Monday, January 6, 2025

What the Solwezi campaigns should really be about


A main road in Chitokoloki  North-western Province
A main road in Chitokoloki North-western Province
By Henry Kyambalesa

There is never a dull moment in Zambia nowadays, particularly during Parliamentary sittings, and during campaigns for Parliamentary by-elections.

In campaigns leading to the Solwezi Central Parliamentary by-election, for example, Solwezi district has become another battleground for political hooligans after violent incidents during the recent Chitambo and Kasama Parliamentary by-elections. And Vice-President George Kunda has not ceased to embarrass himself by making meaningless statements.[quote]

It is surprising that Kunda would go Solwezi to campaign for the MMD candidate and make irrelevant statements that:

(a) MMD is committed to retain the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation in the new Republican constitution currently being crafted by the National Constitutional Conference (NCC);
(b) Hakainde Hichilema was in Solwezi to campaign for Michael Sata because he was unlikely to stand in 2011;
(c) the MMD has maintained peace and stability in the country from 1991 and that is what the party wants to continue doing; and (d) that MMD has never been violent.

Many of these statements do not address the issues which are haunting the people in Solwezi District or North-Western Province.

Besides, there was peace and stability during the UNIP era before the MMD assumed power. Also, violence perpetrated by MMD cadres recently has been condemned by all peace-loving Zambians nationwide, and are still fresh in people’s minds. Even in campaigns leading to the Solwezi Central by-election, MMD hooligans have already gone on record as having engaged in violent activities.

And by asking residents to “vote for a candidate that will have an easy access to government resources in order for development to flourish in the area … [and] so that development can continue”, Kunda is sowing seeds of secession. Such language is likely to make people in North-Western Province to start seeking secession due to potential neglect for not voting for an MMD candidate.

President Rupiah Banda needs to remove Kunda from one of the two portfolios he currently holds. He seems to be suffering from stress caused by work overload, or has he become senile at such a young age?

By the way, there are a lot of important projects and programs which the government needs to pursue in the North-Western Province in order to improve the socio-economic well-being of residents, such as the following:

(a) Construction of a nursing school in Mwinilunga, and upgrading the Solwezi School of Nursing so that it can offer Registered Nursing services.

(b) Construction of a bridge on the Zambezi river to connect the east bank to the west bank where discoveries of oil and gas deposits have apparently been made in Chavuma and Zambezi districts in order to facilitate the exploitation of, and further exploration for, oil and gas and other minerals.

(c) Completion of the tarring and maintenance of major roads in the entire province, including the Mutanda-Chavuma (M8) road, Solwezi-Lumwana road, and the Solwezi-Kipushi road.

(d) Tarring and maintenance of local streets throughout the province, such as the Kimasala, Kyafukuma, Mbonge, Messengers, Kyalalankuba, and Kansanshi Mine streets in Solwezi district in collaboration with the Kansanshi Foundation.

(e) Construction of the planned railway line from Chingola to Benguela in Angola through Solwezi and Mwinilunga districts, maintenance of the Mwinilunga-Jimbe road which links Zambia to Angola, and active participation in the construction of a dual carriage way from Chingola to the Lumwana Mine being developed by Australian Equinox Minerals.

(f) Improvement of infrastructure at Solwezi airport, rehabilitation of all airstrips in the province, and expansion of Kifubwa, Solwezi, Mutanda, Mundanya, and other major bridges in the province.

(g) Development and maintenance of roads leading to tourist centres—that is: the Kifubwa National Monument, Mutanda Falls in Solwezi, Nyambwezu National Monument, Zambezi Source National Monument, Zambezi Rapids in Mwinilunga East and West, Lunga National Parks in Mufumbwe and Kasempa, Chinyingi Foot Bridge, Chavuma Rapids, and the Zambezi beach.

(h) Improvement of accommodation standards in tourist centers by providing incentives for the construction of motels and 5-star hotels (similar to the new Royal Solwezi Hotel and Villas in Solwezi) throughout the province.

