Friday, September 20, 2024

Task Force disbanded to protect Chiluba-TIZ (Updated)


Dr Chiluba at Lusaka International Airport, smiling when he arrived from South Africa last week where he went for medical review
Dr Chiluba at Lusaka International Airport, smiling when he arrived from South Africa last week where he went for medical review

Transparency International Zambia TIZ has accused government for disbanding the Task force on corruption as a way of completely killing off the outstanding investigations against Dr Fredrick Chiluba and allegations which are still under investigations.

TIZ Zambia President Reuben Lifuka said the disbanding of the task force on corruption was done in an hastily manner which will have a negative consequence for some cases which are still before the courts of laws or under investigations.

Mr Lifuka however said this raises questions whether the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) will be given room to independently investigate.

He said this at a press briefing in Lusaka today.

Mr Lifuka pointed that the institution has been given additional responsibility while government has not indicated the support it will provide to improve its capacity .

He added that it could have been appropriate if government had strengthened the capacity of the ACC before making the transition.

Mr Lifuka noted the fact that the tenure of task force on corruption was limited and plans should have been put in place to ensure a smooth transition into the ACC.

He added that the Taskforce has scored a number of successes and recovered several asserts hence the need for government to have evaluated the work of the Taskforce before disbanding in that way.

Mr Lifuka attributed the disbanding of the task force on corruption by government as not being thoroughly thought through the decision adding that the move has taken undoubtedly added to their efforts of killing the fight against corruption and the late president Mwanawasa’s legacy of fighting corruption.



  1. The disbanding was long over due as the task force never even saved its intended target apart from confiscating 12 pairs of chilubas shoes

  2. TIZpresident is Reuben Lifuka, mwebantu please. Lifwekelo is one of Rupiah’s idio***ts. Indeed yes, the little man’s a**ss is free at last.

  3. While it is true that TF recorded a number of successes and helped in changing the attitudes  of many Zambians, it is also true that we all knew that its tenure would come to an end because it was not permanent.Even before the late LPM died plans were already underway to disolve TF. Lifuka and many others are among those who in LPM,s rule were calling for the disbandment of TF. Why is he changing goal posts now??He should not think that we are so daft to forget. Is it not the ACC that investigated Richard sakala and other generals whose cases were succsessful.The ACC has the capacity and it has demonstrated so.

  4. TIZ are very correct with their accusation.It’s a sad situation for Zambia.People looked at the Task force as a body that was consuming and wasting state funds but they forget that it was largely funded by British govt.
    RB and Kunda think that by letting FTJ go Scot free,that would allow them to plunder state resources and also get away with it using judicial precedents set.They should know that sometimes things backfire as another Mwanawasa type of leader will come on the scene.

  5. Zambians, polish your boots in readiness for kicking the MMD where it hurts, come 2011.

  6. So what does TIZ intend to do about it, Mr. Lifekelo? We are tired of accusations and we are fed up of resolutions, we need a revolution.

  7. What has this little thieving man done to RB that has made him so blind that he is literally telling the Zambian people whose resources were mercilessly looted by this small FTJ to go ****themselves?

  8. a wife is jailed for receiving stolen money from the husband, fortunately the husband is aquitted for stealing and giving stollen money to his wife. Hahahahahahah only in Zambia.

  9. The task force disband was longover due, in the first place the task force carried its work very inefficiently, inactive and selective in following cases,hence its was not coast effective interms of producing results it was intended for. So mr Lifekelo what are you complaining about?

  10. The system in Zambia is very interesting. Shortly after being acquitted, Chiluba confirmed that he had $8,000 000 in the Zamtrop account from friends he could not name. I am sure he has got more money elsewhere and with time and protection, he will have full access to the loot before he dies. This is the man who President Bwezani says did not want to see convicted. You know a person by the company he keeps. Something is fishy with our president.

