Friday, September 20, 2024

Vote for a candidate with access to govt resources- Kunda


Vice-President George Kunda
Vice-President George Kunda
Vice President George Kunda has cautioned people of

North Western Province against making experiments on government leadership.
Mr. Kunda said it was important for people in the area to vote for a candidate that will have an easy access to government resources in order for development to flourish in the area.He appealed to the people in the area to continue supporting MMD so that development can continue, noting that government would not relent in its efforts of ensuring that the people in the province benefit from its leadership.

He said it was only the MMD government which has the capacity to developing all parts of the country because it was the party in power.

Mr. Kunda said it was not safe to experiment on leadership by voting into office people that did not have the interest of the electorate and of the nation at heart.

He said the MMD government has managed to lead the country in peace and tranquility and has accelerated development because it leaders were experienced.

He said government has a robust programme for building schools, hospitals, and other infrastructure through out the country, adding that it has so far succeeded in its developmental programmes because it was listening to the citizens.[quote]

Mr. Kunda was speaking at a public rally at Kyafukuma Basic School in Solwezi today to drum up support for the MMD’s candidate Albert Chifita in the forthcoming Solwezi parliamentary by-elections.

And Mr. Kunda has said it was a legal requirement for foreign investors to practice cooperate social responsibility.

He said it was important that investors support communities that live around the area of their operation.

Mr. Kunda was reacting to reports that Kansanshi mine investors were not doing enough to support communities around the mining area.

He said investors should not only make money but should instead plough back some of their profits into communities by building schools, clinics and other facilities.

And speaking earlier, North Western Province Minster Joseph Mulyata accused Kansanshi mine owners of only employing opposition Patriotic Front (PF) members at the expense of the local community.

He said it was strange that some mining companies could engage themselves in politics by employing only members of a particular political party when government does not choose who to employ.

Mr. Mulyata said since Kansanshi mine is based in Solwezi, it must work towards benefiting the local people.

He said government will soon engage the mining company to discuss the problems surrounding the employment of the local people.

Meanwhile, government has pledged to continue putting in place programmes that will benefit the poor and disabled people in the country.

Community Development Deputy Minister Moses Muteteka, who was speaking at the same rally, said government would ensure that the living standards of Zambians were improved.

Mr. Muteteka said government has so far spent K50 billion on Fertilizer Support Program (FSP), adding that input on this programme have already been distributed to vulnerable but viable farmers through out the country.

He appealed to traditional leaders and the church to work with his ministry in the distribution of inputs to avoid incidents of segregation and abuse of the programme.

On women empowerment, Mr. Muteteka said government has allocated K5 billion in next years budget for the empowerment of women and appealed to them to form cooperatives for them to access the funds.

He said government was mindful of many challenges that women around the country were facing and was working hard to mitigate some of these sufferings.

And Solwezi central campaign manager Kabinga Pande appealed to the electorates in the area not to deceive themselves by voting for the opposition political parties whom he said were only bent on opposing whatever programme the government initiates.

Mr. Pande, who is also Foreign Affairs Minister, said Mr. Chifita is the best candidate for the Solwezi Central parliamentary seat because he has the experience and understood the difficulties people faced in the area.

He said Mr. Chifita was once a District Commissioner for Solwezi and therefore, it would be easy for him to understand the needs of the people.

The Solwezi parliamentary seat fell vacant after the death of Ben Tetamashimba, who was Member of Parliament under the MMD.



  1. Kunda ought to be ashamed of himself. This is no different from Blackmail. The government resources do not belong to MMD, but to the people of Zambia. However, this strategy of punishing certain areas works – western province case in point. But there are repercussions and we’ll see who dives for cover and who stands when the S.H.I.T hits the fan.

  2. Is this a way of encouraging government officials to be corrupt…!! Surely, so long as one is the MP, they should have easy access to all available funds…!!

  3. “On women empowerment, Mr. Muteteka said government has allocated K5 billion in next years budget for the empowerment of women and appealed to them to form cooperatives for them to access the funds”. Desperate last kicks of a dying horse. Bring the money so that they have something to remember you by when you are out of government.

  4. This vice president is just as daft as his boss, why does he think the country’s resources belong only to MMD or party in power? He is sick and needs to have his mental condition checked. Zambia belongs to all Zambians be they MMD or PF etc…., wake up Kunda, I understand you are a lawyer, if you are you should know better otherwise just keep quiet.