(i) Speeding up the connection of areas of districts in the province that do not have electrical power to the national electricity grid, and provision of incentives for private investment in revamping the Mwinilunga Cannery factory.

(j) Construction of barracks in Chavuma, Mwinilunga and Solwezi for army officers at border towns, revival of the Kafumfula Zambia National Service (ZNS) camp in Kasempa district, as well as construction of houses for ZNS, police, military, and immigration officers in the province. An additional immigration border post would also need to be built in the province at Ndunga in Kabompo district on Zambia’s border with Angola to control illegal traffic and trade across the border.

(k) Improvement of the availability of safe and clean water throughout the province through boreholes, dams, water pipes, and protected shallow wells, and also provide for modern sewage facilities and both public and private rest rooms.

(l) Upgrading of resettlement schemes in the province by providing financial and material resources for constructing and/or rehabilitating boreholes, water wells, irrigation dams and canals, feeder roads, culverts, low-cost houses, clinics, basic schools, police posts, and other essential public services and facilities. The schemes include the Kazhiba scheme in Solwezi district, and the Litoya and Luwe schemes in Kabompo district. The planned Chikenge scheme in Chief Kalunga’s area, the Kayombo scheme in Chief Chiyengele’s area and Mumbeji scheme in Senior Chief Sikufele’s area should also need to be provided for in terms of essential public services and facilities.

Funding for these kinds of projects and programs nationwide can come from savings which can be realized from reducing the number of Cabinet portfolios by merging and/or abolishing some government ministries and agencies, abolishing the positions of Deputy Minister and District Commissioner, reducing the number of foreign missions by having single embassies to cover clusters of countries, and initiating many other cost-cutting measures.


  1. Yaba…I think you are great man. You have unveiled the problems which need addressing in North-western. Why cant you stand as MP in solwezi ..or sole you will have no access to Resources.


  3. The above problems stated by Henry Kyambalesa are real and these have been on the drawing board for a long time. For as long as the pipo of NorthWestern keep on embrassing the ruling Party MMD those in authority will assume that the pipo in that province are very happy. Compared to other provinces North Western has been getting a raw deal. Only 2 out of the 7 districts are connected to National Power Grid. Its a province with great potential even the revenue from Lumwana and Kasanshi Mines are not benefiting the locals. A look at Solwezi, its like once a war zone being reconstructed by local pipo without a central govt. Solwezi is growing at a fast rate in terms of residential areas yet there are no plans to relocate the airport from its current location to another location far away town

  4. This notion thjat the govt owes development to people that vote for them, is backward stupid and dangerous. The public workers called ministers and the ilk thrive on public funds that come to the treasury via people taxes. So the ordinary man who goes to buy boom from Shoprite in Solwezi and is levied VAT in the process would have contributed to the national treasury. This taxpayer hence has a right to have his area developed whether or not he has an MMD card. He has put in a K1000 in national coffers by buying the boom and he derserves a rweturn on his contribution by way of development.

  5. De Javu, you raise good points, it does not help anyone by recycling politicians. Its like this, even if you can keep changing the carpets in your house, the struucture of the house will still remain the same. What Zambia needs is a complete overhaul of politicians, 2011, can a whole new breed of politicians come in, enough of these people who have seen power in Kaunda, power in Chiluba, power in Mwanawasa,and now power under RB. Can the youth organise themselves and ensure they usher in new blood in parliament. Its very hard to teach an old dog new tricks no matter how good you are a teacher. It just cant learn. abash recycled politicians, new blood, new breed, new generation.

  6. Can someone do a cost analysis and tell us how much the above problems can cost. compare that cost with total CDF plus total revenue generated in solwezi. If the two values are compareble then the solwezi council should tell us why they have failed to solve those problems since independence. if the figures dont much then we might have to accept that some problems will have to wait until oil is discovered hopefully before jesus comes at the end of the world. by the way may be sata and HH can sort them out much earlier so that by the time jesus comes he finds we are already in heaven. Sata has already promised this its just a matter of HH doing the same.

