stop concentrating too much on politics and concentrate on the economy. Then you will see how things are set to improve with the policies being enacted.

    People would rather concentrate on the Chiluba acquittal when the Lusaka Economic Zone is to take off next year. Chongwe is to be turned into a modern sub city.

    If you would rather be a cadre and have nothing to do, I would give you this advice. Go and bid for space at the new Soweto Market and sell vitenge’s. Zambian women love wearing vitenge’s so you are assured of making a profit and maybe contributing to the Zambian economy by helping bring Mulungushi textiles back to life.

  11. Magicroundabout

    Calling me an “i.di.o.t” and a “p l onke r” is not going to make my post any wrong. That is a useless rebuttal.

  12. Capitalist if this does not mean anything to you then you are not just thick but yes a p l o n k e r! “Allow me to comment on both the government of the day, as well as our opposition. It seems to me that to make it as a “politician” working in the government of the day in Zambia, one has to exhibit high levels of ignorance, intolerance, and worst of all little appreciation of what the majority of our citizenry is going through on a daily basis. These traits allow one to live in a world of oblivion, where one believes that our government is working at optimum, and leaves little room for one to realize that Zambia is fast going backwards”.

  13. It seems to me that to make it as a “politician” working in the government of the day in Zambia, one has to exhibit high levels of ignorance, intolerance, and worst of all little appreciation of what the majority of our citizenry is going through on a daily basis.

    This is your opinion. I do not agree with this opinion of yours basically because it comes from emotion. What proof do you have that politicians that work in the govt of the day are the things you have said about. This is an unfounded generalized opinion that has no factual backing.

    and leaves little room for one to realize that Zambia is fast going backwards

    Backwards in what sense? Again where is your economic data to prove this. State which data source you used to come to this fictional opinion?

  14. This issue os serving peolple died with Kaunda,lets face, everybody is just serving their own personal interests,In Africa we dont have leaders but rulers so crying for somebody to change the fortunes of the country is misplaced cry

  15. Chilekwa you are right, they are all the same minds! All the way from UNIP. MMD …….to PF. WE need something serously new honestly. Something different from all this nonsense we Zambians have endured for the past centuary to now. God help us to move forward please!

  16. A lot of selfish muppets on LT today. Capitalist what facts or data are you looking for you p l o n k e r? The data is in the photograph of this article. Did you know that the west had areas like the one in the photograph some years back? All is well with you so why bother?

  17. Magicroundabout

    How does one photograph reflect into the general state of the economy. That is cherry picking.

    The west may have had (according to you) areas like the one in the photograph but Zambia is not the west.

    You said, “and leaves little room for one to realize that Zambia is fast going backwards” and all I asked for you is to provide data as to how you came to this conclusion. A photograph does not reflect the complete state of the nation.

  18. You bloggers what data do you need. Just go to Zambia (and no not lusaka). Other towns like Kabwe. Roads that once were tard are now dusty with gravel, houses full of poverty and hunger from retrenched railway and other company workers. What data do you need people. Get off your paper theory work and be realistic please

  19. Leaders are a reflection of their people. The change begins with us as Zambians. There should come a point when we say enough is enough……..when will that time come fellow Zambians??

  20. Very good analysis Chilekwa, you have hit the nail on the head: The Zambian political scene finds itself in a bundle of confusion! What more can i say? Lord, please send us a Zambian Moses to rescue our people from economic, social and political slavery.

  21. Old boundaries of culture, identity and even nationhood are falling. The 21st Century world is becoming ever more interdependent.
    The forces shaping the world at this moment are so strong and all tend in one direction. They are opening the world up. I sometimes say to people that in modern politics, the dividing line is often less between traditional left vs. right(MMD vs PF); but more about open vs. closed.

  22. “Cry my beloved Zambia” Chilekwa, you have done what many of us have not done for a long time but felt it all the time. I hope our politicians and Zambian population, which puts politicians in power, can read your contribution positively. I know why you jumped HH……..he is trying although he has not got to the level where we can appreciate him.

    Keep it up Chilekwa.

