Saturday, February 1, 2025

Some parts of Lusaka in Pictures 45 years after independence



even after 45 years still looks the same
The Central Business District still looks the same


just the view after 45years
Well, we now have buses now painted blue and white, maybe some progress. UBZ replaced


Just the view after 45years dry and patchy
There is now a comesa headquarters at Kafue Round about. Some progress there


building in freedom way many years of non completion
Candidate for a place in the Guinness book of World record? One of the longest construction project in Zambia. Construction started in 1985. Construction has taken 24 years and still counting.


same as before
There is some construction and development going on: New houses being built. There are some dedicated places to dump rubbish


the beauty of Zambia
Some construction going on


same old story
Same old story: At least we have South African Engen gas statitions


marketeers yet to be chased comesa market2
We now have a Comesa Market too. But this market is earmarked for demolition, hopefully to pave way for a better construction project on this prime land


Garbage nice house in the background
This has become a common feature in some parts of Lusaka. Big houses construction and garbage daumps


for future use Govt mouth piece
Same old government mouth piece


Where is the future is it on Burrows
A Man got to do what a man got to do. No employment, no problem. Invest in a wheelbarrow and earn some cash


Atleast some hope but no protective clothing
At least some hope, but still no protective clothing


if only the city would be
Some parts are really nice and relaxing right in the middle of the city


better site
Cairo Road, still well looked after 45 years on


Goat slaythering done everywhere
Goat business is booming in Lusaka and you would see goats everywhere for sale.


  1. LT wanjipaya with the captions! Thanks for the insight.
    Also show how imperialism and the new version of colonialism are creeping back in the name of investors.

  2. Nice picture though no development at all.
    By looking at these pictures, you can easily tell that MMD govt has not done anything as far as development is concerned. All the buildings were left by KK’s govt and yet they cannot even be renovated. MMD is here to finish all our resources, by the time they are done we will have nothing to say but open our mouths wide. I hope a leader will rise and redeem us from the jokers.

  3. I agree with Njobvu Kaz #2, MMD has done nothing but they just destroyed the country. These thieves must be stopped sooner than later before there is no Zambia at all. Zambia indeed is a sorry sight. No infrastructure, no development, no nothing, awe mweee.

  4. LT from your comments below the pics I now know you are PF for sure. Its almost like u are inciting us to insult the poorly performing RB and his stooges

  5. Lusaka looks the same because MMD has not invested in Capital Projects. The buildings look so much better on the outside than inside! They are terrible.

  6. So that building is still standing? the best is bring it down coz it has lived part of its useful lifetime in that state and putting more pressure on the already aged concrete will just create the biggest death trap around that area. raze it down.

  7. Ask this boy SINNER CITIZEN to tell us what new buildings have sprung up during the entire MMD syndrome? coz most of those structures started during Kaunda’s regime and sad to say nothing worthy mentioning has been done by the GOVT of the day to say this building/structure belongs to the govt. all we see are PREFABS by the investors which implies shud conditions disfavour them, they will rip their structures down and take necessary items leaving the zedian sites like IFIBOLYA.

  8. Most of the buildings if not all are the ones that were built under the leadership of Doctor Kaunda, as for the MMD they jst asked Masebo, to tell the Bus opperators have their buses paited blue that’s the only development so far by the MMD Government……..

  9. Despite Rwanda being a war, its doing far much better than Zambia economically. The biggest problem we having is lack of good governance and leadership. MMD is the route of Zambia’s decline as far as our economy is concerned.Since these jokers came to power, everything has decline starting from Education, Heath, transport name it. The number of street kids and illiterate young ones is higher than that time of KK. One thing these old finished politicians are forgetting is that the future of our country is in those so called street / poor kids that cannot manage to get a good education. God will punish them for doing this to our beautiful country and us.

  10. This photographer is useless, he could have brought more pictures from the high density areas coz that is where there more problems which needs attention. Go back to school and learn more. We dont need pictures of cairo road.

  11. Picture # 3 that building has firehood on top am sure it is the security guards that stores it there for use in the night

  12. # 9 how do you call painting buses development? Honestly its as good as leaving them the way they way, some of those buses are in bad state and endanger our lives we we use them.