  5. Now i know why in all of PF’s 19 constituencies out of the 150, its like a war zone without support and leadership. Even continuous of voters NRC issuing is none heard of.Is it becasue we have become preoccupied with blogging but no vote? Then this talk of change, how realisable is it. Me thought after Sata was engineered out of MMD, his tactics of persecuting none MMD constituencies ended with him. Alas the unwritten rules are big time with us.This exactly what Sata was doing against eastern province since 1992-1999.Sad but real.

  6. I dislike this kind of campaigning where they say vote for the ruling party or you will not develop. Cant someone take this statement to court. It could actually vlolate the right of association and choise guranteed under the constitution

  7. Yes, this is total nonsense. Government resources are for all the people and anyone who is arepresentative of the people should be allowed access to those resources because they are public funds. What kind of nonsense should an educated person such as Kunda expose? This is not expected from an educated man unless they say the veep position turns yiou into a cabbage, may be.

  8. If you are truly Zambian, respecting elders comes natural to us because we a taught and told. But after reading this awe shuwa I think umuchinshi walapwa. No wonder he is lawyer, he is too crafty. Its now Tit for Tat.

  9. This is the caliber of leadership in Zambia! How can a learned lawyer think like a party cadre. Iwe George, government is for everyone including the opposition. Don’t expose your IDIOCY!

  10. Scare tactics. What a government? Scam bugs. This is government supported by some people on this blog. What a shame? Who told these scam bugs that Zambian are only those that support their failed causes and are MMD? These people call themselves educated but behaves worse than bakamushi.

  11. Hahahaha , heheee…MMD ili mudoti. Now all have turned mad. Kunda is spitting nosense that only those MPs from MMD will have access to the tax payers’ money as if it is only MMD cadres who pay tax. This is a sign that the MMD guys really dont know what to tell people in order to solicit votes. The other person has said that The mines employ only PF members….hahaha what a dull thinking !!!! Mpande talks about the many schools , clinins, hopitals, fertilizer etc they will now give to people after 20 years of MMD rule. What a senseless appeal for now Zambians are enlightened, they cant be cheated any more.


  12. it is very sad to see a man like George kunda parading himself on top of an antihil showing hw poer can make some1 even become so foolish.hw can he even think of making such a statement that the electorate in solwezi should vote for someone with access to government funds..doe’s he think because MMD is in power so the money belongs to him and his click?has he read his own zambian constitution,which tells him TAX payers money belongs to MMD?everyone who has/is voted by the zambian people should hav access to the funds.George kunda has neva been voted to parliament ever since by the zambian people,bt jst nominated by his friends,atakenye sana uyu muntu.Ba mambala imwe kuyabebele mu 2011.Viva PF/UPND PACT.

  13. This man has gone crazy, his sentiments entails total corruption and blackmialing pipo’s minds, shame ba kunda pure african politics and toothless campaign strategy.

  14. Am afraid, a Lawyer who shud understand good governance, is now exposing his egnorance like a p.o.r.n star, who litelly understands nothing, and this are kinds of pipo in government who are supported on this blog by some thugs here. shame.

  15. What a careless campaign statement to make even if it was the only party I wouldn’t vote for MMD & anything they represent. This C.h.a.p is suppose to be our VeeP/Justice minister. I think I will be one of the Zambians that helps the opposition to raise campaign funds for 2011. Ba MMD & all your smpathisers & supporters kuyabebele enjoy while it lasts.

  16. I wonder where this guy VETRAN is, is he sleeping sick or what??? pantu apa nganabasabila kwati lishilu. MAYBE HE IS STILL COPYING ARTICALS


  18. I really think we come from a country where we are all weak. We can have a vice president pass such a careless statement and all we do is blog and complain and tomorrow the day continues. These politicians take advantage of us because we have allowed them to. They look at us as their subjects while they are our kings, like they own us. Who told this son of bit$# that his nominated behind owns the tax payers money? This statement should make parliament act and pass a vote on no confidence in the vice president. But then again we have MP’s who are there to just wait for their next allowance. Countries like the U.S.A have leaders who respect their country men because not all leaders have left their offices thru the ballot paper, am sure ya’ll know what i mean.

  19. First let me laugh at the thuggery of Sata and vision through this excerpt.

    Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) President Edith Nawakwi said that she left MMD because Patriotic Front, PF President MICHAEL SATA evicted her from the ruling party.Nawakwi said anywhere Zambians would be making a very big mistake if they ever risked with Patriotic Front, PF President MICHAEL SATA in any national election other than confining to partisan politics where he rants better for life.

  20. Ms. Nawakwi claimed that this was because Mr. Sata was quarrelsome and an arrogant individual who lacked respect for others.

    Ms. Nawakwi said she was was not an enemy of the MMD just because she had her own party, but that she left the party because Mr. Sata evicted her.