  11. The point is what has the taskforce achieved in these years that it has been around. It is unecessary to continue paying people money only to only let those under investigation free for lack of eveidence, and well constituted case that can hold in teh court of law. What we should remeber is a case is won based on evidence and the law is there to support it.. In any case, we will never retrieve all that was stolen during the error of this short man (the lost decade). Even here in South Africa, the scorpion was disbanded. Its about time, people like nchito were getting rich for nothing as prosecutors for task force!

  12. …. just imagine Livingstone still does not have a single ambulance. I wonder how many ambulances and fire trucks exist in Zambia. Do you know how many lives they save? MMD and Chiluba do not care about Zambia …..I hear GDP is up in Zambia but they can not even buy an ambulance for their no1 tourist area.


    The grab bag of Zambia’s stale opposition politics in scramble is nothing to count on. They may posture to forge their own not-so-strange fragile alliances by rushing into acts of filling up their opposition vacuum but are not making national miracle they so pant for. Late Chamachakombo’s ghost has captivated them all into his “failed political hegemony of the mind.” The transcendent have all bowed to politics of the immanent. Total materialism and failed strategies have fully overtaken opposition parties in this country without self sense of dignity and judgment.

  14. Other than building RB with their uncultured insults, they are deluded to think otherwise of their future come what may. Their stratagem is unjustified and worthless assault on institutions and power actors at all cost but in all vain.

  15. Those who are widely read will recall that “George Orwell once wrote that “at any given moment, there is a sort of all-pervading orthodoxy — a general tacit agreement not to discuss some large and progressive issues. But deviance”… What now passes for opposition politics is nothing more than a hybrid fantasy, impulses and empty theories vainly when it comes to voter conversion drive but molding of cyber trolling trolls.

  16. Their wishful dream is to construct the long-dreamed Leninist-Marxist Utopia of nationalization and fake egalitarianism. But even their utopian agenda has already deprived itself of lifeblood.

  17. They can’t cogently argue and engage the incumbent on issues before the masses on who their public service record reveals they are pathetically responsible for the failed Privatization of the 249 parastatals that were, and the current constitution, yet now they shout down and sometimes with blanks they physically attack the incumbent.

  18. So Nawakwi like them all has to show her political constituency other than raging over a job desperately sought for but not given. They are all reprobate, and are extremely optimistic about their failed attempt again hence belaboring to realize kufilila munsenga illusion that will not. With evidence that Nawakwi and Sata registered on camera their myopia in parliament floor dancing “Kaunda alala” when they passed apartheid tailored discriminatory constitution of 1996 and callously surrendered to their sponsors for a song Zambia’s portfolio of 249 parastatals, Citizens are smart and responsible enough never to be duped yet again.

  19. Under strict and vigilant citizens where ethics predicate national leadership, Hichilema like Mr.Mbazima, Sonkotwe and Valentine Chitalu who after raping Zambia on behalf of the Commonwealth, defected to get a job with them in the UK. With their unethical malpractices HH is inimical to national interest and deserves no space near public office. He was an active collaborative agent of foreign interest other than Zambians in the privatization. Today Hichilema is still actively serving the apartheid South African corporate interest with nothing for Zambia.

  20. This is why Zambian are increasing becoming apathetic to elections a situation which will be worse in 2011.They cannot be blamed because they see no alternative to MMD in spite of insults on the incumbent, there is no conversion but activating conservative God fearing and patriotic Zambians to vote a centrist MMD than what has betrayed national interest before. The more they insult RB, the more the moralist church of Jesus Christ see Satanism and moral decay of Zambia’s satanic liberalism agents the country disdains. With its own political party predisposition and disdained conservative moralist church of Jesus Christ realignment, the ruling MMD is headed for a clear 5th mandate from 2011 into 2011. I do not see a miracle for any conflict theorists Marxism of Zambian opposition.

