Sunday, September 29, 2024

Government reduces budget allocation to the health sector by a quarter


FINANCE minister Situmbeko Musokotwane
FINANCE minister Situmbeko Musokotwane

Government says it has reduced the allocation to the sector from K 1.823.4 billion in 2009 budget to K1, 362.5 in 2010 representing a 25 percent decrease.

This is as a result of the State realigning its domestic resources to mitigate the short fall in the sector as a result of donors’ suspension of aid to the sector.

Finance and National Planning, Minster Situmbeko Musokotwane, said this during his presentation of the 2010 national budget in parliament today.

The move by some cooperating partners to withdraw funding to the health sector, recently, followed a financial scum in the health ministry where over K 7 billion funds was reportedly embezzled by some named health personal some of whom are serving suspension to allow for police and other national security organs.

Meanwhile, Dr Musokotwane says access to quality health has significantly improved in the country due to various interventions by both government and the cooperating partners as evidenced by falling incident of malaria, reduced maternal, infants, and child mortality rate.

He has however said the suspension of donor funding is likely to jeopardize progress that government had made but was however quick to mention that government remains steadfast to bring health care to its people.

He has disclosed that government has held several meetings with the cooperating partners on the need to resume funding after meeting all obligations under the first plan and is now waiting for favorable response from donors.

Dr. Musokotwane said despite suspension of funding in the sector, government will continue with the construction and rehabilitation of health posts across the country and has allocated K 135.5 billion toward this.

He has disclosed that government has since released K128.4 billion for the completion of nine district hospitals and 21 health posts, and a further K134 billion for the continued construction, expansion and rehabilitation of 16 district hospitals and staff houses.

He has added that K83.8 has been allocated for drugs and medical supply while, K33.7 has been allocated for the procurement of essential medical equipments.

Dr. Musokotwane said government is committed to expand access to quality health care and has since allocated K13.7 billion for the recruitment of frontline medical staffs.



  1. This right here is outrageous. First off you want to blame the donor community for your demise when Miti and the president himself are in cohorts stealing donor money. I say clean up your messes you corrupt SOB’s before you start killing more and more of the Zambian people. Stop being selfish and scrap off you outrageous allowances. You morons should know that you don’t touch the health sector. But then again you don’t care because your a$$es run to South Africa when your HIV status becomes full blown. What a bunch of losers!

  2. Has Mr Musokotwane got any evidence to back his claims of quality health care and falling rates of malaria cases, reduced maternal ,infants, and child mortality rate? We all know the donor funds were not even reaching the health section so who is going to benefit from this cut as in where are the funds going to be diverted? Stop playing with people’s lives-we have lost too many lives to illness that are stone age now but still exist in Zambia. Why not improve on what we have before building more hospitals that will function to que for the first months before falling to the usual health standard in Zambia-equipment broken down,no money for repairs, no medication, no funds from donors, buildings falling apart, no money,no money! Building new health centres is a good idea but who pays….

  3. we want toread the whole budget so that we read for ourselves. however reducing the money on health is not a good thing to do. They must presidential entourage spending

  4. CONTD….but who pays for the upkeep when already you are whining about donors not giving you money like its your birth right? Why not build on what we have?
    When this government is out of power they should be charged with murder/manslaughter! 70% of deaths in Zambia are preventable!!
    Its really painful

  5. I bet the reduction will fund the medical treatments in RSA. Can someone please tell us how much has been spent on these treatments in RSA. Is there someone prepared to stand up for the poor?

  6. Donors have paused their donation because they simply recognize the poor management of these funds. “Cut” the budget where necessery; for example, the government presidential expenditure whenever the president travels. Second, medical treatment of government ministers whenever they get sick which is very often now. As head of Finance, you need to clearly open these books so we can see just where and how much is being spent here. The health workers are in desparate needs of well deserved salary increaments. These have been way over due. Educational and health infra structure is dilapidated. Mr Musokotwane, these are areas you truly need to re-examine and possibly re-direct funds. Yes, we still don’t know the truth about the K 7 billion embezzled financial scum in the health ministry.???

  7. My brothers and sisters you suprise me. Don’t you know that the Zambian budget is a public document. All allocations including to state House are stated in the yellow book. The treatments in South Africa are not only for Ministers, even the so called Cobra Sata was sent to South Africa. There is really no reason for this kind of hostility that is on this blog just because your preferred candidate lost elections. By the way let us speak with facts, no one has ever said, not even Fred Mumembe that Rupih has stollen any money. Truth is agreat liberator, not insults.