  21. She charged that there was no way Mr. Sata could lead the country, if he chased from office anyone who differed with him in opinion or tried to advise him.

  22. What a slimey little criminal George Kunda is. This is how tribalism is created. Vote for someone for your region, so they will bring national resources to your region. The promise to bring national resources to a region in exchange for political loyalty so dispicable I am almost lost for words. Politicians exist to serve the people, the people don’t exist to serve politicians, or to be bought or bribed or threatened by politicians.

    This is why I want to see a situation where by law, 50% of national revenues is paid out to every local council, no matter who is in State House.

    Oh and by the way, George Kunda should resign. He is a disgrace to his office.

  23. The same Nawakwi has reminded Sata that it is not possible for him to observe his pledge to cadres that he would fill all public positions with them. She said Sata’s policy that getting any public office position was by qualification of being a PF cadre was very dangerous and an automatic failure because Zambians can never be forced to sign up for PF thuggery to be citizens. She has since challenged him to articulate his youth and cadre policy than pledging public jobs to unqualified cadres.

  24. George “Pelican” Kunda. Zambians, please remove this i.d.i.o.t.a from the corridors of power. He is such a shameful leader he is lying through his bloody teeth that tax payers’ money belongs to the MMD.

  25. The VICE PRESIDENT openly bribing the people.!..How on earth have we gotten to such levels..? It’s a bit like kids in Kindergarten.

  26. Ba kunda poseniko amano kufintu efyo do you honestly campagn lyk that..ati ba lawyer..awe kwena muli ba musebanya.

    Ba VETERAN, no amount of copy n paste will shift attention 4rm wot yo veep said. Can u pliz address issues that have been raised by the other bloggers.

  27. Uyu vice president lee tall lay chachine. Kaba utumilomo ukukashi kamambala. This is the trouble with politics, even people who used to think stop thinking.

  28. President Rupiah Banda will contend with rivalries and prepare a fractious MMD victory in 2011 national election as copper exports crash and diversification takes financial toll on the country . This will be while a 4 times losing Oppositionist Michael Sata will see uncontrollable implosions of his fractious PACT of all over disillusioned lose alliance knobs in divisions due to party from the heavy but now dormant infiltrations in his ranks and files. The scramble for power and resources will prove a curse impossible to overcome.Penetration in territories they have had endless nightmares to make mileage will just worsen.MMD will retain power due its country presence.Where MMD is beaten,always with decently margins while in their strongholds, they splint with one party majority ratios.

  29. Senior citizen you are always afraid of your shadow, the article is not about Sata or Nawakwi. It seems you always panic and live in fear when ever the name of PF or Sata is mentioned. Always you want to divert to irrelevant issues. The reasons for always talking about Sata /HH are born out of cadrelism and not your patriotism that you always talk about. Your corrupt Movement for Mad Dogs is now pugnacious to destroy opposition parties by using any means so that MMD can win this bye election. It is evident that onces someone popularity declines they resort to all sorts of dubious things to acting laws, using state institutions to silence their enemies but tomorrow MMD will be in opposition and the same laws will catch up with them. Your days are numbered and it is not worth reminding you

  30. VP , this is such bullshit, no one can buy. Let peopple vote for the party and candidate they want, but do not punish them to say government resources blah..blah..blah… MMD own its own has got no money understand that THE MONEY YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT IS TAX PAYERS MONEY WHICH EVERYONE DESPITE POLITICAL BELONGING IS ENTITLED TO. SO HERE IS A MESSAGE FOR YOU MR KUNDA, SCRATCH YOUR IDEAS, THEY HAVE NO SUBSTANCE, what policies do you have of MMD has the resources, you failed to run a convention on the pretext that you had no resources, suddenly you have them?! Every elected person regardless of the political party they belong to should be entitled to developmental funds for their constituencies as long as they are projects meant to develop and serve the people and the country.

  31. Kanshi where do these politiicians who have no idea what politics is about let alone its a forum to get paid and do ama squabbles? You are the ones bringing the country down, you don’t have to be MMD to win the elections, all you need is to address people’s issues and be there for the people. You need to be someone who loves public service, but thst not Kunda;s idea. You better retract this nonsense.

  32. This proves that this guy is an alien from another planet. If he lived in Zambia he would know that this place has a lot of wealth and does not need the likes of him to move forward. What sort of divisive politics is this? The people in power are supposed to be in the forefront of uniting all Zambians and not dividing them. Nanga banamuchosa kuti wamene uyu kunda?