  7. Given the current economic situation CDF is just a drop in the ocean. What is needed is for GRZ to stick to budget implementation. The CDF in my view is just imprest for a few officials I doubt if there is capacity t identifty key projects and implement them within time frame. Urge those campaigning in Solwezi Central by elections to base their debates issues not personalities. What has got the rentals unpaid by GRZ to Albert Chifita’s landlord to do with by elections. Solwezi like any other part of Zambia is crying for development.

  8. The problem outlined by Henry Kyambalesa are real and are NOT only peculiar to North Western Province.Those who travel across the country can attest to this.Now my question is,Is it in order for Govt to direct all the resources to N/W province alone at the expense of the whole country?

  9. Simple Simon My thoughts exactly!!!! But between you and me, i think Veteran blows with the wind…and times is full of shit, mostly when it comes to Henry…would be interesting to see what Veteran thinks of the main road on the picture! And me!!!

  10. As a person who was in North-western for nine months, I can only agree with what has to be done to develop the prov. North-western is the new copperbelt, there’s more resources to develop that province than anyone can imagine. 
    We have given politicians the right to use such resources at their discretion, hopefully something will trickle down to the province. 
    If one takes look at Solwezi, it’s as though you are passing through some refugee resettlement. This is the time Solwezi dwellers settle for nothing below mediocrity.

  11. dodo jo, i agree with you entirely. Regarding what he thinks of you (and perhaps me), i gaurantee you the phrase “protruding ignorance” will be there somwhere. We are marked men.

  12. Good Analysis Mwata Kyambalesa, but why not go on the ground. I thank you for your well thought out points for the beloved North Western Zambia. These developmental issues should be discussed and acted upon all over Zambia. This kind of analysis by Henry is what lacks in the electorate, even in itellectuals unfortunately. You have a President who spends all his energy insulting the opposition, the entire period of a rally or press conference. Join the discussion on face book, ZOL.


    ” Given the current economic situation CDF is just a drop in the ocean. What is needed is for GRZ to stick to budget implementation. ”

    Here is what I would propose: If the GRZ collects $1100 million in PAYE and other taxes (using 2004 figures), spend half of that, $550 million, directly at the local government level. There are 72 councils, that and determined by the number of people in the council (at 12 million people and $550 million to redistribute, that would be $45,83 per person in the council). This would double the incomes of most councils, reducing the need for local taxation. Also, people could keep an eye on how the money is spent more easily at the local level than the national level. And it would make money available in the rural areas, reducing…

  14. Good points. But do the voters think about issues?

    In general, the majority of Zambian voters dont vote based on issues. That’s where the problem is. May be it’s got to do with poverty and the level of socio-economic development.

    Here in the UK, and other developed countries, campaigns are issue based, otherwise, people are too smart to vote for you. Vote wisely, if at all you have the wisdom to know what is best for you, people of Solwezi.

  15. On local government and decentralization:

    Intergovernmental transfers

    Under section 45 (3) of the LG Act is supposed to make specific grants to LAs for the following functions: Water and Sanitation ; Health Services ; Fire Services; Road Services; Police Services; Primary Education; Agricultural Services;

    There is no existing formula for sharing of resources between the CG and LAs. As indicated above this is now being developed by the MoFNP with the help of the World Bank. The inter-governmental fiscal transfers account for less than 3% of the total revenue of LAs. As indicated above, the CG in 1992 decided that all City and Municipal council will be selfsustaining and stopped giving them subventions. However, the district councils rarely get subventions. “

  16. We need direct funding of local authorities from national revenues. Maybe even direct funding to ward level. That would take care of a lot of issues, like the availability of money throughout the country, funding projects, maintaining infrastructure, etc.

  17. I still think the CDF funds if used wisely can address some of the issues raised by Prof Kya. its a question of priotisation and identifying which projects can be done each year. Its better to complete one project in a year that have the money pocketed by a few selfish individuals.