  23. Mr. Capitalist, am not supporting Magicroundabout at all cost but i tell you what the construction development you are sighting at which is currently happening in Lusaka only is not development for the nation. 75% of these structures you are seeing are foreign companies that have found it so easy to convince our current government of lot of good deeds that they don’t deliver coz there is know one to monitor them or at the benefits of the same monitors who happen to be the current leaders. We have seen a lot of Chinese companies that have taken up construction of houses and lodges that even our local people can do. were are we left at. All government contracts today are going to Chinese companies who have tax rebates plus lot more consentions. All these money’s that i can say inform of

  24. development is ending up in these self monitors who we see buying hammers and other luxury goods. In short, people today are much interested on their tummies than their friends tummies

  25. First of all the system is messed up from the high commission in the Uk to the passport office its self in Zambia. The high commission staff are so incompetant that the actually lose peoples applications in there office before the application forms are even sent off to zambia, which is absolute nonsense. I mean how can we really on such a system which acts so incompetantly. Am absolutly gutted at the fact that back home at the passport office infomation is entired manually in a huge book like a register in the 1940’s it’s no wonder the can’t give us our passport on time, because the have to go through book with torn out pages as the seem not to realise that computerised passport require computers in order for to function. please lets change values government why r u there then?

  26. Fairly good a read…’Cry the Beloved Country…in this case Zambia, our beloved Country’. Good governance is on the way and will take effect tommorrow, yet tommorrow never comes!! For how long are we going to take this or tolerate such incompetence? This is one question that needs a solid answer. Are Zambians ready to stand up together for the betterment of our beloved country? Until then, bad governance will continue the damage!!

  27. capitalist, dude, all the stuff u’ve pointed out about the climate being economically conducive and the construction boom, this is stuff that was already set in motion a long time ago, its a domino effect dude, industries are already in place and they will sway in watever direction the economic climate pushes them. so bene Bwezzie cannot claim havin contributed anything material. wat we are petrified of is the speed with which they are eroding the kama climate that had held steady and was consistent b4 they rocked on the scene. these guys havent given us any concrete framework of objectives and goals b4 the end of their tenure. its tackle sh!t as it happens, thats the policy we see. theres no long term vision from these guys. and pliz justify removal of the windfall tax!! at a time wen…

  28. I agree with you, Chilekwa. It is really pathetic to live with people that cannot see that something is wrong with our leadership at Zed. The so called investors, who come to Zed, are there to make priofit for themselves and not for Zambians. Today we have investors all over the place ripping our country out of the valuable natural resources. Take example of the mines who make US$2.4 Bn profit and contribute only US$600 Mn in tax. This is wrong!

    Personally, I don’t thinck we are going forward economically as a country, only a few individuals( those in govt) are going forward economically. Road infrustrature is getting worn out.

  29. First of all the system is messed up from the high commission in the Uk to the passport office its self in Zambia. The high commission staff are so incompetent the actually lose peoples applications in their office before the application forms are even sent off to zambia, which is absolute nonsense. I mean how can we rely on such a system which acts so incompetently. Am absolutly gutted at the fact that back home at the passport office infomation is entered manually in a huge book like a register in the 1940’s it’s no wonder the can’t give us our passports on time, because the have to go through a book with torn out pages as the seem not to realise that computerised passports require computers in order for to function. Whats happened to the countries values.

  30. Chilekwa, let me add this: it is with deep regret that I have have say this but it is true; I born and grew up in the colonial era, the difference between the racist white occupiers of our country and our politicians is that whereas the racist politician had a vision where development of Zambia should have landed us today, the Zambian politician has had no clew whatsoever from KK to Bwezan Banda today. Kitwe should have a Kafue Motor way by this time in terms of the dream of the grown traffic of the whiteman politician. Whre is it? Gone with the Zambian politician who has no development dreams.