  8. # 12, do you know how much a single presidential trip out of the country costs the Zambian government $$ amount? Also, when you state that, the treamenst in South Africa are not only fro ministers, what exactly do you mean. In other words, if you were sick today and teh was no adecuate treament fro you at…say UTH, would the Zambian government pay for your medical expenses to travel to South Africa or anywhere else fro that matter? Please, if you can enlighten me so we can have a meaningful discussion. And yes, this is tax payers money, your money! Am waiting……

  9. The Zambia government has completely LOST IT….berging…berging……berging…BERGING.Where is the´´ UBUNTU ´´Philosophy our forefathers taught us???AFRICAN IS THE RICHEST CONTINENT ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH WITH THE POOREST CITIZENS.

  10. #12, If you have no reasonable issues about the budget Allocations please do not comment here. I am disappointed with your useless comment! We are talking about issues here, talk sense!!!!

  11. Apart from the budget being presented and documented with technical jargon another similar copy of the budget should be presented and documented in a lay man’s simple language, something that is simple ,can easily be understood. and broken down line by line There should also be an evaluation of the 2009 budget in simple lay man’s language to help the general tax payer understand how their money was spent.This should also be broken down line by line.

  12. Dont antagonize #12, that is the problem as long as someone does not hold your view point then they are not talking sense, that behaviour is retrogressive. I agree with #12 that we should desist from insults if we dont understand the budget or any other issue and instead take time to understand the document. I agree there is waste of resources but don’t pretend to know all because you are in diaspora, you don’t even know what is prevailing on the ground.

  13. This nation is hopeless because of having hopeless leaders.Employees pay huge amounts in taxes for the benefits of these hopeless leaders.

  14. On a completely different note – where are today’s pictures? Ba LT, you have really spoiled me and I can’t wait to see some photos. Thanks!

  15. The only reason I asked #12 my questions is, i want to hear his response and I hope it will be objective. #19 you’re right, some of us are not on the “ground” and can’t really speak on certian specifics regarding the budget. However, we’re having a discussion regarding the same budget. We need to have objective posts from bloggers who look at this issue seriously and not just mouth off because one has an opinion. You need to also aknowledge that, our governments’ expenditure is in most if not ALL areas, ridiculously out of control to say the least. There’s ZERO accountability. For one to suggest that, presidential expenses and all cabinet ministers expenses are warrantied, well, the people need to know where and how their tax kwachas are being spent. That my friend, is the issue…

  16. # 18, your suggestion makes sense and that would be a logical option perhaps our government should consider. Bu then again, when you look at the flip side of that, the “copy” budget I might assume would also need it’s “own” budget to actually be created. So, we’re back at square one again. MONEY! I agree that the jargon should be simplied in order for an average Zambian citizen to interpret. # 20, there’s still hope in and for our country. We just need to vote wisely come 2011 and really make sure that, whom ever is elect regardless of what positio they’ll end up holding, these leaders will have to be made accountable for every one of their respective responsibilities; the president included! Also, the other side of that equation should be our justice system. This will have to fix…

  17. Aaahgr, I hate it when LT cuts out the words even when the word count has less than 5 characters left. LT what’s up with that?

  18. the have been financial problems in the ministry of Health but it seems even next year there’s no hope of restoring the financial base of the ministry. we expect more outbreaks in corners of country despite the current swine flu. the government should know that procurement of drugs, vaccine and other logistics cost alot of money. reduced allocation means more sufferings

  19. Lusaka Times is misquoting the Budget, or not understanding how it works. It’s only donor money that is lower in the Health Budget. Domestic resources have been substantially increased, by 19 percent to the sector, representing a serious realignment of money. Education has a 29 percent increase.

    So the Times is wrong in thinking that all donor money is less. This is not the case. It’s only funding to the health sector that is lower, and as a result, health budget is 25 percent lower.

  20. The bigger picture is that part of the perceived increase in the funds allocated to the heath and education sector are expected to come from external sources;loans! We can’t be boasting about that! Please reduce administrative expenditure,especially on the President whose travels are too frequent and beyond anybody’s imagination! Good lucky folks. This is you last budget presentation Hon.Minister Musokotwane. In 2011 we hope somebody from the PACT, PF or UPND Finance Minister will present the budget on behalf the we the people.

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