  18. MrK,

    Direct funding to wards means taking a grade 7 drop out turned councilor to the position of CEO in that ward. if total ward grant is K100m per month and total local revenue in that ward is K80m. i can asure everyone the whole amount would be absorbed by the wage bill, Because such a councilor will need road engineers, secretaries, revenue collectors, accountants and a full legal department to make sure he is always within the law. just to make sure he stays in power upto the end of the term, he will also need his own political machinery composed of cadars in charge of land distribution to potential voters. Funny how the world works in a very simple way than many learned men imagine

  19. Gwebente

    human problems are dynamic and never constant. Dont think that if kiambalesa has pointed out 10 problems then tackling one per yer would solve the problems in 10 years. As humans we create more problems every year than we solve, for example 10yrs ago people of shangombo never desired a road but now they have bought cars and are in need of asphalt. some bridges will need maintenance. growth in population in one area will need a school and a clinic. if we went to solve kiambalesas problems from CDF one year at a time then when will we catch up with upcomming problems and maintence. and thats only in solwezi what about the rest of the country… uhm..

  20. #22 CDF cannot work no matter the amount because its just a political tool used by MMD to finance their local activities. What is required is a comprehensive budget for capital projects not this micky mouse thing called CDF. Remember one Mabenga used it for his election campain. It like when Chiluba used to donate buses and ambulances using state money.

  21. As usual the politicians would rather concentrate on fighting and not one of them will address the matters raised.As for George, he is a shallow minded good for nothing clown!

  22. I agree, decentralization is key to keeping most of the resources realised local. Central government just chews the chunk of the money on admin costs, in lusaka only! Maybe, if the people were enpowered, they would ID and sort out their own problms. Lets us try to run the provinces like indpendent states, like the US system. It would work better, in my view!

  23. Simple Simon hahahaha…bring it on Vet! Are we not thankful for the difference in time! that we can throw stones and express our ‘protruding ignorance’ with pleasure! As difficult as it is, Henry has placed on the table issues that need improving…it all cant be done but a serious committement is all people are asking for…we are not ignorant to think that all issues expressed in this article could be attended in 5yrs but a committement showing that ‘we are doing all in our power to make a difference’ is enough for people to see that you are not just sitting in your offices handing out envelopes!

  24. This guy thinks that there any part that will do all those things within this capmpaign period.This guy is too young he shud ask Kaunda why he declared one party state.The reason was because of multy party violance pipo used to die in 1972 when UPP was formed on the copperbelt province.He shud found find out why Munukayumbwa Sipalo was burnt by own zambian pipo because tribal politics of hetrage.Sipalo died with marks on his body.This guy shud find out why there is hetrage between the Lundas of zambezi and Lubales of zambezi district.The situation there is bad.kaunda left that problem.

  25. CDF is just a drop in empty bucket, the amount of resourecs required for these kinds of projects are huge, US milliions, bring! CDF is just used and was mearnt to hondwink the lame party cadres. its a waste, and i pity chiluba for such political misdemanour. we will never develop this country with such misplaced ideologies. We need governments which are selfless, for the people and by the people. What is lacking mostly is the political will to do things for the right reasons, not just to gain political mileage.

  26. #29 Well thanks mudala…one party state was equally a way for the old man to hold on to power…which isnt the issue at hand…seeing that this ‘guy is young’ as you put it, dont you think it is good enough reason for him to see change in this most forgotten part of Zed?Age has nothing to do with a clear observation that our leaders are not working hard enough in giving our people a clear enough chance at life. Kaunda left more than eighteen years ago…MMD should have been busy teaching democracy but alas they slept during the Chiluba era, right down to now in abusing the nation’s resources…and adding more salt on the wound of these poor people by bringing a violence filled election…always importing thugs to sing and beat up people…with ZP as spectators…what do you say my…

  27. Development experts will have to orient Henry that it’s not about a monologue of developmental needs, but matching resources. Zambia today is weaker than at independence when it had so much disposable income without issues of even the “Malthusian Trap”. Capitalist, could you orient Henry that public expenditures and revenue policies are conditional on the state of an economy in any economic design. He is calling on mass debt contraction instead of local driven expenditure development. We all know the national incapacity and that for developing countries unlike developed one, a deficit-financed increase in public expenditure retards economic growth while a tax-financed increase leads to higher growth.