  33. #23 veteran, you really a social disgrace on this site, from time to time you have been exibiting high levels of anti-social behaviour, the story today is not about Sata or Nawakwi, its about your little god called G Kunda a failed laywer by profession. simple advice to you, would please start offering constuctive critizims,contributions and debate on this blog?

  34. What type of nonsense is Kunda talking about? Where does this so called MMD government get it’s money? This is first class madness, we pay tax regardless of which political party you belong to and as a results we all need to share our resouces. He talks like a pure cadre who has never been in a class room, not even grade one. This type of roten leadership should not be accepted in a civilised society like ours. What a shame!!! Shame on you Kunda!!!!!

  35. Kunda is a lawyer but a lot of his statements, especially of late, legally leave a lot to be desired. His statement above amounts to blackmailing the electorate and for a learned person, I find it very difficult to understand his myopic view that developement can only happen in a sphere with just peace and tranquility. If he was a good student of the Law of Precedent, he would know that Zambia has had these two factors since 1964 and yet remains one of the least developed countries in the world. Once the MMD is out of power, Kunda needs to be brought before the courts to show cause why he should not be thrown into jail for stinking opportunism and blatant lies all meant to deceive the nation.

  36. Zoona uyu kunda ni lawyer? So ena teshibe ati ni blackmail balecita? 2011, where are you-Sata akese bengisha mufifungo aba ama criminals. Baficolour imwe just know that you have cases to answer.

  37. It’s disgusting to see an intellectual like George show the entire world his stupidity. The government has an obligation whatsoever to distribute national wealth every where it is needed regardless of the political affiliation of the citizens. Mind you George everyone pays their share of taxes and these resources need to be redistributed to all areas in need-education, health, etc.
    And please leave the investors alone. Why accuse them that they are only hiring PF cadres? We’re still a million years away from political civilization.

  38. The MMD needs to be educated that Govt resources is tax payers money and therefore every taxpayer should benefit from their hard earned money. by receiving quality services. Those are stone age tactics they are trying to use which can not work in these modern times. Zambians wake up your hard earned tax payers money is being used to manipulate you. Say no to these primitive and stone age tactics.

  39. The red lipped snake is at it again! Would someone please thick headed twit, what governance is all about. While i not disappointed, knowing how foolish George is, Iam extremely dismayed at his audicious pronouncements. Help us almight God, for we have men with liquid brains at the helm. Iam in dispair!

  40. When a party has been in power for this long (18years) it fails to separate party from government and starts to think that the muti billion dollar budget is that of the MMD.. RB was the first to start this nonsense talk in Kasama. His VP just followed suite. I’m happy because we have clear cut cases that will ensure encarceration of the both of them in 2011. it wil be Rupiah Bwezani Banda & co-defendant George Kunda vs THE PEOPLE OF ZAMBIA.. Criminal charges of Intimidation, extortion & blackmail of Zambians will be placed on their heads… And you expect this bunch to forge development of Zambia

  41. This is what happens when a party has been in power for this long (18years). It fails to separate party from government and starts to think that the muti billion dollar budget is that of the MMD.. RB was the first to start this nonsense talk in Kasama. His VP just followed suite. I’m happy because we have clear cut cases that will ensure encarceration of the both of them in 2011. it wil be Rupiah Bwezani Banda & co-defendant George Kunda vs THE PEOPLE OF ZAMBIA.. Criminal charges of Intimidation, extortion & blackmail of Zambians will be placed on their heads…


  43. Iwe VETERAN since you support MMD educate us on the utterances made by your VP. Dont distract us with your comments. Your educated VP is a disgrace. Bane lets not just complain on the blog. We should find a way of assisting our fellow Zambians at home to remove this ROTTEN gov from office.

  44. Access to resources that unfortunately end up in their pockets instead of development programs….Ah this country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  45. Here we go again … the resources are from the Governement not the MMD, unless you are now saying the opposition are not in government.

  46. This is a clue enough to learn more of wat goes on behind the scenes…distribution of resources is subject to ruling party control. This is wat George is saying. Chifita is also saying to get a job at Kansanshi you must go with your PF card?? this is madness at its best.Tell the people the truth and they will respect you. If this is not woodwincking voters then i dont knw…cheap empty manifestos. This is wen Muteteka has woken up and realised that solwezi needs development? If Teta didnt not die to warant a by-election, then non of these promises would have bn heard! shame on you all..God will judge you.

  47. Kunda you think you own the Zambia’s resources. You are a fool. It’s a shame to have Kunda as a Vice president of country. Be reminded that you will one day leave that office and resources which you think belong to MMD. Hope you are voted out in 2011.

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