Saturday, February 8, 2025

Lusaka Fuel Shortage in Pictures



Deserted Fuel Station
Deserted Fuel Station


Deserted Fuel Station
Deserted Fuel Station


Deserted Fuel station
Deserted Fuel station


Empty Roads due to Fuel Shortage
Empty Roads due to Fuel Shortage


Waiting for Fuel
Waiting for Fuel


Cars queuing for Fuel
Cars queuing for Fuel


Long queues of People waiting for Fuel
Long queues of People waiting for Fuel


Cars queuing for Fuel
Cars queuing for Fuel


Peaople waiting for Fuel
Peaople waiting for Fuel


People waiting for Fuel
People waiting for Fuel


People waiting for Fuel
People waiting for Fuel


  1. LT, why did you only take photos of one service station, havent you learnt to be broad in your coverage up to now?

  2. Why do Zambians go thru the same thing over and over again? gas shortages has been there before, is there any lesson that those in Govt can learn from the past, in order to stop it in the future?

  3. the shots are boring…they make us look like we only have one fuel station in the whole city..very funny..LOL!! Come on guys….do your job!

  4. #3 & #5,… how do you expect the guy who was taking photos to drive from one service station to another when there is no gas? I am sure he was also stuck right there.

  5. #1 zimbabwe is better than zambia, zambia at the moment is the worst in the region, such things in zambia are now normal, the pipo in leadership have little or no vision.

  6. iYooooooooooooooooooooooooo Things Araaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

  7. Gone are the days when Governments used to operate on propaganda, but in Zambia today, state media is reporting on rupia opening a chinese smelter whilst the fuel issue is blacked out – what a shame!!!! Countrymen, things are bad. In Kitwe cars are parked overnight on service stations not because there is fuel but whilst waiting to be among those to get fuel should it come.

  8. In Livingstone we are not affected with this so called gas shortage and so we are enjoying and planning to get a permit to go on the street to celebrate the victory that we in livingstone we have no stress on gas, ciao

  9. #10 i got shocked as well that for the past few days ZNBC has been ONLY showing programmes for MMD MP’s and no other programmes so this is disturbing, they should be in a middle part where information to the public is concerned.It is boring that GRZ want to show that they are working and yet they fail to win the popularity country wide

  10. This is definitely NOT acceptable. Nyama soya and his gang of incompetent MUDIDIs should now pack and go (with their tails between their legs) before they completely destroy the little achievement Zed has made. We can’t trust this clueless bunch of … of … $*#@#3* to oversee our country during this luck time when the copper is doing much better. NYAMA SOYA MUST GO!!!! and GO NOW!!!!!!!!!! It is ZWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

  11. Moderator waba asuka mwe! There was probably no gas for the camera operator aswell lol. It is nice we actually have LT. Taking the info. They give us and decyphering it to usable means depends on our mental constructs. Blessings to you my brothers and sisters in the diaspora. Prayers aswell.

  12. What is marking me more annoyed about all this fuel shortage is that Konga can even go on this hopeless ZNBC and say that the fuel shortage is imaginary. Can you imagine this guy insulting us? If this so-called Better TV can show Konga telling lies that can even be read on his face why cant ZNBC show how people are queing up for fuel all day long in Lusaka?

  13. Can imagine that when fuel “comez” all thoze containerz must be filled and filled again, then the carz also filled two three timez and so on. Will the fuwel survive? Hope and trust this situation doezn’t last a while.

  14. I can bet Senior Citizens tooth on this one, this is no crisis in our politicians’ eyes and they will give excuses after excuses. It’s a situation one would expect their President and his ministers to be spending sleepless nights trying to sort out, sad not in our country he’s busy insulting others on the copperbelt.

  15. According to Konga and his pact, there is no fuel shortage in the country. its the work of the opposition. we have never seen these pictures on ZNBC, shame!!

  16. The problem is misplaced priorities of Monopolizing only one single company like Indeni to produce the product.What about if it’s gutted then everybody will be Confused and start panicking.
    Look at the Chibuku brewing companies No one can be able to number them.

    When UBZ was the only bus company transport was difficult,Now today there plenty of buses waiting for passengers this is a positive benefit for liberlisation.  

  17. How can the opposition cause shortage of fuel in the country? A bad carpenter always blames his tools. These guys are wasting our time. USELESS!

  18. God has heard our cry as zambians and He will make sure that these guys will never prosper in life no matter much they steal from us, no from God because He is the owner of everything even ourselves. And they must stop saying, OUR PEOPLE we are not their people. We belong to god1

  19. ba LT is this the pictures you can show only?the situation is harder than this.move around and take more photos.Am only praying that no fire / explosion occurs at a gas station while those poor zedians are josltin for gas.