  21. Evidently there are a few of the HH, Mmembe and Simon Kabanda likes who are planning grand scale violence against Zambian voters who will reject them yet gain in 2011, but I foresee their own violence instead taking them instantly live. This country is ever live to the task of protecting its own collective national interest than individualism. Zambia is bigger than any of the bitter disillusioned heads of losers.

  22. #17 to 25 Sorry to say I am lost with all your theories……it does not answer any question . The basic query is MMD has ruled for 20 years. It is disturbing that a basic thing like an ambulance in Livingstone has not been bought. RB and MMD should supply people with the basics to survive to win the people’s hearts. Veteren, actions speak louder than words… even in Christianity we are taught to observe people’s fruits.

  23. Plagiarism-the “use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own original work.

    Ken Saro-Wiwa should be turning in his grave

  24. #26 – clarification. there are NO public ambulances in zambia. you may see a few private hospital ambulances but it aint for the common man.

  25. #26, im pretty sure it doesnt make any sense even to himself:

    “The transcendent have all bowed to politics of the immanent. “”transcendant according to the online dictionary means “surpassing usual limits,being beyond the range of normal perception,free from the constraints of the material world, as in the case of a deity.Immanent means existing within and throughout the mind and the world; dwelling within and throughout all things…..this is rather mindboggling to say the least

  26. Good lord this pygmy is urgly. Was good absent minded or catching a nap when he was creating this diminutive creature? Must be the case because his acts are just as urgly as his face. How that Bwezani has taken him off the hook, its about time we found other means, all other means to get even with this stinking thief. I just hope sooner than later someone just puts him out of his misery with a 44 mm.

  27. Spot on
    Rupiah Banda’s presidency: One year later

    By KENNEDY LIMWANYA-THREE hundred and sixty-five and a quarter days ago, all eyes were on the one man who walked up the dais, lifted a copy of the Bible in his right hand and solemnly pledged to uphold the Constitution of the Republic of Zambia in the office of President.

    It was a touching speech that he delivered on a sweltering Sunday afternoon at the National Assembly grounds,

    coming only weeks after the casket of his predecessor Dr Levy Patrick Mwanawasa SC had lain in state there.

    He promised the nation that he would be “President of all Zambians.”

    Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda had just been elected fourth president of the Republic of Zambia in the country’s first-ever presidential by-election which he scooped on…

  28. Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda had just been elected fourth president of the Republic of Zambia in the country’s first-ever presidential by-election which he scooped on his very first attempt at the plum office.

    It is safe to admit that for the most part of the year since that November 2, 2008 inauguration, President Banda has come under abnormally heavy bombardment of verbal and editorial spray. Some of it from a collage of strange bedfellows, only united into one deathly squadron by a common but morbid desire to unseat him, whatever the cost.

    Confessedly, it has been a difficult first year in office, given the many seemingly insurmountable hurdles that lay ahead of the way with high priests of doom praying for the worst.

  29. Economy

    The global financial crisis that had emasculated even the strongest of the world’s economies did, not spare Zambia which, like most Third World countries, is heavily dependent on donor support for survival.

    It was a trying season for President Banda; a period that would test his ability to provide leadership in the midst of an impending catastrophe.

    While the government was busy working out solutions to the sagging economy, President proved to the world that he was a believer in team work by putting together a national indaba aimed at identifying the possible way forward for the country.

    The two-day indaba opened in Lusaka on his 153rd day in office under the theme “Global economic crisis: a wake-up call for Zambia’s economic transformation.” It brought…

  30. The gathering was indeed a timely response to the call by World Bank vice-president for Africa, Obiageli Ezekwesili who had advised African governments to engage their citizens in finding solutions to the crisis that threatened to negate all the gains of the last few years.

    She showed the World Bank’s confidence in Mr Banda’s administration by attending the Lusaka indaba which also attracted African Development Bank president Donald Kaberuka.

    That was a critical period in which some opposition parties had been hoping that the donor community would abandon Zambia. It was a slap in their faces as this gathering came just four days after the cooperating partners, at a high-level policy dialogue in Lusaka, had pledged to continue supporting Zambia’s development programmes.