  31. #21 Mr capitalist that picture is a reflection of the nation. That’s Kanyama, it should be worse in Chibolya (Lusaka) Mwa Senior (ndola) St Anthony (Kitwe), Katondo (Kabwe) Mikomfwa (Luanshya) Luangwa (Kitwe) Kapisha (Chingola) or Malota (Livingstone)
    Hundereds of shanties sprawl across the vast Zambian landscape habouring over 60% of the country’s population.
    Hence your claims of progress fly in tghe teeth in the light of such massive underdevelopment.
    On Chilekwa, well good daignosis but we need to move on and start finding solutions to this crisis. cronyism and patronage in the public service should end. Our intellectuals and thinkers should be given free space to apply what’s best for the country. everything to bring down the cadre mentality should be done…….in the name of…

  32. Our country finds itself in this deep-hole-of -trouble because of our sandy foundation.
    All our past leaders were disabled in one way or the other. Both KK and FTJ had low education standard. In addition FTJ was crooked. Mwanawasa(MHSRP) was mentally damaged by that fatal car accident, and was not prepared for the job,being waken up in the middle of his sleep. RB was a retired old man picked from a farm and without vision for the country.

    Tell me what you expect from this kind of setup.

  33. What we need (as soon as 2011) is a well educated, mentally fit, visionary, and result oriented young Zambian. This will not happen unless us the young generation take it up (if necessary by force). If the kingdom of God can be advanced by force in the midst of the devil’s opposition, why not Zambia. If young people continue with this mentality of being afraid to do what they know is right for them, then forget about a bright future for this country. Make all the effort to vote in 2011; that is the way forward. VOTE OR DIE

  34. #5 The issue of passports has been handled badly indeed. Even in Malawi which is very near to Zambia it has taken us more that 5 months to receive our passports thru the High commision. We keep on being harrased. I dont know were we are going as a nation.

  35. #39 am with you there. We are still using the roads, buildings, rail line, etc from the colonial era which we are mending or patching every now and then and some of those roads especially in residential areas dont exist anymore. Those days we used to cry about pot holes but now we dont because the roads are gravel. What forwardness is that? We want physical positive development and not just statistics on papar or computors telling us how good our GDP and blah blah is doing and wheelbarrow or bicycle Ambulances, etc nonsense. NO!

  36. That picture looks horrible.Anyway the problem we have as zambians we talk alot about things but we dont take actions neither responsibilities in what ever we say and do, we have too docile kind of attitude over things and selffish leaders

  37. Development of any community starts with individual development. In as much as I agree that our leaders are a let down, each one of us must ask ourself what contributions we have contributed to the development of our nation. MULONGA UHULA BUNKUMUNKUMU. Its those bits of developmental contributions that can add up to national development. Leadership is just one important component of the directing function through provision of conducieve development policies which to some extent we have in Zambia. Its now up to you and me to contribute by investing our capabilities in this development process of our country.

  38. I beg to differ with you on how you judge the opposition before they come into power;; i for one have seen some of those in opposition who have performed well;; either in their own businesses have done well that is good.. and those who have failed . Zambia cannot be doomed because we havent given every one chance to rule,, how ever we have to put laws into place to guide every leader of what to do and not to do.. we need strong laws to guide every leader

  39. How can Zambians in the diaspora help Zambia? Stop remitting hard currency to Zambia through banks and money transfer agents. Send your cash through a trusted third party. Starve the government of hard currency. Ask your recipients to change currency on the streets. Your money will end up where it is most needed – on the streets.

  40. please please do not use george mpombo as an example of an elightened leader. My goodness how nonsensical. do u know where LPm went and got him from? Masaiti council where he was a councillor for UPND!! he only joined mmd because levy was his relative

  41. The picture gives you an idea of what people want – filthy filth, and more filth. I do not know whether it is wise to blame central GRZ for such because local authorities have been responsible for all that filth. People get plots corruptly, and without first demanding for proper roads, water/sewer pipes they are quick to build their houses for fear of being grabbed the plot since it was dubiously obtained. So what do you expect? You asked for it. Filth it is.

  42. I in the diaspora am doing my part by insuring that my immidiate relatives have a good livelyhood by sending of the money I earn this side and insurering that my business in Zambia is running smoothly. Which i couldnt do with dignity the time I was in Zambia, I am doing my part and so its also the sole responsibility of a government to insure that there is sustanable developemnt in the country. Which is not the case in Zambia. Nobody should tell me as a diaspora am not doing my part. I am running my home smoothly GRZ should do the same and their home in this case is the WHOLE of Zambia

  43. Ni sangwapo politics or poltics of poverty since Chiluba ascended to power. Chiluba taught everyone that you can move from rugs to super riches just by telling lies. That is the reason why 90% of our politicians do not believe in what they say or do. As long as it does not result in them being fired they are fine. Did you see how quickly they forgot about Levy? Before his demise, they were worshipping him like God but as soon as the news broke that he was dead, they had all switched except for a few principled ones.