    The best President to ever rule Zambia was KK despite being in power for 27 year. He made sense in whatever he was doing. And he understood the importance of educating his pipo. MMD is only interested in creating illiterate traders so that they take advantage of them.

  13. #11, hold you fire, LT has done its best in the midst of hash economy and are doing all this for free. for you to view the post online you have to register and so on, muletasha. i guess this time LT is also looking at the more positive side of zambia. VIVA LT.
    #5 same applies to you, if you look at the pictures i dont think you can see PF in them, all you see is mismanaged Zambia. ALA.

  14. U gys hav to be more serious than this, how does MMD which does not own Findeco house or Indeco house or other buildings clean them up? The nearest responsible guys are the councils led by PF who should insist on owners to clean the buildings up. You how these are done.
    LT,  please dig up 1964 pictures and compare with the one’s shown. As a responsible media house, u r expected to feed us with correct data whether we support the govt or the opposition or neither. It is unfair to mislead pipo like that. Back yo assumptions with verifiable data. We cannot say the same with bloggers but u ain’t a blogger. Be responsible, please

  15. Everytime you walk past that build remember its at own risk, Government will not accept responsibilty if that rusted crane loses it’s ghost and lands on your head. TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED

  16. Nothing much has happened since independence. The so called new structures are  of a substandard nature and shamelessly distort the outlook of a modern city. Almost 90 percent of the infrastructure can be attributed to KK. Its a pity that this country is stagnant and someone out there need to start working hard instead of yapping n wapping. We have plenty of qualified town planners and land economists who are not even being utilized in any way. Did you know that most of our political leaders (without shame) even boast that they have been to city so and so? They are not in any way embarrassed with the poor infrastructure in their own country Zambia. Infrastructure in any country in world is very vital to economic development. Thats why when as a country you invest in it FDI will…

  17. # 19 its not embarrassing to be Zambian but its embarrassing and a shame to have leaders like Nyama Soya and Kafupi. If you change you citizen your kids/grand kids will be a lost generation. They deserve to know where they come from. Word of mouth is not enough that s why some African Americans wish they knew where their ancestors originated from.

  18. Who are the owners of that incomplete structure on Corner Katondo & Freedom way? What is the council doing coz from 1985 to date is a long period and that is wasted investment. Can LCC and all concerned stakeholders come up with a solution. That structure is supposed to add value to the city. The same goes for incomplete carousels. If nothing is resolved let the lands Ministry reposses it and handover to Local Govt for NHA to complete it and it becomes public property. Now that there are no street vendors some invstor could turn it into a hotel or a block of flats etc. May all the concerned do something about. Last time owners of incomplete structure at Kabwe round about where given ultimetum to complete but not this structure.

  19. Beautiful pics, Ba LT are there any vacancies for a photographer, i like taking pics you know or i would love to be a volunteer.

  20. #16, Fr Bwalya: Whether or not LT put up 1960s pics, that will not change the fact that none of that infrastructure can be attributed to the MMD govt. What blogers are saying is true. Most of the buildings/infrastructure shown in these pics were left by supper KEN (Ba KK), and NOT MMD! It seems the only thing MMD can boast about is the mushrooming of ‘TUNTEMBA’ all over the city. What a bunch of clowns that you are!

    Say what you may about KK, but the man at least had a sense of purpose and direction for his beloved country. But look at what Kafupi (FTJ Chiluba) tried to do to him (KK), strip him of his pride and joy, ZAMBIAN CITIZENSHIP. Which is the only other thing MMD can be proud of, DIRTY POLITICS—not development!

  21. nice pictures. still the same old shabby city. I’m sure some buildings still have the coat of paint left by the colonialists.who is to blame- every person called a zambian. we are the ones who vote for our leaders.we voted for chiluba then voted for mwanawasa not once but we have voted nyama soya. we seem to have an affinity for voting poor quality leaders.BTW I like the independence day advert/clip by the zambians in Norway.

  22. should have been some parts of zambia, which would mean taking photos of lumwana mine, just after solwezi, first quantum mine along mufulira & ndola road, the mwanawasa bridge, mkushi i believe theres development there too, wide imagination isnt that bad u know, or is it just a habit of dwelling only on the negative.

  23. I am in Ireland relaxing with my laptop near House of Fraser after an exhausting shoppig spree, so why is my flag showing some country i probably cant even pronounce. LT Whats this, i need answers !