  31. While some interest groups labeled him all sorts of names, Zambia attracted important financial institutions such as commercial banks from such countries as Nigeria and South Africa. The African Development Bank (AfDB) and the European Union (EU) among others provided considerable financial support for a variety of economic development programmes.

    In the period when he was dismissed as a globe-trotting President with no concern for impoverished populations, he saw to it that the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) bought 175 330 tonnes of maize worth K228 billion at the price of K65 000 per 90kg bag from around the country.

    It should be asked whether an incompetent President would run a Government that has signed an Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (IPPA) to facilitate the $210m…

  32. It should be asked whether an incompetent President would run a Government that has signed an Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (IPPA) to facilitate the $210m expansion of Manda Hill Shopping Centre in Lusaka? And preside over investments such as the $160m world class shopping mall to be constructed on the Copperbelt and spark 1000 job opportunities?

    What about the $1bn in investment attracted to the Chambishi Multi-Facility Economic Zone where he commissioned a new ultra modern smelter? How could an incapable President enable Government to pour K500bn into development programmes in Northern Province? The list is endless.

    But then, one need not be a political scientist to see through the schemes which seem not to have a consistent premise of misrepresenting President…

  33. But then, one need not be a political scientist to see through the schemes which seem not to have a consistent premise of misrepresenting President Banda as they ogle the 2011 presidential and general elections, now about 25 months away.

    They now want to align President Banda to all sorts of imaginary misdeeds and make him answerable to more questions than the number of days he has been in office.

    It is a frightening indictment of the sharp descent that our politics have taken that politicians of all hues, and other Zambians who are generally expected to be better informed, shift their positions and fire barbed words only meant to derail the country’s progress.

  34. To the doomsayers, Mr Banda has done nothing positive and they are determined to peddle that message, no matter how personally unconvincing it may be even to themselves.

    They will say nothing about how in the first national budget under President Banda, Government has sought to raise productivity in agriculture by allocating K1.1 trillion to the sector agriculture sector while zero-rating tax on major agricultural implements to encourage local manufacture of the equipment.

    Further, they are not prepared to agree that that the removal of windfall tax on copper incomes and retention of variable income tax were part of the cost reduction measures aimed at encouraging further investment in the mines and forestalling further job losses in the wake of the downturn.

  35. Nor, in their parochial opinion, is there any good in the two national budgets presented in 2009 by Finance Minister Situmbeko Musokotwane whose thrust has been economic growth while, at the same, time cushioning the effects of the global financial crisis.

    Should it not matter that within the first one year in office, President Banda has presided over a government that has, at long last, changed the budget cycle to ensure that the financial year begins at the very threshold of the year?

    It is the first time since independence in 1964 that this is happening and it must be noted that it takes firm but fair leadership to change trends that have almost become tradition.

    There are still a lot of difficulties that need even more of President Banda’s time and commitment, but Zambia is…

  36. None of the country’s problems, especially in the aftermath of the global financial crisis, can be expected to be solved overnight. This is one fact that has been acknowledged by International Monetary Fund managing director Dominique Strauss-Kahn who has said that while the global crisis has taken a little longer to reach the low-income countries, the outlook for these economies has deteriorated dramatically and that a global recovery would be delayed into 2010, even if the countries adopted the right policies to fight recession.

  37. Zambia is no island, and credit must, undoubtedly, go to President Banda’s pragmatism in handling serious national issues as opposed to pandering to narrow and short-term political gains.

    In fact, is it not a phenomenal achievement that despite the current crisis, the Central Statistical Office has forecast a 6.3 per cent growth rate?

    China, which is now a global leader in economic growth, is just below eight per cent while most developed countries are sub-zero.