  28. These are not mere theoretical controversies considering that we can debunk soberly. They carry empirical results as relative merits of developmental economics Henry teaching management should not fail to understand.Whatever comes out of North Western is not for the Province alone by national wide expenditure.I’m embarrassed with his anti christian nation covenant and fragrance for secession.The VP has to emphasize the issue of peace because no development can thrive in instability.This is why national security in any country takes a blank check because its costly.

  29. Before I decide whether it’s necessary to waste my time further than this on Henry, let me point what I have found as most laughable pure text book disconnection and I quote.

    “There was peace and stability during the UNIP era before the MMD assumed power” End quote

    And this guy is over 56 years old who left Zambia in the early 80s failing asylum 2 times with reasons. Today he is so confused to blog with a disconnection.

  30. Solwezi under developed? This is strange because some of the richest people in Zambia’s history have come from NW province. Where did they make their money? Mulemba, Kavindele et al. Even late Teta was a ka tycoon before he joined politics.I can only assume that it is greed.

  31. Oh, I forgot to mention MR Kyambalesa himself. He is not rich but here is what he said about himself, ‘In July 1990, I left Zambia to pursue further studies in the American State of Colorado, where I briefly studied for one academic year on a Ph.D. program in Mineral Economics and then transferred to the University of Denver, where I successfully completed the course work for a Ph.D. degree in International Relations including the fields of International Business, International Economics, and International Technology Analysis and Management and comprehensive examinations in International Business and International Technology Analysis and Management….however, I dropped out …for a Masters instead.’ mmm! Kubwebweta ka! Agenda for Change founder!

  32. What kind of a PhD programme can be so varied? Mr Kyambalesa has failed to settle on anything in life. He flirts with everything and is not single minded. Why is Agenda for Change not contesting elections? Quiet often people who have been rejected democratically and have lost the debate with the people turn round to use other means to spread their views. HK go and build your party!

  33. OK

    Zambia’s internet based Agenda for Change President Mr Kyambalesa needs our collective sympathy than gun brazing hard land rebuke. He comes bizarre in the cyberspace pasting a monologue of North Western developmental needs threatening secession if his list doesn’t get public funding. He is ignoring the fact that Zambia is unitary state with limited resources to share around but has to. He pastes his list but with propositions of where the billions will come from other than sending us fillers that he is a pro mass debt contraction politician. Does Zambia have resources to realize all NW developmental needs within the 1 year of RB?

  34. President Banda an economist and politician know that good Social policies have a key role to play in developing the appropriate responses in national development. Unlike Mr. Kyambalesa’s reactionary monologue, Social policy programs need realism and coherence. This is not just an issue of producing a list of what your village need developed. Public policy analysts and advisors know that Social policies have to take account of economic and employment policy objectives realistically other than pasting appeasements.

  35. It’s economic policies that integrate social objectives within resource mobilization opportunities and not bizarre listings. I say so because Henry’s developmental confusion lacks appreciation that social policies have to be within formulated economic policies. The Banda administration policies are for reestablishing and sustaining a strong national employment rate eventually while realizing limits to the pressures of global competition on a weak economy. Zambia will then gain stability and real sustainable growth that will spread in all sectors around the country. Excessive high debt contraction driven development for small economics can be very dangerous. Also, there is no guarantee that ambitious social sector expenditure as Henry suggests would be responsive to changes in both…

  36. Also, there is no guarantee that ambitious social sector expenditure as Henry suggests would be responsive to changes in both micro and macroeconomic level strata or indeed the rate of inflation.

  37. Kyambalesa job well done. Keep it up. Before RB travels to NW give him a copy and a written speech and emphasize to him that he should not talk about what is not profitable to people of NW province.

  38. There he goes again. Mr Kyambalesa with his ambitious spending plans and he does not properly state where the money will come from.