  24. Ba Che Guavara, will you be attending the “independence get together party” at the official residence in Tokyo? I received a mail from the embassy asking if we can go there on Saturday 24 Oct. in the afternoon.

  25. Just to say a few things.

    Firstly I must say after 45 years of independence, Lusaka still looks beautifully green.

    Now to make a few comments on the flow of pictures.
    #1. Even though it has not changed, it still looks beautifully green.

    #2. The painting of buses into a uniform color was for identification processes. This is truly a development as it would provide an easier way in which we can identify which vehicle is for public transportation purposes and which one is not.

    #3. The COMESA HQ looks beautiful.

    #4. Construction started in 1985, this was a time when real estate was over-estimated in the city. When the bubble burst, many real estate projects stalled. Cresta Golfview Hotel also went through a stall, today it is operational due to a revamped real estate…

  26. MUSHOTA mwaice is that you in that picture? I will be in Ireland next week, can we link up for some fun please.

  27. #5. The housing market is on the rise in Lusaka as people look for affordable housing.

    #6. Good sign

    #8. That is a beautiful picture. Thanks to capitalism, we have that Engen gas station.

    #9. Not much to comment on.

    #10. The future residents of the houses being built will probably take action against unsanitary disposal of garbage as no one wants to live next to a landfill.

    #11. ZNBC looks beautiful.

    #12. I commend the people who have sought out other means of income due to unemployment.

    #13. The picture is too vague to conclude that there is no protective clothing provided in this type of job.

    #14. Beautiful

    #15. Beautiful

    #16. I commend the people for their contribution to food security in the nation more especially in LSK as it is the biggest city in…

  28. #15 Chain Day

    The more people visit LT, the more money they can milk from their advertisers. LT has only one competitor when it comes to online news of this form in Zambia. If people do not visit LT, advertisers will not find it worth it to advertise on LT as no one will view what products they are trying to market. In short, it is in LT best interest to the best they can if they are to milk advertisers. If they start losing hits, this will most likely hurt their advertising rates. This is why LT appreciates every form of advice from bloggers it gets as this will most likely bring more people on the blog which will result in more hits and probability to increase advert rates due to high traffic.

  29. Mr. Capitalist, i hear you, ma point is that LT is not in anyway influenced by PF or any other political party as one of the guyz stated. we may end up not having a non biased media like LT if they say its inclined to any political party. lets appreciate the efforts being made by LT. we can give our negative views constructively not distructively.

  30. ya zoooona pa zed tuma buildings twa welensiki namanje sure, njanji za walensiki, ma roads etc. mama. One wonders why we spend so much time and money training Engineers, Architectures, etc so they could finish and go help develop other countries. Shame on you Zambian Governments!

  31. Whilst i agree that the pace of conspicious development in Zambia has been slow, i feel these pictures do not capture the changes that have occurred in Zambia, but focussed on old buildings inorder to provoke a debate. Obviously if yoy go to take a picture of Findeco house, you will find the same old findeco house. There has been a lot of construction on Makeni road, all the way to Lilayi (good standard), not to mention great easr road and mass media/unza area. A couple of residential developments would also have been nice. LT, if you give the impression that Zambia is at standstill, you will cause heart attacks when “bloggers” abroad go back. I think Zambia is a beautiful country (the politics and corruption aside), lets improve it further.


  33. LT, Zambians tend to be extremist in their sentiments because that is the style Mmembe has adopted to push his agenda for the change of government from Rupia to Magande or Sata. I believe there are many Zambians who respect a style of reporting that is moderate and restrained. Hope you will continue with your usual objective style that is non-partisan. Otherwise we appreciate your good work.

  34. Mushota, do you go around shopping with your laptop and then stop to start surfing the net? No work, or is rich boyfriend taking care of you?

  35. I hold no brief for colonialism, but 80% of the buildings were left by Roy (Welensky). KK left 19.5% of them and the rest? Well, .. MMD including Michael Sata.

  36. Picture #4 i will be buying that building then i will finish building it, it will take less than a year. I will be hiring Anderson and Anderson in collaboration with J & P construction company. I will be doing this very soon. Atleast there will be a sense of develpment after that as well as with my other construction works.That will see the country progress and will attract huge investment.