  38. #42 Veteran why have you changed your name from Senior Citizen? Certainly your views are contrary to popular opinion on this blog but some of us who love to look at both sides of the issues and trade minds with opposing views really appreciate your contributions and this is why we love visiting this site to see the other side of things. Daily Mail, Times of Zambia are pro govt, The POST is anti Govt including their comments, editorial and letters to the editor. LT looks pro Government, but allow us to provide that anti govt stand and so balance the issues.

    So, MR Senior Citizen no need to be scared or ashamed of your stand. Some of us value your angle to check out our anti govt stand. Nothing personal. We all want the best for Zambia at the end of it all.

  39. Damn, LT why are you allowing this Veteran to copy a story from the Zambian Watchdog and paste it on here,this is not right.Im going to officially complain about these posts.This is not this guys work,its plagiarism.This guy needs to be blacklisted from postiong anything on LT,more over the headline to this story is about chiluba, taskforce and TIZ,not about RB’s archievemnets

  40. Chinondo,

    I’m one of the longest pundits on Zambian business, political and cultural threads no active pundit would mistake for another pundit. I’m i SC? big no. To make such mistake, you must be drunk beyond self recognition. MMD is big national party with support at home and abroad and to insinuate that every realist of a nationalist political disposition on a blog is SC unless he an idealist like you evidence of your dementia state. If i may ask, what would be the reasons to change an ID when all bloggers are anonymously posting?I I maybe one of the very few here knowing who SC is than those of you daily framing Ben Kangwa and other public servants. Be advised that SC is not a character you should waste your time to think he could change his ID.

  41. His character and background are beyond you liberals who move with peer pressure and one dimensional low grade propaganda of the embattled. I do not see anything on blog capable of curving that nationalist unless you don’t understand the spirit of nationalists.You look for his columns in the national media and see him live on ZNBC TV debate forums.Blogs do not add any momentum to zgeneral elections other than informing would be tourists to the country in search of information on Zambia that its ideal destination.Many political activists drop from blogs for a ground national roles in the real world.I know of two friends who have taken their MS and MBAs on the ground in the economic portfolio instead reading insults 24/7.Now i track their contribution in the national economy.Take your…

  42. Home is Home but Zambia is crap…..Nothing good would come out of this country as long as we allow MMD to lead this country…

  43. I saw this coming this is clear exhibition of torance to corruption just as much as the Task force was corrup itself the intention of forming that body might have been in good faith….It is clear to see the gap between the poor and the rich the justy and the criminals…This country need a revolution….How many times have the peoples choice been denied throught the ballot.
    Enough is enough

  44. Veteran, Senior Citizen, Ben Kangwa. Wow, computer ilakudabwisha ayi. Ala once we know IPS you use, you can try to change your name, your t-Shirt, your pant, you will still be the same. Next time, try to go use some hotel internet when you are on your trips with your boss Bo Inonge. Changing your user name will not change your brains or your ever failing views that seem like a mad man ranting on the streets of DC. Even Kadansa seem to have had better brains than yours. Ala kulekafye. Steam roller is on the way to crash your MMD business. The same way UNIP bowed out, will be the same way MMD will fold. In fact MMD will be crashed to an extent they will disband. You are behaving like former Iraq minister of information. So, how did you come up with the Ben Kangwa issue on #44. The quilt…

  45. Ba Mudala ba Ben Kangwa, Veteran and Senior Citizen are the same. Don’t you see the relationships just by nature of who both of these are? Didn’t you know that fruits wont fall far away from the tree? So, that effect makes you to pick such like names. Ala e Psychology beba, efyo ibomba. So, try some other name. It is an fortunate that you did not do any Psychology. Bushe pa Hone those doing Journalism also do Psychology? I doubt it. You remember one time you came up with Serious, and since I uncovered the relationship, you chickened out on using that name. Now, help us, so the lie you gave on this blog about quitting after Kasama elections, what happened? Ladies and Gentlemen, pliz temusalula, in Bemba we say “Imputi isula, taileka”. Ukalamba Ben Kangwa afilwa ukuleka. Just quit.