    Mr. Kyambalesa, before you make such blog posts, do some research on costs and where the money to finance these costs will come from. What you are advocating for is more debt with these ambitious spending plans. Besides, some of those projects have already been started by govt like the Airport in Solwezi and the dual carriage way.

  39. Well thought and observed. Mind you the whole country is crying for development. The article is very close to politiking. What I know is that Politics, Development and Politiking run parallel. They only when a well executed Strategic Plan is adhered to. We dont have such in Zambia today. MPs enact laws. The executive are there to give direction and their priority in fulfilling the National Strategic Plan. PSs run government to implement development no matter the ruling Party at hand. The campaign should be based on what should be put into law to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor and other injustices taking place in Solwezi. Otherwise we are going the wrong way. No wonder the violence.

  40. 23. engines,

    ” Direct funding to wards means taking a grade 7 drop out turned councilor to the position of CEO in that ward. ”

    I fully understand that it will take capacity building, including education. However, that is a good thing. It would mean there are highly qualified people all over the country making the right decisions. The position of counsellor would be very powerful and highly responsible. Therefore, this position would also be an elected one. People can get to know their local councillors more than their MP – and they would not only work and live in the council, they would be locals – no imposition of a candidate by any national party. They would be doing a lot of what MPs are now supposed to do. MPs duties would be limited to legislation.

  41. Continued… ” i can asure everyone the whole amount would be absorbed by the wage bill, Because such a councilor will need road engineers, secretaries, revenue collectors, accountants and a full legal department to make sure he is always within the law. ”

    And that is why we would have to circumscribe the tasks of local councils in the constitution, very similar to the areas stipulated in the Local Government Act Sec 45 (3) – mainly education, healthcare, policing, utilities and administration. And if they do a bad job they can be voted out.

    A lot of the civil servants now employed by ministries would become council employees.

    However, what is left should be voted on by local people, so they have a direct say in how funds are used.

  42. Also, anyone who thinks they can get mileage out of attacking Prof. Kyambalesa’s credentials – he has also written numerous books on development, going back to at least 1990 (check them out at Amazon).

  43. The discussion and exchange of ideas was going on well on this topic until two *****s in the name of Veteran and Saint appeared. Immediately the topic changed from discussing issues to personalities. This show how shallow minded the two are. Veteran you have contributed to making ZNBC what it is today. Good at boot licking without personal direction. I can assure you one day it will dawn on you and you will account for your actions. Look at all your fellow peers, they are all contributing positively to humankind while you as old as you are , are still boot licking. LIZARD!!!!!!!

  44. I think the biggest problem RB has is the same some people on this blogg have. That is they dont want to read and comprehend. Henry has not said all those problems can be sorted at once but that any politician worth his salt can at least pick on one and tell the people of NW. Look at the VP, he goes there and start talking about HH and nothing else in the midst of those problems Henry has highlighted. Equally RB does the same whereever he goes to talk about SATA. People want to hear what you have for them and not wh they should not vote the opposion.

  45. Mr Chifumu. K. B. Banda, SC. (FDD, Chasefu): Madam Chairperson, as an hon. Member of Parliament representing a rural constituency, I always ask myself what is in this Vote for my rural constituency. Yes, I have taken time to look at the Head for the Ministry of Energy and Water Development and what catches my eye, immediately, is the allocation of K72.960,475,500 to the rural electrification fund. To me, this is very important because I know that the ministry, through the Rural Electrification Authority (REA), is spearheading the electrification of rural constituencies. (

  46. Gwebente.
    Thanks for your comment. I am sorry that I have elected to debate the person, but this is not my usual practice. I have done so because unlike most bloggers here, Mr HK is a politician whose vies are so theoretical that they have failed to interest the Zambian electoral college. That is why I decided to ‘out him’ so that people can know that he is a rejected politician in Zambia. His comrade Aka is back in MMD. They say “falsus en uno, falsus en omnibus.” We are discrediting the witness here. He has been false in one, he is false in all.

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