  37. The most pleasant pictures are o14 and 15, because to some extent they show why Lusaka was once called the garden city, because of the beautiful gardens lining the middle of Cairo Rd. Local govt is no longer able to maintain these gardens and it is incumbent upon the business houses along Cairo to maintain the plush garden. The area shown above is maintained by Natsave who are doing a great job of it. They put to shame the large cooperations like Shoprite, Stanbic, Stanchart and Barclays who are not able to do such a recommendable job of maintaining their share of Cairo Rd. Thumbs up to Natsave, the only truly Zambian bank remaining on the Zambian market

  38. #9 CHAMONA IYALA point of correction MMd did not ask Masebo to paint the buses blue. MMD asked Nkandu Luo to have them buses painted blue. The time Nkandu Luo was Transport and communications minister .

  39. Interesting Pics… i can see some buildings i left still underconstruction.. maybe the end product in work in progress….lol… I just love Zed..anything is possible..

  40. LT i thought you were on a Chopper when taking picture #1 kanshi you were pa Findeco Hse hahahaha…..anyway i wish the whole cairo rd could look like pic # 15. Now you need to show us na ma nyuma kaili.

  41. The pictorial statistics of such an underdevelopment are mind boggling. It’s hard to imagine the rampant abuse of public resources for personal aggrandizement.

  42. brings back some memories when are we going to intrduce dual citizenship so the prodigal sons can have their feet in two countries

  43. I brought my Namibian wife to Zambia, she said Zambia looks like what she saw in Nigerian movies. Nothing has changed, we need to modernise, Lusaka, airports, border posts pliz.
    Nice pictures anyway.

  44. LT where is Manda Hill/ Arcade and just everything going on in that area? Livingstone Sun, though i agree we are behind please report with a balanced view. The infrastruture is poor due to council being corrupt and govt being centralized meaning one corrupt element halts all progress. Airport is a disgress, honestly how much money would be needed to build a new structure? If you say priorities, there is no medicine in hospitals. Dont really blame MMD, they are all the same, its just the president of the day at any point. They have too much power. Every party is the same, these guys rotate parties, its the president we should be careful about when we vote.

  45. Having been away from Zed for almost two decades, it was good to see parts of the Motherland. Eyesores and good stuff, too; makes me feel nostalgic. Thanks, LT. But I can’t come home. Not with that kind of politics and the kind of prisons I hear we have, for I would have to comment on “things”.

  46. Some Parts of Lsk look Fly.if only the council could enforce uniform beauty(Lawn and flowers) from kafue roundabout to kabwe roundabout it would a more beautiful City

  47. imwe ba ZNBC muletwala kwisa tv license fee?arent you embarrassed when you enter your working place.damn.u are failing to paint that ka gate and metal bars on the fence?thats the problem with you people.negligence.aim for excellent not mediocrity and dont say you dont have money you are just lazy to think and improve things

  48. This is truelly the Paradox of our time in Zambia. Whare we have wider free ways, but narrower view point. We spen more but have less. We buy more but enjoy less. We have more conviniencies, but less time. We have more degrees, but less sense.

  49. Nice pictures at least lusaka looks abit better,but put pictures of those dams of water in chibolya and misisi compound.

  50. Here is Zambia’s biggest problem, Alcohol. The wise shall immediately realize my point and take it to heart. It has been hounding and taking control of Our nation since independence. The second one is the Zambian ego ( pride ), that which commeth before a fall. Great pictures, have a great week my country folk and be blessed.

  51. Can someone tell me why whenever the president is travelling his whole cabinet and defence forces heads have to go to the airport!? What a waste of time! Its also not very advisable from a security point of view – if you catch my drift.

  52. the best place to visit on those pictures is the comesa market – the booze is phenomenally cheap
    #65 zambia’s biggest problem isn’t alcohol consumption, it’s the big disease with the little name that is claiming 20% of the population.

  53. I dont understand. I expected LT to show us pictures from Before Independence and after Independence. This is cheap journalism.

    if you want to see how a married man has put on weight now that he’s married, you look at pictures when he was a batchelor. LT, at least try to think. Dont be lazy.

  54. Wonderful pictures and thanks LT. Lusaka is and remains the heartbeat of the nation, the more we take care of it, the better the whole nation shall be.