  46. The long theories am seing here from some bloggers will not help Zambia in any way. Whereas The Task Forces’ disbanding was emminent, using the ACC in its current form, is basically a non starter. Napapata, we are paying the price for voting with our hearts, instead of our heads! Lets remove people who are always being “Misled” by their own ministers. Ati tyala bati!

  47. RB and his MMD must be thrown out by watever means – ballot or otherwise! viva monks amaka is the only way forward

  48. Zambians, in our tradition, we respect elders whether they have committed an offence or not. I am very disapponted with #2 for insuklting your own parent.More over you are not even a lawyer yourself but just being pulled by the crowd. Zambia is trying to follow the biblical way of doing things.Jesus said 4give 77times(Hope you know the meaning of that.” Respect your elders so that your days on aerth can be added.Aggrieved persons should follow the right channels of airing their grievances. Do not set up tarven/Bar courts to prosecute individuals.
    Wish you all open minds that are not influenced by crowd or the British.

  49. We will be disbanding TIZ and will become a department under PF. We can fight corruption better under PF as i believe only Bembas are clever and should rule this country and i know tha if PF wins in 2011 my future will be very bright

  50. Bravo ba tata ba Rupiah. Mutembo and others should now be investigated for stealing public money in the name of fighting corruption.
    LETS WAIT FOR THE AUDIT REPORT. Power is sweet and sour if you misuse, like that clown called boss of the Task Force. ABASH TASKFORCE, ABASH LIFWEKELO, ABASH ABASH ABASH

  51. # 48,
    Do you see how your lack of priorities in life have ruined your life?You choose a cadre assignment before getting some education and the consequences are your self embarrassing talk of “IPS”. If i may ask, what the heck is IPS that i have no idea about despite my undergraduate being in Management Information Systems and years of work in the IS environment? I know of IP but not IPS. What communication protocol does IPS serve?.That aside, your IPS data is from Sata’s Matero university research lab.I’m no closer to Washington DC.I’m the coldest part of the New England States.The SC you are talking about has visited Zambia until late November.HH will likely encounter SC’s contributed strategies in Solwezi.He may find time to occasionally post here but track him in national media…

  52. Ba Senior Citizen now turned into Veteran ala amano muchimutwe chenu tamwaba. You are an embaracement to your wife, children and relations. You dont think man , you think people dont know your style of written english? Awe ba Ben Kangwa chine muli chipuba sana mumutwe wenu uyoo. I DONT HAVE WORDS !!!!.

  53. Disbanding the TFC is the best thing that has happened to this country.To develop, Zambia has to avoid such duplicities in its public service.TFC has only been inflating the public service wage bill for 8 illegal years without results. ACC,and DEC were established by statutes of parliament to serve the same objectives.They have highly skilled manpower and there is no need to sustain a parallel costly entity that is illegal. This one thing i applaud Sata’s only ever decent view and position on disbanding it. He has been singing this song since its inception, more in 2006 and recently.”Sata had promised to disband Mwanawasa’s Task Force on Corruption and drop all cases of corruption against Chiluba if he won the 2006 election” quote from his unholy alliance tabloid The Post.

  54. TIZ….everybody knows that you HEAVILY benefited from the TFC. Chiluba was cleared by the COURTS of Law. LPM almost closed the TFC until mmembe and the nchito brother prevailed…where was lifuka then? We know that as long as FTJ is free,there wont be any money from the so called donors going to your inflated pockets….there are alot of ”corruptions” in zambia but its a pity that the corruption of NGOs getting money on false pretence is not even looked at…MR KNOW IT ALL LIFUKA,tell me something, what was going to happen had FTJ accepeted LPM’s deal ?….

