Saturday, January 11, 2025

Magoye MP explains farmers’ resolve to grow cannabis


A parliamentarian in Mazabuka district has observed that the poor maize marketing system has prompted many peasant farmers in Chivuna area of Magoye constituency to shift from growing maize to cannabis.

Magoye Member of Parliament, Bennie Mweemba, told ZANIS in Mazabuka today that most farmers in the constituency were involved in the cultivation and trafficking of cannabis because the market for the substance was readily available.

Mr. Mweemba, who expressed worry that farmers have resorted to growing an illegal substance, said the delay by the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) to pay farmers for their maize was frustrating.

He said farmers decided to start growing cannabis because, according to them, that was the surest way of raising quick money for their social and economic needs.

Mr. Mweemba however urged FRA to quickly pay the farmers for the maize they sold to the agency in order for them to stop cultivating cannabis.

” I condemn the cultivation of cannabis because it was illegal but farmers are forced to do so because they are receiving a raw deal from FRA,” he said.

Mazabuka District Commissioner, Tyson Hamaamba recently expressed worry at the increase in cannabis cultivation in Magoye and Chikankata constituencies of Mazabuka districts.

Mr. Hamaamba urged villagers to stop growing the crop because it has the potential of undermining the growth of the economy.



  1. Actor and television star Charlie Sheen has publicly requested a meeting with President Barack Obama to urge him to reopen the official investigation into 9/11 in light of the fact that the majority of the 9/11 Commission members have now publicly gone on record to express their conviction that the government agreed to lie about the official story.

  2. The herb (Ibange) is almighty, just like the one who created it. Just face reality, legalise it and use it as a stimulus to revive our failing economy.

  3. Legalizing “ibange” will attract tourists to Zambia and help grow our economy. Surely Snoop Dogg wouldn’t pass up the idea of visiting the “Mother Land”, and enjoying the scenery of one of the worlds natural wonders while smoking on some weed! Who is the Minister of tourism? Call the minister of agriculture and lets get some tourist dollars!!!

  4. Gave some weed to some lab mice and not only did it help them recover from physical stress but also made some beutiful sounds have ever heard

  5. Come on, do you think in weed there is wisdom? Do you think tourists would love to came to zambia to view call boy smoking weed?

    Put this in mind (zambia is a christian nation not jamaica).

  6. mad dogg.. marijuana is a a spiritual plant.. why should we care about tourists?? you are the guys who buy food that you cant afford when visitors (vazungu) are coming.. just to show them that you eat that way.. my friend that is africa.. we do things our own way.. SMOKE ON

  7. This plant is like poison when abused.

    Real rastas use it when worshipping but not for enjoyment.

    And i dont like someone smoking near me. how can you live life in a fog? Bad habit with a bad breath.

  8. This crop has export potential to California (USA) and Netherlands, I think, where it is legal. As more and more countries legalize the crop, Zed should reposition itself to market the product – under ‘strict’ supervision of course.

  9. I now remember my man Culture who constantly advocated for the legalization of weed. Yah in some staes of United staes of America they have legalized weed for medicinal purpose, so in those states one have to have doctors order to smoke it.
    Lets face it lack of governent intervention in abuse of farmers by FRA is causing all this to happen.

  10. hunger on or find a way to survive.

    Christian nation? What Christian nation?

    How long are you going to hide behind that term? Politicians are stealing from you and all you can say is that Zambia is a Christian nation and so God will save it. Gee!

    Stop this mentality and put the country’s destiny in your own hands.

    Christian Nation! Yeah Chiluba is enjoying the fact that you have been covered with a Christian blanket that makes you quite sleepy.

    Wake up people, the world will end for you before it begins my friends. wise up!

  11. Southern Province could have a huge hemp driven industry. They could grow hemp, and make clothes, rope, containers, shoes, sails, everything that can be made from hemp. Also, the seeds can be eaten and are more nutritious than soy. And hemp makes soil more suitable for growing vegetables, orchards, etc.

  12. According to Time Magazine – July 24, 2009, “California, home to the nation’s largest supply of domestically grown marijuana (worth an estimated $14 billion a year)”. 14 Billion American Dollars, now that is a crop worth investing in. How much does Zambia earn from copper? At 30% tax, isn’t that more than our national budget?

  13. hahahaha so many bloggers love the weed its kinda funny. I dont smoke it (i used to laugh endlessly) but i dont mind others doing it moderately. And yes weed does attract foreigners, good weed with no seeds.How much is a ball these days 1pin??? I left it K50.

  14. Guys , just because something is there, does not mean you must take and use it, or smoke it, Weed makes you think like the world is spinning round, you are on a high, but long term use is even bad. You feel like you are dancing on the ceiling.