  44. God have mercy on Zambia. May we have honest leaders who will account for every tax which can help the whole nation. Iam only disappointed to Bishops and Pastors who were supporting good ideas. May be they only need money from Chiluba on their personal interests. All they need is to preach to all Zambians to forgive our former leaders and ask God to help us. With God, all things are possible.

  45. Check out my Manifesto for Economic Transformation at maravi.blogspot /com.

    What is needed is:

    1) 50% of profits from the mines are effectively taxed through taxing turnover/revenues.

    2) 50% of national revenues are directly spent at local government level, to provide healthcare, education, policing and public utilities (see picture with article).

    3) Central Government goes from 29 ministries (including 9 provincial ministries) to 10-12 ministries.

    Effective decentralisation, reorientation to the provision of services irrespective of where someone lives in the country instead of central government bureaucracy, and putting the people first in development.

  46. Here are some general principles for government:

    There has to be cheap credit for small businesses; government has to stop borrowing on the domestic market to make up for it’s ‘budget shortfalls’; we need to stop financing this massive central government bureaucracy; we need to eliminate political positions and all positions that are not necessary for governance; there have to be vocational training centers and colleges to create a large, skilled middle class that can make and produce real goods and services.

    Lastly, we need to create a massive middle class of 90% of the population or more. That should be the driver behind thinking about development and economic growth, not the attraction of foreign corporations at all costs. Neoliberalism is dead, we need demand side economics.

  47. We keeping on blaming this and them, that and who, but what we forget is that most of us Zambians are lazy and want ukutola fye and ask for arms from the relatives mu diapora, nowonder you find prostitute like Mushota feels getting/finding an old raged white prank is manna.

    Most of us only realize that we are lazy wen we stay mu diaspora for sometime and see hw other pipo work and improve there life styles.

    Honestry do we need the gorvenment to come and provide food, build a house etc for a family, or these are basic things tha we can do?

    Rightly as the authur has put it the political guys are just there to fatten there pockets…if somebody could just analyse at what our current RB is doing or even his vision for the country?

  48. #51 very correct. As individuals we should not feel guilty about the past and current failures of Zambia. As individuals we have and are doing our part to manage our surroundings. People dont make excuses or defend a failing Government. It is the Government’s (whoever it encompasses) job and responsibility to manage a country effectively and efficiantly, Period!

  49. I agree with number #51 and ofcourse 57. Lets take our role as citizens of Zambia to help one another and take Zambia to another level. Its clear that its not the first priority for our govrt. Kenya is where it is because of its citizens abroad. We need to implement solutions like Mpesa( someone google it) and we will move from one level to another for the better. It will take time for Zambia but we will get there but i am hopefull for a brighter day!

  50. #56 thats why you pay Tax to the government to improve your life and other Unprivileged peoples lives. Just because you are blessed and can get money doesnt mean every Zambian is. Every governemt builds houses, hospitals, etc for their people. Its not about lazzines, its about GRZ doing its part to make life much easier and comfortable for every Zambian. GRZ is for you and never feel guity or shy to ask for what is rightly yours. thats why they get away with everything

  51. Charity begins at home, I know everyone is willing to do their part. But until the leaders are willing to work with the people it will be a non starter.

  52. I am forced to comment when I NEVER comment because of r #61. The author of this article in a very limited space, came up with excellent points. This is probably the most insightful article I have read because it has provoked us to rethink.

    Can LT please provide the contact info for the author, or does anyone know him?

  53. This is very sad. this is the worst article I had ever come again .
    You are right that political party must have good leadership quality, that mean they must lead country to development.But as I can see from pictures Zambia have not good leaders. Opposition should also work in right way which lead to development.
    As individuals we should not feel guilty about the past and current failures of Zambia. As individuals we have and are doing our part to manage our surroundings.That is the only way we can improve our country condition.

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