  55. VETERAN AKA SENIOR CITIZEN: You can put as much positive spin as you like on Banda’s presidency but the fact still remains the goofy big nose and belly bigot is damaged goods. One could not but spook with awe your blindness to Bwezani’s buffoonery acrobatics from one political scene to another and the resultant dire injurious effects these f.o.o.l.i.s.h acts like the misguided globe trotting, bogus sale of ZAMTEL, s.t.u.p.i.d. acquittal of Chiluba etc are having on the social and economic fabric of Zambia. I would really rather you stopped howling those hollow achievements only you can see. Look even our distant cousins, the tailed primates of the jungle passed their verdict by urinating on this Bwezani of yours.

  56. This is a president who has gained notoriety for sleeping at international conferences leaving Zambia unrepresentyed and open to ridicule. Only recently in Swaziland, “chi muchembele chonse” with a big bongo (the whole maoma drum complete) and steak loosely hanging everywhere paraded himself before children sure in typical “Zangalewa atinivule awe palibana” style. This all done in the name of Ngoni culture while arresting the Post girl for pictures that have nothing to do with pornography. This ***** we have fopr a president has a length of mind shorter than that of a chicken, twasebana chafula. Only recently in Kasama, he was corrected five time that Saviour Chishimba is different from Xavier Chungu. If I was Saviour, I would sue for slander!

  57. #26, Lack of A Job, The town of Livingstone has two major hospitals namely, Livingstone General Hospital and Batoka Hospital. Both these hospitals have ambulances not to talk about the numerous Health Centres and Clinics that are in Livingstone.

  58. Veteran,the problem is that you only copy and paste some other peoples ideologies and work,if only you could bring up your own well thought out and reasonably researched work,people here wouldnt be so negative about you,but form the looks of it,its more like you are a reincanation of senior citizen,for instance earlier you came up with some language from some literature you dont even understand, next you copy a whole article from watchdog and paste it here just because its in support of RB and what #48 meant when he said IPs is exactly just that, an IP or indeed IP addresses,hence IP’S,once anyone knows your ip address he would be able to track you down through your ISP, now thats beside the point,if only you could read my comment #29 then you will see that you dont make any sense at all

  59. This Veteran character surely is a joker! Writing such long winded sentences and paragraphs ,spinning such total nonense that I’m pretty sure even he cant understand! If he has nothing sensible to contribute, I suggest that he simply keeps his confusing thoughts and statements to himself!!! RB and MMD have failed and we are tired of them period!!!

  60. Its only in Zambia where a serious fuel shortage is normal and the govt of the day is allowed to go scott free. Can veteran or whatever he calls himself explain this very sad, embarrassing and upsetting state of affairs?

  61. #49 KELCHI, I have no quarrel with banding together to throw out MMD as long as you tell me who you intend to put in their place. If it is Michael Sata, please forget it. He was an informer for the settlers during the independence struggle: He supported the Third term; He was part of the whole ten years of lost decade; He was the master mind of the 2001 convention at Mulungushi where he issued firearms to Kadobi and friends …. I could go on and on… If it is HH, please think again. He was the liquidator for Lima Bank, and for BINANI/ Luanshya mine and you need to check the records on those liquidations and how much money he made. Please let me know who you wish to elect when you throw out MMD.

  62. #68 Chitwa – You seem to be condeming everyone. We have a crisis at hand we need to change the government at all cost. I dont see anything wrong with HH every leader and individual has a past if we take it that way then we wil never find a suitable leader to lead this country. HH is young and I think he can do a good job as a president for the new generation. It wont be a bad idea to give him a chance. I am only hoping the pack will adopt him as their president.

  63. #54(Reuben Lifuka).Your line of thinking that only Bembas are clever is retrogressive to say the least.Are you sure or just a victim of such belief? Iam sure Nkole Wa Mapembwe will be the first Bemba to dispel it. Zambiana be it at home or in diaspora are clever people and to say all are Bembas is absolutely misplaced.

  64. #70…. dont worry about what that #54 said. He is agianst the PACT and so wants to say things that would hurt people in the PACT. And for your information the guy is not Bemba. So just forget about him, he is senseless and useless in his brains. They have felt the heat of the PACT.