  15. “When you smoke the herb it reveals you to yourself” The Tongas must be stopped immediately. Marijuana is a drug not cigarate. DEC must move in immediately. Its not Ganja time.

  16. #20, what was that? We are allowed to grow tobbaco which requires more work, is very prone to weather changes, and costly chemicals, not to mention that people are more likely to get hooked on it than on weed, yet we are still not allowed to grow weed which mostly grows on its anyway! Who are we kidding?????

  17. The only reason weed is illegal in the first place is because weed farmers were in competition for land with the cotton farmers. The cotton farmers had a stronger lobby and weed was illegalised. No one is able to come up with a rational reason as to why cannabis is illegal. Tobacco is more harmful and yet it is legal. Go figure

  18. Anything ‘discovered’ and produced/manufactured ny a white man is legal, even if it possesses serious health issues (Tobacco/Alcohol). When it is produced by a poor man or ‘person of colour’ (Just learnt from being in the USA, White is not a colour), then it is illegal. Note that I am yet to see a white or a black person – unless they taught me wrong colours!

  19. Its not surprising that farmers in Mazabuka have resorted to growing Chamba. They have survival insticts. When plan A fails thentry Plan B. That is how it goes. This is a lesson to those charged with responsibilities of serving the nation to be sincere and deliver efficiently. FRA is a let down last month it was reported that K220B was sourced for crop buying but why the bottle necks. As for the DC, its not true that pot growing will have a negative effect on the economy. In fact the crop fetches high cash on the black market. Arresting the growers is no solution but providing long last term solutions. Viva Bennie Mweemba MP for being open on this matter. DEC should not be affecting arrests but sensetize the pipo on the negative effects as well and provide alternatives.

  20. #27 Yangu

    Somehow I observe that seeing the world in colours doesnt help anyone. Believing in yourself and that you are just as good as anyone is much more productive. In the UK, indigenous blacks have the attitude that a white man is bad and all systems are a white man’s – education employment etc. So they dont amount to much. Under achievers basically. But black people coming from Africa are doing very well in the UK. We have several professionals – accountants, auditors, doctors, medical consultants, engineers, dentists, ITs etc. And we are respected for that. Where I work, there are two of us Zambians, in very high places. But you rarely meet a British black person in these work places. It’s all about attitudes, ability and self esteem.

  21. I support the MP. But is required is to ensure that GRZ buys the stuff and exports it to developed countries where it can be used for making medicines. So long as it doesnt fall into wrong hands.

  22. I fail to understand why we former colonies cant change laws created by colonialists to make chamba illegal and punishable by jail. These former colonialists are legalizing certain amounts of chamba and even if you are cought the penalty is not that stiff as here in Zambia where one can even get ten years jail for smoking or possessing weed. Are we being fair to ourselves when this herb has been accepted by some ethnic groups as part of their culture?

  23. Marijauna is not a drug!!! it’s just a plant that happens to have some effects when you set it on fire and inhale the fumes. lol

  24. Inn fact Pot is already being used as a family planning herb and has proved very efficient. No side effects. Its a question of cultivating on commercial basis other wise abit of it is nice for any human activity. I remember back in 1970’s my grand papa used to smoke pot. The old man used to work in the field the whole day 6 to 6 and he had plenty of food extra to sell for our school requirements. He had 6 wivies and used to measure up to their satisfaction. The muzungu doent want us to commercialize it coz we would much dollar in circulation and will have influence. @ years crop harvest will fload the Western World and majority of consume rs being stars and young pipo, means more cash in our pockets hence strong economy.

  25. I fail to understand why we former colonies cant change laws created by colonialists to make chamba illegal and punishable by jail. These former colonialists are legalizing certain amounts of chamba and even if you are cought the penalty is not that stiff as here in Zambia where one can even get ten years jail for smoking or possessing weed.

  26. No.7 stop hallucinating. Zambia has never been a christian nation. It is only a nation where the majority of people claim to practice Christianity. Claim because their deeds are more satanic than those of Babylon. Christ preached love, taught about leaders being humble etc. Lets us first emulate Christ’ life while on earth and then those who will see our deeds as being in line with the teachings of JESUS will call us a CHRISTIAN nation. It is not by individual proclamation but by deeds resulting from our faith in the teachings of CHRIST. My He(CHRIST) help me and all to change for the better.


  28. These illigal drugs have destroyed poeple all over the world, donnot experiment it in Zambia you will destroy our beolved country.. you shouldnt even joke about it it is all wrong mr MP it belongs to the dustbin;; if this matures you will see how poeple will start killing each other stop it it is wrong

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