  20. In 1991, Zambians made a big mistake in voting for the MMD. KK warned you that MMD were lairs and crooks. Can you see that the old man was right? MMD has mismanaged the economy and they have stolen all the country’s wealth. The little crook Chiluba is even laughing at Zambians coz he is untouchable. I’m glad I never voted for the MMD because I see them for what they are- a bunch of incompetent thieves who only think about themselves. So Zambians, brace yourselves for more hardships under the MMD. The current fuel shortage is just the beginning!!!

  21. Why did the photographer only take shots from BP Cairo Road Filling station next to Barclays Bank, Northend Branch. It would have been better if had randomly taken shots at different filliong stations. In any case this is Zed.

  22. New Job and Business opportunities for all Zambians living abroad. This government really embarrass Zambians, Time to take charge, honestly we do not donor aid to plan our logistics??

  23. MMD F***s have ruined the country. They want us to be waiting around at fuel stations holding our d**** in our hands hoping that fuel will be available. Their heads are full of s*** and their president is a complete m***n. He needs to go back to his farm and continue f*****ugly bi****s like his wife.

  24. Guys….

    Please at this stage we should be wise enough to see things clearly. There is no shortage of fuel but there is business for the few linked to the cause. If this was a shortage as one has said, leadership would spend sl;eepless nights sorting it out….but this one is business…soon u will hear that 500 trucks full of petrol go missing on one of zambia’s roads…Can the donors put some sanctions of our leadership or issue an international arrest wararant for them…esp. ftj

  25. FUEL SHORTAGE PIPO IE PHOTOGRAPHER IS ALSO AFFECTED, fuel must be used wisely why don’t bloggers in zed send pics to Lusakatimes i think thats sensisble. nway ANIMAL FARM FYE PA ZED AT LEAST IN KK DAYS HE COULD SAY THERE WERE SANCTIONS against zed but now while the problem was brewing RB was busy calling GBM a sack of maize, n even using fuel taking his whole troop to lose an election in kasama

  26. Broaden ur coverage ba LT, to give a betta view of things. Even other places in Zed. Kitwe, Solwezi…
    This so catastrophic. Four days before Independence day.

  27. what a freakin circus. and we’ll be celebrating 45 years of indepence? independence from what eggsactly?? one zambia baficolour!! 😀

  28. LT, I offer to upload some photos to you (given the address) of what is happening here in Kitwe. Things are not as bad as you think, it is a disaster when you physically see what is going on. You know, Kitwe like any other city is flooded with taxis, so you can imagine leaving the office in search of fuel only to find taxis queing until the time the fuel will be available. SHAME!!!!!!!

  29. Whose responsible for this nonsense honestly. Everytime Zambia goes through this fuel crises, cholera, bad roads due to heavy rain, load shedding of electricity, etc. Is somebody working out there or just enjoying tax payers money? When will this ever end please? Why do we wait for the last minute, cant we forecast honestly? I dont understand

  30. Banda should answer to this mess. we dont want his incompetant ministers adressing us regarding this mess. As Zambia’s president he is responsible for their irrisponsible actions hence he is answerable to us. We are his boss. Somebody should be fired. Unbelievable creatures!

  31. RB and his MMD team are a bunch of failures who must just own up and resign over this energy crisis. Just like he failed to run his enterprises and his small farm, his management incapacity can not be wished away.
    They have lamentably failing to secure energy resources which are a key factor for economic development.
    Because of corruption and nepotism, they appointed wrong, ill qualified, incompetent people to run sensitive, strategic energy sector positions thereby putting the country at grave risk of serious economic ruin worse than HIGH TREASON. 


  32. Ba Zed natupwa! Believe you me this time Zed hasn’t gone to the dogs, but the dogs have come to Zed. One wonders whether we’ll recover from this mediocrity. Anyway, it’s a peaceful nation so let’s just shut our mouths, things will sort themselves out!

  33. vioneni vimasilu bussy denying the truth of the matter on the ground and the minister of misinformation is at it again saying there is no fuel shortage pa zed and ZNBC proudly broadcasts the ministwer’s statement ignoring the fact on the ground. Trully the national boadcastor for RB is really good at misnforming the people of Zambia. Shame on them all.

  34. We are forced to pay for TV licence for a broadcast that first three Items on the news were on RB saying there are no problems in Lusaka. Fuel shortage is in our head. 4 item is with the minister saying there is enough fuel stocks to last forever. But what are we seeing on the streets? are we that fooling? is this 1964? I would rather watch DSTV than pay k3000 for being cheated, told I am a fool. I wonder how these MMD sons of beaches come into and stay in power.

  35. In a democracy governments change when they are not perfoming.In Zambia the MMD must be a great perfomer because they are still in power thanks to the foolish people in Zambia who keep voting for them.Enjoy the fuel crisis!!

  36. it pains me seeing a situation occuring over and over pains me saying the same things to deaf ears.pliz zambians lets vote wisely in 2011.every hearing fuel shortages………where are the dame planners?planning shud be a continues processes……indeni chaps, lupiya arrogagant banda and the dame govt.we are tired of..wawa 2011

  37. wen i was born, i was clean and free from these evil the mmd has corrupted me…………………..pliz lord help i pray

  38. Do we have planners in govt? We have had fuel shortages year in year out for the past 5 or 6 years! Why dont we have technocrats put contingency measures in place. Can we conclude that our leadership has failed us? Awe bane citenipo cimo!

