Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Week In Pictures



Picture Sent in by Blogger: Modernised bicycle-A man  captured in Parklands area in Kitwe  on his bicycle that is improvised  beyond imagination
Picture Sent in by Blogger: Modernised bicycle-A man captured in Parklands area in Kitwe on his bicycle that is improvised beyond imagination


The Golden bridge lodge, Lusaka latest accommodation facility is set to open to the public soon along the great east road opposite Zesco headquarters
The Golden bridge lodge, Lusaka latest accommodation facility is set to open to the public soon along the great east road opposite Zesco headquarters


The Lumumba road after vendors were removed last week
The Lumumba road after vendors were removed last week


Vice president George Kunda is welcomed as former president Kenneth kaunda alight from the ZAF plane whe they visited Kasama.JPG	Vice president George Kunda is welcomed as former president Kenneth kaunda alight from the ZAF plane whe they visited Kasama
Vice president George Kunda is welcomed as former president Kenneth kaunda alight from the ZAF plane whe they visited Kasama.JPG Vice president George Kunda is welcomed as former president Kenneth kaunda alight from the ZAF plane whe they visited Kasama


George Kunda and Chambeshi Board Chairman Mpundu Shapi Lay a foundation brick at the ground breaking ceremony of a 9 billion water project at Kapoka village in Kasama
George Kunda and Chambeshi Board Chairman Mpundu Shapi Lay a foundation brick at the ground breaking ceremony of a 9 billion water project at Kapoka village in Kasama


Auditor General Anna Chifungula (right) and Danish Ambassador to Zambia Thomas Shjerbeck shake hands after signing a financial support agreement in Lusaka
Auditor General Anna Chifungula (right) and Danish Ambassador to Zambia Thomas Shjerbeck shake hands after signing a financial support agreement in Lusaka


President Banda and Zambia’s Ambassador to the United States of America Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika talks (l) to Mitsubishi International Corporation General Manager Tracy Austin at Loews Regency Hotel in New York
President Banda and Zambia’s Ambassador to the United States of America Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika talks (l) to Mitsubishi International Corporation General Manager Tracy Austin at Loews Regency Hotel in New York


MMD Kasama central candidate Burton Mugala and his supporters going to file his nomination papers
MMD Kasama central candidate Burton Mugala and his supporters going to file his nomination papers


Supporters for MMD Kasama central candidate burton Mugala wave party slogan when he addressed them In Kasama
Supporters for MMD Kasama central candidate burton Mugala wave party slogan when he addressed them In Kasama


Copperbelt Minister Mwansa Mbulakulima (r) talking to Congolese Minister of Home Affairs Jean Marie Kazadi [left] during the regional joint permanent commission between Zambia and Ndola .


A truck carrying fuel overturned along Kafue-Chirundu road. Above, the truck which is upside-down was abandoned on Wednesday with spills of oil along the road
A truck carrying fuel overturned along Kafue-Chirundu road. Above, the truck which is upside-down was abandoned on Wednesday with spills of oil along the road


Zambia national soccer team coach Herve Renard watching his players during a training session in Lusaka
Zambia national soccer team coach Herve Renard watching his players during a training session in Lusaka


  1. Pic 1 saw this guy when I was in Kitwe-hes has everything on it just like a car on two wheels haha
    Pic 8 is that red sand? Can only imagine how Kasama people look in the dry season!
    What is the football coach wearing? He looks funny!
    Lovely pics overall LT- I always look forward to fridays and mondays on LT to get a glimpse of our lovely motherland.

  2. Thats a serious bicycle , all those wires can probably catch DSTV signals, am wondering what the cocacola bottle is for? must be in flight refreshment.

    I hope the lodge will have tourist/Zambian friendly rates rather than the usual extortionate rates zed lodges charge. It’s probably even cheaper to get into the marriot in the carribean than to get a room at a zambian lodge

  3. Pic 1 ,this guy should be given the free man of the city award,coz he is not only innovative but romantic i can see the admiring look from the woman walking beside him

  4. Hey, Pic # 1 reminds me of my CBU days. This is a Tonga guy just forgotten his name. But, I’ve always wondered why he has added so much weight to his bike defeating the Mechanical advantage of constructing bicycles with light materials. LOL. Nice pictures tho too few and one sided especially for the Kasama polls as some one as already pointed out

  5. Pic 1 the guy even has a radio player on that bike! Tho how he plays it is another thing.

    LT your site has been coming up to be unsafe on my security warnings. I am updated with my security and sometimes browsing your site crushes my system. I dont know if any other bloggers experience this but it would be worth your while checking your site for worms. Love your site!