  65. Why is TIZ insisting that RB or Govt had a hand in the court’s acquital of FTJ. Why can’t TIZ prove this allegation!. prove how..Simple. I would advise TIZ prove their worth by speaking out against Sata’s corruption during his time in UNIP, MMD and now in PF. It is wrong to base the funding of TIZ on fighting FTJ and now you are scared that the money will dry up as the FTJ case is no more…. surely you cant just make a man’s life so horrible for 10 years. It there is a person to be blamed its thethief lawyer Nchito and his cronies who totally failed to prosecute. They want to continue making money using FTj’s name. Shame!RB will not allow a few criminals ( mmembe, nchitos,nkole et al) to hijack the national institutions for their selfish ends.RB SORT THEM OUT!

  66. Imwe task force is just their for selfish individuals who are the single signatories to the account Building lavicious mansions.They are using chiluba so that they can continue to receive funding and to be seen to be working when that money can be used to assist many venerable Zambians in need of LEGAL FEES.They themselves need to be investigated in how they are using those donor monies


    You have analyzed Sata and HH; can you also analyze RB and tells us if he is an achiever of anything.

  68. Imwe ba kabwa bapanga amahalf yafula in their pockets while you continue lamenting on the internet. Let bene Lifuka, Mmembe, Nchito, Nkole, Kabanda find other ways of their lining thier pockets than pakamuntu fye kamo akepi.

  69. #68 tell us who you think is preferable, I agree with you on one thing, that Sata has seen it all, there is nothing new if we are to be honest with our selves, the man is stale,he master minded hacking in chawama, third term, his CV on wrong issues is quite long. However, Mandela became president at old age too, so his age is may not be factor if he can be ready to relinquish power to a younger brain like HH. Howevre as for HH, people say his is an oppoutinist jumping ship wherever he has a chance of getting to power, at all costs. How about Prof Chirwa as leader of this pact, can it happen? New blood, fresh on the scene!

  70. The Pact . Sata’s CV
    1. Std/sub 2 2. Street sweeper – London, Uk 1960,s 3. Constable and Police informer – Zambia 1960’s. 4. Commandered Scorpion and kadobi in hacking people in Chawama, expelled all credible guys Miyanda, Mazoka, Criston Tembo etc, FTJ’s Third term chief campaigner 1990’s , mmd convention – money carrier and distributor – 1990’s. Womaniser ( 5 legal wives) 1960 – date) Lost 3 presidentail eRections.


  72. #70 & #81 I agree with u both. only in zed do we have originators of problems providing solutions without ever acknowledging their part in creating the problem.

  73. Only in Africa do we form anti-graft agencies then disband them for political expediency,now that Task force is disbanded the foxes have been let into the chicken house,you watch,the entire system stinks more than a sewer pond.Chiluba must not think the British can not arrest him,he should dare them,we are asking the Zambian people to sharpen their arrows and mallets this is going to rough,prepare for games the end for MMD is drawing near,the credits are rolling and the curtain will soon be drawn,we should prepare cells and aquire new transport for the Police coz hell we are going to throw them in the gallows!!!!!!!

  74. #81 Sata brought cleanliness to the dirty city of Lusaka,while Minister of Health didn’t he ntroduce Ambulances to all 69 districts in Zambia,etc we have selective Amnesia,if you are scared of hard work then it is understood….

  75. Chiluba refused to give evidence on oath(surprising for an avowed christian) and claims he was advised by Xavier Chungu to put “his” money in the Zamtrop Account to avoid scrutiny.We now hear it was about $8m.Xavier Chungu has been mentioned in UN reports as having supported and aided UNITA in its conflict diamond smuggling trade through Zambia and that about $350m-$420m of Angola diamonds were smuggled through neighbouring countries, including Zambia. Well, could Xavier have acted without his boss Chiluba knowing?. Could the $8m Chiluba is claiming be his cut from the conflict diamonds?

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