  55. Her Excellency Dr. Inonge Mbikusita-Lewanika
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the
    Republic of Zambia to the United States ‘of.America and
    her Staff have the honour to request your company

    to a Reception at 6:30pm on Friday 23rd October, 2009
    commemorating Zambia’s 45thIndependence
    Anniversary which falls on 24th October.
    Venue: Chancery of the Embassy of Zambia
    2419 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington DC 20008
    Time: 6:30 p.m •• 8:30 p.m,

    Dress: Business, Traditional or Military.

  56. Singapore gained independence from Britain about a year before we did. Singapore is not blessed with the same amount of natural resources as we are. After 46 years of independence, they have progressed. After 45 years of independence, we have gone BACKWARDS! Can somebody please explain why Zambia finds itself in such a desparate situation? Forget politics, colour, culture, tribalism etc…should’nt the welfare of our people be our utmost concern? Is democracy, in the true sense of the word, suited to Zambia where the illiterate outnumber the literate. Maybe Zambians who have acheived a certain level of education should be allowed to vote…just a point for debate…please dont bite my head off. The bottom line is, in the past 45 years, the governments of past and present have failed us.

  57. The current crop of leaders are useless and will continue to fail us. So we must either accept the way things are or serioulsy put our heads together and find a peaceful solution. I, for one find the above pictures very depressing. Where is our pride? These pictures are a reflection of us as people and what we have acheived – ZERO. In hindsight (allways an exact science!) KK was the best leader this country has had – unfortunately he had very bad advisors surrounding him. So for me Independence Day will be a day of reflection not celebration. In the words of that national treasure, Dennis Leweweh, commentating at a soccer match between Zambia and Zaire, “If Singapore (Malawi) can did it, we can orso did it”. Come on people, lets fix this beautiful country of ours!

  58. #44 walasa mukela! Our greatest enemy is that the same guys when they come out after messing up the system, they even become heroes instead of making them account to whatever they did while in office hence our crying which will never end until we change our thinking. Wake up zambia call sinners or destroyers by their right names otherwise kulila fye always!

  59. By the way guys, do you know that Lusaka is the ugliest capital city in southern Africa.Anyway didn’t hav much to say except letting you know about that important fact.

  60. Some of these pictures are deceiving. I was there recently, and Lusaka is absolutely filthy. It was quite embarrassing.

  61. ha ha ha, some progress hu

    Pic # 4, I still remember that damn building…my gosh! Pa zed aweshuwa.

    Pic# south african gas station…you call that progress?

    Pic#11, still looks the same to me ZNBC.

    Pic# 5,10 what’s up with all the garbage around….that’s pretty disgusting.

    Pic# 14, looks decent…wonder what and where it is. After all, not that much has changed if you ask me.

  62. You guys do not stop to amaze me!!! really, there is so much finger pointing, even at LT…. These fotoes remind us that we have a home to turn to when we have had enough wherever we are, it serves a reminder to us that we have an obligation to do something about Zambia, channeling in our forex we are earning back home in terms of investments, would help the country so much… the opportunities are so vast pa zed, that’s why we have ba mwisa flocking to our dear country all the time whether it has sad looking buildings or not!!! So work on it… Well done LT, I miss home, even if its ever green here… I miss ubwali nefiko, nikumwandi..

  63. Not surprising that i left Zambia 9yrs ago and i didnt see anything new in all the pictures and we havent even developed a gabbage system and we wonder why we have so many diseases? i mean why do we send people to UNZA on government grants and not use the students to build our infrastructure.I mean Findeco house? still the one building wonder and am sure those elevators at Findeco house arent working by now.

  64. No much change. I havent been is SA for too long but still there’s no gabbage system that works. The council tried outsourcing to no success. Someone some where chawed the kick back. national Housing was doing a better Job in Kabwata back in the day. What’s really wrong kanshi?

  65. Look not to what your country can do for you…what can WE do for mother Zambia. Are the genuine people sitting back and allowing thugs to become leaders? Lets reconsider

  66. She’s a rich and rare land
    She’s a fresh and fair land
    This Native land of mine, This Native Land of Mine
    Her name is Zambia, Her name is Zamia.

    “Part of the opening Stanza’s, for what mine have been our Anthem>”

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