  6. Pic #4 – The practice of sending little girls with flowers to the Airport must end.

    It is along the same lines as gender typecasting and shaping of the girl child into a submissive woman there to serve men.

    Mothers stop sending your girls to the airport to give flowers to these losers. Raise your daughters to be self sufficient and confident women.

    What kind of men are these who like bouquets of flowers anyway!

  7. PIC NO:# 1

  8. I like pic numbala 1. That is innovation. Make more modifications and we can have a bikecab. Good to see the new lodge looking better than some of the so called hotels. is that the chinese lodge?

  9. The guy in that bike has made me miss my sweet days at CBU.
    He certainly has more innovation than 90% of the people we have in our govt currently lol

  10. # 8 i think you are right my system has started bahaving the same it even switched off two times .

    LT please check your system i think your system has a virus

  11. # 9 I can’t believe out of a bouque presentation you are trying to infuse gender issues. Why are you people like this kanshi can’t just enjoy something. Can you in the same vain explain why the girl is dressed in white?? Picture 12 ba coaches akaputula kwati ni the days of bena Pele or Maradona.

  12. Pic # 10, regional joint permanent commission between Zambia and Ndola?. I didn’t know that tNdola was a republic.

  13. Maybe the reason there are no photos of the tribalist GBM filing his papers is because there was no Bemba photographer to take his photos.

  14. U yu kapala wa nchinga waku chipata ekwaba aba goma uka umusango uyu iyi nchinga taile fwaikwa no kuninapo pantu ili overweight yakunkulushafye epela

  15. ! also agree that the girl with the flowers thing should stop, its unnecessary and absurd. Let dignitaries welcome each other. Thats my opinion

  16. That guy in pic# 1 is a patient and needs to be attended to but in a country where you lack medical specialists you start treating classical text book cases of mental patients as being ‘innovative’ !


  18. Pic # 1 The bicycle man used to live in a copound just after Riverside. I regulary used to see him pa across. Hahaha he is funny.

    Pic # 5 This is what annoys me about zambia. Why are they starting projects in an area where there will soon be elections? When did they realise the need of such a project? MMD Fakas never cease to amaze me. Nowonder we have a Presido who complains of swollen knees each time he visits swaziland.

  19. Pic one proves that what you make out of life is how you look at things, Pesrpectives differ, to the man in pic 1, he has a Mercedes and he is content!! Bravo to the man!
    or well, maybe its schizophrenia? Let me hold my judgement.

  20. I will have whatever the guy in pic #1 takes. He looks chilled out on his ‘Kawazaki’. Pic #12, the Chipolopolo coach must be the biggest man in the entire squad, given that most of our players are pint-sized.

  21. Looking at the pictures of Kasama, one wonders why anyone would be interested in representing this dusty back water of a place. I suppose it is not about representing Kasama but rather representing one’s own pocket whilst in Lusaka. The people of Kasama are just there to legitimise corruption. May be I am just a cynic.

  22. Where are the professors and students of technology to help the man in pic #1 to polish up of his bick engeering?I’ll he happy to buy one fro mynephew in the village. Atleast he can have some good lights at night and a phone to scare off the owl at night.

  23. Looks like most bloggers on this one are former students of ZIT, sorry CBU. We all saw that man passing in his aerodynamically challenged cycle. He definitely has a knack to stand out as an individual, which is evident in our political arena. Someone, please tell Herve to strip our opponents, not ourselves. 
    Who can allow their child to serve GK? This is unacceptable.

  24. I have been laughing tears from pic nambala 1 all the way thru the comments. Zambians really have humour to turn grey skies blue.

  25. The Golden Bridge Lodge looks nice! Elyo pa Great East Road opposite Zesco, it is at brilliant location near town. If only they have reasonable prices and good service, I wouldn’t mind staying there whenever we go to Zed. Hope they will create a good website too!

  26. Our ambassador, how i wished she was as humble as she seems. This woman is evil. very evil! she is cold and no one seem to like her at the Embassy. she is always lifting her hands like she has compassions for Zambians

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