  39. ….too much story pa Zed and no action. If you hear these politicians talking, one would think they know what they are doing, come time to impliment their talk-dead silent as a grave yard. Batch of useless and shameful leaders

  40. IF I WAS IN the man in POWER……I WOULD FIRE ALL THOSE EMBARRASING ME!!!( ie those fallin pa ma escalators, those failin to plan ahead, those manipulatin the Law they dont even understand……….

  41. #50 u say lets vote wisely meaning we should vote out the MMD but u forget that the people that vote for MMD are in the villages and cant read yo msg. Instead u should edge everyone to remind they relatives kumushi that its PF/UPND to vote for

  42. ZAMBIANS have become as s-tu-pi-d as them MMD thugs. They laugh at us when we let them stay in power when things are so bad.
    I Wish we had men like Kagame and Gen Nkunda in Zed to teach them suc-kers a lesson.
    S-tu-pi-d army that only knows how to sing gospel/ choir songs….. TAKE CHARGE BA FI COLOR…..

  43. Fuel shortage is a very good opportunity for the MMD to fundraise for big party convention budget funds.Government for a while deregulates procurement tender procedures.All imports are tax free.You remember Mpombo’s 60 day fuel crisis, Mwanawasa made his own killing through front marketing companies.Trust me MMD will make a killing out of this and then toast up its party convention.Its not that they are no holding a convention but resource mobilization for the convention and 2011.At the end of this crisis whether for a month or less, MMD will raise not less than US $30 million.

  44. Sure with the current Fuel Crisis how can our President even manage to go out to Kampala without ensuring the situation has normalised. I am beginning to think that probably RB is not given complete information.

  45. ba MMD matole BA FEE COLOR, that unfinished state insurance buiding along freedom avenue towards Kulima tower station is a symbol of their incompetence, construction of that building ceased as soon as there was a change of GOVT in 1991 when I was in first year at UNZA, I regret having wasted my vote in 1991

  46. i will be flying to zed 2morrow just to sort out this fuel problem pls don’t worry. this is not just fuel problem it also has to do with bola pa zed

  47. The time is ripe for battery-powered electric vehicles. I just tested a Mercedes S 400 HYBRID earlier this month – a full tank of Hydrogen takes you almost 400 kilometers and refuelling takes only a few minutes. Plus zero-emission driving – welcome to the future!

  48. Mr Chale you still emmit the water vapour which is harmless. What was the volume of that full tank Hydrogen and the cost per unit vol.

  49. #68 Iron Lion Almost a third of all Mercedes-Benz cars are “5-liter” automobiles. With fuel consumption of 7.9 liters per 100 km, the S 400 HYBRID will be the world’s most fuel-efficient luxury sedan with a gasoline engine. What’s more, the S 400 is also the first series-produced hybrid vehicle made by a European automaker (lithium-ion battery). The costs are not yet fixed since the technology is not yet fully optimized. The Water vapour is 100% clean & harmless as you have correctly indicated, so no worries…

  50. Have a look at picture 6. An wondering is that a sign…i can see Sata on the Sign post…who knows may be its time for the pact to win…

  51. All our fuel is going to Zimbabwe,go figure are there any shortages in Zims of late?zambians wakeup,Mugabe has his chief diplomat in Plot One………….

  52. Lessons to be learnt.. I keep hearing that we should vote out the current leadership, think again. We have the same clowns in this circus, they just have different stage names. We have politicians that are in power and have been since what my mbuya called mu federo, it be Sata or VJ. Obama was in high school and these guys had Govt jobs. What we need is a system overhaul,restructure from the ground up. I remember my mbuya saying the grey hair is a sighn of wisdom… Im having a hard time with that right now when i see what these dinosaurs are doing… Just saying!

  53. Does it mean the fuel shortage issue will only be solved after the 50% Total’s shares in Indeni is resolved? Is Luangwa Industries still operational? 🙁

  54. All these politicians think we are fools because we just accept the way things are home. Unless we do something as a people, we will continue down the road to destruction.


  56. The MMD government should just resign. They fuel shortage, abuse of public funds by officials and high corruption in Zambia is a sign that the MMD government has failed to run the country.Even an ***** with half his brain turned off can even do a better job!!!

  57. Livingstone, no offence but your town isnt so far apart. you can afford to walk hence the few number of motorists. thats why you’re not affected by fuel shortages. instead of the celebrations you’re talking about, how about trying to fight to make a change or atleast show some sympathy for your fellow countrymen.
    this is a business tactic for those in government, otherwise, they could have done something about it afterall, they do have advisors. thats why they’re opening chinese smelters instead of listening to our plight. shame on you mr Round Belly (RB) and your so-called government.

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